#proud to report we have had two interactions: once when I complimented her outfit and she said thanks and I gave her an awkward thumbs up
27-royal-teas · 7 months
there is this one VERY pretty very emo girl who sits two tables away from me in my health class and she has the prettiest hair that i want to touch and gorgeous makeup and always is listening to music and doesnt give two shits about me. im in love. i dont even know her name
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themanip · 4 years
alternate routes
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SYNOPSIS — how do you go throughout life? well, you find someone you like. get to know them. start dating. break up a few times, get back together. get married. have some kids. die old. typical. fucking in a back room of an awards show, not once, but twice as complete strangers, was definitely not how most relationships start out.
PAIRING — taehyung x metzi (oc) WARNINGS — descriptions of cheating, fliphones, mentions of getting laid, really bad intros tbh, the introvert line being introverts, and girls who are rlly bad at timing, an asshole named ryan, cursing WORD COUNT — just over 3.1k AUTHOR’S NOTE — hi! i am so fucking bad at writing the first chapter or two, i promise if you can bear the beginning of this story, it gets better. i have two and a half chapters written so far but i am writing super often! once a few more chapters get published i will create a masterlist. please enjoy and if you have any comments or recs don’t hesitate to let me know!! :)))
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𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 ⇥ The universe known to man is a labyrinth—an irregular maze, a passage that cannot be routed—and to understand that took more than an average mind. The matter was far too complicated than any obsolete man to comprehend on a whim. Millenia passed before galaxies were formed, planets were created, all unbeknownst to the stars bursting just miles apart.
From early amphibians, to the ice age, to cavemen, evolution has made great strides in every species. Humans in the past were variants called homosapiens, and most likely came from chimpanzees. Great strides like this were something to be proud of, you'd think.
When Metzi Ludovic realized that birds can fly with natural evolution, while humans had to industrialize it (thanks to the Wright brothers) she was pretty distraught. As an imaginative and critical eight-year old, fifteen years later, not much had changed. Currently, she was pondering over the fact that humans are one of the few species with opposable thumbs.
Majority of animals had not yet evolutionized to create opposable thumbs. While frantic over this, she also imagined her beautiful Pomeranian, with thumbs popping out of his paws. Her thoughts were quickly subdued, thanks to her coherent thoughts making an appearance. As cool as it would be, all other animals would devour humans if they gained that ability.
Is that the only reason humans are all mighty? They can industrialize and aim properly due to their adaptations, so that they somehow became top of the food chain?
Thankfully, she was redacted from her thoughts as her manager, Emmy, let out a distressed sigh. "Wren, we cannot change your outfit again. You look beautiful," At this point, looking at Wren, she knew that she would look good. Somehow, she couldn't convince herself.
"Wren, we can switch. I don't hate green, so you can take blue if you want it. I really don't mind," Metzi smiled softly, and she knew it was the right thing to offer as Wren's face lit up, a few tears being wiped away. "Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, just do me a favor and loosen the ties on that, please. I have had way too many tacos yesterday to fit into it with the strings that tight," a small laugh left her mouth, and as she laid on the comfortable sofa. It was plush, but somehow offered no lumbar support. Who the hell makes a couch so soft, yet so unbearable for convenience of naps?
Selfish, she thought.
This dressing room was beautiful, so you'd think they'd have enough funds to make a decent couch. She could enjoy the aesthetics of the room, anyways. A luxurious baby pink covered the walls, and was bordered by pristine white. Plush gray carpet was under her feet, and was stain free. With Malorie in here, that probably wouldn't last long.
She was over by the double mirrors, applying powder over her face. She was so beautiful, Metzi couldn't fathom why she insisted on so much makeup. The same could be said about herself, so she kept her somewhat inner misogynistic comments at bay. She was pretty quiet, but something was off. She wasn't usually this quiet, so Metzi shot her a text.
She was very personal, and barely talked about what bothered her. Occasionally, Metzi would get her to open up, which she could physically see the relief on her face as she broke down. A brief, but to the point was written out on Metzi's phone.
you don't seem okay. wanna talk about it? Read 2:33 PM
The three dots popped up, and Metzi's attention was quickly brought to Vida, who sat down next to her, letting out a sigh. "How much longer until Olive gets here? I'm so close to taking a nap," Vida quickly put her hair into a makeshift ponytail, and leaned back, closing her eyes.
"It's only two, so I imagine not for a good hour or so, a nap sounds kind of nice," Wren commented, stood in the other corner of the room, with Emmy helped her undo the straps of her outfit. Her green silk top complimented her skin perfectly, but Metzi knew it was too late to convince her.
"Well, I'm out, wake me up when she gets here," Vida quickly blurts, and her head is now comfortably laying on the arm of the sofa. "I'll get up, I have to go to the bathroom anyways," Metzi commented, sighing before getting up.
Silence followed, and the blonde decided to take a look at her phone. A text was sent back on Malorie's behalf, and she widened her eyes momentarily. Standing still, she turned back to look at her. A face of guilt was evident, and she tried her best to hold her breath.
i have something to tell you, i'm not supposed to. i just feel so bad knowing while you don't i really shouldn't have said anything forget it
meet me in the bathroom
Read 2:37PM
Metzi's mind was in a whirlwind, and she couldn't think of anything she'd be referring to. Of course, it was useless, because clearly she wasn't meant to know about it. She hurried out of the room, the last thing she heard was Wren complaining once more about her outfit.
The hallways were empty, mostly because they'd came so early, and Metzi took her time reaching the bathroom. It was communal, so she really hoped that nobody else was here yet. The awards were meant to start in a few hours, and considering they had three faces to paint with makeup, early was a necessity.
"I hope you won't be mad at me," A small, timid voice aired behind her. The blonde turned around, and clutched her phone in fear. "I'm not, please tell me what's going on,"
As Malorie opened her phone, Metzi tapped her foot anxiously.
God, she really had to piss.
The brunette looked up at her, and showed her a photo.
"What is that?"
"That, was Ryan. On Saturday."
Ryan was her boyfriend of six years. An anxious cramping formed in her stomach at the mixture of his name and the tone of Malorie's voice. The photo she was now staring at made her want to vomit. Her stomach was now doing somersaults.
In the photo, it was indeed Ryan, in Metzi's own bed, with a mop of curly red hair under him. Most was covered by the sheets, but it was enough to come to the correct conclusion. He was clearly enjoying it too, judging by his face. Upon further inspection, she noticed something odd.
Grabbing the phone out of Malorie's hand, she zoomed in. On her nightstand, where a picture of the two usually sat, was now face down. While he fucked another woman in her bed, he turned her face down.
Tears pricked at her eyes, and she took a deep breath in.
What happened Saturday? She was home mostly all day, so when did he have time to do this?
"What—how did you get this?"
"I came to give you your present, and I heard something. Y'know since you gave me keys? I figured it was okay to come in, and your bedroom door was open. I knew Ryan would try to make me the liar, so I took a picture. He told me that if I told you," Malorie pursed her lips, "well he threatened to do something pretty fucked up."
"Holy fuck," Metzi whispered, "I just—I had no fucking clue. This entire time, and who knows how long he's been fucking her?"
One lonesome tear fell down her cheek. In anger or sadness, Malorie didn't know.
Opening her phone, she opened Ryan's contact. "Hey," Malorie whispered, her voice now soft. "If he tells you anything about me, promise you won't believe him?"
"Of course, you come first. Always."
She debated on whether or not to call him, but instead opted on a text.
I hope you enjoyed fucking merida, we're done. get your things out of my house by tomorrow. delete my number.
She wiped the tears from her eyes, and a smile adorned her face. Her bladder problems now the least of her concerns, she started back for the dressing room. Emmy now sat at the vanity, on her phone, and Vida and Wren were basically cuddling.
Surprised at the sudden intrustion, all eyes landed on the pair standing in the doorway.
"Ryan cheated on me, so now we're all single." Metzi gave nobody the chance to respond, as if anyone could think of what to say, and took a deep breath in.
"I haven't been fucked in months, and now I know why. So, I'm gonna get laid tonight, feel free to join me."
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All seven of them had their faces beat to perfection, their outfits tailored and steamed of any wrinkles. They looked absolutely impeccable, as if the world around them kissed their feet. Hell, some reporters actually acted like that.
The members of BTS were now known worldwide, and it seemed that they were sought after by nearly everyone. Each member was so unique—so captivating in every aspect. Personalities somehow intertwine perfectly, yet polar opposites sometimes.
Proud but humble men, they basked in the warmth of positive attention. All eyes were on them for now, and they proudly understood it. As they walked on the red carpet of the music event, Yoongi and Jungkook both hated what they would be forced to do in mere minutes. As self-declared introverts, social interactions were about to start, and they honestly would rather sit in the corner and get this over with.
They would meet a few smaller artists, an occasional household name, (which they would fawn over for the rest of the night) and then be on their way. It would probably be in a few news articles, and some artists would insist on pictures, and they would be spread around within minutes. It was the same routine, and almost every time they would speak as little as possible, save for Namjoon, and would discuss it later. Hollywood was English dominated, and they despised it.
"Right now we only have to meet one group, and then we're okay for a few hours," Namjoon spoke quietly and quickly, and they piled off of the red carpet into a building. The hallways were scary, dark and empty, but a light above them quickly lit up.
To their surprise, the hallway was beautiful. The walls were an navy blue, white accents on top and bottom. Numerous gold paintings and records lined the walls, and it seemed to go on forever.
"Who is it we're supposed to be meeting? This hallway is a bit sketchy," Jimin perked up, and Namjoon chuckled. "WB,"
"Who is that?"
"I can't remember what their name stands for, but they sing that one song," Namjoon goes on to hum the tune to a familiar song that got pretty big, and all of the members start singing along. Of course, the lyrics are completely off and the tune is absolutely horrid, but they all recognize it vaguely.  
All numbly following Namjoon, he was taking rough instructions from their manager to get there. This was not how it usually happened, but he had said something urgent came up. He had told Namjoon how to get there, and he knew that they were smart enough to make it without breaking a couple ligaments.
"Group? I thought it was one singer," Jin commented, and Taehyung nodded in agreement. "I would have never thought it was more than one. Are they American?"
"I guess we're going to find out," he snickered, and they all stopped at the corner. The door was slightly creaked open, and soft laughter could be heard. It was feminine, soft. It sounded like pure happiness was inside that door.
To double check, Namjoon eyed the sign on the door.
A large, black WB was written so even the partially blind could read. It was odd, the only dressing room out of probably at least a hundred, was all the way back, alone. They had no time to question it before Jin took a few strides forward, and boasted his English abilites.
"Come on-uh, guys."
The rest of them burst into laughter, and Namjoon quickly followed suit, knowing Jin would not be the prime candidate for introductions. He would simply utter a few English words, turn to Namjoon for help, and in panic, make a really bad play on words in Korean.
Timidly, Namjoon's knuckles rapped on the already-open door, accidentally pushing it further open a bit. "Come in!"
They were met with three girls stuffing their faces with chocolate cake, and another laying on the floor, fiddling with a.. flip-phone?
Jin grimaced at the reminder, glad it wasn't pink.
All eyes awkwardly met at the realization, and two of the three muffling down cake choked a bit. "Emmy, I thought you said 5:30?" Malorie was the one to ask, but none of the boys knew that.
"It is 5:30,"
The cake was swallowed within seconds, the flip-phone was now laying on the table, untouched. Four girls scrambled up simultaneously, and watched as the rest of the men piled in. An awkward stout of silence followed, and this so called Emmy, rose and met the boys first.
She had a firm grip, and introduced herself as their manager. The situation was humorous to say the least, these girls who could pass off as teenagers, were standing in single file in shame. The first was a beautiful girl with a large afro, and she kept a tight smile. She did not know who they were, nor did she really care. She introduced herself as Wren.
Next, was a taller woman, who seemed a hint older, with large winged eyeliner. She was Vida. Jin's first instinct was that she reminded him of him, she was definitely the oldest. Then, a smaller girl with a thick smile and soft curls was next. Soft hands, gentle grip. Her name was Malorie.
The last, was a young woman with blonde hair. Realistically, she didn't have any defining features besides her hair, she was the average American-looking girl. She introduced herself as Metzi, and to their surprise, bowed.
"It's really nice to meet you guys," Emmy let out a soft chuckle, and Namjoon nodded tightly. "Are you performing tonight?" It was Malorie who had asked, a soft question. "Yes, actually,"
"I heard you are as well," Namjoon replied, hoping to end the small talk quickly. "Yes we are! I'm surprised you've heard of us, I mean we're not huge."
She wasn't lying, but they definitely weren't small, either. Sixth biggest girlgroup of all time by album sales just behind TLC. Thirtieth on the most followed Spotify artist. Their debut album was certified Gold in six countries. Humble was the key to success, though.
"I'm not sure how big they are in the States, but aren't they pretty well known in Korea?" Yoongi spoke, but of course he wasn't talking to the girls, he was talking to his bandmates. He also spoke in Korean, which is why he nearly had a heart attack when a very feminine voice responded in Korean as well.
"We're big in Korea? I knew we were pretty well known in Japan, but I never really knew about that," It was the blonde one, Metzi. All seven members were in shock, the way she spoke it so effortlessly. If she didn't look the way she did, she could pass off as Native Korean by language alone.
"I know South Korea is very conservative and insistent upon how they operate things, and we're probably the farthest thing from it. I just was under the impression that we didn't fit the mold to do well there," Metzi continued talking, and Wren, Vida and Malorie had absolutely no clue what was going on or being discussed.
Had this been in Spanish, all the girls could have participated. Metzi just insisted on learning Korean, though.
They didn't seem too bothered, though, instead more humored.
"She's been waiting to use that one, huh?" Vida whispered, laughing lightly. "You're not wrong, Korea is known to be very conservative, however, that doesn't mean you have to fit stereotypes to break Korea or any other Asian country for that matter," Namjoon spoke in English this time, and finally the other three girls got a whiff of the conversation.
"We are the farthest thing from ideal boy-groups in America, and we broke it for the most part. Obviously a lot of it is due to our fan base, but point still stands." Seokjin broke in, the conversation now half Korean, half English.
"Good to know," Metzi said softly, a grin on her face.
"How did you learn Korean?" Taehyung spoke up in curiousity, and crinkled his eyes. "I started learning a few years ago before we kind of blew up, and when we visited Korea a few times, I just picked it up a bit. Still a lot I don't know, but I can speak pretty fluently now."
Taehyung nodded in understanding, silently applauding her ability to simply pick up on a language. He doesn't think he will ever gain fluency in English, no matter how hard he'd try. It was a lot harder than he imagined it to be.
"I'm gonna be honest, from media portrayals you guys are made out to be asshats, but you seem pretty down to Earth. Nice to know the fame doesn't get to your head, you know?"
Now it was Wren speaking, and a few snickers sounded from Jungkook and Jimin's mouth. "Asshat," Jimin repeated softly, and they broke into more laughter.
"We appreciate that, thank you. Ignore them," Hoseok spoke this time, a large smile adorning his face. "We will watch your performance tonight, and cheer you on."
"Ditto," Metzi responded in English this time, and Hobi's eyes crinkled in confusion. "Same to you," she clarified in Korean, and he nodded.
They said their goodbyes, and Metzi told all the girls to bow. Namjoon and Vida had a brief talk, and it was no time before BTS and WB were now separate, discussing the events that had just taken place.
The talk of the night was the mysterious blonde girl who spoke fluent Korean. 
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taglist: @princessoftheroad​ <3
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emotionsofthesoul · 6 years
Chapter 10 _ La Calma
During the week the girls met up everyday leading up to Halloween. The more they fell for one another the harder it was to stay away.
That Friday as promised Valentina dressed up as Supergirl and Juliana went as Lena Luthor. Juliana picked Valentina up from school and they headed over to the Fab 40s like they had originally planned. They spent the majority of the afternoon and part of the evening walking through all the festive streets and getting candy here and there.
Around 6pm Valentina led Juliana to Mercy General Hospital which was a few blocks down from where they parked.
“What are we doing here?” Juliana asked curiously.
“When my mother got sick and they could no longer help her Placerville she was transferred here, to this hospital. Even as sick as she was, she always thought of those around her. So she made me promise that every year I would come visit the family center and read to the children who couldn’t go out on nights like these and make them feel like they weren’t missing out on anything. That included chidden who were patients and those brought here to visit a family member. I used to get annoyed at having to do it on ‘fun’ holidays but the older I got the better it made me feel to be here. It made me feel like I was making her happy.” Valentina said heading to wing the Carvajal family built, in honor of her mother, for the children to come and have a bit of fun.
“That’s so sweet of you, Val. Your mom would be proud of the woman you’ve become.” Juliana said giving Valentina’s hand a squeeze.
“Yeah so I wanted to bring you here, to introduce you to the rest of my family and bring you into my world little by little. You said you wanted to get to know the real me. We’ll start here.” Valentina said looking at her tenderly and pulling her towards the door to the family room.
Once inside the room Valentina stood up straight and became a woman with a grace and elegance Juliana had yet to experience. It was magical to see her soft cuddly girlfriend embrace her power and place in society with such class and still have a tenderness for the children and those around her. Juliana payed attention to the way Valentina interacted with her siblings. Sweet and slightly childish with Guillermo yet strong firm in front of Eva. The Carvajal family had a certain poise about each of them, all so elegant. It made Juliana nervous and shy, she knew this was not what she expected her first love to be like. She did not expect to fall for media royalty but Valentina seemed so at ease with all the people present, she belonged here, she shined brighter. 
Juliana tried to fit in and ignore the feelings of not belonging or being enough for such a powerful family. She spent most of her time with the hispanic children, taking to them in Spanish and making crafts with them all the while scanning the room as Valentina went from place to place sharing her light with this audience that loved her.
Juliana found herself sitting with a particular 5 year old on her lap. The girl had told her she was waiting for her mom to come home, that she had been coming to see her every day but her dad never let her stay the night. She was very curious as to how Juliana was friends with Valentina.
“Pero how did you meet her?” The curious child asked her.
“We met at a coffee shop. She was all alone and I needed a place to sit, we talked and became friends.” Juliana told the little girl while playing with her hair.
“But she’s Valentina! The prettiest girl on Earth!” The little girl said still not understanding.
After answering about 10 more questions she made eye contact with Valentina who was looking at her tenderly from the other side of the room. Valentina began making her way over to her girlfriend and the little girl, deciding to introduce herself to the stranger in Juliana’s lap.
“Hi I’m Valentina, Juliana’s friend. What’s your name?” Valentina said kneeling down to be at eye level with the child.
The little girl grew shy and snuggled into Juliana as the older women giggled at how precious she was.
“Don’t be shy Lily, she’s very nice. She’s as nice as she is pretty.” Juliana said whispering the last part loud enough for Valentina to hear.
With that Lily turned to face Valentina while still leaning on Juliana. “Hi. July says you’re pretty.”
“Really?” Valentina said with a laugh.
“Yeah, she said you’re a cool person and that you’re really nice.” Lily told Valentina becoming more comfortable.
“What am I dressed up as?” Valentina asked the little girl.
“Supergirl! My mommy said I’m as brave as Supergirl and as nice as Kara Danvers but they’re the same person, guys.” She said knowing the show very well.
“Yeah, do you like my outfit then?” Valentina asked taking the Supergirl stance with a huge smile.
“Yeah I love it. Why didn’t you dress up July?” Lily said turning to face Juliana.
“See Val I told you no one would know what I was dressed up as…” Juliana told Valentina ignoring Lily’s question and rolling her eyes at her girlfriend.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me! Lily she’s Lena Luthor, Kara’s best friend! My best friend!” Valentina told the child with a giggle while holding eye contact with Juliana.
“They’re not best friends! My sister says Lena and Supergirl are dating.” Lily said very serious.
“Did she now? & what do you think?” Valentina continued.
“I think they’re both really pretty and if I could date my best friend I would. I don’t want any cooties.” The little girl said.
Both older girls laughed at Lily’s comment. They continued to make conversation with the little girl until her father came to get her.
Once the child left Valentina took Juliana to where the family was and they made conversation with Renata. The girls talked about Renata’s new shop in the south side of town and needing someone to work there offering the job to Juliana who instantly agreed. They decided they would talk about it more seriously the following Monday in the downtown shop.
When the event was over and everyone had left, including the reporters who were covering the event, Juliana and Valentina stayed behind to clean up.
“Val, thank you for today. I had a lovely time.” Juliana said as she picked up some cups.
“No Juls, thank you.” Valentina said.
“You’re a completely different version in front of the cameras, total badass. It’s really attractive actually.” Juliana said still not making eye contact.
“You like a badass huh?” Valentina said with a smirk.
“Shut up and take the compliment.” Juliana said laughing.
“Let’s get out of here yeah?” Valentina said throwing away the last bit of trash.
“Where are we going now Val?” Juliana said yawning.
“Aww can’t sleep yet babe! I still have one last surprise for you.” Valentina said locking up the room.
“Okay. Lead the way Kara Zor-El…” Juliana said offering her hand out for Valentina to hold.
“M’lady” Valentina said grabbing Juliana’s hand leading her back to the elevators and heading towards the exit. “We’re getting your car and heading over to a restaurant on Capital Mall, I made reservations.”
As they walked to the car Juliana could have sworn she felt someone following them. She turned around multiple times and saw nothing but decided to comment on it anyway. “Oye Val, I’m not sure but I think someone’s following us…”
“Don’t worry about it, there’s a lot of homeless people in this area, no one’s following us. Don’t worry your pretty little head.” Valentina said putting her arm across Juliana’s shoulders to bring her closer into her.
When they arrived to the restaurant Valentina told the hostess, “I have a reservations for two under Valentina Carvajal.”
“Right this way ladies.” The hostess said leading them through the empty restaurant.
“Val there’s no one here…” Juliana said noticing the obvious emptiness once they were seated.
“You’re right. That’s because I rented it out for the two of us. I don’t want any interruptions while I’m with such a beautiful woman.” Valentina said casually looking over the menu.
“VALENTINA! You rented this place out! This was not necessary! This place is in the middle of downtown, it’s so expensive!” Juliana whispered frantically at Valentina.
“Babe, chill. It’s not that big of a deal. I wanted to treat you today. Anything you want off the menu is available. It’s already been paid for so don’t even stress about it.” Valentina said taking hold Juliana’s hand on the table.
“Aye Valentina… okay, thank you.” Juliana said realizing there was nothing she could do about it.
They had a beautiful private dinner. When they reached dessert, Valentina asked for everything on the menu in smaller quantities so they could finish it all. The girls had a wonderful date and completely forgot about the world around them. Forgot about the people around them. Tonight it was just the two of them.
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putschki1969 · 7 years
KalafinaxSPICE Special Talk Session Summary
So, I thought I’d write a summary for all of you so you know more or less what’s going on. This is gonna be very rough so please don’t expect anything fancy. In case you haven’t seen the link in my latest blog post translation yet, here’s a download link for the video! Above you can watch the lovely acapella version of Blaze.
Let’s start! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
The usual introductions…They talk about their previous special live broadcast. You remember? That White Day Special right before their 9+ONE tour started? So much time has passed and now it’s already autumn. Kato-san (the SPICE guy) is congratulating them on the finished tour.
Keiko is looking at all the tweets on her phone while the other two mostly focus on the PC in front of them. Someone asks if Hikaru is doing all right and whether or not she is sleepy. Hikaru says she is doing great and Wa and Kei confirm that she doesn’t seem to be drowsy.
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Someone compliments Keiko’s hat (of course, it’s super cute XD Can be bought HERE). She says it’s autumn fashion. She then shortly places her phone in front of the PC, that’s when you hear voices in the back telling her not to do that and she apologises cutely, “gomen nasai, gomen nasai, gomen nasaiiii!!” They then talk about Kato-san attending their final tour live in Hong Kong and how the girls were super happy to see him there and to later read his report. Wakana talks a little about the tour, the usual stuff: Meaning of the title, their themes and goals for the tour.
That’s when Keiko decides to put her bottle of tea underneath the table (a big mistake as we will find out later XD). Keiko adds that the final domestic live was special since it was in Fukuoka (where Wakana is from). It was also special since they got to sing Hyakka Ryouran for the first time. Then they go back to their Hong Kong live and talk a little about their foreign fans.
While Hikaru explains how very much they appreciate their fans’ love Keiko screws up and assumingly closes a window or something. Kato-san to the rescue. Hikaru just keeps talking like nothing happened, completely unfazed XD
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Keiko is once again making fun of Hikaru’s ecstatic arm movements during misterioso (she did the same in that special Harmony video where they reflected on their tour, I uploaded it HERE) . They tell their fans to look forward to watching that scene on the DVD which is coming out soon. Keiko then talks about how they decided on the setlist, that it was completely different from previous tours which were usually based on an album release. But this time they had to find songs which were representative of their nine years being active and which showed their progress. They talk about how they have songs where pretty much everyone stands up and how certain fans prefer to sit through their lives and others like to stand, they try to please everyone with their setlists. Kato-san then mentions their +ONE LED lights (rings). Wakana says it looked very beautiful. Fans are then asked to send in their tour impressions. Wakana is like, “Yes please!!”
A couple of messages are coming in and then Keiko is clumsy once again and screws something up XD Kato-san to the rescue again. YAY they are back! A fan comments that they were really happy to have Ashita no Keshiki on the setlist. They girls say that they all wanted the song on the setlist so they are happy it was received so well. Someone posts a picture of their nails with the 9+ONE design. The girls are super impressed. Someone compliments the cool Magia performance and Hikaru goes on to explain how this was their very first time to put a video in the background and it was a lot of fun to do that. They then talk about all the songs where they have to sing certain chorus parts themselves (which are usually sung by background singers like Yuriko in the studio version). It’s very hard for them since they are only three people but they like to create their own versions of the songs. Cue to oblivious and how Hikaru stepped in for Hanae-san (which is also something they talked about in their Harmony video. Wa and Kei are praising Hikaru for the amazing job she did singing Hanae’s part in her legato voice. Hikaru seems quite proud as well). They look at a couple of pics (amongst them some art by imo => Wakana and her beloved Shirowani ^_^) Some more talk about oblivious and how Hikaru worked on perfecting her parts so her performance would measure up to Hanae’s work. Meanwhile Keiko is focusing solely on the computer until a fan asks her whether she is even listening to Hikaru talk and she is all like, “Yes, yes, of course I am listening to her!”
Kato-san says he was very impressed by the huge costumes in the background of the production. Keiko is looking for a picture on her phone (the one that was posted by Hikaru in today’s blog post where you see Wakana and Hikaru in a huge room looking through all their previous outfits trying to decides which of them they would use for their stage design.
Someone compliments the way Keiko sang her parts in Haru wo Matsu. Wakana then mentions that each performance was different due to the different venues, the songs always resounded differently. Some more talk about Haru wo Matsu and how every performance changes depending on the feelings they are conveying.
Keiko then wants to take a drink from her bottle but as expected she must have knocked it over at some point and the tea is spilled all over the floor => Clumsy!Cakey <3
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Mama!Wakana to the rescue. I love how she talks here, too adorable. She kindly offers Keiko her tea she accepts it.
Someone still remembers Hikaru’s funny goods corner where she tried to sell their polo shirts, Hikaru is happy about that. Another fan complains why Keiko hasn’t uploaded that pic and she says it will definitely be uploaded, don’t worry (YAY, thanks for that!). A fan says they went to their Hong Kong live and the girls mention that there was a surprisingly high amount of fans from Korea at the concert. Keiko’s “Kamsahamnida” is the cutest thing. Kato-san says the concert was very passionate and the foreign fans always seem a little more passionate than the Japanese ones.
Hikaru gushes over their performance in Toyama, how she loved performing at Aubade Hall. That’s when Keiko suddenly enthusiastically shows Hikaru something on the PC.
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It’s one of their fans talking about their inside joke “舒服 /shufu”(Hikaru named two of her blog posts shufu in case you remember ^_^). The word means comfy and can be used in all kinds of situations. Fans said that their tour shirts feel really shufu. And during one of Hikaru’s massages the word was used as well. Wakana then says that she went to have a massage as well (at the airport before they flew back home). She was asked in Japanese if the massage was all right and Wakana proudly replied “shufu”, she was incredibly happy that she was able to use the word and immediately had to think of Hikaru ^_^ Her Her proud little “hohoho” had me laughing like crazy!
Change of topic: Summer holiday. They all wrote down what they would do on an off day during their summer holidays. First up is Wakana: Talking for hours on end with friends and going to the aquarium.
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She mentions how this time when they were in Fukuoka, she visited her parents and grandparents and she met up with lots of people she hadn’t seen in a very long time. And of course she goes to the aquarium to look at sharks. She recommends the Shinagawa Aquarium which has Shirowani sharks (as we already know by now, check out Wakana’s Harmony Special Edition HERE). One of their fans mentions Wakana’s dialect and Hikaru tells fans they should make suggestions for something Wakana could say in her Hakata dialect. She says some random stuff and is cute as always <3 Another fan asked what she wants to eat and of course Wakana starts talking about gyoza but she doesn’t get far because now it’s Hikaru’s turn to show what she has written down in her sketchbook.
Hikaru: Her answer is simple as always and Keiko can guess it without even looking. Escaping from reality…
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…into a fantasy world through books, manga, anime and games. That’s where her energy returns and then she can go back to face reality. She later talks about the Tourabu game as well. A fans asks Hikaru to talk in her Toyama dialect. Cue to Hikaru being embarrassed and Keiko being extremely insistent XD
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Keiko asks her all this random stuff in her deep manly voice like what’s her favourite pastry and such and Hikaru is trying her hardest to reply in her dialect without dying of embarrassment. Hikaru then uses a phrase that’s very common in Toyama dialect “nashikatte”, Wakana is utterly delighted and says that Hikaru is too cute for words. Keiko keeps pushing Hikaru and Wakana tells her she is too demanding, too macho XD
Next up is Keiko: Going to an Anpanman museum with her most beloved girl (her niece).
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She shows a pic of herself and her niece at the museum (please upload that one as well!!!!) She says that it was a lot of fun since she herself loves Anpanman a lot.
That’s when Keiko grabs both Hikaru’s as well as Wakana’s hands, puts them on her head and tells the other two to pat her head gently. LOL Too cute!
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They realize that time is passing fast so they get back on track and stop joking around. Next up they shortly mention their fan club talk event. They had lots of fun and they thought it was great to interact with fans like that. So far they have only had the chance to do that during their overseas performances when they had a signing session.
Someone asks Wakana how long she usually talks with her friends. She says around four hours. Hikaru cannot believe how someone can talk this long on the phone, for her 30 minutes is far as it gets. She says it’s okay for her when the other person just keeps talking but once it’s up to her contribute anything to the conversation, she doesn’t really know how to deal with that. However, it’s easier for her when she can prepare in advance, for example when she does her sales corner, she will always prepare that in advance so it’s easier for her to handle that kind of talking. Wakana says that a while back she talked to someone for SEVEN hours. They took a short break after four hours and then they talked for another three hours :P Someone suggests Wakana should do a solo talk event but Wakana says she is not good at talking when she is all by herself but once there’s someone else around there’s no stopping her.
What follows is talk about their upcoming lives. First of all their World Heritage Acoustic Lives in Tochigi and Nara. They girls are obviously very excited. Hikaru says there are many Kalafina songs that fit that kind of historical atmosphere. Next their “+ONE with strings” autumn/winter tour. They talk a little about the different arrangement and how they used to be very self-conscious about their breaths since they are much more obvious during acoustic lives , nothing new…
Just six more minutes left. They wanna sing something. Keiko suggests the Anupam theme song. But then they decide to sing an acoustic arrangement of Blaze which sounds super lovely. Keiko is very impressed by Hikaru’s final line. They say that they really like this arrangement which they first used for their Christmas tour last year.
Some final words by each girl, over and out.
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