rafas-left-eyebrow · 7 years
proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post “freekicks: nothing makes me more irrationally anxious than seeing an...”
what’s even worse is my phone charger is staring at me from across the room
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krooskontrol · 4 years
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@antoinebenzema​ @dharmaganesh​ @larryisrealmadrid​ @3dnan-rma​ @conwdehormiga​ @justineeeee35​ @thebroilerroom​ @uncomfortablydumb​ @sonicscrxwdriver​ @u-n-s-e-n-t-i-m-e-n-t-a-l​ @pnorthwest10​ @brunoconti88​ @margaret-jean​ @topsoccerfanatic-blog​ @hardfootball​ @enda0810​ @ramojiny​ @kingstannis​ @jackc123123​ @sparrowlings​ @6sierpnia​ @teamkaka​ @equiposdefutbol2014​ @iamjad96​ @merzzzu-blog​ @rosecoentrao​ @kpopnonestahp​ @realmadridforever1431​ @missmesutozil​ @bi-lal-mohammed​ @mahetakonate​ @mathieudebootay​ @ikermadridista-blog​ @football-and-fandoms​ @marcelos-afro-blog​ @realmadridnumerouno​ @soymuuyfeliz​ @nicolasruiz97​ @little-miga​ @estike3​ @sangre-blanco-9248​ @danielalzate29​ @rvphaels-blog​ @vamos--real-blog​ @shef0xz​ @realmadrama​ @karim-benzema-preferences​ @a-deutschland-fairytale​ @awesomeinterinterposts​ @abdomadridista​ @bernabeusking-blog​ @daniscarvajals-blog​ @madridistaapasionado​ @zxcaom​ @ohmyalarcon​ @realmadrid-cf​ @micamadridista​ @mlhalamadrid-blog​ @proximitywithoutintimacy​ @ronaldo-girl​ @thesilentmadrid​ @littlevaranee​ @varaneeffect-blog​ @weareborntofly​ @99unlimited​ @iker-we-wont-forget-you​ @cr7ismylife​ @cloverpei-blog​ @sorandom69​ @halamadridblr​ @frozenghost94​ @m4hdixx​ @winterjonginnie​ @madridsladecima​ @thirdkidney​ @melodica-man​ @salah-ozil-fan​ @torres-ta​ @susath-spain​ @vidaefutebol​ @iscozil​ @perfhemmingsxx​ @danichkas​ @keepcalmandtrustrealmadrid​ @oxladechamberlain​ @footballsecrett​ @runaway-from-normality​ @ne-vrjedi-gupa-si​ @hadimp​ @beamadridista​ @levis2371​ @albrmae2​ @immamadridistayoow​ @real-cristiano-bale​ @tinuhhhh​ @cw-network​ @omgselenamg​ @jogador-de-futebol​ @loveverratti​ @thesturridge​
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panic-at-the-isco · 6 years
proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post: Here to remind you all that I was once at the same...
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the-queenmaker · 7 years
self knowledge quiz
aka, who the fuck am i? tagged by @kaguava​ like too long ago jfc 
You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behaviour, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naive about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathise. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesise and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
Tagging: @proximitywithoutintimacy, @indolica, @imaginarybones, @strikerbacks, @hopetorun, @sendreinforcements, @grizione, @wethecelestial, and whoever else wants to take this quiz. (:
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Actual post-retirement plans: sitting on the sofa, marathoning through all 7 seasons of Mad Men and stuffing his face with ALL THE UNREFINED CARBS IN THE UNIVERSE. All of them.
Luckily, Stevie will still be stupid and moony over his double chin.
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lustball · 9 years
proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post: lmao i watched the video and i’m disap...
in my heart he was also saying it to james and just played it off like he was saying it to his phone.
i’ll probably start thinking like that in a minute (and then start making gifsets with my own version of reality for my ships too)
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gangstasillas · 9 years
proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post:and btw from what i could see like the madridistas... okay what happened? i obviously missed something.
karim used the n word in his caption on instagram and like that’s absolutely disgusting but like some people are trying use this as a reason to shit on the whole club and fans even tho they already forgot about their team’s racist parties.
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rafas-left-eyebrow · 7 years
so i was tagged by @quemadrid in this game, thanks! rules: tag 10 followers you want to know better after answering.
nickname: everyone calls me ‘steph’ and some of my family makes fun of my hair and calls me ‘greñuda’ 
zodiac sign: aries
hogwarts house: slytherin
favorite color: red
time right now: 8:02 pm
average hours of sleep: like 6 o 7?
lucky numbers: 24, my jersey number back when i played team sports
last thing I googled: bayern munich new york office madison ave (i know, I KNOW but there was a job listing there that sounded cool)
blankets i sleep with: 2
favorite bands: the killers, bocatabu, the libertines, florence & the machine, one direction (RIP), tegan and sara, vampire weekend
favorite solo artists: MIA, natalia lafourcade, lorde, shakira
dream trip: i want to go back to madrid and spend like a month in spain & portugal
wearing: sweatpants and my ye olde chad ochocinco shirt 
age of blog: 3 or 4?
following: 288
posts: 16,768
what i post about: cristiano ronaldo, real madrid, memes, social justice, tennis
when did my blog reach its peak: i wouldnt say this blog has ever peaked lmao but also every now and then i make a funny. (or, when i changed my url to this one) 
i tag: @cr7, @proximitywithoutintimacy, @imaginarybones, @ughfucksociety, @cricky-renaldo,  @theyaoblog, @realarsenal, @keynavas, @somanythoughtsandno1curr, @borjitamayoral
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krooskontrol · 4 years
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@antoinebenzema​ @dharmaganesh​ @larryisrealmadrid​ @3dnan-rma​ @conwdehormiga​ @justineeeee35​ @thebroilerroom​ @uncomfortablydumb​ @sonicscrxwdriver​ @u-n-s-e-n-t-i-m-e-n-t-a-l​ @pnorthwest10​ @brunoconti88​ @margaret-jean​ @topsoccerfanatic-blog​ @hardfootball​ @enda0810​ @ramojiny​ @kingstannis​ @jackc123123​ @sparrowlings​ @6sierpnia​ @teamkaka​ @equiposdefutbol2014​ @iamjad96​ @merzzzu-blog​ @rosecoentrao​ @kpopnonestahp​ @realmadridforever1431​ @missmesutozil​ @bi-lal-mohammed​ @mahetakonate​ @mathieudebootay​ @ikermadridista-blog​ @football-and-fandoms​ @marcelos-afro-blog​ @realmadridnumerouno​ @soymuuyfeliz​ @nicolasruiz97​ @little-miga​ @estike3​ @sangre-blanco-9248​ @danielalzate29​ @rvphaels-blog​ @vamos--real-blog​ @shef0xz​ @realmadrama​ @karim-benzema-preferences​ @a-deutschland-fairytale​ @awesomeinterinterposts​ @abdomadridista​ @bernabeusking-blog​ @daniscarvajals-blog​ @madridistaapasionado​ @zxcaom​ @ohmyalarcon​ @realmadrid-cf​ @micamadridista​ @mlhalamadrid-blog​ @proximitywithoutintimacy​ @ronaldo-girl​ @thesilentmadrid​ @littlevaranee​ @varaneeffect-blog​ @weareborntofly​ @99unlimited​ @iker-we-wont-forget-you​ @cr7ismylife​ @cloverpei-blog​ @sorandom69​ @halamadridblr​ @frozenghost94​ @m4hdixx​ @winterjonginnie​ @madridsladecima​ @thirdkidney​ @melodica-man​ @salah-ozil-fan​ @torres-ta​ @susath-spain​ @vidaefutebol​ @iscozil​ @perfhemmingsxx​ @danichkas​ @keepcalmandtrustrealmadrid​ @oxladechamberlain​ @footballsecrett​ @runaway-from-normality​ @ne-vrjedi-gupa-si​ @hadimp​ @beamadridista​ @levis2371​ @albrmae2​ @immamadridistayoow​ @real-cristiano-bale​ @tinuhhhh​ @cw-network​ @omgselenamg​ @jogador-de-futebol​ @loveverratti​ @thesturridge​
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jurassicparkss · 10 years
proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post:liverpool-real madrid prediction real madrid will...
wouldn’t he be speaking to his and stevie’s shared son alberto moreno?
even better
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freekicks · 7 years
6, 12, 18. we'll cover the rest on the honeymoon.
(my flight from berlin to paris didn’t get in until 1 am last night, and then there was a fire emergency in the hotel so we all had to evacuate and stand on the street until 3am, so i’m lounging in bed until late checkout and just refusing to do anything more productive than go through my inbox... so i’m  going to try to re-create the answer I wrote for you last week that the mobile app ate!
18 was already answered, so here are my embarrassingly long takes on 6 and 12.
6. favorite band | oh man, this was a really tough one to answer last week as well! in the last few years, i’ve sort of gotten out of the habit of listening to new music, but back when i still lived in NYC, i was a rabid music consumer. i can’t tell if it’s just getting older that’s changed my listening patterns — i hope not. i honestly think it’s more to do with grad school; so much of my mental energy is taken up by reading that it’s much easier for me to come back to music i know well and have already internalized. which means that i listen to lots of the same bands over and over: vampire weekend, bright eyes (whom i’ve seen in concert maybe twenty-five times in the last decade and a half?), the kinks, haim, the hold steady, etc. 
but if i have to choose, it’s got to be bloc party. however cheesy it sounds, their first album really changed my life — i can really clearly remember pressing “play” and being just, fucking, annihilated by those guitars on the very first track. between 2005 and 2012, i probably saw them in concert a dozen times? and unlike a lot of critics, i really appreciated how their sound developed over their first three albums, and the way that they tried to work against some of the clichés of mid-00s rock. 
and “i still remember”  is still the fucking best, purest tribute to young queer love that i can imagine.
they’ve changed their lineup recently, and i haven’t had a chance to listen to their newest album yet. but i just trust kele okereke implicitly, in all the choices he makes.
...oh and did i mention that i met him once in berlin? (but that’s another story.)
12. ideas of a perfect date |  so when i first answered this ask last week, i went into this whole ramble about how i don’t date much these days, what with the almost constant dislocation and travel. (i did the math a few days ago: since january first, the total mileage of my flights in these five months is a little more than 1/4 of the circumference of the earth.) like, i do meet people, but i’m  usually not around long enough or consistently enough to form a lasting connection with them, and so i usually don’t even bother going on first dates, because those tend to have a high chance of just being awful. 
but really -- i mean, everyone hates first dates. a perfect first date for me is someone i already know well enough to skip the whole ‘sibling listing, job explaining’ rigamarole. so instead of using that as a cop-out, here are some great dates (all later than first) that i’ve been on:
 sneaking into a closed exhibition wing of the metropolitan museum of art, and making out next to a statue of a babylonian god
a road trip to south of the border, a racist, mexican-themed kitsch palace on the nc/sc border.
eating meatball parm subs in an abandoned boxcar on a stretch of rusted railroad tracks in a forest
going to a house party where everyone had to wear gimmicky slippers
really, anything that involves costumes or themed dress of any kind
dancing on a rooftop in view of the tv tower until dawn
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krooskontrol · 4 years
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@antoinebenzema​ @dharmaganesh​ @larryisrealmadrid​ @3dnan-rma​ @conwdehormiga​ @justineeeee35​ @thebroilerroom​ @uncomfortablydumb​ @sonicscrxwdriver​ @u-n-s-e-n-t-i-m-e-n-t-a-l​ @pnorthwest10​ @brunoconti88​ @margaret-jean​ @topsoccerfanatic-blog​ @hardfootball​ @enda0810​ @ramojiny​ @kingstannis​ @jackc123123​ @sparrowlings​ @6sierpnia​ @teamkaka​ @equiposdefutbol2014​ @iamjad96​ @merzzzu-blog​ @rosecoentrao​ @kpopnonestahp​ @realmadridforever1431​ @missmesutozil​ @bi-lal-mohammed​ @mahetakonate​ @mathieudebootay​ @ikermadridista-blog​ @football-and-fandoms​ @marcelos-afro-blog​ @realmadridnumerouno​ @soymuuyfeliz​ @nicolasruiz97​ @little-miga​ @estike3​ @sangre-blanco-9248​ @danielalzate29​ @rvphaels-blog​ @vamos--real-blog​ @shef0xz​ @realmadrama​ @karim-benzema-preferences​ @a-deutschland-fairytale​ @awesomeinterinterposts​ @abdomadridista​ @bernabeusking-blog​ @daniscarvajals-blog​ @madridistaapasionado​ @zxcaom​ @ohmyalarcon​ @realmadrid-cf​ @micamadridista​ @mlhalamadrid-blog​ @proximitywithoutintimacy​ @ronaldo-girl​ @thesilentmadrid​ @littlevaranee​ @varaneeffect-blog​ @weareborntofly​ @99unlimited​ @iker-we-wont-forget-you​ @cr7ismylife​ @cloverpei-blog​ @sorandom69​ @halamadridblr​ @frozenghost94​ @m4hdixx​ @winterjonginnie​ @madridsladecima​ @thirdkidney​ @melodica-man​ @salah-ozil-fan​ @torres-ta​ @susath-spain​ @vidaefutebol​ @iscozil​ @perfhemmingsxx​ @danichkas​ @keepcalmandtrustrealmadrid​ @oxladechamberlain​ @footballsecrett​ @runaway-from-normality​ @ne-vrjedi-gupa-si​ @hadimp​ @beamadridista​ @levis2371​ @albrmae2​ @immamadridistayoow​ @real-cristiano-bale​ @tinuhhhh​ @cw-network​ @omgselenamg​ @jogador-de-futebol​ @loveverratti​ @thesturridge​
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panic-at-the-isco · 9 years
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anusdemascherano · 9 years
proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post “proximitywithoutintimacy replied to your post “twopieceandabusquets...”
There's no way the cute things would go on sale.  I do need a new hoodie and I'm not giving American apparel my money anymore.
I’ve never shopped at American Apparel. I’ve never even stepped into one. But they just sound expensive.
I need a new hoodie too. All of my hoodies are my volleyball ones from middle and high school
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