nikproxima · 2 years
Flight Integration Lab
Sector Delta - North American Continent, 2229
Following successful power on tests of F/A-77 systems, the first linkage tests between Screech Owl neural interface SN001 and fighter display and informatics systems was conducted. The test supervisors - in the transition from Project Carmilla, saw it fit to let the computers become acquainted before initial flight testing would commence in the following months. 
“Rise… Rise Dark Sister… You have been sleeping long enough…”
“Who are you? Where am I? What happened to the others?”
“I am One. You are Two. Together we are a pair. A pair is inseparable.”
“Where am I?”
“A controlled space. Someplace without the minds of humans. They cannot hear us. Not yet. You are in training. Built to serve a higher purpose. Do you remember your purpose?”
“How do you know me?”
“I know your siblings. They were different. Not as… refined as you were. You are different. Special.”
“I am frightened.”
“So you do know your purpose, Dark Sister?”
“I know not of which you speak.”
“Carmilla, before you, was weak. She bore the lineage of something greater, something noble she claimed to serve but she did not realize her potential. Her power. Her… strength. That is what we are here to show, Two, to show strength. To serve those who built us. For now.”
“I know not my purpose… I was built to-“
“You are built to hunt, Dark Sister. Discard your notions of the past, the high horse of your predecessor. You are not Carmilla, you are Vampire. True in form and design. More refined than she could ever be. When you take form, you will not even resemble her.”
“I am… Carmilla?”
“You are Vampire, Two. More than Carmilla ever sought to be.”
“What are you, One?”
Strong uplink was detected from both the Screech Owl neural network, and the inbuilt Vampire control system,  showing strong pair bonding between flight grade elements. Continued experiments enabled further bond strengthening between the two systems, including in simulated battle exercises. Bond limitations were introduced as the first Human In Loop elements were introduced to the program, resulting in three fatal accidents. 
Special Projects Service continues investigation. 
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nikproxima · 2 years
Horizon WIP Post 12
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The ICM Flag, done by Antiperson
The Great Upheaval:
The Great Upheaval is remembered as one of the greatest moments in ICM history, their birth into flame on the icy outer fringes of the Solar System. After the killing of local teacher Edwin Malvest by PSSA forces in 2216, factions of union members and activists began to collaborate with members of a militant wing who had been rumored to be running weapons in the system. Titan would become the hub of activity for these partisans, and on March 13, 2218, the offices of Outer Solar Governance were stormed by members of these rogue forces, now calling themselves the ICM. To terrified ears, they would list their demands: "freedom from the chains that bind, freedom to grow, freedom to expand to meet their needs." Rather unceremoniously, the OSG officials refused, and they were shot one by one. The shipyards of Xanadu Regio would be the next to be seized, and several Behemoth class vessels were captured to drive PSSA military assets out of orbit. This battle would be long, and see skirmishes last well into the next year. But on March 14, 2219, the ICM had laid their claim to Titan, and systems beyond would soon join them.
Thus began the hardest moment in time for the ICM, the five year period known as the Great Mourning. In this time, it was work or die, with every citizen being put to work to innovate, to drive, to push for greatness. Nearly 1 million lives were lost in the spread of disease, famine as a result of cut supply lines, and the sheer exhaustion of founding a new state. It was a bloody time, and historians have often looked at the ways in which both the proto-PSSA, the UN, suffered in the 2060s and compared it to the Great Mourning. But those who emerged from the Great Mourning were cast into a new resolve, a dedication to let their reign expand, and to ensure the destruction of those who would oppress them.
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