#prune juice cookie x reader oneshot
lalovi · 5 months
Same anon here aaaand can't help but think of an idea for a part 2 if you want!
Maybe Prune juice finds y/n's diary and learns about y/n's plight behind y/n's back....
Aaaaaaaaaaand maybe to turn this intoba bit of a hurt comfort...Prune juice later reveals to y/n...he loves them back and that they ARE enough.
(Got idea from reading a bunch of hurt to comfort....also bonus if you want to add this in but if not I understand: he reveals that the reason he wants to get famous and live lavishly....is so he could make sure he could spoil y/n with his love and the lavish life ne wants to live with them! He wants to make sure y/n feels adored and never has to worry about a thing ever again!)
AN: T3$+S 4R3 C0M1NG UP. W9RK1NG H4RD. 1 2WE4R.
(Idk why I typed that, lol.)
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Prune Juice x Reader
Oneshot (2/2)
Warnings: Angst (mild)
-Good Enough-
"Okay, what's up with you?"
Prune Juice had just walked in front of your desk, crossing his arms with a glare present on his face.
You titled your head in confusion. "What do you mean?" You'd ask.
He sighed. "You're acting.. weird. Like you keep avoiding me and zoning out all of the time," he explained.
Oh, so he noticed. You're trying to stay out of his life and yet you still end up troubling him. How disappointing.
"I'm not avoiding you," you would say to him
"Yes you are. Now what's bothering you?"
The world is being cruel again. Why does it always have to give you hope like this? Making you think that he cares..
"Nothing." You get up from your seat and walk outside of the classroom.
You just need to get away from everyone. You just need to get away from him.
You just need to get away from these emotions.
You wander through the rather empty hallways of the school. The taps of your shoes echo throughout these winding halls, soon being one of the only things occupying your thoughts.
The only other thing being Prune Juice, of course.
You just can't seem to stop thinking about him.
"Ah, wait!" A voice called out to you.
It was Prune Juice.
He quickly caught up to you and grabbed your hand.
"Is this about what you wrote in your journal..?" He'd ask with a solemn face.
Your eyes would widen a bit. "H- how do you know about that?"
He snickered. "You left it on your desk." He held it out and handed it you, to which you quickly snatched away from him.
"Hasn't anyone taught you to not look through people's stuff?" You'd huff.
"Haha, I didn't need that dumb book to realize how you felt about me," Prune Juice said.
"Why do you think it's dumb?"
"Because of what you write in it. You don't actually think your not good enough for me, right?"
You'd avert your gaze from him. "Well.."
Prune Juice abruptly leaves a kiss on you cheek, causing a dusty pink to cover your face.
"If I didn't think you were good enough for me, I wouldn't be talking to you now," he told you, a soft smile appearing on his face.
"I thought you just wanted to become rich and didn't want anyone else to bother you-!" You'd say in surprise, not at all expecting this outcome.
Prune Juice sighed. "You really don't get it?"
You shook your head.
"I want to become rich for you. I want to live alone with you. That way, I can spoil you and you won't have a thing to worry about!" He patted you head, looking at you with a grin.
"Wait, so you... like me?" You'd ask, blush still covering your face.
"I thought it was obvious."
"Why didn't you say anything sooner if you knew how I felt?"
"Well, it was supposed to be this whole thing. I wanted it to be grand, and worth remembering! ...But I guess the little secret came out prematurely..." he smiled awkwardly.
You smiled back. "I'm so glad.."
Prune Juice would cup your face, looking at you with longing. "Don't worry about not being enough, okay? I'll always love you."
《☆》 Fin
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lalovi · 6 months
Idol prune juice x fan reader
AN: I don't know why, but I feel like Prune would be the guitarist in a band.
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Idol! Prune Juice x Fan! Reader
Warnings: none
Prune Juice, being an idol, is a very busy person. Therefore, you two don't always get to spend time together. Even when you do, it's usually indoors or some place away from public view since Prune Juice's contract says he isn't allowed to have romantic relationships.
That never stopped him though.
There was nothing that could ever get in-between him and his most beloved.
In the current moment, he was attempting to teach you the basics of guitar.
"So, you'll want to position your hand like this."
Prune Juice had been showing you these things for the last hour now.
"Prune.. we've been doing this for ages! Can we do something else?" You asked with a bored expression on your face.
"You asked for this," he said with an irritated expression.
"I know but, I don't wanna learn anymore..."
"Then you'll have to make up for wasting my time." He leaned his guitar against the wall and crossed his arms.
"What-? That's not fair."
"It is. You use an hour of my time, I use an hour of yours. A simple exchange, really," Prune Juice explained.
"Okay then... how do you want to use my time?"
Prune Juice smiled before laying his head in your lap.
"I don't really care. So long as I'm doing something with you," He'd say.
Prune Juice looked up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes. You're sure that there aren't a pair more beautiful than his throughout the entire world...
"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" You asked with a sweet smile.
His face would glow a bright crimson, and he didn't say anything for a while.
"You have.."
You couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Prune Juice wasn't one to normally get flustered.
Okay, that might have been a small lie.
Prune Juice gets flustered at the smallest of compliments, though he still denies it all the same.
"Ah, you're so cute when you blush!"
Prune Juice got off of your lap and glared at you.
"I am not even blushing!"
"Oh you aren't? My bad~" You were still laughing.
He crossed his arms and began to sulk. "You're such a riot.." He'd say.
"But you love me <3"
He sighed.
《☆》 Fin
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lalovi · 6 months
May I ask for...Prune juice x reader with anxiety hcs? And maybe a one shot of said y/n waking up from a nightmare?
AN: Always up for a Prune Juice request! Half of this was written at 2 A.M., so it might be a little wonky. Enjoy ☆
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Prune Juice x Anxious! Reader
Oneshot (headcanons below)
Warnings: None
"Just focus on the sound of my heart. Can you do that, love?"
Just a few moments ago, you had awoken from yet another nightmare. These things have been getting more and more common lately, and because of this, Prune Juice was also being waken up.
Honestly, why did you have to bother him?
That's one of the thoughts you would think about, but soon, all of your racing thoughts and wandering memories would fade. All you could really focus on was Prune Juice's breathing and heartbeat.
In and out, in and out again. That's how Prune told you to breathe if you ever got anxious.
"I don't know if it'll work for you, but I hope it does. It works for me, after all."
That's what he said. And he was right, like he always was.
Prune Juice could feel you calming down. "Yes, just like that. You are doing an amazing job," he said as he gently ran his fingers through your hair.
All of your silent sobs and tears would be soaked up by his shoulder, and all of your bad thoughts would be pushed away by the sound of his heart.
You don't know why, but he always had such a calming effect on you.
"Now, if you want to talk to me about anything, then I can listen. If you don't want to, then I won't force you to." He kept playing with your hair while whiping away some stay tears.
"Maybe not at the moment," You'd explain with a shaky voice.
"Is there something else you want to do now, then?"
You nod your head. "Can we just cuddle more..?"
Prune Juice cups your face and looking into your eyes with a smile. "Of course. Here, why don't you lay on my chest so you can focus on my heartbeat?"
And so you would do just that. You would rest your head on his chest, and both if you would fall into yet another slumber.
《☆》 Fin
Prune Juice is very perceptive
He picks up on any anxious signs that you show easily
Always helps you escape the situation if that's what you need
Or he'll just help you with the situation
Never forces you to talk about it if you don't want to, but does get you to tell him what you need
Pretty good at comforting since he also gets anxious sometimes
Will get you to breathe with him
Late at night, if you don't feel like sleeping, he reads stuff with you
Lots of forehead kisses and handholding
Always there when you wake up from nightmares
Very understanding and a great listener
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lalovi · 6 months
AN: I'm so annoyed rn bc I saved 3 drafts of this and NONE OF THEM SAVED. I EVEN FINISHED THIS ENTIRE FIC. 😭 anyways, enjoy 😔
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Prune Juice Cookie x Sick! GN! Reader. ONESHOT.
Warnings: idk, germs?
"Please just drink the potion!" Prune Juice said while clinging to you. Your boyfriend had been begging you to drink a potion he had made for a little over five minutes now. He claimed it would make you feel better.
"I don't want to. Your potions are always bitter." You would tell him while pulling the blankets over your mouth.
"I made this one taste sweet. Would I ever give you a bitter potion on purpose?"
You gave him a glare remembering a certain prank he pulled a while back. He caught on.
"That was a one time thing, love. I made this one taste less vile." Prune Juice said with a sigh.
"..." You didn't believe him.
"Oh, I know what will make you drink it." He said with a grin. You saw as he took a sip of the drink and gave you a kiss. The medicine soon found a way into your mouth.
"Make sure to swallow all of it." Your boyfriend said, his eyes never leaving you.
A crimson red would appear on your face as you reluctantly swallowed all of the liquid.
It was sweet. Just like he said it would be.
"See? Was that so hard?" He asked as his hands could be felt around your waist. Prune rested his head on your shoulder with a smile.
"I'm going to get you sick," you would tell him.
"It would be an honor to catch a cold from my most beloved," he would say back.
You rolled your eyes. "And you'll miss classes."
"They're too easy for me anyway. You are much more interesting," Prune would say back, placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Anyway, are you hungry?" He would ask you.
"Sure." You said with a sigh.
"I'll just make soup then. Don't miss me too much, I'll be right back."
He got off of the couch and walked off into the kitchen. He was back in around 20 minutes holding a bowl and spoon, then sat himself next to you.
"Ta-da~ I made this just for you. Now say ah!" He held out the spoon for you.
"You don't need to spoon-feed me."
"But I want to. Now open your mouth."
Reluctantly, you opened your mouth and drank the soup.
It actually tasted really good.
"Do you like it?"
"I didn't think you would know how to cook."
"I'm hurt that you'd think so lowly of me-" he made a dramatic pose with his hand on his head. "But, it's not that different from potion making. And besides, soup is easy to make." He held out the spoon once again for you to take. This process went on for a while until the soup was all gone.
Now it was much later in the day, and the two of you had just finished watching a movie. Both if you were cuddled up on the couch with blankets and pillows.
"The monster in that movie was so scary~ You'll have to protect me if we ever meet it in real life." He'd say jokingly.
"I will, don't worry."
He would kiss your cheek.
"I love you." Prune would say.
"I love you too." You would respond.
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lalovi · 6 months
Could you make comatose prune juice x reader? (Angsty feels)
AN: This was actually so fun to write! I'm a sucker for angst, what can I say?
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Prune Juice x Reader
Warnings: Angst
-Faded Memory-
How long has it been since you two have last spoken? A month, two months, a year?
All of the days had blended together, and it became hard to tell the days apart.
Every day, you visit him. You catch him up on your experiences, and how everyone else is doing. You even tell him jokes.
Nobody ever laughs though. How can you laugh while unconscious?
You made a promise to yourself in the beginning of it all; that you would never forget him or stop visiting him.
He was starting to become a faded memory.
You hated that more than everything. You hated how his voice echoed so distantly in your mind. You hated how his laughter was beginning to become muted. You hated how his eyes were nothing more than a muted blue now.
You wanted to remember him. You needed to remember him.
Because if Prune Juice woke up and didn't remember anything, you wanted to be there for him.
And how are you supposed to help a stranger through tough times?
That's why you kept replaying old memories in your mind, looking at old photos, obsessing over anything related to him.
Because you wanted to remeber and help him.
And yet, you couldn't help but wonder if this was all for nothing.
What if he never woke up again? What if that day, all of those years ago, was his last?
He may technically be alive now, but this hardly counts as living... right?
Although, he did look so peaceful while asleep like this.
Was he dreaming of anything?
Was he dreaming of you?
You've certainly dreamt about him.
They always feel so real, and when you wake up, it's always so confusing. You swear it's like he is actually there, and in the dream, it seems like it's really him.
But when you wake up, everything is blurry again.
Sometimes you wish you could just stay asleep.
Maybe if you do, you'll be able to meet him again.
The real him, and not just a faded memory.
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lalovi · 6 months
I got an idea....for a bit of feelings.
I thought maybe...a one shot of y/n having a crush on Prune juice but feeling like...due to how he acts and so on...they wouldn't be good enough for Prune juice so they cheer him on from the side while their heart yearns for him and wishes they could just have the confidence to speak up AND be the perfect Prune juice...
(Got idea from his quote "I just want to get famous and live lavishly...Really, that's it!" Like y/n feels like they can't give Prune juice the life they want and that's why they break their own heart...so Prune juice, being the amazing guy he is in y/n's eyes, could either become a famous potion maker with no distractions ooooor can marry someone who's super rich and as intelligent as Prune juice...)
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Prune Juice x Reader
Warnings: Angst
-Good Enough- (1/2)
It's such a fickle little thing.
Sometimes, it can feel so nice and inviting...
Like nothing can stop you.
But other times, it hurts so much.
Like your heart is being ripped out of your chest. It's so painful, and yet, you feel nothing at the same time.
It's different from being stabbed, because eventually there will be release.
You can never be released from an emotional wound though.
It'll stay there, and it'll linger, and it'll hurt.
"Hey, you feeling okay? You've been zoning out all day," said a familiar voice. It was Prune Juice.
Why did the world have to torment you like this? Giving you hope that maybe he does care...
"Oh, sorry. I just have some things on my mind. I'm fine though," you responded with a smile.
But you're not even happy.
"Whatever you say." He just shrugged and went back to looking over some notes.
It hurts.
Why is he so close, but so far away at the same time?
This isn't fair.
It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to him.
Why did you have to fall in love?
"You're staring.." he said suddenly.
And yet you couldn't look away. He's so... perfect.
But, you're just you.
You're not smart, you're not attractive, and you're certainly not enough for Prune Juice.
You'll never be enough, because to him, you're nothing.
You can't help him get rich, and you can barely comprehend the things he thinks about.
You'd just hold him back from his true potential.
Don't be so selfish and do something like that.
If you confessed, he would either destroy you, or you'd destroy him.
Either way, you'd feel bad.
So say nothing. Act like these emotions don't exist.
Because in the end, you will never be good enough.
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lalovi · 6 months
Can you please make one Prune x Reader where the reader arrives to Prune's house with injuries and wet because it was raining and he got into a fight because some other cookies said negative stuff about Prune, and so Prune takes care of him with warmth, bandages, cuddles and kisses?
(by the way I love the way You write ✨^^)
AN: Sorry for taking so long on this one. I wrote a draft earlier and then forgot to save it. Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my works, and I hope you enjoy this one as well!
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Prune Juice x Injured! Male! Reader
Warnings: mention of injury
-For You-
A cold rain trickles down your face, and your arms sting from multiple scratches and bruises. Maybe getting into a fight with those students was a bad idea after all....
They really did have it coming.
You had already warned them beforehand to shut up. You told them what you would do if they continued to spout those lies about your beloved.
But they continued anyway, so it really wasn't your fault.
Ah, but now you were standing outside of Prune Juice's door.
A few days earlier, you agreed to hang out at his place. You weren't going to bail just because of some rain and injuries. Hopefully he won't be too upset with your current predicament.
Reluctantly, you knocked on the door to his house. Knock Knock.
It didn't take long for the door to swing open, and for Prune Juice to look at you with concern.
"I thought you would've cancled today because of the rain-" he said in astonish.
"It's just water," you'd respond.
Prune Juice quickly invited you in, and it was only then that he noticed the multiple wounds on your body.
"Ack- what happened to you-" Prune Juice asked frantically, checking some of your injuries.
"Oh, it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it," you told him.
"Not a big deal? This is a very big deal!" He grabbed your arm and quickly brought you into the bathroom. He started to dig through a few cabinets, collecting some spare medical supplies that he had lying around.
Meanwhile, you just sat in the corner, with your knees tucked into you chest.
"Darling, can I see that one on your arm?" he asked you, to which you immediately complied.
He spent a while carefully disinfecting it, making sure that you wouldn't get too hurt in the process. I guess it would have been expected, but he was very diligent and precise in his work.
"So, care to tell me how these injuries came to be?" he asked you while starting to wrap some bandages around your arm.
"They had it coming. I told then to stop talking about you when they clearly had no idea what they were talking about. I did warn them, but they didn't listen. They were asking for it," you told him.
Prune Juice sighs. "For just a little while... won't you try to stay out of trouble?" He asked you, gazing into your eyes.
"Ill try, for you."
Prune Juice smiles and continues to tend to your wounds.
Both of you fill the silence with some mindless chatter, laughing on occasion until Prune Juice finally finished.
"All right, that should do it!" He returned all of the supplies to their rightful positions before looking back at you.
"And now... why don't we cuddle? I've missed you~" he would say while cupping your face.
You nod your head and he brings you to the couch.
A movie is turned on, and the rest of the day is spent recovering or doing small, easy activities.
And anytime you say that something hurts, Prune Juice offers to kiss you to make it feel better.
《☆》 Fin
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lalovi · 6 months
hi do you do regular ships? if so could I pls get a prune juice x yan!kouign? like excessively yan lol she murders everyone who even looks at the guy
if not, could I please get a prune juice x yan!reader? tysm ^^ I hope this request isn't too bad/hard
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Prune Juice Cookie x Yan! Reader. ONESHOT.
Warnings: Gore, murder, stalking, manipulation, all that Yan jazz
There he was, sitting peacefully on a bench, unbothered. Smart, handsome, and perfect. He's so... wonderful. He is he greatest person to ever grace this planet. I must make sure nobody can taint him. He's my everything. My precious Prune Juice Cookie.
But who is she?
Why is that student talking to him? No, why is she even looking at him? I can't let her taint him. I'll deal with her later. For now, I just want to see him in all of his glory.
That laugh, that smile, those eyes. Why does he feel the need to hide them so much? They are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Well, besides him. Nothing is more beautiful than him.
He is my everything. He is my heart, my soul, my reason to live. Without him, I have no purpose. I'd die if I knew I had to wake up and he wouldn't be in the same world as me. My heart beats for him and him alone.
Does he not understand this?
Oh look, that poor excuse of a being has left Prune Juice alone. And look at that, she's wandered off all by herself. Doesn't she know how dangerous that is? Oh well. I don't care. It makes my job so much easier.
I would smile as I walked up to her. "Hello!" I'd say cheerfully while waving to her. It was all fake, of course. I'd never want to smile for some brat like her. It just makes things easier when people trust you.
"Me?" She'd ask while pointing to herself.
Oh great, she's stupid as well. Actually, I already knew she was dumb from the moment she started talking to Prune. She's just so much dumber than I imagined. Who else would I be waving at?
"Yes, you. Can you follow me for a second? I need help with something." I would tell her.
"Oh, uh, sure thing.."
That was almost too easy. If she follows a stranger so easily, why hasn't she already been killed? She's begging for death at this point.
"Great." I grabbed her wrist firmly and lead her to an alleyway nearby. The smile I once wore was gone. All that was left was an expression of cold and silent rage.
It did not take long before we reached the end of the alleyway, and I shoved her in front of me ever so slightly.
"We're here." I told her.
"What are we doing here? I thought you said you needed help with something." She started to back away from me while looking around nervously.
Already has cold feet? She sure didn't when she went up to my most beloved.
"I do need help with something." I told her, taking out my blade and giving her a crazed expression.
"W- what are you doing?" She started to back away even more. Of course I expected something like this. It wasn't long before she hit a wall.
"Leave me alone, you freak!" She'd shout while her expression formed into that of fear.
That's the best thing she can come up with to defend herself? I swear, she's such an idiot. My beloved Prune Juice could have come up with so much better. And his expressions would be ten times more entertaining.
"You're so unoriginal. I've heard that insult hundreds of time."
"Why are you doing this? What did I even do?"
"...You're not very smart, are you?"
I would take my sword and raise it above her body, feigning a strike. She would raise her arms above her, as if that were going to do anything.
"You're not even entertaining. So predictable..." I'd click my tongue and sliced through her chest.
Everything was dyed that deep, blood red. My clothes, my sword, the ground. Her. This is what she gets for speaking to Prune Juice. She laid there with her body all limp. Isn't it pretty? How the blood shimmers when the light hits it. How you can see the life leave their eyes. How they react when they're scared. It's not as beautiful as Prune Juice, but still a thrilling experience nonetheless.
I'd start to walk back to my dorm room, evading everyone's view. I've gotten really good at that, since I've killed so many people.
I entered my empty apartment and immediately changed my clothes. Can't have Prune getting suspicious of me now. I would chuck it into the washing machine and switch to a fresh set. After, I would start to clean my sword. It's much easier to clean, being made of less absorbent material.
I'd sit on the couch, just wiping up some of the leftover blood. I managed to get most of it off in the first attempt, but it's always good to do a second just to be safe.
That's when the door opened, and my roommate would enter the room.
"I'm back.." They would say in a sad tone. He sat down on the couch next to me, not suspecting a thing.
"Ah, hello my love. You seem a bit upset. Is something bothering you?"
He's so precious, even while sad.
"I met somebody else today, and they said they would text me back immediately! But I've been waiting for three hours now, and there's still nothing. This always happens. Am I not likeable?" He'd ask while resting this chin in his hands.
Oh, he's upset about that. He usually is.
"Don't worry, dear. If they don't want to make the effort to talk to you, then they're the problem. You really shouldn't be bothered about what those types of people are up to. Just stick to the ones you know are good, like me!"
I leaned my sword on wall next to us and gave him a kiss on the cheek before smiling at him.
"I guess you're right." Prune Juice would say.
I'm always right.
"Now, why don't we cuddle? There's actually a new show we can watch!"
I would hold out my hand, which he took immediately, and lead him to our bedroom. We spent the rest of the day watching shows and cuddling. That's when I heard a washing machine do its little chime, although it was feint. It was the same machine that held my crimson stained clothes.
I'm sure if I told him one day, he'd understand. This is all for him, after all. I love him so, so much. If he loved me as well, then he wouldn't be mad.
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lalovi · 6 months
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Prune Juice Cookie x GN! Reader. ONESHOT!
Warnings: Mentions of injury. (Injured Reader.)
It was well passed 1:00 A.M., and you were sitting on your roommate's bathroom counter. He was wrapping a bandage around your arm. "So, how did you get hurt this time?" Prune Juice would ask you, not taking his eyes off of his task. "I fell." You'd respond coldly.
"I don't believe you." He would say back, finally looking into your eyes to meet you with a glare.
Of course he wouldn't.
"But it's true." You would retaliate.
He sighed and finished wrapping up your wound. "You must think I'm stupid-" he paused to put the leftover bandage in back into the med-kit, "but I'm not. Only a fool would believe that." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "So tell me the real story."
You inspect your arm. He actually bandaged it really well.
You would laugh a bit before hopping off the counter. "Oh Prune, you're so handsome when you try to interrogate me." You would play around with his hat to make it sit upright on his head, giving him a cheeky smile.
"Don't try to avoid the subject. I'm being serious," he would scold, his glare never leaving his face.
You sighed, sitting back down on the counter. "It was that group of students again."
He nodded his head. "I see..." he paused for a while. "You don't have to continue. But if you tell me who they are, I can make sure that they never bother you again," he told you, his face softening.
An odd silence would fill the air.
"Why do you do it?" You asked him, looking towards the ground.
"Do what?"
"Take care of me like this. It's late. Wouldn't you rather sleep?"
He would uncross his arms and also start looking towards the ground.
"You don't get it? I can't sleep unless I know you're safe, idiot." He would hop onto the counter next to you.
You would start grinning. "Aww. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like me~" you would tease, nudging his side.
"I do like you."
Your heart skipped a beat.
He's joking. He's always joking.
"Liar." You would say.
"But it's true." He would respond, mimicking your old words.
His eyes looked so beautiful.
A crimson red would fill up your face, and you didn't say anything. He grinned.
"You were being so bold and confidet earlier. What's wrong?" He'd ask teasingly, covering his mouth slightly.
"Prove it. I don't believe you."
He leaned in instantly, taking hold of your chin to make you look at him.
His eyes looked so beautiful.
He gave you a kiss on the lips before releasing you. He brushed some hair out of your face.
"Is that enough, or do you still take me for a liar?" He'd ask.
"That's enough. I believe you." You'd mumble through a flushed face.
He'd chuckle. "You're such an idiot."
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lalovi · 6 months
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Prune Juice Cookie x GN! Reader. ONESHOT
Warnings: None.
It was the middle of an experiemnt durring class. People were allowed to walk around to find partners, but Prune had little interest in it.
"Hey, has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" Someone would ask him out of the blue. He'd look at them weirdly, tilting his head to the side.
"I'm sorry?" He'd ask, having a confused look on his face.
"Sorry sorry, I just had to comment on them. I was looking at them from across the room, and they just looked so nice. Although, they're definitely nicer up close." They would respond, smiling nervously.
Prune Juice Cookie would just look to the ground, blushing slightly. He held his hat so it covered his face. "Oh.." Those were the only words he could mutter.
His heart was beating really fast.
The person would smile at him brightly. "Yeah, sorry again for bothering you. I just thought it would be nice to say something. Bye now!" They waved and walked back to thier desk across the room.
"Oh yeah, he has it bad.." A group of students would say. They saw the entire interaction go down, and were gossiping about it.
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The next chance he got, Prune Juice would just look into a mirror, trying to figure out what was so wonderful about his eyes.
Oh yeah. He had it bad.
"The only thing wonderful about them.. is how they let me see that person.."
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lalovi · 6 months
Can I request a kouign amann x female reader one shot? Saw your Prune juice one and I loved it!
AN: I don't know Kouign Amann as much a Prune, but she's definitely a super cute character!! I did some research before writing this, so I hope it turns out all right now 👉👈
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Kouign Amann Cookie x Fem! Reader. ONESHOT
Warnings: None, just fluff
It was Valentines day, and you were in charge of some decorations around the campus. There were couples all throughout the school, giving each other gifts and saying sweet nothings.
It was a rather annoying day though, for some of the less unfortunate. Those without dates, or anyone to love. You were one of these people.
"Oh, you are my everything!"
Said someone to their date.
"No, you're MY everything!"
Responded the other.
It made you gag.
That's when the ladder you were using to hang some decorations started to shake, and you fell. You never hit the ground though, since someone caught you.
"You should be more careful! If I didn't catch you, you would have gotten really hurt." Your friend Kougin Amann told you. She carefully placed you back onto the floor and gave you a bright smile. It was the smile she always had when she saw you. The smile that made you fall fully in love.
You nodded your head, not being able to find the right words to say.
"Oh, I have something for you, actually!" She said to you, cheerfully, taking out a small box of chocolates and handing them to you. She still had that confident smile on her face. You on the other hand, were a mess.
"Oh, um, yeah. Thank you." You said, while having a lot of blush on your face. Your heart was melted completely by her.
It doesn't mean anything. Just a gift between friends..
That's what you would tell yourself.
"And, do you mind coming somewhere with me after-school? There's something I want to show you." Kouign Amann said.
This doesn't mean anything. She won't like you back. She's just being nice.
"Sure thing." You responded.
She just waved before walking away.
You swore the sky got a little brighter after seeing her.
You needed to tell her how she made you feel.
It was much later in the day, and the sun was setting. Kouign Amann took you to a cliff, where you could see all of the city.
"It's nice, right?" She asked you, sitting down. You took a seat next to her.
"It is.." you would tell her. You weren't really focusing on the view. Just her and her wonderful smile.
"I have something for you." You told her. She didn't say anything, just looked at you sweetly.
Why does she have to make me feel this way?
"I.. got these flowers. They reminded me of you."
She looked a little surprised, and took them from your hand. "Oh my goodness, thank you so much!" She looked at them with soft eyes.
"Hehe, don't you know what it means to give a person roses? Especially on Valentine's Day?"
Your heart skipped a beat.
"I know what it means. That's why I gave them to you."
Please say you like me as well.
"Wait, are you confessing to me?" She held the flowers closer to herself.
"I am.."
She smiled once again. "I thought I would have been the one to confess first. I guess you proved me wrong!"
She picked you up in her arms, twirling you around with ease.
Innocent laugher filled the air around you two, as you both smile at each other.
"I love you, Kouign Amann."
"I love you too."
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