hetalvetia · 4 months
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🧀🐤 <- eating the swiss cheese
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dibpepy-l · 1 year
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Si ya sé, le faltó más producción a esto pero se hace lo que se puede jajaja No tengo muchos ánimos de dibujar últimamente, así que me estoy obligando para no perder la poca práctica que tengo  Además está divertida esta dinámica, quería dibujar otros shipps, pero ya no doy más, así que mejor subo lo que tengo
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marionetterabbit · 5 years
prussia's hoes.png
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lotusdumpling · 5 years
Won't cha look at that! @snowywolff tagged my ass. Okay, um.
Rules: Tag people you wanna get to know better.
Relationship Status: single
Favorite color: purple (it's literally the second color on both my blogs lol)
Top three ship: how dareth thee make me choose? I love them all lol. Okay, okay, um... GerMano, PruMano, PruSwiss. Idk why. I like everything, tho, so talk to me about anything and I'm on board.
Last song: Carry On My Wayward Son (though I did play Ich Liebe to see how much it would make a friend laugh)
Last Movie: I don't... Movie??? Um??? Dragon Ball Super Broly i think. My mom was watching Horror movies in the living room all weekend but i was pacing to music so idk.
Tagging: Sorry if you don't like tags! You don't have to answer! @devintrinidad, @fataliitea, @aphpositivity-suggestions, and @animaticx. Have a nice day!
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Can you make a pruswiss lockscreen please?
Sure thing!
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harocat · 9 years
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Prussia/Switzerland commission by Kiiru!
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hetalvetia · 14 days
What are your favorite ships with Switzerland? -🪽
I have so many ships with him it's not funny anymore 😔 I will try to be brief (page 1/quadrillion)
if I'm real most of my ships are just to see Swi get blushy and embarrassed all the time, and also because I like shared motifs and I think there's a bit of art behind him and another character being together. A.k.a. I can get really superficial sometimes.
Like recently I've been really obsessed with Finland & Switzerland um... its literally just because they look adorable together sorry ← SUPERFICIAL AS HELL!!! Sniper combo for the win though, I love shared motifs 😌
But I've been writing the most self-indulgent engswiss fic recently (every engswiss fic is self-indulgent) and I like how they get underneath each other's skin; put two insufferably stubborn men in one room with their pride a little bit too close to them and they're going to make out. (Ooooo my evil make out beam.....) Ahh but I love the idea of them trying to work together on a project, because I see Arthur have a sort of artistic and traditional sense to him compared to Basch who lacks that sort of umm extravagance as he may call it... but they both can't deny the lovely workings of a clock together haha
Honestly on that note I just love those friction-y (?) head-butting dynamics, so I love Romano x Switz as well huhu Romano x Switz is especially lovely to me because it explores Swi's idea of wealth and modesty (because I see Swi not showing off his wealth so extravagantly in certain scenarios so Romano is stepping on a nerve with his fashion taste)
If you want to ask about my number one favourite, it's easily fraswiss / swissfra . They're so goofy together (especially in cardverse and I have a lot to say for cardverse) . That overbearing personality to balance out Swi's strongly held barriers SO GOOD 🤧❤️ Francis will definitely start trying to get Basch to live life more fully by treating himself to that nice Rolls Royce he was eyeing, until Basch starts using Francis' money and suddenly Francis is like "Not in this economy mon amor please you have more money (per capita) than me." Switzerland occasionally takes a couple of France's stuff and calls it revenge from the Napoleonic times lol.
Anyways my sort-of-related sort-of-unrelated headcanon is that Basch shops in France to not face the atrocious prices in Switzerland (and also because he wants to not bump into Roderich again) but ends up bumping in Francis so really he's never winning.
(I think a lot of the Swi fans I know agree that fraswiss is great and wonderful and superb and amazing and splendid and just crazy good but maybe that's just me gravitating towards like-minded people LOL)
To be honest I really like childhood friends to lovers but edelweiss never stood out that much to me... (like, i really do like some concepts with them, and it's so hilarious to see Swi try his hardest to blank out any relationship with Austria, but I always struggled to envision something beyond that...)
Until my friend said for me to think about nyo!edelweiss instead. My life has changed. I love nyo!edelweiss. Everyone should take a hit.
There's also a lot of ships that my friends have hooked me up on... Two of them being Swissvene (Switzerland x Venezuela) and Portswiss (Portugal x Switzerland) especially. I love swissvene (explosion) (explosion) (explosion) and portswiss (explosion (explosion) (explosion) .
OH BUT I ALSO REALLY LIKE NEDSWISS GRAHHH (EXPLOSION) it's a wonderful look into both their equally fueled motives but their means are so different. They're so silently jealous but respecting of each other... But I honestly love them as just platonic too.
Also I headcanon that Swi gets seasick horribly easily. I will not expand on this.
Pruswiss has so much content on them as well ("so much" is like a couple lines from a CD drama for me okay) but I think it gets easily overshadowed in my mind by the frying pangle (I love frying pangle) BUT I LOVE PRUSWISS ANYWAYS ! Keep shouting at him Swi it's really funny .
Hikiko duo always has a soft spot in my heart because I love their similar mentalities but contrasting personalities and homelives like Kiku will always be like, "why is he (Basch) so bothered." and Basch would be like, "dude how is he (Kiku) always getting stepped on". But they're in the same boat of misery together, where they hate everyone surrounding them. They'd lock themselves in their rooms together and then realise they'd make horrible roommates.
Also I really like swissita but i need to sleep um
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I think it needs some tiny tweaks though
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dibpepy-l · 2 years
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Well... my english is not good enough so I´m sorry for the mistakes, Somebody know about a enemies to lovers finished story with this pairing? Because, I need one I experimented with Gilbert´s cloth design, because I think that the original is very simple and because in my sketches it looked good xd
They´re so cute  ══════◄••❀••►══════ Bueno... mi inglés no es lo suficientemente bueno así que lo siento por los errores, ¿Alguien sabe de una historia terminada de enemigos a amantes con esta pareja? Porque necesito uno. Experimenté con el diseño de la ropa de Gilbert, porque creo que el original es muy simple y porque en mis bocetos se veía bien xd Son tan lindos 
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marionetterabbit · 5 years
so,,, rarepairs, huh?
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lynne-monstr · 9 years
Switzerland/Prussia - Leverage AU
For the 3 sentence fic meme from anon! ---
“I only took this job because these assholes stole my little brother’s research,” Gilbert said, hands flying across the keyboard; all he got in response was a grunt, followed by, “They stole my money,” from the angry blond guy with his ear pressed to a state-of-the-art safe.
The moment the safe opened, they grabbed the goods and ran, pursuing footsteps trailing in their wake— a shot rang out and Gilbert was tackled to the floor, Vash’s face hovering above his own, shouting, “Are you hit!”
Through the haze of pain, Gilbert figured he’d keep this guy around.
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dibpepy-l · 4 years
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Uff, tenía pensado tener listo este fanart para febrero, pero antes de que me diera cuenta ya estábamos en Marzo... no hay nada mejor que regresar con una ship crack xdxdxdxd
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yvngdionysvs · 10 years
ey does anyone else ship Prussia/Switzerland or am I alone here
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lynne-monstr · 10 years
Germancest! Or if someone was faster, Prussia/Switzerland.
Ahhhh PruSwiss I’m so happy!!!!
• when or if I started shipping it.I had always kind of silently shipped it alone in my head, because I love Prussia to death and have a soft spot for Switzerland, too. But Switzerland is a difficult character to get a handle on, so I never really did anything with the ship aside from wishing other people shipped it. And then I found the Cleaning Prussia game! And their interaction was so damn adorable and everything I wanted it to be. Prussia was playful and cheerful and determined and Switzerland was too shy to make a move and YESSSS.
• my thoughts:Okay, fine, so in my heart of hearts I really want this ship for the violence. Because Switzerland loves his guns and you can pry Prussia’s weapons from his cold dead hands and if that’s not the basis for a relationship I don’t know what is.
• What makes me happy about them:EVERYTHING! All of the things in the previous 2 sections. Weapons and sparring and yeah! I also feel like there is fantastic potential for porn that involves chocolate.
• What makes me sad about them:That I am practically sailing this ship solo
• things done in art/fic that annoys me:Hahahah this would mean there is actually fic about them.
• things I look for in art/fic:It existing! I’d love to see some historical stuff!
• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Prussia - everyone!Switzerland - Austria
• My happily ever after for them:In between their busy schedules they find time to get together. There’s lots of talking and sparring and annoying each other until they fall into bed. Some nights they sit together on the lawn and don’t say anything and take turns shooting at anyone who makes the mistake of crossing onto Switz’s lawn.
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?Bitching about all the other nations. This of course involves drinking, large sweeping (and sometimes obscene) hand gestures, Prussia making grand plans to take over all of Europe, and Switzerland silently counting his money.
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yuesai · 11 years
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Pixiv ID: 18695682 Member: krtn
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