#ps it's not your business if people are buying drugs just leave it alone
naamahdarling · 2 years
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9-1-1 Criminals Au?
Ps Your blog is awesome! 🤩
Thank you <3 I initially read this as Criminal Minds but I am way more excited about the FireFam entering the criminal underbelly of Los Angeles. 
Let’s Go!
Albert - Hacker. It may seem cliched, but daddy’s money buys a whole lot of tech and a whole lot of boredom. What started out as a hobby became a full-time job when he moved in with his brother and he has to admit: being a master criminal is way more fun.
Athena - Madam. No matter how these men and women find her, she will make sure you are taken care of. There is always a place to sleep, food to eat, and you are free to leave at any time - but why would you want to leave the oldest profession known to man? If you mess with one of hers, they will never find your body and she won’t lose a wink of sleep.  
Bobby - Capo for the LA Mafia. He’s been in this game long enough that he saw the transition from analog to digital. Gone were the days of selling drugs on the street and bribing the local PD to look the other way (though there’s still plenty of that). Now, it’s Craigslist and Internet scams. Frankly, he misses the old days but it beats a 9-5 job.
Buck - Soldato (Kidnapping). You might think that kidnapping and intimidation are easy but it takes a lot of people skills and no small amount of creative thinking. Not every wealthy socialite will walk down a dark alley alone. And not every kidnapping happens in the comfort of your home. But he can find you anywhere.
Chimney - Soldato (Drugs). When his buddy suggested running drugs as a side-hustle between jobs, this was not the path he imagined his life taking. But damn, does it feel good to be a part of a family, to have a purpose, and to find something he’s really good at (like, crazy good). You want to know anything about any street drug, he can tell you the composition, the country of origin, and who sold it to you with the smallest taste.
Eddie - Soldato (Arms). As a former solider, Eddie knows the damage a gun can do in the wrong hands. But as far as he’s concerned, everyone is the wrongs hands. Military connections make it easy to buy and sell the latest technology and every cent of it goes to keeping his son safely hidden from the world he freely inhabits.
Hen - Soldato (Protection). She knows how the world works. She knows how the world underestimates her. So why not use it to her advantage. She doesn’t need a gun to let you know that if you don’t do what she asks, people will get hurt. Besides: having a friend on every street corner who’s too afraid to speak up, comes in very handy in her line of work.
Maddie - Master Thief. Quick on her toes, and clever in a pinch, she claims to be able to steal anything from anyone at any time. She’s yet to fail. Though she is generally a freelance artist (and what she does is certainly a form of art), if you’ve got a big enough score, she’s up for any challenge.
Michael - Bodyguard/Killer for Hire. He’s secretly a softy, he just likes hurting people. They make a nice loud *crack* when something breaks. He met Athena when she hired him to protect her employees and even though he takes jobs all over, if one of hers calls him for help, he’ll drop everything. Loyalty is number one in his books.
Bobby basically runs this side of Los Angeles. With his four soldiers, they deal in everything from drugs, to money, to guns, and back again. Hen and Bobby both met their wives through Athena’s call business (though, under slightly different circumstances), and Michael has roped them all in under his banner of loyalty. Of course, a family that commits crime together, stays together (or so Maddie and Chimney raised their siblings to believe). 
The mob doesn’t normally get involved in high-profile thievery, preferring to keep their business as under the radar as possible. But when Michael’s boyfriend suggests the score of a lifetime, it’s too good to pass up. 
Metropolitan hospitals have everything a criminal could want: drugs, money, and desperation. Plus, a local businessman has just re-entered the country from Africa, complaining of stomach pains, and someone needs to alleviate him of his extra appendages. Sure, there’s a few special circumstances to work around, but imagine being able to steal from under the nose of the government. 
Athena gets the names, Albert makes the passes, Maddie gets them inside and Buck gets them out. They are a well-oiled machine until a nurse gets away and tries to alert the authorities - but that’s why Michael is waiting outside the door to take care of any potential problems. 
It’s the biggest score of their lives and it takes months to off-load everything they get away with (which leaves some of them a little antsy until they have the cash in their hands).
They’ve never done a job like this before (and they likely never will again) but nothing brings people together like the threat of prison and a building full of riches.
Family is everything. But money is pretty damn great, too.
Prompt Me with AUs
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haiyuta · 7 years
So Dangerous || Youngbin
Genre: Gang!Au. Mentions of death, blood, guns, drugs, Featureing: Pentagon
Word Count: 2.7 K
Requested: Could I request a YOUNGBIN GANG AU in which he saves the reader 😍?! Youngbin is boyfriend material as hell kyaaaaa
A/n. I had a awesome time writing this. Gang leader Youngbin I can imagine him omg hes like a perfect gang leader. I could have done better but the editing part made me cry so I didnt put in more writing like I wanted. It still okay to me Im a amateur writer after all. Hope you enjoy. ps I also out Pentagon as the other gang so I hope you noticed what I did there. 
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He was pure danger. Someone you shouldn't have ever gotten involved with in the first place.
You always wondered how you got caught by him. You didn't remember much of that night, bring home a handsome stranger. One night of intoxicating dancing that lead to you sleeping with him.  Waking up to a mess a black hair with hickeys marked across your skin like petals.
Kim Youngbin. It was suppose to be a one night stand, but that was almost a year and a half ago and your still with him. A more personal relationship has developed with the gang leader.
Something you weren't proud of was getting sucked into a world of crime and money wasn't want you foreseen yourself.
Life just happens. Loving him just happened. Sitting in the empty condo you bundle yourself up in the warm blanket waiting for him to return. Youngbin has been gone for a few days while the only one to see you was little Chani updating you and going to school. 
Suddenly a warm pair of lips met your head. You snapped up to see Youngbin standing behind you. "Spacing out much" your boyfriend deep chuckled, he made you smile. Looking up you locked eyes with his dark eyes. "Lots of thoughts on my mind" you smiled. Wrapping your blanket closer toward your body.
"Must be you didn't even hear the alarm" he said sliding next to you. He rolled his head against the sofa, He sighed putting on arm affectionately around you. You felt so safe in this the gang leader arms.
You noted on Youngbin normally flawless face a fresh scars, it made you assumed he recently had to do some dirty work. He still looked ever so handsome with deep black hair, long eyelashes and a small grin.
He gave a small smile noticing how your look changed "You're probably wondering how I got this" he said pointing to the fresh scar. You nodded touching his cheek the scar was fresh feeling.
"Just some business" he said, Youngbin always made that excuse its business but you didn't want for him to get hurt. "Those fucks got us good but we got them better" he said smirking a little.
"Are the boys okay" you asked him concerned. Youngbin gave a small dimple smile "Yeah nothing to serious" he said.
You sighed a breath of relief. After dating Youngbin his brothers of his gang were now becoming like your family also. Youngbin the leader but he was also like a big brother to mostly all of them, while the boys accepted you as more than just a hook up girl. Realizing that Youngbin actually held true affection for you.
"Promise me that you won’t risk to much" you said looking into his cute little droopy eyes. Those same eyes always held a sad light in them when you told him to stop. "I'm sorry" he said,  you already knew he couldn't do that he had a obligation to protect his part of the city. While his brother gangs much larger than his owned the next two cities over.
"Its okay" you told your loving boyfriend running your hand down his neck, feeling him made you feel some comfort that he was alive here with you. "How about we go on a date tonight since I've been gone for a while" he said. Shaking your head yes you let out a smile.
Youngbin grinned leaning down to give you a swift kiss. His affectionate side was showing. Even though he was a scary gang leader his heart was so soft. He loved touching and affectionate kisses. 
Suddenly his phone rang. He sighed, rolling his eyes. He left the comfortable position picking it up leaving the comfortable position next to you.  He stepped out for a second "Sorry Y/n I have to meet Younghwa for a report" he said grabbing his jacket.
"Is the date still on" you asked leaning over to see him exit "Of course I'll text you the place" he yelled from the front door. "I love you" you said watching him leave again. Youngbin opened the door a small smile on his lips "I love you more" he said winking, leaving quickly.
You sighed alone again. The alarm confirmed that door was locked once again. You sighed looking back out the city. Excited for your date and also still missing Youngbin
You smiled at your buy. Knowing you were going a nice date tonight you decided to buy a dress that would wow Youngbin. Walking down the side streets of the city. You felt lighter than air as you enjoyed the day.
The streets were emptying a little as you got closer towards Youngbins condo. Going through the back you sighed from the long walk. You turned into the side street for a quicker short cut. Suddenly you felt something cold press against your head and someone jerk your arm. 
"Please be quiet or I'll have to put a bullet into your head" he said. You went ridged at the person. "Now walk calmly to the car in front of you" he  said you gulped as he grabbed your arm keeping you into a lock.
"Keep quiet and no one gets hurt" he said.
It must had been at least 5 hours since you have been kidnapped. You had been blind folded after you were thrown in the car. The drive was long so you guessed you were already outside your city and into a new one. You cried for a while, thought of death and of Youngbin sitting alone in the restaurant.
Your legs tied with tight rope while your hands twisted behind your back and were strapped together. In your mind you were freaking out you already cried a few times thinking what was going to happen to you.
You could hear people talk from behind you. "Sir is it time to call" a deep voice pipped up. You could tell you were in a warehouse. Maybe near the sea since you could hear waves around you in the distance.
The blindfold was ripped from your face to come eye level with a guy. He had short brown hair and a twisted smirk on his face.
"Lets start with introductions I'm Hui" he said grinned he stood. You stayed silent staring him down. "I said introductions" he said with a sigh pulling a gun out his strap, cocking back the gun as he lazily pointed it at you. You stared down the barrel seeing the glossy copper bullet. Your eyes widen and heart paced seeing the deadly weapon.
"I'm Y/n" you mumbled breaking eye contact with him, as tears filled your eyes once again. Wanting to feel strong but you weren't."You're Youngbin's girl aren't you" he asked. You gulped at this point realizing this wasn't really about you it was about Youngbin. "Yes" you mumbled in a defeated tone.
"We already knew that just wanted to hear it from your mouth" he laughed a little. He held your cellphone scrolling through it. "Aw look guys her background is Youngbin" he said a muffled laugh could be heard. He showed your favorite picture of him smiling wide.  Some of the guys laughed at the picture.
"Okay hun I'm going to call him" he said. "Do you want me say anything specific to him" you asked quietly.
"No just say your last good byes" he said smirking. Your hear dropped at his words. Feeling bile from not eating rising up your throat. Your mind buzzed with thoughts of him taking your life. You thought about everyone your parents, your cat, and Youngbin and his boys. Not seeing them ever again would be so painful. You'll be dead so you couldn't really fell that pain. It would all just be inflicted on those you love.
He clicked a few buttons and then gave it to a tall guy and he pressed it again my ear. The dial tone was so long you were scared he wouldn't pick up for a second.
"Hello Y/n where are you I've been trying to pick call for for two hours" Youngbin voice said over the phone. "Youngbin" you said but he ignore you and kept talking "I was sitting in the restaurant for hours alone" he said angry.
“Youngbin just listen to me" you said sniffing up the coming tears. "Youngbin whatever you do don't come after me, don't risk your life" you said sniffing you looked over to see Hui watching you. "What the fuck do you mean" he asked almost yelling in the phone.
You gulped down some spit "What the fuck I mean I mean don't waste your time don't endanger the boys" you said tears slipping from your eyes. You sniffed them up wanting to wipe the tears away.
Youngbin kept talking, yelling and asking what you meant. "Are you done" Hui asked you. You looked up and him, choking out sob "I love you even more" you whispered. The phone was tossed it to Hui.
"Take her to the backroom" Hui said as he continued to talk on the phone. Feeling someone cut your legs free and push you into one of the warehouse rooms.
Youngbin clutched the phone hearing a males voice one ever so familiar. "Youngbin how are you" the voice over the phone said.
"Cut the formals what the fuck do you want" he said. Youngbin was so anxious he felt his stomach turn.  The flowers bought hours before discard.
"Not much she says don't risk your life so I may kill her may not' Hui said. Youngbin gritted his teeth "You low mother fucker" he hissed.
Hui sighed gripping his gun "Money no I have money" he said. Hui sighed "Drugs maybe" he said. Hui sighed "no this is just revenge" he said.
Youngbin rolled his eyes his hand getting the ready to smash it into a wall. He knew what this was about, rights to the city. Every year Younghwa slowly took more land away from Eungkwan. As his young group under Younghwa grew it just meant that Pentagon had limited terrioty. Since the large company Cube was in a tail spin.
Rumors were that some of there gangs were leaving since they have become to weak to manage anymore.
"You can't change anything with doing this we already taken over majority of the city" Youngbin said.
"Fuck you I can and will take it over again" the voice yelled back at him. "We will slowly cut down you and Younghwa and then Hongki" he fiercely, the phone clicked ff.  Youngbin sighed clutching his phone. His anxiety for what was happening to you was growing. He took a breath in trying to calm himself a bit.
He grabbed his phone and call the only person he could for help, Younghwa.
"Younghwa sir" he spoke clearly his voice was nervous as he called his leader and mentor. "Yes Youngbin" he said calmly. Youngbin sucked in some air "Those filthy fucks Pentagon took Y/n" he said. Needing advice from the experience leader was the only think he could think of right now.
"Why are you sitting here talking to me you love her get her" he said. Youngbin nodded "Yes sir" he said making another phone call to Inseong and Zuho.
You sighed trapped in a room the ropes tight on your wrist. Tears were spilling out your eyes the warm liquid sung your eyes. You were sick of crying but to afraid to try to escape.
The two men outside the room had guns with them and it room was bare with nothing but a old over head light. This was really happening any second Hui can come in here and take your life. You struggled in the ropes trying to loosen them but it didn’t work.
Its been about another hour and a half since you talked to Youngbin. You already missed him wanting to give a real goodbye. Tell him how much he means to you. How much he makes you smile until it hurts. How beautiful dangerous he was. Wanting to bundle your arms around him for a second time.
A bang filtered through the air. You cried out when you heard multiple shoots continue to glide in the warehouse "Y/n" someone said. You looked over at a small hole in the wall moved by a poster. It was Taeyang "Tae" you said eyes wide.
"Yeah Youngbin sent me to get you" he said coming over to untie you. "Youngbin" you repeated your boyfriend name. Taeyang took out his knife cutting the ropes "yeah and I heard what you said to him" he said.
"Telling him to leave you he could never do that" he said. Suddenly a guy came in pointing a gun at the both of you. Bullets could be heard from the front room still. The loud bullets were making you go deaf.
Taeyang quickly drew his gun. "Fuck" you heard Taeyang whisper grabbing your tied wrist and he pulled you behind him. He also grabbed something from his pocket.
"Kino" he said. "Taeyang" the guy said holding his glossy gun. "I would love to shoot you but I have a girl to deliver back" he said. Suddenly he threw it down, a sudden burst of gray smoke filled the room.
"Come on" he said pulling you to the fresh cut hole in the wall. The blond looked back and shot a few rounds behind himself as he came out with you.
Outside you were right you were by the sea. You almost puked seeing a cement mix looked like it was ready just for you.
Taeyang pulled you past the docks to a car. "How did Youngbin find me" you asked running with Taeyang. "Tracker he has it in everyone phone" he said.
"But don't think to much about it Youngbin is doing good right now" he said. Looking over you seen Youngbin holding his  gun towards Hui head. Hui was on his knees, he looked bloody already.  It also looked like Youngbin has been in a fight. With a split lip and some blood coming out of his forehead.
"I dont think you want to see this" Taeyang said pushing you into the car hiding the killing from you. Your heart thumped hard in your chest as a shot rung in the air.
You let out a shaky breath as tears filled your eyes once again. Only limited tears came out this time. You were safe in a car and not dead.
A few minutes later Youngbin opened the door of your side. His thin eyes looked over you then a small smirk graced his lips "You look good" he said you could see how visibly red his eyes were. Identical to yours. 
Holding onto Youngbin you felt safe in the gang leaders arms once again. His fingers were running up and down your red wrist. Touching them slowly. Your wet hair pressed against his chest. It felt so familiar and nice.
You found out that Pentagon was mostly taken out, he did shoot Hui he might have killed him maybe not he didn't tell you. The boys were fine. You smiled as you seen them as you drove off from the warehouse. Counting them all making sure they were all alive and well. That made you smile especial.
"Your luck will run out one day bin" you said feeling his heart beat under your ear. "Not anytime soon" he responded his fingers massaged your back.
"Telling me not to save you made me kind of mad" Youngbin admitted. You sighed, It was so intimate being in his arms after the  event. It was like he was washing the memories away with his touch.
"I didn't want you to get hurt" you whispered feeling almost dumb for trying to protect him. Youngbin sighed "Well never do that again and I'll forgive you" he hummed to you.
You nodded in his chest. Your legs draped across his thighs. You sighed in his touch "Youngbin" you said. He looked at you "yeah baby" he said softly.
"I'm tired" you said your eyes slowly falling close. "Its okay Ill be here to protect you" he said softly. You looked up one last time to see Youngbin handsome face till you fell asleep in his arms.
After the incident Youngbin became more protective while you became more aware of your area around you. It didn't matter the challenges that arouse you still had a hold on each other.
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This is the “shameless”  me heading home,in a matatu booming loud crunk and some silly Fetty Wap crysongs( yeaaaah bae…),from a place that took me dosens of courage bundles and self discipline to atleast gather guts to leave ; of course there’s always a bunch of sinners trying to drive your faith into badlands where there are no parents you have to report to, in full detail, as to why you are having bad dreams about coming home late, since God is gracing them with a whole pack of awesomeness, so somehow you get home eleven deep night and your old man goes like “do you want us to lie outside watching the stars, reciting poetry into the thin air?” Ring! Ring! Wake up! Run away from them as first as you can’t since all you do is drink senator cage in a local bar so you got a belly looking like you Swallowed a giant drumstick without chewing but all is good though, Ladies still f-audio censor,  tiiiiiingg!- with you. 
Text Reference  ( Punctuality  - never mistake its power in your peace at home especially when lecturers are on strike and home is one place people  will have to bear with your loud disturbing singing of a weird genre of music for a very long time, like long!) 
Okay. I was about to narrate stories from where I’m from. A friend’s place, as always. Been there for some couple of days if you are using the high timeline (sometimes you wish you could wake up and spend a day just human, your lungs full of fresh air and the liver on vacation in Ibiza but there’s always that call from one your so called ninjas - “i swear this sh*t is lit, last night i was smoked and felt so astronaut."  Then they sum the deal with that notoriously famous phrase "there also a few girls too”. God forbid the things that construction of grammar does to our brains,  all the way to a lame excuse like "my friend’s cousin passed away, im going to console with them tonight". Remember to ask how many times that good friend has  had to kill you to show up at your ‘predicted-to-be-lit’  party with no girl or a bottle of cheap whisky, in contrary with demands and instructions highlighted in the invitation on WhatsApp.A very serious violation of the turn up ratio principles and high accords.  
Now, Now,Now. It was a good night from where i come from, I mean it was considerable damage to the body having spent the whole week sleeping, eating, doing nothing! That "Jack with no play is a dull boy"  philosophy is something i hold so dear to my heart people. So some green leaf combustion to release healthy carbon killing  cancer cells, initiating  some brain rebooting and application updates was going on after a day full of similar  happenings in a location from which i telepoted to this place where i leave fellow sinners going on with the quests for higher clouds. One thing is we didn’t know how we found ourselves here but damn! We’re a bunch of lost warthogs, we don’t remember sh*t and that, is one reason we’re so happy  ( Lord help them see their lives) 
As the routine prescribes it to be, i mean some random confessions about how elevated one feels ; in the skies flying with stokes, delivering babies to fellow men who apparently… ( ladies and gentlemen, the next statement has been written out of utmost respect for all men and if not, my apologies)… Shoot blanks!  Then you feel so amazing and amidst all these good things are stupid moments like "this stash is fine bruh, whom did you buy it from? Especially when you were the same single person in that clique that knows all the sellers in your area and individually went to purchase the magic wands, YOURSELF!   If you were in a serious session then you don’t miss an Einstein moment during which numerous brainstorms are battering your skull, exploding with billions of ideas about the cosmos and the relationship between FIFA 17 and Heaven (sometimes you might fail to grip the difference but brethren! Brethren! ) . Of course it doesn’t go without mentioning the various “facts”  and concrete reasons as to why your extremely silly arguments came to existence, deserving a chunk of minutes set aside for their discussion and clarification. The beat of that EDM track is overwhelming your emotions and you hate your life. Why do you stay in such a cursed continent with black people and elephants which attract more love than the people themselves? You want to live in America, go to some dope college in Dallas, get paid a few dollars per hour( you’re a humble child from Africa,  with an ashy face since most of the vaseline is spent on other vital body checks and balances,  so “a few” will be okay), eat some McDonald’s burgers or Subway cookies  and mess with white boujee babes. This is one of those moments you wonder what your great grandfathers were doing when others were taken up for slavery now their generations living lavish in Beverly Hills. They must have been some lazy bunch i swear. Right now you could be some youth in Atlanta looking like a vintage ghost of Shakes Makena in the super strikers classics, with some gold tooth and a zombie rap style earning a thousand bucks with a name like "Kodak Black" ( may the gods have mercy) . Out of nowhere!  Upto where we are now you can sense the humour in your Hollywood aspirations so you laugh out loud, seconds before your mates join in, till that final time a rush of wisdom strikes one of you and asks what y'all laughing about, then you realize  there was actually no joke but then again, who cares?  The cycle continues.
This is what I’m thinking at that moment, my Einstein moment! What if our world was a just a setting of a game section played by a people of an elite dimension, the real world now. Let’s say like GTA stuff. So each one of us is a Trevor of some sought, your gamer is bad at racing, shooting and even finding locations because unfortunately he got no clue of the map and its purpose. Basically, his “gaming”  skills are on the garbage side of mediocre, lets say it’s a dumb ass potential school dropout trying to spend time away so evening can come and sleep, moral lesson - you’re a game over or busted(dead!) . In short, this type of game is that which was played 10 years ago by the urban kids with PS(long before the numbers) now they took all their old  junk to the countryside so relatives are trying to chase the trend. That’s how bad these imaginations are. I’m proud of myself, honestly. Of all these red-eyed fallen humans staring at me sharing this fiction, anticipating the next part of this  plot like the release of the next shooter episode in those pirate sites, over buffering connection,i think i have the best story! 
Come on now, you and i know that one guy that got  to tell false stories about his uncle and the many ladies who certainly find him a supermodel and can’t resist proclaiming their love all over social media. He’s always recording chest bare videos for his 316 Instagram followers or “with the boys”  captioned pictures, with the many Picsart filters, to his Facebook .Sometimes you’re there in your zone thinking why you tolerate such characters in your outcast living till it hits you that you were not blessed with the sweet slippery tongue to lure in all the pretty girls to your parties that he professionally possesses. He’s always there to save your thirst,as long as he doesn’t pay for any other activity. ( sniper tings, put some hashtags on that). 
Drifting down this plot, this is the best deal of this turnt up business! The ladies. The sweet ladies that accepted to be part of a life saving campaign as far as your boring day is concerned , God bless their tolerance, even I wouldn’t dare to give my number to myself, let alone answering to a "Form call". You can’t believe what we tell you the next day but that part about you pulling some Grrrrrh ! Grrrrh!  to a “rrrrraah”,   lecturing a dab session for the song "panda"  to a girl smiling sheepishly, balancing on wobbly worn out feet asking silly sad questions at the corner is a true story. One in which your vampire qualities are activated so you are frequently seen in dark corners and poorly lit corridors serving as blindspots for the prosperity of your uncouth behaviours inspired by a great deal of moral decay.You somehow want to walk to that girl sitting on the couch and whisper “that’s some fine piece of beef you carry  back there”  but then you realise she’s still on the other side of town and the joke may not have a required reciprocate , enough slaps today, more drugs for her. Now you’ve changed your mind about her, “noo, she’s too rachet bruh, too rachet! Don’t play yourself! ” ( the boys up there are in serious analysis and checks - you can even establish family backgrounds of all your friends by sight alone. Of course these are the same boys that  save the day from the rant of your father) Before processing the next thought, the stomach is up. Dear Munchies, even the ice cubes seem edible : bottomline, this hunger is pure evil with lots of malice! Hunger games catching fire! The moment you come out of the house, dusk has come, an end of a new day, the same day you had promised to show up at home before noon. Change of course now. A few  minutes later, you’re in this mat’ writing this silly story that probably no one  will like even after laughing to it because you are not any lady posting a "#lipgame"  pic with an inspirational quote like, "throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack" (why is social media so heartless? It’s like, liking your fellow ninja’s post is gay!) . It’s still the same you caring not to make any close eye contact with other passengers at this point because unfortunately, your eyes can tell it all. You know there are thousands of grammatical mistakes all over this composition but what are edits for? Furthermore this is a good piece, fruits of "the stash" and next time you’re called up yonder, you won’t hesitate. See your life! 
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