#ps. I haven’t outted myself on this blog for having a DA for you know who
forever-multifandom · 2 years
This is ok too
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Add-on sleeves
I don't know why I went to Tumblr for this
Not to be biased, but I’d say that this is the peak of fashion of all vampirekind AND VAMPIRE FASHION ROCKS. You name it, whatever media they’re from, it’s always some gothic/rebellious-looking attires! (Though extra points if the source is Owari no seraph because come on, LOOK AT THE VAMPIRES’ CLOTHES, LOOK AT KRUL, LOOK AT LEST—)
Those sleeves is by far the most convenient and unconventional thing in the world. Listen, you could be cold for a minute here, what do you do? That’s right, don’t mind me, just pulling up my totally detachable sleeves here! And when you’re warm again, you just slip them right off, simple as that!
(Check this post’s tags for some offtopic OC-related and Sky rambles)
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the-e4b · 7 years
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Continuing on from this post because DM has managed to totally miss the point of our replies and make up something entirely different.
1. We are not pretending our fandom isn’t filled with Men Rights Activist, Alt-righters and corporate yes men. Because, guess what? That’s not the focus of our blog. The focus of our blog is bronies (like yourself) who make an ass out of themselves or try to look smart but in the end look like nothing less than the end of a donkey’s ass. None of us CARE about politics in the slightest, we only care about a show about pastel talking horses to escape our shitty lives.
2. We will immediately give dear Peet every ounce of respect once he starts to own up to it. What he does now is make fun of transgenders, feminists, bronies, weeboos, professional writers and everything that goes against atleast one of his policies. No one respects him but his faithful herd of cockroaches.
3. There’s a difference between pointing out flaws in a character and obsessing and hating over every trait they have and show in an episode. But, I shouldn’t try to explain that to someone who obsesses over a character getting wings and character growth…
4. Bit too late on that “blackmailing us over to Peet”. Every one of us is already blocked by Jerry and already knows our dirty laundry and absolutely doesn’t care about it. And he will certainly not care about what a pathetic little shit like you has to say.
5. This point I’m not even gonna argue with. If you really want to go as far as to call a CHILDREN’S show sexist then you’re way past the point of no return. You’re taking a show for little kids WAY too serious, even by our standards. And BTW, Rotten Tomatoes’ opinion doesn’t mean shit if the movie made it’s money back with even more to add to this day. As we speak MLP:the movie has broken 50 million dollars in the box office with still a lot of theaters to hit and the DVD and Blu-ray still to come out. One small thing doesn’t seem like a lot, but soon one small thing leads to more and soon one small thing can be the biggest thing of all.
YOU, Disneymaster, are one of those vocal minorities who think that the show is full of “right wing/centralist corporate bs”. How about you just sit back and enjoy a good series like Ducktales or watch reruns of the good ol days of MLP. That’s still 52 episode where you can just shut your yap and enjoy blandness and the glory days of Queen and Empress Faust.
- Space Mare
PS. Still can’t believe you haven’t found out who I am yet.
I find it hard to believe that this poor soul is still trying to start more issues with us because we still exist and continue to oppose the most toxic people in the community. It doesn’t matter which way they lean politically, scum is scum. Al Franken and Roy Moore sit on each side of the political spectrum, both of them are dirty abusers, deserving to rot in a prison cell for the harm they caused others
I do not know why DM insists on white knighting on behalf of someone who actually despises that part of the fanbase that threw a giant tantrum many moons ago over Twilight Sparkle’s wings. It’s like how Ephrom continues to track down Peet’s enemies, despite senpai not giving a rat’s ass about him.
Also, It’s funny how DisneyMaster feels like he can act like an asshole again despite apologizing for his actions towards the fanbase. After that, we closed the book on the Anticorns as most of them were willing to acknowledge their faults and move on. DisneyMaster tried the moral high ground approach with us and even tried to use blackmail to try and get us to remove his Encyclopedia Dramatica page (which we had no hand in despite what his paranoia would tell him) and our previous screencaps.
He also tried to shine the spotlight on the things that we have done, as Space Mare said… Peet doesn’t care and no one else cares about what you have to say. Everyone had a phase where they were reckless and pious in their beliefs. You wanted to be a hero, you fought for something you believed was noble but you were shortsighted by the part of the fanbase that wanted to wait and see where the show was going before jumping to conclusions. At some points, we wanted to make a difference, we all wanted to interact with others, beg for free art and contribute to many collaborative stories… however because of the ambiguity of text, everyone’s true feelings are masked. I don’t remember everyone I annoyed but I moved on and worked to improve. The Book of Five Rings says that the path of self improvement is a neverending cycle.
I say this because humans are social creatures and making a good first impression is the first step to building a strong bond. The point is to grow from the mistakes and move on. We’ve moved on from you, DM… why can’t you do the same?
To finally relieve some inner anger I’ve been feeling because Disneymaster is an obnoxious parasite that doesn’t know when to fade into a pit of nothing or won’t fucking back off and leave us alone..I’m gonna speak myself with this Linkara:
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You are the most annoying, self entitled, obnoxious and downright most self important scumfuck that I have EVER fucking come across when it comes to any fandom.
You constantly seek to complain about certain things the MLP fandom as if that’s ALL the fandom consists off. As Saturn states, E4B is not on THAT type of garbage because we aren’t INTERESTED in it, we discuss and criticize the people who make the fandom look poor or make complete ass out of themselves and come off a arrogant and think they know more in regards to a show about multicolored horses.YOU’RE the one constantly seeking the negative traits and screech the almighty heavens how “TEH BRONIEZ FANDOM IZ BAD CAUSE THIS AND THAT”.
And then we come to my favorite one:
We’ve stated this and stated THIS AGAIN:
The reasons we REFUSE to call Jerry “Lily” ISN’T because we have something against transgenders, hell we have transgender friends. One of the bands I’m a fan of has a transgender leader (And just so you can get it through your fucking obnoxious skull, the person in question is Laura Jane Grace of Against Me, who came out as a transgender in 2012 and even wrote an album about her struggles with gender dysphoria). The reasons we don’t call Jerry by their preferred name is because not only does Jerry show no respect to not only ex friends who dared disagree with him on certain things, no respect to his family, no respect to his own colleagues of the fandom, no respect to other fandoms,or even his fans…
He has no respect TRANSGENDERS, he even infamously snarked and attacked a transgendered individual who called out his garbage.
How do we (myself especially) respect someone who does THAT?!
Or what, does that not fit your stupid political leanings or for your SJW tendancies?
Have you looked in the mirror Mr. I-Hate-MLP-Because-Twilight-Got-Wings-And-Said-Meghan-McCarthy-Should-Be-Beaten?
Jerry knows about the blog’s existence and has both shown little to no interest and even when he did, he gave the usual bitch rant he always gives towards people who call out his shit:
Obligatory insults that involve “transphobic” and “Nazi”.
Also, “MLP Sexist”. Oh sure, Gen 4 is totally sexist. A generation created by a feminist with the idea of making the show towards a general audience is “sexist”.
Do you ever fucking hear yourself, or do you love the sound of your voice that you jerk to it?
But then again, this is the same asshole who took his niece’s plushie away and has no regret over it and has even show depression over a fucking children’s show involving multicolored horses, all while screeching pity about how “nobody likes him” despite the fact he himself is his own downfall by constantly bitching at fans of the show and even comparing them to Donald Trump supporters.
Clearly we’re the bad guys compared to the guy whining about colored horse butts for about four years.
As Saturn stated, while critical reception for the movie was just mixed, it was a financial success, getting a total of $51 million at the box office and even then, it did good for it’s opening week with $21.9 million in the US and Canada. That’s ESPECIALLY impressive considering BLADE RUNNER 2049 (and by an extent, the romnatic survival film The Mountain Between Us) came out ON THE SAME DAY. Not to mention the 2017 adaptation of IT was still in theaters.
At the end of the day DM, You’re nothing but an obnoxious, annoying, and downright tumorous parasite that doesn’t know when to fuck off and leave us alone, let alone the fandom.
You really wanna know why people give you shit?
Heck, one of your fucking DA Tags was “Disneymaster is always right”. You cry fucking pity every time because you hate how people snark at you, but then you do stupid shit like accuse a show created by FEMINIST, let alone a toy line targeted to a certain demographic of “being sexist”.
I would say take responsibility for your shitty actions, but the one time you did, you backed out f it because “WAAAAAAAH E4B ARE SAYING SHIT I DON’T LIIIKE”. Like you STILL keep doing because you can’t let shit fucking go.
Do everyone a fucking favor: Do something with your sad fucking life.
But chances are, you’ll disregard everything we’ve said because nobody else is right but you.
You fucking are sad and borderline unstable.
- deafpony.
I love how right there you admit you don’t care about what the SU fandom did, because they agree with your opinions.
Those extremest you think are all over the MLP community? They are often called out and are despised but the fandom at large. Like you.
 Unlike SU, which has no problems harassing artists and staff members over petty shit because you sad losers think you’re heroes living in a crappy Young Adult novel.
Who the fuck cares about what the same site that bashed A Cure for Wellness, one of the most unique horror movies of 2017? The movie still made a mint anyway. Bet you’re one of those types who freaked out because Ghostbusters 2016 flopped.
Because you’re the worst type of fan, Dumpy. You don’t care about the story, or characters, or animation, you care about how “progressive” it is. I bet that’s why you like that blander than white bread Season 1 of MLP, because Faust’s name was on it. Nothing more.
Go do something productive with your sad life. Or screech about a blog that hasn’t said a word about you again. That’s a victory for Social Justice!
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ivelostmyspectacles · 7 years
Hi again! Feel free to gush about Ignis all you want! Also, if you want to gush about DA I'm down to listen to that too! ALSO: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! :P xoxo ~~SWB
I just need you to know that your blog is so organized and you’re so crafty and talented! (I’m stalking your blog, sorry :P) I’m super impressed! It’s kind of intimidating! xoxo ~~SWB
OH MY GOSH YOU HAVE SO MUCH ON AO3! I’m literally in /awe/ xoxo ~~SWB (Ps, Sorry for like spamming you with inbox messages :))
NO SPAM AWAY I LOVE IT (actually I thought it was all messages from people regarding the secret santa I’m running so I was stressing, then I saw it was my SWB and got THRILLED :D)
long answers under the cut. and because I mention a ffxv thing that’s a spoiler and I have people following me that haven’t finished it eheheh
Ignis is just. the ideal picture of loyalty and dedication. He was made advisor to Noctis (the prince) when he was six. He’s twenty-two in game and still by his side. And in the dlc coming out in a couple weeks, makes a decision that he knew could would kill him in order to protect Noct. (Which it doesn’t kill him, it just blinds him. Which he calls “a small sacrifice”. So you can see what kind of person he is.) You can probably tell I ship him with Noct but even just as bros it’s literally the best friendship/relationship I think I’ve ever seen in game. I’m a sucker for loyalty and bonds.
bUT DRAGON AGE. I’ve played DA2 so much it’s ridiculous. (although I still have to go back and finish Sebastian’s route... bless his soul I love him... but ffxv took over right after I bought his dlc...) Fenris has always been a source of inspiration for me, still is, though I haven’t written the fandom in a long time. He’s just been through so much? And I’m not one of those people who’s PRECIOUS BB FEN PURE CHILD because he does have flaws and he’s still learning and that’s what makes him a great character?? ahhh
also God bless Sebastian and his vows of chastity re: the Chantry. I know it’s not the same thing at all but I’m ace af so the fact they don’t dilute Sebastian’s character by giving him unnecessary sex scenes just because makes me SO damn happy
I’m glad you think my blog is organized, it’s been going through a change so I’m trying to get it all back running smooth xD don’t be intimidated! I’m a huge nerd I just like order LOL
And I DO have tons on AO3 because I have no self control and people give me such great ideas sometimes. isn’t that horrible it looks like I have nothing else to do with my time ahaha
ANYWAY hOW ARE YOU SWB?? I don’t want to talk just about myself!!! I hope you’re having a good day and that your weekend was swell!
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