#wildflower answers
wildoceanstarz · 4 months
Yap about marauders girls’ friendship for us? As a treat? 🙏
I’m gonna yap so hard (had a busy week so sorry for the late response </3)
This is so fucking long holy shit… I’m also gonna post it separate posts I think so I’ll include them here and if you want the long version not separated it’s gonna be under the cut!
Mary & Lily
Marlene & Mary
Lily & Marlene
Extra Valkyries Headcanons
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【 Mary & Lily: 】
For me, Mary and Lily actually meet for the first time at the train station.
Mary’s parents had to drop her off quickly to go take care of some other stuff and she was looking lost, trying to figure out how to get to the platform (not unlike Harry in the first movie).
Lily and Severus had been dropping together by Lily’s parents -who were adamant about walking her off, but she told them to go back as she was shy and didn’t wanna make Petunia more mad at her than she was- and so after a long embrace, Sev and her grabbed a cart and started walking together toward the right wall, as Severus knew the basics since his mom was a wizard.
With her lovely energy and bright smile, Mary accosted them when she noticed the familiars books and such in their cart and asked for directions. Severus could boast about his knowledge of the wizarding world and so the two girls ran after him, half giggling, half anxious, as they walked through a wall.
Upon seeing the train, they said goodbye, Lily knowing Severus wasn’t fond of strangers, and went to sit in different carriages.
(As we know that’s what when Severus and Lily meets James and it is not great, so they end up storming out)
They then looked for an empty carriage and after many full ones, were finally welcomed by a brightly smiling Marry, who invited them in. During the train ride, Severus was mostly silent, not comfortable with strangers, but made an effort to answer when Lily would include him in the conversation. For Mary and Lily, it was instant friendship! They realized they lived quite close by actually, Mary living in the next town, and that they liked most of the same things. Although Mary was more into fashion, and Lily into books, they found a common interest in cooking & baking, as well as in a curiosity for the world, now definitely concentrated on this entire new place.
Once they were sorted, the girls were so happy they were together, and when they got to their dorm, they chose beds next to each other.
The first night was scary for them, and in a weird attempt to comfort, they decided to put their beds next to each other. They did not move those beds for the next 4 years.
They’re very fem4fem. Lily is more a bookworm introvert, Mary more of a life of the party extrovert, but they both have moments where they need the entire world to be quiet.
Lily like to learn through books and research and movies, meanwhile Mary prefer to learn through lived experiences and exploring. If they were to plan a trip, Lily would be the one planning their itinerary to a T and Mary would be more go with the flow. Sometimes Lily forget to calculate how time a normal person takes to walk, eat and all. Mary always make sure the timing is right, even if that means skipping a few of the things planned. After a while, Lily would learn to put gaps and pieces and space between each step, and Mary would make sure Lily can see everything she wanted to see.
During the summer, they would both sleepovers to each other’s places for Weeks at the time. Cooking & baking, enjoying the sun and frolicking around in pretty dresses. They would stay up late and giggle until their parents told them to be quiet, then they would keep talking but under the pillows.
They end up disagreeing about how to take on the war, and even though they try to stay close, they simply grow very fast into different people. A few months after Harry is born, they end up growing closer again, but never make it to where they were before. Maybe they could have, if Lily didn’t die.
I also really like the idea (saw it on tiktok) that Mary end up fighting with Lily over Severus views when he starts to say his bullshit and they have a time where they’re really cold and distant because of it. Once Lily finally drop Severus, it comes to an end and they manage to go back to how they were very quickly, as they just missed each other so much.
Their song:
They listened to it one hot summer day while laying on the floor in Mary’s room, the radio next to them, and it hold a special place in their heart; bringing them back to this moment. That was the song of their second summer, always trying to find a radio post that would play Danny's Song.
【 Marlene & Mary: 】
They actually meet in the line for the sorting hat, as they came out one after the other, and so ended up sitting next to each other for the meal since people made space for them at the same time. They talked a little and you can see a relationship bubbling, but at that time, Marlene is really struggling with befriending girls and so it doesn’t really goes anywhere.
Their relationship strengthens when they discover they’re roommates, but Marlene is mostly spending time with James and Pete those firsts months of first year and so Lily & Mary really get close and she doesn’t really know how to include herself.
They’re very masc4fem. I think around second year, Marlene develop a little bit of a girl crush on Mary but never really act on it (and doesn’t even realize it really? She just think she’s jealous because she wanna be Mary bestest friend yk) and so it pass without affecting their relationship. Lily and Mary really teach Marlene like, girl friendship. The sleepovers, the giggling and gossiping, judging the boys because they’re immature, etc. Mary especially is the one that really introduce her to makeup and teach her, as she’s learning herself, which make them have some.. interesting looks.
After Mary date Sirius, they love making fun of him for that, because he was an awful boyfriend, and don’t hesitate to bring it up every time they want something (it works sometimes).
Marlene teach Mary how to fly on a broom, and she loves it, but not enough to join the team. They often go for rides on the weekend while Lily is studying. Once Mary manage to get them a mini radio and they figure out a spell to get signal, they attach it to Mary’s broom and spend hours in the sky listening to music and talking about everything.
One night, Marlene was crying about some family issues and Mary just joined her in her bed and gave her a hug before putting on a silencing charm as to not awaken Lily, they didn’t talk that night, but Marlene fell asleep holding onto Mary.
I think Mary develop a little bit of a crush on Marlene once she starts to express herself more. When she dye her hair, Mary start behaving weird but quickly get it together before it fuck over their relationship. There’s always the what if, but once they grow up, they realize they wouldn’t have worked out together and probably would have lost years of friendship along the way, so it is for the best.
Marlene and Mary stays quite close even with the war, as Marlene got a harder time trusting Dumbledore and really doesn’t wanna lose her friend. Mary on her side doesn’t feel as strongly about Marlene joining because she understand that this is fully her world and she can’t leave it behind, so the riff is less intense. When they talk, they don’t really mention the war or the order, but Marlene update Mary on how Lily is going.
Mary was the first person Marlene told when she thought about asking Dorcas to move in together, and Mary had to hype her up so she doesn’t choke and never address it lol
They would often go for tea time, Marlene introducing Mary to the wizard version and she loved it! They tried to go at least once every 2-3 months, even after they left Hogwarts. Marlene loved the cucumber sandwiches, they were her favourite, and Mary hated them, so the other girl always had double the portion because of it.
Mary brings back rollerblade one summer, and she end up teaching Marlene who becomes Obsessed with them. Mary brings her a pair as a gift after winter break, and they start racing each other’s in the corridors. Rollerblade are quickly put on the DO NOT list, by Minerva.
They don’t have much angst for me. They mostly go through school supporting each other’s. If they disagreed on something they would just not address it, and so other than very minor situations, they didn’t fight at all in the entire time they knew each other’s. Mary was there for Marlene when she was sad about her family, even though she didn’t have much context because Marlene wouldn’t really say why she was crying; and Marlene would support Mary through the rough patch with Lily and the bullying by Mulciber and Barty. The blonde would start hexing people on her behalf after 5-6 year, going to detention with a grin.
Mary was one of the last person Marlene saw before her death, and she was the first person -after the order- that Dorcas called to break the news before the papers can get a hold of the story.
Every few months, Mary would go to Marlene grave with tea and biscuits and sandwiches and eat there while telling her about her last news. She would always leave her a cucumber sandwich.
Their song:
It was literally changing all the time, depending on their vibe and how they felt about each other’s. Every summer and winter break Mary would come back with a new album and they would find their favourite out of it. One of their favourite to sing thought was Mr. Big Stuff because they would always sing it to Sirius lmao
【 Lily & Marlene: 】
They met in their dorms room. At first, they both didn’t reach out to the others, realizing they were way too different, and so most the first year was spent as just them being agreeable roommates.
Lily thought Marlene was kind of overwhelming and also friend with the marauders so she didn’t really have a good opinion of her, and Marlene thought Lily was just a little teacher pet, always in her books and super boring.
Toward the end of first year, Lily stood up against a Slytherin as Marlene was passing by and that made her realize there was maybe more to Lily Evans than she knew. She helped her escape before a teacher could see her and pushing her for hexing a student, and from there on they were on way more friendly terms.
When they came back for second year, Marlene couldn’t sit with James and Peter since the marauders sat together and so as she was looking for another spot, Mary and Lily invited her to sit with them (and Severus). They had a nice train ride back and in the end started the year on a way better note. They grew really closer in the second year.
For me, even though they’re really opposite, they have a lot of similarities. They both have family expectations to reach and a lot of pressure to do good in class, even though they have a very different studying technique. Marlene doesn’t need to revise all that much, but sometimes towards final she would sit with Lily and help her study by talking about the subject with her.
They didn’t really have an academic rivalry, as the subjects Marlene was getting the best scores in were really different from Lily’s; both being more interested in different classes.
They weren’t the closest, but they had an understanding of each other’s that Mary sometimes didn’t fully understand. When one of them would receive a letter from their family, they would often divert the attention of the group so the others can read in piece, or escape to not cry in public.
They never got really emotional with each other’s, mostly venting angrily than getting sad. Lily actually had more context on why Marlene was crying than Mary, even though Mary was the one seeing Marlene cry.
They grew closer when the war happened, both being in the order, but Lily had a deeper belief in Dumbledore than Marlene.
They were each other’s first kiss, but never told anyone and kept the secret to their graves (lol). It just happened one day when they were like 12 and curious and it was the smallest peck ever. It was basically an accident as they fell on the floor and kissed on the way down. They both never talked about it, and acted as if nothing happened.
Lily would always bully Marlene for being friend with James, and she wouldn’t really have anything to say for her defence because James grew super obnoxious after meeting Sirius.
Marlene invited Lily to her house one summer, and the red haired developed a summer crush on her older brother. She would always ask Marlene to talk about him in letters after that and the other girl would always make a show of being disgusted. By the time summer rolled over, Lily had gotten bored and so it ended as that. (She still, however, has the quidditch magazines and posters of him that she bought hiding under her bed, including one that she forced Marlene to ask her brother to sign for her)
There really don’t really have school angst.
Lily was devastated after Marlene death and was really out of it for a while after that. She’s the one who had to organize the funeral because Dorcas was so out of it. For a week, the black girl lived at their house and they would sleep in the same bed talking about Marlene. After the funeral, Lily never went to the cemetery again.
Their song:
They would sing Jolene ironically to each other’s all the time. The first time they heard the song they thought it was funny because Jolene kind of sounded like Marlene and the auburn hair could be Lily. The moment the song would start playing they were on the dance floor singing to the other. Sometimes they would point at Mary or James, joking that the other was taking them away.
【 The Valkyries 】
Extra headcanons
☆ Roommates
☆ Thigh knitted group, wouldn’t let a man destroy their relationship.
☆ All equally friends but with completely different dynamics, if you asked them who their best friends was, Mary and Lily would probably say each other’s and Marlene would say Pete. That doesn’t mean that Marlene doesn’t feel included in the trio. Sometimes she jokes that she’s Marylily kids, when they had a big argument, she Really felt like a child of divorce.
☆ They would have sleepover parties every Saturday, because Sunday was the day Lily would take the afternoon off from studying. They would get food from the kitchen and play Mary’s record player. Sometimes they played cards, others than would braid each other’s hair or play with Mary’s makeup.
☆ Sometimes Lily would read them a story and Mary and Marlene would sit and listen entranced. That was when Lily would be fully confident, making different voices, moving her arms, she was spectacular to see. How much life there was in this adorable little red haired girl.
☆ The numbers were off and so they got one of the three person room. The last bed was used as a bazar and the closest was used by Mary who would always bring extra clothes so she could lend them to Lily and Marlene. The bed was full of books and art projects and random class reports (Marlene).
☆ In first year, Mary had asked the house elves to not clean their room because it made her feel weird, and so they would spend the morning of Sunday just cleaning up so the room would have a fresh start for the new week. Lily was the one making sure it would be done, Mary and Marlene would complain, but end up doing it while playing music and talking about the week to come.
☆ Marlene got really into Ancient Greece mythology after Lily brought back a book and would read only the parts about the girls, skipping all the rest. She especially cared for Medusa and Hated Zeus. Mary had little interest but sometimes Lily would told her some story so she wasn’t fully out of the loop. They all became Zeus haters and even made a club as a joke.
☆ After the marauders gave themselves a stupid name, they were all having one of their sleepovers and judging how stupid it sounded. Marlene said she would be way better at naming them if they let her, only to propose the shittiest name known to men. After making fun of her, Mary and Lily also gave it a try. They thought it was kind of fun and the conversation shifted to band names and so the three of them thought about how they would name their band; because, of course, they would be together. After a few fails, Marlene had the best, for the only time in her life, name idea, and said “The Valkyries!!!”. Lily quickly gave a definition of them, and Mary sprung herself from the ground to jump because it was a great name. They never said it to anyone, but secretly they would call themselves the Valkyries.
☆ When Lily discovered Abba one summer, she immediately showed Mary and they spent the summer saving up money to buy records player to bring back for Marlene. She Loved it and it became their music of choice anytime they would organize a party. Their favourite song was Honey, Honey because it was the first one they spent endless afternoons dancing to.
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jtbb · 1 year
okay ill jump on the hyperspecific poll bandwagon
here's the wikipedia page for heritage language; it's most commonly defined as 'a minority language (either immigrant or indigenous) learned by its speakers at home as children, and difficult to be fully developed because of insufficient input from the social environment. the speakers grow up with a different dominant language in which they become more competent'.
it doesn't have to be a first language, just one you grew up with, but as an example: i learned mandarin first from my mom, but i was born in and grew up in the us, so i started learning english at age 2 and never got very good at my first language. its a weirdly important part of my identity and i just had to put it here cause im so confused when polls conflate 'first' and 'native' languages lol
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anipgarden · 1 year
Hi Ani - I wonder do you have some resources or insights about collecting wildflower seeds? Particularly in bulk, and prepping them for distribution?
I ask because I've noticed that no-mow areas are becoming more common where I live, which is good, but since these are new projects what they amount to are areas of grass-but-taller. I have access to two properly wild abundance, and would like to propagate some of that in upcoming no-mow spaces.
I would like to preface this by making it clear that I've never collected wildflower seeds in bulk. Honestly, the most wildflower seed collecting I usually do year by year is collecting milkweed seed when I find the pods in time, in my own backyard. Every so often I'll try and teach myself how to collect seeds from other plants (I'm pretty confident with sunflowers, tithonia rotundifolia, and zinnias, I've tried black eyed susans before but never germinated any to test the success), but for the most part I've got my One (1) specialty and am slowly learning just like you are!
With that in mind, I would like to give some encouraging news--at least in my experience, wildflowers are already producing seeds in pretty big numbers! Just one milkweed seed pod gives enough seed for at least two or three seed packets (unless your seed packs are extremely generous), so collecting from a handful of plants can give a pretty good amount! Of course, though, I don't know how big the no-mow spaces you're thinking of propagating in are...
When it comes to learning how to collect seeds from specific plants, I usually hit up Google or YouTube and find a tutorial there. A channel I often find myself on for this stuff is GrowIt BuildIt--he has a playlist dedicated to all of his seed-saving videos that you may find helpful!
The Xerces foundation also has a downloadable PDF on their site that speaks extensively about a variety of seed collecting and cleaning methods which may be helpful as well! They talk about machine-collecting as well as hand-collecting.
I will say, though, that a general good rule of thumb is to try not to take more than 20-30% of what's present, so that the wildflower population in that location can continue on. Wouldn't want to wipe out chances of wildflowers growing in one location in order to propagate them elsewhere! Not to mention the various animals that feed on seeds in the wild needing some seed around as a food source. Maybe collecting along the edges of the property, along paths where any seeds that fall would otherwise get trimmed or mowed? That way the seeds in the middle of it all are left as-is!
I can definitely say that one of the general things I've learned is that oftentimes, seeds are ready to collect from plants when they're looking pretty fucking dead. The backs of a sunflower head turning brown, zinnia petals turning brown and brittle, tithonias losing all their petals and becoming spiky brown seedheads--if it's brown, it's time to go to town, in a sense.
Seeing as milkweed is My Thing, I just feel I should point out that there are many ways to harvest milkweed seed. Some people will put organza bags over seed pods that are forming, so that when they split open the seeds don't escape and stay in the bag for later collection.
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I have no doubt that this works--if anything, I think it'd be fantastic! I just don't feel like buying a lot of organza bags, so instead I usually just put rubber bands on the seed pods if they look like they're gonna split soon--this keeps it from splitting all the way open, so you can come back later and get your seeds! This is my favorite method for saving milkweed in my backyard--one or two seeds will escape, but for the most part, all the seeds are kept intact!
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Regarding getting the seeds without the fluff, there's a few methods. The fluff on them (called comas) is designed to allow the milkweed to float in the air, similarly to dandelions--so it gets everywhere. I've seen methods to put the seeds in a bag or bucket with a few coins and shake it around to dislodge the seeds, but honestly the most life-changing revelation was seeing this video sometime in high school.
A common milkweed seedpod is used in this example, but I've found it still works perfectly with other milkweeds I've tried it on. Usually I leave the center support in the pod and just press my thumb on it while brushing the seeds off, then shake them out.
At this rate! I have gone on about milkweeds way too long. But I hope this was helpful to you and others! If anyone else seeing this has special advice to give, by all means, go ahead!
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hvbris · 8 months
"You're not going to die." - Mentor James to not-his-tribute Juniper because he's worried about her!
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Juniper had always been an optimistic girl. But she was no fool. With her scrawny limbs, bones poking out, and hollowed cheeks, she was surely a lamb to slaughter.
It wasn't that she wanted to give up. She wasn't even sure she could give up! Deep down, she wanted to come home so bad. She wanted to see another sunrise in the woods, she wanted to taste her mother's soup again, she wanted to climb trees again. But hope was hard to come by, these days. It felt like trying to catch water.
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"You're real sweet, James," she said gently, smiling. Oh, wasn't the world such a wonderful place, after all? Even in all this torment and violence, there was kindness to be found.
"But the odds are not in my favor, you know."
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kazoosandfannypacks · 21 days
Wildflowers- Director's commentary
August gives a wildflower to Belle, and upon seeing her smile at this token, starts getting a flower for her every day from the nearby flower shop, which he is unaware is run by Belle's father, Moe. Moe has never met his daughter's friend August before, but is sure that he's no good. However, he grows quite fond of the stranger who comes in to buy a flower for his girl every day, unaware that his new favorite customer is his deeply despised August.
With nine kudos and zero comments, this fic clocks in as my eigth least popular fic, which just goes to show you that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because this fic is easily one of my top five I've ever written 💛
One unique aspect of this fic is that it never mentions magic, enchanted forest identities, or even any ouat characters besides August, Belle, and her dad. I wanted this one to be enjoyable by people outside of the ouat fandom as well, so I nixed a lot of the more confusing/spoilery elements of the canon while still holding largely true to the original (well, save for the obvious August/Belle relationship, which has zero basis in canon.)
I'd also like to take this moment to point out that every single flower mentioned in this fic or used as a chapter title has a very distinct meaning, which I had so much fun researching, I even drew little flashcards about them. The flowers and their meanings is as follows:
Daisy: innocence, chastity, humility Sweetpea: delicate pleasures Crocus: cheerfulness, youthful gladness Violet: wisdom, faithfulness, humilty Terragon: patience, lasting interest Sage: wisdom, thoughtfulness, longevity Lotus: strength, resilience, rebirth, Bluebell: humility, constancy, gratitude Dahlia: devotion, beauty, grace, dignity Hydrangea: gratitude for being understood Purple Lilies: pride, success, dignity, admiration Zinnia: daily remembrance Yellow Tulip: happiness, hope, cheerfulness, "there is sunshine in your smile" Red Carnation: "alas, for my poor heart!" Rose: love, beauty Edelweiss: daring courage, noble purity
This fic also gave me a chance to mention MY FAVORITE BOOK EVER!!! 🥳 this was especially fun, because the scene from The Shuttle, which they reference while lowkey flirting with each other, is, in turn, a scene where the main characters of the book are using a book to lowkey flirt with each other, so it's a very fitting parallel!
I also enjoyed the use of situational comedy in this fic, with both Belle and the reader aware of August and Moe's growing friendship, and both of them clueless to the other's role in their favorite girl's life. It's very fun, and it makes me smile every time I read it!
I also really love this line I wrote:
Maybe it was too much, maybe it was too soon, but maybe he couldn't stand falling in love with her for another moment, not without knowing if she felt the same way.
Thanks for reading!
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victoriousfidelity · 1 month
@theresastargirl sent: 📂 📂 📂 send "📂" for a random yet completely useless headcanon i have. | accepting.
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📂 silence makes sigyn uncomfortable. not 'silence' like you tend to think of it, where there's still the dim background noise of the world around you, but actual total silence. it's something she experiences on occasion when using seiðr, and it never fails to put her on edge.
📂 she uses a lot of terms of endearment for her friends and family. i have a more in-depth headcanon about language that i won't go into here, but she uses both english and icelandic ones (because i've decided the latter is equivalent to the vanir language). with the latter, she switches between the masculine and feminine forms with loki depending on how they're presenting that day.
📂 sigyn has a pretty singing voice. she uses it on occasion for galdrar, a type of incantation, but she'll also just sing or hum to herself while she's doing things. in a lot of verses, you're most likely to hear it when she's singing lullabies to her children.
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
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if I was playing nyssa more than once per calendar year I'd buy some of these to bring as table snacks
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indigodreames · 3 months
misc tags drop
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ i'm holding my heart and it's overgrown ⊱ ◜ooc◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ i'm hoping for a never ending odyssey ⊱ ◜ic◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ you haven't been drowning ; you overflow ⊱ ◜answered◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ the body's a landscape of wildflowers ⊱ ◜my edits◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ looking at the rainfall and hoping for starlight ⊱ ◜wishlist◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ a thousand silhouettes dancing on my chest ⊱ ◜memes◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ an empire for you ; an empire for two ⊱ ◜promo◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ lost in the forest of this heart ⊱ ◜self promo◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ the mind is a river you cannot solve ⊱ ◜headcanons◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ do you hear me calling ; crying out ⊱ ◜open starter◞
#。‧ * ‧: ✧ ┊ wake queue up i'm fever dreaming ⊱ ◜q◞
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icedmetaltea · 9 months
Unfortunately I geek out when it comes to mythology…
Mythology has grains of truth in the tales that were told long ago. (The reason I get invested into the stories so easily)
Please do!! I know jackshit about mythology so I love learning about it :D
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sneebl · 4 months
3 and 9 for the wip asks :D
thanks for the ask darcy!!!
this is gonna be for my scarian fic, wildflowers :]
oh my god my favorite dialogue is definitely this interaction:
"welcome to poppies and lilacs! meet our mascot, bernard, who has committed twenty-seven war crimes and may or may not be the second cousin of the president."
"i don't think bernard is a name that fits him. it's too long."
"THAT'S the part you're focused on?"
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freepassbound · 4 months
what’s your feel-good movie?
what flower would you like to be given?
what calms you down?
what’s your ideal date?
morning, afternoon or night?
1: What's your feel-good movie?
Boy... I don't know how to choose. I (finally) went and looked at my movie library, and, like... I probably watch 'Groundhog Day' more than any other (though that's partially, possibly mostly, because I try to actually watch it every year on Groundhog Day); but I also have a very big soft spot for 'Charade'... and there are a bunch of other movies in there that I might turn to as well: 'WALL-E', 'Wreck-It Ralph', 'Shrek', 'Singin in the Rain'... (I'm not looking at it as I write, but there are more)
It's almost dependent on micro-moods and what I just happen to be wanting to see at that moment. I have a whole passel of them!
2: What flower would you like to be given?
I've actually received more flowers in the past month than I have in my entire life prior (it seems to have been a thing to give teachers flowers this year?), so I have new perspectives on this question.
I think my key takeaway is that variety is better. I got roses, which are... nice - they look good; they die fast. I got mums (or what I think are mums), which are multicolored, and have lasted much longer than the roses. The most recent, however, is a variety (duration TBD), which makes for both different colors but also different shapes, which I find more visually appealing.
3: What calms you down?
Space, quiet, and time. When I get worked up over something, I need time to process. Usually that looks like sitting or standing outside, just... staring... at nothing in particular, while my brain runs over and through and around and into and under and back through whatever it is that's enervated me.
4: What's your ideal date?
I think as long as it's got some kind of walk through nature, that's pretty ideal. Could be a county park, could be a beach, could be a national park forest, could be a city street with some greenery, or anything in between - as long that gets worked in there, I think that works.
5: Morning, afternoon or night?
I am definitely a night person. Left to my own devices and without any serious responsibilities, I can easily adopt a noon-4am schedule. 😅
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
I saw your tags about A-Through-L and !!! Another person who’s read the Fairyland Chronicles hello!
You've read them, too??? Wonderful!!! I haven't read them in years, and I never did read the fifth book, but they're such a delight, and it's so fun to find another person who knows what I'm talking about!
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unknownarmageddon · 5 months
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tomorrow is your last one cackles
AND, funnily, tomorrrow is also the last day before i go see hozier
YEAHH let’s fucking go dude
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oflostinfound · 5 months
Eath, how would you react if Marsha showed up for a date in a cute and pink dress?
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ I'd be happy as long as she is happy, she deserves to wear a cute dress in her favorite color. ❞
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
#3, 6, 8, and 9 for the ao3 wrapped game?
3. How many fandoms/pairings did you write for this past year?
I wrote for four fandoms this year: Once Upon a Time, The Shuttle, Milo Murphy's Law, and Star Wars {Rebels and Ahsoka.} In all, for those fandoms, I wrote for seven different pairings.
However, if we branch past ao3 and get into the drabbles I posted on tumblr, I wrote for eight fandoms (adding Phineas and Ferb, Spiderverse, Tangled, and Pirates of the Caribbean,) and a total of fourteen pairings (mostly romantic, but one or two platonic.)
6. What fic surprised you with how little interaction it got this past year?
Wildflowers. It was my second fic about August & Belle, and the first one had gotten a lot of positive feedback (possibly because it included Captain Swan in it as well) but this one didn't get any kudos or many comments at all. I had a lot of fun with it though; it was a fun concept, and I got to include a lot of Victorian flower language, which was so fun!
8. What's your favorite work you posted this past year?
I gave a different answer when hazel asked, but if multiple people are gonna ask me to brag about my works, you bet I'm gonna brag on multiple of them.
I'm gonna say This Is (Kinda) The Way. It's one of my longest oneshots, and I love all the cute little moments I included in it, and was touched by all the positive feedback I got!
9. What are you most proud of accomplishing in your writing goals this past year?
Non fic-related, I finished the first draft of my novel and wrote the second, as well as publishing a short story! Fic-related. I'm proud of learning how to write (and imo mastering the writing process of) drabbles, because that 100 word count is hard to stick with, so I'm glad to teach myself that brevity! I'm also proud of how many fandoms I've written for!
Thanks for the asks, spicy!
📝 send me some asks from my ao3 writers ask game!
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
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Arvo thank you so much! I hope these flowers can convey my gratitude🤲🥺
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