#ps. he looks fiiiiiiine
queenofmiscellany · 4 years
And I’ll Always Be Yours...Sugawara x Reader | Haikyuu
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And I’ll Always Be Yours... Sugawara x Reader | Haikyuu | FF
Sugawara x GenderNeutral! Reader
Genderneutral reader
Kissing included
//TW: Anxiety, 
Palms sweating, eyes looking everywhere, you were ready. This was it. This. The end. Of all. Of everything. Well, actually, the end of this years' matches but same thing. Sugawara glanced at you and smiled softly. You felt your cheeks heat up and smiled quickly, then looked away, pretending to be thirsty and gulping down a lot of water. You weren't sure if it was your water bottle, either.
The game had started. You saw the opposite team serving and the ball moving back and forth...back and forth...you yourself felt dizzy...must be the stress...
'Okay...new school...big day...new people...anxiety...new...new..new whats? New...new...cats? No...no...new...new...people! PEOPLE! Oh...anxiety...kicking...in...' you thought to yourself clutching your bag tightly.
You looked down and walked forward, your dirty black Converse trudging on the floor, your midnight blue backpack not on your back but grabbed by your shivering hands...deep breaths...that was all...wasn't it? She said it would be okay, your shrink, it would all be fine...
All be...all be...all be fine. Just fine. Just fiiiiiiine and dandy. Juuuuuuuust fine. Just fine. J-just fine. And dandy.
'Heya! How are you doing? Are you the new student? Do you need help around the school? Do you need me to carry your bag? Do you know where your class is?' asked someone.
You didn't dare to look up as it would require making eye contact, but you managed to mumble out, 'N-n-n-no thank you-u.'
'A-are you sure? I can help it's no problem!' said the voice again.
You subconsciously looked up and saw a silver-haired boy smiling at you. Your cheeks immediately flushed and you grabbed your backpack tighter, stressed as to what he might think of you. After analyzing the situation, you thought it would be a good idea to accept the help offered by the boy and said.
'O-ok...Uh...do you know where class 3-A would be? And uh...where the library is? I heard they have some really good mangas here,' you said, gaining speed in your voice as you got more and more excited about the library.
You didn't notice, but Sugawara blushed and looked deeply into your eyes as you looked around, well observing the whole school, returning your eyes back to Sugawara, you caught him looking at you and he looked away.
It was silent for a few seconds.
'Uh...what's your name?' he asked.
'Y/n...' you mumbled, trying to build up courage to say, 'and yours?'
(PS to all you newbie fanfic readers, y/n means 'your name')
Luckily for you, he did just that.
'I'm Suga. Sugawara. Koushi. You can call me Suga, by the way.' (a/n: as much as I simp for BTS Suga it is not him :p)
-----------------END OF FLASHBACK----------------------
'23 for Karasuno, so far! AAaaaaaaaaaand 12 for Aoba Johsai! Damn Oikawa the girls are LEEEEEEEEEEAAAVING!!!!' screamed the announcer (upcoming...A Silent Voice ref...) adding in her usually tendency to speak blunt truth without a hint of sugar. You chuckled, this made you feel better. Your stress, that was for Suga, you had enough stress that Suga himself didn't have to worry at all.
Your stomach stopped churning. Karasuno was winning, and Oikawa, the guy who had tried moves on you was getting killed by the announcer...aka Yuzuru Nishimiya, who had come from another school to announce, well, originally she was supposed to take pictures but she tried announcing just for fun and they liked it, and thus here she was! (She's still allowed to take pictures, though!)
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A few minutes passed, you weren't focusing on the game, but on everything that was going wrong. Suga always said you were 'so analytical, like Tsukki, always analyzing everything like the intelligent person that you are' whilst ruffling your hair.
'AND TIIIIIIIIIIIIIME IS UP FOR THIS MATCH THING!' exclaimed Yuzuru, not knowing much about volleyball.
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Suga ran to you, sweating and smiling. Although everyone was looking as your romance was the most interesting and probably one of the only in the whole Karasuno school, Suga cupped your face with his hand and kissed you deeply, you closed your eyes and cupped his face with both of your hands. After a while, he chuckled and nuzzled his head into your neck.
'You'll always be mine Y/n...And I'll always be yours...'
A/N (author's note): Hello everyone :p This is my first ever fluff, let alone Haikyuu oneshot so I hope you enjoyed it! I have trouble updating since I have a lot of homework and all but I try my best to do so :p 
If you wanna chat with me here’s my discord: pixel / listen boi#5388
You can ask me for updates or just chat with me there :p
Anyways, have a good day! Also feel free to chat in the comments about Haikyuu or Suga or anything! Also if you have questions feel free to ask in the comments or pm me! I almost always reply :D unless it's you know rude or something! Anyways i've been rambling on and on so adios!
Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to like/reblog!
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