msdm2003 · 3 days
Understanding Graphic Designing: The Power of Visual Communication
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Graphic design is the art of using visuals to communicate ideas and messages in a clear and appealing way. It involves combining elements like colors, fonts, images, and layouts to create designs that catch people’s attention and make information easy to understand. You can see graphic designing everywhere—in logos, websites, advertisements, posters, and product packaging.
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psdm23 · 2 months
The Power of Content Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s digital age, where information is readily accessible and consumers are increasingly empowered, traditional marketing tactics are losing their effectiveness. Instead, businesses are turning to content marketing as a strategic approach to engage and educate their audiences. This shift reflects a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and the value of building long-term relationships through valuable content. In this blog post, we will explore the profound impact and strategic importance of content marketing in the modern business landscape. “Discover the power of content marketing! Learn how to create compelling content that engages your audience, boosts brand awareness
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ridhima001 · 2 months
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lynxindisguise · 8 months
hiii lynx I couldn't decide which question to answer so you're getting a bit of a spam, sorrynotsorry! 💖
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to
I STILL HAVENT READ THE UGLY CRYING ONE EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I WILL LOVE IT idk why, when you first posted it I wanted to save it for later, and it’s just nice and comforting to know there is still a fic of yours that I know I will enjoy that I haven’t read, it feels a bit like hoarding resources for an emergency if that makes sense!!
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics
I think I had already read s&s&y and pdsm and LOVED them, and had also fangirled a lot over you replying to all my unhinged comments hahah and then I had a really shitty day and needed something comforting and I read hut of the mistold within one weekend I think, and it was just the perfect world to completely get lost and immersed in, and just the best fic I could’ve chosen to read at that point, so that meant a lot to me and it’s such a comfort fic for me now. <3 (also, I know I say this about pretty much all of your Lily because I love them all, but hotm Lily is like… one of my all time fav Lilys!!!!!)
8. What I like the most about your writing
I love your characterizations, esp of the puppies and of Lily, I think they’re all so, so good. And I just love the range you have, like I lovelovelove the way hotm is narrated, and I also equally love the way psdm is written and the way dorian grey au is written and they all have very distinct different styles but they’re all still very much YOU. Idk if that makes any sense. I love how funny your fics are, and how you incorporate canonical elements into your Aus in creative, sometimes hilarious ways, and how in the same chapter you will sometimes make me laugh and then cry and then scream at the screen several times. And I just adore how pathetic and damp and perfect (and relatable) your Remus is, as he should be!! <3
9. A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting
I AM SO SOSOSOSO EXCITED FOR THE MULTIVERSE FIC LYNX!! You already know this anyways but I just thought I needed to scream it at you again bc it can’t be said often enough!!!
oh noooo this is going to make me damp, isn't it??
5. hahaha this is so sweet actually; I love that you have an emergency fic of mine that you're saving <333
6. awwww I'm so glad that hut of the mistold was comforting to you; it was such a comfort fic for me to write, honestly!
8. asljdflsjdkfjsdf no but this is the best compliment ever, like those are all the things I strive to do with my writing, and I feel so seen and validated and also damp!!
9. I AM ALSO SO EXCITED FOR THE MULTIVERSE FIC!! I have so many other things I'm supposed to be working on, but all I want to write is the next chapter (have I told you it's pagan cults?? it's pagan cults!!)
fic writer asks
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auliasalsabilamp · 1 year
Support System
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Teman-teman akhwat pengurus LDK Al-Fath Pusat Gen 8, Universitas Telkom.
Lama sekali aku tidak bercerita di Tumblr. Sekarang aku ingin bercerita support system alasanku sampai saat ini masih tetap istiqomah dalam berdakwah. Awal ceritanya kami bertemu dari Lembaga Dakwah Kampus Al-Fath, kami adalah rekan organisasi namun kami juga bersahabat bahkan sudah menjadi keluarga besar. Intinya kami support system untuk satu sama lain.
Dulu saat masih berkuliah tingkat 3, atau sekitar semester 6 kami adalah pengurus pusat LDK Al-Fath, Universitas Telkom. Kami memiliki beberapa amanah masing-masing. Aku sendiri dulu diberi amanah menjadi Sekretaris Departemen PSDM, lalu Ghina diberi amanah menjadi Koordinasi Akhwat atau Wakil Ketua Umum. Kemudian Rifda diberi amanah menjadi Sekretaris Al-Fath Pusat. Winda diberikan amanah menjadi Sekretaris Departemen Kaderisasi Pusat. Risma diberikan amanah menjadi Sekretaris Syiar Pusat, dan Denta diberikan amanah menjadi Sekretaris Departemen BusDev (Business Development).
Aku sangat bersyukur bisa Allah pertemukan dengan mereka. Lingkungan dan teman-teman yang baik sangatlah berpengaruh pada akhlak dan kebiasaan diri kita. Walaupun sekarang kami sudah bersama lagi, namun alhamdulillah silaturahmi kami tetap terjalin dengan baik. Kami juga saling mensupport kegiatan dakwah yang kami lakukan setelah lengser dari kepengurusan LDK Al-Fath Gen 8.
Berawal dari rekan organisasi sampai menjadi keluarga, masya Allah semoga Allah jaga selalu tali silaturahmi kami. Kami bertemu karena Allah, semoga kami berpisah juga karena Allah. Semoga kami nanti bisa berjumpa di Surga Firdaus-Nya.
Bandung, 11 Juli 2023 | 22 Dzulhijjah 1444 H.
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manifestashi · 6 months
menangis di jalan pulang
Sekip selalu jadi kawasan favorit Rona untuk berjalan kaki maupun berkendara. Kanan-kiri berdiri perumahan dosen dengan bangunan khas Belanda. Rindang, dinaungi pepohonan besar, jalanannya lebar, tidak pernah macet.
Ia akan betah berlama-lama di sana, memacu motornya di bawah kecepatan rata-rata. Sejuknya kali ini sekaligus jadi angin segar bagi Rona yang baru merampungkan perjalanan jauh lintas kabupaten.
Usai menepikan kendaraan di pinggiran Jalan Yacaranda, Rona tergopoh-gopoh masuk ke dalam sekretariat. Yang harus digarisbawahi, ia perlu mengebut agar bisa tiba di sini sesuai jadwal—super dadakan, buatan Jiwa.
“Rona?” Satria, sekjennya—penghuni semi-permanen; dibuktikan dengan kaos jersey dan celana training yang dikenakan pada siang bolong—tampak terkejut.
Apakah kehadirannya tidak diharapkan?
Rona berturut-turut melirik jam tangan di pergelangan kiri, menatap jam dinding yang sudah miring, sampai akhirnya menanyakan langsung kepada Satria, satu-satunya orang di sana.
“Jiwa … ?”
Satria menepuk kening. “Udah berangkat sama Nadja … sekitar 15 menit yang lalu?”
“Oh? Jadinya dua orang aja yang diambil?”
Sambil menunggu jawaban, Rona terus menyusuri lokus ingatannya: kalau tidak salah, Jiwa bilang Biro PSDM butuh tiga anak Kesekjenan untuk membantu dokumentasi upgrading di daerah Jakal atas.
“Jiwa nggak ngasih tahu kah?”
Ah. Mode pesawat di ponsel Rona telah diaktifkan sejak dia tancap gas dari Jogja selatan. Perjalanan lebih dari satu jam barusan artinya tidak berarti apa-apa. Mungkin inilah yang sesungguhnya disebut kesia-siaan.
Semua tanya terkait keraguannya terhadap Jiwa menguap begitu saja. Tak ada lagi tenaga yang tersisa untuk Rona sekadar menitikkan air mata. Rencana-rencananya buyar. Pandangannya memburam—pada apa yang ada di hadapannya, juga pada masa depan hubungannya dengan sang mahasiswa Teknik Fisika.
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vafx · 9 months
👆ini bukan sekedar jualan, tapi ini adalah produk resmi KopiMAS (Koperasi Mitra Anda Sejati) yang merupakan platform untuk pelayanan misi holistik kontekstual.
KopiMAS adalah hasil dari ICMF/N OMC (Indonesia Christian Mission Fellowship/Network Online Mission Conference) yang sudah kita adakan selama 4 (empat) tahun berturut-turut (2020-2023, selama masa pandemi) yang dikelola oleh CMT (Co-op Mission Team).
CMT juga adalah hasil dari ICMF/N OMC, guna me-manage, menjaring orang-orang yang peduli (dan benar-benar mau terlibat) di dengan pelayanan misi holistik kontekstual, dan mengevaluasi kinerja KopiMAS.
Bapak/Ibu/Rekans ada disini, karena saya menyampaikan visi-misinya di tahun 2019 dan/atau mengikuti ICMF/N OMC 2020-2023, harapannya Bapak/Ibu/Rekans jugalah dapat terlibat dan/atau berjejaring secara nyata di CMT dan KopiMAS, bukan hanya menebar ide dan renungan di WAG ini, karena kita perlu gercep dan berkolaborasi secara sinergis dalam melaksanakan Mandat Budaya dan Injil bagi dunia ini.
Kita akan adakan kembali ICMF/N OMC 2024 untuk yang kelima kalinya, dengan harapan keterlibatan dan kontribusi Bapak/Ibu/Rekans dapat direalisasikan minimal dalam acara tersebut.
Kita tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan pelayanan sendiri saja, sebagai Satu Tubuh Kristus seharusnya saling membutuhkan dan melengkapi.
Harapan kami, Bapak/Ibu/Rekans tidak hanya menjadi penonton saja atau melihat-lihat dulu, kalau ada hasilnya baru mau ikutan alias seperti istilah 'sama dengan iman Thomas' (lihat dulu, baru percaya), karena ICMF/N atau CMT atau KopiMAS masih baru, belum dikenal, belum ada buktinya, dan alasan lainnya. Bukan itu sebenarnya yang dimaksud, justru Bapak/Ibu/Rekans yang seharusnya membuktikan, memperkenalkan, merealisasikan visi-misi bersama demi kemuliaan Tuhan Yesus Kristus saja.
Ini adalah pesan terakhir dari saya di WAG ini, semoga Roh Kudus memberikan pertolongan dan penghiburan bagi kita semua untuk secara nyata menjadi Satu Tubuh Kristus di dalam pelayanan holistik kontekstual bagi Indonesia khususnya dan dunia pada umumnya.
Fyi, apa sih yang sudah dirintis?
Di CMT, kita masih berusaha membuat jejaring nyata (bukan cuma jejaring kebanyakan saat ini, yang hanya tukar mimbar (program organisasi), saling memberikan kesaksian (membanggakan diri), sekedar memberikan info saja), yang benar-benar mau berkolaborasi secara sinergis.
Saat ini, kita masih mencoba menghubungkan beberapa kota ini: Majalengka, Bandung, Cirebon, Tegal, Pemalang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Salatiga, Surabaya, Denpasar, Mataram, Samarinda, Makassar, Mamasa, Manado, dan lainnya.
Di KopiMAS, kita sudah memutuskan untuk bergerak di bidang Pariwisata, Perdagangan Umum, Agribisnis, Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (PSDM) dan Pemberdayaan UMKM.
Yang sudah mulai berjalan adalah PSDM, seperti undangan yang berkali-kali saya kirimkan di group ini, tentang program kuliah di Tiongkok (herannya, baru kurang dari 10 orang dari WAG ini yang mengikutinya, sedangkan dari luar dan yang non-Kristen antusias mengikutinya).
Sedangkan bidang lain, masih mencari pola dalam perintisannya.
Sekedar info saja yang akan dikerjakan ke depan dan kita butuh banyak tenaga; antara lain:
1. Rencana men-supply cabe ke pasar induk.
2. Kita sudah tembus Majalengka, tapi belum ada yang follow up.
3. Rencana program sistem Arisan Modal Bersama untuk memunculkan banyak enterpreneur dan/atau membantu pemodalan UMKM.
4. Bahas opportunity program Umroh+ dan lainnya yang terkait (termasuk program Holy Land untuk Kebhinekaan).
5. Rencana kerja sama dengan HoB (House of Bread)
Dan masih banyak lagi...
Siapa yang terpanggil dan mau bekerja sama, silahkan hubungi saya di wa.me/62818645546 (hanya yang serius mau berkomitmen dan konsisten), terima kasih.
Soli Deo Gloria !
Militia Christi
- vafx -
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rynn-1 · 11 months
Denny Ja destroyed the traces of civilization
Introduction Denny Ja, or Denny Januar Ali, is a figure who has a big influence in the world of literature and politics in Indonesia. He is known as an activist, writer, critic, and also a political observer. In the course of his career, Denny JA has destroyed traces of civilization in a unique and interesting way. This article will explain more about the contributions and impacts that Denny has given in changing civilization in Indonesia. Denny JA: Career Journey Denny JA was born on January 23, 1952 in Banyuwangi, East Java. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Literature at the University of Indonesia. In the course of his career, Denny JA has written many famous literary works such as novels, poetry, and essays. His works often carry critical social and political themes, thus making him one of the leading writers in Indonesia. Aside from being a writer, Denny Ja also has a significant role in the political world. He was involved in various political movements and organizations, and became one of the founders of the United Development Party (PPP) in 1973. His contribution in the political world could not be ignored, because he had destroyed the traces of civilization by fighting for the values of democracy and social justice. Denny Ja: Activism and Education In addition to his work in the world of literature and politics, Denny Ja is also famous as an activist who cares about education in Indonesia. He founded a foundation called the Center for Study and Human Resources (PSDM) in 1974. This foundation aims to improve the quality of education in Indonesia through various programs and activities. Denny Ja also often holds public seminars and discussions to discuss important issues in education and politics. He seeks to provide better insight and understanding to the community so that they can play an active role in building better civilization in Indonesia. The impact of Denny Ja in destroying traces of civilization Denny Ja has had a big impact in destroying traces of civilization in Indonesia. Through his critical work, he has inspired many young people to think critically and have a concern for social and political issues. His works have also opened a broader discussion space about the problems faced by the people of Indonesia. In addition, Denny Ja has also made a significant contribution in the political world by fighting for the values of democracy and social justice. Participation in various political movements and establishment of PPP has helped strengthen democracy in Indonesia. Denny Ja has also played a role in improving the quality of education in Indonesia through the PSDM Foundation and the activities he has held. By providing access to the community to get quality education, Denny Ja is trying to destroy the traces of limited civilization and build a more intelligent and educated society. Conclusion Denny Ja is a figure who has a big influence in the world of literature and politics in Indonesia. Through his critical works and active role in the political world, he has destroyed traces of civilization in a unique and interesting way. Its contribution in improving the quality of education and fighting for democratic values and social justice cannot be ignored. Denny Ja is a figure who has had a big impact in changing civilization in Indonesia.
Check more: Denny JA: Destroying Traces of Civilization
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ornoirafrica · 1 year
Côte d'Ivoire : CGG lance un programme de ré-imagerie sismique dans le bassin de Tano
La société française de données sismiques marines CGG a annoncé le lancement d’un nouveau programme majeur de réimagerie PSDM 3D multi-clients dans le bassin de Tano au large de la Côte d’Ivoire, en association avec la Direction Générale des Hydrocarbures (DGH) du pays et la compagnie pétrolière nationale PETROCI Holding. (PETROCI).  CGG a déclaré que l’ensemble de données sismiques ré-imagées de…
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indiaepost · 2 years
IEP Chandigarh, February 10           To bridge the skilling gap among youth, Punjab Skill Development Mission (PSDM) under the aegis of Punjab Government has inked MoUs with Industry Associations to set up three Centres of Excellence in Kapurthala, Jalandhar and Ludhiana districts.          According to an official spokesperson, these MoUs have been inked at level of Secretary, Employment…
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retorikahidup · 2 years
Sejujurnya pasaran alasan ngajak ketemunya apa. Aku ada salahkah? Atau mau dikasih arahan lagi karena aku berjalan diluar koordinat?
Enggak bisa nebak apapun, tapi semoga bukan kabar buruk.
Yang pasti aku udah berusaha yang terbaik buat PSDM tahun ini kok
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msdm2003 · 9 days
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Learn Digital with Google: Your Path to Digital Mastery
In today’s constantly shifting digital surroundings, acquiring technological abilities is crucial for personal as well as professional development. Through Learn Digital with google program, you have a fantastic chance to advance your knowledge of computers and keep your competitive edge. The remainder of this piece will look at the benefits of developing digital skills with Google.
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aintitfunkynow · 2 years
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2022 Clint Eastwood Project #7 - Star In The Dust (1956) (12/31/22) (Actor) Excellent Western that's new to me. Lots of Elmore Leonard type elements to the story. A sheriff is caught between ranchers trying to rescue a killer before he is hung legally and farmers trying to hang him beforehand. Clint looks the role but doesn't play a major or even minor role. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm28CtUMycJXYt-psdm-MSihGiLFAhopuGFbro0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Disability Support Services
A disability support service can provide you with all the help that you need in order to get the most out of life. This can include everything from physical and cognitive disabilities to sensory and behavioral problems. It's important to note that there are several different types of disability support services available in the Melbourne area. There are also a number of documents that you will need to fill out in order to receive the help that you need.
Early intervention requirements
When it comes to disability support services Melbourne, there are many options to choose from. Some programs are designed to help children learn new skills, while others provide specific therapeutic interventions.
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Early Intervention is an important step in helping children develop. It is designed to improve the well-being of children with disabilities, while also reducing the need for future, more intensive intervention.
There are many early intervention therapies available, some of which are provided at home, in a community setting, or at a hospital or clinic. The key to success is figuring out what works best for your child, and finding the right provider.
The NDIS is a national scheme that aims to give people with significant and permanent disabilities access to supports they need to get their lives on track. It will also fund supports related to educational attainment. However, many families have little or no understanding of the different types of support that are available.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way to deliver disability support services to people living with disability. It allows participants to access funding to meet their needs, giving them more control over how their money is spent.
NDIS is not means-tested, meaning that anyone who requires support will be able to access it. Some supports are mainstream, while others are tailored to individuals with particular disabilities. In general, people with mental health or psychosocial disabilities can receive NDIS supports.
While previous disability services were described as a fragmented, inefficient and unfair system, NDIS has the potential to offer greater choice and competition. This promotes responsiveness to users' needs and more efficiency.
The NDIS is designed to assist people with disabilities, providing them with the support they need to live a more independent life. It provides funding to help people with disability gain access to employment, education, volunteering and a range of other activities.
Documents required to apply for help
If you're looking for disability support services Melbourne, you need to know which documents you need to provide and how you should submit them. The Department of Education and Training offers advice on what you should include in your application.
You need to complete a Program for Students with Disabilities Management System (PSDMS) application and attach all the required supporting documentation. You can access the PSDMS online through CASES21. It can take three working days to register.
Depending on the category of student you're applying for, you may need to provide evidence of a detailed adult assessment. This is completed by a qualified educational or neuro-psychologist. Generally, family members cannot complete this type of assessment.
As well as providing current evidence, you'll also need to include a copy of an Educational Needs Questionnaire. This document is part of the Short Term Review process and must demonstrate the level of educational need your student has.
UMSU Disabilities Department
The University of Melbourne has a long history of supporting students with disabilities. They have a number of services to help current and future students with a disability navigate the campus maze.
While the name might suggest otherwise, the University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU) is actually one of two student organisations at the University of Melbourne. It was first elected in October 2005 under transition clauses.
The UMSU provides a number of services to its members including: a website, social media accounts, and information sessions. One of the more important services it provides is representation of current students.
In addition to providing resources for current students, the University of Melbourne has made a point to raise community awareness about disability. This includes the establishment of an inclusive academic environment.
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vafx · 9 months
*Dirgahayu Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Ke-78 !!!*
_NKRI harga mati, Pancasila dasar negara satu-satunya, UUD 1945 adalah landasan dasar bernegara dan berbangsa yang harus dipertahankan, serta Bhinneka Tunggal Ika adalah warisan yang harus kita lestarikan dan amanahkan kepada generasi penerus sebagai bangsa Indonesia yang berbudaya dan berprestasi._
Dalam rangka menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke-78, dan terkait dimulainya program pendidikan ke Tiongkok yang dikelola oleh KopiMAS (Koperasi Mitra Anda Sejati - Direktorat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia/Dir. PSDM) bersama Yayasan BAIK (Bina Anak Indonesia Kompeten), maka khusus untuk merayakannya, berikut beberapa konten yang baik dan bagus untuk belajar budaya dan sejarah China, khususnya tentang keturunan Tionghoa di Indonesia.
Sebelumnya, yuk cari tahu arti ‘78’ dalam kepercayaan budaya China:
Angka 78 dalam budaya China memiliki arti yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada konteks dan cara pengucapannya. Secara umum, angka 78 dianggap sebagai angka yang mengandung keberuntungan, karena angka 7 dan 8 masing-masing memiliki makna positif dalam Fengshui number¹. Angka 7 melambangkan keberhasilan, kemajuan, dan kreativitas, sedangkan angka 8 melambangkan kemakmuran, kekayaan, dan kesempurnaan. Jika diucapkan dengan nada rendah, angka 78 bisa berarti "pasti berhasil" atau "pasti makmur" dalam bahasa Mandarin². Namun, jika diucapkan dengan nada tinggi, angka 78 bisa berarti "marah-marah" atau "berkelahi" dalam bahasa Kanton². Oleh karena itu, angka 78 harus diucapkan dengan hati-hati agar tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman atau konflik.
Angka 78 juga sering digunakan sebagai kode atau singkatan untuk beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan budaya China. Misalnya, angka 78 bisa berarti "Hong Kong", karena huruf H dan K adalah huruf ke-8 dan ke-11 dalam alfabet Inggris². Angka 78 juga bisa berarti "Cina", karena huruf C dan N adalah huruf ke-3 dan ke-14 dalam alfabet Inggris². Selain itu, angka 78 juga bisa berarti "Tahun Baru Imlek", karena tanggal perayaannya biasanya jatuh pada bulan Januari atau Februari, yang merupakan bulan ke-1 dan ke-2 dalam kalender Gregorius³.
Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang arti angka 78 dalam budaya China. Semoga bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan Anda tentang kebudayaan Cina yang kaya dan unik. 😊
Source: Conversation with Bing, 16/08/2023
(1) Angka Keberuntungan dan Kesialan Dalam Fengshui Number di Budaya China .... https://arcbali.com/angka-keberuntungan-dan-kesialan-dalam-fengshui-number-di-budaya-china/.
(2) Angka Pembawa Rezeki dan Kesialan Menurut Tradisi China. https://www.liputan6.com/bisnis/read/3886928/angka-pembawa-rezeki-dan-kesialan-menurut-tradisi-china.
(3) Serba Serbi Kebudayaan Cina Dan Tradisi Cina | Superprof. https://www.superprof.co.id/blog/budaya-dan-bahasa-tiongkok/.
Tentu saja, angka 78 yang kita maksudkan adalah "pasti berhasil" atau "pasti makmur", selamat menikmati konten-konten yang dimaksud untuk di-share:
10 orang pahlawan Indonesia dari suku Tionghoa
Republik yang pernah ada sebelum Republik Indonesia
The untold story (tidak pernah dicatat dalam buku sejarah, bahkan diceritakan turun temurun dalam kisah yang diputar-balikkan)
Love story yang jarang diketahui
Kisah Mulan di tanah Jawa
Mongolia kena prank
Lo Ban Teng
Tang Xian Hu
Rudy Hartono
7 Pendekar Badminton Indonesia
dr. Lie Dharmawan
Soe Hok Gie
Cina Benteng
Cina Parit
Sejarah Cina Madura
Suku Dayak
Sejarah Hakka
Cina <> Tionghoa
Sejarah kebaya
Gus Dur Bapak Tionghoa Indonesia
Special Idul Adha di China
Prestasi Budaya China di Indonesia
The History of Bakcang
Mathematics in China
How China became Republic ?
Chinese wedding
Marga Tionghoa
History of noodle & chopstick
How to give Chinese name ?
History of Islam and Muslim in China
History of Imlek
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Reimagining work: How CHROs are main from the entrance
Organised by HRM Asia, the CHRO Collection Indonesia is kicking off as we speak on the Shangri-La Resort in Indonesia. With many organisations anticipated to proceed hybrid work into 2023, expertise recognition and retention, as properly the reskilling and wellbeing of staff, are more likely to be priorities for CHROs within the new yr. To offer extra insights into the position CHROs in Indonesia can play in shaping the world of labor amidst evolving labour market dynamics, Pambudi Sunarsihanto, Human Sources Director, Blue Hen Group, is becoming a member of CHRO Collection Indonesia as a keynote presenter. Bringing collectively a lineup of distinguished audio system to debate how CHROs can put HR methods into impactful motion, CHRO Collection Indonesia kicks off HRM Asia’s unique CHRO Collection 2022, which is bringing collectively senior HR leaders from throughout the area to navigate shared enterprise challenges and supply options to vital priorities going through their position as we speak. On the Shangri-La resort in Jakarta, attendees may also hear from Monir Azzouzi, CPXO and Board Director, GOTOKO; and Putu Wibawa, VP of HRBP and OD, Sinar Mas Mining, as they focus on the position of HR in Business 4.0, together with supporting sustainable job creation and creating folks methods and insurance policies to fulfill enterprise challenges. Rick Swaleh, Senior Account Govt, Asia Pacific, Docebo, will study the imaginative and prescient, abilities and applied sciences wanted to rework mindsets, capabilities, and resilience as CHROs look to create a future-facing studying ecosystem. To offer an replace on the Variety, Fairness, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts of organisations in Indonesia, Gusman Adiwardhana, Senior Human Sources Supervisor, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional, will average a panel dialogue that may focus on find out how to present help to all staff in a piece atmosphere that prioritises equality. Becoming a member of Gusman is Rudy Afandi, Komite Remunerasi and PSDM, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan; and Nissi Taruli F. Naibaho, Co-Founder, FeminisThemis. How can CHROs construct a skill-based expertise technique to gas their organisation? Answering this query and extra is Sandra Kosasih, Human Capital Managing Director, Sinar Mas Land, who will present key insights into expertise acquisition and retention methods that focuses on and improves the employer worth proposition. With extra organisations seeking to introduce Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices, Rocky Adiguna, Deputy Director of MBA Programme, College of Economics and Enterprise, UGM, will average a panel dialogue that highlights how ESG issues may be built-in into company and other people methods. He shall be joined by Yulius S. Bulo, Vice Chairperson, ASEAN Human Growth Organisation Indonesia; and Iben Yuzenho Ismarson, Founding father of Sebumi, as they study the influence the pandemic has had on ESG practices and the way ESG initiatives can propel post-pandemic enterprise restoration. As organisations proceed to reimagine the worker expertise, Alvien Khairullah, CHRO, PT Vidio Dot Com, will provide suggestions for CHROs to create a brand new work paradigm, together with utilizing HR information as a instrument to spice up worker expertise. Rounding off CHRO Collection Indonesia 2022 is Dr Hora Tjitra, Chairman and Co-Founder, Perception Net Academy. Along with Steven Yudiantho, SVP Human Capital, Financial institution Mandiri; and Bambang Yapri, Human Capital Director, Pt Bina Karya Prima, Dr Hora will take a deep dive into the important thing expertise tendencies which might be more likely to influence work in 2023. HRM Asia’ CHRO Collection 2022 will proceed with CHRO Malaysia, which is happening on November 17, and can conclude with CHRO Singapore, which is happening on December 1. Click on right here for extra info and learn how you, as a CHRO, may help to form work in 2023 and past. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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