pearlescent-soda · 9 months
☠️🐲//Elder Dragon Fear Headcanons
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These are headcanons that go over what I believe the Elder Dragons biggest fears are without going into much detail. These are based off my previous headcanons about them, their clans, and their professions, and may seem OOC (Out of Character) to many, but it was fun to write nonetheless.
TW: Mentions of Fear, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, etc.
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Alban: Nothing
Alvar: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Argus: Agrizoophobia, Fear of wild animals
Astor: Cardiophobia, Fear of the heart (palpatations, pains, etc.)
Darius: Psellismophobia, Fear of stuttering
Delbin: Dentophobia, Fear of dentists
Devlin: Ataxophobia, Fear of disorder or untidiness
Gavin: Thermophobia, Fear of intolerance to hot temperatures
Gildas: Potophobia, Fear of drinking alcohol
Lindar: Apeirophobia, Fear of infinity, eternity, or the uncountable
Nestor: Asymmetriphobia, Fear of asymmetrical things
Nevin: Rhytiphobia, Fear of getting wrinkles
Nils: Anemophobia, Fear of wind or drafts
Oswin: Chiroptophobia, Fear of bats
Thor: Nothing
Tomas: Phasmophobia, Fear of ghosts
🛡️Peace Keepers:
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Andor: Nothing
Asher: Ankylophobia, Fear of immobility of a joint
Boris: Iophobia, Fear of poison
Conan: Gamophobia, Fear of marriage
Enzo: Coulrophobia, Fear of clowns
Gunnar: Scotomaphobia. Fear of blindness, or spots in one's visual field
Halvor: Nothing
Ivor: Iatrophobia, Fear of doctors
Magnus: Kinemortophobia, Fear of zombies
Marco: Enochlophobia, Fear of crowds
Maximos: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Ragnar: Necrophobia, Fear of death or dead bodies
Titan: Soteriophobia, Fear of depending or becoming dependent on someone else
Todor: Agoraphobia, Fear of open places rather than enclosed
Trondo: Nostophobia, Fear of returning home
Ulric: Gelotophobia, Fear of being laughed at
✨️Magic Crafters:
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Ajax: Arachnophobia, Fear of spiders
Altair: Nothing
Boldar: Anatidaephobia, Fear of ducks, geese or swans
Cedric: Scotomaphobia, Fear of blindness
Cosmos: Metathesiophobia, Fear of changes
Cyrus: Nothing
Eldrid: Musophobia, Fear of mice and rats
Hexus: Daemonophobia, Fear of demons
Jarvis: Bibliophobia, Fear or Hatred of books
Kelvin: Harpaxophobia, Fear of being robbed
Lucas: Mazeophobia, Fear of being lost
Zander: Maniaphobia, Fear of insanity
Zane: Teraphobia, Fear of monsters 
Zantor: Athazagoraphobia, Fear of being forgotten
🌺Beast Makers:
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Bruno: Ecophobia, Fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Bubba: Isolophobia, Fear of solitude
Claude: Antlophobia, Fear of flooding,
Cleetus: Ablutophobia, Fear of bathing
Cyprin: Ptophobia, Fear of falling
Damon: Nothing
Isaak: Claustrophobia, Fear of confined spaces
Jed: Kynophobia, Fear of rabies
Lyle: Belonephobia, Fear of pins and needles
Rosco: Batrachophobia, Fear of amphibians
(Bonus) Red: Thanatophobia, Fear of death
Sadiki: Dystychiphobia, Fear of accidents
Zeke: Nothing
🌌Dream Weavers:
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Apara: Claustrophobia, Fear of having no escape and being closed in
Azizi: Ligyrophobia, Fear of loud noises
Bakari: Arachibutyrophobia, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
Baruti: Quadraphobia, Fear of the number four
Copano: Bogyphobia, Fear of bogeys or bogeymen
Kasiya: Symmetrophobia, Fear of symmetry
Kosoko: Pediculophobia, Fear of lice
Lateef: Nothing
Lutalo: Scelerophibia, Fear of burglars, robbers, or criminals
Mazi: Nothing
Mudada: Bathophobia, Fear of depth
Obasi: Haphephobia, Fear of touch
Revilo: Pyrophobia, Fear of fire
Unika: Nihilophobia, Fear of nothingness
Useni: Melissophobia, Fear of bees
Zikomo: Astraphobia, Fear of thunder and lightning
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Image Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Dividers by @baka-tsuki-2
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inhumanliquid · 2 years
I'm scared of everything to do with socialization & humanity, pregnancy, medical needles, hospitals, thunder & lightening, nightmares (which I don't even have), and clowns. That's a heck of a lot, so you'd expect horror games to actually scare me since they're basically simulations of nightmares. They don't because I have emotional blunting caused by alexithymia. How the fuck does that even work?
-Someone who has a bunch of phobias but who also experiences very little emotion
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themogaidragon · 3 years
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Phobia Flags, Fifth Part.
Mycophobia : Fear of mushrooms, mold & fungus.
Parasitophobia : Fear of parasites.
Philophobia : Fear of falling in love or being in love.
Psellismophobia : Fear of stuttering.
Pyrophobia : Fear of fire.
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thornstocutyouwith · 7 years
✰╯ꉓꌩꌗ꓄ꍟꈤꈤꀤꈤ ꉓꍏ꒒꒒ꀎꎭ ꌃꋪꍏꈤꅏꍟꈤ╰✰
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Theme Song
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﹄☆✮Full Name: Cystennin Callum Branwen
﹄☆��Pronunciation: KihSTEHN-ahN Cay(Kal)-lum (Alternatively Caelum) BRAHN-wen ﹄☆✮Nickname/Alias: Bran (Brahn) ﹄☆✮Meaning: Cystennin means: Constant. Callum means: Dove. Branwen means: Beautiful Raven. ﹄☆✮Pet Name: ﹄☆✮Signature: 
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﹄☆✮Gender: Male ﹄☆✮Orientation: Undecided ﹄☆✮Real Age: Nineteen ﹄☆✮Age Appearance: ﹄☆✮Birthday: February 20, 1998 ﹄☆✮Deathday: July 2nd, 20XX ﹄☆✮Birthplace: Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, Wales ﹄☆✮Faceclaim: Dylan O'Brien ﹄☆✮Zodiac Sign(Western/Eastern): Pisces - Aquarius Cusp, (Earth) Tiger
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﹄☆✮Parenting: His parents were great, they loved him to pieces. He was always well-taken care off and often times babied as a child. His father always made sure to spend time with him at least once a day and wasn't shy about telling Callum he had loved him. The same with his mother, Cystennin always took their main priority over all. ﹄☆✮Upbringing: Christian Ideals and Morals, but not strict. Paganistic morals and ideals. ﹄☆✮Infancy: Callum was good baby, his mother and father didn't drop him or anything. He was very well behaved and intelligent. It didn't seem to take him much time to pick up on things and learn quickly. ﹄☆✮Childhood: Callum was quite reserved as a child. He liked to be by himself and just explore the world around him at times. He was endlessly fascinated by anything he could see. ﹄☆✮Adolescence: In his early teens Callum had started getting more interested in other things, these interests lead him to work on things with his hands. Taking apart stuff, or building something from nothing, almost. He really got into all sorts of sciences and such. His classwork often times would suffer because he was just never interested in it. He'd rather learn things on his own, of his own want, rather than that of a teacher's. He also began to get into writing at this time and started working on his first book. ﹄☆✮Adulthood: Callum is only 19 and has just started his adult life, but he has accomplished plenty in this short time. He has sold a relatively successful book of a series he's still working on today. Though between writing sessions he helps bands touring with their technical work. Which he also enjoys doing. ﹄☆✮Coming of Age: Callum has always had a very responsible attitude about certain things, growing up. But the moment he 'grew up' is when he moved out and started living away from his parents. ﹄☆✮Evolution: Callum hasn't really changed much at all growing up, he has kept his innocent, reserved, curiousness throughout the years. For the most part he has become more childish and playful the more the years go by. ﹄☆✮Current Residence: Sunnyvale, California ﹄☆✮Funds: He has $50 on him, $3569.48 At home, $2400 at the bank ﹄☆✮Home: His apartment is relatively neat, but does have some mess here and there, like clothing and books, and such. ﹄☆✮Neighborhood: Callum thinks they are friendly, but he's never really talked much with his neighbors. Though the entire place is very well kept since it's a very decent place to live. ﹄☆✮Transportation: Kawasaki Ninja ﹄☆✮License Plate Number:
﹄☆✮Occupation: Author/ Technician/ Back up Vocals  ﹄☆✮Work Ethnic: Callum works enthusiastically, he loves what he's doing. Though of course some days can be a complete drag. ﹄☆✮Rank: He is mostly self-employed, so he is the highest rank. ﹄☆✮Income: ﹄☆✮Wealth Status: Middle-Upperclass ﹄☆✮Experience: Assistant Engineer, Engineering, Art Model ﹄☆✮Organizations/Affiliations:
﹄☆✮IQ: 127 ﹄☆✮Education: His parents didn't trust schools to give him a proper education. Though they had sent him to one they viewed as 'fair' while also having him doing extra work at home every so often, outside of his regular school work. ﹄☆✮School: Callum's school was a private school so it could be seen as better than at the very least most public schools. ﹄☆✮Grades: Callum got the highest grades just as much as he did the lowest, he didn't care much for school at all. ﹄☆✮Special Education: Early in life Callum skipped two grades. ﹄☆✮Social Stereotype: He never really had one. ﹄☆✮Degrees: Highschool ﹄☆✮Intelligence: Interpersonal ﹄☆✮Extracurricular Activities: Art, Music, Home Ec
﹄☆✮Religion: Peganism ﹄☆✮Morals: ﹄☆✮Crime Record: Has not been caught breaking any laws. ﹄☆✮Motivation: Reputation ﹄☆✮Priorities: Family, Writing, friends ﹄☆✮Philosophy: Individualism ﹄☆✮Political Party: ﹄☆✮Etiquette: Callum has relatively decent manners, there are some areas where he might be lacking though. ﹄☆✮Culture: American, Welsh, Scottish, and Pegan ﹄☆✮Influences: ﹄☆✮Relates to: ﹄☆✮Traditions: Welsh and Pegan mostly ﹄☆✮Superstitions:
﹄☆✮Main Goal: Becoming a popular author. ﹄☆✮Minor Goals/Ambitions: ﹄☆✮Career: Being an Author ﹄☆✮Desires: ﹄☆✮Wishlist: ﹄☆✮Accomplishments: Became an author. ﹄☆✮Greatest Achievement: ﹄☆✮Biggest Failure: Not paying being interested enough in school to fulfill his full potential. ﹄☆✮Secrets: ﹄☆✮Regrets: Not getting more interested in school. ﹄☆✮Worries: ﹄☆✮Best Dream: ﹄☆✮Worst Nightmare: ﹄☆✮Best Memories: ﹄☆✮Worst Memories:
﹄☆✮Languages: English, Cymraeg, Gaelic ﹄☆✮Accent: Thick blend of British, Welsh and Scottish, accents. Untainted, despite the years he has been in america. ﹄☆✮Voice: Medium pitched, soft yet penatrating and elegant. ﹄☆✮Speech Impediments: Bad stutter ﹄☆✮Greetings and Farewells: ﹄☆✮State of Mind: ﹄☆✮Compliment: ﹄☆✮Insult: ﹄☆✮Expletive: Shiiit! ﹄☆✮Laughter: ﹄☆✮Tag Line: "Um." ﹄☆✮Signature Quote:
﹄☆✮Reputation: Many people know of him as a New Author ﹄☆✮First Impressions: Shy and quiet, but also friendly. ﹄☆✮Stranger Impressions: ﹄☆✮Friendly Impressions: ﹄☆✮Enemy Impressions: ﹄☆✮Familiar Impressions: ﹄☆✮Compliments: ﹄☆✮Insults: ﹄☆✮Self-Impression:
+++ IMAGINATIVE: having or showing creativity or inventiveness +++ THOUGHTFUL: showing careful consideration or attention. +++ METICULOUS: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. +++ SAGE: having, showing, or indicating profound wisdom +++ BALANCED: keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions. +++ HELPFUL: giving or ready to give help. +++ PERSUIASIVE: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. +++ BENEVOLENT: well meaning and kindly. +++ DEBONAIR: confident, stylish, and charming. +++ AMBITIOUS: having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
--- UNPREDICTABLE: not able to be predicted. --- CHILDISH: silly and immature. --- MANIPULATIVE: characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person. --- ODD: different from what is usual or expected; strange. --- CONFIDENTIAL: intended to be kept secret. --- UNDEMANDING: not demanding --- HYPNOTIC: exerting a compelling, fascinating, or soporific effect --- SHY: being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people. --- CLUMSY: awkward in movement or in handling things. --- EXPERIMENTAL: involving a radically new and innovative style.
﹄☆✮Perception: ﹄☆✮Conflicts: ﹄☆✮Instincts: ﹄☆✮Lures: Sweets, Animals, Libraries, The Woods ﹄☆✮Soft Spot: The injured/upset ﹄☆✮Cruel Streak: Jerks ﹄☆✮Mood: Quiet and content ﹄☆✮Attitude: Shy but friendly ﹄☆✮Stability: Quite emotionally stable ﹄☆✮Expressiveness: Sometimes they are extremely expressive, other times they aren't. ﹄☆✮When Happy: ﹄☆✮When Depressed: ﹄☆✮When Angry: 
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﹄☆✮Immediate Family: Andras Branwen ( Father ), Nathaira Branwen (Mother) ﹄☆✮Distant Family:
﹄☆✮Community: ﹄☆✮Family: ﹄☆✮Friends: Addison ( Best Friend!) ﹄☆✮Enemies: ﹄☆✮Bosses: ﹄☆✮Followers: ﹄☆✮Heroes: ﹄☆✮Rivals: ﹄☆✮Relates to: ﹄☆✮Pets/Familiars:
﹄☆✮Lovers: ﹄☆✮Marital Status: 
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﹄☆✮Species: Human ﹄☆✮Ethnicity: European ﹄☆✮Blood Type: O ﹄☆✮Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous, but Left preferent. ﹄☆✮Eye Color: Amber ﹄☆✮Hair Color: Dark brown ﹄☆✮Hairstyle: Hair ﹄☆✮Skin Tone: ﹄☆✮Complexion: ﹄☆✮Build: Lean, Average ﹄☆✮Height: 5'11" ﹄☆✮Weight: 123 ﹄☆✮Facial Hair: ﹄☆✮Birthmarks/scars: Moles/birthmarks all over body. Scar on his right temple from a childhood accident. ﹄☆✮Distinguishing Features:
﹄☆✮Health: Quite healthy ﹄☆✮Energy: Can be seen as very energetic. ﹄☆✮Memory: Callum can remember things pretty well, mostly when it's about a subject he's really interested in. ﹄☆✮Senses: Callum has somewhat bad eyesight, but he can hear things extremely well. ﹄☆✮Allergies: ﹄☆✮Handicaps: ﹄☆✮Medication: antidepressants, antipsychotics, ﹄☆✮Phobias: Spheksophobia ( Fear of Wasps), Sciophobia (Fear of Shadows), Hemophobia (Fear of Blood), Coimetrophobia ( Fear of Cemetaries), Aphenphosmphobia ( Fear of being touched), Cynophobia ( Fear of dogs/Rabies), Merinthophobia ( Fear of being bound or tied up), Pupaphobia (Fear of Puppets), Psellismophobia ( Fear of Stuttering), Poinephobia ( Fear of Punishment), Pediophobia ( Fear of Dolls), Nyctophobia ( Fear of the dark, or of night.), Gelotophobia ( Fear of being laughed at), Emetophobia ( Fear of Vomiting), Dystychiphobia ( Fear of Accidents), Dishabiliophobia ( Fear of undressing in front of someone), Cleithrophobia (Fear of being locked in an enclosed space) ﹄☆✮Addictions: ﹄☆✮Mental Disorders: Schizophreniform disorder, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
﹄☆✮Style: Casual, professional, loose fitting clothing. ﹄☆✮Mode of Dress: Often times somewhere between well kept to messy, except on off days, where it could be one extreme or the other. ﹄☆✮Grooming: Also often times somewhere between well kept to messy, except on off days, where it could be one extreme or the other. ﹄☆✮Posture: Stands mostly straight and proper ﹄☆✮Gait: ﹄☆✮Coordination: He has great reflex's but bad exicutions of movement at times, which makes him seem quite clumsy. ﹄☆✮Scent: Earthy rose and rain smell 
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﹄☆✮Habits and Mannerisms: (Any nervous ticks or unconscious habits your character might have. Ex: Nail biting, crosses arms, or twirls hair)
﹄☆✮Wardrobe: (Describe your character's closet. What is their formal, casual, or other kind of wear?) ﹄☆✮Accessories: (Tattoos, piercing, jewelry, glasses, ect.) ﹄☆✮Trinkets: (Applies to but not limited to good luck charms, purses, watches, or any other items they carry with them almost all the time.) ﹄☆✮Collections: (Does your character like to hoard or collect anything?) ﹄☆✮Most valuable possession: (In money)
﹄☆✮Prized Possession: (What object does your character value above all else?) ﹄☆✮Sex Life: (Pretty self explanatory) ﹄☆✮Turn-Ons: (What does your character want to see in their ideal mate?) ﹄☆✮Turn Offs: (What tends to make them back off) ﹄☆✮Position: (Dom/Sub) ﹄☆✮Plays: (Bondage, roleplay, ect.) ﹄☆✮Fetishes: (Self Explanatory) ﹄☆✮Virginity: (How many times have they "done it"?)
﹄☆✮Element: (Fire/Water/Air/Earth)
﹄☆✮Hobbies/Interests: (What does your character like to do for fun?) ﹄☆✮Skills/Talents: (Similar to hobbies, but refers to the level of skill a character has. For example, a character could like playing violin but isn't very good at it or vice versa.) ﹄☆✮Likes: (What does your character like?) ﹄☆✮Dislikes: (What can't they stand?) ﹄☆✮Sense of Humor: (Dark/dry/witty/sarcastic/dirty/childish/sophisticated/ironic) ﹄☆✮Pet Peeves: (Similar to dislikes, only more relating to human behavior than specific objects. Ex: When people tap on things or when people say "You're not fat!" when you really are) ﹄☆✮Superstitions/Beliefs: (Does your character believe in conspiracy theories or aliens? Do they throw salt over their shoulder or knock on wood?) ﹄☆✮Dreams/Nightmares: (What do they dream about? [at night]) ﹄☆✮Quirks: (The strange little things that your character does to make them unique. Ex: Sleeps with their feet on the pillow or runs their hand along a pole as they walk beside it.) ﹄☆✮Savvy: (What is your character particularly well-informed of? [Ex: Politically, nature) ﹄☆✮Can't understand: (Something they just can't get into, such as English literate or obsession with sports) ﹄☆✮Closet Hobby: (Something that your character likes but isn't too obvious.) ﹄☆✮Guilty Pleasure: (You know...)
﹄☆✮Favorite Colors: ﹄☆✮Favorite Animals: ﹄☆✮Favorite Mythological Creatures: ﹄☆✮Favorite Places: (Ex: Fav City, State, or Country) ﹄☆✮Favorite Landmarks: (Ex: Eiffel Tower, Mt. Rushmore) ﹄☆✮Favorite Flavors: (Ex: Vanilla, Sour, Strawberry) ﹄☆✮Favorite Foods: ﹄☆✮Favorite Drinks: ﹄☆✮Favorite Characters: (Not one of yours) ﹄☆✮Favorite Genre: ﹄☆✮Favorite Books: ﹄☆✮Favorite Movies: ﹄☆✮Favorite Games: ﹄☆✮Favorite Shows: ﹄☆✮Favorite Music: ﹄☆✮Favorite Bands: ﹄☆✮Favorite Songs: ﹄☆✮Favorite Sports: ﹄☆✮Favorite Stores: ﹄☆✮Favorite Subjects: ﹄☆✮Favorite Numbers: ﹄☆✮Favorite Websites: ﹄☆✮Favorite Words: ﹄☆✮Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day)
﹄☆✮Least Favorite Colors: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Animals: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Places: ﹄☆✮Favorite Landmarks: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Flavors: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Foods: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Drinks: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Characters: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Genre: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Books: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Movies: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Games: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Shows: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Music: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Bands: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Songs: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Sports: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Stores: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Subjects: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Numbers: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Websites: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Words: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day)
﹄☆✮MBTI Personality Type: [Ex: ENTP, ISTJ] ﹄☆✮Temperament: (Chloric/Sanguine/Melancholic/Phlegmatic) May also be called color types, such as yellow, red, blue, or green) ﹄☆✮Enneagram: (The Reformer/The Helper/The Achiever/The Individualist/The Investigator/The Loyalist/The Enthusiast/The Challenger/The Peacemaker) ﹄☆✮Ego/Superego/Id: (Superego is aims for perfection, society, and the idea of right and wrong. Id is unconscious desires and instincts - Which of these are they most driven by? ﹄☆✮The Self: (The center/core of your character) ﹄☆✮The Shadow: (The opposite qualities your character themselves does not believe they possess, but do subconsciously) ﹄☆✮Persona/Mask: (What they present to the world, or the side they use to protect themselves)
﹄☆✮Role: (What purpose does your character serve? [mentor, leader]) ﹄☆✮Fulfillment: (How well do they serve that role?) ﹄☆✮Significance: (Why does your character matter?) ﹄☆✮Alignment: (Good/Evil/Neutral/Lawful/Chaotic) ﹄☆✮Comparison: (Compare your character to some kind of animal, object, or anything else you can think of.) ﹄☆✮Symbol: (Does your character have any kind of recurring symbol that represents them? [Ex: a rose, a black cat, a sunset] Could be blatant or subtle.) ﹄☆✮Song: (A song you think best suits your character) ﹄☆✮Vice: (Pride/Greed/Gluttony/Lust/Envy/Sloth/Wrath) ﹄☆✮Virtue: (Patience/Diligence/Chastity/Temperance/Charity/Kindness/Humility) ﹄☆✮Defining Moment: (This is it. The single greatest moment of your character, when they truly become alive.) ﹄☆✮Tropes: (What about your character is stereotypical or cliched? [You can't say nothing. Every character has some kind of cliche in them]) ﹄☆✮One Word: (Use a single adjective to sum up your character in a nutshell)
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motivationsuccess · 5 years
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Anxiety Disorders:Phobias 
What is a phobia?
A phobia is an overwhelming, irrational fear of a specific object, place or event, for example, spiders, needles or darkness. In other words, a phobia is an anxiety disorder which is marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation (a phobia focuses anxiety on a specific object, activity, or situation). Coming into contact with the phobic specific situation or object triggers anxiety or an anxiety attack. Individuals then believe that if they are placed in such a (or similar) situation, they would again become just as anxious as the first time, and therefore avoid these situation (or objects and the like), or they will leave such stituations, events or objects the very moment they experience feelings of panic.
There are a number of serious phobias, however, with a large number of phobias such as mice (or Murophobia) they do not lead to incapacitating distress or hindrances in one’s life and the person can accept it and live relatively functionally. However, some, as mentioned, are incapacitating. Social Phobias are among the more serious types of phobias (Social Phobia is also known as Social Anxiety Disorder). Basically, this is where a person is troubled by a marked and persistent fear of social or performance situations in where embarrassment may result or occur. This type of phobia poses more anxiety for the sufferer than what other specific phobias do such as phobias of specific animals or insects, or of height, or blood among many more. With such phobias, the distress is not as significant to that of other types of phobias. Some situations, activities or objects are less difficult to avoid in where the person is far less likely to be exposed to the object or situation. For example, a child with a fear of heights may not face the challenges to the same degree as as child with a fear of speaking up or going to parties where they may sweat, tremble, or have diarrhea. Social phobia is shyness at an extreme level. Phobias fall under the category (in the ICD-10 AM) of neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders or otherwise know as “anxiety” disorders. Here is a list of some of the more common phobias: Snakes- Ophidiophobia Crowds- Demophobia Amphibians, frogs, newts, salamanders- Batrachophobia Doctors or going to the doctor- Iatrophobia Bacteria- Bacteriophobia Relatives- Syngenesophobia Men- Androphobia Sharks- Selachophobia Cats- Ailurophobia Dentists- Dentophobia Speaking- Lalophobia Mice- Murophobia People or society- Anthropophobia Failure or defeat- Kakorrhaphiophobia Becoming bald- Phalacrophobia Mirrors- Catoptrophobia Long waits- Macrophobia Getting wrinkles- Rhytiphobia Red lights, blushing or the colour red- Ereuthophobia The colour black- Melanophobia Pins, needles or pointed objects- Aichmophobia Becoming ill- Nasophobia Hospitals- Nosocomephobia And some other phobias that mat be perceived as “interesting” are as follows :Marriage- Gamophobia Knees- Genuphobia Cooking- Mageirocophobia The figure 8- Octophobia Horses- Equinophobia Teenagers- Ephebiphobia Balloons- Globophobia Colours- Chromatophobia Stuttering- Psellismophobia Sleep or being hypnotized- Hypnophobia Being tickled by feathers- Pteronophobia more:-Mental Disorders
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Danilo Díaz Granados recomienda: Pselismofobia (miedo a tartamudear): síntomas, causas y tratamiento
**La pselismofobia es el miedo intenso y persistente a tartamudear**. Se trata de un miedo que suele agravar y prolongar el propio tartamudeo. Así mismo se trata de un temor relacionado con fobias sociales. A continuación veremos qué es la psellismofobia, cuáles son algunas de sus principales características y causas, así como el tratamiento más común de las fobias sociales. * Artículo relacionado: "[Tipos de fobias: explorando los trastornos del miedo](/clinica/tipos-fobias-miedo)" ## Pselismofobia: miedo al tartamudeo La palabra “psellismofobia” o “pselismofobia” se compone del término “psellismo” que quiere decir “tartamudeo” y “fobos” que significa “miedo”. En este sentido, la pselismofobia es el miedo persistente e irracional al tartamudeo (al trastorno de la fluidez del habla). Se trata de **una fobia relacionada con distintos miedos a entablar interacciones verbales**, como la [glosofobia](/clinica/glosofobia), lalilofobia o lalofobia. Por lo anterior, la pselismofobia es frecuentemente considerada un tipo de fobia social o bien, una característica de esta última. La fobia social, por su parte, se caracteriza por un miedo intenso, persistente y excesivo ante o más situaciones sociales, así como ante la obligación de realizar actuaciones delante de los demás. Lo anterior puede ocurrir ante gente conocida o desconocida, pero **el miedo no es la gente o a la interacción en sí misma, sino a la humillación, la incomodidad** y la posibilidad de ser comparado o evaluado. * Quizás te interese: "[Fobia social: ¿qué es y cómo superarla?](/clinica/fobia-social-como-superarla)" ## Principales síntomas En la fobia social, las situaciones temidas más comunes son hablar en público, iniciar o mantener conversaciones con gente nueva, hablar con figuras de autoridad, ser entrevistado e ir a fiestas. La exposición a estas genera ansiedad y su correlato fisiológico correspondiente: **sudoración, aumento de la frecuencia cardiaca, hiperventilación**, disminución de la actividad gastrointestinal, etcétera, y en ocasiones ataques de pánico. Otras de las manifestaciones más frecuentes son boca seca, contracciones nerviosas y rubor. Con frecuencia dichas respuestas se generan de manera anticipatoria, es decir, antes de la exposición a las interacciones sociales. Así mismo, dichas respuestas son consecuencia de la actividad de distintos sistemas como el sistema nervioso autónomo, el sistema cognitivo y el sistema conductual. Para contrarrestar la respuesta de ansiedad, la persona **genera distintas conductas de evitación a la interacción social**. Esto último termina por repercutir significativa y negativamente en sus actividades cotidianas. De hecho es este último criterio (el malestar que interfiere marcadamente en la vida de la persona), el que hace la diferencia entre una fobia social y una ansiedad social (también llamada timidez). Cuando se trata de personas adultas, la intensidad y la desproporción del miedo son fácilmente reconocidas, pero cuando se presenta en niños este reconocimiento no ocurre. * Artículo relacionado: "[Tartamudez (disfemia): síntomas, tipos, causas y tratamiento](/clinica/tartamudez)" ## Causas Las fobias sociales **suelen desarrollarse en la adolescencia** (frecuentemente alrededor de los 15 años). Eso último puede esta vinculado precisamente con dicha etapa del desarrollo, en donde aumentan significativamente las situaciones que implican una evaluación externa. Lo anterior aunado a las demandas generadas por nuevos entornos y la necesidad de establecer determinados roles en un sistema social más allá de la familia. Además, las fobias sociales se presentan con mayor frecuencia entre las mujeres, lo que puede estar relacionado con valores occidentales donde la timidez es incompatible con el rol masculino, pero es socialmente aceptado en el femenino. Por otro lado, es más común que se presenten en personas de menor nivel socioeconómico, cuestión que puede indicar malestares relacionados con jerarquías y relaciones de poder desiguales (Bados, 2009). En el caso específico de la pselismofobia es importante considerar que el propio temor a tartamudear **es una de las principales causas de que el tartamudeo persista**. Como tal, puede desencadenar una evitación constante a hablar e interactuar con otras personas, especialmente si se trata de las situaciones descritas anteriormente. En este sentido, más allá de ser una fobia particular, la pselismofobia es, por un lado uno de los causantes del tartamudeo, y por otro, es una de las manifestaciones de la fobia social. Así pues, para conocer las causas específicas de miedo a tartamudear es necesario explorar el temor persistente a situaciones sociales más amplias. ## Tratamiento Entre los tratamientos más utilizados para las fobias sociales se encuentra **la exposición en vivo en el entorno natural, la exposición por imaginación**, el entrenamiento de habilidades sociales, la [reestructuración cognitiva](/clinica/reestructuracion-cognitiva), el entrenamiento autoinstruccional, las técnicas de relajación aplicada, la realidad virtual y la simulación (Bados, 2009). Así mismo, recientemente se han utilizado técnicas de reducción del estrés propias del modelo cognitivo conductual como la terapia educativa de apoyo con explicaciones, demostraciones y discusiones sobre los determinantes de la fobia. En cuanto a programa de mantenimiento **también se han realizado enfoques de terapia grupal**, una vez que la ansiedad ante la interacción social ha disminuido (ibídem). Finalmente y considerando la prevalencia, puede ser importante explorar y trabajar el empoderamiento desde la crítica a los valores de género y las desigualdades socioeconómicas, de manera que las interacciones sociales puedan fluir con mayor seguridad y asertividad. #### Referencias bibliográficas: * Bados, A. (2009). Fobia social. Facultat de Psicología. Departament de Personalitat, Avaluació i Tractament Psicològics. Universitat de Barcelona. Recuperado 27 de septiembre de 2018. Disponible en https://ift.tt/1MaVx4M. * Psellismophobia. Common-phobias.com. Recuperado 27 de septiembre de 2018. Disponible en https://ift.tt/2Ik6eXo. Ver Fuente Ver Fuente
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