#pspspspspspsps read minlu on ao3's works
geges · 1 year
I am not sure if you are feeling okay, but you can respond when you feel better. Thanks to you I was able to get into the Onmyoji Mobile Game and play it. It requires a lot of grinding and I spend a lot of time leveling up my Shikigami.
Also I see that you are a fan of Kidomaru. Netease does not seem to be doing much with him right now despite the fact that he was Shuten Doji's son and Orochi's grandson in Japanese Mythology and the fact Orochi seems to play an major role as a villain in the story too so it could establish connections between the characters. It is controversial to say if changing the character's lineage from his mythical counterpart is all right or not even though this has not been confirmed or denied in the game. I also heard that they will not let him interact with Seimei or he will barely interact with Seimei despite the fact that they are both mixed race and share a past together and his supposed love interest Enmusbi is travel with Seimei.
NOOOO IT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOO MAD KING YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. most of my circle hates kido so i just kind of sit in the corner and fume about him but NE did him so fucking poorly 😭😭😭😭 his parallels and past with both kuro and shiro seimei is the most interesting fucking dynamic in the game. i go fucking insane thinking about his experience as a mixed race, non-passing person being villified and ostracized until he conforms to their expectations vs seimei as a "passing" mixed race person succeeding as long as he is able to suppress his identity and kill that half of himself. then he ends up fucking blowing up and splitting himself in half anyway to cope w the trauma and suppression that he had to force onto himself. there are a lot if hills i will die on about this game but the "kido isnt actually evil" hill is a lot taller than the rest. hes a fucking FASCINATING case study on racial alienation and how it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy like they fucking reinvented the racial pipeline with fantasy racism and every time someone calls him horrible or evil i want to attack them like a wild dog. sure he did some fucked up shit. i will accept calling him evil ONLY if we hold Every Single Other Character in the game to that standard. who is going after seimei for this shit. why is tadayuki blameless. who is calling shuten a mass murdering freak for his actions. taishakuten committed atrocities that make kidomaru look like a 2 month old puppy in comparison and we STILL have 284729 tai apologists crawling out of the woodwork to explain that He Isnt Evil Actually. shit is just frustrating!
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