#psychic nura
pocketramblr · 1 year
Oooh to least to most deserving to be vaulted ! Im not anon or the one who asked but i wanna hear your thoughts on this one !
AfO's official least to most vault-able OfA user ranking:
9. Nana- he just hates her and absolutely does not want to keep her around, the farther she is from him while he spites her, the better
8. Toshinori- he also hates him and mostly wants him dead painfully, but there would be some potential for vaulting after making sure he truly has not a drop of OfA left- a high risk
7. Second- mostly, he just wants this guy in a coffin
6. Third- same, though slightly less
5. Izuku- he doesn't really want to vault Izuku, because Izuku is way more fun running around free and providing enrichment, but he'd rather vault him than kill him so
4. Hikage- seems easy to vault and like he'd just chill quietly, which is kinda less satisfying but also less annoying, on the other hand, he never managed to get his hands on this one at all so vaulting seems fair to balance that
3. En- the brat managed to keep OfA from him twice, and he's slight in a way that reminds AfO of Yoichi- a little more than other holders, at least
2. Banjo- also managed to keep OfA from him twice, but so loud and annoying and moving around so much that being vaulted underground would clearly hurt him even more than other users, and AfO would like to break this particular annoyance while also rewarding that he is the reason OfA didn't die alone in the woods decades ago, out of his reach forever
1. Yoichi, obviously
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love-toxin · 2 years
Imagine having little babies with vampire eddie. Imagime the first time they transform into basically tiny cotton balls of love.
okay i love you and i see you for this fluff im here with you i get you but my IMMEDIATE thought was how feral vampire!eddie would get if you ever asked him to breed you 😵‍💫
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linkerbell · 2 years
Hi I may sound dumb since somehow everyone I know talks about it but like
What's an art fight ??? Can like anyone enter and if have I like missed the time where I could register cause this sounds fun!
This YouTube link from the official Art Fight YouTube will explain it better than I could!
You can join anytime I believe. And it lasts the month of July. 😊
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childotkw · 2 years
Please listen to poor man's poison : hells coming with me!
Oooooohhh. Oooohhhhhhhh I like this. I like this a lot. I'm getting young Tom Riddle vibes from it for some reason? Canon-Tom, but also a Tom that never became a Dark Lord and rather just decided he'd destroy everything and everyone that had ever scorned him?
Either that, or an angry, disillusioned Harry that leaves Britain, finds himself, then comes back and decides the wizarding world needs some...reshaping.
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They all laughed as he turned around slow They said you ain't welcome round here anymore You just might as well go He wiped the blood from his face as he slowly came to his knees He said I'll be back when you least expect it And hell's coming with me Hell's coming with me
There is a hill at the bottom of the valley Where all the poor souls go when they die And if you listen real close, you can hear em' like a ghost Saying you're never gonna make it out alive There is a town at the bottom of that hill They got a secret that they keep like a slave They got a black magic preacher, we'd do well to let him teach her You'll be heading up that hill to the grave
And it is well, with my soul You line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor And on your way down the hill, you hear me ring that bell I'd pay the devil twice as much to keep your soul
There was a drifter passing through that little valley See he had promised he was coming back to town (Coming back to town) They didn't know him by his face, or by the gun around his waist But he come back to burn that town to the ground First there was fire, then there was smoke Then that preacher man was hangin' by a rope And then they all fell to their knees And begged that drifter begged him please As he raised his fist before he spoke
I am the righteous hand of God And I am the devil that you forgot And I told you one day you will see, that I'll be back I guarantee And that hell's coming, hell's coming Hell, hell's coming with me
And it is well, with my soul You line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor And on your way down the hill, you hear me ring that bell And I said, hell's coming with me (hell's coming with me)
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blitzer18150 · 1 year
I actually just ate a salad and potatos from the oven! Thamks ! Hope work wasnt too exausting !!!!
It was a bit chaotic of a first day but oh good lord I am tired. been a long while since I've done stuff. The cold still bites so I'll make some hot chocolate for it.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
So, purely hypothetical, if you have fever and cant talk or more like barely and have a headache and cant swallow and are shivvering and feeling hot at the same time should i just toughen up and go to school or go to the doc ? Hypothetical ofc.
the doctor, maybe. anywhere else? no
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pocketramblr · 2 years
My mom just got me a big black box of bandaids where in big white font is written "accident prone, keep with you at all cost"
And I very much like you do know that I am not accident prone no matter how many times I cut myself so bad it bleds for minutes cause I was bringing out the trash and didn't realize that there was broken glass in the trash bag and slammed the trahsbag against my leg....
of course you're not accident-prone. you need a stronger word. catastraphe-prone, perhaps
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pocketramblr · 8 months
POCKET OMG I HAVE TO TELL YOU SMTH mostly because i have to tell this someone or i will IMPLODE
The boyfriend of my fostermom proposed to her and asked me to be his BESTMAN !!!!! And naturally i said yes while crying until i registered he said man ! Best man ! Then he hugged me and said who else but me ! Since im gonna be his SON soon !!!!!!!!!! Anyway gender confirming talk is VERY nice ive been crying for like 3 hours and at this point i think its just leaking hahaha help sorry just wanted to tell this someone
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pocketramblr · 1 year
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Ah yes genshin impacts new dlc. Bnha ! Why eould thdy put midoriya and shigaraki as 4 stars though and not t stars like..muscular ???? This just feels wrong. Also you catch them eith pokeballs apparently lol
Sorry i foumd this pic so funny i had to sgare as soon as i saw it
... huh theres a lot going on here and i know so little of it, huh
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Blue says doing any kind of working is forbidden in this household. Studying for a exam apparently counts under inexusable sin in her eyes
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Sitting on my whole arm to prevent writing. Sitting on my papers. Truly the cat experience ever. I love her.
awwwww Blue exists just fine without studying and is sure you can do the same
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Pocket quick question ! Lets say someone unrelated sprained their ankle because they lost a fight with a bus, do you think they should go to the doctor or just wrap it tight and use pain killing gel ? Unrelated to anyone. Of course.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Pocket i cant believe it. I got betrayed by my own best friend. They called me tiny. Which i am not i am a respectable 1,50 metre and not tiny.
They said i should consider cosplaying the kids in bnha.
Tiny Nura, shorter than many in 1a
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pocketramblr · 2 years
I want to clarify that i am not Vampire as I have blood
I don't know how to tell you this, but many Vampires also have blood
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Me being an intern but also doing most of the book finance stuff like
Also me having to train a newbie. What is this.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Turns out that its bad when theres only one person (me) in the whole store knows where stuff goes. Because if a shipment gets delayed by 5 hours this person (me) has to stay 5 extra hours. Life is hell why am i, the intern, the only one who is able to take shipments on and know where what goes. Why do i have that responsibility cries....eh at least it means they cant lose me. Win ...win ? I guess ?
Ok but literally you should not be the only one to know how to do that. You should be able to tell them where and leave, maybe write it down for them, or handle it when you get in next.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Yeah apparently, per my mom, dad dude was being an asshole and tried to mock me because i just lost my mom (who even does that ?!) So I, naturally apparently looked at his arm in biting range and bit down and just also. Didnt let go ? Idk my mom doesnt knoe the exact details only that i didnt get in trouble cause it was a stress response (idk how my mom made my teachers believe THAT ).
Afterwards i had to promise not to bite ppl again at school. Kinda suceeded in the at school psrt on that one tho lol
I can see why your teachers would let it go but also Nura you're the reason we have to tell kids things like "don't put that in your mouth you don't know where it's been"
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