#psycho pass collaboration
monica2080 · 3 months
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Don Quijote stores x collaboration products with "PSYCHO-PASS PROVIDENCE"
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cavegirlpoems · 7 days
Violet Core Approaches
So. My close friend and collaborator Sarah Carapace has been working on Violet Core - a ttrpg about dykey mecha pilots in space - for the past few years, and that work is approaching its fruition. It's about to get kickstarted pretty soon, and I got a preview copy of the game ahead of that. So, preview/review I shall.
Disclaimers: I'm close friends with Sarah, was involved in some of the early playtests, and might end up doing a stretch goal for the game. So, I am of course wildly biased in Sarah's favour. Still, even if I wasn't, I figure this'd be my jam.
TL,DR: This game is really really good, back the kickstarter. For more details, read on.
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The Basics:
Violet Core is set in the Nemesis System, an alternate scifi version of the solar system. The game follows the lives of spacers cut off from their home planet, Cerulea, as they face an oncoming disaster as escalating waves of comet-storms hit the system and everything starts to come apart.
Our characters are mech pilots for one of three factions of spacers - The Reach, The Homebound, and The Cosmic Embrace - each with their own perspective on what to do about the looming disaster. It's generally agreed that they need to escape, but where to and how is a source of conflict.
All three factions and their approaches have their merits. Although the Reach are positioned as more heirarchical and organised than the other two, all three are clearly scrappy tenacious punk-ish survivors who've been rejected and exiled to space by the dickhead bourgoisie of their home planet, Cerulea.
Luckily, you get to pilot X-10s, giant personalised mechs powered by a mysterious psycho-active (psychic?) crysteline core. This lets you get up to all the various activities you just pictured when I said that.
Tonally, it's Sarah Carapace through-and-through. Everything is purple and blocky, with CRT monitors and snaking cables and spray-paint. Riot Grrl mashed up with retro scifi mashed up with cosmic weirdness.
On The Humble D4
The game uses the oddity of dice - the humble D4 - as its main dice, with D8s scattered in here and there. It's a choice I really like, giving the game a feel that's a little angular and off-centre. It's a simple choice, but it does a lot to set it apart. I can't sum this up better than Sarah does, so I'll just quote her:
d4s are the most cursed of all dice.
They are awkward to roll.
They are pointy and can/will stab you.
Femininity is pointy, painful and powerful and so are these odd little polyhedrons.
Also, There is no standardised style for d4s. When you roll them, the result is the number displayed upright, either on the top or bottom. It varies from die to die.
Which I think gives you a good sense of the tone of the whole game, y'know?
The game cares about dice as physical objects deeply. Players can use the emotional connections between their characters to donate bonus dice to another character's rolls: the game suggests that when you do, you should pass her your physical dice, and use the motion of how you do it (including potentially how your hand touches hers as you hand them over) as a way of expressing the connections between characters, which is a fucking genius bit of design.
Anyway. Who do you play as?
Some sort of dykey space-gal x-10 pilot. To define who you are, you pick three things: the faction you belong to, your pilot type, and the X-10 you pilot. I'll go over each in quick succession.
Your faction determines your political alliance and likely goals, and the culture you grew up in, and each faction has access to a different set of X-10s. You pick between:
The Reach: the most organised and strict faction, and the oldest. Strict, heirarchical, and high-tech. You play here if you want to have a good The Man to chafe against, or to be that The Man for somebody else. The Reach are working on engineering humanity to be able to survive the coming disaster and thrive in space, and building a vast engine - the Overlock - to enable this.
The Homebound: the most rough-and-ready faction. A large population of working-class gals, and with too few resources to go around. They're working on repairing a giant machine, The Sling, to transport their people to another star system and flee the coming disaster. Unfortunately, The Sling and The Overlock are both adaptations of the same machine...
The Cosmic Embrace: the weirdo faction. The smallest, most mystic, and overall hippy-est. Short on space, people, and resources, but not on idealism and enthusiasm. They're poking the weird shit of the setting, and getting results. A little culty. In the playtest I was in, I played Cosmic Embrace, obviously.
Notably, you can have PCs all be in the same faction, or be split between them. If split, there's lines of conflict, but also room for alliances and subterfuge. PCs can, and might well, switch faction in play.
As well as your faction, you pick your pilot type. There's three broad types of pilots you can be:
Genebuilt, artificially created super-pilots with custom genetics to make them good in space. Divided into two rough types; the Violet Kind (for if you were a successful project, and inhereted mysterious abilities) or the Rat Bitch (for if you... weren't, and mostly just inhereted emotional issues). There's some interesting space to play with the idea of nature vs nurture here, or with the pressure of expectation.
Baseliners, aka normal humans who haven't been genetically engineered or tinkered with. Again, divided into two types; the Shining Star (for if you're keeping up with the best through sheer talent and training) and the Baseline Breaker (for if you're a normal person getting by with determination and adaptability.
And then, lastly, the Returned. People who died - or nearly died - and were brought back. The character creation section only mentions one sort of Rebuilt - the Returned, who have been remade by the power of humans science - but hints that other sorts might exist. And indeed they do, tied to the mysteries of the setting.
I ended up playing a Rat Bitch, who'd seen her best buddy get horribly fucked up in a training exercise and gone awol. It was great fun.
Lastly, your X-10. Each faction has three models of X-10, divided by function: Warriors to be brutal front-line fighters, Rogues to be mobile scout-types, and Witches that do weird shit and fight at range. Out of these, each faction has its own version of each of these archetypes. Some X-10 models are pretty common and mass-produced (like the Ogress, the Reach's warrior-frame), and some are rare or even unique (like the Hag, the homebound's rare and experimental Witch type that can fuck with time and space).
Each X-10 has its own Violet Core, the psychoactive crystal that's at the heart of the mech and gives the game it's name. Thoughts from the violet core filter through to the pilot, and visa versa. If you pilot a Hag for long, you'll start thinking Haggish thoughts, and your own emotions will start to seep into the core. It can get real strange real fast.
Each type of X-10 feels and plays extremely differently, in a way I personally found made your choice of frame a reflection of your pilot's personality. My pilot ended up in a Mermaid - the Cosmic Embrace's version of a Witch frame - that had the ability to shift space around it (her?), and 'swim' out of the normal world into sub-space. Which brings me to...
The Spaces & The Mysteries
As well as the material, mundane world - what Violet Core terms 'top-space' - there are two other spaces that exist.
Sub-space is a serene, empty (is it?) realm that lies below top-space. You can dive into sub-space in the right X-10s, and explore. Time and space are wierd and fluid here. If you dive deeply, you find... things. If you dive too deep, you might not come back the same, or at all. There are mysteries down there. Remember I mentioned there are other types of Returned you might become? Yeah. Remember those Violet Cores that power your X-10s? They're made from something called 'the fingers' found deep down in sub-space. Who's fingers? You see where I'm going with this.
There's also The Violet Realm. This is the psycho-sphere, the realm of dreams and emotions and mystical experiences. The violet core of your X-10 links you to the Violet Realm. You can meditate to experience it, to commune with what's within...
This is a setting with mysteries. There are things to explore, forces and powers beneath the surface. I won't elaborate. Partly because I don't want to spoil the discovery for you, and partly because I don't want to read it all and spoil myself before I can play this again. What I will say is that the bits I did read ahead on give you a lot to explore, and are explained in a way that make how they tie into the wider setting and plot. It's all coming together into something impressive.
Personally, as a player of rpgs (larp and ttrpg) I really enjoy settings which present you with mysteries and mysticism, which let you explore the underlying nature of this universe in ways that are at times rational and at times intuitive or mystical. It's an itch few other ttrpgs have scratched for me. Lacuna and Orpheus were, until now, games that achieved what I wanted; now I get to add a third game to the list in Violet Core.
In case it wasn't clear, this is high praise. This is extremely high praise.
I'm going to assume you're already sold. If you aren't, let me make a statement:
I'm mad I didn't think of these game mechanics.
The core engine is pools of d4s, in a way I believe is drawn from forged in the dark. However, unlike FitD, I really like how VC handles its rolls. Particularly - as I mentioned above - the way players can pull on the connections between PCs to offer each other dice, and the way this affects the game.
The core is pretty simple but has nuance. There are PbtA-style moves - things like Negotiate, or Hurt, or Shield - that trigger when you do a particular thing. You roll, and get a codified result based on the result. When you roll, you get a number of dice depending on how you're going about it. In person, you use your talents; things like Making Out and Using Your Head. In your X-10, you use the X-10's talents, things like Synchronising and Drawing Near. An example: You're piloting a Mermaid, and you see your friend (piloting an Ogress) is about to be struck by spiraling comet shards. To save her, you dive across to pull her out of top-space and into sub-space with you, dipping out of the material world to avoid the hazard. Since pulling somebody into Sub-space with your X-10 is Draw Near, you roll as many d4s as your Draw Near pool, and count how many hits you get. Since you're trying to protect somebody, you take that result and look at the Shield move to see what happens.
It's a simple core that's then built on with more detail, giving it a lot of room for nuance and expression.
Further, there's a neat little system for tracking the emotional connections between PCs and how they escalate over time. As they escalate, you pick statements to describe how you feel, pinning down the nature of the relationship, that will get deeper and more intense the further in you get. And the further in you get, the more potent it is when you hand another player your dice to assist her PC.
In play its such a neat, deep, evocative system that it made me really mad I didn't think of it myself. It's basically perfect.
Sorties, in which our cosmic purple space robots punch each other
Up front. Although your in giant space-mechs with giant space-weapons, combat isn't meant to be lethal and horrid. It's intense, and gritty, and emotional raw, but in the way that a bloody-knuckled fist-fight is, not in the way that a shootout is.
Fights aren't war. They're personal.
There's a lot of dancing metaphors in how the fights are described. You might be sparring or actually seriously going after each other, but either way, a fight is an interplay between two characters at their most intense. That thing where a fight scene serves the same purpose as a musical number? Yeah, that.
So. Each fight between X-10s is a Sortie. A sortie is divided into a series of steps, and at each step you pick an option for how you're fighting;
Lead, to be agressive
Sway, to be fluid and fucky
Follow, to be evasive
Sway hits follow, Follow hits lead, Lead hits sway. Its a rock-paper-scissors cycle. (If you get two Leads, both hit, and if you get two follows or sways, both miss.)
When you hit, you can trigger one of the moves as a result. It can get ugly and painful. It could concievably get vulnerable and emotional.
Critically, you have a limited pool of lead/sway/follow actions (depending on your X-10), that get used up as you use them in steps. IE: if you're piloting a Witch, you can use Sway twice and Lead & Follow once. So, you can count what you're opponent's used up, and predict their moves based on what they've got left. In really long sorties, once you've only got one option left to you, it resets.
A sortie is a sort of dance as you maneuver for the advantageous position, use that to fuck with your oponent, and get your fists bruised.
Damage to your X-10 can bleed through to you. Contact between two X-10s can bleed through to their pilots. Things can get strange, particularly when there's Witch X-10s involved.
I'm gonna quote the book again here:
Not all pilots fight to win. Some pilots fight to hurt.
The Gay Bits
As you might have realised by now, it's a really fucking sapphic game. Not as a focus, but in the way where all our PCs are assumed to be some sort of dykey queer type because that's just the kinda tone we're going for.
To misquote Sarah's fellow aussie: "This is my book motherfucker, they'll walk be lesbians if I tell them to".
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Pulling It All Together
Tonally, it's a fucking slam dunk. The world bleeds with a very specific atmosphere, a sort of dykey grungey weirdness that draws on old late-80s to early-90s mecha anime, and Heaven Will Be Mine, and weird scifi.
The writing has a really strong voice. Sarah doesn't write like a typical clinical dispassionate ttrpg text, she writes like Sarah. There's little witicisms, emotional bits, slang. It reads like somebody passionately explaining how to play in person.
There's a lot of snippets of in-character text - chat logs, reports, records, recordings - that give you a sense of the sort of people in this world.
The art is all fucking gorgeous. Mostly Sarah art, with some guest spots.
It is extremely purple, so purple its even in the name.
In conclusion:
Listen I am wildly biased because I've been friends with Sarah for yonks, but even if I wasn't I'd be incredibly enthusiastic about this game because:
a) it seems to have been carefully fine-tuned to hit my tastes.
b) it's really fucking good. Really fucking good.
It's an idiosyncratic personal work that also has a huge cosmic scope to it. It fucks around with the medium of dice-based ttrpgs in interesting ways. It's gorgeously written. It's got a setting that makes me want to dive in and explore it.
You should go back the kickstarter when it goes live, and tell your friends about it, and I am not kidding. If this game isn't a wild success there is something wrong with indie ttrpgs. The kickstarter is here, I believe it's due to go live in a couple of days.
If any bloggers are interested in getting a preview copy of their own, hit me up and I can hit up Sarah and we can sort things out.
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ppdaily · 4 months
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Psycho-Pass Providence Collaboration Campaign
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thedensworld · 11 months
Post Magazine | K.Mg
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Pairing: Photograper!Mingyu x Actress!Reader
Genre: fluff
Words Count: ±700
Summary: It was an honor for Mingyu to collaborate with a well-known magazine. But this job made him realize that love at first sight is real.
Mingyu's got a face that screams "bad boy," and he's given up trying to argue otherwise. He's got that classic playboy look, and an occupation of playboy, a photographer, no less! So, when he tries to convince people he's got an old soul and a sentimental side, they just give him the side-eye. Mingyu's decided to let his looks do the talking, after all, it's all about that first impression, right?
He's snapped shots of so many celebrities, and they all ooze glamour and charisma. Last time, he was working with Cha Eunwoo, an idol-actor who's now a buddy thanks to being the same age. But there's been zero post-work chit-chat with any of his models, except for Eunwoo. So, it raised an eyebrow when he waltzed up to the editor asking for your digits.
"I'll pass along her management's info," the editor said, conveniently hiding the fact that he's got a bit of a soft spot for you after that last shoot. Okay, maybe it's not just a "bit" anymore, it's a full-blown crush.
It started when Mingyu gets the call that he's in charge of the photo shoot for a rising starlet, Jang Y/n. It's your first time gracing a big-time magazine, so Mingyu tries to do some sleuthing about you. Mostly cast as a villain or a bit unhinged, your online pics aren't exactly flattering. Mingyu's scratching his head trying to figure out what style you'd vibe with.
When the big day approached, Mingyu's armed with a couple of style ideas for your shoot, hoping they'll match your vibe and brand. He's deep in discussion with the editor when your manager shows up.
"Y/n has those magnetic and charismatic aura that makes people think she's a tough . But she's really a soft and timid person," your manager spills the beans, enlightening Mingyu and the editor.
"It'll be good to show the side that people hasn't known about. Let's roll with these," the editor picks out two mood boards, going for dark academia and chic stylings.
And your manager wasn't kidding. You're like a total 180 from the roles you usually play. You're not some evil assassin, psycho girlfriend, or creepy stalker. If Mingyu could describe it, you're just radiant. You step into the studio with a grin plastered on your face, and your hair's practically glowing. Mingyu swears, your eyes are like a novel waiting to be read, and he's itching to turn the pages.
Just the night before, Mingyu decided to check out one of your films - the one where you played the mad stalker. He was blown away by your acting skills, even if you looked more like a scruffy vagabond. And now here you are, dressed to the nines, portraying a powerhouse career woman in front of him. As soon as Mingyu looks through the viewfinder, he sees his future. Love at first sight might be pushing it, but let's just say he's smitten.
"Could you lean in a bit, Y/n?" Mingyu asks, second-guessing if that was the smartest move ever. You lean towards the camera with this sly grin, and Mingyu's heart does somersaults.
Mingyu lets out a dramatic sigh, "Let's call it a wrap." He mumbles and dashes over to the monitor, trying to cool off his racing heart. And this is just the first outfit; there are four more to go.
"Is everything alright?" You ask the crew as you step onto the set with your last outfit. "I've never worn something like this before," you admit. Mingyu shoots you a reassuring smile, "You look stunning, absolutely stunning," he assures you.
The rest of the crew is in awe, and you playfully cover your face as if you're blushing. But Mingyu, with his photographer's eye, spots a genuine flush of pink on your cheeks and ears. Maybe he's got a touch of it too, but he's too busy being in awe of your beauty to care.
"It would be amazing if you could strike a pose like Ma Jooahn," the assistant director suggests, referring to one of your past roles as a ruthless assassin. You slip right into character. Your eyes shoot daggers, your smile vanishes, and you look ready to take on the world.
"I'll just pretend there's a pesky fly to squash right here," you mutter while turning to your right, earning a laugh from the crew.
"I wanna be that fly," one of the crew members chimes in, making you burst into laughter and breaking character. Mingyu shakes his head, looking at the monitor beside him; his weakness is a woman with wit and grace. You seem to have both in spades.
"You're absolutely smitten, buddy." Eunwoo clinked his can against Mingyu's, chuckling at his friend's infatuation with you. For almost an hour, Mingyu's gaze hadn't strayed from your portrait.
"Come on, focus on your work," Eunwoo urged, playfully nudging Mingyu, who seemed a bit unsteady.
"I am!" Mingyu retorted, gesturing to his laptop, where he was diligently editing photos from your previous shoot. "Staring is also part of my job," he added with a smirk.
Eunwoo let out a dramatic sigh. "There's something you should know about her," he began, catching Mingyu's attention.
Mingyu's brow raised, then quickly furrowed. "What?" he inquired.
"Does she have a boyfriend?" Mingyu interjected, curiosity evident in his voice.
Eunwoo shrugged. "I'm not certain," he admitted. "But there's some gossip that floating around the actors."
Mingyu fixed Eunwoo with a steady gaze, silently urging him to continue.
"She's a mom," Eunwoo dropped the bombshell.
Mingyu's head drooped, disappointment evident on his face. "So what if she's a mom? Is she a widow? That just makes her even hotter, honestly! Ack—" Mingyu began to enthuse before Eunwoo playfully smacked his head.
"Come on! Seriously! I personally haven't worked with her, but some actors say she has a kid, or that she's often busy taking care of them, which might be why she hasn't taken on lead roles. But, i'm not sure either," Eunwoo explained, offering the tidbits he'd gathered.
Mingyu scoffed, "If you're not sure, don't spread it around."
Eunwoo rolled his eyes, a little surprised by Mingyu's strong reaction.
"You've got it bad, my friend," he teased, shaking his head.
After a few weeks, what was once a rumor turned into a nightmare for Kim Mingyu. Dispatch, a popular Korean media outlet, released photos of you with your daughter. Some of the pictures were taken in front of a daycare, park, and even a hospital. Mingyu isn't happy seeing your privacy violated by the media, especially as you're gaining more fame. But what Mingyu despises the most is that the pictures are real, with zero editing.
There are two possibilities:
1. You have a secret husband.
2. You're a widow with a child.
Mingyu is perfectly fine with the second possibility. He believes he's good with kids and loves the idea of being around them. But the first possibility? Dang, It hits Mingyu like a punch in the gut. After nearly a month of being your biggest fan, he can't believe he has to remain just a fan. He hasn't even mustered the courage to call you. His heart shattered before he could offer it to you.
Didn't Mingyu mention he's a very sentimental person? Oh yes, he certainly did.
"I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly?" Mingyu asked during a phone call to the other person.
"We noticed you worked with Y/n on her last photoshoot sessions, so she might be comfortable with you," the other person, a representative from your management, explained to him.
Mingyu shook his head, "No, I mean... Did I hear... So, Y/n wants me to be the photographer for her release?"
"Yes, Mingyu. She believes in you for this release, and we want the best for her and her daughter."
Mingyu was left speechless after receiving the phone call. He immediately cleared his schedule for you after the call ended. He still remembered the tone of your management team as they stated, "We want to release a statement regarding the spreading rumors about our artist, Jang Y/n. She personally recommended you as the photographer. You know, the rumor is pretty sensitive for her, and the last thing we want is to make her uncomfortable during the photoshoot."
Mingyu couldn't stop smiling once he saw you arrive at the studio with your daughter in your arms. Mingyu guessed she might be 3 to 4 years old. Putting the rumor aside, your daughter is the cutest little human in the world.
"Thank you so much for accepting the request. It means a lot to me, Mr. Kim," you approached Mingyu after putting Jihan, your daughter's name, down.
Mingyu bowed, "No, it's an honor. Thank you so much for trusting me. And you can call me Mingyu, please be casual with me. No formality needed," he said to you and gave you a reassuring smile. Deep inside, he was the one who needed reassurance here, as his heart pounded like crazy.
"We're here today to shoot a beautiful portrait and video for our release. Be careful not to hurt yourself, let's work together for us," the director gave a brief direction before the photoshoot started.
Mingyu took beautiful pictures of you and Jihan. He stood behind the camera as they shot a video of you talking about Jihan, clearing up the misunderstandings.
"Jihan was almost three years old when I adopted her. I used to volunteer at the foster home when I met her, and she was so little. I found out that she's suffering from a physical disability due to harmful substances during her pregnancy."
"There's a long process in adopting her. I had to run a few tests to make sure I was an appropriate adopter, and I was so grateful that it didn't take longer time for me to finally have her."
"I actually didn't want to break this news, but the news broke itself, right? I just want to say that there's nothing wrong with having a kid, whether you're married or not. Everyone has a reason. Doing this interview is also hard for me, but I want to encourage all parents, single parents out there, that having a kid is not a sin but a blessing. And I'm very blessed to have Jihan."
Mingyu smiled as he saw Jihan, who was sitting behind you, playing with Legos. She now approached you to show you her Lego creation. "That's amazing, baby." His heart melted once he heard you compliment your daughter, completely distracted from the shoot and focusing on Jihan, which spoke volumes about your personality.
Maybe Mingyu's weaknesses boil down to three things: witty women, graceful women, and you.
He'll start by making a move toward Jihan. She mentioned his height earlier, expressing a desire to be held by him. He's all in! If Jihan wants to call him "dad" immediately, he's a goner.
He's definitely going to ask you out after this.
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mieiri · 3 days
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reach mine. soulmate au collab + event! ˖ ✮ ˙ 200924
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❛ she peels an orange, for us in the mornin’ she woke me up to give me half. ❜ 🍊 ꒱ ෆ ⸝⸝
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in hopes of welcoming mieiri back onto the streets of tumblr dot com slash dashboard— i ( dilly ) will be hosting ( reach mine! ) a collaborative event where both artists and writers are encouraged to join and submit their works with the cheesiest theme: soulmate! ♥︎
to know the itty bitty details ⊹
soulmates are not bound by any means . . so whether you want to submit a piece for platonic soulmates or romantic soulmates is totally up to you!
( this collab also yearns for selfship works . . btw . ^w^ )
dilly, what if your soulmate is someone you detest?! yes, you can submit something like that too! dark content pieces are welcomed and encouraged ( simply make sure to tag your works properly! ) teehee . .
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some examples and prompts to help ⊹
masterlist of soulmate aus. ( including prompts such as something written + drawn on, different abilities, sharing fates with your soulmate, telepathic links, etc. )
a numbered list of prompts. ( for those indecisive, spinning the wheel could be an incredibly fun experience too! there are fifty-one different ideas to choose from )
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learning the way of . . submissions ⊹
i will be accepting any animanga + hoyoverse pieces you’d like to share such as . . jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, windbreaker to psycho pass, golden kamuy, dunmesh etc! truly, anything goes ☆
for future friends who want to join my silly event ( thank you so much . . ) feel free to send in an ask that goes a little something like this:
dilly! i’d like to join your event :3 i’ll be writing for ___ / i’ll be creating a piece for ___ from ___ ! thank you ^^
hiii hi! for your event, could you please write me down for __ from ___ ! it’ll be dc, fyi !! titled __ , thnx u !!
if you have already decided on a title for your piece, feel free to share it with me! this is so i can add it to the masterlist without a temporary placeholder. as for dark content works, please let me know beforehand to add you into the correct section! if you are unsure, please don’t worry about it C: !
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oh! and before i forget ⊹
afterwards, i will be adding you to a separate masterlist from there! please make sure to tag your works under “reach mine. au collab” for easier navigation + tag me so i can see it too!
i think that is all from me to you . . if you have any questions or want to simply confirm something with me, please do not hesitate to send in an ask and let me know!
and p.s. there is no due date! bcos i am terrible with those! i’d love it if we all had fun— take your time without any worries! : ) ♡ #yahoo for being in love with love . .
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dolcettamagica · 7 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐮’𝐬
𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘶’𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺
⊹ ࣪ ˖ professor!rick x student!reader
do i really need to collaborate on this? he doesn’t even have to be her professor. just think about rick bullying some psych students because he doesn’t accept psychology as science and reader not taking his shit.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ psycho pass; enforcer!rick x detective!reader
of course rick would have been classified as a terrorist for trying to hack into the sibyl system thus ending as a criminal enforcer. he would be the reader’s “partner” though working with rick was everything but easy and somehow – god knows how – rick did hack into the system it’s just that no one realized it. until reader tried to shot him.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ criminal!rick x cop!reader
this has so much potential, various stories. does reader know that he is a criminal? is he under house arrest and reader has to look after him? is reader going undercover? is reader responsible for rick’s case?
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ceo!rick x secretary!reader
let’s face it: rick would be the absolute worst as a boss. mean, high-standards and toxic. would reader crumble under him or would she try to meet his expectations? maybe even seek revenge and join the rival company?
⊹ ࣪ ˖ rick x assassin!reader
listen, i know we got that storyline with tammy already. tammy wasn’t focused on rick tho and she worked for federation.
reader is seeking revenge and turned into an assassin; rick killed her family when she was still a child due to him being careless and selfish. she took it upon herself to avenge her family. gaining ricks trust, making him fall for her – even just a little, just to end up killing him. at the sane though she is being hunt down by the federation herself.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ the flesh curtains; guitarist!rick x manager!reader
i don’t even want to imagine how wild and cocky rick was during his band time and how hard it was for reader to control him, trying to not let any scandal skip, make sure that he is actually sober enough to perform.
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weaselandfriends · 9 months
Don't suppose you've seen Gen Urobuchi's recent movie on Netflix, Bubble? It has a lot of Madoka Magica DNA, because of course it does—but it's surprisingly bloodless for one of his stories. For that reason, I can't imagine you'd like it, but it occurred to me that its premise, with boys surviving out in the world while playing a competitive sport, had very similar vibes to some of the themes you've discussed regarding your upcoming Pokémon fic!
I have not seen Bubble. I'm honestly awful at watching new stuff as it comes out, though like everyone else I am currently watching Frieren (and I saw Oshi no Ko last season).
As far as Urobuchi goes, I've honestly not been too impressed by the rest of his oeuvre. What I've seen includes:
Fate/Zero: Falls off hard in the second half, though the reason for this might have more to do with being a prequel than any particular decisions Urobuchi himself made
Phantom Requiem for the Phantom: Ignore the awesome name, this is so boring, also has a terrible Dice Guy villain (I'll explain what this means); however, the ending (like the last five minutes) is strong
Psycho-Pass: Another outrageous Dice Guy villain, slow start, though it picks up near the end
Saya no Uta: I actually like this, it's good
Now what is a Dice Guy? This is a term I coined when watching the extremely bad anime Akuma no Riddle. In this anime, there is a character who barely ever interacts with the plot, but rather stays in the background, sitting in a shadowy room, from which he ostensibly exerts some puppetmaster-style control over the events unfolding. The show frequently cuts to this character as he monologues to himself about deep-sounding philosophical topics such as the nature of fate and chance, topics he emphasizes by a fixation with a pair of dice he constantly rolls. For instance, at once point he might say something like "Fate is... a roll of the dice," and then roll his dice. (I parodied this specific guy in Cockatiel x Chameleon via the company boss Harper meets near the end of the story.)
Though it's not always dice specifically that the Dice Guy plays with as he rambles about intellectual-sounding topics in the most surface-level ways imaginable, the core conceit is similar, and Urobuchi loves this type of guy to no end. Psycho-Pass's villain, for instance, is constantly monologuing about and quoting literature; Phantom Requiem for the Phantom's villain has a similar fixation with theater, likening the events of the story to performances in a play.
I hate these guys. They're insufferable. And they plague Urobuchi's work. Kyubey would probably have wound up a dice guy if the necessities of Madoka's plot structure didn't leave him only ambiguously villainous for most of the story. He does, after all, fill the role of a shadowy puppetmaster. I'm imagining a world where Kyubey's speech likening magical girls to cattle isn't a one-off moment but the core defining motif of his character, and I shiver.
While a lot of fans in the space attribute Madoka entirely to Urobuchi, I like to point out that Madoka also had an auteur director at the helm with his own distinct creative vision: Akiyuki Shinbo, the mastermind behind everything produced by Studio Shaft. I think Shinbo and Urobuchi both limited some of the other's more indulgent practices, and it is specifically in their collaboration that something as uniquely special as Madoka Magica could come about.
Anyway, I apologize for going on this diatribe/rant, but I feel bad answering a question sent to me with a simple "No," so I gave you this instead. Enjoy?
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psychopasss4 · 3 months
The "hang-up" analysis 🤭😁
M'kay, let's talk about it now...
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The balcony scene in "Psycho-Pass: Providence" is rich in subtext and emotional undertones. And when Akane hangs up on Kogami, his subsequent actions and expressions offer insights into his internal state. Here’s a thorough analysis of what Kogami might be thinking:
Emotional Context:
Regret and Guilt: Kogami likely feels a sense of regret and guilt. Throughout the series, his actions have often placed him in opposition to Akane's ideals. The call may have brought these feelings to the surface, especially if he perceives that he has disappointed or hurt her.
Loneliness and Isolation: Despite his tough exterior, Kogami is a deeply solitary character. Akane is one of the few people with whom he shares a genuine connection. Her hanging up could accentuate his feelings of isolation, reinforcing the emotional walls he has built around himself.
Reflection on Choices: Kogami might be reflecting on the choices he has made. His life as a fugitive and enforcer of his own brand of justice has led him down a path that diverges significantly from Akane’s. The call could serve as a moment for him to ponder the divergent paths they have taken.
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Tactical Considerations:
Strategic Concerns: Kogami is a pragmatic and strategic thinker. He might be considering the implications of their conversation for their ongoing mission or the broader situation they are facing. Akane’s decision to hang up could indicate her stance on certain actions or strategies, prompting Kogami to reassess his plans.
Communication Breakdown: The hang-up might signify a communication breakdown between them. Kogami could be contemplating how to bridge this gap, recognizing the importance of their collaboration despite their differing methods.
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Personal Reflections:
Unresolved Feelings: Kogami's gesture of rubbing his temple can be seen as a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. He may be grappling with unresolved feelings for Akane, whether they are of a personal, professional, or ethical nature.
Fatigue and Weariness: Rubbing his temple and going to sleep could also symbolize his mental and physical fatigue. The burden of his actions and the continuous struggle against the system might be taking a toll on him, and Akane’s reaction could serve as a reminder of the weight he carries.
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Symbolic Interpretation:
Conflict Between Ideals: Kogami and Akane represent two sides of the same coin, with Kogami often taking a more radical approach compared to Akane’s adherence to law and order. The hang-up could symbolize the ongoing conflict between these two ideologies within Kogami’s mind.
Hope and Despair: Akane’s action might leave Kogami oscillating between hope and despair. Hope, because despite everything, she is still willing to engage with him; despair, because her hang-up suggests a significant emotional and ideological distance between them.
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Kogami’s reaction to Akane hanging up the call is multifaceted, encompassing regret, loneliness, strategic reconsideration, and personal reflection. It highlights the complexity of his character and his deep connection with Akane, serving as a poignant moment that underscores the emotional and ethical dilemmas he faces.
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kokitschi · 1 year
AITA for getting two of my classmates killed?
Okay, okay, I know the title sounds bad but hear me out first.
So we're in this (involuntary) death game, right, long story. Basically the goal is to get away with murder but if you get caught, you get horrifically executed. Fun stuff.
Anyway, so this whole situation kinda takes a toll on me, but I keep it lowkey. Well, actually, my strategy was to act like I'm really enjoying this whole game, get chummy with the game master and stuff like that. I was apparently very convincing, even though I kept dropping hints that I'm not having a good time. So everyone was convinced pretty early on that I'm some psycho who gets pleasure out of watching people suffer, which admittedly I can't fully blame them for. But they were literally convinced I was satan incarnated before I ever did some heinous stuff just because I wasn't very nice and friendly and didn't want to pretend like we can just friendship-is-magic our way out of this. They literally got upset at me for freely speaking about the death of our classmates and trying to warn this sweet naive fucking idiot about being too trusting and the consequences of cooperating under these circumstances. No, I was not nice about it. But like, get real. They just didn't want to face the reality of the situation and that's fucking dangerous.
Anywayyyy, time passes, people get killed, everyones on edge and depressed and shit. Despite what I just said, I didn't actually believe that we all shouldn't cooperate under any circumstances. I just thought we shouldn't do it so openly. So there were two people I mainly cooperated with, let's call them G and M.
G is the aforementioned sweet naive idiot, he also happens to be an absolute mountain of a man. I saw potential in him, I knew he wasn't actually that dumb, he was just, naive and trusting and he really really wanted to protect people. I thought that was a dangerous combination. So I took him under my wing and we did spend a lot of time together.
M is... well, she's a dumb fucking bitch. Obnoxious as hell. But she's also pretty brilliant in making stuff. Like, inventions I mean. VERY USEFUL. We didn't get along much, but I knew how to handle her and we ended up collaborating on several creations and gadgets.
It was really powerful stuff, y'know? I was sure we could use these to take down the game master. I said as much to her. But she... was unsure. Actually, I guess it would be more accurate to say that she was scared, if not terrified. She didn't believe that we could win this way because she thought our classmates would definitely betray us! Can't blame her for thinking that, I guess. It was still pretty discouraging. It would've been fine if the issue had ended here, probably.
But then... long story short, I found out that she was trying to kill me. :')
I would've laughed but it really wasn't that funny, was it. I thought we had at least a truce, you backstabbing fucking bitch. Haha.
I couldn't let this happen. Of course I didn't want to die, but I did also think that if I die here, everyone else will also die. Even if she didn't get away with it, which is debatable because there would've only been about 1.5 competent people left alive to figure it out, I had plans to properly end this game. I couldn't die here.
I had to eliminate her first. She was simply too big of a threat. Not only was she actively planning to murder me, after we've literally created another possibility, she was also emotionally very unstable. It was too risky to solve this another way. Even if we had managed to pacify her now, she was still the biggest risk factor.
I had probably squeezed out all the valuable uses out of her anyway at that point, hah.
So yeah, I decided to strike her down before she could strike me down. But I didn't want to risk either getting everyone killed (because obviously I could've planned a murder I could get away with, duh) or getting executed myself. That would kinda be against the point of ending this game with more than 2 people left alive.
G had grown very depressed over the course of the game. He's always had a tendency to self deprecate and he's been offering himself as a meat shild since the very beginning but especially lately. So I thought I would be so kind and take him up on his offer :)
You guys don't know just how much he's been begging to be used, be useful, protect someone. Literally.
I planned the murder. I manipulated G, convincing him that this was the way to save everyone and he executed my orders. He killed her. I didn't have to get my own hands dirty. He even bought in his own ideas to cover up the murder scene!
The only information I hid from him was that I never planned to let him get away with this. He still chose to kill her, yknow? I didn't force him to do it. I did push his buttons. I knew he would do it if I just said the right words. But if I hadn't manipulated him like this, someone else eventually would've. And he would've done it for them too. Maybe it was always gonna happen!
Anyway, G got executed. Despite some hiccups during the trials, we unraveled the murder and well. He's dead now. My classmates are very upset with me hahahaha :')
But I didn't have a choice. What was supposed to do? Is it wrong of me for wanting to live? For thinking about the situation realistically? For thinking I was more necessary to end this game than either of them?
Edit: I've usurped the game master. Surely me officially ending this game will prevent people from murdering any more. :)
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The ideal husband understands every word his wife doesn’t say.
- Alfred Hitchcock
When Alma Reville, wife of Alfred Hitchcock, died in 1982, Charles Champlin wrote in the LA Times that “the Hitchcock touch had four hands and two of them were Alma’s.” While Hitchcock received most of the credit for the 54 films he directed, Alma’s significant contribution should not be underestimated.
When Hitchcock met Reville in 1920, she had already been in the film business for five years and was well established as a cutter, scenario writer and floor secretary. He was a lowly titles artist and had to wait three years before he had reached a position in which he felt he could approach her.
They worked together at Gainsborough Studios and some there felt that she could have been a film director, although she herself was modest on this point: “I’m too small,” she said, “I could never project the image of authority a director has to project.” Other views of her tell a different story, and Alma has been described as “brisk, sometimes even brusque” and “much shrewder about people than Hitchcock, and a lot tougher.”
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Alma and Alfred became Mr and Mrs Hitchcock on 2 December 1926. While she still worked on films by other directors until the mid-30s, she suppressed whatever personal ambition she may have had and devoted herself to supporting and encouraging her husband and bringing up their daughter, Pat. His eventual success allowed her to live a lifestyle she could never have dreamed of when she first began as teagirl at Twickenham Studios aged 16.
She learnt many different skills during her time in the British film industry, which stood her in good stead to offer advice wherever needed during production of Hitchcock’s films. From finding properties for him to produce, to casting, scouting locations, plotting camera angles and checking rushes, there were few areas that Alma didn’t contribute to. Once in Hollywood, she was less frequently seen on the set of his films, but was a key collaborator behind the scenes on every project.
Perhaps her greatest contribution was via the screen adaptations she worked on, for Hitchcock and others. Of the films on which she has a writing credit, it’s striking how many contain strong, well-drawn female roles. Take, for example, The Constant Nymph (Adrian Brunel, 1928), The Water Gipsies (Maurice Elvey, 1932), and The Passing of the Third Floor Back (Berthold Viertel, 1935), or Hitchcock’s Suspicion (1941), The Paradine Case (1947) and Stage Fright (1949), to name a few.
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Stage Fright is the last film Alma was credited on; apparently the failure of Under Capricorn (1949), a property she had recommended to Hitchcock, led her to lose confidence in her judgement. Her absence shows; while Hitchcock’s later films are among his best regarded, the female roles tend to be less deeply examined, the action usually driven by the male protagonists. One wonders whether Marnie (1964) would have been more successful if Alma had had a hand in writing the script; despite the contribution of Jay Presson Allen, its study of an emotionally damaged woman is psychologically undermotivated.
Hitchcock was honest about his lack of understanding of the opposite sex: “I never understood what women wanted. I only knew it wasn’t me,” he once said wistfully. The onscreen portrayal of him as a man desperately attempting to seduce his blonde starlets seems a little overstated; as biopics often do, it feels as if drama has been created where none really exists. Certainly, Alma’s affair with writer Whitfield Cook, if it did take place, would have been long over by the time Psycho (1960) was being made.
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While the real Alma Reville is still a little obscure, it’s only right that she is at last receiving recognition for her contribution to Hitchcock’s films. As the director said, in his speech at the presentation of his American Film Institute (AFI) lifetime award in 1979, if it wasn’t for her, he may well still have been at that gala dinner, but as “one of the slower waiters.”
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monica2080 · 3 months
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Don Quijote stores x collaboration products with "PSYCHO-PASS PROVIDENCE"
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yurayura-kurage · 1 year
A3! Fushimi Omi [SSR] Flustered Award Ceremony | Backstage Story Translation (3/3)
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Special thanks to Vera for the backstage’s recording!
Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
VS Thieves Gang / 3
Thief: … Somehow I managed to give them the slip. 
Chikage: Hey, I’ve been waiting for you.
Misumi: Give Chikage’s handbag back!
Thief: W-Who the hell are you!?
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Even the police! Damn it, I’ll definitely run away…!
*Short  timeskip*
Thief: I’ve come this far, they’ll no doubt…
Chikage: I was allowed to go ahead of you.
Thief: What…!?
Misumi: Ahaha, somehow this feels like that time right! Chikage is really cool~! (*)
Chikage: Yeah. That was when we were chasing a thief in front of the dorm right. 
Thief: Why do you always go ahead of me wherever I go no matter what…!
Chikage: I’m good at chasing after people.
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Chikage: …Well then, may I have my deposited things back.
Thief: Deposited things… So that’s you, the four-eye the other day! This machine, no way, a GPS!?
Misumi: I told you–, just give up~!
Thief: There’s no way I’d let you catch me! If this is a GPS, I’ll win if I throw it and run away!
Omi: …That’s enough.
Thief: I got caught!? If that’s the case I’ll break through––.
Omi: I told you this is enough!!
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Thief: Eek!?
Misumi: Ah– You’ve been knocked down!
Chikage: Haha, Omi’s strength is amazing.
Policeman: Secure, secure! We have arrested the remaining member of the thieves gang…
*Shifts to ceremony*
Kai: Omi-nii, is it really fine for us to receive a letter of appreciation?
Gaku: That’s right–. Chikage-san and Misumi-san deserve this more than us, don’t they?
Omi: That’s not it, thanks to you guys, we were able to arrest the thieves gang. Not only the police, but Chikage-san and Misumi were also grateful.
Kai: Y-Yeah, that’s great but…
Announcer: Well then, Fushimi Omi-san, Kai-san, Gaku-san, please come to the podium.
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*Short timeskip*
Gaku: Fuu~, it ended safely–!
Omi: Haha, somehow I was a little embarrassed.
Police staff: Excuse me, do you have a moment?  There are a few requests I’d like to ask MANKAI Company-san.
Omi: Not to us, but to our theater troupe? What is it?
Police staff: Actually…
*Shifts to Veludo Way* 
Omi: I didn’t expect the three of us would be the chief of police for a day…
Misumi: I think Director-san and Sakyo support us a lot!
Chikage: Well, we were told that we can also advertise our theater troupe.
Omi: This is a theater town, so they told us that a collaboration with a theater troupe would help promote crime prevention…
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Chikage: But I think that police staff suggested it simply because he is a fan of MANKAI Company.
Misumi: Anyway, now that it’s decided, let’s do our best~! Salute!
Ahaha, I feel like I’ve become a real policeman!
Omi: Haha, you’re right.
By the way… Both of you, thank you so much for protecting my brothers.
Misumi: That’s natural! I know younger brothers are important to you, since I also have one!
Chikage: That’s right, it’s natural to protect your family.
Omi: …You’re right.
Translator’s note: 
(*) This was from PSYCHO PASS X A3! Special Collab event story 
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ppdaily · 4 months
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Psycho-Pass Providence Collaboration Campaign
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tact-and-impulse · 1 year
Three Strands Part I
@shinkaneweek, thank you for the prompts! This is kind of inspired by a dream I had a long time ago, plus I don't think I've ever done this trope. Mild allusions to Psycho Pass: Providence, but nothing too spoilery, at least in this installment! On FF.net and AO3
A cord of three strands is not easily broken. - Ecclesiastes 4:12
part 1: perspective
To be fair, he had asked for this.
The hotel’s upscale interior reflected the owner’s taste for finery. Ornate chandeliers, polished mahogany tables, delicate porcelain dishes. Begrudgingly, Kougami had to admit the coffee was good. Next to him, Akane had finished her own cup. He was used to her Holo disguise now, her lighter and longer hair, though he still had to move carefully, to adjust for the slimmer physique of his own.
Across from them, the planner opened a book of color swatches, already blurring into a gradient. “Now, I will say that most women want to be a June bride, but do you have a preference?”
“Autumn is fine.” Akane said. “I have no issue with waiting.”
“And you, sir?”
Kougami tried not to jolt. “Sooner rather than later.”
“Eager, aren’t we? I’ll put you for October then. How lovely! A wedding among the maple trees.” Then, the conversation veered towards budget and packages, leaving Kougami to reflect on how exactly this situation had unfolded.
To him, the mission was clear; the hotel had to be investigated. On the surface, Yume appeared to be a quaintly run business, but it had once been run by a criminal now in custody and the building had changed hands quickly. Too quickly. The new proprietress was Yanase Juria, a confident woman who appeared younger than her forty years. And despite her glamorous image in surveillance footage, reports of illegal immigrant labor were deftly buried in her file. And under her direction, the newly branded logo was a three-tailed fox.
So, Foreign Affairs had to be involved, and they met with Public Safety to negotiate jurisdiction. Unit One was already in the meeting room, Akane the newest addition. It might have been a pleasant afternoon, except for the arrival of the new chief. The man was deft and calculating, steering the discussion in Public Safety’s favor.
“And on that matter, we need to decide who will be going undercover.” Homura smoothly said. “Since this is a collaboration between our departments, it would only be appropriate to have a representative from each. Statutory Enforcer Tsunemori will be ours.”
Hanashiro nodded. “Of course. As for our end-”
Time slowed. There were a number of Foreign Affairs employees, experienced with undercover jobs. He didn’t know whose name Hanashiro was going to say, who she was going to pair with Akane. But he interrupted anyway.
“I’ll do it.”
All heads had swiveled towards him, a mural of shock and surprise. It was obvious what they were thinking: really? He could have been blistered by Gino’s appalled aura, radiating from the next chair over, and Sugo’s discomfort was marked by a cough. In his peripheral vision, Homura was like a statue.
Shimotsuki could no longer suppress herself. “Haven’t you already created enough trouble for her? And have you ever worked undercover before?”
“Someone wise told me to expand my expertise. Why not this opportunity?” And that was true. Also, he didn’t trust anyone else with her safety.
Then, Akane spoke up, her gaze warm. “I don’t mind. I’d be happy to work with you again, Kougami-san.”
“Likewise.” He muttered and promptly forgot the rest of the meeting. Foreign Affairs would reconvene at headquarters, and he was bound to get an earful but he didn’t care.
Afterwards, he found her by a vending machine, grabbing a bottle of flavored water. He punched the buttons for his own drink. “I guess we’ll have to call often, make our cover.”
“Well, it helps that we know each other.” She wryly pointed out. “The best ones have a core of truth.”
“So…what are we?” Damn, that came out wrong.
Akane raised her eyebrows. “What would you like us to be?”
An answer came to mind, but he suppressed the thought. “We’ll have to fit in with the clientele, while keeping our story believable. A business trip may not buy us enough time.”
She opened her wrist device, searching through photos of the hotel. “They host a number of events. Graduations, retirement parties, weddings…”
As casually as he could muster, he said. “A wedding would give us an excuse, even reserve rooms.”
She looked at him, her lips curving upwards in agreement. “Yes, it would.”
“If we’re engaged, you’ll need a ring.”
“Oh.” She glanced down, extending her left fingers. “Right. I didn’t think about that.”
He took her hand, turning it over in his own. “Let’s find you something suitable.”
Her skin was soft, her pulse a quick rhythm. “I can always borrow from Shion-”
“No. It should be yours.” Before he could stop himself, his thumb ran over that space. A ruby for her name, set in a thin band…
The sound of approaching footsteps brought reality back, and they pulled away from each other.
“We can talk more later.” Her cheeks were pink.
“Sure. I’ll call you tonight.” And he walked off, scratching the back of his head, where it felt intensely warm. Posing as a couple getting married…wherever he was, Saiga-sensei was surely cackling.
They toured the reception halls first, while the planner dug for details about their backgrounds. Kougami gave brief responses about their jobs – he was freelance, she was in the Ministry of Health. They’d met at work. The planner wasn’t satisfied, asking how long they’d been together.
Akane easily replied. “Eight years. But we’ve been on and off until recently.”
He flashed a sharp look at that, but she ducked her head. Still, her hand entwined with his, and he immediately noticed the cool silver of her fake engagement ring. It really did look nice, better than he expected, and he squeezed tight.
“And now, I’m not letting her go.” He sensed her eyes now, but he refused to give in.
They walked on, and the flashy taste extended to each offering; they made noncommittal comments, it didn’t matter anyway. However, the planner seemed to sense their lack of enthusiasm, beckoning them to a Japanese style garden.
It was actually outdoors; the rocks and shrubs were real to the touch. Smooth ceramic tiles outlined a path over the gravel, to a rectangular patio framed by elegant maple and pine trees. A fountain burbled, trickling water through three stony pools. This side faced the mountains, and at dusk, the sun would burn in the distance. There was no pretense here.
“It’s beautiful.” Akane breathed, and she stepped towards the middle of the walkway. She gave a whirl, her skirt aloft for an instant, and asked. “Don’t you agree?”
He stared at her smile, and his traitorous imagination clothed her in a white kimono, a white gown, a veil unable to hide a radiant expression just for him. “Yeah. Beautiful.” And it didn’t feel like lying at all.
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lelair · 3 months
Sound Check: Psycho-Pass Collabs With Karaoke Manekineko
2024. June 26th
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Photo Source: Karaoke Manekineko on X
"1, 2, 3 sound check, mic test...mic test"
Weeks ago, Karaoke Manekineko decided to join forces and uvulas with Psycho-Pass Providence for a limited-time event---to sing in the name of justice. A singing campaign is in place from June 20th to July 21st, along with the selling of merchandise and collaborative drinks.
Patrons can reminisce about Psycho-Pass' bloody moments by singing along to some of the show's iconic soundtracks. Of course, screaming your throat out to EGOIST and Ling Tosite Sigure will not go unrewarded. Participants of the singing campaign shall receive a present: a digital character portrait as a phone background. There are four kinds to collect featuring Akane, Kougami, Ginoza, and Akira in casual attire while having a good karaoke session. The present is a random pick, and if you're lucky, your favorite character might grace your phone's lock screen.
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I wonder if anyone could sing in Alexithymiaspare's pitch, though. Below are the participating Psycho-Pass songs in the collaborative event:
617300: Tōjisha - EGOIST 761365: Monster Without a Name - EGOIST 616211: Alexithymiaspare - Ling Tosite Sigure 713523: Abnormalize - Ling Tosite Sigure
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As a side note, EGOIST apparently disbanded in 2023!? What in the world, I didn't know this! They were one of my favorite Japanese bands.
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Source: EGOIST Wikipedia
Anyway, back to the topic. A passionate karaoke session full of singing and screaming can make anyone parched, right? Fret not, the collaborative non-alcoholic drinks are sure to quench one’s thirst.
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What gets me is that the beverages are styled in each character’s likeness. Different personalities call for different flavors and colors. These are the “flavors” of each character’s drink:
Tsunemori Akane - 🍓 strawberry syrup - 🥛 milk (Strawberry milk is my favorite! I love the light pink color to her drink, probably my pick among the four)
Kougami Shinya - blue hawaii syrup - blue jelly - ginger ale (Is it because Kougami is a sweet, gingery, and spicy person? How meta can this get?)
Ginoza Nobuchika - blue hawaii syrup - orange juice (You can never go wrong with OJ, just like Ginoza)
Akira Vasily Ignatov - Ramune syrup - Calpis (I like to believe that Akira didn’t agree to being marketed as a Calpis guy; no wonder he’s holding a tall glass of beer for himself in the advertisement)
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Unfortunately, this collaboration event is held in Japan only. International fans may sing along inside their heads.
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hiromu-hayase · 1 year
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【お仕事告知】「Animax Cafe+」様の『劇場版 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス PROVIDENCE』コラボカフェ描き起こしSDイラストを担当させていただきました!コラボカフェは6/2(金)から開催です。是非よろしくお願い致します!  
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