#psychopass bkdk au
h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years
Part 2
Prev- Part 1
As the story progresses, Izuku starts to behave rather erratically, but whenever anyone tries to read his psychopass it comes up as 000. Knowing that he cannot be judged for his actions, Izuku becomes exceedingly reckless and harsh to attain his own goals. He endangers his own emotional stability to Trace psychopaths with his Mentalist abilities. It should screw with his hue but he is always pure white. It comes to a point where even when Izuku is beating down a criminal to the edge of death when his psychopass never changes beyond 000, not a hitch; but as the criminal loses consciousness his psychopass drops to a point where he cannot be eliminated. Other people would have atleast 70 points higher, but his is stuck at 0. Thus Izuku becomes obsessed with A41 and LoV too, but his mania seems to exceed Katsuki's at one point. Katsuki begins to regret bringing him into it at all. Izuku clearly abuses A41's inability to read his psychopass and does reckless, brutal shit as he pleases. He also avoids weilding Dominators entirely as he refuses to let A41 judge Criminals for him anymore.
Meanwhile, Katsuki's psychopass starts to climb steadily but surely towards 300 for worrying and stressing so much around Deku, fearing he might die one of these days along with his mixed awkward feelings for the guy. He gets several warnings and is even told to lay off work to get his psychopass lower with rest and proper psychological care.
He thinks its a conspiracy by A41 to get them apart, but it seems farfetched as to why a computer would want to keep them away unless it had some vested self-interest. And frankly, the idea of such an integral and wide-sprawling computer system being self-aware and against them was too scary to acknowledge.
The city soon sees a rise in refugee protestors because of social discrimination, and even terrorist activities crop up ,which seem to be headed by multiple organizations. A41 engages the MWPSB in Emergency mode and authorizes Group-psychopass readings wherein every individual banding together as a terrorist (or any) group is given the same psychopass reading and can be eliminated if it exceeds 200. Unit 2 engaged in subduing one such terrorist group and what ensues is a gruesome Holocaust. Deeply disturbed and enraged at this, Members of Unit 1 discuss how the Group-psychopass works and how to bypass it. They find out that it works something like an average of all psychopasses. Izuku wants to desperately avoid bloodshed based on A41's readings, and he points out how if the leader of the group is subdued, the whole group's psychopass falls automatically.
On their ride to the hideout of their assigned terrorist group, Katsuki tells Izuku to not act like a hero for once and use the Dominator for his own safety because this is an organized group of armed forces he is going against. Izuku refuses, Katsuki gets mad. They fight and when Izuku asks for Katsuki for one plausible reason why he cares so much, Katsuki is unable to say it's because he has fallen in love with him and instead says that Society values Izuku's life above some lowly refugee extras. Izuku strongly disagrees as he thinks all lives should be treated equally and they have a horrible spat.
On scene, Izuku decides to split from Katsuki and leads his own investigation. Katsuki is stuck with Denki, Iida and Shouto, and they decide to infiltrate their base. They succeed in doing so but when they come across the leader of the group, Nine, they find themselves in a pinch because the group psychopass of all the members is below 100 and requires no law enforcement. It's because Nine, an atrocious human experiment discarded by the Government, apparently has a psychopass inversely proportional to those of the people they are surrounded by. As a child, researchers dissected open his brain and and tried to stitch together a singular consciousness with cybernetic enhancements and eight other human brains taken from refugee orphans. The end result was Nine, but he had worn his welcome soon as the researchers moved onto the next test subject. The higher the psychopass of the people around him, the lower is his own psychopass. And since his psychopass is projected to his minions, it doesnt matter what heinous crimes they commit, or how high their individual psychopasses are, as long as they swear loyalty to him- they will too have low psychopasses and escape A41's judgement.
The only way to kill Nine is if someone with extremely low psychopass, someone like Izuku. Not even Iida can manage to spike Nine's psychopass.
So, Katsuki's team has to fall back for their own safety.
Meanwhile, Izuku, with Kyouka, Shinsou come across a hospital-hostage situation staged by Nine, and fail to rescue when an oxygen line detonates, taking the whole building down. The sheer rage Izuku feels towards Nine at that moment however doesnt even dent his perfect zero psychopass, but Shinsou and Kyouka are certain Izuku might actually kill Nine if they ever cross paths.
Days later, MWPSB arranges another planned raid and this time Izuku goes against Nine after cornering him. No one else is allowed to interfere in their face off because it will lead to Nine reading their higher psychopass and lower his own automatically. Katsuki is thus stuck in the sidelines waiting with baited breath as he watches the events unfurl.
Surprising everyone, Izuku pulls out his Dominator from the harness, and although everyone expects Nine's psychopass to trigger the Eliminator, A41 refuses to read Nine's hue yet again, like with Tomura. Enraged, Izuku breaks the Dominator, “I knew you were useless” and then he takes on Nine in a physical brawl.
Mid-fight, Nine tries to taunt and distract Izuku, by mentioning how similar they are Katsuki hears him mention someone called ‘Dr. Tsubasa'. At that name, Izuku seems to fly into fury, Nine tries to take advantage but horribly misjudged Izuku. He is sent flying into concrete and Izuku pounces on him, nearly giving him a concussion with his bloodied fists. Katsuki is taken aback by the amount of aggression Izuku displays and feels he is responsible for it.
The officers have to pull him off Nine before he actually murders the guy. Fearing for his mental stability, Izuku is put through a preliminary hue/psychopass check by the paramedics. Before the results come, Izuku looks aside at Katsuki and asks him instead, “What color do you think I am, Kacchan?”
And Katsuki can the fury still in Izuku's eyes, the murderous intent pouring off him in fumes. There is no way his psychopass can be clear after he nearly killed and still wanted to kill a human. But the hue check says he is clear as crystal, and Izuku laughs at the results. Perturbed by Izuku's unhinged mannerisms, Katsuki’s worries cloud his own psychopass further.
Katsuki has to wonder Izuku had killed Nine, would he still have a perfect psychopass? Would A41 refuse to acknowledge Izuku's crime if it did happen?
And Izuku, for his part, seems to have decided to defy the system and make his own judgement.Katsuki is certain if Izuku continues down this path, there will be no place for him to return to.
Prev- Part 1
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h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years
I am obsessed with this, okay? please ignore my word vomit and scroll away (I can't seem to use the cut for some reason) Gomenasai!
Izuku cracking the exam like Akane Tsunemori and Katsuki being the Law Enforcer/ Latent Criminal with a police badge- (who is like 3 years older than Izuku). So the psychopass world is governed by this spontaneous cymatic brain scanner thingies which basically calculate your emotional state with a number (by a computer system called Sibyl, but here we'll call it A41) called Psychopass right? If this crime coefficient is above 100 it means you are likely to commit a crime (a Latent Criminal) and, the public safety bureau can paralyze you and imprison you, if over 300 it means you are lethal to society and they are authorized to kill you. And ofcourse they get their own cool Dominator guns to blast people to organic mush.
Psychopass is a fickle thing. When you are under stress it can shoot up easily, so regular mental care and strong minds are valued a lot in current society. Having a low psychopass or a ‘clear hue' is encouraged, while having a high psychopass or a ‘cloudy hue' is looked down upon. Criminals and Latent Criminals alike are considered harmful and recieve harsh treatment. They are not even considered human most of the times.
So enter newbie Midoriya Izuku, Inspector of the public safety bureau, who is supposed to learn the ropes under the guidance of his laconic senior Iida, an Inspector, as the newest member of Unit 1 MWPSB. Iida and Katsuki are always clashing and he refuses to believe that the Enforcers, being latent Criminals or ‘hunting dogs'( as they are referred to) are not to be trusted as they are sub-human. Shouto, Kyouka, Shinsou and Denki are also Enforcers like Katsuki who are appointed under Tenya and Izuku.
On their first case, Katsuki is haughty towards Izuku and constantly mocks him for his inexperience while chasing a criminal. He nicknames him Deku for being useless and letting the criminal get away. The search gets really intense and Katsuki proves himself to be a seasoned ‘hunting dog' to smoke out the criminal but his methods are near brutal. The criminal reveals his connection to the LoV when finally cornered and Katsuki flies into fury. During which Izuku is forced to paralyze Katsuki because his psychopass was skyrocketting on the chase and Izuku was afraid he'd exceed 300 and become a criminal irrevocably.
Katsuki has to be hospitalized and Izuku feels horrible as he let the criminal get away and hurt Katsuki. But Katsuki finally acknowledges that Izuku does have the balls to finally fire a Dominator gun, something he was reluctant to aiming at anyone before. But Katsuki says that firing a Dominator isn’t equivalent to earning the title of an Inspector, and that is something ‘Deku’ has to work for. Pouting at Katsuki's insistence to use that name, Izuku retaliates by calling him ‘Kacchan'. Katsuki almost breaks his bed restraints trying to get up and kick Izuku for such a cutesy nickname.
Izuku quickly understands that most Enforcers didn't approve of him yet, and even Katsuki ignores him for most of the time. He feels like they need him to prove himself in order to give him their acknowledgement. But as days go by and different cases are encountered, Unit 1 realizes that Izuku, with his unfaltering dedication, superb observation and analytical skills, is a force to be reckoned with. And if that weren't enough, Izuku reveals that he is an autodidact Mentalist – someone who is able to Trace the Criminal’s actions with exceptional psych profiling and sheer empathy. This makes Izuku's psychopass highly fluctuant- from single digits to numbers edging on 100. It makes him a little reckless and fearsome but the little Inspector soon makes friends with everyone except Katsuki, but Izuku, emboldened by his dear friend Uraraka’s advice, is determined to get him to open upto him.
Once, during a stakeout, when they are alone, Izuku tries to get Katsuki to open up and mentions why Izuku wanted to be an Inspector after Katsuki commented that he still considers his optimistic and cheerful personality inappropriate for the job.
Izuku tells him that as a child he was terribly sick all the time and he was really depressed because of it. Most children go through psychopass milestones like babies and toddlers have developmental milestones. Children are born with high psychopasses because they have yet to be integrated into society completely. It's one reason why A41 doesnt read psychopasses of children under 9 routinely, but once in 6 months. (Denki is also an example of a child whose pyschopass was abnormally high past the age of 10, and he was forced to become an Enforcer or go to jail, so he chose the former) Izuku's psychopass was too high for his age since he was 4 because of his extraordinary empathetic abilities, and people judged him superficially for it. His body was really weak too, and very few people knew that, so he was constantly bullied as well. When he was 9 he had to get brain surgery done so he was in the hospital a lot. Yagi Toshinori was admitted in the hospital around the same time and they became gast friends. The Inspector often enthralled Izuku with stories and cases, he often forgot Izuku's tender age and spoke of gruesome crime scenes to him as if it were natural to do so. Izuku, himself, was so awed by the courage and heroism of the Inspector that he has dreamt of becoming one himself since. Izuku ends by mentioning that after he finally went through the surgery, Toshinori never came back to see him again, but Izuku wanted to meet him. Katsuki grows pensive and remorseful at the name of Yagi Toshinori, which makes Izuku curious. When he asks if Katsuki knows the man, he is met with the curt answer, “ Toshinori is dead. Has been for a long while".
Shocked, Izuku gulps. He isn't too surprised to hear that because Toshinori was a very frail man when they had met. It was unlikely that he lived for long. But Izuku still cries profusely over him as Katsuki silently watches him sob and feels guilt rip through his chest.
There are countless times where Katsuki saves Izuku's life or reprimands Izuku for being so reckless, and each time, Izuku feels getting more intrigued and charmed by his explosive blond colleague. How can he not be? Especially after seeing how Katsuki takes down a combat bot with his bare fists at the training gym? (Izuku blushes a deep red, averting his eyes from sweat-glistened washboard abs and insisting that Katsuki wear a goddamn shirt because geez! You are so distracting, Kacchan!!!)
They grow close over the several life-threatening incidents they encounter. Izuku manages to get Katsuki to open up about the littlest of things and takes immense joy in each little successful interaction. Katsuki doesn't understand why Izuku is so happy for such small things, but it warms his cockles in an unfamiliar way. No matter how much he pushes it away, Izuku has wormed his way under his skin and made some kind of home in him. Katsuki eventually stops fighting this warm feeling.
Their relationship deepens over solving cases, they grow closer and closer. Katsuki starts to teach him how to fight, spars with him in training room. Katsuki comes to know that Izuku had a frail body and shot nerves (thus his high pain tolerance) and hardly any money for proper treatment. Izuku has put years of effort into overcoming his weaknesses. He might not be the strongest fighter, but he is efficient and knows to hit where it hurts. And frankly, Katsuki is impressed by his dedication. After a particularly exhausting case, when Izuku is bogged down about being too late to save some victims, Katsuki invites him to his quarters for some well-deserved dinner because Izuku has been running himself ragged without food for several days.
They start bonding over drinks and Katsuki finally feels it's time to tell Izuku about his past. He tells him how he was once a Inspector like Izuku himself, but because of his fault his senior, Enforcer Toshinori Yagi was murdered in a very gruesome manner. The perpetrators were related to LoV. The loss of his mentor and the associated trauma caused Katsuki's psychopass to rise beyond 100 and he was demoted to Law Enforcer. But despite that Katsuki continues his fervent search for the LoV. Izuku is shocked to hear this but he comforts Katsuki and tells him that he wants to help.
As their cases get harder to crack and Izuku starts spending more time with Katsuki, and he sees all the gruesome, traumatizing things that make his Psychopass climb steadily from stable 20s to 60s and so on – Iida confronts him and tells Izuku to stay away from Katsuki. He explains that Izuku is becoming more reckless, violent and brutal in his methods due to Katsuki, and although these methods always give results they are unreliable. but Izuku refuses to listen to him.
So an LoV related case comes up where Izuku gets seperated from the rest, Katsuki is going crazy to get him back and Izuku finally meets the guy behind the LoV, Tomura Shigaraki who has kidnapped Uraraka in an indirect attempt to lure out Katsuki buy baiting Izuku instead. LoV wants Katsuki to drop the investigation, maybe even lure him to their side since he has a penchant for destruction. Tomura threatens to kill Uraraka and goads Izuku to try and shoot him with the Dominator. However, the dominator refuses to acknowledge Shigaraki and his psychopass is shown unreadable. However, the dominator catches the psychopass of Uraraka, who under stress has a fatally high number. Izuku realizes the dominator will only hurt the victim and not Shigaraki. He refuses to wield the dominator, but Tomura goads him to shoot him anyway and throws an old-fashioned gun at him, urging him to make his own decisions instead of letting A41 making that decision for him.
For the first time ever since he fired a Dominator n Eliminator mode Izuku is torn about taking a life without A41's judgement.
Just when Katsuki breaks into the scene, he watches Izuku take the shot at Tomura. The shot grazes Tomura, but he is mostly uninjured. Uraraka is killed by Tomura. (r.i.p Uraraka T_T). Tomura escapes, but Izuku is a mess. He cannot accept that he tried to actually kill a person. Katsuki tries to comfort him, but soon Izuku's emotions swing from despair to cold rage.
At this moment Iida busts in and threatens Katsuki to stay away by aiming the Dominator at him
Katsuki tries to cover Izuku from the Dominator cause he knows Izuku's psychopass might exceed 100 right now in his emotional state. And it reads Katsuki's psychopass perfectly. But Izuku walks around Katsuki and in a quiet deadly fury he asks Katsuki to move away. Then he challenges the Dominator/A41 system to read his psychopass and give him a reason to believe that it works when it didn't work on Tomura.
Katsuki tries to drag him back but too late
The Dominator reads Izuku's pyschopass at it's highest limit 999. But before it can switch from the Non lethal paralyzer mode to Lethal Eliminator - Izuku's psychopass changes to 000.
Iida believes his Dominator is glitching. But Katsuki and Izuku both know from previous doubts that the A41 system is flawed and it cannot read psychopass of certain people.
Turns out, Izuku is one of them
(i love the idea of them weilding Dominators)
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h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years
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P S Y C H O - P A S S A U
"What Colour Am I, Kacchan?"
Is your Hue Cloudy yet?
Asdhejbeidne Listen, I just wanted Enforcer!Katsuki with Kougami vibes , BAMF newbie-Inspector!Izuku and both of them weilding Dominators back to back , okay?
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