sun-jelly · 7 years
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Give me another truth. I don’t want this one. 
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sad-ghost-aesthetic · 7 years
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“I whisper wtf to myself 20 times a day” ~ Psyva
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Rasa didn't want to go back to camp. She had found one of them. Psyva's one she was pretty sure. But it wasn't good and she didn't want Psyva getting involved just yet but Rasa knew she was awful at keeping things secret from her friend. Rasa paced outside the pink trees that marked the entrance to the forest they had set up. Psyva would expect her back soon and if she didn't show Psyva would go looking. If she did she might find HER. Rasa clenched her jaw and floated into the trees following the small pink glow of Psyvas familiar soul. Psyva smiled as Rasa entered their rock circle. The rocks here were mostly soft muted pinks and greys that matched the two moons that hung in the sky. Rasa avoided Psyvas smile and immediately knew it was the wrong decision. Psyvas pointed face closed up. "What did you find." Rasa suddenly remembered one loop where they had found Psyvas other half too late. He had been killed by some enemy, they had so many, and Psyva had wept for days straight. Ever since then she always assumed the worst when Rasa came back from scouting. "I think I found one," She said carefully. "Alive and," she paused, "Alive. She's alive." Psyvas face relaxed a little. "That's good. Alive is good. Sometimes we're not so lucky. So, who do you think it is?" Psyva turned to tend to their fire, pretending she didn't care but Rasa knew better. Rasa knew inside she was shaking with anticipation, wondering if it was her other half. "I'm not sure." She was sure. Psyva peeked over her shoulder and said, "don't keep secrets from me. You always have at least an idea of who it is." "Yours." ------ Every muscle in Psyvas body froze. Rasa had found them. Alive. Happiness and relieve and pain flooded into her all at once. She would get to see them again. Hopefully hold them. And lose them all over again. A cycle Psyva thought she would get use to, but seeing your soulmate die was not something you adjusted to. She couldn't move. She wanted to take off but where where. "Where." Barely a whisper of breath but there was a dangerous note to the quietness of her demand. "Psyva, I don't know is this is the best time for you to meet her--" "God fuck I know that Rasa. I know the rules. I can't interact, not yet. But I can look, let me see her. Rasa let me see her, please." Rasa's dark face grew contemplative before she said, "you'll know if it's her for sure. Come on." Psyva shot up from the rough ground and started following Rasa out of the black and pink woods. The two moons lit their way as Rasa lead them towards the nearby city. Psyva could already smell the fish and piss that marked the city as a place people stayed in because they needed to and not because they wanted to Once they reached the small city on the edge of a large lake Rasa ghosted up the side of the nearest building and beckoned Psyva along. Psyva huffed. Not everyone could just turn into smoke and drift their way up and Rasa seemed to forget that so Psyva scrambled her way up rotten pipes and chipped windowsills, getting shit on her skirt in the process. She rolled onto the top of the building and sent Rasa a glare but the blue shadow was already running along. Psyva heaved herself up and ran after the faint glow of Rasa's hair. She could feel it. She could feel them. Her chest pulled her towards an alleyway that Rasa had crouched by up ahead. And as she apporarched Psyva felt her heart lifting in response to them. Rasa was looking at her Psyva knew that her aura was starting to brighten in proximity to her. And there she was. Crouching in the alleyway with her back turned to three figures. And Psyva felt her heart stop. And then start again and again and again and again. She was beautiful. They always were but when Psyva met them for the first time during a cycle it was always a shock. Dark brown curly hair fell around her face and down her back. Her skin was washed out by the the moons light but Psyva could see it was a brilliant brown. Her eyes were turned down and it was only then that Psyva noticed the body she was leaning over. Milky bulbous eyes stared towards the sky and the three figures behind her soulmate seemed happy. Two of them ran off and the other slung an arm around that curly hair and started talking. Psyva tried to listen but the corpse didn't let go of her attention. Not until the wind carried over a single word to her. From the mouth of the figure next to their hero. "Tet." And they walked off towards the yellow city lights. This person and Tet. Psyva stayed above that alley way for the rest of the night. Rasa tried to tug her back to the camp but Rasa was still half phantom so she didn't half the strength. Eventually she told Psyva to be safe and left. Psyvas eyes stayed glued to the spot where her Tet had left. She stayed there until hunger made her return to the camp. She found Rasa roasting a small rodent and as she walked into their circle Rasa looked up and simply said, "it's starting."
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psyva · 7 years
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sun-jelly · 7 years
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I’d tell you all my secrets Oh, but dear, you already have
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“How old are you?” “Who knows. I’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember.” “Doing what.” Eyes meet. “Following you.”
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psyva · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-ECTv1O8vw)
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psyva · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9emh7K4A3aM)
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“I wait hundreds and hundreds of years for you to come back. For you to tell me that it’s ok to find my loved ones again. We work for,” Psyva angrily gestures towards the stars, “whatever the fuck is up there and we follow it's plan and it's plan always kills us, Rasa,” Psyva is practically yelling at this point, her fists clenched and jaw locked, “always and maybe I just want to say fuck it. Did you ever think of that Rasa? Huh? What if we just take the time we have with them and enjoy it? Let the universe fall apart,” Psyva’s voice creaks, the anger starts to drain out of her, “Just let it happen and hold each other while it does.”
“Because that's not how it works.” Rasa’s voice is even and her face calm as she says, “I know you know this Psyva, but you are not apart of this. You stumbled into us a few times and you stuck and I am grateful for it, for all the help and support you have given, but these cycles will keep on happening, with or without you.”
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sun-jelly · 6 years
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can i touch you i need to know youre real
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