#pucci fucks up
ahvene · 11 months
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scene/panel redraws
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
you know, for as Fucked as what Pucci did was, I. Can't stop thinking about how young he'd been
just. You're fifteen and you live with your parents
you're fifteen and you have two siblings, a little sister you love more than anything else and a twin who died before you could know him
you're fifteen and you want to be a priest so you volunteer and work at the local church
you're fifteen and you meet a blonde stranger who fixes your injured foot and gives you an arrowhead and speaks of Fate
you're fifteen and you learn your twin isn't as dead as everyone thought
you're fifteen and your brother and sister are dating and neither of them know it
you're fifteen and you don't tell anyone because how can you break their hearts like that
you're fifteen and you hire an investigator to fix things, to make things right, to make it so they won't make the worst mistake of their lives
you're fifteen and you realise too late what's happened
you're fifteen and you hold your sister's corpse at the bottom of the cliff she jumped from
you're fifteen and your brother hates you more than anything
you're fifteen and your brother kills everyone in town in his rage and the only way to stop him is to steal the power you're responsible for giving him
you're fifteen and you can't do it, can't loose another sibling so soon after the first, so you take his memories instead and make him a blank slate
you're fifteen and you hold your brother's memories close as his body crumples to the floor, what happened that awful night being revealed to you in full clarity
you're fifteen and you cling to the idea of Fate because what else could explain the tragedy that has destroyed everything you loved
you're fifteen.
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lolorenoca · 1 year
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pookies i drew while watching yesterdays libertadores match
open for an alternate version + extra doodle :3
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snivyartjpeg · 1 year
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thrilling doodle dump sequel to my rain code animals ft halara simping for cats
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whos-hotter-jjba · 4 months
Are They Even Dads?
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hopeymchope · 11 months
He clearly said "*ANY* motherfucker in a blue uniform"
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...so I recently figured out why so few of the Master Detectives in "Rain Code" wear the official uniform.
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saeraas · 2 years
if I had a nickel for every time a charismatic blonde guy with red eyes that became interested in a priest and was able to spout some philosophical bullshit to said priest that later ends up convincing the priest to do increasingly more fucked up shit as the story progresses I'd have two nickels. which isn't much, but it's weird it happened twice
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cuntstable · 2 years
smiling thinking about wonderful world foof being like an ambiguously human weird girl who got like abandoned on a church doorstep and new world pucci adopted her. smiiile.
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mrs-bluemarine · 2 months
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Ugly crying he was just sooooo cute as a kid I lomv him sm he looks like a little puppy
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Jojo bingo: Father Pucci
And that brings us our second bingo
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If Jonathan and Dio are my favorite characters sharing a kind of number one position together, Pucci is in a bloody contest with Jolyne and Jotaro for number two. I would even argue that he's the best JoJo villain. Even with his significantly more nuanced and calmer personality compared to them, he’s just as gloriously over-the-top and ridiculously funny at points as the other main JoJo baddies. He has two of my absolute favorite Stands in the series (Whitesnake alone deserves a separate post for how much it’s personality and powers add to Pucci, who is already complex and fascinating and horrifying even without a Stand that has an entirely separate personality), he’s pro-active and vicious as a main villain to an extent the series hadn't seen since Phantom Blood Dio, he grows in power and scope and personality over the part, he’s psychologically disturbing and fucked up to an extent I'd argue surpasses Kira (y’know, the fetish-based serial killer), he adds a ton to Dio's character and his story culminates in him growing into a bigger, badder and better villain than DIO and, just, Pucci is incredible. There couldn't be a better villain to wrap up the original JoJo saga. One of the greatest villains of all time ever. 
I feel like out of all the main JoJo villains, Pucci is the only one who does pull off being morally grey (Valentine really isn’t, he’s a silver-tongued imperialist torturer and J.Geil-tier disgusting creep who’s just good enough at appropriating heroic imagery that he’s convinced himself and a good chunk of the readership (and the Eyes of Heaven writers apparently) that his deeply selfish and unfathomably monstrous plan is noble and selfless and patriotic. He’s a good and layered villain, but morally grey he isn’t). Having significantly lesser crimes compared to the others, more human reasons and more concrete goals, all of which doesn’t do that much to make him sympathetic, quite the opposite. Pucci is horrifying for a myriad of reasons, some of which have to do with the fact that we’re allowed to understand him and his backstory and his goals, and get in his headspace in a way that’s only really reserved for protagonists. Pucci is one of the best examples of how audience sympathy can be used to make villains more resonating and even more horrifying. Pucci is horrible, awful, even described as “the evil that doesn’t know that it’s evil, the worst evil there is”. And we walk through his journey every step of the way. 
Sometimes this moral greyness gives way to people arguing Pucci wasn’t so bad or that he was the only JoJo villain not motivated by selfishness, which I kinda disagree with. Because while it’s true Pucci doesn’t think of himself as selfish and genuinely believes he’s doing everyone a favor, Pucci’s plan is monstrous, and to pull it off he commits the most unfathomably selfish deed in the entire series. He quite literally breaks the universe and rebuilds it again in order to strip agency from everyone, HIMSELF INCLUDED (even if he does have more power over it than everyone else), so that everyone will accept the fate that’s decided for them and never try to defy fate. This, he argues, is born of “resolution eradicating despair”, which further cements Pucci as a Joestar-gone-wrong, in that he quite literally turns the driving ethos of the series against itself, against the universe and the Joestars. And he wins.
No one has any agency, no one's decisions matter, no one’s at fault for anything. Pucci rewrote the universe so that he’d fundamentally never be responsible for his sister's death, by making it so that she not only never really existed to begin with (since the dead do not carry over with their souls and personalities intact), but even if she did, she would have just learned it’s inevitability ahead of schedule and accepted it and be happy for it, just like everyone else, nothing anyone (certainly not him) could have ever done about it. And this? I find this to be a level of ghastly selfishness somehow scarier than anything DIO did, because it’s so much more human, so much more tragic, and so much more fucked up existentially. 
(People have argued a bit over whether or not this goal fits DIO’s character and there’s room to argue both ways, but even putting aside Eyes of Heaven (which is thankfully non-canon, but it’s take on Heaven DIO was designed with input from Araki himself, which counts for something), the plan outlined in DIO’s Diary was always meant to be fulfilled by a friend and not DIO himself)
And I think this is part of why I’m so strongly in that “Everyone is wrong about them” camp because, people consistently mischaracterize Pucci as only a couple of steps above the average DIO flunky, or someone motivated by a romantic love towards DIO (putting aside the age thing, DIO’s Diary quite literally states that Pucci would have been the wrong person if this was the case), or even non-canon spin-offs that depict Pucci as someone who’d immediately abandon Heaven if DIO was still around to boss him. I fundamentaly disagree with this because Pucci adheres to the same theme of legacy that defines Jolyne. And much like Jolyne, who has to battle for the sake of her lineage and the universe, needs to be better than Jotaro, needs to succeed where Jotaro failed (which she does through rescuing Emporio), Pucci has to be better than DIO. Stone Ocean is the glorious apocalyptic book-end to Phantom Blood, with Jolyne, at the end of the world, forcing herself into becoming the final Ultimate JoJo and wrangling along whatever reality-warping weirdos she can, as she desperately tries to catch up to the new Ultimate Evil who's running away with the plot so fast nobody can catch him until the end. 
Pucci surpasses DIO, in terms of power (he attains a Stand that surpasses all other time-based Stands, including the one that defeated The World), scope and accomplishment (he single-handedly disabilitates DIO’s arch-enemy with relative ease and then kills him by turning his time stopping power against him, as well as the current JoJo and the entire supporting cast that accompanied her, and recreates the world into one where the Joestars cannot do anything against him, and only loses because he, like Dio, goes too far and targets an outsider ally to the Joestars). Pucci isn’t DIO’s 2nd in command or partner or flunky, or DIO-lite, Pucci is superior to DIO, he’s DIO’s ultimate accomplishment, the supreme power he attains over Destiny and the Joestars, within the text. When they do JoJo mega crossovers like Jorge Joestar and Eyes of Heaven, they downplay Pucci’s agency and beef up DIO’s powers to be some multiversal world-challenging menace, just so he won’t be lagging behind Pucci, who already is that in-canon. 
Pucci is horrible because he makes use of every resource at his disposal, everything that the protagonists have, everything that the Joestar bloodline has used over the centuries, Pucci turns against them. Enrico Pucci’s endgame is to rewrite the history and ethos of JJBA itself so he may wrench defeat from the jaws of victory forever, and he succeeds, and I love that this is not at all an exaggeration of what he does. 
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Pucci is horrible because everything he does stem from his complete inability to analze himself and admit wrongdoing, to even recognize his cruelty and malice as such, he has such a gargantuan moral and personal blind spot that even his Stand, the rageful melting spectre he bosses around to corrupt and kill people and strip away their memories or give them dangerous powers, is shown to be more introspective and reflective and humorous than the human who wields it, who has to yell at it occasionally to get things done. 
He compartmentalizes everything that comes his way and interprets everything so that he never has to have his worldview challenged, never has to question himself, never has to regret anything that ever happened to him or that he ever did. Everything was fated to be. Everything is a test that everyone, including him, must pass, ergo, he’s on even odds with everyone else. If he fails or fucks up, he’s being tested, ergo, he will eventually succeed. If others fail or fuck up, they’re to be disposed of, such is the order of things. If he succeeds or something goes his way, it was fated to be. If others get the upperhand, he’s being tested by fate, and since fate demands him to survive and complete his mission, he’s got permission to destroy and kill whoever’s holding him back. 
If he does horrible things, well, what’s a few corpses, or a hundred thousand, for the good of the entire world? Would you make their sacrifices meaningless by stopping him? Everything is fated to be, and fate is on his side, not yours. He’s DIO’s God’s chosen. If The Lord wanted him to stop, he’d have chosen someone else, he’d have died by now, but he didn’t, so it falls on him to drag mankind kicking and screaming into the better tomorrow his friend showed him. He barrels through the story with this mindset and even dies screaming it, screaming at Emporio and the vengeful power of the brother he murdered that they just don’t understand anything.
His backstory is so fucked up because we see how he was wronged by fate and circumstance time and time again, how he was just confused and looking for answers, but for all intents and purposes he was a good kid trying to do what was best for everyone. He went to a seminary to find answers, to alleviate his guilt over his (at the time) dead twin brother, to learn about how to find happiness for himself and others. A horrid situation was thrust into his lap by no fault of his own, and he tried to handle it with the least amount of harm to all parties, and he fucked up catastrophically. And that moment, that awful moment, where he finds Pearla’s body and has a moment of self-realization, where he briefly understands he is to blame and, is on the cusp of kickstarting the path that should have lead him to becoming a better person, a morally responsible person, and then
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who immediately provides Pucci with the escape hatch out of the Painful Moral Growth path, who fills his head with poison and stunts his growth by giving Pucci absolution on the terms that Pucci wanted, not the terms that Pucci needed. What started as seemingly the most benign thing DIO had ever done for anyone (healed a young priest’s malformed foot and left him some parting words) spiraled into the actual end of the universe as said priest, well, no longer needed God, once he figured that DIO could play the part for him, could provide him the answers the church wasn’t giving him, could alleviate his guilt and teach him what brings people together and alleviate his guilt and teach what makes someone happy and alleviate his guilt and alleviate his guilt and alleviate his guilt and alleviate his guilt and
As much as I stand by the idea that Pucci is DIO’s superior and his ultimate legacy, because this is DIO we’re talking about and all evil in-universe springs from him (Araki said as much in the post-scriptum for Vento Aureo that DIO embodies Destiny and Fate), Pucci is also, to an extent, a victim of DIO. This is also part why I fundamentally disagree with the idea that Stone Ocean softened DIO. I don’t agree with the idea that his pursuit of Heaven was out of character either (it was essentially what he’d always been looking for, trying to attain happiness by taking control over his destiny in increasing bids for power and self-transformation), and I don’t agree with the idea that this was out-of-character. I’d argue DIO’s much-vaunted manipulative charisma, while always present, had never once been depicted as horrifyingly thoroughly as it is here, when he truly lives up to the dark messiah image his followers in Part 3 described and when we see how thoroughly he was able to corrupt Pucci, even while doing seemingly nothing but being the priest’s friend at a time of need. Stone Ocean, I’d argue, makes DIO scarier and more godlike in a way no other part (and certainly not those crossovers that did push Dio into actual godhood) did. 
I think Pucci is one of the few religious villains I’ve seen that I like because he’s much more interesting than just a condemnation of particular priests or the church as an institution, and he doesn’t go the obvious route of being an old white bigot (quite the opposite, since those types killed his family to begin with). Rather, he embodies so many kinds of thinking you see within religious circles or mindsets. “He works in mysterious ways”, “He saves all of us in the end”, “only His will matters”, “humans cannot possibly claim to understand His design”, “there is a point to the suffering”, “the suffering will be worth it if you trust Him”, “look out for His signs even if you don’t understand what they are for”, “your suffering on Earth will be nothing compared to how much better your life will be in Heaven”, “trust those that He sends your way to guide you”, “trust not those who fall into the path of evil, the path that is not His”, “your enemies deserve salvation as well even if they don’t know it”, there’s just, so much you could dissect here, in terms of how Pucci speaks to the experience of religious thinking, or even just believing in the existence of God even if you’re not specifically christian or religious (...see why I put up there why I’m a little scared to admit I relate to, or at least kind of get, Pucci? Sometimes I think of Pucci as almost a big Mr.Hyde to the collective experience of everyone who grew up religious and had that shape their worldview whether they wanted or not.).
Pucci, a man every bit driven by the same unsatiable black hole that DIO has (just replace “ambition” with “guilt”), takes all of these, and drives them to an unfathomably horrifying, yet entirely plausible, conclusion. Spearheaded by tangible proof that yes, Fate is real, Heaven is real, and he can make it happen, no, he’s the one assigned by higher powers to make it happen, so long as he just does this and that and gets rid of some vile enemies of his that would rather have all of mankind suffer before letting him win. But, no matter, the sinners always get their due, in the end. 
I hate that Netflix’s release schedule killed the Stone Ocean hype but, no matter, nothing can take away from how great it is and how great Pucci is. Not quite my favorite but one I’d easily argue is the best villain in the series, the perfect apocalyptic pilgrim JoJo needed to bring the end of all things and the birth of countless new ones.
Also, I always read Stone Ocean and applied DIO’s OVA theme to Pucci’s scenes. I love his anime theme, but I will always think of this as Pucci’s theme first and foremost.
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strawberrycamel · 2 years
bro: hey you wanna finish watching the last 8 episodes of stone ocean
me: yeah sure
*4 hours later*
me: *is irreparably changed*
#jjba spoilers#jojo spoilers#stone ocean spoilers#I WAS WONDERING WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED BETWEEN PT 6 AND 7 TO MAKE IT LIKE THAT#BUT I ALSO THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ARAKI GOING 'hmm im just gonna make a new universe for part 7'#I DIDNT THINK IT WAS GONNA BE PART OF THE PLOT HELLO#like im happy everybody's having a good time and all#but holy fucking shit#also EMPORIO MY BOY IM SO PROUD#oh! and Anasui asking Jotaro for his blessing to marry Jolene was so funny#Anasui: *a wholeass speech about genuinely wanting Jotaro's blessing and saying how he loves Jolene*#Jotaro trying to keep an eye out for Pucci so they dont all fucking die: what the FUCK are you talking about#and that whole fucking thing with Pearla and Weather Report (his name being Wes is something i will Never Forget)#and the reason he wants to murder Pucci in cold blood was so like. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#Weather literally did nothing wrong but also the narrator in that episode was right. who are you supposed to blame?#like the only answer is the fucking racist private detective and the other racist guys with him#but if Weather's mom hadn't switched him out as a kid literally none of this would've happened#(i am still thinking about this episode. the racists are definitely at fault but also. consequences of certain actions make you think)#and man MAN#Anasui was setting up so many death flags for himself but then fucking EVERYONE EXCEPT EMPORIO DIES?#that shit got me#fucked me up a lil#ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING YOU KNOW#THIS IS JOJO#SO USUALLY A JOJO IS THE ONE TO DEFEAT THE MAIN VILLAIN#god. god#EVEN THE FINAL VERSION OF THE OPENING MISLEADS YOU WITH JOLENE FIGHTING PUCCI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#the hardest part was probably not making a Morbius joke when Jolene turned her threads into mobius strips
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tiefling-queer · 8 months
i swear to god, after the hell kyle has put dahl through to make the fucking revival, if his complete fucking manchild clown behavior in the michigan server impacts our fucking numbers at the game, i will kill him myself on camera as part of my fucking FK mods.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 19 days
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Enrico Pucci Preliminary Poll
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lazywriter-artist · 2 years
Hermes w/ A3 in the Catjam pallet? Or maybe Pucci in B8 w/ the fistfight with god pallet
👁👁 they got his ass boys <33
Decided to shove them together for this one (no worries pucci will get to fight god soon <333)
Like to think Ermes calls them 'stand twins' bc Kiss and White snakes do look very similar and pucci hates every minute of it <333 (it's what he deserves smh <33/ Hj/Lh)
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etcnnante · 1 year
everybody WAKE UP it’s time to wish weather report a wonderful birthday bc i love him and wish only the best for him 🥳🎉🎊
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cuntstable · 1 year
looking back at the jojo hater posts i made earlier today i think the two long ones are good but i kind of hate that the first pucci essay i wrote in a while was spurred by me getting mad at cringefail fan content. i need to go like medidate so i can make a more cohesive and calm post about pucci as the ultimate fail catholic/christian character of all time
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