morthern · 3 years
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Creeper!? aaaw maaan!
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warheroics-blog · 6 years
“ i quite like the way mud feels underfoot.”
reign season one ep one.
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“You might, sweet girl, but your mother will surely throw a fit seeing one more set of muddied foot prints in the kitchen…” Theseus chuckled at his great-granddaughter, “Perhaps this time we should remember to clean our feet before we return home?”
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richardsikens · 7 years
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He rocks back on his heels and kicks at a pebble, pinning her with a glare that’s more intent than it is truly angry. “I’ve loved you since I was eleven,” he says again, earnestly, helplessly, and it’s—
It is, she thinks in a daze, the closest thing to a declaration she’s likely to get from him.
Draco is dramatic, yes, dramatic and petulant and downright moody when he wants to be—but he keeps his own secrets. He always has. He shares sparingly, doles out honesty with a savage kind of selfishness that, once upon a time, she’d recognized in herself, too.
But he’s confessing something to her right now.
Something big, and something important, and something risky.
- fourteen karat, by @provocative-envy​
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expelumos · 7 years
congrats on 4.5k & your anniversary! i'd love to join your fandom family as either pansy parkinson, octavia blake, or rey. for the quote: "I am mine, before I am ever anyone else's."
thank youadded you as pansy!
join my fandom family!
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meronhudson · 8 years
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Mango -a happy cat. Just don't feed her after midnight (the water thing was hyped up) #mangocat #squishyface #persian #pugfaced #bathtime
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raisedforslaughter · 8 years
( on the road to ruins.) ; pansy & harry
( @pugfaced. )
They’re all scattered around somewhere, all have their posts. There’d been a drawn-out argument between himself and almost every Rebellion member in power earlier about whether Harry should be able to put himself on the field this time, to welcome the incoming crowd of Death Eaters coming their way.
“Our hopes are pinned on you,” Remus had stressed, Kingsley Shacklebolt behind him. “There’s too much risk if we put you out there, regardless of how good you are on the field. Do you really want to imagine the celebration You-Know-Who would have if the Death Eaters captured you and harnessed the Black Moon’s power?”
Glasses pushed up, fringe sweeping over his scar, teeth gritted. “Our mission is to stall him,” Harry repeated, echoing McGonagall’s words. He can see her pale in the corner of his eye. His next words come out with an effort, lips pursed uncomfortably at the reminder of how important he is. “Place me near the front and we’ll have them stalled, all right.”
“At the front?”
In the end, it was Tonks’ word that concluded them all to compromise; Harry was to stay situated in a place on the side of the battlefield near the bottom of the mountain, not entirely visible, but visible enough that it would surely draw some Death Eaters away. His face would be entirely his, no Polyjuice Potion needed. More field agents would be strategically placed around him. His position was to defend and wait.
And wait, he does.
With such late information, the Rebellion aren’t sure what to expect, other than the Death Eaters are coming. Harry presses himself closer to the rock he’s placed himself behind, tapping his wand impatiently on it. A more skilled Rebellion order, has placed multiple spells around the perimeter to alert when people begin trespassing, but he’s placed his own, more feeble version closer to him for his own benefit. Mrs. Weasley’s watch that she gave him for his seventeenth birthday, as battered as ever, sits on his wrist, and he’s not going to deny that he’s checking it every few seconds. C’mon, any second ---
The comfortable jolt of his own magic probes him slightly, alerting him of another’s presence. Slowly, he draws his wand up, ears straining to listen out.
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renovamxn · 10 years
pugfaced replied to your post:Snape or Malfoy?
i’m just loving your harry’s priorities so much you have no idea
he's putting serious thought into this, clearly, and it's hilarious.
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fightsback · 10 years
(ㆁᴗㆁ✿) (what do you mean i'm never here or active shh)
Meme - Kinda accepting if I can be bothered to do them.
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | holy hot damn
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
roleplay: ehh | it’s p nice | well blow me down | love | gimme your brain | please write with me
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what I Follow forever tbhConclusion: Bae ily
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drxmeda · 10 years
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pugfaced replied to your post:pansy && drom oh yesss (lbr pansy would try to big spoon her)
/confused screaming noises/ tHIS WAS A CRACK PAIRING WHAT HAVE WE DONE? but all of the headcanons i accept so hard
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i don't even know omg oM G 
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bigbcng · 10 years
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                  ❝   So … did you break your nose..                                    ––– or were you just born  ugly ?  ❞
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hi so i call dibbs on viola of twelfth night origin please?
Done and done! Look, jollyrogered, our first official recruit!
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bloodyhcll-archive · 10 years
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you killtheme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing iticon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myselfposts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your passwordroleplay: ehh | it’s p nice | well blow me down | love | gimme your brain | please write with mefollowing: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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gxnevra-archieve · 10 years
pugfaced replied to your post: .
/licks. shh i love you. i just worry that i’m being a creepy internet stalker towards people if i start liking and replying to everything they do!!
megg i literally bathe in the attention of others  so dont worry about me thinking of u as creepy bc attention gives me life like literally
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