#pung new state
theflashupdate · 3 years
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highfiveyt · 4 years
How to Pre-Register PUBG New State in India ?
How to Pre-Register PUBG New State in India ?
How to Pre-Register PUBG New State in India ? | How to install PUBG Mobile from PlayStore in India ? Here I am going to explain, how can you easily install PUBG Mobile and Pre-register PUBG New State. STEP – 1 : Install Kiwi VPN (Free VPN) from Play Store. (Kiwi VPN Direct PlayStore Link) Kiwi VPN by Super VPN Solution – How to Pre-Register PUBG New State in India ? STEP – 2: Connect VPN…
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
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@niquixarts / @niquixredriver drew the refs of each member of the Bohemian Company as characters in my OC setting. She did a great job for sure!
The general premise of the setting in that in the alternate timeline of the year 2000 two godlike entities crash into Earth, reintroducing a new age of magic and mutating 91% of the Earth. With the return of a handful of old gods returning from hiding there are now new gods coming in this tense moment of transition. It would be an anthology story that would focus on different aspects of the world.
The genre would be science fantasy with a heavy emphasis of bio-funk and light cyber punk elements. In universe they are part of the mercenary group Magic of the World.
The draft write up of each character’s background is under the cut.
Frederick Pancotta- leader of the company. Having grown up in England as a child during Thatcher’s administration he has become jaded with the status of world politics, he figured in this new world he would might as well continue to offer his services as a saboteur, thief and a body guard. After all nothing really changes. He also is very business oriented, thinking more about his bottom line Despite his jaded and money grubbing manners, he does not act stingy towards the people in his employ. He has had his arms replaces with two organic arms that emit extremely potent acid and poison. The arms also serve as a means of absorbing and eliminating any trace of poison. He is a die hard Queen fan, styling his fashion off Freddy Mercury and named his company after a Queen song and album respectively(It’s a Kind of Magic and News of the World). He tried to name it Bohemian Company but copyright law prevented that.
Grohl De Palma- Frederick’s right hand man. A drifter from Brazil who has become Frederick’s right hand man when it comes to security. His internal organs have been replaced with a plant based organ system. This has restricted his diet to strictly other plants, fluids and minerals. He can use this new body structure to grow vines from his body, as well as use them to create seedlings he can use to see others as if they are security cameras. He can also imbue his seeds with magic in order to make them explode, drain someone’s life force and set them as tracers to follow people. His overall personality is that he is really socially awkward, which is why he tends to not talk as much. He’s too worried he will say something stupid. Despite this, he is a nice guy at his core, often serving as a moral core during certain operations, and a check on both Gwen and Freddy’s behavior. His species is a Lilim-Cambion subset Curupira, which is why his legs are backwards.
Gwendolyn Baek Pung- company dread knight who specializes at strengthening herself with people’s anger towards her. This has taken a number on her personality where she has a tendency to act self sabotaging ways. This talent got the attention of the demon Fleugatrep, who decided to try and possess her for their own gains. Eventually the two form a synergy especially being tied to each other saved them from inevitable death on more than one occasion. In actuality she makes calculated moves such as getting people mad based on annoyance and petty acts, rather than actual emotional digs. Despite being a shit disturber and a troll, she can be incredibly insightful on matters, especially mental disorders, as well as being very sympathetic to those with disabilities. Her weapon of choice is a variable rifle that can detach into two pistols. Out of her team she gets into the most arguments with Lenox, but is close friends with Grohl, who she often shows her kinder side. Her species is a Pucca, more specifically a canis subset based on the Jindo. She is the daughter of a Korean-Welsh couple.
Lenox Xing Xia- the company’s main security guard and is the physically strongest member. She was born in the US of Asian and Hispanic parents. She was adopted by a Pucca family in the states who were asked to as a favor of their friend who had received Lenox as a baby from her actual parents. She wants to know who her parents are, but she is happy with her adoptive family, who are openly supportive of her. She works for the company in order to provide for her two siblings, after their mom and dad were killed in an air colony drop. She is a very jaded woman, having to learn fast in order to provide for her baby siblings and keep them in a safe and good school. She is quick to anger, but she is also quick to cool down afterwards. She is good with kids and is very protective to those she cares for. She is currently dating Brittany DeBoin, whom she met working security for her when she was on tour. Despite Brittany’s teasing, the two took quickly to one another, even if they are mostly dating from a long distance relationship. She fights with combat gauntlets that enhance her claw strikes and can embed with aero energy. Her species is a Bear-Beastkin. She has no magic projection, which holds her back fighting wise, but also decreases the effectiveness of spells against her.
Jason Blumire- The half Norwegian, half Mexican Draykan who spent most of his life in Norway with his wealthy socialite parents. When he announced his intentions of joining the mercenary company his parents backed his efforts to move out in order to get him out of their house and so they can write him out of the will easier. He does not object to this, especially since he was told to take all of his stuff. He has told the other members privately if his parents had kept his stuff he would have been devastated. Despite having an air of stoicism, he is a weirdo who is known for collecting old gaming magazines and knives. When he is not spending money on his collection he uses it to take random people out for one night stands/dates that he has used to build up connections for business reasons. Whether this is the intention or the unintended positive is unknown. His species is a western dragon with some feathered serpent traits. He fights with some magic imbued knives he can embed with water energy.
Yumi Ichimichi- former member of the human supremacist group Friends of Humanity, specifically the Japanese branch, she defected from the group after befriending cambion Maya “Piko” Pamu converts her away from the group’s bigotry. Since joining the group, she is a zealot in terms of eliminating members of her former group and is the most gung ho about eliminating her enemies. However, she is good friends with Grohl as well with the two working as sparring partners. She has a magi-psy spirit ability she has called California Queen that puts a ghostly aura on her hands that turns each digits into a weapon. Thumb as a light saber, point and middle finger are guns, ring finger being the tether and pinky forms two portals that can instantly teleport shots between two points.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Tennis Date
🍒Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers!🍒
Important to read the prologue first for the backstory: here [added MC’s journal entries]
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MC: I can’t do it, I can’t walk anymore…
Without realizing it, Victor and I have already been on this island for around ten days.
From finding materials for work to taking breathers, we have almost seen all the sights and tried all the entertainment.
Naturally, we didn’t miss tonight’s beach buffet barbecue.
At this moment, Victor offers me an outstretched hand as I lean against a chair, unwilling to move.
Victor: Since you’re full, you should take a walk. Who was one who kept saying she wanted to finish her food quickly so she can return to her room to continue with the proposal?
MC: Just let me be lazy for a day. My whole mind is filled with barbecue prawns and barbecue fish, so I can’t think of what to write…
Despite what I said, I still take Victor’s hand and stand up.
The energetic music from the beach gradually grows distant. Victor and I walk away from the noise, returning to a quiet path.
MC: Where are we going tomorrow?
Victor: We can meet the client tomorrow.
MC: Ah, the client you mentioned finally arrived! I even thought he stood us up…
My words come out in a garble, probably because I drank a little too much tonight. Victor draws closer to me and leans down.
Victor: What did you say?
MC: I said… this client is even more reputable than you!
Victor: …
Filled with Dutch courage, I use my fingers to count the number of times we opposed each other.
Victor walks at my side, listening quietly.
While I continue counting, I say in a soft voice.
MC: Victor… thank you.
Victor: What, you just finished complaining, and now you’re thanking me?
MC: If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had the motivation to operate the company to such a good state now.
Victor: You’re so easily satisfied?
MC: Of course I’m not! We agreed to get to the top of the business world, so I’ll be No. 1!
I leap forward, doing a “Number 1” pose towards the night sky.
Victor: If you’re doing a pose, just do it. Don’t jump around.
Victor’s deep voice carries with it a tinge of resignation, and also a tinge of connivance. Perhaps it’s just a misperception in my drunken state.
MC: The point is… I still have to thank you, Victor. I mean it.
Victor: Dummy.
MC: How am I dumb? I came here for work purposes! Eh, you still haven’t told me who the client is.
I lift my head to look at Victor, but I can only see his eyes, which appear even darker than the evening.
Victor: It’s me.
MC wakes up sober and sees a glass of water and hangover medicine on the bedside table
Victor’s coat is on the sofa, and she recalls how she blacked out after Victor said he was the client
MC: It can’t be… could I have misheard? Why would he go through all this trouble to be my “client”?
I rub my head, which still feels slightly hazy. I decide to freshen up and look for Victor to clarify this matter.
She goes out and sees Victor playing tennis with a young man:
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Victor is in sportswear, and it’s as though his entire temperament has changed.
His eyes are focused on the tennis ball in hand, as though able to predict the trajectory of the ball from the stillness.
Soon after, he flicks his wrist upwards –
With a sharp parabola, the ball enters the opponent’s side of the court from a tricky angle.
The young man sprints and barely returns the ball with a poor angle.
Victor easily returns the ball, swinging his arm at a beautiful angle.
A few more rounds of back and forth ensue. Seeing that he’s unable to return the final ball, the young man releases a wry smile and puts his racket away.
He grins while talking to Victor, then turns to retrieve his bag, preparing to leave the court. Before he leaves through the door, he suddenly realizes that I’m standing outside.
Young man: Are you here to play tennis?
MC: Ah, I’m not…
Victor: She’s here to look for me.
With a look of understanding, the young man smiles at us amicably before turning around to leave.
I brisk walk into the tennis court, greeting Victor with a smile.
MC: Why are you training here so early?
Victor: I’ve been training over the past few days. You only found out today because you’re always dawdling in bed.
MC: You’ll have to blame the beds on this island for being too soft and making people not want to leave them... oh right, who was that person just now?
Victor: I don’t know him. He happened to be practicing with the ball, so I invited him to play two games. On the other hand, you drank quite a lot yesterday. I thought you’d be sleeping more.
MC: I had a dream, so I woke up.
Victor: A dream?
MC: I dreamt… that you said you’d take me to meet the client today.
Victor: I think you’re not fully awake yet.
MC: So it’s really you? Have you been assessing me over all this time as the client?
I panic while recalling the itinerary of the past few days. In contrast, Victor calmly takes up the tennis bag to the side, beckoning to me.
Victor: Let’s go for breakfast first.
They head to a restaurant overlooking the sea:
MC: You’re not eating?
Victor: I’ve already eaten.
I angrily stuff a piece of omelette into my mouth, blinking at him firmly.
I know that Victor understands what I mean – he should be giving me a proper explanation. However, when he opens his mouth, I’m left stunned.
Victor: What do you think of this island?
MC: Eh?
Victor: Does it suit the theme of “Haven” mentioned in your proposal?
MC: It’s extremely suitable! Over the past few days, I’ve already thought about several places to shoot and organize activities, for example…
I suddenly remember something and look at him, eyes wide in disbelief.
MC: Wait a minute… did you bring me to this island to help me with selecting locations for the shoot?
Victor: Dummy.
MC: Why did you suddenly call me a dummy again…
Victor: Choosing the shooting locations is the second reason. As for the first reason, you can think about it yourself.
I return Victor’s gaze, but I’m unable to think about what reason could possibly be more important than the program, so I shake my head honestly.
Victor lets out a sigh.
Victor: How long has it been since you’ve had a rest?
MC: I…
In order to prepare for this program, I haven’t had a day of rest since the beginning of last month.
I usually meet Victor in LFG, so it has been a very long time since I could enjoy a leisurely breakfast with him like this.
MC: It has been a while… the financing has arrived after all, so I want to show you the results quickly.
Victor: There’s no hurry. After getting the financing, you should be even more careful with the rest of the plan. The idea of your new program is not bad, but it still needs to be polished.  
His tone is calm, but I can sense his certainty towards me in every word and sentence.
I feel a sense of warmth in my heart and I want to thank him. In the next second, Victor continues, making me swallow my words.
Victor: Anyway, the problems in your program can’t be resolved in a short time.
MC: …are there really that many issues? I was even quite confident in it…
Victor: It’s only when there are problems that improvements can be made. If you can’t find any issues, that is the true problem.
MC: Could you start with just one opinion so I can mentally prepare myself?
Victor: The very first problem…
I frantically await what he is about to say, but Victor pulls out a napkin.
He stretches out his arm, wiping off some scraps of omelette from the corner of my mouth.
Victor: …is that someone is too impatient. Finish your food first before working.
MC: …mm!
After breakfast, Victor and I return to the guest room.
Victor: Where’s your notebook?
MC: How did you know that I take notes?
Victor: Whenever someone goes to a new location, she would take out her handphone and snap pictures or write things down. She also only turns off the light very late at night… I’m not that slow.
I never thought Victor would notice this, and my face turns red.
It’s true that whenever I discover an interesting place on this island, I would note it down, and then tidy up my notes at night.
After taking the notebook from me, Victor flips through it seriously and nods.
Victor: The locations you noted down are very applicable to the theme.
MC: After having my proposals shot down so many times, of course I’ll grow!
Victor: …barely satisfactory. Elaborate more on how to use the area mentioned in this page.
MC elaborates but Victor objects to her idea. MC retorts firmly and Victor kind of gives in, telling her that she needs to produce something concrete in order for him to take back his objection
MC suggests that they play a game of tennis
MC: If I win, I will perfect the idea I mentioned earlier, and you are no longer allowed to put down my proposal. What do you think?
They head out to the court:
Victor: Judging from your confident tone just now, did you win an award for tennis like you did in billiards?
MC: Why do you remember these things… I’ve never won an award for tennis, but it was part of my P.E. classes during one semester. Don’t look down on me though! Here I come!
I cheer myself on in my heart, my body in a half bow. I toss the tennis ball gently.
Because it’s a bet, MC is taking this game very seriously. Her shots are easily returned by Victor
Victor wins the first point
MC says that she was just testing the waters, and they clarify that whoever gets 2 out of 3 points first will win
Victor: That ball… we’ll treat it as a warm-up.
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Victor gets a point, and MC gets a point.
Victor raises his head. His eyes are narrowed slightly, as though seeing where the ball would land. Although he initially looks like he would lift his hand, he sets it down.
The ball lands on the line before rolling out of the court, so MC wins.
While MC celebrates, Victor walks towards her:
He reaches out to tidy my fringe, which is drenched with sweat.
Victor: Your character is really…
MC: What did you say?
Victor: Nothing much. I said that since you suddenly exerted yourself so much, you’re definitely at your limits. Are you able to walk on your own?
MC: Of course. I ate quite a lot this morning, although it feels like the calories have all been burnt…
Listening to my soft mutterings, Victor’s thin lips display a tender smile.
In the next moment, he offers me his hand.
Victor. Let’s go back to the room.
MC: Eh?
Victor: Or do you want to be left under the scorching sun?
I cast a glance at the blazing sun above us, and obediently grip Victor’s hand tightly.
In order to take care of my physical state, Victor doesn’t walk too quickly.
The intense tennis match has left a thin layer of sweat on his body. His palm meets mine, bringing with it the unique aftertaste of Summer.
MC: Victor, are you not going to acknowledge that you lost?
Victor: What are you trying to say?
MC: Since I won, can we fulfil the agreement of our bet?
Victor: I’ll consider it. Before that, show me the “concrete plan” you mentioned.
MC: Of course I’ll show you a concrete plan! Oh, there’s something non-work related that I want to ask you.
Victor: What?
MC: That line ball just now… did you let me win on purpose?
Victor: No. When it comes to winning and losing, I do not “let”. I can only say that dummies have their dummies’ luck, and sometimes I misperceive things.
MC: When?
Victor: Many times. You are the factor that always surprises me.
MC: …are you really complimenting me?
Victor: Dummy.
There is a smile in his voice when he says “dummy”, and I involuntarily raise my head to look at him. Our eyes meet.
Victor: Every surprising idea you come up with has a certain strength. It’s difficult for people to ignore. Since you’ve shown me your resoluteness, and are willing to proceed in line with your resoluteness, then…
He turns his head slightly and lowers his eyes to mine. His deep voice and the breeze enter my ears.
Victor: I will hand you my trust.
I blink, and then realise what his words mean.
MC: So that means… you’ve agreed!
Victor: For the time being.
I let out a cheer and want to lift my hands, but Victor gives my fingers a light squeeze.
Victor: Are you going to start hopping around again?
MC: I just want to express my happiness for a while…
I tell him what I didn’t manage to do so earlier. Something even more important than a ‘thank you’.
MC: Victor, shall we treat this as a tie?
Victor: Why, do you want to have another game?
MC: In the future.
The trees provide shade from the blazing sun, and a few rays of light descend on the both of us.
In our reciprocal clashing of swords, my scoreboard with him will continue on.
At the end, we will both win, reaching the goal together.
[ Moments 1 ]
Victor’s Post: Didn’t think there would be cats on the island.
MC: Where! Where is the cat!
Victor: ........on the island.
Victor’s Post: Didn’t think there would be cats on the island.
MC: When compared to Pudding, which is cuter?
Victor: Each has its own strengths.
Victor’s Post: Didn’t think there would be cats on the island.
MC: What kind of a cat is it?
Victor: A cat which is even greedier than you.
[ Moments 2 ]
Victor’s Post: Someone who rarely wins has just won a game, and her tail is raised to the sky.
MC: I feel so happy today that I can eat a whole bowl of rice~
Victor: Who just told me yesterday that she wanted to lose weight?
[Note: Victor says “尾巴翘上天” which literally translates to “tail raised to the sky”. It refers to extreme arrogance]
Victor’s Post: Someone who rarely wins has just won a game, and her tail is raised to the sky.
MC: Let’s compete in a different sport next time!
Victor: ...put such a heart of victory and defeat into your work more often.
Victor’s Post: Someone who rarely wins has just won a game, and her tail is raised to the sky.
MC: Being able to win against you can be recorded as one of my life’s grandest achievements!
Victor: A dummy is truly easy to please.
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heartlandians · 6 years
In Deep Water (Lou/Peter Fanfic) pt 115
A tragedy is bringing a couple in the verge of separation back together. A/N: Spoilers up to 8x18. This was inspired by something someone said while they were filming mid-season episodes for season 9. * * * *
The next morning, Amy was walking through the barn with Ben and showing him around. She felt a little silly introducing places to him, but then again Ben had not been at Heartland for eight years, some things might have changed since then and not only that, he might have forgotten a lot, seeing every ranch and stable had their own way of doing things. Heartland, especially, differed from some ways simply because of their natural approach to horsemanship.
“And here are the residents”, Amy said, walking through the aisle, pointing left and right toward the empty stalls. “Harley, Spartan, Phoenix and Grandpa’s new horse Buddy. Spartan, as you know, is my horse, Harley is Ty’s horse and Phoenix belongs to Georgie - who you met last night while we were having cake.”
Last night when they had had cake, had made Amy feel like in some way it seemed like no time had passed since Ben had been here. But seeing him being introduced to Peter and Georgie made Amy realize a lot of things had changed since then - just like both of them had, even if Ben still felt familiar to her.
“Georgie also has two other horses, Trouble and Checkers. She uses Checkers for trick-riding, Phoenix and Trouble mostly for jumping, but also for trick-riding sometimes, depending on the trick. But as for others, they are pretty much Western horses and help around with the ranch work. The rest of the horses we keep out. Sometimes we rotate these guys and other horses, depending what’s going on or if someone needs a special attention”, Amy explained. “For example, we would have one of my client horses, Merlin, inside, but he’s afraid of the bees we have outside the barn doors and is kind of hesitant to come in, so we don’t want to stress him too much by keeping him close to the hornets. Besides, he likes it outside, so it works for all of us.”
Ben glanced toward the main doorway where Ty was on a ladder, wearing a protective suit and checking something from the wall. Ben assumed it had something to do with the bees as Amy had pointed toward him when she had talked about the insects, and Ben could recall seeing a suit like that on some beekeeper once.
“Okay”, Ben said, nodding a little, letting Amy know he had taken it all in.
“So... any questions?” Amy checked as Ben seemed thoughtful.
“No. Well, other than where can I start?” Ben asked.
“We keep our weekly and daily routine here on the blackboard”, Amy replied, stepping closer to it, “so you can see the times and general idea what needs to be done every day or weekly. There’s also contact information to Scott Cardinal’s clinic; he’s our vet, but so is Ty. They work together as partners.”
Ben kept on nodding, looking at everything that was written on the board. 
“All the horses are out now, so you could start by cleaning the stalls. When it’s time to bring the horses in, I will help you, so you get to know who is who and a little bit something about them.”
“Cleaning stalls - sounds like a simple way to start”, Ben figured, smiling a little.
“Great. I’ll be outside if you need me”, Amy said, feeling relieved that she had help. Knowing she could work with Merlin without having to worry about the dirty stalls and other piling tasks, gave her better state of mind for approaching Merlin’s situation.
She stepped outside through the office door so she wouldn’t interrupt Ty or risk herself getting stung. 
“How’s it going?” Amy asked when she stood safely away from the nest Ty was trying to get rid off. The man came down from the ladder, holding a sprinkle bottle.
“Well, I think they are gone”, he said, putting down the bottle and then removing his head piece. “I think Mrs. Bell’s tricks worked; I mean, it makes sense now, but I never realized the bees might leave because they hate pungent smells so much. I have a new found appreciation for garlic powder”, he added, grinning. 
“So, will you be removing the hive soon?” Amy asked. 
“Yeah. I will check the hive one more time at dusk and if I don’t see any of them, I will remove it after my shift”, Ty assured. “And I will return the suit back to Mrs. Bell.”
“Good. I’m sure Grandpa and Dad are glad to get back to working on the loft without having to worry about the bees”, Amy said, sighing out of a relief. “I’m just glad Mrs. Bell was able to help. I figured if anyone would have an idea about how to get rid of the hive, it would be her since she has her own bees. I didn’t like the idea of spraying them with some kind of poison. Not only because of the bees themselves, but also because of the horses. I’d like to keep this place as natural as it can be. A smell of garlic won’t do much harm - besides making me crave for garlic bread”, she added, smiling. “And I’m sure Merlin will feel better about the barn too now that his enemies are gone.”
“How’s it going with him, by the way?” Ty asked, cleaning after himself. 
“Great, actually. I think I might call Jim later today if everything goes well with Merlin’s session. I would like to ask him and his daughter to drop by before I let him get the horses back, just to make sure they really do get along and they can feed the horse safely. I was also thinking of going to their place after that, to see how the transition goes. It might be fine here, but then at home... it might not.”
“You’re so throughout”, Ty said appreciatively. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to get Merlin back.”
“Yeah. It’s good to see him doing better”, Amy agreed. “I’m going to miss him, though”, she admitted.
“So... if Merlin’s doing better and you’re not having any other client horses at the moment, does that mean that we might... make that trip to see my mom?” Ty asked carefully, still hoping Amy was up for it as she had promised.
Amy shrugged a little. “Yeah, why not. I could take few days off, especially now with Ben helping me.”
“Okay, great. I’ll make sure that’ll work with the shifts at the clinic, too. When would you say would be a good time?” Ty checked, undressing himself from the protective suit.
“Maybe on Friday?” Amy suggested. “Just so I don’t add too much pressure on Merlin because I feel like I’m on a hurry to get somewhere with him. And that gives me enough time to work with Jim and his daughter, too.”
“Okay, Friday sounds good. We could make a weekend trip out of it”, Ty said, trying to stay positive even if he hated visiting rehab centers. “But, I gotta run. I will see you after work.”
He gave Amy a quick peck on the lips and removed the ladder from the doorway so no one would trip on them. Amy glanced after him, feeling like pieces were finally falling into their place.
* * * *
When Amy was working with Merlin at the big pen with Spartan - and getting great results - from the corner of her eye, she could see Ben staring at them as he was getting rid of the stool with the help of a wheel-barrel. It was not unusual for people to come and stop by to watch her work, but since it had been a while since Ben had been here, Amy wondered if he was open to her methods or if he still didn’t completely believe in them.
Amy tried not to let it get to her as it should not matter what Ben thought of her methods as long as they worked, but part of her still wanted to know what his opinion was, seeing he was going to be working here and he would be representing Heartland, just like anyone else here. If he was going to be around clients, he needed to sound like he believed the methods they used here were the right thing to do, especially if they came across with a hesitant client. 
One wrong word from him in a wrong place could make some real damage and set the horse at danger if the owner decided to seek help from someplace else.
“You can come closer if you want to”, Amy said, somewhat appreciating that Ben had understood to keep his distance as one could never know how client horses would react to strangers. Thankfully at this point it was safe to say Merlin would not mind as Amy had tested him in every single way she could think of. These sessions with him were more about making sure the horse knew to stick to the behavior that was preferred.
“Oh, it’s okay, I’m still kind of in the middle of something anyway. Gotta get these stalls cleaned, you know”, Ben said, picking up the wheel-barrel and continuing back to the stall. 
“Okay”, Amy replied, appreciating Ben’s work ethic, but wondering if there was more to it. Maybe she could talk to him later when he wasn’t busy, to see how he felt about this all. “Alright, boys”, she then talked to horses. “Looks like you did a good job here today. And Merlin doesn’t mind sharing his food at all.” 
She reached out her arm to their bucket, and both of the horses knew to move their heads away out of respect for her. Hopefully Merlin would realize that his owner and his daughter only wanted a mutual respect with him, too.
* * * *
After Amy had returned the horses back to their outdoor pens, she pulled out of her phone, hoping to call Jim Locklear to let him know Merlin would be ready to come home soon. 
As she was about to search for his number, her phone began ringing. It was an odd number which put her plans with the phone call on hold. 
“Amy Fleming”, she answered the phone after bringing it onto her ear. 
“Hello, is this Amy Fleming, the horse whisperer?” a young man’s voice from the other end asked. 
“Yes, this is her.”
“I’m calling because I saw your flyer at this diner, Maggie’s”, the man explained. “See, I’m having a problem with my horse. I don’t really know what’s going on with him. Ever since I got back home from this... long trip, I’ve not been able to read him properly. It’s kind of hard to explain, which is why I thought I could maybe stop by and ask for your opinion. Maybe you could help.”
“Yeah, sure”, Amy said, already walking toward the barn office so they could schedule an appointment. “When would be a good time for you?” 
“Ah, how about Thursday?” the man suggested.
“Oh, uhm...” Amy was hesitant as she didn’t know what really was wrong with this horse and how long it would take. “I don’t really know if that’ll work. How about next week?” she suggested, walking to get her calendar. “On Monday?”
“Oh, I was hoping we could do this quicker”, the man said, sounding disappointed. “I have this thing next week and Thursday-Sunday is the only time available for me. I know I shouldn’t be the one making the demands, seeing I’m the beggar, but I just want to help Maverick as soon as possible. Like, maybe it’s something I keep missing, or... Like some minor thing. I’ve heard you can do miracles.”
Amy hummed a little. She didn’t know if her title “Miracle Girl” was starting to become more of a burden at this point, because people in fact did expect her to perform miracles when it wasn’t always as simple as that. Then when things took time, people wondered if she was a Miracle Girl after all.
“Okay, you can bring him on Thursday”, Amy then promised. It could be something minor that this man was missing and the horse could be back home on the same day, or if it took time, it would just have to wait over the weekend. “How about 2 pm?” 
“Sounds great.” The man sounded pleased now.
“Okay, Thursday, 2 pm. And what was your name?” Amy asked.
“Oh, right, I didn’t even introduce myself. Sorry. The name’s Cutty, Mitch Cutty.”
“Mitch Cutty and Maverick. Great”, Amy said, penning down the appointment. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”
“Great. Have a good day.”
“You too. Bye.”
Amy then proceeded to call to Jim Locklear, not thinking too much about the previous client call.
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choco-lory · 2 years
Port collapses Nonthaburi 7-1, tops the futsal league crowd
Know before anyone, deeper than anyone. Thai football news must be at THSPORT "Toh Lek Singh Klong Toei" Port Authority Overtaking for the first time in the Thai Futsal League 2022 after opening the house "Pung Killer" Nonthaburi 7-1 "Wachara Laisri" arranged 2 Tungs with 22 points added, leading Blue Wave Chonburi and Tha Kham Cold Storage 1 point. "Orange Eagle" NT got a great "Nattaphon Chanhom Huan" hit a hat-trick, leading the team to open the house to beat "Aswin checkmate" Chess Mahasarakham 5-3 sends the visiting team to lose 8 straight matches, while "Kirati Jong Sathitsathien" presses a double to help "Lek Romklao Dek" Kasem Bundit FC slash "Tahannam" Royal Navy. 2-1 Thai Futsal League 2022 Match Day 8 on Sunday, August 7, 65Futsal Thai League 2022 Match Day 8, competing in a home-away format. Open for futsal fans to visit every stadium There is also technology to help referees or Video support (VS), video support for referees, along with live broadcasts in every match, every field, complete 182 matches via AIS PLAY, along with live broadcasts on T-SPORTS 7. 26 more pairs every week By the results of the competition on Sunday, August 7, 65, there are 3 matches. Kasem Bundit FC 2-1 Royal Navy At the Gymnasium, 12th floor, Kasem Bundit University, Romklao Campus "Table Lek Romklao Dek" Kasem Bundit FC won "Tahannam" Royal Navy 2-1. Kasem Bundit FC got 2 goals from Kirati Jongsatthien, making 2 goals alone at 13 and 18 pm. As for Raj Nawee got the goal to hit the egg from Wan Niwat Krilap 34, where the Royal Navy lost the opponent for the 7th time in a row. NT 5-3 Chase Mahasarakham At TOT Chaengwattana บาคาร่าออนไลน์ Gymnasium, "Insee Somuang" NT Futsal Club defeated "Assain checkmate" Chase Mahasarakham 5-3. NT Futsal Club from Nattapon Chanhomhuan hit a hat. Rick at 10, 16, 31, 31, Chakphon Mayiam, 18, Thanathon Petchnoi, 29, Chase Maha Sarakham is from Phubet, Senkasa, 2, 20, PM 40, Wanakorn Bangkerdsuk, pm 21, makes Chase Mahasarakham still the only team at this time that doesn't have a point. Port Authority of ASM 7-1 Nonthaburi As for the Warehouse Stadium, "Toh Lek Sing Klong Toei", ASM Port Authority won 7-1 "Pung Phiphat" Nonthaburi. Own goals at 8, Watcharalaisri, 2 goals, 9, 10, Wissanu Mim Bang, 14, Anukul Mini, 18, Nattawut Matyalan, 26 and Ryan Go Ms. 29, Nonthaburi, from the United States, naming 11, making the ASM Port Authority increase to 22 points for the first time in this season, overtaking Blue Wave, Chonburi and Tha Kham cold storage. That was postponed from this week. Thai Futsal League program 2022, Match Day 9, Wednesday, August 10, 65, complete 7 matches Phetchaburi Rajabhat H3 meets ASM Port Authority at Gymnasium 1, Phetchaburi Police Station, Phetchaburi Province, at 15.00 live AIS PLAY Nonthaburi meets Kasem Bundit FC at Lam Pho Stadium, Nonthaburi Province at 15.00 live AIS PLAY Thammasat Stallion meets NT Futsal Club at Gymnasium 6, Thammasat University, Rangsit Center at 4 p.m. Live broadcast T-SPORTS 7 and AIS PLAY Royal Navy meets Black Pearl United at Phuti Anan Bangna at 16.00 live AIS PLAY Chase Mahasarakham meets Surat Thani at the new gymnasium. Maha Sarakham Police Station, Maha Sarakham Province, time 17.00, live broadcast AIS PLAY Futsal Thai Army meets Blue Wave Chonburi at Surasinghanarot Building, Rama IX Brigade, Kanchanaburi, at 5:00 PM. Live broadcast AIS PLAY   Tha Kham Cold Room meets Bangkok BTS at Tha Kham Sanam Chai, Samut Sakhon Province at 6:00 p.m. Live broadcast AIS PLAY 
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bellechuu789 · 3 years
Minecraft 메이저놀이터 Build Hacks & Decorations for Java & Bedrock! #3485
Organized gambling on a larger scale and sanctioned by governments and other authorities in order to raise money began in the 15th century with lotteries—and centuries earlier in China with keno. The series is 22-18-29-7-28-12-35-3-26-0-32-15-19-4-21-2-25 (on a single-zero wheel). The Mameluke court cards showed abstract designs not depicting persons There are some evidence to suggest that earlier Chinese cards brought to Europe may have pass through Persia, and subsequently influenced the Mameluke cards. The French card game trente et quarante (or rouge et noir) is played at Monte-Carlo and a few other continental casinos.
Gamblers were no longer required to play experienced poker players to gain experience themselves. http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=사설놀이터추천 Early surrender is a rule that’s mostly seen in online gambling, where the player is given the option to forfeit their hand when the dealer is aiming blackjack. A surrender is the equivalent of a poker fold. most studies have shown that casino gambling may be correlated with the following social deviations: domestic violence, divorce, bankruptcy, drug and alcohol abuse, risky or illicit sexual behavior (especially prostitution), and problem gambling. The designation of suits, face cards, and numbered cards provides meaning for an understanding of trumps and tricks in the game of Euchre, just as the same designations give meaning to straights, flushes, full houses, etc., in the game of poker.
Like the buy bet the commission is adjusted to suit the betting unit such that fraction of a dollar payouts are not needed. Stated somewhat differently, the objective of the game of mahjong is to put together a complete set (or “hand”), which contains three or four sets of threes or “melds” (either three of a kind of the same suit (or “pung”) or a sequence of the same suit (or “chow”)) and a pair, for total of 14 (or 17) pieces (tiles). Each player starts with 13 (or 16) tiles. With each turn, a player picks up a 14th (or 17th) tile, and then discards one tile placed face up in the center of the table. At this point, other players can choose to pass, take the tile to complete a set (pung, chow, or kong) or to declare a win (“mahjong”). The first player who completes the set of 14 (or 17) tiles wins the hand. The Super Power was seen at the Palms casino in Managua, Nicaragua. It pays 20 to 1 if the dealer has at least a pair, the player has at least a two pair, the player wins. In the unlikely event of a tie with two pair or better, the bet is a push. The following return table shows a house edge of 25.33%. Both the Parisian and Rouennais court cards were named after historical and mythological heroes and heroines.
Don’t gamble when you’re depressed or feeling low. Unlike a standard lay bet on a point, lay odds behind a don't come point does not charge commission (vig) and gives the player true odds. 모바일바둑이환전 Let's get started with a little more background information to help you decide if casino gambling is right for you. The player first plays the hand to their left by standing or hitting one or more times; only then is the hand to the right played.
In the 1937 comedic short story "All's Well with Bingo", by British writer P. G. Wodehouse, the main character Bingo Little plays roulette at the Monte Carlo casino, betting on black. An important economic theory holds that when the price of something goes up, demand for it tends to fall.One aspect of casino gambling that’s especially appealing to players is the fact that the majority of games are very straightforward. A hand counting 21 on the first two cards (an ace and a 10 or face card) is called a natural or a blackjack.
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The 20th Battalion of Foot Chasseurs were stationed in Baccarat from 1906 to 1918. Many casinos use a loyalty rewards program used to track players' spending habits and target their patrons more effectively, by sending mailings with free slot play and other promotions.Oregon's VLT program was modeled upon those deployed in Canada. Big 6/8 are unavailable. These bets are equivalent to placing or buying 6 or 8 as points, which have better payout for the same real odds, so Big 6/8 are rarely used and many casinos simply omit them from the layout. Casinos in Atlantic City are even prohibited by law from offering Big 6/8 bets.
With a pair of aces, the player is given one card for each ace and may not draw again. Patrons may have a choice of a modern push button or an old-fashioned handle to activate play.In Nevada, bingo is offered mainly by casinos that cater to local gamblers, and not the famous tourist resorts. Finally, when the dealer's up card is a fair one, 2 or 3, the player should stop with a total of 13 or higher.
Around the time of the Franco-Prussian War, the town was also noted for its large export trade of timber, wheels, planks, and charcoal. The dealer continues to deal from the shoe until coming to the plastic insert card, which indicates that it is time to reshuffle.Casinos know that, and those few who really are capable to exploit the rules are of no consequence. French settlers in New Orleans in the mid-1700s kept Hazard alive, but over time, the combination of French and English-speaking players and changes to the game's rules slowly turned "crabs" into "craps" (for some reason) and a whole new game was born, eventually leaving Hazard nothing but a distant memory.
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ynatan456 · 3 years
'Play Like the Dealer' 그레잇게임 Strategy: Does It Work? #1200
Most Bingo parlors in Las Vegas use hand held machines on which the games are played, except the Station Casino, the Fiesta Casino which has paper bingo cards and no machines. Compare the Minchiate cards above to the previous prints. Similarities abound. (Minchiate, 17th century). (Smithsonian) For example, the bet on three wins if the next three hands all show a net win to the player. In the unlikely event of a push, the bet neither loses nor advances, but that hand is ignored for purposes of the Fuego bet. No one really knows when playing cards were first invented, but some scholars argue that they may have been invented in India, or perhaps Egypt (Benham, 1900/1957; Chatto, 1848; Goggin, 2006; Mayer, 1971; Meursius, 1622; Taylor, 1973).
Prior to paying a progressive payout hand, the dealer shall:Verify that the hand is a winning hand;Verify that the appropriate light on the acceptor device has been illuminated; and Have a casino supervisor validate the progressive payout pursuant to approved internal control procedures. http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=먹튀커뮤니티 Pachinko machines vary in several aspects, including decoration, music, modes and gates. The first known European gambling house, not called a casino although meeting the modern definition, was the Ridotto, established in Venice, Italy, in 1638 by the Great Council of Venice to provide controlled gambling during the carnival season. It was closed in 1774 as the city government felt it was impoverishing the local gentry. When a player has achieved the desired objective (be it a row, column, or diagonal), they shout “¡Buena!” to announce their victory.
If a player bets on a single number in the American game there is a probability of ​1⁄38 that the player wins 35 times the bet, and a ​37⁄38 chance that the player loses his bet. The expected value is: Look for live dealer Caribbean Stud poker games online at any casino site which uses the Evolution Gaming software. See our full list of live dealer online casinos here: The player loads one or more balls into the machine, then presses and releases a spring-loaded handle, which is attached to a padded hammer inside the machine, thus launching the ball into a metal track. The first three points will not pay out on the fire bet, but the fourth, fifth and sixth will pay out at increasing odds.
The addition of the progressive jackpot seems to have been the necessary selling point for a game table game that otherwise has a low Return to Player, offering the possibility of a big win to compensate for the high House Edge. Few examples have been preserved, but from the scant artefacts we do have we can see some interesting variations. For one thing, we know the King of Diamonds has a bird on his wrist. The Knave of Hearts has his sword drawn in his right hand and points upward with his left. And the Knave of Diamonds is bear-headed and wrapped in a cloak. 모바일바둑이환전 First, look at your cards without revealing them to other players or the Dealer. If you think that you can beat the Dealer’s hand, place your cards face down in the ‘Bet’ area and make an additional wager which must be twice the value of your ‘Ante’. Place your Bet on top of your cards. If you’re not confident you can beat the Dealer’s hand, you may ‘fold’ by placing your cards face down next to your Ante and forfeit your Ante wager. Almost all 52-card packs submitted in the presentation will contain at least two jokers unless otherwise noted.
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Stated somewhat differently, the objective of the game of mahjong is to put together a complete set (or “hand”), which contains three or four sets of threes or “melds” (either three of a kind of the same suit (or “pung”) or a sequence of the same suit (or “chow”)) and a pair, for total of 14 (or 17) pieces (tiles). Each player starts with 13 (or 16) tiles. With each turn, a player picks up a 14th (or 17th) tile, and then discards one tile placed face up in the center of the table. At this point, other players can choose to pass, take the tile to complete a set (pung, chow, or kong) or to declare a win (“mahjong”). The first player who completes the set of 14 (or 17) tiles wins the hand. The most famous of the films is 21, which is a story derived from the real-life antics of the MIT Blackjack Team.The table layout is also different, and is called a double-end-dealer table. The six-deck game (312 cards) is the most popular.
If you've ever seen a casino dealer engage in some odd ritualistic behavior before going on break, it's because they're being closely watched at all times by cameras embedded in the ceiling. Players must hit the established point in order for it to count toward the fire bet. The payout is determine by the number of points which have been established and hit after the shooter sevens out.These are also the only two places that are permitted to run legalized casino gambling in areas in which the majority of residents are of a Chinese ethnicity. After recording the number of balls the player won and the number of the machine they used, the staff member will then give the player a voucher or card with the number of balls stored in it.
This bet would require a total of 40 chips, or $40,000. To manually place the same wager, the player would need to bet: Upon investigation by the police, it was discovered they were using a legal system of biased wheel-section betting. As a result of this, the British roulette wheel manufacturer John Huxley manufactured a roulette wheel to counteract the problem.If a player is unsure of whether a bet is a single or multi-roll bet, it can be noted that all single-roll bets will be displayed on the playing surface in one color (usually red), while all multi-roll bets will be displayed in a different color (usually yellow). Customers gamble by playing games of chance, in some cases with an element of skill, such as craps, roulette, baccarat, blackjack, and video poker. Most games have mathematically determined odds that ensure the house has at all times an advantage over the players. This can be expressed more precisely by the notion of expected value, which is uniformly negative (from the player's perspective). This advantage is called the house edge. In games such as poker where players play against each other, the house takes a commission called the rake. Casinos sometimes give out complimentary items or comps to gamblers.
If the player cannot reach to place a bet themselves, they should announce the bet to the dealer. This is treated as any other call bet. Otherwise sub-optimal games like 8/5 jacks or better can become positive expectation when the jackpot is large enough.If you’d like to read the rules first, you can find them either on Bicycle Cards: How to Play Blackjack or on Pagat’s Blackjack Rules – and once you’ve got the rules down, let’s move on to the rest. The Las Vegas Valley has the largest concentration of casinos in the United States. Based on revenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey ranks second, and the Chicago region third.
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orbemnews · 3 years
As Cars Go Electric, China Builds a Big Lead in Factories ZHAOQING, China — Xpeng Motors, a Chinese electric car start-up, recently opened a large assembly plant in southeastern China and is building a matching factory nearby. It has announced plans for a third. Another Chinese electric car company, Nio, has opened one large factory in central China and is preparing to build a second a few miles away. Zhejiang Geely, owner of Volvo, showed off an enormous new electric car factory in eastern China last month rivaling in size some of the world’s largest assembly plants. Evergrande, a troubled Chinese real estate giant, has just built electric car factories in the cities of Shanghai and Guangzhou and hopes to be making almost as many fully electric cars by 2025 as all of North America. China is erecting factories for electric cars almost as fast as the rest of the world combined. Chinese manufacturers are using the billions they have raised from international investors and sympathetic local leaders to beat established carmakers to the market. Success is far from assured. The players include start-ups, electronics manufacturers and other car industry rookies. They are betting that drivers in China and beyond will be willing to spend $40,000 or more for brands that they had never heard of. Chinese automakers concede that experience gives the established car companies some advantages. But they insist their plans will work. “We have the will, and we have the patience,” said He Xiaopeng, the chairman and chief executive of Xpeng, in an interview. “I think we will find it very challenging, but we must also move forward.” The Chinese industry has momentum. China will be making over eight million electric cars a year by 2028, estimates LMC Automotive, a global data firm, compared with one million last year. Europe is on track to make 5.7 million fully electric cars by then. General Motors and other North American automakers have plans to catch up. In April, President Biden called for the United States to step up its electric vehicle efforts. During a virtual visit to an electric bus factory in South Carolina, he warned, “Right now, we’re running way behind China.” North American automakers are on track to build only 1.4 million electric cars a year by 2028, according to LMC, compared with 410,000 last year. Global car companies are helping China’s lead. Volkswagen announced on Tuesday that it had started construction on its third Chinese factory designed to produce electric cars. China already has the electric car infrastructure, thanks to a government-backed nationwide rollout of over 800,000 public charging stations. That is almost twice as many as the rest of the world, although drivers in the United States — who are more likely to live in single-family houses — can more easily plug in their cars at home. With a slower deployment of charging stations outside China, automakers elsewhere plan to continue building some plug-in hybrid cars with small gasoline engines for a few more years. But the market for fully electric cars is already bigger than for plug-in hybrids, and the electric cars’ lead is widening rapidly. Automakers like G.M. plan to eliminate gasoline and diesel engines entirely in the next 15 years. For the new Chinese cars, name recognition will be a major challenge. The brands are mostly unfamiliar even to Chinese drivers. On roads filled with Buicks, Volkswagens and Mercedes-Benzes, they could struggle to stand out. Alibaba, the e-commerce company, and two state-backed firms have set up an electric car joint venture under the name IM Motors, which plans to begin delivering cars early next year. Evergrande named its brand Hengchi, pronounced “Hung-cheh.” A stock market mania for electric cars has propelled the Hong Kong-traded shares of the company’s electric car unit, Evergrande New Energy Vehicle, to almost the same market capitalization as G.M. Evergrande plans to make and sell a million fully electric cars a year by 2025. So far, it has sold none. Geely, an industry veteran with recognized brands in China, has named its electric brand Zeekr, which rhymes with “seeker.” It plans to begin delivering cars in October. The Zeekr is being made in a new electric car factory near Ningbo, on China’s eastern coast. The factory is a cavernous space with miles of white conveyor belts and rows of 15-foot cream-colored robots made by ABB of Sweden. It has an initial capacity of 300,000 cars a year, larger than most car factories in Detroit, and floor space for expansion. “What is the most important thing is, China has the market,” said Zhao Chunlin, the factory’s general manager. Mr. He named Xpeng, pronounced “X-pung,” after himself. Xpeng’s niche feature is a cooing, Siri-like voice assistant that guides the car’s internet services, like directions and music, and its computer-assisted highway driving. Xpeng plans to have the capacity to make 300,000 cars a year by 2024; last year it sold fewer than one-tenth that many. Mr. He made his first fortune developing a mobile phone browser company, UCWeb. He sold it to Alibaba in 2014 and became president of Alibaba’s mobile business services unit. The same year he helped bankroll two former executives from state-owned Guangzhou Auto to start Xpeng. Three years later, Mr. He took direct control of Xpeng and left Alibaba, which also acquired a small stake in the automaker. Mr. He said that his second child had been born, and that he wanted to be able to tell his son that he led a car company. Mr. He holds 23 percent of Xpeng’s shares, while Alibaba holds 12 percent. Chinese government officials have helped along the way. A state-owned enterprise in Zhaoqing, a 1,000-year-old jade-carving town near Guangzhou, lent $233 million to Xpeng in 2017 for the construction of its initial factory with annual capacity of about 100,000 cars. The city has been subsidizing the company’s interest payments since then, according to Xpeng’s regulatory filings. The city of Wuhan helped Xpeng buy land and borrow money at low interest rates for a new plant there. The Guangzhou government also helped Xpeng start building its factory in that city, said Brian Gu, vice chairman and president of Xpeng. Last year, after weathering the pandemic, Xpeng cashed in on Wall Street, where Tesla’s rise whetted investor appetite for the industry. The Chinese company raised $5 billion in an initial public offering and subsequent share sales. It is spending part of the money on new factories and part of it on research and development, particularly in autonomous driving. Xpeng’s deep pockets are visible in costly automation at its Zhaoqing factory. Robots lift 44-pound car roofs of dark tinted glass, apply aerospace-strength glue and press them into place. Waist-high robots glide across the gray concrete floor, carrying instrument panels while playing an instrumental version of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.” (The robots came programmed that way, company officials explained.) The factory took only 15 months to build, considerably faster than assembly plants in the West. Yan Hui, the general manager of the factory’s final assembly area, said decisions were made more quickly than at the German auto parts manufacturer where he used to work. “Any design change took a long time — sign, sign, even sign in German,” he said. “But at Xpeng, we can just make the change.” Even though many of the electric car brands are new to China, their owners already have ambitions abroad. Xpeng is starting to export cars to Europe, beginning with Norway. Chery, a big state-owned automaker in central China, announced last week that it would start exporting gasoline-powered cars to the United States next year and follow with electric cars. The United States will be a difficult market. The Trump administration imposed 25 percent taxes in 2018 on cars imported from China, which has slowed exports. Many electric car parts are covered by the same tariffs. That makes it harder, but not impossible, for Chinese companies to start shipping electric cars in kits to the United States for assembly. For now, Chinese companies see huge potential to build their brands. Michael Dunne, the chief executive of ZoZo Go, a consulting firm specializing in the electric car industry in Asia, said the industry’s outlook was becoming clear: “China is going to be the global dominator when it comes to making electric cars.” Liu Yi and Coral Yang contributed research. Source link Orbem News #Big #Builds #Cars #China #Electric #Factories #lead
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sn369comco · 3 years
Facts About 안전한놀이터 Online #530
As a rule, in places where a significant number of Cantonese migrants could be found, fantan was also present. As the name implies, Caribbean Stud Poker combines the essential elements of traditional Five-Card Stud Poker with house-banked table gaming. Instead of squaring off mano a mano with an opponent, you place your bet(s), take five cards, and assess the situation. A ball that enters a catcher will trigger a payout, in which a number of balls are dropped into a tray at the front of the machine. The Moncton, New Brunswick-based Spielo has been heavily involved in the VLT market; it was acquired in 2004 by GTECH Corporation, which was in turn acquired by Lottomatica of Italy, which then acquired and merged with IGT in 2015.
The timing of the opening of the gates is unpredictable, effectively making it a jackpot where the player receives no payout. http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/메이저놀이터리스트 Most games take just a few moments to learn, and they really are easy to play. The same holds true for slot machines. If shuffled back to the deck before playing the next hand, the count begins at zero. In this, it becomes hard to know your advantages and disadvantage with the casino.
If the dealers hand is weaker than this he is said not to qualify, all ante stakes will then be paid out at even money. All raise bets will be deemed void and returned to the player. In the instance that the dealer does qualify, his hand is then compared with each player who has posted the raise bet. When paying in stations, the dealer counts the number of ways or stations that the winning number hits the complete bet. Stated somewhat differently, the objective of the game of mahjong is to put together a complete set (or “hand”), which contains three or four sets of threes or “melds” (either three of a kind of the same suit (or “pung”) or a sequence of the same suit (or “chow”)) and a pair, for total of 14 (or 17) pieces (tiles). Each player starts with 13 (or 16) tiles. With each turn, a player picks up a 14th (or 17th) tile, and then discards one tile placed face up in the center of the table. At this point, other players can choose to pass, take the tile to complete a set (pung, chow, or kong) or to declare a win (“mahjong”). The first player who completes the set of 14 (or 17) tiles wins the hand. Besides competitive protection, a bargain–priced “license to operate” was another subsidy provided to the industry by the states.
Today, the public might know how to play blackjack or bridge, but few stop to consider that a deck of cards is a marvel of engineering, design, and history. If the Dealer's hand contains at least an Ace and King, he must then play his hand against each Player based on traditional poker hand rankings. If your hand beats the Dealer's, you win even money on your Ante bet. For your secondary bet, the odds are as follows: Although we cannot be sure which version of the story is true, it is evident that Aruba and the Caribbean region in general played a significant role in the games discovery and development.Suitmarks were first used on Italian and Spanish decks of playing cards. Soon after, nature-oriented suitmarks adorned German and Swiss decks. Simple stencil designs reduced the cost of producing playing cards in France, and the French designs were lightly modified in England to produce the modern, or international, suitmarks. Playing cards with national suitmarks are still common in many countries, particularly for use in certain traditional card games, but all international competitions use the international suitmarks.
Each reel had many symbols, so literally thousands of outcomes were possible. Elmer made it his "life's dream" to win another big jackpot. His dream came true in 2005 when he won a whopping $21.1 million at the Cannery! In the 19th century, roulette spread all over Europe and the US, becoming one of the most famous and most popular casino games.The Hydro-electric Power Plant at Rue des Cristalleries (1927)
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Conversely, the unprecedented growth and expansion of the gambling industry have had many positive and negative economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts. These bets are often considered "not working" on the new come-out roll until the next point is established, unless the player calls the bet as "working." Retired officers often work in the pachinko parlor industry; critics have pointed out that while this has had a deterrent effect against organized crime involvement, it also means that these operators are in a strong position to influence police officers in their favor. 샌즈카지노 Like the martingale, this system is mainly applied to the even-money outside bets, and is favored by players who want to keep the amount of their bets and losses to a minimum.
As different individual points are made by the shooter, they will be marked on the craps layout with a fire symbol. The player has already put one unit down the slot and that is gone; the player who hits three of a kind gets a total of three units back for the one that has been wagered. he wheel is divided into a number of equal segments separated by spokes or pins.In a game of tossing two dice, for example, the total number of possible outcomes is 36 (each of six sides of one die combined with each of six sides of the other), and the number of ways to make, say, a seven is six (made by throwing 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4, 4 and 3, 5 and 2, or 6 and 1); therefore, the probability of throwing a seven is 6/36, or 1/6.
Many betting systems are sold online and purport to enable the player to 'beat' the odds. The following chart shows the dice combinations needed to roll each number. Party per fesse, 1 Gules a dexter arm hand Carnation armed Argent holding a sword the same hilt and pommel Or between two roundels the same; 2 Azure a goblet Argent.When four or more decks are used, they are dealt from a shoe (a box that allows the dealer to remove cards one at a time, face down, without actually holding one or more packs).
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devikong · 4 years
Kazuko san’s visit to Imphal
           It was during my visit to Japan in September-October 2019 that I met Mrs. Kazuko Yasunobu (Kazuko san) at the residence of the Indian Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma in the evening of 1st October. That was a dinner party hosted to welcome the Manipuri cultural team led by our Honorable State Culture Minister, Mr. Langpoklakpam Jayantakumar Singh and the Director, Department of Art & Culture, Government of Manipur, Mr. Aribam Shivadas Sharma, MCS. I was part of the cultural troupe as a Coordinator. The cultural troupe performed at various events across different cities such as Namaste India Festival (Tokyo and Karia City), Kyoto, Niigata, Osaka, etc.
           That very night, Kazuko san was wearing a fine Assamese mekhala chaddar with a beautiful flower decorated on her hair and a bright red bindi on her forehead. It showed her immense love for our Indian Culture. Other than that, I knew nothing about her. However, it happened that she was performing Odissi (one of the six classical dances of India, originally of Odisha which is an Eastern state of India) at Namaste India Festival, Tokyo where our Manipuri Team also performed. As I was too occupied with the coordination work for our team, I somehow failed to notice her performance.
           She said she had plans to visit Manipur in January next year i.e. 2020. Later on 5th October, our cultural team went to Tokyo from Tokamachi mountain city to perform especially for the Bengali community as it was Durga Puja time. There, for the second time, I encountered Kazuko san with full make up and colorful costume as an Odissi dancer. Oh, I found out she is a professional Odissi dancer. She addressed me as ‘didi’ (Hindi word for sister) and we clicked few photographs together. She is currently an Odissi, Sambhalpuri Teacher at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC), Embassy of India in Tokyo. Moreover, she has her own dance class at Studio Odissi in Tokyo.
           Next few months passed by and there was no communication between the two of us. One fine day, she sent me a message and told me about her confirmed trip to Imphal, my hometown, in January 2020. She had requested me to arrange for a home stay and to contact some teachers for Manipuri Dance and Thang-Ta (Manipuri Martial Arts) so that she could learn few basic steps. I responded to her request positively. As my husband, Mr. Gurumayum Dharmadas Sharma was working as Principal-In-Charge of Government Dance College, Manipur, I requested him to help Kazuko san in every possible way so that she could get what she had expected out of her Manipur trip.
           I told her about the Solo Dance and Music Festival which was to be commenced from 22nd February to 24th February 2020 and inquired if she wanted to come to Imphal in February instead of January. But she was firm in her decision to be here in both the months.
           My husband sent a formal invitation letter to Kazuko san at VCC, Tokyo by December end of 2019 for the Solo Festival which was to be jointly organized by the Eastern Zonal Cultural Center, Kolkata (Ministry of Culture, Government of India) and Government Dance College (Department of Art & Culture, Government of Manipur).
           Hence every arrangement was made starting from booking hotel, pick and drop from airport and other domestic travel, dance and martial art classes along with provision for students from the Dance College for her ‘Sakura’ (Japanese word for Cherry Blossom) Dance Composition and many more.
           Kazuko san arrived at Bir Tikendrajit International Airport, Malom, Imphal on January 3rd. We asked our friend, Mr. Acharyamayum Shantakumar Sharma to pick her up from the airport. In the evening of her arrival, I went to meet her at hotel Sangai, Nagamapal where she would be staying for the next few days of her first ever trip to Manipur.
           The next day, 4th of January, my family took Kazuko san to Rita Café, Classic Hotel, Imphal for evening tea. She wished me happy birthday as it happened to be my birthday. Since she wanted something Manipuri in taste and flavor, we ordered singju ( Manipuri salad ), khajing bora ( Deep fried battered prawn ), and CCT ( locally produced lemon grass tea ). As Japanese usually do not take very hot and spicy food, I asked the service boy to make singju less spicy. However, it turned out to be a bit hot and spicy for Kazuko san. Later, the service boy came back with another plate of less spicy singju at no extra cost. What a treat it was!!!!
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                            At Rita Café in the evening of 4th January                                                                  (Photo Credit : Kazuko san)
           While we were returning from the café, I told her about my morning nature therapy treatment. She expressed her desire to join as she felt exhausted after long hours of travel and hectic schedule. Before coming to Imphal, she already stayed in Bhubhaneswar, Odisha and had performed in various events. During those days, she had received prestigious awards such as Nritya Bhushan Award in addition to various other national and international recognition that she had already been honoured wih.
           So, on January 5th morning, Kazuko san joined me for the treatment which was conducted by one of our local therapists. It was a relaxing experience. Unfortunately she didn’t continue after some untoward experience.
           Once she arrived at Imphal city, she kept herself busy by learning Manipuri dance and Thang-Ta. At the same time, she made a fusion composition based on the famous Japanese classic ‘Sakura’ to be performed by herself and a team of students from Dance College at Japanese War Memorial, Maibamlotpa Ching, Nambol. For the Manipuri dance steps of the composition, she took help from Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma, Senior Lecturer, Government Dance College, Manipur. Oja Laishram Brajakumar Laishram, Senior Lecturer (Flute ), oja Pebam Tiken Singh, (Pena, a traditional stringed instrument of Manipur), Mr. Ben Johnson ( Guitar ), Mr. Amit ( Pung, Manipuri Drum ) and Mrs. Anjella Yenkhom                (  vocal ) became important part of Sakura composition along with many other Manipuri students, both male and female dancers. She expressed contentment that our Manipuri students are quite enthusiastic, fast learners and are very serious in learning and make the whole process of interaction a fun filled activity. Often these students shared homemade food in the college premise and that made Kazuko san feel quite at home in Imphal in spite of being a first timer in the city.
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             Some special moments with friends in Imphal as captured by                                                                 Kazuko san
             On 7th January, we picked her up from hotel at 9 am for Japanese War Memorial. Just as we started, my elder sister Angousana Devi handed over to me a huge carry bag full of fresh marigold flowers near Nagamapal Lai Ishing Chaiba Temple to be taken for offering at Nambol as Kazuko san wished. The team of students from Government Dance College, Manipur led by Guru Loken and Kazuko san performed ‘sakura’ fusion composition as an offering to the departed souls of the numerous Japanese soldiers who led their lives on the soils of Manipur during the Second World War, 1945.
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            At Maibam Lotpa Ching (Red Hill), Nambol on 7th January 
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           At Maibam Lotpa Ching (Red Hill), Nambol on 7th January                                          (Photo Credit : A. Shantakumar Sharma)                       
           On the way to Nambol, she told me about one Manipuri friend of her husband who was currently in Fukuoka Ken, Japan.  This friend helped her husband with information about Manipur while he came here last year to gather some idea about select Manipuri hotels. As there was shut down of market on that day, Kazuko san’s husband failed to visit those hotels of which he wanted some information. To my utter surprise, this young lad came out to be my nephew, Vicky Ningombam, who is working in Fukuoka as a Manager in a hotel at present.
           So, while returning from Nambol, we took Kazuko san to Laxmi Hotel and Imoinu Hotel, both at Wahengleikai, Imphal West to collect information and to take some photographs especially of the local cuisines being served there.
           The very next day, the 8th January was the birth anniversary of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, a legendary Odissi exponent and is the guru of Kazuko san. We went to Sri Sri Govindajiu Temple, Imphal East where Kazuko san made special fruits and flowers offering to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda and Sri Sri Jaganath Baladev Subhadra as a humble obeisance to her dance guru. Later, we had delicious prasadam. In the latter part of the evening, Mr. Shanta took Kazuko san to Ima Keithel, the world’s only market run exclusively by women only. She purchased some colorful Manipuri traditional shawls and phanek (sarong worn by Manipuri ladies).
           After returning to Tokyo in January, she came back to Imphal on 20th February for participating in the Solo Festival. Renowned artists from Manipur and other states of India took part in the festival. It was the first time that a Japanese artist took part in this festival. Some of the artists who gave their scintillating performance during the 3-day festival apart from Kazuko san (Odissi dance) were Ms. Ivana Sarkar (Manipuri Dance), Mrs. Muktasana (Manipuri Dance), Mr. Srijan Cahtterjee (Hindustani Music), Mr. Anoubam Shashikumar Sharma (Sarod), etc.
           She performed a new composition ‘Saraswati Sakura Mangalacharan’ with live music by a team of musicians from Bhubhaneswar on 23rd February, the second day of the Solo Festival.
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         A beautiful shot of Kazuko san while performing Odissi on  23rd                              February (Photo Credit : Surjit Soraisam)
           On 24th February which was the third and the last day of the festival, Kazuko san performed an Odissi-Japanese-Manipuri fusion composition along with few teachers and students of the Dance College. She displayed nice Origami creations too during the performance. Even Mr. Ben Johnson ( a staff of Art & Culture Department, GOM) and Mr. Shanta also became part of the dance composition.
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             A pose from few of the participants of Manipuri Japanese Fusion Composition of 24th February Evening (Photo Credit : Ben Johnson)
             The 3-day festival was, as a whole, well acclaimed by viewers and critics. The location and timing of the performance at the Government Dance College with greenery all around and in the open auditorium right under the starry sky around the evening make the ambience so attractive and the performance an enjoyable one. Once you arrive there, you tend to watch the performance till the end. That was the attraction I am talking about.
           One good thing about the program was that many elected representatives  of state assembly came to see the performance along with their families and expressed words of appreciation.
           Though it was a Solo Dance and Music Festival, the Dance College showed two new group compositions choreographed by Guru Loken to give an exposure of the college students and to encourage them for future stage performance.
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             A shot from the group performance 'Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram' by the students of Government Dance College Manipur, choreographed by Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma (Photo Credit : Somorjit Laiphrakpam)
              The next day, i.e. the 25th of February, I organized an “Origami” workshop for school children under the banner of Young Learners’ Academy, a kids care academy at Nagamapal Soram Leirak, Imphal West, the program of which was conducted by none other than Kazuko san. The “Origami” literally means folding of paper and is a Japanese art of paper craft. It is believed to be good for coordination and cognitive development and has become an important part of Japanese culture. Following the last few days of extremely hectic schedule of rehearsal and stage performance, Kazuko san was almost ill on the 24th night and 25th morning. However, she made sure that she would conduct the Origami workshop as planned. Some 29-30 kids along with their parents participated the workshop and it was a huge success. Thanks to Kazuko san who despite her weak health taught our kids the Origami items, that too with the materials she bought all the way from Japan. In addition to this, she distributed Japanese candies to the young participants. Sincere thanks to Saknaibi, Sormorjit Lai, Bikash, Loijing, Sonia and Vijaya, all students of Dance College, came and helped us during the workshop. It really was a great evening for all.
           On the day of departure, the 27th of February, madam Laishram Shantibala Devi, wife of  honourable Culture Minister of Manipur, met Kazuko san in Government Dance College. Students and teachers of Dance College met Kazuko san to bid farewell. Mr. Shanta dropped her off to airport.
            26th February was bit rainy and cold. Around 3pm, Saknaibi picked Kazuko san up from her hotel and took her to well known RKCS Art Gallery. Later she was taken to local sculptor who makes different idols of Lord Jagannath. Kazuko san has special affection for the Lord as she has already stayed in Odisha for several years and is used to Oriya tradition where Lord Jagannath is an important part of life and the Jagannath Temple at Puri, Odisha is a famous tourist attraction. In the evening, my husband joined them and took Kazuko san to our home at Brahmapur Mangjil for just few minutes. Once she was dropped back to her hotel, I met her for the last time of her February trip. We laughed and chatted together for a while. I told her that when our culture minister’s wife asked me what she could buy to present to Kazuko san, I suggested an off white, temple bordered ‘Rani Manao’ (traditional Manipuri hand loom silk stole). To pair up with that, I gifted Kazuko san a ‘Phanek Mapaanaiba’ (Traditional Manipuri sarong with embroidered border). Also Somorjit Laiphrakpam designed two white netted dupatta (the Hindi wod for stole) so that Kazuko san could use to display Japanese Manipuri fusion dance when she’s back in Japan.
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A photograph taken on 27th February at Dance College just before Kazuko san leaves for Delhi (Photo Credit : Somorjit Laiphrakpam)
           After two nights stay in Delhi, Kazuko san reached Tokyo safely on 29th February.
           On 8th March which is International Women’s Day, we had Review Origami Workshop at Nagamapal, Imphal as a follow up programme of the last Origami Workshop held on 25th February. Kazuko san came online to teach Ureshii Hinamatsuri Song (Delightful Doll Festival Song of Japan). She suggested that we should review Origami so that we do not forget the steps of the paper craft that we had already learnt.
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       A shot taken on 8th March during the Review Origami Workshop at                                                       Nagamapal, Imphal 
           Further, we made plans to have online interaction with Kazuko san and her students of Studio Odissi, Tokyo and our team of students of Government Dance College, Manipur led by Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma. Though this could not happen on scheduled date of 12th April due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it will certainly be done in near future as the current lockdown and emergency situation get lifted in respective countries. So it is the very beginning of our cooperation and the cultural exchange programme and it has a long way to go.
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New Post has been published on http://lifehacker.guru/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-u-s-national-parks/
10 Things You Didn’t Know About the U.S. National Parks
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With the recent government shutdown dragging into another week, several of our favorite U.S. national parks have been closed due to staffing and funding shortages. So while we wait for them to reopen, we’re looking at a few, little-known-facts about these incredible protected areas. 
With national parks in all 50 states and several U.S. territories, the U.S. National Park Service is expansive. And while everyone knows about Old Faithful in Yellowstone or El Capitan in Yosemite, there is still a lot to discover about the U.S. national parks. From haunted caves to spa-like hot springs, here are 10 things you didn’t know about America’s national parks.
Redwoods National Park is Home to the World’s Tallest Tree
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Credit: Peter Burnett/iStock
You may already know that the redwood is a very tall tree, but did you know that it’s the tallest tree in the world? Redwoods National Park in Northern California is home to a forest of veritable giants, the tallest of which measures 379 feet tall, according to the National Park Service. Standing beneath a gigantic 500-year-old redwood, which is still relatively young in the tree’s 2,000-year lifespan, is an awe-inspiring experience for nature lovers and city dwellers alike.
Gateway Arch is America’s Newest National Park
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Credit: f11photo/Shutterstock
As recently as February 2018, the National Park System welcomed a new park into the fold — Gateway Arch National Park in St. Louis, Missouri. Gateway Arch has long been a national monument, paying tribute to both Thomas Jefferson’s role in opening the West, the pioneers who helped expand the nation and to Dred Scott who sued for his freedom in the adjacent Old Courthouse. The world’s tallest arch and the tallest manmade structure in the Western Hemisphere, this impressive arch certainly earned its national park designation. 
Delaware Was the Last State to Have a National Park
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Credit: Jon Bilous/Shutterstock
It took nearly 150 years for the first state to be recognized by the National Park System. Delaware, whose claim to fame is being the first state ratified by the U.S. Constitution, didn’t have a national park until six years ago. In 2013, Delaware was finally awarded its first park, the First State National Historic Park, a feat which had been 10 years in the making, according to National Geographic. Better late than never, we suppose.
Crater Lake National Park Has the Deepest Lake in the World
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Credit: Pung/Shutterstock
If you have a fear of deep water, you may want to steer clear of Crater Lake National Park. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the U.S. and the ninth deepest lake in the world, according to Geology.com. The lake was formed after Mount Mazama erupted in 5700 B.C., and a large volcanic crater was left in its wake. Thousands of years of rain and snowmelt collected in the caldera to create the bright blue, crystal clear water that the lake is known for. According to LiveScience, the average depth of Crater Lake is an astounding 1,148 feet. Swimming is allowed at the end of Cleetwood Cove Trail, but you may not want to think about what lurks in the depths below.
You Can Watch the Sunrise First at Acadia National Park
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Credit: Winston Tan/Shutterstock
Early morning go-getters are sure to love Cadillac Mountain in Maine’s Acadia National Park. At 1,530 feet, Cadillac Mountain is the highest point on Mount Desert Island and along the Northern Atlantic coast, according to New England Today.  From this mountaintop vantage point, viewers can be the first to see the sunrise over the Atlantic, a site that is quite stunning to behold. As Cadillac Mountain can be reached by foot or by car, this is a popular Acadia activity, so don’t be surprised if you have company. 
Mammoth Cave National Park is Haunted
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Credit: Wangkun Jia/Shutterstock
If traversing through underground caverns isn’t thrilling enough, Mammoth Cave National Park in Lexington, Kentucky has got you covered. The national park, touted as the most “haunted natural wonder in the world” by National Parks Traveler, has a reputation for paranormal activity. Ghost sightings and strange occurrences have been reported throughout years, by visitors and park rangers alike. The ghosts are rumored to be Stephen Bishop, a slave who also served as a cave guide, and Floyd Collins, a man who became stuck in one of the cave tunnels and perished. Scary stuff, indeed.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park Is Where The President Healed His Broken Heart
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Credit: ericfoltz/iStock
Before he was elected president, Theodore Roosevelt suffered a tragic loss that shaped his career and his life. In February 1884, Roosevelt’s wife and mother died on the exact same day, according to History.com. Inconsolable, Roosevelt abandoned his political career and retreated west to the Dakotas.  Theodore Roosevelt National Park was later established in North Dakota to commemorate this beautiful and rugged area that Roosevelt loved and to demonstrate the role this land played in his work as a conservationist.
Mackinac Island Is the Forgotten National Park
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Credit: Michael Deemer/Shutterstock
Mackinac Island, Michigan was named a national park in 1875, a mere three years after Yellowstone National Park was established. As America’s second national park, its federal status only lasted 20 years, at which point Mackinac was turned over to the state. Lucky for us, the four-square-mile island is still a state park today. Its locale on Lake Michigan makes it a popular destination for sailors, while it’s picturesque views draw tourists every year. So don’t let its national park demotion fool you — Mackinac Island is worth a visit.
The First Park Rangers Were the Cavalry
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Credit: Wes Lund/Shutterstock
The park ranger uniform is inspired by the cavalry, a historic branch of the U.S. Army. In fact, the cavalry were the original stewards of the U.S. national parks. When Yellowstone National Park was first created, the cavalry protected the park from illegal poachers and loggers and brought a sense of order to the mismanaged operations, according to Smithsonian.com. Just think — without these horseriding heroes, the National Park System might have never made it into the 20th century. We’re sure glad it did.
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National Parks are Better (and Cheaper) than the Spa
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Credit: Colton Stiffler/Shutterstock
If you have been dreaming of a spa vacation, look no further than the U.S. National Park System. Geothermal hot springs are the perfect alternative to a luxurious spa — and they come with a much lower price tag. Winter in Yellowstone National Park is the perfect time to visit the Boiling River, a natural hot spring that occurs when the Mammoth Hot Springs runoff flows into the Gardiner River. If soaking in nature isn’t your thing, head to Hot Springs National Park, where you can soak in geothermal springs fashioned after European baths. Either way, a nice long soak sounds pretty good.
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phgq · 4 years
Children in armed conflict are victims, entitled to protection
#PHinfo: Children in armed conflict are victims, entitled to protection
DAVAO DEL NORTE, Nov. 26 (PIA) – Children involved in armed conflict are seen by the law as victims and to be treated as such upon rescue or surrender.
During Kapihan sa DavNor yesterday, November 25, 2020, Renee Boy Binondo, Regional Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children XI (RSCWC-XI) Regional Coordinator, said that children involved in armed conflict have rights as they are victims.
“Children involved in armed conflict are those in the field who were recruited as a combatant, lookout, cook, medic,” Binondo said.
“Klaro sa provisions nato nga we don’t degrade children nga in ana. Under the law, biktima sila. Dili gani sila masulod atong bala-od nga juvenile justice law, dili sila ma considered nga children in conflict with the law, because they are victims (It’s clear in our provisions that we don’t degrade those children. Under the law, they are victims. They aren’t even considered as Juvenile Justice Law; they are not considered as children in conflict with the law because they are victims),” he added.
Division Public Affairs Office (DPAO) Chief, Major Jerry Lamosao, explained that these children didn’t just join, they were forced.
Lamosao cited an example when the NPA forced a child into rebellion.
 “Adunay revelation sa isa ka bata nga naa na sa poder sa pangamhanan sa gobyerno  (There is one revelation of a child who is now in the government’s hands),” Lamosao said.
Lamosao remembered that in this revelation, the child was ordered by [the NPA] to bring a pot up the mountain where the armed terrorist NPA members were waiting. Upon arriving, the food inside the child’s pot, which was supposed to be for the child’s family were all eaten by the terrorists. After the terrorists ate all the food, the child was told not to go back home.
“Kay kuno pag muna-og siya, torturon kuno siya sa military kay nakabalo na ang military nga kuyog sila sa NPA. So ang bata nagkaroon ug lahi nga paglantaw sa kasundalohan ug siya nahadlok pud. So gitagaan siyag pusil para protektahan kuno niya iyang sarili sa military (They lied to the child that if he came down [the mountain], the military will torture him because the military already knew he was with the NPA. So the child was brainwashed into fearing the military. The NPA gave the child a gun so he could protect himself from the military),” Lamosao recounted.
With this, Binondo said that these children have the right to survival, development and special respect aside from the right to protection.
“The right to survival and development, so kung ma rescue na sila, tagaan gyud dayun nato ug necessary needs nila ma medical mana, food or clothing. The right of special respect nga tao gihapon sila based on human rights nato nga convention and treated as victims (So if they are rescued, we will give them their immediate necessary needs like medical, food, or clothing. They have the right of special respect, that they are humans based on our human rights convention and are treated as victims),” Binondo said.  
Concern but not alarming
However, Jeffrey Calamongay, Focal Person on Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP) of Provincial Social Welfare Office (PSDWO) Davao del Norte, said that although the current state of NPA abducting children is a concern, it is no longer alarming.
“Ma consider nato siya nga concern, dili kaayo alarming tungod kay sa pag implement sa EO 70, atong mga kasundalohan, mga national government agencies, provincial offices, as well as PNP naa na jud sa community naga tabang na gyud. Naga implement ug mga projects related sa pag protekta sa mga bata as well as sa community. So naa lay mga concern because they are vulnerable, dali ra jud sila ma recruit (We consider it a concern, but not that alarming because with the implementation of EO 70, our military, the National Government agencies, the provincial offices, as well as the PNP are now in the communities helping. They are implementing the projects related to protecting children as well as the community. So we have the concern because they are vulnerable, they are easy to recruit),” he said.
Calamongay said that the PSWDO, in line with Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict or  RA 11188, is strengthening its prevention programs so that no children will get involved in or affected by armed conflict.
“Aside ana mu follow na ang mga programs and services like health, education, and livelihood then ato pung e provide ang mga education assistance para mupadayon sila sa ilang pag eskwela. Then ang pinaka importante atong ipa hingusgan ang peace education advocacy sa kabukiran (Aside from that, there follows the programs and services like health, education, and livelihood. Then we will also provide the education assistances so that they can continue their studies. And most importantly, we will strengthen the peace education advocacy in the mountains),” he added.
Facilities for children in armed conflict
According to Binondo and Calamongay, two facilities are currently being built (one regional and one provincial) for minors who are rescued.
These facilities are where the children will be given intervention, counseling, as well as financial package upon discharge and E-CLIP assistance if identified as involved in armed conflict.
The provincial facility located in Doña Andrea, Asuncion, is 90 percent complete while the regional facility is located in Tagum City. (Jan Vincent Leuterio, PIA-XI)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Children in armed conflict are victims, entitled to protection." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1060250 (accessed November 27, 2020 at 11:34AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Children in armed conflict are victims, entitled to protection." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1060250 (archived).
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otherpplnation · 5 years
Episode 579 — Lilliam Rivera
Lilliam Rivera is the guest. Her new YA novel, Dealing in Dreams, is available from Simon & Schuster. Rivera's previous novel,The Education of Margot Sanchez (February 2017) was nominated for a 2019 Rhode Island Teen Book Award, a 2017 Best Fiction for Young Adult Fiction by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), and has been featured on NPR, New York Times Book Review, New York magazine, MTV.com, and Teen Vogue, among others.
  She is a 2016 Pushcart Prize winner and a 2015 Clarion alumni with a Leonard Pung Memorial Scholarship. Lilliam has also been awarded fellowships from PEN Center USA, A Room Of Her Own Foundation, and received a grant from the Elizabeth George Foundation and the Speculative Literature Foundation. Her short story "Death Defiant Bomba" received honorable mention in Bellevue Literary Review's 2014 Goldenberg Prize for Fiction, selected by author Nathan Englander. She recently received honorable mention in the 2018 James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award.
Lilliam's work has appeared in The New York Times, Elle, Lenny Letter, Tin House, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and more. She has been a featured speaker in countless schools and book festivals throughout the United States and teaches creative writing workshops. In today's monologue, I have a brief conversation with Juliet Escoria, author of the debut novel Juliet the Maniac (Melville House), the official May pick of the TNB Book Club.
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Health Benefits of Gratitude (& Why We Have to Work at It)
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/health-benefits-of-gratitude-why-we-have-to-work-at-it/
Health Benefits of Gratitude (& Why We Have to Work at It)
How wonderful it is to have one day a year dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness! Many of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives, but it turns out that these benefits can even extend to physical health!
Why Is It So Hard to Be Grateful?
It sounds so simple to just be grateful, but it turns out that there are biological reasons this process doesn’t come so easily.
Sure, by all measures, if you are reading this on a smartphone or computer, your living conditions are better than those in a large majority of the world. You probably got to eat today, likely even food you chose and enjoyed, and you probably have adequate clothing. We probably have friends, and a social support system, and family members we can talk to regularly.
Yet, it is easy to dwell on the financial problems, or the one negative comment on a blog post (*ahem*), or the one thing we wish we could fix about our bodies.
This makes sense from a biological standpoint but makes gratitude difficult. We are wired to pay attention to things that could be potentially negative or harmful as a survival instinct, but in a world of constant input from the internet and social media, this instinct can backfire.
The Health Benefits of Gratitude
It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking “if only I had ___ I’d be happy.” Or “if only I didn’t have to deal with ___ I’d be happy,” but this is a vicious cycle…
Psychologist Shawn Anchor explains in this great TED talk that gratitude and happiness are the first step, not the end result. Making the choice to be happy and have gratitude is not only healthy, but it can improve our performance and ability as well.
It is no secret that stress has a negative impact on health, but research is finding that an “attitude of gratitude” can be a successful antidote to external stressors.
Studies of the brain show that grateful feelings increase our sense of wellbeing and relaxation. This in turn can lower inflammation, improve heart rate variability, lower blood pressure, and lead better quality sleep. Over time, this means improved hormone balance and immune function and even decreased rates of disease.
As this article points out:
Grateful people — those who perceive gratitude as a permanent trait rather than a temporary state of mind — have an edge on the not-so-grateful when it comes to health, according to Emmons’ research on gratitude. “Grateful people take better care of themselves and engage in more protective health behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, regular physical examinations”.
The best news is, being grateful is absolutely free and always available to us! We just have to make it a habit.
An Attitude of Gratitude: Making It Stick
Thankfully, cultivating a grateful attitude is possible, and it can be one of the easiest (and cheapest) changes to make for better health! As this article suggests, a few simple changes can help make gratitude a habit:
A Daily List – One thing I do daily is to make a list of a few things that I am especially grateful for that particular day. Whether little things like my garden or the dishwasher to big things like my children and wonderful husband, I’ve found that this does help to keep the focus on the many blessings in my life. When done first thing in the morning, this sets the tone for the day and helps me stay positive and cheerful.
Gratitude Letters – Once in a while, I try to write letters to friends and family members thanking them for their influence in my life and detailing the reasons I am grateful for them.
Acts of Kindness – Doing a small, unnoticed good deed each day can help boost the natural tendency to be grateful and look for the good in any situation. This could be volunteering at a soup kitchen, donating to a homeless shelter, or making a meal for someone going through a difficult time.
Keep a Gratitude Journal – Like an expanded version of the first suggestion, this is a place to regularly collect your thoughts. Review what went well in the day or how others blessed you that day. This would be a great time of year to start a family gratitude habit as well. I’ve heard great things about this journal for kids and hope to do it in our family soon.
Post Reminders – There are thousands of printables that focus on gratitude. Print some out and put them up around the house, or make your own with the kids! Sometimes we just need the visual reminder to retrain our thoughts and keep us reflecting on the positive.
Counting My Blessings
As Martha Washington said:
I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.
So, if you are grateful for anything today, please share it below in the comments! Five things I’m very grateful for today are:
My family
My friends
A good night’s sleep
Access to healthy food
You! I feel so blessed to get to “meet” all of the wonderful people and be part of this community. I’ve learned so much from all of you and am so encouraged that together we are creating a more positive future for our kids.
What are you are grateful for today? Share below!
Kyeong, S., Kim, J., Kim, D. J., Kim, H. E., & Kim, J. J. (2017). Effects of gratitude meditation on neural network functional connectivity and brain-heart coupling. Scientific reports, 7(1), 5058. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05520-9
Kini P, Wong J, Mcinnis S, Gabana N, Brown JW. The effects of gratitude expression on neural activity. Neuroimage. 2016;128:1-10
O’Connell BH, Killeen-Byrt M. Psychosocial health mediates the gratitude-physical health link. Psychol Health Med. 2018;23(9):1145-1150. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1469782
Redwine LS, Henry BL, Pung MA, et al. Pilot Randomized Study of a Gratitude Journaling Intervention on Heart Rate Variability and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients With Stage B Heart Failure. Psychosom Med. 2016;78(6):667-76. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000316
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/3462/gratitude-health-benefits/
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