oddtripps · 6 months
Tastes likes chikmn…….
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Heavily inspired by Saturn Devouring His Son but being too cowardly to actually replicate the imagery since that shit is beyond nightmare fuel lmao.
Anyway have Roy being a good father figure idk man I’m not an art dude idk what I’m doing half the time I just throw paint at a canvas and hope for the best shrugging emoji head in hands emoji
Btw ask 2 tag or whatever my guy I aren’t a cop lmao
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Here’s the original wip before I threw a bucket of red on it. Sorry.
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funny-house · 2 years
I somehow think that, considering Lesley's the actual puppeteer and not Roy, then that means the entirety of the YouTube shorts were all made by her. Maybe Roy was there as a spy or smth, considering he was watching Red in the sixth episode, and also tried to stop him from mangling the machine.
The which I think, it's the one that made them all remember. If Lesley was replacing them each episode, that means they still remembered what happened in the last one (hence duck guy saying "I don't wanna do this anymore!" In ep. 5 and yellow remembering Tony in ep. 6 saying "you made me die!").
Maybe the reason they all can't remember now in the series is because the machine is still unplugged. Since poking and prodding at the buttons made a teacher appear (or a memory rewind), by being unplugged, the three of them literally restart each new episode, and would explain the reason they don't fear the teachers (both the new and old ones); their memories are gone.
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To me, this is the biggest mystery i want an answer for because I feel like I'm really missing too much detail to even fill in the gap with a guess on this one specific thing
What EXACTLY was different about the previous series with Roy. What has changed to make them now under Lesley's direct control? Was she always in control? Is all this just symbolic of the show being literally under new management because its on channel 4?
Now, you say that they remember what happens in past episodes, but that's not always the case. Duck and Yellow seem to outright forget their entire friend Red at the start of the health episode. Their memory seems to be selective, as it still is now, because-- just like when red was removed from the show-- they have distant memory of the past teachers... but can't quite recall them. So to me it looks like anything removed from their canon is literally removed from their personality. Nothing's changed, this memory loss due to retconning is an effect they've experienced before.
But why is she doing any of this? Why does Roy watch the trio constantly in every episode all the time, always from outside the set? Why was he the one running the kickstarter videos? Is money man still working for him? Why is Roy still listed as a special thanks in the new series? What does it mean that Roy sent his son to punishland in the past, is he still punishing his son even now? Does ROY even know Lesley exists? I honestly think its impossible to guess right now lol
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 2 years
Do you ever feel slightly uncomfortable in fandoms, where you frequently enjoy the content, but feel can't help but feel like that one vine where the smart kids in math class are showing their answers and you're the guy who somehow came up with 'Aberham Lincon'.
Yeah. To me, both DHMIS series seems to be about a controlling and oppressive father( and maybe mother) who trap their own child in a correction simulation to 'teach' him not to think outside of the box, and the other two characters are different age groups suffering the consequences of being raised not knowing much else than what their parents wanted them to know. Just in the first series, Doi gets overstimulated with 'punishland' becoming too much, while still not fully knowing what's wrong about the situation and it starts to kill him. The newer series shows an alternative path where Doi is allowed to look past his naivety and start to realize that he doesn't deserve to be treated like this for the rest of his life.
How did you guys get 'Red guy in kahoots with Roy' or 'Lesley re-incarnated her dead son David into Doi'? Let's compare homework.
(It's fine to think like this, idc. It's always up to interpretation. I just feel like the whole fandom agrees on things that aren't really apparent in any of the material and almost seem like headcanons)
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goleb · 2 years
Curiosity got the better of me, so forgive me for tainting Roy’s HolyName, but what’s your take on the interview quote? The whole “taking my son to punishland” deal?
I don’t really believe in the whole media theory and don’t think Roy is necessarily the bad guy, but that quote kinda makes me wonder what his motives are (if any, maybe he was just being ominous for the lols)
You’re like the only person in the whole community which I can discuss things related to Roy without someone pulling the whole “dad bad” scandal so sorry if I tend to flood the chat lmao
Oh, don’t apologize for asking me things, I do appreciate it! I don’t get many visitors these days, anyway. Good opportunity to dust off the china.
Fair warning, rant mode activated. The text below contains my dazed ramblings (I’m still sick), personal opinions, generic you, and me questioning the motives of everyone except Roy. In fact, perhaps this is not suitable for reading at all. I’ve spent a good while at it, and I’m no longer able to tell. 
(For this reason I responded to the third paragraph first.) 
Hah! Me, your one-stop station for all things Roy Gribbleston is a good dad. 
It’s funny, you know. I’m the only person like that in the community and I barely feel like I even belong in this community. Or at least I’ve been made to feel like I shouldn’t be here. By your own words, I’m certain you know what I might mean by that. Such is life. 
And don’t even get me started on that sort of people. I’ve dealt with plenty enough. I don’t want to anymore. 
But I love DHMIS, and I love Roy, and I refuse to leave. 
I do apologize if at any point during this I sound... off... I’m just... so tired. 
My take on the interview as a whole is that it’s an additional (and frankly non-canon) series of some of the most abstract and nonsensical quotes I’ve ever read, and I’m a surrealist by nature. And really, how often do you see people taking anything BUT that one quote from it at face value (or even mention it at all)? It almost feels like cherry-picking whatever suits the theories. Because otherwise it’s nonsense. Hmm. 
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But fine, okay, the quote. It means nothing to me. I’ve seen people claim it refers to the events of the show... well, I don’t know how other people do it, but when I talk about something that has happened or is actively happening, I don’t refer to it in future tense. And Roy’s an eloquent man. I’m sure he knows basic grammatical functions. My point is, if he is referring to something for real? You wouldn’t know! So what’s the point in assuming the worst? 
I know some people love to blame Roy for everything evil in the world (huergh.) but then turn around and excuse any questionable actions of their own faves. (I get you! I just happen to be an unmovable object stationed on Roy’s side.) Actions that were literally done on screen that you can see with your eyes. Unlike with Roy, who’s just standing there. Oh so evilly! 😂 
No, see, the teachers are terrible because ROY made them like that (or they’re completely innocent or something, I don’t even know anymore). No, see, Red and Duck Guy would make such better caretakers for Yellow who never did anything bad to him and what do you mean have I watched DHMIS 3 (I don’t believe in any of that “pilot” stuff but if I did, it only gets worse there lol and yes, some people try to blame THAT on Roy as well. I ain’t here for that. HE’S NOT EVEN IN IT!)? 
Hell, if you want to believe in the interview as true, Yellow says he’s allergic to and scared of eggs (along with a myriad of other things included in the episodes, which just makes me believe it less, to be honest. It’s all just random rambling and references.) Take of that what you will. 
And I feel the need to reiterate that I neither hate nor have anything against Red and Duck Guy. Or even the teachers. Not at all! I’m also not saying Roy’s an angel (he is to me 💛). I’m saying nobody is one. Except Yellow. Yellow is pure and innocent and needs to be protected at all cost. Which is why Roy is there. But acting like Roy is the pinnacle of all evil is awfully silly at best. My point is that if you’re gonna hold Roy accountable for something, hold everyone else accountable as well. 
Personally, I don’t believe in any of the theories. Don’t care much for them. I don’t need to know the true, real, deepest lore meaning of DHMIS. I found my own value in it, and I found my own meaning. It has nothing to do with the show itself, but it makes me feel good, and that’s all that matters, really. 
Also, it's absolutely in character for Roy to act ominously purely to mess with people. I... I’d know. 
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oddtripps · 6 months
“ They'll all miss us “
“ hugs and kisses “
“ mommy's prince and daddy's princess “
“I wish we could take them with us”
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“ Maybe you should have called your dad more often, Friend. “
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oddtripps · 6 months
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“ He’s got the whole world in his hands “
“ It was nice to know ya “
“ We’ve all been damned ! “
. . .
“For Ŗ̴͎̬̠̳̹̳̘͆̉̓̈́̊̑̐͑̈́̀̄̄̑̌̌̈̾̀͒͗́͌̋͐̄͊͆̀͂̚̕̕͝͝͝O̷̡̧̢̧̨̞͓̼̳͉͍̬͚͔͈͓̬̻͇͈͖̣̥͕̻̹͑̀͗̈̈́̈́̈́͂̓̏͑̈́̀̆͊̏͌̇̈͒̓̊̈́̔͌͐͘̚͝͠͝Ÿ̵̨̧̨̢̯͇̬̖̖͇̥̳̘̰̳͙̭͖̤͖͓̖̦͎̼̖̳̝̮͓̙̺͕̺͎̙̲̌̅ͅͅ so loved the world, he gave his only son”
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oddtripps · 6 months
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“All nightmares start as dreams,
All love starts as a scheme,
. . .
So wake me up
I’m tired of sleeping ”
He’s so sad face emoji dreary face emoji wtf
I’ll update the punishland!au once I get another stupid baby puter because my old one was hanging on by a thread lmao.
Poor doods been through hell with this stupid little clump!!!!
Wants 2 go back home. :((
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 6 years
I kindof hope that the DHMIS tv show still has the same story where three guys are trapped in a kids tv show, but does not continue from the 6th episode; like almost if they are retelling/rebooting it.
I think the original ended with a good conclusion for the characters, but I think there should be more to tell about the story from a different perspective. And since they are moving platforms, it would be better that way.
I also hope that they don’t trash the original plot with cutting out the idea of “punishland”, the abusive, unpredictable manor of the teachers and the interesting yet terrifying character of Roy.
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