#his lower body is a Ultra!Cent
oddtripps · 6 months
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“ He’s got the whole world in his hands “
“ It was nice to know ya “
“ We’ve all been damned ! “
. . .
“For Ŗ̴͎̬̠̳̹̳̘͆̉̓̈́̊̑̐͑̈́̀̄̄̑̌̌̈̾̀͒͗́͌̋͐̄͊͆̀͂̚̕̕͝͝͝O̷̡̧̢̧̨̞͓̼̳͉͍̬͚͔͈͓̬̻͇͈͖̣̥͕̻̹͑̀͗̈̈́̈́̈́͂̓̏͑̈́̀̆͊̏͌̇̈͒̓̊̈́̔͌͐͘̚͝͠͝Ÿ̵̨̧̨̢̯͇̬̖̖͇̥̳̘̰̳͙̭͖̤͖͓̖̦͎̼̖̳̝̮͓̙̺͕̺͎̙̲̌̅ͅͅ so loved the world, he gave his only son”
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Gwynriel antics
Okay writing from Mor’s perspective is actually kind of difficult. There is enough ambiguity around Mor’s sexuality in the series that I try to veer away from her perspective to avoid potentially problematic content. I do think that Mor would struggle when Azriel finds his mate/significant other because he’ll no longer be paying her much attention. At least not in the way she’s used to. Anyways enjoy
The first thing Mor noticed as she entered the living room was that Azriel was in a bad mood. He was brooding, more so than normal while standing in the far corner of the room by the piano. The only person brave enough to engage him in conversation was Nesta, who looked as bitchy as usual. Mor considered consoling him, but reconsidered as his shadows seemed restless. She would never admit it to him, though she presumed he might already know, but his shadows unnerved her. They would never hurt her, but something about them reminded her of the Court of Nightmares. She felt guilty and like a bad friend. The only thought that could console her was the knowledge that no one would be able to get him out of this mood. Nesta may be brave enough to face the mood head on; however, she would never be enough to pull him out of his own mind. It had always bothered Mor that nothing she could do or say would make him feel better.
"How was you trip?" Elain asked sweetly from the couch. Her frilly, pink dress made Elain's beauty less intimidating and more approachable.
She often wondered if that was on purpose. She was the complete opposite from Mor in every way, yet Mor felt grateful to her. Grateful that she had caught and kept, at least partially, the attention of the Shadowsinger. A jealous part of Mor was glad that Elain could not, although she speculated that Elain did not want to either, pull him out of his mood. Mor sat across from Elain on the other couch, taking baby Nyx right from Feyre's lap. Feyre sent a small smile to Mor before returning to her conversation with Rhys. Her legs were tossed over his lap with their sides pressed firmly together. Mor suddenly ached for what they had. The publicity of it, the intimacy of it, and the comfort of it all was something she wanted so desperately, but felt so unattainable. Mor dropped a kiss on Nyx's forehead as he pulled at her hair before answering Elain.
"It was fine. Politics can be so dreadfully boring," she rolled her eyes as she said it. Elain nodded along as if she might understand even though they both knew she didn't. Mor bounced Nyx on her knee to keep him preoccupied.
"Do you know what is wrong?" She lowered her voice while nodding her head in the direction of Azriel. Even though he was behind her, Mor knew who Elain was referring to.
"Your guess is as good as mine." She replied with a shrug. It was almost impossible to tell. Rhysand felt the need to add in his two cents, annoyingly enough.
"Leave it be, Elain. He likes to be left alone when he's like this." Rhysand gave her a hard look that Mor did not understand. Seemingly Elain did because she turned away to stare at the fireplace with a blushing face.
"The party is officially here!" Cassian shouted as he burst through the double doors into the living room.
Gwyn and Emerie, who trailed in after Cassian, made a beeline for Nesta who was still standing next to Azriel. Not so much conversing, but standing in solidarity to their bad moods. Cassian dropped a kiss on Nesta's cheek which had Mor rolling her eyes. She would never understand what a good fae like Cassian ever saw in Nesta. Even at her best, she was miserable. Emerie eventually floated over to Mor.
"How was your trip?" She awkwardly played with the end of her braid as she stood towards the side of the couch. She was clearly struggling with where to sit now that Cassian and Nesta took up the rest of the couch Elain was sitting on.
"Peachy. Dealing with entitled males is my favorite way to spend my time." She said it in an ultra cheery voice as she held up Nyx closer to her face. She was hoping his tiny baby body would block her blush. No need to let the Illyrian female know that Mor was flustered by her attentions. Emerie sent her a brilliant smile.
"So just a normal Tuesday huh?" Mor smiled back at her before moving over. There was a small amount of space between Feyre and Mor, but Emerie's slender body could probably fit.
"Would you like to sit?" Mor motioned to the spot. Emerie hesitated for just a moment before accepting. Her side was smushed to Mor's. She would be lying if she said it didn't elicit a spark in her.
Quiet murmurings in the back of the room drew Mor's attention. As she turned around she saw the priestess, whose name was on the tip of her tongue, talking with Azriel. Brave girl is the only thought that flittered through her head. They both had serious expressions as they discussed something quietly. It was so quiet that even with her fae hearing, she could not make out what they were saying. Azriel's shadows were moving rapidly around him now, making him obvious instead of blending him in like they were meant to be doing. Mor realized that Gwyn was holding a dagger that Azriel was showing her how to handle. He corrected her arm position a few times and she practiced it. Surprisingly, the brooding expression was replaced with one of concentration. He was more focused on teaching her than with whatever he was upset with. Mor cocked her head to analyze the two further only to be called back to attention.
"Mor!" Cassian all but shouted.
"What? Yes?" She turned back to the circle she was part of to see Cassian looking at her expectantly.
"I asked you how your trip was? I haven't seen you since you have gotten back." Cassian tossed an arm around Nesta's shoulder who was in an animated conversation across the couches with Emerie about some book they had both read. Mor was distracted for a moment. What could Emerie see in Nesta as a friend?
"Same old, same old."
Elain moved to grab Nyx from Mor's lap before reclaiming her spot on the ruby colored couch. Without the baby as a buffer, Mor felt exactly how nice it was to have Emerie so close, even if she was paying more attention to Nesta than herself. Elain blew raspberries on Nyx's face when a sound caught Mor's attention once again.
"Cassian!" The priestess, whose name Mor finally remembered was Gwyn, called as she dragged Azriel by the hand to the center of the room. Mor could not stop her eyes from widening and it appeared Elain, Feyre, and Rhys couldn't either. Mor even thought she might have heard a small gasp from Elain. "Tell Azriel that I really managed to escape that knot earlier."
Gwyn's face was barely containing her excitement. When they finally stood next to the couches, Gwyn dropped his hand gently, but did not move away from him. Almost the entire room was raptured by the scene. Azriel's acceptance of her hand holding, the shadows that appeared to guard the redhead as they peered over her shoulders, and the disbelief on his face that took over from the brooding as Gwyn insisted that she accomplished her goal. Cassian laughed while shaking his head.
"She is telling the truth. She's quite crafty with those ropes." Cassian admitted. Azriel's face continued to show his disbelief as he turned his narrowed gaze to Nesta.
"If you don't believe her, I guess she'll have to show you tomorrow." Nesta shrugged. Azriel sent a look to Gwyn that Mor could not exactly decipher. It almost looked like admiration, but there was no way it could be that.
"Why wait?" Gwyn started pulling Azriel back to the doors. "I'll show you now." Azriel allowed Gwyn to tug him around like a rag-doll. Mor could not stop the giggle from escaping her lips.
"Gwyn!" Emerie whined. "You promised you would stay until we at least ate!"
"Don't let her leave, Azriel!" Nesta shrieked. "She's trying to escape. You are not as clever as you think little missy." Nesta sent one of her nastiest glares towards the two escapees. Shockingly, it only made Gwyn laugh. She turned to Azriel with a slight pout.
"Please? I know you want to see it." She taunted him.
It appeared that those in the room who had not been to training had missed quite the development because as Azriel threw his head back in laughter, Mor, Elain, Feyre, and Rhysand jaw's all dropped in shock. It appeared the priestess was able to accomplish something that none of them had been able to in all their years of knowing the Shadowsinger. She was able to retrieve him from his bad mood. The shadows that seemed so territorial over Gwyn, now rested calmly around the both of them. It surprised Mor how unaffected Gwyn was by them. The interaction was so shocking that none of them could look away.
"You can show me tomorrow." He replied quietly with a smirk. Gwyn sighed but returned to the center of the room.
"Fine, you guys win."
Nesta and Emerie beamed at each other. Even as others recuperated from the shock, Mor felt herself analyzing everything Azriel did after that. Every interaction he paid to the priestess and how that was different from his interactions with her and Elain. She paid attention to how often he laughed and how his shadows acted. All throughout dinner she tried to understand it. What Gwyn could do that Mor could not. She wanted to know for next time, so that it could be Mor that made him smile when he was upset instead of Gwyn. The ugly, jealousy feeling made no sense. But there was a part of her that did not want to share Azriel with anyone, but especially with Gwyn. It was odd how Mor did not feel the same way with Elain.
"What's wrong with your shadows?" Elain asked innocently.
It was the wrong question to ask. The neutral face he had been sporting shifted into a scowl and the shadows retreated altogether. Before he could say something, Gwyn spoke up.
"There's nothing wrong with them. They just want to play." She continued to push her food around on her plate.
"Play?" Rhysand asked with raised eyebrows. He sent a look to Az. An annoyed look, one that rarely ever showed, crossed Azriel's face.
"They are not playing." He enunciated the last word, seemingly for Gwyn's benefit. She simply rolled her eyes as if the Shadowsinger's annoyance was no skin off her back.
"You are just jealous because they like me better." She sent him a mischievous smile before humming a short tune. A traitorous shadow lunged for her. It stopped short and retreated when the tune stopped.
"Gwyn." He whined. Mor ended up choking on her food at the sound. She has never once heard the male whine for any reason. Everyone at the table sent her an amused stare except for Gwyn and Azriel who appeared to be stuck in some sort of staring competition.
"Really, you two? You're worse than Rhys and I were when we were nine." Cassian muttered.
"3 books for Azriel." Nesta piped up.
"Are you serious? No way." Emerie argued in an adorably annoyed way. "Gwyn all the way. You owe me 5 books anyways. I want new leathers."
Mor made certain to note that in the back of her head.
"What are they doing?" Elain asked. Cassian shook his head in amusement.
"Staring contest. First to blink loses."
"Why?" Elain looked amused. Actually the entire table looked amused at their antics.
"Because they are the two most stubborn Fae to have ever lived." Emerie said with a smile.
The table went extremely silent as they watched the two battle it out. Mor was intrigued to see who would win. A thud under the table was the only sound to be heard.
"No playing dirty." Azriel said without so much as an inclination that he had just been kicked.
"You pulled my hair last time."
"Because you threw a dagger at me the time before. I'd say mine was much milder."
Rhysand laughed a loud and hearty laugh that caused the two of them to blink at the exact same time. Nyx clapped his hands at the excitement.
"Hey!" Gwyn and Azriel yelled simultaneously.
"Dammit." Emerie muttered.
"I'm claiming that win." Gwyn announced with a smug smile.
"Of course you are." Az sent her a glare, but there was no malice behind it.
He did not correct her though, allowing her to claim the win. It was then and there that it hit Mor.
Azriel likes Gwyn.
He isn't in love with her. He isn't pining after her. Mor isn't even sure if he knows it himself yet. But Mor knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he likes the priestess. The slithering jealous feeling only increased tenfold. She sighed heavily. What was wrong with her? She should be happy for her friend.
Shouldn't she?
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shashiemrf · 3 years
Mobile Power Bank Market Growth, COVID Impact, Trends Analysis Report 2022
Mobile Power Bank Global Market - OverviewToday, smartphones have become very important part of day to day life of any individual. These smartphones are equipped with very high configuration technologies and powerful operating systems such as Android, Symbian, iOS which allows their users to do multitasking and also use to play games, run multimedia player video calling and streaming and stay connected to external world via high speed internet services. To offer these services, smartphones often drains high capacity batteries which are inbuild. To overcome from the problem of battery inefficiency companies came with the concept of portable power bank such as mobile power bank which is a battery charging device by which the user can charge mobile devices anywhere and anytime. Mobile power banks are being medium sized electronic devices comprised of special battery, in special case with required circuitry to control the power flow.Mobile power banks allow their user to store the energy depending the capacity of the power bank which helps to charge up small computing devices such as smartphone and tablet. The performance of the portable power banks or mobile power bank depends on the battery capacity of it. Today, the most common and trending type of batteries used in mobile power banks are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. Li-on batteries have proven to have high energy density than the traditional battery packs and also available in low cost resulting in high demand for and driving the market growth. On the other side, Li-polymer based mobile power banks are very lightweight and have lower energy density as compared to Li-ion but offers several other benefits such as protective circuitry that ensures safety on the electronic gadget and are highly customizable with respect to the shape and size which makes it an ideal product.,Key Players:Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(South Korea), Sony Corporation(Japan),Microsoft Corp. (U.S.), Panasonic Corporation(Japan), Xiaomi Inc.(China), Apacer Technology, Inc.(Taiwan), Anker Technology Co. Limited(USA), Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), Ltd.(Hong Kong), Lenovo Group Ltd.(U.S.), PNY Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) The Targus Corporation (U.S.), OPPO Electronics Corp.(U.S.), ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.(Taiwan) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Mobile Power Bank market.Mobile Power Bank Global Market - SegmentationSegmentation by Capacity: 1000-2500mAh, 2600-5000mAh, 5100-10400mAh and above 10400mASegmentation by Battery Type: Li-ion and Li-polymerSegmentation by Power Bank Type: Portable, USB Plugin, Solar Chargers and OthersSegmentation by Number of Port: Single and Multiple PortGet Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1839Mobile Power Bank Global Market - Regional AnalysisAsia-Pacific is dominating the market of mobile power bank market owing to factors such as high number of users of smartphone and electronic gadget in the regions such as China, Japan, South Korea and India. China and India being the most populous countries in world and has highest no. of mobile phone users. The increasing number of mobile users in the region and increasing internet users in the region is contributing the market of mobile power bank to grow and achieve new heights. North America stands as second largest market for mobile power bank due to the high number of smartphone users. The region has third largest smartphone users and high requirement of internet based services in mobile phones is also supporting the market of mobile power bank market. Europe on the other hand is expected to register healthy growth in the market due to the high consumption of portable devices in the region. Also, Germany has the largest no. of internet users followed by United Kingdom and France which is supporting the market growth.Industry NewsDecember, 2017, HMPL under the brand Quantum Hi-Tech introduces another Power Bank in its Slimmer range-, ‘8KP Polymer Power Bank’, which enhances your
smartphone for all day extensive use and power-hungry applications. Power bank guarantees a higher performance. It is powerful and long-lasting with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry, which offers safe, durable charging performance. With RISC, Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and improved battery life cycle, the power bank permits 500 times charge-discharge cycle for continuous use. The Quantum Power Bank sports a minimalist design that fits perfectly in your palm. Its smooth edges and textured surface provide ergonomic comfort and a secure grip. Keeping the everyday dynamic use in mind, the Power Bank comes with LED Indicator to let you know the battery status..December, 2017, Xiaomi has launched a new power bank under its crowdfunding platform. The new power bank is manufactured by ZMI and comes with a stainless steel body as well as fast charge support. n terms of its appearance, the ZMI Stainless steel power bank is manufactured using the 304 stainless steel which is further polished to increase the glare, thus giving it a mirror finish. The fuselage takes the shape of a smartphone, with well-chamfered edges and curved sides. he is an LED indicator on the vertical aspect. Xiaomi ZMI Stainless steel power bank. The power bank has a built-in 6,000mAh high-density polymer battery as well as a two-directional USB-Type C fast charging interface. The power input is either a 5V/2A or 9V/1.8A while the output is a 5.1V / 2.4A, 9V / 1.6A, and 12V / 1.2A. The stainless steel power bank also comes with a PU leather protective cover, OTG adapter cable and other accessories.June, 2017, Exclusive to the explorers, Ambrane India announces launch of its newest heavy duty 20000mAh PP2000 Plush Series Power Bank. The power bank’s high-power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its two USB charging ports. It also offers a conversion rate of 80 per cent and automatically adjusts output based on the device. The ultra large capacity of power can full-charge your Smartphone on an average 6-7 times, sufficiently enabled for talk time and support with multimedia devices, along with the ability to withstand 500 power cycles in its lifetime beginning a new battle in Power. Fabricated with A-Grade li-polymer battery, the monster capacity with no-frills design, is the right combination of being portable and powered. Built with ABS body, its sturdy design makes it easy to carry during outdoor activities.Table of Content:2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY2.1 RESEARCH TYPE2.2 PRIMARY RESEARCH2.3 SECONDARY RESEARCH2.4 FORECAST MODEL2.4.1 MARKET DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS & FORECAST2.4.2 MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION2.4.3 MARKET CRACKDOWN & DATA TRIANGULATION3 GLOBAL MOBILE POWER BANK MARKET: OVERVIEW3.1 INTRODUCTION3.1.1 DEFINITION3.1.2 MARKET SEGMENTATION OF MOBILE POWER BANK MARKET4 PORTER’S FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS4. 1 THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS4. 2 BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS4. 3 BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS4. 4 THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES4. 5 INTENSITY OF COMPETITIVE RIVALRY5 MARKET OVERVIEW5.1 INTRODUCTION5.2 MARKET DRIVERS5.3 MARKET CHALLENGES5.4 MARKET OPPORTUNITIES6 GLOBAL MOBILE POWER BANK MARKET, ESTIMATION & FORECAST, BY CAPACITY6.1 INTRODUCTION6.2 MARKET STATICS6.2 1000-2500 MAh6.3 2600-5000 MAh6.4 5100-10400 MAh6.5 Above 10400 MAh7 GLOBAL MOBILE POWER BANK MARKET, ESTIMATION & FORECAST, BY BATTERY TYPE7.1 INTRODUCTION7.1.1 MARKET STATISTICS7.2 LI-ION7.3 LI-POLYMER8 GLOBAL MOBILE POWER BANK MARKET, ESTIMATION & FORECAST, BY POWER BANK TYPE8.1 INTRODUCTION8.2 MARKET STATICS8.2 PORTABLE8.3 USB PLUGIN8.4 SOLAR CHARGER8.5 OTHERSGet Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/mobile-power-bank-market-1839About UsMarket Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and
international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: [email protected]
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iamaraja · 3 years
Mobile Power Bank Market Opportunities, planning, procedure and Strategies to 2027
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Overview
Today, smartphones have become very important part of day to day life of any individual. These smartphones are equipped with very high configuration technologies and powerful operating systems such as Android, Symbian, iOS which allows their users to do multitasking and also use to play games, run multimedia player video calling and streaming and stay connected to external world via high speed internet services. To offer these services, smartphones often drains high capacity batteries which are inbuild. To overcome from the problem of battery inefficiency companies came with the concept of portable power bank such as mobile power bank which is a battery charging device by which the user can charge mobile devices anywhere and anytime. Mobile power banks are being medium sized electronic devices comprised of special battery, in special case with required circuitry to control the power flow.
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Mobile power banks allow their user to store the energy depending the capacity of the power bank which helps to charge up small computing devices such as smartphone and tablet. The performance of the portable power banks or mobile power bank depends on the battery capacity of it. Today, the most common and trending type of batteries used in mobile power banks are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. Li-on batteries have proven to have high energy density than the traditional battery packs and also available in low cost resulting in high demand for and driving the market growth.  On the other side, Li-polymer based mobile power banks are very lightweight and have lower energy density as compared to Li-ion but offers several other benefits such as protective circuitry that ensures safety on the electronic gadget and are highly customizable with respect to the shape and size which makes it an ideal product.,
Key Players:
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(South Korea), Sony Corporation(Japan),Microsoft Corp. (U.S.), Panasonic Corporation(Japan), Xiaomi Inc.(China), Apacer Technology, Inc.(Taiwan), Anker Technology Co. Limited(USA), Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), Ltd.(Hong Kong), Lenovo Group Ltd.(U.S.), PNY Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) The Targus Corporation (U.S.), OPPO Electronics Corp.(U.S.), ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.(Taiwan) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Mobile Power Bank market.
Industry News
December, 2017, HMPL under the brand Quantum Hi-Tech introduces another Power Bank in its Slimmer range-, ‘8KP Polymer Power Bank’, which enhances your smartphone for all day extensive use and power-hungry applications. Power bank guarantees a higher performance. It is powerful and long-lasting with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry, which offers safe, durable charging performance. With RISC, Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and improved battery life cycle, the power bank permits 500 times charge-discharge cycle for continuous use. The Quantum Power Bank sports a minimalist design that fits perfectly in your palm. Its smooth edges and textured surface provide ergonomic comfort and a secure grip. Keeping the everyday dynamic use in mind, the Power Bank comes with LED Indicator to let you know the battery status.
December, 2017, Xiaomi has launched a new power bank under its crowdfunding platform. The new power bank is manufactured by ZMI and comes with a stainless steel body as well as fast charge support. n terms of its appearance, the ZMI Stainless steel power bank is manufactured using the 304 stainless steel which is further polished to increase the glare, thus giving it a mirror finish. The fuselage takes the shape of a smartphone, with well-chamfered edges and curved sides. he is an LED indicator on the vertical aspect. Xiaomi ZMI Stainless steel power bank. The power bank has a built-in 6,000mAh high-density polymer battery as well as a two-directional USB-Type C fast charging interface. The power input is either a 5V/2A or 9V/1.8A while the output is a 5.1V / 2.4A, 9V / 1.6A, and 12V / 1.2A. The stainless steel power bank also comes with a PU leather protective cover, OTG adapter cable and other accessories.
June, 2017, Exclusive to the explorers, Ambrane India announces launch of its newest heavy duty 20000mAh PP2000 Plush Series Power Bank. The power bank’s high-power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its two USB charging ports. It also offers a conversion rate of 80 per cent and automatically adjusts output based on the device. The ultra large capacity of power can full-charge your Smartphone on an average 6-7 times, sufficiently enabled for talk time and support with multimedia devices, along with the ability to withstand 500 power cycles in its lifetime beginning a new battle in Power. Fabricated with A-Grade li-polymer battery, the monster capacity with no-frills design, is the right combination of being portable and powered. Built with ABS body, its sturdy design makes it easy to carry during outdoor activities.
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Capacity: 1000-2500mAh, 2600-5000mAh, 5100-10400mAh and above 10400mA
Segmentation by Battery Type: Li-ion and Li-polymer
Segmentation by Power Bank Type: Portable, USB Plugin, Solar Chargers and Others
Segmentation by Number of Port: Single and Multiple Port
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific is dominating the market of mobile power bank market owing to factors such as high number of users of smartphone and electronic gadget in the regions such as China, Japan, South Korea and India. China and India being the most populous countries in world and has highest no. of mobile phone users. The increasing number of mobile users in the region and increasing internet users in the region is contributing the market of mobile power bank to grow and achieve new heights. North America stands as second largest market for mobile power bank due to the high number of smartphone users. The region has third largest smartphone users and high requirement of internet based services in mobile phones is also supporting the market of mobile power bank market. Europe on the other hand is expected to register healthy growth in the market due to the high consumption of portable devices in the region. Also, Germany has the largest no. of internet users followed by United Kingdom and France which is supporting the market growth.
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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Market Research Future
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shashiemrf · 3 years
Tablets & Notebook Display Market Outlook, Sales Revenue, Strategy to 2023
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Overview
Today, smartphones have become very important part of day to day life of any individual. These smartphones are equipped with very high configuration technologies and powerful operating systems such as Android, Symbian, iOS which allows their users to do multitasking and also use to play games, run multimedia player video calling and streaming and stay connected to external world via high speed internet services. To offer these services, smartphones often drains high capacity batteries which are inbuild. To overcome from the problem of battery inefficiency companies came with the concept of portable power bank such as mobile power bank which is a battery charging device by which the user can charge mobile devices anywhere and anytime. Mobile power banks are being medium sized electronic devices comprised of special battery, in special case with required circuitry to control the power flow.
Mobile power banks allow their user to store the energy depending the capacity of the power bank which helps to charge up small computing devices such as smartphone and tablet. The performance of the portable power banks or mobile power bank depends on the battery capacity of it. Today, the most common and trending type of batteries used in mobile power banks are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. Li-on batteries have proven to have high energy density than the traditional battery packs and also available in low cost resulting in high demand for and driving the market growth.  On the other side, Li-polymer based mobile power banks are very lightweight and have lower energy density as compared to Li-ion but offers several other benefits such as protective circuitry that ensures safety on the electronic gadget and are highly customizable with respect to the shape and size which makes it an ideal product.,
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1839
Key Players:
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(South Korea), Sony Corporation(Japan),Microsoft Corp. (U.S.), Panasonic Corporation(Japan), Xiaomi Inc.(China), Apacer Technology, Inc.(Taiwan), Anker Technology Co. Limited(USA), Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), Ltd.(Hong Kong), Lenovo Group Ltd.(U.S.), PNY Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) The Targus Corporation (U.S.), OPPO Electronics Corp.(U.S.), ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.(Taiwan) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Mobile Power Bank market.
Industry News
December, 2017, HMPL under the brand Quantum Hi-Tech introduces another Power Bank in its Slimmer range-, ‘8KP Polymer Power Bank’, which enhances your smartphone for all day extensive use and power-hungry applications. Power bank guarantees a higher performance. It is powerful and long-lasting with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry, which offers safe, durable charging performance. With RISC, Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and improved battery life cycle, the power bank permits 500 times charge-discharge cycle for continuous use. The Quantum Power Bank sports a minimalist design that fits perfectly in your palm. Its smooth edges and textured surface provide ergonomic comfort and a secure grip. Keeping the everyday dynamic use in mind, the Power Bank comes with LED Indicator to let you know the battery status..
December, 2017, Xiaomi has launched a new power bank under its crowdfunding platform. The new power bank is manufactured by ZMI and comes with a stainless steel body as well as fast charge support. n terms of its appearance, the ZMI Stainless steel power bank is manufactured using the 304 stainless steel which is further polished to increase the glare, thus giving it a mirror finish. The fuselage takes the shape of a smartphone, with well-chamfered edges and curved sides. he is an LED indicator on the vertical aspect. Xiaomi ZMI Stainless steel power bank. The power bank has a built-in 6,000mAh high-density polymer battery as well as a two-directional USB-Type C fast charging interface. The power input is either a 5V/2A or 9V/1.8A while the output is a 5.1V / 2.4A, 9V / 1.6A, and 12V / 1.2A. The stainless steel power bank also comes with a PU leather protective cover, OTG adapter cable and other accessories.
June, 2017, Exclusive to the explorers, Ambrane India announces launch of its newest heavy duty 20000mAh PP2000 Plush Series Power Bank. The power bank’s high-power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its two USB charging ports. It also offers a conversion rate of 80 per cent and automatically adjusts output based on the device. The ultra large capacity of power can full-charge your Smartphone on an average 6-7 times, sufficiently enabled for talk time and support with multimedia devices, along with the ability to withstand 500 power cycles in its lifetime beginning a new battle in Power. Fabricated with A-Grade li-polymer battery, the monster capacity with no-frills design, is the right combination of being portable and powered. Built with ABS body, its sturdy design makes it easy to carry during outdoor activities.
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific is dominating the market of mobile power bank market owing to factors such as high number of users of smartphone and electronic gadget in the regions such as China, Japan, South Korea and India. China and India being the most populous countries in world and has highest no. of mobile phone users. The increasing number of mobile users in the region and increasing internet users in the region is contributing the market of mobile power bank to grow and achieve new heights. North America stands as second largest market for mobile power bank due to the high number of smartphone users. The region has third largest smartphone users and high requirement of internet based services in mobile phones is also supporting the market of mobile power bank market. Europe on the other hand is expected to register healthy growth in the market due to the high consumption of portable devices in the region. Also, Germany has the largest no. of internet users followed by United Kingdom and France which is supporting the market growth.
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Capacity: 1000-2500mAh, 2600-5000mAh, 5100-10400mAh and above 10400mA
Segmentation by Battery Type: Li-ion and Li-polymer
Segmentation by Power Bank Type: Portable, USB Plugin, Solar Chargers and Others
Segmentation by Number of Port: Single and Multiple Port
Table of Content:
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 11/2/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers ! Here is your daily news cap for Tuesday February 11th, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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BARBADOS TOPS EXPENSIVE PLACES – BARBADOS has been ranked as one of the world’s most expensive places to live. In its 2020 index of the countries where the cost of living was highest, international business publication CEOWORLD Magazine placed Barbados 12th out of 132 countries. Switzerland was deemed the most expensive place to live, followed by Norway, Iceland, Japan, Denmark, Bahamas, Luxembourg, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Barbados. The most affordable place to live in, the publication added, was Pakistan. The others in order or ranking were Afghanistan, India, Syria, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Venezuela, Kosovo, Georgia, Nepal, and Egypt.  In the 2018 index, Singapore topped the most expensive ranking, and Barbados did not feature in the top 20. (DN)
TAX WARNING – GOVERNMENT WILL BE going after more tax evaders this year. Acting Revenue Commissioner Wayne Forde made this promise yesterday as he urged land tax defaulters to pay up. During the launch of a partnership between Card Services at Cave Shepherd and the Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) at the latter’s Weymouth, St Michael office, Forde said there were 110 000 accounts, but the compliance rate was only 65 per cent. And he suggested that these delinquent accounts contributed to delayed payments to taxpayers. (DN)
SAGICOR PREPARES TO CUT JOBS IN BARBADOS, ST LUCIA - Job cuts at insurance giant Sagicor General’s Barbados - and St. Lucia appeared imminent Monday as the company announced that it will be undergoing a restructuring process. In a statement, president and CEO Keston Howell said the decision was taken after a strategic review of the company’s operations. On the fate of the staff in the two countries, he said: “We sincerely value the contributions of our team and will ensure that the affected team members receive the necessary guidance and support to assist them through this process.” He suggested the restructuring was a nod to an “ultra-competitive market” in which the firm sought to “improve customer experience and deliver superior value”. Sagicor General underwrites auto, home, travel and business insurance. “The company is focused on the delivery of exceptional service to its clients and is continuously reviewing operations to improve efficiencies,” the statement added. The news comes as Sagicor, the legacy of the Barbados Mutual Life Assurance Society nears its 180th anniversary. It operates in Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, St Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. (BT)
TRUDEAU MAY BE HERE NEXT WEEK – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to be in Bridgetown next week for talks with Prime Minister Mia Mottley, she hinted today. The revelation came from Mottley as she addressed the launch of an initiative designed to improve diagnosis, treatment and care for children affected by paediatric cancers and serious blood disorders, which is being lead by the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. Addressing the function at Ilaro Court, Mottley said: “This Monday we have the opportunity to thank you as Canadians, and to thank the SickKids Foundation and to thank the High Commissioner, and next Monday I think we will do the same thing with the Prime Minister of Canada when he is here with us.” Mottley gave few details, but pointed to the longevity of the Canadian-based commercial banks in Barbados, saying the two countries would continue to build on their centuries-old relationship. But she gave an indication that the issue of climate change and climate resilience would be featured in their discussions. Mottley said: “The relationship between our countries is centuries long and I am happy to report that the temperature of that relationship is a good temperature. It is not in any means at risk of catching any kind of unfortunate problems that are facing the world today. “We look forward to working with our Canadian partners not just in the area of healthcare or philanthropy, but in a number of other areas of development, particularly the climate crisis which is bedeviling all of us at a rate and in a way that is really frightening some times.” Back in September 2018 the two prime ministers held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, as they discussed issues of interest to Ottawa and Bridgetown. (BT)
MIA WANTS NEW CDB STRATEGY – PRIME MINISTER Mia Amor Mottley is calling on the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to come up with new strategies for new times.  Though complimenting the bank on its 50 years of existence at an anniversary thanksgiving service held at Frank Collymore Hall yesterday evening, Mottley said it could no longer be a case of all things to all people. She highlighted a need for the bank to involve the youth in its mission going forward, to create economic accommodation to deal with climate change, and to ensure a secure water source for the region. The Prime Minister said Barbados had benefited from almost $1 billion in development capital over the last 50 years from the bank. “But I speak to you here not only as governor of the CDB [for Barbados], Prime Minister of Barbados and chairman of CARICOM, but I do so conscious that if ever this region needed the oxygen of finance for the thrust of development, it’s now as we face a series of existential crises that threatened to destabilise our progress.” (DN)
VIRUS TEST SOON – TESTING for the deadly coronavirus could begin in Barbados this week. That was the word last night from Minister of Health Jeffrey Bostic, as the death toll from the virus in China, where it was first reported last December 31, reached 811 yesterday, with 37 198 confirmed cases. It has spread to 27 countries and territories, infecting more than 330. Bostic was speaking to the media at the end of a public information session on the deadly virus, held at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre. He said the testing kits, which had been mentioned by acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Kenneth George during the session, would be facilitated through the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO). “We have a state-of-the-art public health laboratory here, the Best-Dos Santos [Public Health] Lab that has the capacity to do testing once we have the kits,” he said. George, in his closing remarks, had said the kits were on their way. “Barbados has taken an unprecedented step to try to have testing here in short order. And therefore, the Minister of Health and Wellness has been working closely with the Pan American Health Organization to have that facility in Barbados. The kits are coming shortly and after a quick verification and training of staff, Barbados should be able to test shortly,” George said. (DN)
WATER RATIONING FOR FARMERS – The Barbados Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (BADMC) will once again be rationing the water supplied to farmers at its Spring Hall Land Lease Project amid the forecasted drought conditions threatening to wreak havoc on yet another crop.  Dr Jamekal Andwele, Technical Officer at the corporation made the revelation during a recent press briefing with local climatologists and meteorologists.  He revealed that the Barbados Water Authority’s (BWA) decision to ration water last year took farmers by surprise and forced the BADMC to reduce their own rations down to two hours per day in some cases. While stressing there was no need to panic this time around, Andwele admitted that a solution was desperately needed for many rural farmers whose wellbeing is directly tied to the success of their crops.  “There were drought conditions, low water levels and even some instances where our levels went completely dry. We were facing new issues because our pumps were clogged with slush from the low water levels and because of that, many farming districts went without water for three months as we replaced the pumps and as the water levels slowly began to improve,” he disclosed.  Hoping to prevent a repeat of the issues, the technical officer revealed the BADMC would soon be installing new water metric metres at Spring Hall St. Lucy which will allow them to measure the water usage of each farmer and limit their water use based on how much produce and livestock they are raising.  “So a farmer with ten acres growing a crop that needs significant amounts of water, he would get more water to wet his crops compared to a farmer who has one acre of something like Cassava or Sweet Potato which might not require the same amount of water. That is a pilot project that we want to start in either February or March,” Andwele disclosed.  He added that over the last three months, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture have been engaging with the BWA and funding from the Caribbean Development Bank, to help them capture surface runoff from gullies and drainage canals before reaching the ocean. The statutory body will also be carrying out research, which will guide them in a quest to catch and store their own water for irrigation.  Since Andwele’s comments, Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced an initiative that will see farmers planting more crops to supply institutions like the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and the School Meals department. Farmers from Spring Hall will reportedly be key stakeholders in the venture, but it is still unclear how drought conditions might affect the effort.  Meanwhile Chief Agricultural Officer, Lennox Chandler believes poultry farmers will be hardest hit by impending drought conditions and have been urged to rethink their stocking practices.“A lot of heat is given off in pens because you could have as many as 30 000 birds, which adds to the situation. So we are advising them to lower their density to a level that they could get enough circulation in the pens,” he suggested.  Chandler advised other livestock producers to store high quality foliage of the grass and conserve it by placing it in special containers. For planters of fresh produce, he suggested that the focus be crops like cassava, sweet potato and others which do not require large amounts of water. (BT)
FISH PRICE WORRY – While Barbadians are now paying $10 to $15 dollars less for a pack of flying fish, fisherfolks are hoping that they would be paying less at Easter. Last Christmas the fish which forms part of Barbados’ national dish was being sold at between $35 and $40 per pack of 10. But when Barbados TODAY visited the Bridgetown Fisheries Complex today, vendors were selling the fish between $20 and $25 dollars. Vendors who agreed that the price should be reduced even further, said they are hoping that when the Easter season arrives they can sell the fish for less. Fishermen lamented that the vendors might get their wish once the catch improves. Returning to the island this morning after spending 16 days at sea where he caught about 14 000 flying fish, fisherman Jerome Brathwaite said Barbadians can be assured that flying fish will be around for Easter. He said he caught between three and five crates (300 fish per crate) of flying fish per day while on his recent trip, but noted that he was accustomed to catching way more than that. “Fish will be around for Easter. The price may go back up or come down, but fish will be around for Easter. The people in Barbados can rest assured that they are going to get fish for Easter,” Brathwaite said. Another fisherman who requested anonymity also returned to the island today with what he described as a fair catch. That fisherman said “Once the catch continues on this trajectory Bajans will get fish at a reasonable price for the Easter holidays.” “The catch wasn’t bad but we accustomed to catching more fish than this and that is why the vendors got to sell it for the price them selling it at now. But what I can say is that the catch is much better than it was around Christmas time,” the fisherman said. Barbados TODAY understands that in recent weeks, fishermen have been selling flying fish at between $130 and $150 per hundred depending on the catch. Vendor Angel reported that customers were happy to see the reduction in the price from $35 to $25. She said several customers have indicated that they were anxiously waiting for a cheaper buy. “They are happy but not as happy as they are to see them come down to their price where they could get them at $15 per pack. “But I don’t think that they would get to that price so soon because the vendors still paying a high cost for the fish from the boat,” Angel said. Meanwhile, vendor Gad Taitt suggested that vendors who were able to sell flying fish at $20 would have to be buying thousands. “When we had flying fish in here last week and week before, people buy three, four and five boxes of fish, and them people might still got flying fish to sell at $20. “But the average Joe that does buy flying fish on a daily basis and clean and sell everyday would have flying fish at $25 because if we don’t have a lot of boats the price is going to be high. “The man that buying 500 and 200 and 100 flying fish from the boat, is not going to get them at the price as the person that buying 10 and 15,000,” Taitt said. Taitt advised Barbadians who know they want to have flying fish on their tables at Easter to purchase them now so they would not be disappointed if there were only few around later. “Right now the flying fish ain’t stabilizing. Dolphins and flying fish ain’t stable and the price is fluctuating. So one day you might come and hear one price and another day you might come and hear another price. But I telling you that if the flying fish continue to go down as far as the catching is concerned, there is a possibility that the price could go back there,” Taitt said. (BT)
15 EQUIPPED TO TACKLE DRUG TRADE – THE CHANGING FACE of the drug trade needs to be matched with the changing face of drug law enforcement. Executive director of the Regional Security System (RSS) Captain Errington Shurland said this was why it was so important for women to be trained in how to identify and safeguard against drug traffickers. He was speaking yesterday during the opening ceremony for the Drug Investigations for Female Officers course, where 15 regional female law officers from the police and military forces are being trained. It is a partnership between the RSS, Organisation of American States and the Canadian Government.   (DN)
FORMER PM SUED FOR DEFAMATION BY CURRENT PM’S FATHER – The High Court today ruled that former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Owen Arthur used words capable of defaming the father of Prime Minister Mia Mottley in the lead-up to the May 24, 2018 General Elections. On July 23, 2018, Queen’s Counsel Elliott Mottley, now Sir Elliott filed an action in the High Court claiming that words spoken by Arthur during a press briefing on May 14, 2018 were capable of defaming him, based on the meaning or meanings attributed to Arthur’s statement which was published by a number of news outlets. And when he handed down his decision in the Number 12 Supreme Court before attorneys for both parties this morning, Justice Barry Carrington agreed with Sir Elliott’s claim. “In the circumstances, taking guidance from the principals and noting what constitutes ‘defamatory’, I hold that the words used by the defendant are capable of having the meaning attributed to them in…the claimant’s statement of claim,” Justice Carrington ruled. Before giving his decision, the judge quoted from Sir Elliott’s statement of claim which Sir Elliott outlined as possible grounds for defamation. “In their natural and/or innuendo meaning, the words meant and were understood to mean that the claimant [Sir Elliott] requested the defendant, as Minister of Finance to act ultra vires and unlawfully and grant the claimant a waiver of income tax arrears on income of millions of dollars under the provisions of the Duties, Taxes & Other Payments (Exemption) Act, Cap 67B of the Laws of Barbados,” Justice Carrington said. He further told the court that the claimant alleged that Arthur’s words meant or were understood to mean that Sir Elliott made the request in circumstances where he knew or ought to know that the said request required the defendant to act ultra vires or unlawfully. The presiding judicial officer went on to cite another aspect of Sir Elliott’s claim for defamation in which the Prime Minister’s father alleged that Arthur’s statement was capable of conveying the meaning that he, Sir Elliott, had made an outrageous, egregious or highly improper request of the former Prime Minister. “[He] Made a request of the defendant which was corrupt and/or unethical in that it would have been necessary to take the claimant’s request to the Cabinet of which his daughter, Ms Mia Amor Mottley was a member and thereafter to Parliament of which she was also a member, for its approval subject to a negative resolution,” Justice Carrington quoted paragraph 6 (iii) of Sir Elliott’s claim as stating. The judge also noted that Sir Elliott’s claim went on to allege that what the former prime minister said about him could be taken to mean he was inviting Arthur to commit a crime, namely, conspiracy to defraud the revenue. Justice Carrington also referred to paragraph 6 (v) of the claimant’s statement in which he [Sir Elliott] suggested that Arthur’s words meant and were understood to mean that he  “was able to have arrears of tax waived probably as a result of a conspiracy involving a public officer”. Through his lawyers, the former prime minister filed his defence in which he claimed the words he used were fair comment on matters of public, national and historical interest and importance. His counsel Vernon Smith, Q.C. in association with Hal Gollop, QC contended that the words their client used were true and therefore justified. The defendant argued he did not impute or imply any motive on the part of the claimant, rather, he gave his reasons why he did not entertain Sir Elliott’s purported application for a waiver. The defence also indicated that reference to a conspiracy did not mean or suggest that there was one. Arthur’s counsel further insisted that use of the word ‘outrageous’ did not refer to the claimant’s character or reputation, but to his application for a waiver of tax. The claimant had filed an application to strike out the defence in its entirety, while the defence countered with a Notice of Application for a ruling on “meaning”. And today, Justice Carrington ruled on what he concluded Arthur’s statement were capable of conveying in its natural and ordinary meaning. “That the claimant wrongly made an unreasonable request of the defendant to waive the payment of taxes on millions of dollars of income earned by the claimant that involved a process where Cabinet and Parliament approval were necessary and thereby placed the defendant in an invidious position since the claimant’s daughter was a member of Cabinet and Parliament. Further, if the claimant was granted the waiver, it was possibly through a conspiracy with a public officer,” the judge ruled. But immediately following Justice Carrington’s decision, Arthur’s counsel served notice of his client’s intention to appeal the court’s decision. Lead attorney for Sir Elliott, Roger Forde, Q.C. did not contest the defence’s application for leave to appeal. Attorney for Arthur, Vernon Smith, Q.C. acknowledged that he had 21 days in which to formally file the appeal application. In the meantime, Judge Carrington will await the outcome of the Court of Appeal’s decision to determine the direction of trial to deal with the substantive case of defamation. Sir Elliott wants the High Court to grant him relief in the form of damages, aggravated and/or exemplary damages for defamation spoken and published by Arthur on May 14, 2018 at a press conference. The Prime Minister’s father is also seeking an injunction to restrain Arthur, whether by himself, “his servants or agents” from further publishing or causing to be published, the same or similar defamatory statements and/or comments. Sir Elliott also wants costs and such further or other relief the court deems fit. Neither he nor Arthur attended today’s sitting. Forde appeared for Sir Elliott in association with Lyn-Marie Simmons and Stewart  Mottley. Also in court today as observers were attorneys Gregory Nicholls, representing the state-owned Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Shadia Simpson for Barbados TODAY. (BT)
POLLARD GOES ON TRIAL FOR MURDER –Twelve jurors empaneled to hear a murder case against a St Michael man have been urged to focus only on the evidence given in the High Court. Principal Crown Counsel Alliston Seale made the appeal in his opening remarks to the jury of six men and six women selected for the trial of Andrew Harclyde Pollard, of Mahaica Gap, Green Hill, St Michael. The Crown is alleging that Pollard, who is in his 30s, murdered Onicka Gulliver between March 11 and 14, 2014 in Vaucluse, St Thomas. The accused, who is being represented by attorney-at-law Sydney Pinder, has pleaded not guilty to the charge. In putting forward his case Seale, who is prosecuting the matter along with Crown Counsel Kevin Forde, told the jury that his side was also alleging that Gulliver was the “girlfriend or at least a friend” of the accused and sometime around March 11, 2014 she left her residence in Station Hill, St Michael in his company but never returned home. The prosecutor said as result, a missing persons report was issued and police investigations started. The prosecutors further alleged that during the probe the accused made “certain statements” which the police followed  and were able to discover Onicka’s body in St Thomas. “Did anyone see him kill her? I tell you empathetically no,” Seale said. He added, “It is not any ‘I see’ witness . . but there is circumstantial evidence strong enough that you can make a reasonable inference from all of the circumstances. “You should focus on the evidence and only the evidence that comes from the witness stand.” However, he told the jury the case was being tried as a non-capital matter given the amendment legislation and as such there was no death sentence involved. The Crown expects to call 16 witnesses to give evidence in the case which will be tried in the No. 2 Supreme Court before Justice Randall Worrell. The matter will continue on Thursday February 13. Before that the two sides will make submissions in the absence of the jury beginning tomorrow. (BT)
REGIONAL – DAD KILLS EIGHT-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER, HANGS HIMSELF – A man who allegedly beat his autistic daughter to death, killed himself on Sunday.  Michael Maynard, 37, was found hanging from a tree outside his home at Boysie Trace, Kelly Village. The child, Makisha, was found dead in her bed. She turned eight-years-old last month. Maynard’s 11-year-old son alerted neighbours. At around 10.20 p.m. on Sunday, police were contacted and went to the Maynard house, a simple structure made of galvanised roofing sheets and wood. Police were told that around 7 a.m. on Sunday, Maynard used a cutlass to beat Makisha until she fell unconscious. The father changed her clothes, powdered her body and placed her to lie on her bed. Around 10 p.m. when the child did not regain consciousness, Maynard tied a length of rope to a mango tree and hanged himself. His son jumped through a window and alerted neighbours and relatives. Maynard’s brother cut the rope and placed the body on the ground. A district medical officer pronounced the father and daughter dead at the scene. Maynard’s sister told police that Maynard and his wife broke up about a year ago and he cared for his two children. President of the Glimmer of Hope Foundation Zahir Ali commented on the incident on a social media post, bringing attention to the issue of the parenting of autistic children. He said: “Autism is something that can lead you into Great Depression. No one knows how a autistic child can play on your mental, unless you in fact have a child with it. If you weren’t prepared for it, life can be quite frustrating. Only God knows what parents of autistic children are going through, especially in this third world country called Trinidad, where Autism has been around several years now and there is absolutely nothing put in place to help the less fortunate parents who can’t afford to pay for the occupational and speech therapy services”. (Trinidad Express)
SHORTAGE OF MALES WORRIES ERDISTON COLLEGE PRINCIPAL – A DEARTH OF MALES accessing adult education at Erdiston Teachers’ Training College has led its principal to consider launching a survey to examine what offerings might be more attractive to them. Dr Patricia Saul made this known when she delivered the principal’s address at the college’s Division of Continuing Education graduation ceremony for the year 2018-2019, at the Pine Plantation, St Michael campus on Saturday night. Of the 248 students receiving certification in 11 courses, only seven were men. “I don’t know if it’s that our offerings are not attractive to men. Probably we should be offering more things in the skills area, but [there is] SJPI (Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology] and so we do not want to go into their area . . . . “We want to have more males taking advantage of continuous professional development, if not the women are going to leave them behind. We’ve got to bring along the males,” she said. The overall pass rate for the graduates was 94.3 per cent, which Saul suggested was a reflection of the high level of commitment to the programme (DN)
LAND TAX CAN NOW BE PAID ‘THROUGH CAVE SHEPHERD’ – Land tax payers now have Cave Shepherd Card Services through which to make their payments to the Barbados Revenue Authority, the agency has announced.The revenue collection and tax administration agency announced that effective immediately, the over 110,000 taxpayers could use the send/receive feature on the Cave Shepherd App to make their land tax payments when they become due. The new Cave Shepherd App payment method is an addition to the authority’s digitization efforts, following on its recently implemented Tax Administration Management Information System (TAMIS), and the eZPay+ platform that is used to pay for various government services. Making the announcement at the BRA’s Weymouth, St Michael location today, Acting Revenue Commissioner Wayne Forde said the additional payment method was one of the ways the agency was seeking to become more efficient and effective. Stating that the changes were being made at a time when consumer expectations were changing and increasing while tax compliance regimes were being constantly changed, Forde said it was important that Barbados keep up with the developments. He said the continued digitization of various aspects of the BRA’s operation would lead to improved business facilitation and increased investment. Forde said: “For us at the authority, improving service delivery and integrating technology are deemed as two of our most important strategic goals. “With Government spearheading the modernization, digitalization and transformation of the public sector, this is but one aspect of how we at the revenue authority are helping to fulfill that vision. “This initiative with the Cave Shepherd Card Services is a good example of public and private sector partnership towards facilitating ease and increasing efficiency in our operations.” The revenue chief is hoping that the additional payment platform would help to improve tax payment compliance, adding that taxation was “vital to the functioning of our society”. He said the BRA would continue to build out its digital footprint, adding that plans were in the pipeline for enhancing the service experience of BRA and expanding online payment to the other taxes. Forde also disclosed that BRA was mulling the distribution of land tax bills electronically. There are currently just over 35,000 Cave Shepherd cardholders, and just over 20,000 of them have so far downloaded and are registered on the app. Once Cave Shepherd cardholders download the application on their mobile device they can make the payment through the send/receiver (peer-to-peer) feature. The land tax payer would need the last four digits of their account number, the BRA telephone number attached to that payment system. They would also fill out the map reference field with a unique set up numbers and the year the tax is being paid for. With the next issue of land tax bills around May, officials are expected to launch a marketing campaign soon to sensitize the taxpayers. Alison Browne-Ellis, Director of Card Services with the Cave Shepherd Card Services said the pilot phase started in December. She said: “With the growing concerns around productivity in our country, we see this partnership with the Barbados Revenue Authority as a step in the right direction”. “The ability to reduce foot traffic and long wait times across the various Barbados Revenue Authority offices builds a case for the future of digital payment across all government agencies.” She said during the next phase of the partnership, cardholders will be able to use the Cave Shepherd card mobile app within the BRA offices to make digital payments using QR code technology with tablets that are to be made available. Browne-Ellis said: These two digital payment methods will allow for enhanced experience, diversification of payment options and overall efficiency within the Barbados Revenue Authority.” (BT)
SICK KIDS TO GET INTENSIVE ATTENTION -Paediatric care in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean is about to get a major boost. Medical care for sick children at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital is about to be overhauled in a seven-year initiative to create a regional paediatric centre, officials have announced. The “Centre of Paediatric Excellence for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean” is to improve diagnosis, treatment and care for children affected by paediatric cancers and serious blood disorders, they said. Under the initiative, the QEH paediatric care ward is to be refurbished and there will be procurement of furniture and up-to-date medical equipment. Patient and family areas at all polyclinics are also to be overhauled and the medical equipment is to be upgraded. Forty paediatric nurses are be trained in a special programme and deployed across the health system while four doctors are to be trained in targeted, high-need paediatric sub-specialties through fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children. There will be support for six international observer ships in quality improvement (BT)
TRAFFIC CHANGES FOR SPEIGHTSTOWN COME ALIVE – Special traffic regulations will be in place from 10 p.m. Friday until midnight Saturday when the We Gatherin’ event Speightstown Alive is held in St Peter.
No vehicular traffic will be allowed along Orange Street to Queens Street at its junction with Chapel Street.
To facilitate this road closure, the following traffic measures will be in effect.
1. No vehicular traffic will be allowed to enter Orange Street at its junction with Sand Street and Major Walk.
2. No vehicular traffic will be allowed to enter Orange Street at its junction with Church Street.
3. No vehicular traffic will be allowed to enter Queens Street at its junction with Goddings Alley.
4. No vehicular traffic will be allowed to enter Queens Street at its junction with Chapel Street.
During that time, vehicular traffic will be allowed to flow in both directions along Church Street and Goddings.
Absolutely no parking of vehicles will be allowed on Church Street, Major Walk, Goddings Alley or Chapel Street.
There are 325 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell
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stevepatricklewis · 5 years
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Tabata? Tabata training is an exercise regimen that was based on the study of Prof. Izumi Tabata of the Ritsumeikan University's Sports, Health and Science Department. He was formerly a researcher of the National Institute for Health and Nutrition in Japan. This training regimen consists of twenty (20) seconds of ultra intensive exercises and ten (10) seconds of rest. This is repeated continuously for four (4) minutes and repeated eight (8) times or in eight (8) cycles. This was called the IE1 Protocol and was used originally to study athletes who underwent training regimens. In the original research, two groups of athletes were observed. One group trained in moderate-intensity workouts of about seventy per cent (70%)intensity, for five (5) days during a six (6) week period. Each training module lasted for one (1) hour each day. The other group, trained in high-intensity workouts for four (4) days per week, for a period of six (6) weeks. Each session lasted for four (4) minutes, at twenty-second of high-intensity training (170% intensity) and ten (10) seconds of rest. The result showed the following: * Group 1 showed a remarkable increase in the cardiovascular area (aerobic system); but no result was observed for the anaerobic system or the muscle area. * Group 2 showed a significant increase in both aerobic and anaerobic areas as compared to Group 1. The Tabata Protocol Dr Izumi Tabata is well known for his studies and research on high-intensity intermittent training. His past work included, as Training Coach for the Speed Skating Team of Japan. The Head Coach, Mr Irisawa Kotchi, developed a training program using short bursts of high-intensity exercises; followed by short rest periods for the athletes to do. Dr Tabata was made to analyze the effectiveness of said training regimen, which lead to what is now known as Tabata Protocol. The regimen includes exercises that can be completed in only four (4) minutes. If the eight (8) cycles are completed, it would be enough to make a fit person exhausted from all the extreme exercises. Before this program came about, there were two (2) types of exercises that were incorporated into the athletes' exercise program - low-intensity exercises for long periods to increase endurance, and; sprinting, that improves the ability to sprint. The latter had shown to have no effects on endurance and aerobics. Tabata Protocol, meshed the two programs together, for better workout results. Aerobic and Metabolic Benefits of Tabata The use of high intensity and high impact exercises have been shown to improve the performance of athletes. For well-trained athletes, increasing the frequency of training, would not yield further improvements. Endurance can be achieved through high-intensity training programs. This training regimen had been shown to burn fat more effectively. This may be attributable to the increase in resting metabolic rates. High-intensity training also lowers insulin resistance levels, leading to muscle fat oxidation and improvement in glucose tolerance. Studies have shown that high impact exercises help improve the insulin level in young healthy men and women as well. It also brings about a significant reduction in body fat, as well as leg and trunk fat. This would equate to having these exercises as viable methods for preventing Type 2 diabetes. On cardiovascular diseases, it has been shown that brief intense exercises, can improve the cardiovascular risk in adolescents and adults alike. Tabata Interval Workout The Tabata system may be defined as a method of exercise consisting of intervals that are completed within four (4) minutes. It takes eight (8) rounds of exercises of twenty (20) seconds each, and ten (10) seconds of rest. This was brought about by the research of Dr Isuzu Tabata on the effect of exercise protocols in athlete performance. The group discovered a method that produced extra-ordinary results. This method is what is now known as Tabata Protocol/Intervals. In 1996, Dr Tabata submitted a research study in the Medical Gazette for Medicine of Science in Sports and Exercise. This was a documentation of the benefits of high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT). This research was repeated numerous times. The conclusion was that four (4) minutes of Tabata Training interval exercises, is better in boosting aerobic and anaerobic capacities, as compared to one hour of endurance exercises. The Tabata Interval Training workout can be done with all kinds of exercises: boxing, cycling, jumping rope, rowing, running, skiing, and swimming among many others. There is also a variety of equipment that can be used in training: Bosu balls, barbells, dumbbells, kettle and swiss balls, own body weight, tubes, and bands and so on. A Tabata Workout may include the following exercise regimen: 1. Bicycle sprints - good for lower body exercise and for the heart rate 2. Hindu squats - like a traditional squat where you drop your butt until your hands reach the ground 3. Jump lunges - jump using alternate legs to lunge and level up the difficulty for cardio factor 4. Jumping rope - can be used with varying feet patterns: high knees, feet together, alternating feet, and others 5. Box jumps - stand and jump in front to the top of the bench then back to the floor 6. Weight bench hop overs - keep both hands at the end of a flat bench; both feet should hop from side to side 7. Mountain climbers - make a triangle with hands and feet; bring one leg to your chest while keeping your hands to the ground. Then switch legs and so on. Why use the Tabata Exercises? The Tabata Workout might be considered as one of the best single fat burning workouts, when followed and done appropriately. It does not take long to do it, but it keeps you sweating, breathing, and concentrating just to be able to finish your goal. It is an extreme work-up, with agonizing bouts of muscle pains, soreness and days of uncomfortable movements. This type of routine is beneficial because it includes a number of exercises per body part. Besides burning tons of fat, this type of training can: * improve your aerobic endurance * improve anaerobic functions * improve muscular endurance, and * make you look fantastic, by being strong and fit. Source by David Nabor Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you Read the full article
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Spiritual Log October 16, 2019
Subtitle: Various healing tones for pretty much anything
Hi everyone, how are you all again? I hope you're all doing great. But if you're having tummy issues like yours truly here, and your eating habit is still normal, it's possible that
1. You're a generator whose stomach was starting to clear up,
2. You're starting to undergo major energetic shifts, or
3. Both 1 and 2.
Either way, congratulations! You're well on your way towards healing and raising your consciousness and awareness levels. Don't let it get into your head though, these things aren't fun and believe me when I say that despite the magical stuff, I sometimes wish I was still dead asleep because I get more and more sensitive to so many stuff. Like the recent super-typhoon in Japan, like the name HAGIBIS in Tagalog literally means "super-duper ultra fast-moving and strong" and it has winds as strong as Haiyan, which we had here in the Philippines a while ago and that was strong AF, like I live somewhere in the north and the typhoon went to the southernmost part of the country but the strong winds were still very evident where I lived. The anxious vibes due to the strong typhoon went straight to my solar plexus and it just felt horrible, so I had to lay down for what feels like forever until the full moon popped up. (still sending Reiki to Japan and where I am right now because why not, every energetic movement counts)
Anyways, with that out of the way, let's move on to the topic on hand: Healing tones! I am super passionate about this stuff, I swear by it, as well as a whole bunch of other people in the rest of the world too. Even the early indigo children who are now probably in their 70s or even 80s had a go at it during the psychedelic era because hey, it was a freaking spiritual boom and so many methods got discovered. And now that the stuff's going mainsteam-ish, I would like to give my 2 cents on this topic.
Stuff I listen to: Binaural beats, isochronic tones, solfeggio tones, subliminals and boosters, singing bowls, tingsha bells, gongs, guided meditations, some singing chants (for Kundalini Yoga meditations)
How did this came about? Well, some years ago, during the early years of my awakening (which I used to call my darkest times, well, it was my first and major Dark Night of the Soul so yeah) I suffered from a really, really horrible backache, not only was the pain shootingly extreme but I also lost mobility from my waist all the way down to my feet. Like a power switch for my legs were turned off. So I couldn't stand, and it was very painful especially when sitting and squatting for releasing bodily fluids. I had to pee standing up, and because I couldn't squat, dumping the #2 was limited to twice a week. It was very horrible because as an anally-fixated person who HAS to do it daily, it sucked. Not that I can eat much though, I was sleeping most of the time due to painkillers so no time to eat. Of course, I tried my best to get up as much and walk and move just to rehab myself (I was pretty much a bum because I wasn't paid from the past work that I did so no moolah for rehab and physical therapy and it was DIY mode again) but the pain was very, very unbearable. If you know how it feels when you slit your wrists (trigger! Sorry!) or if you have your period cramps (gah!) well transfer those kinds of pains in your lower back all the way down your feet, then magnify the pain intensity to about 100x, then shut off your ability to walk, then any form of lower body movement just hurts. Best 6 months of my life, plus the annual flare-ups ever since. My only escape from the pain were my medications, which weren't OTC and were actually quite regulated. Unfortunately I had to be weaned from the drugs about 3 weeks in because of the cash issues and the fact that I was taking in a substance that was closely-related to morphine so yeah, you get my point.
I had to find some sort of alternative one way or another, because that's what happens when you're desparate as fudge. By synchronicity, I came across solfeggio tones as well as binaural beats for cellular regeneration and pain relief, respectively. I listened to those tracks nightly for a good 2 months straight just to get some sort of comfort, and I was able to walk properly and stand, even sit for a good 20 minutes per day since the 1st week that I started. Unfortunately I pushed my luck too much after getting cocky in the 2nd month of healing so I had to go back to taking drugs while also listening to the track. Me and my dumbass ego lol But anyway...
During the time, I also accidentally downloaded a lucid dreaming track though, and that got me really hooked with the sound healing thing. Because of that track, I started learning how to do wake-induced lucid dreaming (WILD), I got to walk a lot again, experience no pain, and became a bit more spiritual. Of course I was still unaware that I was awakening, and as usual I kept ignoring my intuit on starting a meditation practice so I was stuck in there for another 2 years or so. By the time I realized fully that I was, and had been awakening since I was 24 years of age, I was already full of effing regrets for not taking the call seriously, I wasted a very long time in my Dark Night 1.0 and was plunged into Version 2.0, which was a lot more gory and horrible, apart from the ramped-up anxiety with depression and the fun painful flareups every now and then.
Of course, now I know that the flareups were due to my extremely contracted lower chakras, especially the root chakra. If you're asking me why I thought the pain was metaphysical, well it's not exactly fun being in extreme pain while going to the orthopedic clinic, then getting expensive imaging modalities and getting UNREMARKABLE results. I just couldn't stand the fact that I was in extreme pain and the docs can't find anything. It sucked. That shit took me like a good 4 years before I was able to connect all the dots. It sucked but also it was my fault for not following my nagging thoughts on meditating. Now I regularly listen to any healing tone and meditate even for 11minutes a day, so now most of my pains and sometimes my depressive states get managed a bit better, but the empath part still sucks (though that's another topic altogether lol).
Ok, so what's the point in all of these?
Well, for starters, having these experiences made me realize better why everything was energy, I mean, soundwaves literally helped me heal my pain and my lower back, and as far as I know it was all due to resonance of frequencies. If I wasn't made up of energy I won't even experience any relief and comfort. It was, and still is an exciting thing for me because after a considerable number of years listening to various healing tones, I am still sane-ish, somewhat, in an insane world.
So if you're looking for non-invasive alternatives for healing, I highly recommend healing tones. You can purchase them or just go to video-hosting sites, but of course you have to also tailor-fit them to your needs. Like if you're having sleeping issues, start with a calming track, or if you're in pain try the binaural or isochronic tones for killing pain. You can even improve your subconscious beliefs, activate your DNA, or become even more attuned to subtle energies because some tracks have intent, energetic transmissions, as well as subliminal messages in them. I won't be posting about subliminals and boosters here though, that's another topic worth vomiting words for lolz but I will, probably sometime after this post.
Well, I hope this post had some value for you, even if it just entertained you lol. But really, I take healing quite seriously as well as personal development ever since I can remember, so if you feel like you need to amp up yourself, then please do. Your soul and the whole collective will definitely benefit from it, especially in these chaotic times. Us woke people must be healed fully so we can be better way-showers to others who are also starting to awaken, like seriously think about the time when we were waking up and we had zero clues about it. At the very least, we can help one person ease through it, somehow. Don't feel bad though, we were built to shovel the snow away from the roads so others can pass through, and I think that's a wonderful gift we can give. Plus it's free lolz.
I pray you find the healing you seek.
Wishing you all the love and hugs from Source above,
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
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iamaraja · 3 years
Mobile Power Bank Market Subjected to Expand Moderately by 2027
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Overview
Today, smartphones have become very important part of day to day life of any individual. These smartphones are equipped with very high configuration technologies and powerful operating systems such as Android, Symbian, iOS which allows their users to do multitasking and also use to play games, run multimedia player video calling and streaming and stay connected to external world via high speed internet services. To offer these services, smartphones often drains high capacity batteries which are inbuild. To overcome from the problem of battery inefficiency companies came with the concept of portable power bank such as mobile power bank which is a battery charging device by which the user can charge mobile devices anywhere and anytime. Mobile power banks are being medium sized electronic devices comprised of special battery, in special case with required circuitry to control the power flow.
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Mobile power banks allow their user to store the energy depending the capacity of the power bank which helps to charge up small computing devices such as smartphone and tablet. The performance of the portable power banks or mobile power bank depends on the battery capacity of it. Today, the most common and trending type of batteries used in mobile power banks are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. Li-on batteries have proven to have high energy density than the traditional battery packs and also available in low cost resulting in high demand for and driving the market growth.  On the other side, Li-polymer based mobile power banks are very lightweight and have lower energy density as compared to Li-ion but offers several other benefits such as protective circuitry that ensures safety on the electronic gadget and are highly customizable with respect to the shape and size which makes it an ideal product.,
Key Players:
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(South Korea), Sony Corporation(Japan),Microsoft Corp. (U.S.), Panasonic Corporation(Japan), Xiaomi Inc.(China), Apacer Technology, Inc.(Taiwan), Anker Technology Co. Limited(USA), Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), Ltd.(Hong Kong), Lenovo Group Ltd.(U.S.), PNY Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) The Targus Corporation (U.S.), OPPO Electronics Corp.(U.S.), ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.(Taiwan) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Mobile Power Bank market.
Industry News
December, 2017, HMPL under the brand Quantum Hi-Tech introduces another Power Bank in its Slimmer range-, ‘8KP Polymer Power Bank’, which enhances your smartphone for all day extensive use and power-hungry applications. Power bank guarantees a higher performance. It is powerful and long-lasting with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry, which offers safe, durable charging performance. With RISC, Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and improved battery life cycle, the power bank permits 500 times charge-discharge cycle for continuous use. The Quantum Power Bank sports a minimalist design that fits perfectly in your palm. Its smooth edges and textured surface provide ergonomic comfort and a secure grip. Keeping the everyday dynamic use in mind, the Power Bank comes with LED Indicator to let you know the battery status.
December, 2017, Xiaomi has launched a new power bank under its crowdfunding platform. The new power bank is manufactured by ZMI and comes with a stainless steel body as well as fast charge support. n terms of its appearance, the ZMI Stainless steel power bank is manufactured using the 304 stainless steel which is further polished to increase the glare, thus giving it a mirror finish. The fuselage takes the shape of a smartphone, with well-chamfered edges and curved sides. he is an LED indicator on the vertical aspect. Xiaomi ZMI Stainless steel power bank. The power bank has a built-in 6,000mAh high-density polymer battery as well as a two-directional USB-Type C fast charging interface. The power input is either a 5V/2A or 9V/1.8A while the output is a 5.1V / 2.4A, 9V / 1.6A, and 12V / 1.2A. The stainless steel power bank also comes with a PU leather protective cover, OTG adapter cable and other accessories.
June, 2017, Exclusive to the explorers, Ambrane India announces launch of its newest heavy duty 20000mAh PP2000 Plush Series Power Bank. The power bank’s high-power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its two USB charging ports. It also offers a conversion rate of 80 per cent and automatically adjusts output based on the device. The ultra large capacity of power can full-charge your Smartphone on an average 6-7 times, sufficiently enabled for talk time and support with multimedia devices, along with the ability to withstand 500 power cycles in its lifetime beginning a new battle in Power. Fabricated with A-Grade li-polymer battery, the monster capacity with no-frills design, is the right combination of being portable and powered. Built with ABS body, its sturdy design makes it easy to carry during outdoor activities.
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Capacity: 1000-2500mAh, 2600-5000mAh, 5100-10400mAh and above 10400mA
Segmentation by Battery Type: Li-ion and Li-polymer
Segmentation by Power Bank Type: Portable, USB Plugin, Solar Chargers and Others
Segmentation by Number of Port: Single and Multiple Port
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific is dominating the market of mobile power bank market owing to factors such as high number of users of smartphone and electronic gadget in the regions such as China, Japan, South Korea and India. China and India being the most populous countries in world and has highest no. of mobile phone users. The increasing number of mobile users in the region and increasing internet users in the region is contributing the market of mobile power bank to grow and achieve new heights. North America stands as second largest market for mobile power bank due to the high number of smartphone users. The region has third largest smartphone users and high requirement of internet based services in mobile phones is also supporting the market of mobile power bank market. Europe on the other hand is expected to register healthy growth in the market due to the high consumption of portable devices in the region. Also, Germany has the largest no. of internet users followed by United Kingdom and France which is supporting the market growth.
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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katrinawritesthings · 8 years
Jinki/Minho; Dabbing; PG
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The last few drips of Jinki’s coffee leave the cup through an embarrassingly loud slurp that has him quickly taking it away from his mouth and acting like it wasn’t him. He swallows thickly, bites his lip, and tosses it hastily into the first trash can he passes on the way to night business resource managing class. With a quick glance around to make sure none of the other students shuffling around the campus heard or saw him, he hikes his bag over his shoulder and continues on his way. Yes. Good. Okay. Anyway.
He rounds the corner of the Mindelan wing and spots the classroom door already open, people filing in here and there in the minutes before class starts. As he keeps walking, at the other end of the building he sees a familiar tall head round the corner. With his little ponytail bobbing behind him, Minho--Jinki thinks that's his name, at least; he’s only overheard it said a few times by other classmates--makes his way down the hall, nose buried in his phone.
The door is closer to Minho’s side of the hall so he reaches it first, when Jinki is still two doors away. He tucks his phone into his pocket, looks up to watch where he’s going, and notices Jinki. He pauses for just a second to look at Jinki before he casually brings both arms up and lowers his head into a dab. Then he turns and walks into the classroom, cool as a cucumber, absolutely no change of expression.
Jinki pauses in his steps for a beat, as confused as usual, before he just keeps on going.
When he gets in the class and sits in his usual spot in the middle on the right, he busies himself with getting out his binder and pencils and then leaning back into a comfortable, ready to learn slouch.
Minho is in his usual spot as well, three rows up and one to the left, next to his class friends and with his own learning stuff out already. He yawns into his hand, twists his body into a stretch to the left, and twists his body to stretch to the right. When he twists to the right, he notices Jinki noticing him, lifts his arms into another dab, and settles himself facing the front of the class and ready to learn.
“So there’s this kid,” Jinki says, breaking the silence that has stretched between the three of them since he got home to the little apartment he shares with Jonghyun and Taemin and laid himself out on the couch. Taemin doesn’t look up from his videogame and Jonghyun doesn’t pick his head up from Taemin’s lap but he keeps talking anyway. “In two of my classes,” he says, “and he just. Every time he sees me, he just. Dabs?”
“Like,” Taemin says from the floor, and when Jinki glances at him he’s doing a little dab at the tv. He paused the game to take the two seconds to do it.
“Yeah,” Jinki says. Jonghyun sits up from Taemin’s lap then and looks at him with his furrowed brow and tilted head of confusion. Jinki shrugs wildly. “I don’t know?” he says. “He just. Does it? And I’ve never even spoken to the dude before, but he just started doing it one day, and now every single time we make eye contact, and I’m. Confused.” He doesn’t understand in the slightest.
“You should dab back,” Taemin tells him.
“Why the fuck would I do that?” Jinki asks.
“Why not?” Taemin says. Jonghyun nods encouragingly next to him, doing a tiny dab of his own. Jinki looks between the two of them and snorts. Dab back. He doesn’t get how that’s a solution to this problem. “Babe,” Taemin says then, and nudges Jonghyun with his elbow. “Is it time for dinner yet?” he asks. Jinki doesn’t see him look at Jonghyun but he assumes that he did see Jonghyun’s little head shake because he sighs and huffs and slumps down into a very uncomfortable looking slouch on the floor. “But I’m hungryyyyy,” he whines. Jonghyun rolls his eyes and just lies back down in Taemin’s lap.
Jinki moves his pencil in gentle back and forth lines, filling in the little rectangle of space in the left margin of his notebook paper. He’s filled in seven so far, every other line, and he’s having a very nice time doing so. The professor is going on and on about the details for the essay due in two weeks, but she also already gave them the guideline paper and emailed all of them the details and put everything up on her blog, so he’s not exactly paying attention right now. He’ll pay attention when she starts taking questions, which should be in a few minutes.
Swiping away excess lead, he sits back in his seat and squints at the clock at the front of the room. He likes these big rooms, with the tall stands and stairs instead of single desks, and he likes being up near the top, but he hates that he can never see the clock. He pulls out his phone instead and notes that there’s around twenty minutes of class left. Alright then. He’s gonna go get lunch after this.
He looks absentmindedly around the rest of the room, at all of his classmates, all looking about as bored and attentive as he is. Sunny texting behind her bag, Taemin probably doodling flowers in his margins, Changmin playing tic-tac-toe with Kyuhyun, Minho lazily glancing around the classroom as well. As his gaze lingers on Minho for a the second of a glance, Minho also absentmindedly looks over at him.
Their eyes lock for a moment; then Minho lifts one hand from his cheek and the other from the table and gives him a quick little dab.
Jinki stares back for a moment, and then lifts his own hands to give him a tiny dab back.
Jinki doesn’t care what Taemin says about crispiness versus saltiness or whatever; the McDonald’s by their school has the best nuggies out of any McDonald’s he’s ever tasted. He clenches his hands excitedly in his hoodie pocket as he steps up to the front entrance. He found a ten dollar bill on the ground earlier and he is going to treat himself today. Pulling the door open, he exhales all of his cold breath so he can inhale the warm air of the restaurant. Nice.
He stands happily in line, rocking on his toes as he waits his turn to order. When his time comes he orders a medium fry and a twenty piece, so he can eat enough tonight and enjoy the goodness of a microwaved mcnuggie tomorrow. He gets three dollars and some cents back and he pockets those to add to his savings later. Heck yeah. Things are looking up for this broke college babe.
When his order is called he’s at the counter immediately, thanking the employee and sticking his hand into his bag to eat a fry first. Nice. Grabbing some napkins and a few free straws just because, he stuffs them in his bag and rolls it up so he doesn’t eat everything before he gets home. He wants to enjoy this.
As he’s leaving, he spots a very familiar face on the other side of the door. He’s with someone else, someone with little pink braids in their rainbow dyed hair, who opens the door first and walks in ahead of him. Still, Minho notices Jinki heading out almost immediately and the wide smile that grows on his lips matches Jinki’s own.
He reaches his free hand out; Minho reaches out to tap it immediately, and they go from there: hand hand elbow elbow chest salute and dab. Jinki really puts his all into it, lifting his leg extra high up; it’s not often that they get to do their whole thing. When they both look back up they’re both grinning even wider than before at the completion of a successful Mega Ultra Super Dab.
And then just like that, they keep walking, Jinki slipping passed them to head outside and Minho’s friend grabbing his elbow and yanking him forward.
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking embarrassing,” Jinki hears them mutter.
“Jealousy is an ugly color, Kibummie,” is Minho’s reply before the door closes between them.
#onho#jinki#minho#onew#pg#brotp#oneshot#listen onho dabbing is.... important#and by important i mean they need to Stop Immediately but i lov how they have their own lil secret bro handshakes together#onho is just two bffs always trying to impress each other and lift each other up its GOod#minho started dabbing at jinki just bc and he is Over The Moon about jinki dabbing back#kibum is extremely judgemental and constantly reevaluating his friendship choices but hes been doing that since he met minho at 14#so its not like hes gonna stop being bffs with his bff now theyre ride or die at this point tbh#onjongtae live together bc they also are bffs nd bc jongtae needed someone to split rent with#nd jinki needed somewhere closer to the community college and also Not With His Parents so theyre good together#taem being a sloppy whiny bub and jong being a silent wiggly bub#jong remembers things for taem and taem makes jong feel good and safe and theyre good for each other#and also a fuckign horrible influence on jinki#jinkis aroace and minho is sex repulsed and super ro for every older boy ever and neither of them ever speak to each other all year#but theyre both v seriously considering whether or not u can have a qpp based on just mutual dabbing#also listen i know i have the whole thing with my schedule and only multiple part fics on mondays ad my anxiety and blah blah blah#but this is too important??? to not post right now immediately#its sunday night nd i just wrote this like rn lmao#the minho: dabs/jinki: dabs back thing is also a tweet lmao#One Day i will start making my aus into threads but [[[shrug emoji]]]
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Dave Skattum, Health Guru and Inspirational Speaker, Interviews Douglas Kruger, CSP About His New Book “Virus Proof Your Business”
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=32060 In this podcast interview, Dave Skattum and Douglas Kruger talk about how Douglas went from skinny and scrawny to muscular and healthy and how listeners can build a strong foundation for health by finding an activity they love, making a small compliment and lowering the bar, and the importance of sleep for good health.Kruger discusses new book “Virus Proof Your Business” including:How he wrote it in 7 days50 tips on keeping a business going in hard timesHow to use a “Point, a Story and an Application” to make persuasive points.Skattum said, "The first time I saw Douglas was on the big stage at an International Toastmasters convention. He was performing his magic as a professional communicator all the way from South Africa. I have watched him for years as he helps people around the world improve the way they think about business success and becoming an expert in your sphere of influence. I admired his balance as a professional speaker and its demands and his personal life. I always wanted to talk to Douglas about how he does it, I wasn't let down in this interview. If we will think about and apply the thoughts and ideas Douglas presents in this podcast, a person’s life will never be the same."Listen to the full interview on iTunes, Spotify and other popular podcast platforms or by clicking here: Business Innovators RadioAbout Douglas Kruger, CSP:Douglas is the author of 6 business books, including the highly acclaimed 'Own Your Industry - How to Position Yourself as an Expert,' with Penguin Random House. A multiple award-winning speaker, his clients include senior management at companies like MultiChoice, BMW, Liberty and HP. In 2015, Liberty and MultiChoice booked him for their multi-city roadshows. Douglas’s results were so exceptional that in 2016, both organisations insisted on using him again.In 2016, in honour of excellence in his craft, Douglas was inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame by his chapter of the Professional Speakers Association. In 2018, he was granted the acclaimed ‘Certified Speaking Professional’ designation by the National Speakers Association in America, the highest earned award granted by this international body, and held by only 12 per cent of speakers globally.What does he do differently? Douglas dismantles the self-imposed rules that can hamstring aspiring companies and shows you how to develop talent. He guides you away from the cultural norms that can kill innovation, and he is a committed crusader against victimhood-mentality.Douglas’s thought-leadership ideas have been featured repeatedly on CNBC Africa and he has been published in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines. His newest book, ‘They’re Your Rules - Break Them!’ looks at how behemoth organisations can become more agile.When you need industry-leading ideas, backed by research and packaged with humour and charm, call on leading professional speaker Douglas Kruger CSP. His aim is to bring life to your event and prosperity to your brand.Learn more: https://www.douglaskruger.com/About Dave Skattum:Dave Skattum is a family man, a health guru and an inspirational speaker. In his late 40s, some life-changing experiences created a starting gate for him to make drastic changes to improve his health. Since then he has taken off 70 pounds, participates in Triathlons and Ultra Trail running, and has weaned himself off junk food. He enjoys nutritious foods, has become accurate in his thinking, and has taken his spiritual life to a new level.When speaking to an audience about his experience in getting healthy, he brings excitement and hope. Dave is a Certified Nutritarian, a CPT, distinguished Toastmaster and a Certified Instructor with the Napoleon Hill Foundation.To get in touch with Dave, join the online forum and to order his book visit http://www.the4pillarsofmenshealth.com 
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themonicanerkar31 · 4 years
Global Mobile Power Bank Industry Size, Status and Forecast 2022
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Overview
Today, smartphones have become very important part of day to day life of any individual. These smartphones are equipped with very high configuration technologies and powerful operating systems such as Android, Symbian, iOS which allows their users to do multitasking and also use to play games, run multimedia player video calling and streaming and stay connected to external world via high speed internet services. To offer these services, smartphones often drains high capacity batteries which are inbuild. To overcome from the problem of battery inefficiency companies came with the concept of portable power bank such as mobile power bank which is a battery charging device by which the user can charge mobile devices anywhere and anytime. Mobile power banks are being medium sized electronic devices comprised of special battery, in special case with required circuitry to control the power flow.
Mobile power banks allow their user to store the energy depending the capacity of the power bank which helps to charge up small computing devices such as smartphone and tablet. The performance of the portable power banks or mobile power bank depends on the battery capacity of it. Today, the most common and trending type of batteries used in mobile power banks are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. Li-on batteries have proven to have high energy density than the traditional battery packs and also available in low cost resulting in high demand for and driving the market growth.  On the other side, Li-polymer based mobile power banks are very lightweight and have lower energy density as compared to Li-ion but offers several other benefits such as protective circuitry that ensures safety on the electronic gadget and are highly customizable with respect to the shape and size which makes it an ideal product.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(South Korea), Sony Corporation(Japan),Microsoft Corp. (U.S.), Panasonic Corporation(Japan), Xiaomi Inc.(China), Apacer Technology, Inc.(Taiwan), Anker Technology Co. Limited(USA), Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), Ltd.(Hong Kong), Lenovo Group Ltd.(U.S.), PNY Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) The Targus Corporation (U.S.), OPPO Electronics Corp.(U.S.), ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.(Taiwan) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Mobile Power Bank market.
Industry News
December, 2017, HMPL under the brand Quantum Hi-Tech introduces another Power Bank in its Slimmer range-, ‘8KP Polymer Power Bank’, which enhances your smartphone for all day extensive use and power-hungry applications. Power bank guarantees a higher performance. It is powerful and long-lasting with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry, which offers safe, durable charging performance. With RISC, Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and improved battery life cycle, the power bank permits 500 times charge-discharge cycle for continuous use. The Quantum Power Bank sports a minimalist design that fits perfectly in your palm. Its smooth edges and textured surface provide ergonomic comfort and a secure grip. Keeping the everyday dynamic use in mind, the Power Bank comes with LED Indicator to let you know the battery status..
December, 2017, Xiaomi has launched a new power bank under its crowdfunding platform. The new power bank is manufactured by ZMI and comes with a stainless steel body as well as fast charge support. n terms of its appearance, the ZMI Stainless steel power bank is manufactured using the 304 stainless steel which is further polished to increase the glare, thus giving it a mirror finish. The fuselage takes the shape of a smartphone, with well-chamfered edges and curved sides. he is an LED indicator on the vertical aspect. Xiaomi ZMI Stainless steel power bank. The power bank has a built-in 6,000mAh high-density polymer battery as well as a two-directional USB-Type C fast charging interface. The power input is either a 5V/2A or 9V/1.8A while the output is a 5.1V / 2.4A, 9V / 1.6A, and 12V / 1.2A. The stainless steel power bank also comes with a PU leather protective cover, OTG adapter cable and other accessories.
June, 2017, Exclusive to the explorers, Ambrane India announces launch of its newest heavy duty 20000mAh PP2000 Plush Series Power Bank. The power bank’s high-power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its two USB charging ports. It also offers a conversion rate of 80 per cent and automatically adjusts output based on the device. The ultra large capacity of power can full-charge your Smartphone on an average 6-7 times, sufficiently enabled for talk time and support with multimedia devices, along with the ability to withstand 500 power cycles in its lifetime beginning a new battle in Power. Fabricated with A-Grade li-polymer battery, the monster capacity with no-frills design, is the right combination of being portable and powered. Built with ABS body, its sturdy design makes it easy to carry during outdoor activities.
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Capacity: 1000-2500mAh, 2600-5000mAh, 5100-10400mAh and above 10400mA
Segmentation by Battery Type: Li-ion and Li-polymer
Segmentation by Power Bank Type: Portable, USB Plugin, Solar Chargers and Others
Segmentation by Number of Port: Single and Multiple Port
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific is dominating the market of mobile power bank market owing to factors such as high number of users of smartphone and electronic gadget in the regions such as China, Japan, South Korea and India. China and India being the most populous countries in world and has highest no. of mobile phone users. The increasing number of mobile users in the region and increasing internet users in the region is contributing the market of mobile power bank to grow and achieve new heights. North America stands as second largest market for mobile power bank due to the high number of smartphone users. The region has third largest smartphone users and high requirement of internet based services in mobile phones is also supporting the market of mobile power bank market. Europe on the other hand is expected to register healthy growth in the market due to the high consumption of portable devices in the region. Also, Germany has the largest no. of internet users followed by United Kingdom and France which is supporting the market growth.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/mobile-power-bank-market-1839
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
The Best Running Shoes You Can Buy In 2020
Whether your sights are set on a marathon, the local parkrun, or just getting around the block without leaving your lunch on the pavement, if you’re running, you need specialist running shoes. Unlike those dusty Dunlops buried in the loft, run-specific footwear will ensure the miles are easier, faster and more comfortable, and may even help you sidestep injury.“You need to ensure the shoe you’re buying is designed with the specific technology for distance running,” says Becs Gentry, Nike+ Run Club Coach and ultra-marathoner.“This is paramount,” concurs Paul Hobrough, a physiotherapist specialising in running biomechanics with clinics in Harley Street, London and Northumberland. “Just as the foundations of a house need to be of a specific support to prevent damage, the running shoe needs to balance support and cushioning.” Fortunately, it’s a great time to be dipping a toe into runners. We’re benefiting from a golden period of innovation, with brands investing heavily in R&D and thinking outside the box in design. New midsole foams are pushing the envelope on cushioning and energy return, carbon footplates propel us forward and woven uppers with anatomically zoned tension cradle our feet like never before.And there’s style to go with the substance. While retro runners are feeling the love from discerning sneakerheads, new high-performance models are emerging as out-of-the box style classics. But with so many running shoes out there, with such variety in design and performance features, finding the perfect match for your specific needs and preferences can be daunting. Which is why we’ve distilled everything you need to know right here.AsicsWhat Kind Of Running Shoes Do You Need?To get the most from your running, it’s not enough that your shoes are simply run-specific, they need to be right specifically for you as a runner. “It’s critical to find the right shoe for you,” says Jane Vongvorachoti, Olympic marathoner and running coach. “Don’t buy a shoe just because it is ‘in’ or you see some top runners wearing them.”Your Body TypeThere are many factors to consider in finding that perfect sole mate. Start with your size and weight. The bigger and heavier you are, generally the more cushioning you will need in a shoe to absorb the greater impact forces as your feet hit the floor. Look for models with thicker midsoles that trumpet their cushioning properties.But then, as in many areas of life, size isn’t everything: “Your size and weight are a factor in the cushioning needed from the shoe, however it’s not always a necessity that a heavier runner needs a more cushioned shoe if they run well,” says Gentry. Which leads us into your biomechanics, AKA gait or form, the highly nuanced and complex way that your body performs the seemingly simple act of placing one foot in front of the other.Your Biomechanics“We’re all so different biomechanically, so it’s not a case of, ‘Mo Farah wears that shoe so I’m going to get it too’,” says Gentry. As a rule of thumb, the more you run, the more efficient and problem-free your running biomechanics should be; so experienced runners can look for more stripped-down shoes with less cushioning, support and stability features. With your biomechanics as unique to you as your fingerprint, though, things can get more complex.“It’s important to consider your running gait and how you land to have support in the right part of your feet,” says Vongvorachoti. There’s a long history in the running world of trying to match shoes to runners’ individual biomechanics to boost comfort and performance and, crucially, reduce injury risk. The now discredited wet footprint test has been replaced by more sophisticated treadmill running gait analysis on offer at specialist running stores, and many believe in the value of this. “If you’re interested in knowing the mechanics of how you run then it can be a great experience,” says Gentry.Nike Run AnalysisYet in-store gait analysis isn’t foolproof and if you’re really serious you could go deeper: “Running shops that specialise and have experienced staff can be excellent, but finding the right shoe for your biomechanics is sometimes a dark art,” says Hobrough. “A running-specialist physiotherapist will assess the whole body and gaining that extra information before your investment can be very important.”Pronation ControlA focus of any biomechanical analysis is pronation – the degree to which your knee rolls inwards after your foot hits the ground with each stride. If you over-pronate, which has traditionally been linked to a host of injuries, stability or motion control shoes contain technology to counteract this, building up under the arch with tech like medial posts or internal wedges to limit that inward roll.These shoes are less common and less extreme then they used to be, and some experts now question both the connection between pronation and injury, and the effectiveness of pronation control in running shoes. “I am not an advocate of too much support from the shoe,” says Hobrough. “If you need specialist support, then a bespoke insole is the way to go.”Still, the consensus is that some over-pronaters can benefit from a shoe with stability features. Just don’t expect any shoe to magically change your running style or immunise you from injuries. “Biomechanics faults aren’t corrected by a shoe,” says Gentry. “That’s something solved by rehab work and focused movements prescribed by a qualified practitioner.”ComfortIf you feel you’re disappearing down the biomechanics rabbit hole here, you’ll be glad to hear that there may be a far simpler solution. Recent research by highly respected running form boffin Professor Benno Nigg, director of the Human Performance Lab at the University of Calgary, suggests that when choosing running shoes, your body knows best. His studies found the shoes runners chose purely on the basis of feeling most comfortable were also the most efficient in terms of running performance and reducing injury. It’s scientific validation for the hard-run wisdom generations of experienced runners would pass on.“Comfort is key,” says Gentry. “A runner should be putting their trainers on and feeling like they’re an extension of their body. The shoes should hold and support where you want or need them to, they shouldn’t rub anywhere and they should feel like they are giving you a little bit of energy return with every step, not rigid underfoot.”Consider whether they support your arch in the right place; ensure they don’t slide off your heel, but do move with your foot rather than pushing it in a different direction, and are roomy enough that you don’t bang your toes at the front. On that note, always buy running shoes half a size up from your everyday shoes. This will save you many a blackened toenail.Rotation SystemAs you get more into your running, you should consider adding different types of shoe to your ‘quiver’. In addition to steady-paced plods, your training will begin to include shorter, faster sessions and races. And different shoe types suit these different types of run. “I think it’s a good idea to have at least a couple of pairs of shoes,” says Gentry. “I wear the lighter, more responsive Nike Epic React for speed workouts and more cushioned and supportive Zoom Pegasus for my longer, slower runs.”Investing in extra shoes may also save you on physio bills. Research by the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory in Luxembourg found that runners who rotated different shoes had 39 per cent lower injury rates than those who wore the same pair for every run. The scientists reckon this is because different shoes distribute the repetitive impact forces of running slightly differently, so lessening the repetitive strain in your tendons and tissues.What To Look For In A Running ShoeRunning shoes aren’t cheap. Most quality models won’t give you much change from £100 and at the top end you’re looking north of £150. However, the right investment delivers seriously advanced technology and materials that will significantly enhance your running experience. At the budget end (there are a few models at around £50), the minimum basic requirements you can expect and should check for are a midsole with decent cushioning, a breathable upper to help cool your feet, and a durable outsole (the bottom of the shoe) that’s contoured to the shape of your foot and offers decent grip.Moving up to the mid-price range (around the £80-£110 mark), you should be looking for more finessed technology and features, such as anti-slip laces, anti-odour sockliners more support and stability features if you need them. At the premium end, look for more advanced versions of the tech, with components that are higher spec and, crucially, lighter.Runners tend to care a lot about weight, and with good reason: A wealth of scientific research, supported recently by a study at the Locomotion Laboratory at the University of Colorado, has shown that you expend more energy with heavier shoes, to the tune of around an extra 1% effort per 100g of shoe. That may not sound like much, until you get to mile 20 of a marathon, or it knocks 30 seconds of your 50-minute 10K time. It’s worth spending heavy to run light.Running Shoe Jargon DecoderHeel counter: A plastic insert which makes the heel cup of a shoe stronger and more supportive.Drop: The difference between the height of the heel and the forefoot.Last: The outline of the shoe.Lateral: The outer side of the shoe.Medial: The inner (arch) side of the shoe.Midsole: The section between the upper and the outsole. The engine room which contains the cushioning and any stability tech.Outsole: The bottom of the shoe.Toebox: The bit at the front that houses your forefoot and toes.What Makes For A Good-Looking Running Shoe?Thankfully these days you can get a return on your investment beyond your running miles.The line between running performance and fashion has been seriously blurred by the likes of Adidas and Nike’s agenda-setting modernist aesthetics. With their woven uppers and sleek silhouettes, iconic designs like the Ultraboost and Flyknit Racer transfer seamlessly (quite literally) from chasing PBs at weekend races to strolling from your creative workspace to the local cold-brew coffee joint.This, of course, is nothing new. Running footwear has a long history of sidestepping into classic style. Think Nike Cortez or Onitsuka Tigers – we call it retro, but this is the legacy of what was cutting-edge performance-chasing design.What is new is the versatility of runners in the style sphere today. No longer are they confined to being worn with jeans or Sunday sweatpants: The suit/trainer combo is very much on, but some sartorial savvy must be applied.“The formality of the suit in comparison to the trainer is key,” says stylist Eric Down. “If the suit is business-like then stick to slimmer styles, in darker shades. Avoid socks – better to show a swathe of ankle with a slightly cropped trouser than have oodles of fabric puddling on the top of the shoe. For more casual styles like a Nike Flyknit then suits in cotton, linen or seersucker for summer will make a perfect pairing.”A surprising trend is high fashion’s recent embrace of running footwear’s uglier side. “The ugly running trainer is very much a thing amongst haute fashion types,” says Down. “Blame uber-trendy Vetements designer Demna Gvasalia, who’s Triple S trainers for French house Balenciaga were a chunky, souped-up take on the ‘dad trainer’ and a mega hit worn with heavy doses of irony. But perhaps this is a trend best left to the high fashion types.”The Best Running Shoe BrandsIf you’re pounding out the miles, you’re better served by focusing on performance. And whatever your individual needs and preferences, you can ensure your chosen footwear delivers by choosing a brand with running-tech credentials and pedigree.The MainstreamLet’s start with the big hitters. It might be a multisport, global behemoth with uber-slick marketing and fashion-friendly design, but since the first waffle sole in 1974, Nike has been a powerhouse in running tech. Among many breakthroughs, the ‘innovation kitchen’ gave us the Free midsole for more ‘natural’ running back in 2004, both predating the barefoot running craze and outlasting it.Last year, the shoe designed for Eliud Kipchoge’s sub-two-hour marathon attempt gave speed-minded consumers the same midsole footplate ‘spring’ for forward propulsion in the Zoom Fly; the new React midsole foam delivers a hugely impressive combo of softer landing and greater energy return when you push off, while the Pegasus is such a trusted all-round classic it has been around and gently evolving for two decades.That other mainstream giant, Adidas, isn’t far behind. Its game-changing Boost midsole material re-wrote the rules on cushioning and energy return in 2013, and is now the foundation for many excellent Adi running shoes, from the instant classic Ultraboost, now in its fourth iteration, to the stripped-down speedster, the Adios Adizero Boost, worn by Wilson Kipsang and Mary Keitany on major marathon wins.Core Running BrandsJapanese brand Asics has a massive and fiercely loyal following among runners, and boast serious running pedigree. Nike founder Phil Knight sold Onitsuka (the company’s previous name, which still adorns its retro models) running shoes out of a van before the swoosh was just a twinkle in a marketing man’s eye, and they continue to be innovative and dependable.Another runners’ go-to, delivering quality over a wide range of different shoe types is Saucony, with classics like the speedy Type A, pronation-controlling Guide and neutral cushioned all-rounder Kinvara in the long-term stable.Others worthy of consideration are Brooks, New Balance – which got serious about running again recently with a refocus on its running heritage, a great new ‘Fresh Foam’ midsole material and some excellent shoes – and 361 Degrees, a relative newcomer in the West, but an established mega-brand in its native China.Niche BrandsFinally, there are a number of niche shoe brands, which each have their own USP and a narrower focus. Hoka One One released its first ‘maximal’ cushioned shoe in 2009, offering an enormous amount of midsole cushioning along with a ‘rocker’ shape to propel you forward. It’s been a winning formula, earning exponential growth and carving out a whole new category of running shoes.Another outfit doing things differently is ON. Since 2010 the Swiss brand has used its signature cushioning pods (which it evocatively calls ‘clouds’) on the bottom of its shoes. They look distinctive to put it mildly, but the design – which compresses on impact to dissipate shock, briefly locks together to provide a stable platform, then springs apart to help push your foot off the floor – works well, and has deservedly won a cult following and numerous industry awards.Lastly, Altra’s USP is to encourage natural movement via ‘zero drop’, meaning there is no difference in sole thickness between the forefoot and heel of its shoes. The brand also uses an oversized toe-box to allow your toes to splay and move the way nature intended.About The Author: Joe MackieIn his seven years as deputy editor at Runner’s World magazine, Joe has kept up to speed on every development in the world of running shoes; road-testing hundreds of models over multiple marathons and thousands of miles. He can talk for hours about medial posts, torsion resistance and the relative energy return properties of midsole materials, and is consequently best avoided at social functions. Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/the-best-running-shoes-you-can-buy-in-2020/
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shashiemrf · 3 years
Mobile Power Bank Market: Increasing Demand for Efficient Management Practices Report Till 2022
Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - OverviewToday, smartphones have become very important part of day to day life of any individual. These smartphones are equipped with very high configuration technologies and powerful operating systems such as Android, Symbian, iOS which allows their users to do multitasking and also use to play games, run multimedia player video calling and streaming and stay connected to external world via high speed internet services. To offer these services, smartphones often drains high capacity batteries which are inbuild. To overcome from the problem of battery inefficiency companies came with the concept of portable power bank such as mobile power bank which is a battery charging device by which the user can charge mobile devices anywhere and anytime. Mobile power banks are being medium sized electronic devices comprised of special battery, in special case with required circuitry to control the power flow.Mobile power banks allow their user to store the energy depending the capacity of the power bank which helps to charge up small computing devices such as smartphone and tablet. The performance of the portable power banks or mobile power bank depends on the battery capacity of it. Today, the most common and trending type of batteries used in mobile power banks are lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. Li-on batteries have proven to have high energy density than the traditional battery packs and also available in low cost resulting in high demand for and driving the market growth.  On the other side, Li-polymer based mobile power banks are very lightweight and have lower energy density as compared to Li-ion but offers several other benefits such as protective circuitry that ensures safety on the electronic gadget and are highly customizable with respect to the shape and size which makes it an ideal product.,Key Players:Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(South Korea), Sony Corporation(Japan),Microsoft Corp. (U.S.), Panasonic Corporation(Japan), Xiaomi Inc.(China), Apacer Technology, Inc.(Taiwan), Anker Technology Co. Limited(USA), Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), Ltd.(Hong Kong), Lenovo Group Ltd.(U.S.), PNY Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) The Targus Corporation (U.S.), OPPO Electronics Corp.(U.S.), ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.(Taiwan) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Mobile Power Bank market.Industry NewsDecember, 2017, HMPL under the brand Quantum Hi-Tech introduces another Power Bank in its Slimmer range-, ‘8KP Polymer Power Bank’, which enhances your smartphone for all day extensive use and power-hungry applications. Power bank guarantees a higher performance. It is powerful and long-lasting with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry, which offers safe, durable charging performance. With RISC, Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and improved battery life cycle, the power bank permits 500 times charge-discharge cycle for continuous use. The Quantum Power Bank sports a minimalist design that fits perfectly in your palm. Its smooth edges and textured surface provide ergonomic comfort and a secure grip. Keeping the everyday dynamic use in mind, the Power Bank comes with LED Indicator to let you know the battery status..December, 2017, Xiaomi has launched a new power bank under its crowdfunding platform. The new power bank is manufactured by ZMI and comes with a stainless steel body as well as fast charge support. n terms of its appearance, the ZMI Stainless steel power bank is manufactured using the 304 stainless steel which is further polished to increase the glare, thus giving it a mirror finish. The fuselage takes the shape of a smartphone, with well-chamfered edges and curved sides. he is an LED indicator on the vertical aspect. Xiaomi ZMI Stainless steel power bank. The power bank has a built-in 6,000mAh high-density polymer battery as well as a two-directional USB-Type C fast charging interface. The power input is either a 5V/2A or 9V/1.8A while the output is a 5.1V / 2.4A, 9V / 1.6A,
and 12V / 1.2A. The stainless steel power bank also comes with a PU leather protective cover, OTG adapter cable and other accessories.Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1839June, 2017, Exclusive to the explorers, Ambrane India announces launch of its newest heavy duty 20000mAh PP2000 Plush Series Power Bank. The power bank’s high-power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its two USB charging ports. It also offers a conversion rate of 80 per cent and automatically adjusts output based on the device. The ultra large capacity of power can full-charge your Smartphone on an average 6-7 times, sufficiently enabled for talk time and support with multimedia devices, along with the ability to withstand 500 power cycles in its lifetime beginning a new battle in Power. Fabricated with A-Grade li-polymer battery, the monster capacity with no-frills design, is the right combination of being portable and powered. Built with ABS body, its sturdy design makes it easy to carry during outdoor activities.Mobile Power Bank Global Market   - SegmentationSegmentation by Capacity: 1000-2500mAh, 2600-5000mAh, 5100-10400mAh and above 10400mASegmentation by Battery Type: Li-ion and Li-polymerSegmentation by Power Bank Type: Portable, USB Plugin, Solar Chargers and OthersSegmentation by Number of Port: Single and Multiple PortMobile Power Bank Global Market   - Regional AnalysisAsia-Pacific is dominating the market of mobile power bank market owing to factors such as high number of users of smartphone and electronic gadget in the regions such as China, Japan, South Korea and India. China and India being the most populous countries in world and has highest no. of mobile phone users. The increasing number of mobile users in the region and increasing internet users in the region is contributing the market of mobile power bank to grow and achieve new heights. North America stands as second largest market for mobile power bank due to the high number of smartphone users. The region has third largest smartphone users and high requirement of internet based services in mobile phones is also supporting the market of mobile power bank market. Europe on the other hand is expected to register healthy growth in the market due to the high consumption of portable devices in the region. Also, Germany has the largest no. of internet users followed by United Kingdom and France which is supporting the market growth.Table of Content:2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY2.1 RESEARCH TYPE2.2 PRIMARY RESEARCH2.3 SECONDARY RESEARCH2.4 FORECAST MODEL2.4.1 MARKET DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS & FORECAST2.4.2 MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION2.4.3 MARKET CRACKDOWN & DATA TRIANGULATION3 GLOBAL MOBILE POWER BANK MARKET: OVERVIEW3.1 INTRODUCTION3.1.1 DEFINITION3.1.2 MARKET SEGMENTATION OF MOBILE POWER BANK MARKETGet Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/mobile-power-bank-market-1839About UsMarket Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: [email protected]
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itsworn · 6 years
1968 Plymouth GTX: Old Friends
In the late 1950s, when he was a little boy, Ed Mohr often accompanied his mother to the local Gulf gas station where Mohr’s older brother, Steve, worked. Steve’s pal Bob Wagner also worked at the Gulf station and as Ed grew up he, Steve and Bob became the best of friends.  Typical of the time period, the three young men were united by their obsession with muscle cars in general, and their love for a certain 1968 GTX in particular. “In late 1967,” Mohr explains, “my brother and I had a good laugh when Bob went shopping for a new station wagon for his young family and instead came home with a fire-breathing, bright blue 1968 Plymouth GTX.”
Though it obviously didn’t have the cargo or people-carrying capacity of a station wagon, Wagner’s GTX did have a lot going for it. First introduced in 1967, the GTX was designed to be a muscular, upmarket addition to Plymouth’s intermediate size family of vehicles. Along with its Road Runner stablemate and the pedestrian Belvedere upon which they were both based, the GTX got a pretty substantial face-lift for 1968. Changes to the GTX included a new hood with faux vents, new grille, and taillamp assemblies, double stripes running along both sides of the car between the wheels, and revised sheetmetal all around. All together the changes yielded a less boxy, more modern, sportier, and decisively more aggressive looking car.
In 1968, as in ’67, the standard engine in the GTX was Chrysler’s venerable 440 Magnum. It was rated at a very healthy 375 hp and 480 lb-ft of torque, and to the delight of anyone who has had the pleasure of driving a 440-powered Mopar, all of that muscle comes in a package that’s very easy to actually live with, even in a daily driver. With a single Carter four-barrel, moderate hydraulic lifter flat-tappet camshaft, and relatively modest 10.1:1 compression ratio it idled well, ran smooth, required very little maintenance, and was perfectly happy with premium pump fuel. Unlike other ultra-high performance engines of the era, including its more exotic 426 Hemi big brother, which was an available option in the GTX, the 440 made truly impressive power and torque from its sheer displacement rather than hard-to-live-with race-spec high compression, a wild and high-revving solid lifter cam, and multiple carburetors. Equally important, the 440’s power was available lower in the rpm range, making it friendlier for spirited street driving.
GTX came standard with Chrysler’s better transmissions, which were otherwise optional in the company’s other intermediate cars. GTX buyers could have either a 727 TorqueFlite automatic or four-speed manual at no additional cost.
In keeping with its positioning above Chrysler’s other intermediate offerings, the GTX had a noticeably nicer interior, with bright trim and simulated woodgrain appointments borrowed from the well-appointed Sport Satellite cockpit. The GTX also had fancy, embossed vinyl upholstery instead of the Belvedere’s and Road Runner’s plain-Jane seat covers and door panels.
All of these considerations helped convince Bob Wagner that a GTX was a better idea than the station wagon he set out to buy at Van Nuys Plymouth dealer Mashak Motors on that fateful day in October of 1967. He thoroughly enjoyed his purchase for the next six or so years, but reluctantly parked it in 1973, the year that OPEC nations cut production and raised prices for their oil. When the cost of gasoline in the United States rose a staggering 40 percent, to about 55 cents per gallon for regular, in the span of only a few months, fuel-guzzling big-block muscle cars quickly lost their luster for many people. Wagner replaced his GTX with, of all things, a Honda Civic. The Civic’s 71.6-cid, 54hp engine wasn’t nearly as much fun as the seven times larger and seven times more powerful 440 in his treasured GTX, but its fuel consumption was exponentially less, and with premium gas pushing 65 cents a gallon, who could argue with that logic?
Wagner’s GTX sat outside for the next 40 years, baking in the California sun. Though it was in need of just about everything, Ed was attracted to the car — in part because of its inherent beauty but also in large measure because of the memories it held for him. So he inquired whether Wagner would be interested in selling it. “For a period of time, I had been talking to Bob about buying the car,” he recalls, “and, after seeking my brother Steve’s advice and getting his commitment to join me in the rebuild, I made the purchase in the summer of 2014. The planets just seemed to align for this purchase, and the planned restoration as both my brother and I are now retired from lifelong careers in separate auto repair businesses, he in general mechanical repair and me in collision repair. And given that we are both lifelong friends with the original owner, and that we personally know the history of this car since it was purchased from Mashak Motors in Van Nuys, California October 7, 1967, we just had to have it.”
Though the Mohr brothers intended to do a complete nut-and-bolt rotisserie restoration, they decided to try and get the car running before taking it completely apart, just to make sure there were no serious problems with the engine, which hadn’t even been turned over in some 41 years. With very little effort, it was purring like a proverbial kitten, and immediately thereafter they took the engine and drivetrain out.
The 440 engine went to the Mohr’s old friend, Bill Maropulos of Bill Maropulos Racing Engines. Maropulos is a former NHRA Comp Eliminator standout and well-known engine expert who went through the 440 from top to bottom and completely rebuilt it to factory specifications.
After the engine and drivetrain were removed the Mohr brothers systematically disassembled the remainder of the car. “We did our best to label, organize, and store every piece,” Mohr recalls. “In spite of our best effort it later became clear how critical this process was when it came to reassembly.” When the very last bits were removed, the body went to the sand blaster, a choice that the Mohrs later regretted. “We should have used beads to blast it or had it dipped.”
After getting it back from the sand blaster, they went to work straightening out the body. “The body panels were pretty wavy and the left quarter-panel, which had been damaged back when the car was new, needed to be reworked,” explains Ed. “An interesting aside about that quarter-panel, as an 18-year-old apprentice back in 1968 Bob asked me to fix that quarter which I did, or at least I thought I did until I had to rework it! Fearing embarrassment now, I spent the better part of a month just on that quarter, pushing and pulling, picking and filing until I got it where I liked it. Ultimately, every panel was worked over to remove dings and dents and each skim coated and primed and blocked several times.”
Since this GTX was delivered new in California, it never had undercoating, which is generally a blessing for a car that’s lived its whole life in a dry, salt-free, area. But on the other hand, without undercoating it’s impossible to hide cosmetic flaws on the car’s underside. “To get the underside right,” recalls Mohr, “we mounted it on a rotisserie. It stayed on the rotisserie until the underside, trunk floor, passenger compartment and engine bay were all painted, allowing us to install new brake and fuel lines while the car was still upside down.”
The Mohrs were restoring the car in Ed’s spacious home workshop, which was very convenient, but one critical piece of equipment he didn’t have was a downdraft spray booth. To achieve the stunning finish this car deserved, they decided it had to be painted in a booth, which was a logistical challenge since the car was completely disassembled. “We decided it would be easier to get the car to and through the paint shop as a rolling chassis. We bolted the engine, transmission, and K-member all together and mounted it on a dolly. Having a lift at the house the whole assembly went up through the bottom, and in less than an hour it was all bolted in. Over the next few months, we installed the front and rear suspension and made a makeshift temporary steering shaft and wheel so we could steer it around, now off to the paint shop she went. To ensure that all the jambs and pillars looked factory, the deck lid, quarter extensions, doors, fenders, hood, and front panel had to be painted off the car. This created quite a challenge, not just in the logistics of getting the car and all the pieces to and from the paint shop without damaging anything but reassembly of all the painted sheetmetal parts was a major concern and was a particularly nerve-racking exercise. To try and minimize the risk of scratching during this process prior to painting, while still in primer, all the sheetmetal was installed, adjusted for fit and the locations marked, and then removed for painting. In the end, gingerly, carefully, with a lot of help from Steve and Bob, it all went back together without a scratch.”
Over the ensuing year, the Mohrs painstakingly reassembled the entire car with a combination of new and restored original parts. Of the latter, a particular drip molding turned out to be the most challenging. “We straightened, sanded, and polished all of the stainless drip moldings and reveal moldings,” explains Mohr, “and it all went well except for one incident. While polishing a drip molding, I lost control of it and the buffer grabbed it, tied it in a knot, and shot it across the shop. I learned a lot about how far you can go with damaged stainless steel moldings after that as my pride would not let me just throw it away so, to my delight, over the next three days I managed to fix it like new, and it’s now mounted on the car.”
When they encountered difficulties with buying reproduction parts, the Mohrs went the extra distance to restore their original parts. “The grille frame and headlight doors are anodized aluminum and were on back-order forever. Step-by-step we took the old ones apart and sanded off the anodizing by hand with 80-grit, and with progressively finer sandpaper and polish got them looking beautiful. Countless hours were spent in this stage of final assembly making sure everything was as close to how it was when it left the factory. Once we received the new seat covers, headliner, and carpet, we sent it out to the upholstery shop. After a week of worrying about it she came back looking gorgeous, and we could now finish up all the little details yet remaining. The last items on order were the Magnum 500 wheels and the redline Goodyears. While waiting on those we finished the trunk carpet, spare tire, jack, and hold down. After four years, it didn’t dawn on me that we were actually done, completely out of things to do, until my brother held up the spare tire hold down J-bolt and while pointing at it with a funny look on his face and he said, ‘this is it, this is the last piece. We are done!’”
As often happens, finishing the restoration was bittersweet. Despite some difficulties it was, overall, a very enjoyable experience for Mohr, largely because of the memories and emotions attached to his GTX. “To say this car is special to us is an understatement,” he reflects. “It’s not just because of the history, but what this project, on this particular car, has done for me and my family and friends. Everybody wanted to help and to see the progress we made, thus giving them a reason to visit more often. My wife, Elizabeth, joined in handling paper work and keeping us all fed on work days. It gave my brother and I a compelling reason to get together much more than we otherwise would have, and on many occasions, Bob would come over to lend a hand. We are looking for another suitable car now to restore but we know for us there will never be another car like our ’68 GTX!”
1968 Plymouth GTX Ed Mohr, Camarillo, California
ENGINE Type: 440-cid, 375 hp at 4,600 rpm, 480 lb-ft torque at 3,200 rpm Bore x stroke: 4.32 (bore) x 3.75 (stroke) Block: Stock 1968 440-cid V-8 iron block Rotating assembly: original forged steel crankshaft, externally balanced, with 2.750” main journals and 2.380-inch rod journals, iron connecting rods, and forged aluminum pistons Compression: 10.1:1 Cylinder heads: stock cylinder heads, cast-iron Camshaft: stock camshaft, intake: .450-inch lift, 268-degrees duration; exhaust: .458-inch lift, 284-degrees duration. 46-degrees overlap Valvetrain: pushrod-operated overhead valves, 16 valves, 16 conventional hydraulic lifters Induction: Single Carter AVS-4637S four-barrel carburetor Oiling system: stock, full pressure, externally driven mechanical oil pump, 5-quart capacity Exhaust: stock dual exhaust, cast iron manifolds, 2.5-inch pipes Ignition: stock, 12-volt, transistorized coil, one spark plug per cylinder Cooling: stock, mechanically driven water pump, copper-brass radiator, 17.0-quart capacity
DRIVETRAIN Transmission: stock TorqueFlite 727 three-speed automatic Gear ratios (overall): First 2.45:1 (7.91:1), Second 1.45:1 (4.68:1), Third 1.0:1 (4.10:1) Converter: stock Shifter: stock slapstick Driveshaft: stock Axles: stock semi-floating axles Rear end: Dana 60 limited-slip differential, four-pinion hypoid; Sure-Grip limited-slip; 4.10:1 gear ratio
CHASSIS Construction: welded steel unit-body Front suspension: independent, unequal length upper and lower control arms with torsion bars, hydraulic tube shock absorbers Rear suspension: Hotchkis type, asymmetrical leaf springs, hydraulic tube shock absorbers Steering: stock recirculating ball with hydraulic power assist and fixed displacement hydraulic power steering pump, 15.7:1 ratio, 3.5 turns lock-to-lock, 40.8-foot turning circle Front brakes: stock, 11.04-inch disc with single-piston caliper Rear brakes: stock, 11.0×2.5 drum
WHEELS & TIRES Wheels: 15×7 (front) and 15×8 (rear) Magnum 500 chrome-plated steel Tires: G60-15 Goodyear Polyglas GT
WEIGHTS & MEASURES Wheelbase: 116 inches Overall length: 202.7 inches Overall width: 76.6 inches Overall height: 53.1 inches Front track: 59.5 inches Rear track: 59.2 inches Shipping weight: 3,520 pounds
The post 1968 Plymouth GTX: Old Friends appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/1968-plymouth-gtx-old-friends/ via IFTTT
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ismael37olson · 7 years
The World Has Gone Mad Today
Many of Cole Porter's lyrics are incredibly -- even savagely -- topical. The songs of Anything Goes reference the latest news, gossip, pop culture, and celebrity sightings of 1934, and yet in a way that's fully organic to the characters and story. There's no question Reno Sweeney and Billy Crocker would be making jokes about this stuff. From our vantage point today, close to a century later, we're apt to miss some of that wicked social satire, because so many of the original references are now obscure to us. So subsequent revivals have tinkered a lot with the lyrics to "You're the Top" and "Anything Goes," in particular, worried that contemporary audiences won't get all the original references (they won't), and as a result, exploring these lyrics sometimes requires a lot of digging. But this kind of research is so much fun. This show brilliantly captures some of America's craziest cultural impulses, most of which are very little different today from what they were in 1934. Anything Goes wasn't really telling a love story; it was telling the story of America awkwardly struggling with the huge social and technological changes that were transforming our nation from a rural culture to an urban one, and consequently a more diverse and socially liberal one; and from a social-status culture to one based on economic status. Though it was surely unintentional, I could argue that [Spoiler Alert] Reno marrying Evelyn is a clear metaphor for the way, for the first time in the 20s and 30s, Americans routinely combined "low culture" and "high culture." In fact that mashup essentially defines American musical comedy. Today, some frightened conservatives long to return to a mythical, nonexistent 1950s that's whiter, more Christian, and less complicated; and so too did folks in the 1930s fear the massive changes reshaping America. This show, its title, and its title song are all about that. Every version of the show starts the title song the same way.
Times have changed, And we've often rewound the clock, Since the Puritans got a shock, When they landed on Plymouth Rock. If today, Any shock they should try to stem, 'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock would land on them.
It's a double joke, built on the two meanings of land, and comically comparing the relative shocks of finding the New World, versus those same 17th-century pilgrims finding the wild nightlife of 1934 New York. Kinda sounds like a Bill & Ted sequel.
There's actually a lot going on here. The times do change and when they do, some people fear that change, and they react by trying to turn us back to an earlier era ("we've often rewound the clock"), a time perceived to be more innocent, more faithful, more moral. With Ronald Reagan and some of the conservative movement today, the 1960s so freaked them out, that ever since then they've been trying to turn American back to the 1950s. The same thing happened in the 1920s and 30s. It's telling that Porter invokes the Puritans -- the symbol of social ultra-conservatism -- as a comic measure of the wild times we find ourselves in "now." No, the Puritan's likely would not have been big fans of speakeasies or The Ziegfeld Follies... As the first verse of the song begins, we set up this comparison. Once upon a time, so long ago that the days are not just old, but "olden," America was really moral. Except that the use of the archaic "olden" (Porter originally used "former" in that spot), and the extremity of just a "glimpse" being shocking, gives the whole thing a layer of smartass irony. Who'd want to live in "olden days"...?
In olden days a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking, But now, God knows, Anything Goes.
Women's modesty was a big issue as skirts got shorter, arms got bared, and dresses got more form-fitting. The androgynous, body-disguising, chest-flattening fashions of the 20s were gone. Throughout history, there's always been this weird impulse to hide women's bodies for fear men can't control their sexual urges (this is what the final scene of Grease is about). It's only now that we're concluding it's the men who need to control themselves. I think we've become numb to the title phrase of this song. It's just too ubiquitous, too embedded in our culture. But think about that phrase -- anything goes, anything is okay, nothing is off limits, there are no rules, no norms, no constraints anymore.
Good authors too, who once knew better words, Now only use four letter words Writing prose, Anything Goes.
What was Porter talking about here?
James Joyce’s 1922 masterpiece Ulysses, was banned in England till 1930, and the United States Post Office reportedly burned any copies of the book they found. Finally, in 1933 (a year before Anything Goes opened), the case of Ulysses was re-opened, and the Supreme Court ruled that because the book was not "pornographic" it could not be banned or censored. D.H. Lawrence’s 1928 novel Lady Chatterly's Lover, about an aristocratic lady who has a sexual affair with her groundskeeper was also banned over its frank discussion of sex (and the importance of orgasm), and its frequent use of the words fuck and cunt. One U.S. Senator exclaimed, “I’ve not taken ten minutes on Lady Chatterley’s Lover, outside of looking at its opening pages. It is most damnable! It is written by a man with a diseased mind and a soul so black that he would obscure even the darkness of hell!” Erskine Caldwell's 1933 novel God's Little Acre was about a dysfunctional farming family in Georgia obsessed with sex and wealth. The novel's sexual themes were so controversial that the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice asked a New York state court to censor it. In 1934, Henry Miller's semi-autobiographical novel of his sexual escapades in Paris, Tropic of Cancer, with its frequent use of the word cunt, was banned in the United States shortly after its first publication in France. The ACLU tried to sue the U.S. government, but lost its case. Finally, when the novel was published in 1961, sixty obscenity cases were brought in twenty-one different states. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Michael Musmanno wrote that Cancer is "not a book. It is a cesspool, an open sewer, a pit of putrefaction, a slimy gathering of all that is rotten in the debris of human depravity.” Porter wasn't kidding about four-letter words. This really was a sea change in popular literature. "Anything Goes" has three bridges, each with a different purpose. The first lists examples of "immoral" acts which lead, in the second bridge, to a general moral chaos, which leads, in the third bridge, to how crazy that chaos makes us all. It's an ironic jab at all the experts of the time warning about the dangers of Modernity. The song's first bridge lists a bunch of morally sketchy things that "you" (so interesting to put this in the second person!) might enjoy if you live a Fast Life, things which will no longer be off limits in our topsy-turvy culture...
If driving fast cars you like, If low bars you like, If old hymns you like, If bare limbs you like, If Mae West you like Or me undressed you like, Why, nobody will oppose. When every night, The set that's smart is Intruding In nudist parties In studios, Anything Goes.
Before we get to the content, let's look at the craft here. The bridge has seven lines and five of them start with "if," and six of them end with "you like" -- and in between an AABBCC rhyme scheme. That's some really skillful writing. Then we return to the verse, and of those six lines, three start with "in," and those same three lines all have an "-ood" in the middle of the line. But also "smart is" makes a kind of subliminal rhyme with "parties," and to top it all off, the last line of the bridge rhymes with the last two lines of the verse that follows it. In terms of content, much of this lyric references current events. In 1930, twelve states still did not have any speed limits; it was an automobile wild west. The "low bars" (i.e., speakeasies) of Prohibition were disappearing by the time Anything Goes opened, a year after the repeal of Prohibition. The reference is a joke on the two meanings of the word low. Here the word means disreputable, but also, literally lower in height. According to a 1946 Life magazine article, before Prohibition, bars were 46-47 inches high, but during and after Prohibition, so many more women were drinking that they lowered many bars to 43 inches.
The "old hymns" reference may be a joke about how many hymns were set to the music of drinking songs because those tunes were already popular. Why else would liking old hymns be subversive like the rest of the items in this list? Maybe the joke here is just that "you" like drinking in taverns, where they sing old hymns that have been converted into drinking songs. Of course, "bare limbs" were still pretty new in women's fashion and still considered shocking by some. Mae West was still a new movie star in 1934, but she already had been writing plays, starring in them, and getting arrested for her plays' "obscenity." After the Hollywood Production Code was established in 1933, West simply perfected the double entente, with famous lines like "When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better." Nudism / naturism spread throughout Europe in the 1920s and got to America in the 1930s, due in part to sociologist, political theorist, and liberal social critic Maurice Parmelee’s 1931 book Nudism in Modern Life. Also, "the set that's smart" refers to the phrase "The Smart Set," meaning the cultural elite, usually fashionable and wealthy. It was also the title of a literary magazine that published from 1900-1930. The song's second bridge is more general than the first, more a catalog of the fallout. Here, the world is just fucked up, backwards, upside-down, disorienting...
The world has gone mad today And good's bad today, And black's white today, And day's night today, And that gent today You gave a cent today Once had several chateaus. When folks who still can ride in jitneys Find out Vanderbilts and Whitneys Lack baby clo'es, Anything goes.
No revival has used those last four lines because no one would understand them today. Jitneys were independent taxi cabs or small buses, so the joke is that the middle-class folks who can still afford to take a cab, here in the middle of the Depression, would be shocked to find out that some of the richest Americans (in this case, the Vanderbilt and Whitney families) had lost nearly everything -- due to the creation of income and estate taxes not too long before, the effects of the Depression, and the weirdly profligate spending of the Vanderbilts and others. The "baby clothes" might refer to Gloria Vanderbuilt, who was a child at the time. The Whitneys went broke through corruption. The third bridge of "Anything Goes" returns to the second person -- you -- acknowledging everybody's feeling that the world has gone crazy and it's making us all crazy. Much like right now. And notice this very early critique of the mainstream media...
Just think of those shocks you've got And those knocks you've got And those blues you've got From the news you've got, And those pains you've got (If any brains you've got) From those little radios.
According to the PBS website:
For the radio, the 1930s was a golden age. At the start of the decade 12 million American households owned a radio, and by 1939 this total had exploded to more than 28 million. But why was this ‘talking telegram’ so popular? As technology improved radios became smaller and cheaper [hence the "little" radios]. They became the central piece of furniture in the average family’s living room, with parents and children alike, crowding around the set to hear the latest installment of their favorite show. News broadcasts also influenced the way the public experienced current affairs. When the Hindenburg airship exploded in 1937, reporter Herb Morrison was on the scene, recording the events to be broadcast the following day. But above all the radio provided a way to communicate like never before. Franklin Roosevelt’s ‘fireside chats’ helped the population feel closer to their president than ever.
There's yet another bridge section, with an early lyric that was not used in 1934 but restored for the 1987 revival:
If saying your pray'rs you like, If green pears you like, If old chairs you like, If backstairs you like, If love affairs you like With young bears you like, Why nobody will oppose.
And yes, "young bears" meant then what it means now; it's a gay reference that a fair number of New York theatre-goers, "the smart set," probably had heard. "Backstairs" was surely a reference to brothels or speakeasies. But what of these other lines? Though several of these references seem oddly random, two of my friends, Mark Cummings and Michael Dale, suggest that the whole stanza is about acceptance of varying sexual tastes, and I think they're right. After all, anything goes. We know Porter loved to joke in code...
If saying your pray'rs you like = Good Girls If green pears you like = Young Girls, Virgins If old chairs you like = Older Women If backstairs you like = Hookers (or Servants?) If love affairs you like With young bears you like = Young Men Why nobody will oppose.
In other words, Free Love. That does make a certain Porter-esque sense, both in terms of his writing and his biography. With that in mind, this sure does feel like Cole's quirky take on "chacun à son goût." And if we're right about this, that may explain why it was cut in 1934... This last version of the bridge was written by P.G. Wodehouse for the first London production, and it's been used in all the revivals, because so much of the original 1934 lyric is unusable today.
When grandmama whose age is eighty In night clubs is getting matey With gigolos, Anything Goes. When mothers pack and leave poor father Because they decide they'd rather Be tennis pros, Anything Goes.
But this lyric is way too British for this show and these characters. Americans don't use the word "matey" because we don't use "mate" to mean friend; and most Americans don't say, "grandmama." Also in America, "father" and "rather" do not rhyme. Also, Porter rarely inverted sentences as awkwardly as these first two lines. Still, this stanza does get at another cultural phenomenon of the 1930s. While the trend up to that point had been for the divorce rate to increase, that got interrupted in the early 1930s. Due to the Depression, many couples stayed together because they couldn't afford divorce. It wasn't until the unemployment rate went down that the increasing divorce rate trend continued. Unemployment was at its highest in 1933, and as the unemployment rate declined throughout the 30s, the divorce rate increased. At the same time, women's tennis greatly increased in popularity. While Cole may be suggesting a connection -- a lesbian joke? -- I am not. This cheat rhyme was written for the Act I finale of the 1962 revival:
They think he's gangster number one, So they've made him their favorite son, And that goes to show. Anything Goes! Anything, Anything, Anything Goes!
But "show" doesn't rhyme with "goes"! A different alternate Porter lyric I found corrects the bad rhyme with "And that plot twist shows..." Like I said, there is no single definitive version of this show or most of its songs.
Much of the original 1934 lyric for "Anything Goes" would just baffle today's audiences, with references to Mrs. Ned McLean (a socialite who was the last private owner of the Hope Diamond), Eleanor Roosevelt's radio broadcasts sponsored by Simmons mattresses, extravagant Broadway producer Max Gordon, movie studio head Sam Goldwyn, Ukrainian movie star Anna Sten, actor and socialite Lady Mendl, and others. When Anything Goes first opened, the title song worked because it reinforced a feeling the audience already had -- that the world is spinning madly out of control, and that sometimes that can be fun. (Or as Little Red might put it, "excited and scared.") As proof of the show's thesis, the songs "Anything Goes" and "You're the Top" (the latter mocking our love affair with celebrities and brand names), offer up example after example ripped from the headlines (and society pages) of 1934. Today when we see Anything Goes, all those examples suggest the craziness in 2018, without literally referencing any of it. But it still works. Crazy is crazy. In 1934, Americans were grappling with the massive, disorienting changes our country was going through. It did feel to many American as if all the rules had been ripped up, that literally anything goes. Today in 2018, we're grappling with much the same thing, here in the early days of the Digital Age, at the start of huge demographic and social changes in America, when the very nature of truth is up for debate. Life today is just as crazy as it was in Reno Sweeney's America, maybe crazier. Today, all these references may serve only as metaphors, but still pretty potent ones. I've been telling people that the reason "the bad boy of musical theatre" decided to produce Anything Goes is that it's built on two central themes that fit our kind of work perfectly -- the American habit of making religion into show business and criminals into celebrities. But now, after taking such a deep dive into the title song, I realize those two themes are just the results of the show's true central premise, which is literally "anything goes" -- the world is upside-down. Every element of this story is testament to this one idea. All the couples are wrongly coupled at first, the clergyman gets arrested and the gangster gets a cruise, the passengers deify a fake murderer, the real gangster is as nervous as a fucking cat, the worldly-wise speakeasy hostess falls for the dorky Englishman... Everything is up for grabs. None of the rules apply. We're in Shakespeare's woods. And anything goes! Now, the next time somebody tells you Anything Goes is just silly and mindless, I give you permission to tell them to shut the fuck up. Long Live the Musical! Scott from The Bad Boy of Musical Theatre http://newlinetheatre.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-world-has-gone-mad-today.html
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