#punk!valdo x punk!aevryn
seanfalco · 4 years
I am loving you and Kat’s Punk!AU fics!! If it is okay, could you write Valdo x Aevryn’s wedding please? I bet it was quite a fun one!! 🙈 🤣
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Valdo Marx x oc (Aevryn Swift) Word Count: 2585 Rating: G Tag list: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats @nevadawolfe @magic-multicolored-miracle @coffee-and-stories @whatevermonkey a/n: Thank you so much for this request.  I had a lot of thoughts about their wedding, so hopefully it wasn’t too all over the place.  I might make a separate post with more in depth headcanons bc honestly there’s so much I didn’t end up writing lol;;;
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“How many people are out there?” you asked in hushed awe, your eyes bulging as you glanced out at the sea of people seated across the garden’s lawn in white chairs, decorated in Valdo and Aevryn’s colours: black, emerald, and gold.
“Uhm… I’m not sure,” Aev muttered, somewhat distractedly, sparing an anxious glance at the crowd of guests, most of whom she didn’t even know, but who her parents and Valdo’s had insisted needed to be there, especially since they hadn’t gotten their way with the wedding ceremony -- wanting a traditional Catholic wedding despite their childrens’ lack of religious beliefs.
The sun shone cheerily down over Kensington Gardens while fluffy cheerful clouds peppered the expanse of pale blue sky and a pleasant breeze took the edge off the summer heat.  Aevryn couldn’t have asked for a better day to marry her best friend and man of her dreams, so why was she suddenly so nervous?  She’d been imagining this day for so long with nothing but excitement in her heart, but now as she paced under the shade of the ivy tunnel she was certain of nothing.
“Hey, how’s Aev doing?” Yennefer asked, her voice pitched low as she came up behind you, her violet eyes flicking over to the bride.
“Uhh… I think she’s starting to freak out a bit,” you whispered back, watching Aevryn continue to pace, her hands twisting anxiously in her skirts.
“Shit,” Yennefer muttered, heaving a sigh as she swept past you to attempt to calm her friend; her emerald skirt swishing around her legs.  “Hey Aev, what’s going on?  Is something the matter?”
“What if he changes his mind, Yen?  What if something happens and-and, look I know I’m being ridiculous,” she cut in with a scowl, frustration plain on her face, “but I’m suddenly very scared.  I mean, look at all those people!  This suddenly feels so real and Gods I’m shaking now.  What if he changes his mind?”  
Yennefer threw you a look and you hurried over, placing a comforting hand on Aevryn’s back, patting her soothingly.  
“Hey, come on now, we’re talking about Valdo Marx here, he is not going to change his mind about you, of all things,” Yen assured her and you nodded in agreement.
“Yennefer’s right, I mean, he’s loved you since you were kids.  He’s loved you nearly his whole life.  This is just… jitters.  Stage fright,” you explained, hoping your words would help.
Aevryn nodded shakily, as if wanting to believe you both.  “Yeah, yeah,  you’re right,” she murmured, twisting her engagement ring around her finger.  “I just wish… ugh, I wish I could talk to him...”
“Uhhh,” Yennefer hesitated.  Luckily she didn’t have to think of an answer as Jaskier approached, the crunch of gravel beneath his shoes announcing his presence and Aevryn’s head snapped up, her expression warring between relief and worry.
“Jask!” she gasped, enveloping him in a tight hug from which he shot you a reassuring grin as he squeezed her before stepping back.  
“You look stunning,” he exclaimed, taking in his friend’s creme and gold gown, complete with flower crown perched on her somewhat wrangled mess of hair.  
“Thank you,” she murmured, waving the complement away impatiently.  “How’s V?  Is everything alright?  Is he freaking out too?”
“Please reassure her,” Yennefer cut in, planting her hands on her hips.  “She’s turning into a hot mess here and if she’ll listen to anyone, it’s you, Pankratz.”
“Actually, I came as a messenger,” Jaskier explained, his lips twisting somewhat in displeasure at the thought of being relegated to an errand boy, but the expression was quickly wiped from his face as you came to stand at his side, smiling up at him.  “Valdo wanted you to read this.”  He pulled a small folded sheet from his breast pocket to hand to Aev.
She took the paper and unfolded it, her sea green eyes quickly traveling over Valdo’s neat scrawl before a smile tugged at her lips which she quickly covered with her hand.  
“What does it say?” you asked, curiosity getting the better of you.  The other two looked just as inquisitive, though they were trying hard not to show it.
“Oh, you know V.  He’s waxing poetic, as usual, but he’s excited to see me,” she murmured, cheeks flushing slightly.  “He said he can’t wait to marry me.  That he’s been waiting all his life for this day.  Stupid romantic idiot,” she muttered fondly, folding the paper up and slipping it into her bodice, next to her heart.  “Jask, can you give him a reply for me?”
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes but nodded.  “I guess,” he sighed, ruining it with a grin.  “Is it not enough that I was coerced into being Valdo’s Best Man?  Oww!” he yelped as Aevryn punched his arm.  
“Jaskier,” she warned, proceeding to jab her finger in his face.  “Have I told you how much I appreciate you doing that for him?” she exclaimed, quickly penning a response to her fiance’s letter.  “I know you would have rather been my Man of Honour, but V just doesn’t have a lot of close friends…”
“I know, I know,” he relented.  “You know I’d do anything for you, Aev.  And Valdo’s not... as bad as he used to be,” he admitted begrudgingly under his breath.
“I know,” she replied, smiling softly as she handed her paper to Jaskier to deliver.  “Thank you Jask.”  
“I’ll see you soon,” he quipped, “and don’t worry, everything’s gunna be perfect, you’ll see!”  Flashing his most charming smile at the three of you he quickly turned to hurry back to where the groom and Geralt were gathered.
You turned back to the bride to find her rereading the scrap of paper from her husband to be, smiling softly though her lips trembled slightly with emotion.
The look on Valdo’s face as Aevryn’s father walked with her down the aisle was most definitely the highlight of the ceremony.  You’d never seen Valdo look so enraptured -- his emerald eyes misting over as he shook with silent sobs.  Completely overcome with emotion, his curls bounced slightly and a wide grin broke over his face as Aev stopped in front of him, taking his hand and looking equally as emotional; a single tear rolling down her cheek which he quickly wiped away.
The second most memorable moment was the kiss -- Valdo dipping Aev low without hesitation as she kissed him back just as enthusiastically to the deafening applause and cries from the crowd; your own voice joining the celebration as you caught Jaskier’s eye across the aisle.  He looked so happy for his friend that it made your own heart ache with joy, honoured to have been part of their day.
Hands twined tightly together Aevryn and Valdo led the crowd to the reception area, not a far walk away; tables and chairs set up under several tall airy tents strung with hundreds of flickering fairy lights.  The dining tables were set with the finest place settings in gold and emerald, and elegant centerpieces of geometric terrariums held beautiful arrangements of succulents.  The sight was breathtaking and you joined the couple at the head table, seated next to Jaskier.
“You ready for our first dance, love?” Valdo asked, leaning in close to whisper in Aevryn’s ear and she blanched slightly as her eyes swept over the crowd of attendants, which had only seemed to grow after the reception had begun.  She caught sight of several influential people and a handful of celebrities and other musicians -- no doubt signed to her father’s and father-in-law’s music label, and swallowed slowly.  
“I suppose,” she murmured and Valdo noticed her trepidation.
“Don’t think about them.  Just keep your eyes on me, okay?” he murmured, brushing a kiss to her jaw.  “Besides, by the time we begin you’ll only have eyes for me anyway.”  The smirk he directed her had her tilting her head curiously. 
“What are you planning?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him fondly; excitement radiating off her.
“You’ll just have to see,” he replied, pausing to glance out at the guests that were clinking enthusiastically on their glasses, his smirk only growing before he captured her lips with his, giving the audience what they wanted.
Soon Aev was positioned in the seat of honour, unable to completely banish her radiant smile as Valdo took the small raised stage, slinging his guitar over his dark emerald tux while Vicious Mockery joined him.
“Before we begin our first dance, I decided I wanted to set the mood by serenading my beautiful wife,” Valdo explained into the microphone to the excited murmur of the guests, though his emerald eyes never left Aevryn.  “To back me up are her closest friends, the band, Vicious Mockery.  Aev, this one’s for you.  Always and forever.”  
Turning away from the microphone Valdo looked to Jaskier.  “Thank you,” he murmured softly and Jaskier nodded, a sincere grin flashing across his face before they began playing, Valdo’s eyes once more seeking out his wife.  As he began to sing for her she began to cry, tears slipping down her face, one hand coming up to clutch at her throat as the other covered her mouth until Valdo jumped down to join her for their dance, his arms circling her and pulling her close; fitting together like two matching puzzle pieces.  
True to his words she didn’t even notice the eyes of their guests on them as they slowly circled the floor, her forehead pressed to his as he murmured affirmations of his love for her; more couples joining them on the dancefloor as the song transitioned.
The night wound on and the moon rose overhead, joined by the twinkling of stars in the clear inky expanse above while the Swift-Marx party raged on, certainly not slowing anytime soon.  Aevryn danced with more people than she could count -- sharing a meaningful moment with her own father and then Valdo’s (whom she’d known since childhood and who already felt like a second father to her anyway), before Jaskier cut in, twirling her around the floor, a giant grin on his face.
“Did you ever think in a million years you’d be here?”  Jask asked, leaning in conspiratorially, while across the floor from them Valdo was dancing with [Y/N], making pleasant small talk.
“What do you mean?  Partying it up at Kensington Palace?  No,” Aev replied with laughter, her eyes flashing mischievously, knowing what he meant.
“No, I meant, married to Valdo Marx,”  Jaskier clarified, rolling his eyes.
“No.  I mean, at one point I did, but then I didn’t.  But then I hoped...”  She shook her head, her smile faltering.  “Honestly Jask, this feels all too good to be true, and I’m half expecting tomorrow to wake up and it’s been nothing but a dream.”  Her voice cracked slightly and Jaskier sobered.
“It’s not a dream, Aev,” he assured her.  “I meant what I said in my toast.  You deserve more than anything to be happy, even if it’s with him.  And I’m glad for you.”  He paused, glancing over at Valdo, “You know how much I hate to admit it, but Valdo’s really… come a long way, hasn’t he?”
“Yeah, he really has,” Aevryn replied proudly, her eyes finding her husband.  Her husband.  The words still seemed surreal.  “He’s a good man.  He really is, even if he’s not your favourite person in the world, and that’s fine, because he’s mine.”
Aevryn collapsed into her chair next to Valdo, his arm instinctively snaking around her waist as she leaned against him, reaching for her champagne glass, downing the rest in one swig.  They’d been dancing with their friends in between drinks and had both ended up taking the stage to sing a song together, their voices mixing and harmonizing as if there were no better duo in the world.  After the rush of adrenaline both were starting to feel exhaustion beginning to creep in, and Valdo pulled Aev into his lap.  She nuzzled against him, smiling as she fiddled with his half unbuttoned dress shirt; his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, after he’d shed his tuxedo jacket.
“How you fairing, love?  Getting tired?”  He asked, dipping his face to catch her eye; his sweat dampened curls sticking to his forehead.
“A little,” Aev admitted, her fingers tracing his jawline as she gazed up at him.  “Actually, I’m getting a little hungry.”
“Yeah?  Me too,” he replied, glancing over at the table of food before frowning.  “You wanna get out of here for a bit?”
“What are you talking about?” Aevryn exclaimed, snorting a laugh.  “This is supposed to be our party, and there’s food right over there.”
“Yeah, so?” he countered cheekily, cocking an eyebrow.  “No one’ll notice if we step out for a little while.”
“I think it might be the opposite,” Aev argued, but excitement filled her at the idea.  “Y’know I think I saw a pizza place across the street from Hyde Park.”
“Now you’re talking, Swift,” he purred, “or perhaps I should say Swift-Marx,” he added thoughtfully, stroking his goatee.  “My clever wife.”
“I like it when you call me that,” Aevryn said, grinning against his lips as she kissed him.
Sure enough, no one seemed to notice the bride and groom slipping away and running off hand in hand down the trail to the park entrance.
“Oh my Gods, this pizza is better than sex,” Aevryn groaned, taking another bite as Valdo leaned across the booth, his green eyes flashing.
The other patrons of the small restaurant had given them a few strange looks, as they’d entered, which turned into amusement as they realized the couple was obviously dressed for a wedding -- Aevryn’s poofy skirt filling the booth comically.
“Oh really?” he asked, eyebrow cocking jauntily.  “Is that a challenge, dove?”
“Maybe,” she smirked, pulling his deep green tuxedo jacket tighter around herself.  “You wanna prove me wrong?”  Her voice dropped to a husky suggestive tone that sent a shiver racing through him, and in that moment Valdo wanted nothing more than to hoist his wife over his shoulder and cut out on the rest of their reception to take her back to their hotel room for the night (though he knew he couldn’t do that, at least without bringing his parents’ wrath down on his head).
“Oh, believe me you little minx, I will most definitely be proving you wrong, soon enough,” he drawled, running his fingertip over the back of her hand, resting on the table.
Aevryn set down her half finished piece and took Valdo’s hand in hers.  “I love you.  So much,” she whispered suddenly.  “I love you more than all the stars in the sky.  You know that, right?”  Her voice shook slightly, as if she needed to get the words out. 
A smile stole across Valdo’s face, his heart filled with fierce affection.  “Of course I know that,” he murmured in return, “ I love you too Aevryn Swift-Marx.  I’ll love you til the day I die.”
“Good.  Because all I want is to spend my life with my best friend, making all the best memories.”
“And so you shall, my love, so you shall.”
Little did they know that through the window one of the photographers from the reception had followed them, capturing this hidden little candid moment; the pictures of which would become quite popular over the next few days with their fans.
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Just thought of another idea for the Punk!AU after seeing that cute video of Joey Batey baking!! How about when it’s Sam’s birthday, and Jaskier and The Reader have a go at making a birthday cake for her, and these hilarious shenanigans happen in kitchen.
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader Word Count: 1,694 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: Sheer fluff. Fluffity fluff fluff.
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You and Jaskier were determined to keep Sam’s first birthday lowkey. The press was having a field day, trying to take snaps of her while you were out and announcing a happy birthday to her, speculating on whether or not there would be a large star-studded affair. Your parents had visited the week before her birthday and Jaskier’s family would see her when you went to visit on during their UK tour, but for the actual day just the usual gang would be around. You’d turned down Valdo’s suggestions of pony rides (“she’s barely walking, Valdo”) and circus performers (“she’s not a Victorian heiress, Valdo, also Y/N just saw It and there is a very strict no clown policy in the house for the foreseeable future”). You’d bought a few lavender and pale green balloons to decorate where she’d be seated (but not close enough she could put the strings in her mouth) and then you and Jaskier had set to baking the cake.
“Right, this should be pretty easy,” Jaskier said, hunched over the kitchen island with you, looking at the pinterest cake you’d found.
“Funfetti with vanilla buttercream,” you read aloud, looking over the instructions for how to transform the cake(s) into the adorable little fox creation on the screen.
“I will handle the cake and you will decorate and together we will give Sam the most perfect first birthday cake anyone has had in the history of ever,” Jaskier said proudly.
“But no pressure,” you laughed.
“But no pressure,” he added. You pulled out the kitchenaid and began mixing ingredients while he looked through the cupboards for a while, opening and closing drawers.
“Jask? What’re you doing?” you finally asked.
“Eh… mixing bowl?” he asked. You pointed to the one cabinet he hadn’t yet opened and he pulled out a large metal one. Next came his quest for flour and you finally just went through and helped him gather all of the ingredients. With that you continued your frosting, music playing from the living room as loud as you wanted. Geralt and Yennefer had come by early to take Sam out while they got things ready and you were enjoying the chance to play Vicious Mockery’s latest album loud as it was intended. You were lost in your own little world, vaguely aware of some muttered curses behind you but you stayed focused on your frosting which was veering dangerously from orange to red.
“Um, Y/N?” Jaskier called. You looked over and shrieked. It was your honeymoon all over again except this time with more sprinkles and somehow butter in his hair.
“I say this with love and respect,” you said as he nodded miserably, “Were you a cursed by an especially bitter witch with a hatred of baked goods as a child?”
“I followed the recipe!” he bemoaned. You looked down at the batter(?) in the bowl which, ironically, looked like what the croissant dough probably should have.
“Well… hmm. There isn’t enough time to make a new batch. What if we just add some milk?” you suggested, not sure if that would actually help but pretty sure it couldn’t make it worse.
“So… not water then?” he asked.
“That’s how it looks with added water?” you replied incredulously, poking the stiff dough with the wooden spoon that was wedged in it like Excalibur.
“It wasn’t coming together right!” he protested.
“Ok, no, it’s fine babe let’s just… yeah let’s… just pop some milk in there!” you said brightly. He looked so disappointed and miserable you wanted to try and make it work. It looked a bit more like batter and when you poured it into the pan and pushed it in the oven he seemed a bit more hopeful. He offered to help you finish the frosting and you swiftly declined, suggesting he just go check on something else. He sat on the barstool by you with one of Sam’s baby books and the two of you waxed nostalgic about all that had happened in just 12 months. When the timer went off you both breathlessly peeked at the cake. It had an odd charred look around the edges which you reassured him you could just cut away but when you stuck a knife in to make sure it was all the way done you found a bigger problem.
“How is it both burnt and still mostly liquid?” Jaskier asked, in awe of his own creation.
“Jaskier, sweetheart, I think maybe it’s time we buy a cake,” you suggested gently.
“Oh, I’ve been scrolling through the local bakeries online while that thing baked. We are not feeding our child… whatever this is,” he agreed. He showed you the options and left to pick it up while you worked on cleaning and disposing of the would-be cake. By the time the doorbell rang you noted proudly that no one would ever know what had transpired here. Geralt and Yennefer arrived first as they usually did, Sam making excited chattering sounds and pointing at the door from Yen’s arms, and when you looked down at what was in Geralt’s hands Yennefer spoke before you could say anything.
“I know this looks rude but we have our reasons,” she said. You took Sam from her arms and walked them both inside, gesturing to the counter where Geralt could put down the cake they had clearly bought.
“Don’t be mad,” Geralt said. A part of you wanted to be indignant on Jaskier’s behalf but the other, bigger part of you had been cleaning batter off of the oven vent for the better part of an hour. Yen looked around the kitchen, clearly seeing no sign of cake, and she didn’t need to say anything, her look communicating clearly that this was anticipated.
“Jaskier has many strengths. Baking is not one of them,” she said.
“I know it means a lot to you for Sam to have a cake that means something so, if it helps, she picked out this one,” Geralt said. The cake was a lovely violet shade with blackberries on and around it and the little sticker said it had a lemon sponge beneath the lavender infused vanilla buttercream.
“It’s perfect,” you said with a smile. The doorbell rang and Geralt took Sam from your arms, spinning her in a little circle, making her giggle, as you went to answer. The moment you opened the door Aevryn stuck out a hand to stop you from speaking.
“I know you and Jask were going to bake the cake but Y/N please trust me it’s better this way,” she said.
“What are you – oh,” you said as Valdo dramatically unveiled the cake in his hands by removing the jacket he’d clearly taken off just to obscure the cake till the perfect moment. It was three tiered and all chocolate with lovely sculpted truffles in the shape of foxes, a raspberry ganache running through the middle and drizzled on top.
“This is gorgeous,” you said as you walked into the kitchen with them, “It’s a lot of cake though.”
“Don’t be silly, love, it’s three tiers but the sponge is so fluffy it’s – oh, I see what you mean,” Valdo said, interrupted in his speech by the sight of the cake that Geralt and Yennefer had brought. Geralt cocked an eyebrow at the sight of the cake in Valdo’s arms and shot Aevryn a look.
“Well you did the same!” she said.
“Well, two cakes isn’t that crazy. It just means there’ll be plenty of leftovers!” you said. The door opened and you remembered suddenly why Jaskier had left.
“Alright none shall be the wiser I have got a cake that’s pretty close to what we… wan…ted…” Jaskier’s voice trailed off as he walked in, holding aloft a cake shaped like a fox with lovely detailing in frosting, and saw the other two cakes on the counter.
“Oh gods this looks like an intervention,” he said, “Is there a banner hidden somewhere?”
Aevryn stepped forward and rested a hand on his shoulder, trying to look solemn though there she was betrayed by the amused twinkle in her eye.
“Jaskier, we’re all here because your baking has affected our lives,” she intoned.
“Oh sod off,” he said, shrugging off her arm as she laughed. You took the cake from him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Well, how do we do this?” he asked, looking at the three very different cakes.
“I don’t know… this is like wedding cake testing all over again,” you said.
“Well as it is her first birthday she should have the best,” Valdo argued.
“So you agree she should eat the one she picked out,” Yennefer said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hey, we’re her parents and we got her this cake, she should have the Pankratz cake,” Jaskier protested.
“The Swift-Marx cake was crafted by chocolatiers from Belgium,” Valdo insisted. While they fought Geralt propped Sam up on his knee and quietly reached for the cake he and Yennefer had brought. You noticed and shot him a warning look.
“Look,” you said, interrupting the heated discussion which Sam watched with unfettered excitement, “There is an obvious solution.”
A few moments later Sam sat in her high chair surrounded by her family as they sang happy birthday to her, a plate in front of her with three small pieces of cake. Everyone watched as her chubby little fist hovered over the different cakes, growing far too excited when it looked like she may pick theirs, and then she thrust her whole face down onto all three pieces at once. When she pulled her face back there was orange buttercream from the fox, chocolate and raspberry ganache, and lavender frosting smeared all over her face like a little woodland watercolor scene. Aevryn snapped the photo, the quickest to react with her social media managing reflexes.
“Well there you have it,” you said as you removed the candle before she could try and eat that too, “When granted options she simply takes them all.”
Everyone agreed that she was truly a Pankratz. And a Rivia. And a Swift-Marx.
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Just thought of an idea for the Punk!AU - how about the wedding between Jaskier and the reader, which many hilarious things keep going wrong, whilst getting ready, in which. In the end, Jaskier ends up showing up in his dressing gown and/or boxer shorts, in which the reader is amused, but finds it very cute!
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer, Punk!Aervryn x Punk!ValdoWord Count: 1,183Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract@your-not-invisible-to-me @kemmastan a/n: I’m still working on the wedding in my mind (and pinterest) but here is a little pre-wedding moment that includes shenanigans, chaos, and a black eye. Enjoy!
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You pounded at the door of the dressing room and tried to take deep breaths. The door opened just a tiny crack and a pair of familiar emerald green eyes peered through.
“Y/N you’re an absolute vision, I’m going to cry if you don’t leave right this moment,” Valdo intoned dramatically, trying to shut the door quickly but you wedged your foot in its path, one navy blue converse peeking out below gold and white tulle.
“Valdo, what is happening with Jaskier?” you asked, voice dangerously low. He opened his mouth to reply but was suddenly pushed aside, giving an indignant look to Yennefer who popped into view. She smiled at you but it didn’t reach her violet eyes which looked oddly a little bit… panicked?
“Y/N I know this is stressful but please believe we have it under control,” she said. You heard a crashing sound and Geralt swearing loudly as Jaskier cried out. Yennefer closed her eyes to take a deep breath and you pushed the door open, rushing past her before she could stop you.
“He can’t see you yet it’s bad luck!” Valdo cried after you but you charged forward. Geralt saw you first and spun Jaskier around to face the wall, forgetting there was a mirror there. You both gasped as you caught each other’s eyes; his eyes watering with joyful tears, yours with deep concern.
“Jaskier?” you gasped, “Why do you have a black eye?”
You shot a look To Valdo who threw his arms up in surrender as the door opened and closed, Aevryn running in wearing a knee-length navy blue bridesmaid dress that matched Yennefer’s full length one.
“I got some ice and I think this shade will cover it up ok!” she announced and then paused, realizing you were standing there and there was an odd tension in the air.
“Y/N I told you I’d be right back!” she said.
“I knew something was wrong when my entire bridal party abandoned me,” you snapped.
“Win didn’t!” Aevryn argued.
“My maid of honor was pulled away by Valdo to run some mysterious errand so yes, actually, she did,” you replied, “Now who is going to tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Y/N… gods, look at you,” Jaskier remained in that dreamlike state, oblivious to your anger, all of the anxiety he’d been feeling melting away as he turned and took you in. Your dress was a nontraditional wedding dress, gold and white instead of the pure white most brides wore. Your converse matched the ones sitting on a nearby chair for him to put on and your hair was twisted half-up and half down, little gold music notes pinned around the crown of your head. The bouquet in your hand was made up of sheet music, specifically the song he’d written to propose to you; Peppermint Tea. You looked perfect and ethereal.
Jaskier looked like a trashfire.
He had a black eye, he was wearing nothing but a white button up shirt which had a char mark on it and boxer briefs. You didn’t know where the pants or jacket had gone but you suspected they were a part of the smoky smell in the room and the reason that the fire alarm had been yanked out of the ceiling. The more you looked around the worse it got.
“Jaskier, love, please tell me what’s happened,” you implored.
“Ah yes well there have been some… hiccups,” he said. You cocked an eyebrow and Jaskier looked to his  best man but Geralt just pursed his lips in a thin line.
“Allow me,” Valdo said, waving into view, the navy blue suit and black button-up undershirt that had been perfectly tailored making him look like the groom that Jaskier was supposed to be right now. “It all started when Yennefer set Jaskier’s pants on fire.”
“I did not!” Yennefer snapped.
“Darling you saged the room and didn’t look where you put the still smoking plant down, starting a fire, so yes, you did,” he argued coolly. Yennefer had no reply for this, simply glancing down at the floor, suddenly fascinated by an imaginary speck on her black boots.
“That was disaster number one which Geralt decided to respond to by tearing out the alarm while much cooler heads prevailed and put the fire out,” Valdo gestured to Aevryn as he said this and she did a little wave.
“Explain the black eye,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Jaskier fell in the bathroom and smacked his face against a doorknob,” Valdo replied simply. Jaskier gave you a sheepish look and you took the ice pack Aevryn had brought in and rested it against his eye.
“Gods what a mess,” you groaned, though there was a smile playing about your lips.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, you deserve so much better,” Jaskier said, his voice as sad as his face, wide blue eyes gazing at you pitifully.
“Don’t be silly,” you said, chuckling as you placed a soft kiss against his lips, “We’re getting married today. Nothing else matters. Besides, you look kind of cute all… mussed up.”
“Oh yeah?” Jaskier asked with a little quirk of his eyebrow, “This working for you?”
“Save it for the honeymoon,” Valdo said, cutting through the moment. “You will not be getting married looking like this, let’s make that clear right now. Win is off collecting a tailor I flew in who will be bringing a similar suit to the one Jaskier was going to wear. The cut is a bit different but the color matches and beggars can’t be chooser, love. While we wait for that, Aevryn, would you do the honors of working on hiding that shiner?”
Aevryn hurried forward with the concealer and brush in hand and got to work.
“Y/N, let’s go back to your dressing room,” Yennefer suggested, “Give them time to work.”
You reluctantly agreed and as you reached the door you barely avoided getting hit in the face yourself as Win and a man you didn’t recognize practically broke the door down, a rolling cart with approximately five variations of a navy suit being dragged in after them. Valdo walked over to greet the man, speaking Italian which none of you (save for Aevryn) knew he could do, and you gave Jaskier an encouraging smile.
“Everything will be ok,” Yennefer said reassuringly as you walked back towards your own dressing room, “There’s a lot to be said about Valdo Marx but one of them is that he’s good in a crisis.”
“It’s already ok,” you said, a big smile still on your face, “I’m getting married today, Yen.”
Yennefer smiled at you and tucked a strand of hair back. In the distance you heard raised voices shouting in Italian and you sighed in unison. The door opened and Win popped back out and ran towards you both.
“Don’t ask,” she said simply. You laughed and let your friends escort you back to the room, trusting Aevryn to be the voice of sense and reason with whatever was going on back there.
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Just thought of another idea for the Punk!AU 😊 How about the reader heavily pregnant, and is doing some last minute baby shopping with her mom, and she goes into labour in the shopping mall, but Jaskier and the band are doing a gig, and the reader’s mom phones Jaskier ranting to him, to get there quickly, as his wife is in labour, and there’s basically these hilarious things going on, like people giving the reader funny looks, whilst she’s on the floor, and things like that.
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer, Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 1,841 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract @your-not-invisible-to-me @kemmastan @mycat-is-mylove @amirahiddleston a/n: I toyed with the prompt a bit but I hope you still like the result. Thank you!
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The first thought you had as the contraction hit was Jaskier is never going to let this go.
Just that morning he’d fretted over you wanting to go to the grocery store. You insisted on going, in part because you were determined to prove that you weren’t an invalid and in part because you were going insane sitting in the house waiting for a baby who was taking her sweet time coming. He’d almost gone with you but you’d put your foot down here as well, reminding him that he needed to work on sound editing with the group in the studio and that if anything happened (which, you so arrogantly insisted it wouldn’t) he wouldn’t be far away.
You clutched the rack of onesies as a second contraction hit and you started to quietly talk to the baby.
“Sam, don’t do this. Not now. Not in a Target. I know we don’t know each other much yet but just do your mom this favor, ok kiddo?” you pleaded.
Then your water broke.
“Already taking your dad’s side I see,” you muttered as you pulled out your phone. Jaskier answered halfway through the first ring.
“Y/N? What’s happening?” he asked in a panicked voice. You had a moment of pure stubbornness where you considered saying everything was fine and just trying to keep it together till you got home but while you were still having this admittedly ridiculous thought another contraction hit.
“Y/N are you alright? I heard a strange noise,” Jaskier asked as you tried to stifle your pained cry.
“Let me have the phone,” you heard a voice said and then Geralt was on the line, “Y/N? Is it time?”
“Yes,” you bit out.
“Where are you?” he asked, his voice low and calm.
“Target. 2nd Avenue. Hurry.”
“We’re not far, we’ll be there soon. It’s going to be ok.”
“What the fresh hell is this?” Jaskier cried, kicking at the flat tire of his car, regretting his choice to have them all carpool for inner city travel. Geralt pulled up Uber while Yennefer made a call, not bothering to take the time to discuss it with Jaskier though she doubted even he would care if this meant getting them to Y/N on time.
“Valdo?” Yennefer said into the phone, Geralt and Jaskier both looking over to her in surprise, “Where are you right now? Y/N’s in labor and Jaskier’s car has a flat tire.”
“I knew we should have taken Roach,” Geralt muttered under his breath.
“Target. I know, he tried to tell her but she’s stubborn. Which are you closer to? Get her first, we’ll find a way there. Yes I’m sure. Ok bye.”
Jaskier stared at Yennefer expectantly.
“Well? What’s happening?”
“Valdo is closer to Y/N, he’s going to pick her up and take her to the hospital. We’re going to meet them there, Geralt have you found an uber?”
“Five minutes away,” he answered.
“Yes love we’re on our way there now. Breathe with me, alright?”
Jaskier guided you through the phone from the back of the little Prius that had gathered them. Geralt sat in the back with him, knees pressed up nearly into his chest while Yennefer texted someone hurriedly. You stood outside of the Target leaning against one of the decorative cement balls, glaring at anyone who walked by you and so much as gave you a second glance.
“Where is Valdo?” you asked miserably, and then you saw him. Well, you saw a pitch black Tesla come careening around a corner, deftly avoiding shopping carts and lamp posts. The moment the car came to a stop, Valdo jumped out, already opening the doors with his key fob.
“Hello mummy to be, let’s get you inside,” he said in a voice that was forcibly calm but you could see a little bit of panic in the usually unflappable emerald eyes. You let him guide you into the car, seizing his hand in a death grip as another contraction hit. He gently rubbed circles into your back until the moment passed and moved around to the other side of the car before shaking out his possibly fractured hand. As soon as the door closed and you were buckled in, he set off. You heard a strange shouting noise.
“Is the radio on?” you asked.
“No but it can be,” Valdo answered, already reaching for the dial. You glanced down and realized the sound you heard was Jaskier, still on the phone.
“Oh shit! Hey, babe, hey I’m sorry,” you said.
“What’s happening?” Jaskier asked, “We’re at the hospital, where are you?”
“Valdo just picked me up, we’re on our way now.”
“Y/N love would you put me on speaker phone?” Jaskier asked, his voice just a tad too calm. You were in no mood to argue so you hit the button and clenched the side of the car as another contraction broke.
“Valdo Marx you listen to me. Rivalry aside, the people in that car are everything I’ve got and if any harm comes to either one of them I don’t care how much Aevryn loves you, I will end you,” Jaskier said, his voice a dark, dangerous hiss.
“If something happens to either of them Aevryn will end me first,” Valdo replied simply, “Now keep your pants on, we’re pulling up soon. Grab a wheelchair.”
“I already have one,” Jaskier said.
“Excellent, see you soon.”
The moment you pulled up you could see Geralt, Yennefer, and Jaskier already waiting with a wheelchair, each with excited, anxious smiles and no small amount of relief. Jaskier opened the door and pulled you into his arms for just an instant and you embraced him tightly.
“Jaskier I’m scared,” you whispered into his ear.
“I know, my love, but I’m not,” he lied, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, “We’re all here. You’re not going through this alone. Well, you are in some very important ways but we have your back.”
You had just sat in your wheelchair when you saw Aevryn and Win running up to the doors. Aevryn had gone to pick up Win the moment Valdo told her what was going on, knowing you’d want your best friend with you as much as anyone else.
“Alright, I have the push playlist, I have the chocolate, let’s go have a baby,” Win exclaimed.
One of the benefits of being the wife of a famous musician was you got seen quickly. You would have felt guilty about this but you felt that nothing could happen soon enough. The beauty of the room was totally lost on you as you asked every person wearing scrubs who walked by you where the drugs were. It got to the point where Jaskier was worried they were going to UA you but fortunately this was a common response and after a much shorter period of time than it felt you were sitting leaned forward as they administered the epidural.
“It’s a shame Aevryn isn’t in here, she’d have found this fascinating,” Jaskier said, keeping his eyes firmly away from what was going on with your spine and focusing instead on holding your hand and helping you stay calm. You hated needles and it was a testament to how much pain you were in that you’d been so excited when you saw them bring it in.
Once you were gently placed back against the bed Win went to get you some ice and give you and Jaskier a moment alone.
“This might be our last moments before we’re parents. Well, before she’s really here,” you mused.
“I suppose so,” Jaskier said, pressing a soft kiss against the hand he gripped tightly, “Any last things you want to do before she’s here? Our options are sort of limited. Perhaps building a house out of popsicle sticks or prank calling someone?”
“No,” you said with a little smile, shaking your head, “I just want this. You and me.”
His soft blue eyes gazed into yours adoringly and he squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“Well you’ve got it. You’ve got me.”
“I think she’s coming.”
The next half hour was a blur of action. Doctors and nurses pressing you up into stirrups, Win holding her phone aloft playing the music, Jaskier helping you breathe, your eyes focusing on his when they weren’t screwed up tight in concentration as you pushed. In one moment there was the sound of Jaskier’s voice and the doctor’s coaching and Push It by Salt n Pepa and then there just one thing – the clear, loud cry of a baby entering the world. She was placed against your chest and you could vaguely hear Jaskier saying something, vaguely aware that you were crying but your focus was wholly on the tiny, messy, squishy baby in your arms. She was taken to be cleaned up and your eyes fell back to Jaskier. You’d never seen him so happy and in awe and utterly, deeply in love.
“You made that,” he said.
“Fuck yeah I did,” you answered proudly. Win left to tell the rest of the group and by the time they were allowed in she was clean and wrapped up tight in a lavender colored blanket, a little matching cap for her head. Aevryn clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from squealing when she saw her. Geralt walked over to Jaskier’s side as Yen went to yours and Valdo and Win hovered a little bit by the door, not wanting to overcrowd the room and giving them all a chance to meet her.
“Well, I know you’ve been wondering what we’re going to name her,” Jaskier said. You saw Valdo open his mouth, could almost hear him proudly crowing that he already knew her name, and you shot him a look that made him close his mouth quickly.
“Everyone, meet Aksamitka Geralta Pankratz,” he said. Yennefer looked from the baby to Geralt with a soft smile and if the man’s eyes got a little misty, no one felt the need to comment on it.
“So are we going with a nickname or…” you heard Win ask.
“Sam,” you answered. Win tried not to look relieved and you couldn’t blame her. It was a mouthful of a name but you had no doubt she would more than live up to it. Sam made a little snuffling noise, tiny fist rubbing against her nose and then her brow furrowed and her eyes squinted open, glaring out into the world uncertainly. Her eyes were a pale, ocean blue and the little bit of fuzzy hair on her head was a very light brown that you knew would darken to match that on the man who now held her and gazed into her eyes. You weren’t sure when you fell asleep but when you woke up Jaskier was sitting next to you on the bed singing quietly into the bassinet and you fell back asleep with a smile on your face.
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but seriously, how about the punk!au group doing brunch? 💛
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Vicious Mockery Family Word Count: 1,691 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: There is a lot of potato talk. I apologize, I couldn’t let it go, I love potatoes so much. xo
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Valdo considered the table, expressive brows furrowed in consternation. A pair of arms slipped around his waist from behind and a kiss was pressed between his shoulder blades.
“What is it, V? Is a napkin off-center?” Aevryn asked, tone playful but affectionate. She loved how much care he took with preparing for things though sometimes he took it a little far. Right now, for example, he stared down the beautiful table as though it were the greatest disappointment of his life. There were seven place settings at the table which could easily seat eight. When he’d bought the table Aevryn had teased him about living out his dreams of being a King with his banquet table but she knew that he secretly loved that he had people in his life enough to nearly fill every seat. He’d been wanting to host brunch for a while but between tours and album recordings and life in general it had been put off. But finally it would happen and he was determined to make it such a wonderful experience that they would all clamor to return, possibly once every other week if they could make it happen with their schedules and certainly no less than once a month. He had taken great care to make sure that Sam, though six now and much more careful around sharp edges, sat in a middle seat with her own special plate that she’d decorated in a pottery shop with Aevryn on one of their Aunt & Niece days out. She had her own calligraphy printed sign to indicate where she should sit and he had placed her between Jaskier and Y/N, right across from where Aevryn, Yennefer, and Geralt would sit. Valdo would sit at the head of the table but only, he argued to a bemused Aevryn, because it would be easier for him to get up and get things as they ate. And she hoped they were in the mood to eat because he had prepared enough for a small army.
“Babe do you think perhaps we would be alright with, say, just two kinds of potatoes?” Aevryn asked tentatively. He looked up at her with a thoroughly dumbfounded expression.
“Aevryn, I’m Irish. Are you trying to tell an Irish man to serve fewer potatoes? Bloody English,” he muttered the last part under his breath and she threw a dish towel at his head which he deftly avoided as he went to pull the warming tray full of hashbrowns out of the oven. The doorbell rang and Aevryn ran to answer it excitedly. Yennefer and Geralt stood on the doorstep, Yennefer holding a bottle of champagne and Geralt with a freshly baked loaf of rustic looking artisan bread. Aevryn gave them both a quick hug and ushered them into the kitchen where Valdo gave them a greeting nod.
“Jask and Y/N here yet?” Geralt asked, looking around for any signs of Sam.
“Not yet, you’re the first to arrive,” Aevryn answered. On cue the doorbell rang again and Valdo smiled as he heard Sam’s voice.
“Hi Auntie Aev! Where’s Uncle Valdo? Are Uncle Geralt and Aunt Yen here? We saw their motorcycle. What’s that smell? Something smells REALLY good. Did Uncle Valdo cook it? I told daddy that I bet he’d cook it all but he said he’d order in and just pretend but I know that he really cooked it, didn’t he?”
Somehow she said this all in one breath and he heard Aevryn tell her that yes, he had cooked it all, and then the sound of Aevryn thwacking Jaskier on the arm. There was a hurried clomping sound with Y/N calling for Sam to walk and then she was there in the dining room, bright blue eyes wide with excitement as she took in the sight of all of the food. Jaskier, Y/N, and Aevryn followed not far behind, the former carrying a basket of croissants and a glass bottle of orange juice. The little group mingled and talked as Valdo focused on getting the last of the food ready, fretting that he’d forget something. Sam came around to his side of the counters and offered to help.
“I do have an important task for you if you’re feeling up to it,” Valdo said, crouching down to meet Sam’s eyes with a solemn expression. Her eyes widened and she nodded intently.
“I have made crepes but I want to make sure they’re satisfactory. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try one out for me before I put it out for everyone else to try,” he explained.
“I can do that,” she said emphatically with the stoic expression of a cadet crossing enemy lines. He lifted her up and deposited her on an empty spot on the counter and put together a little crepe with some Nutella and strawberries and bananas. She took a large bite and then closed her eyes, a little smile crossing her hazelnut smeared face. Valdo watched her fondly and when she opened her eyes again and he asked her if it was satisfactory she nodded confidently.
“Alright everyone, the sous chef has spoken, brunch is served,” he announced. He helped Sam fix her plate with two of the types of potatoes (she wasn’t sure if she trusted the roasted ones which looked suspiciously like there may be vegetables mixed in), a crepe, a piece of bacon and a little piece of ham.
“Are there any potatoes left in Seattle?” Jaskier joked right as you said, “Oh thank god, someone who understands that the true hero of any brunch is the humble potato.”
Valdo beamed at your praise and shot Jaskier a smug look before graciously offering him one of four kinds of eggs he’d prepared. Before long they were all seated and eating, murmurs of praise for the food rippling throughout conversation as a new thing was tried.
“How has school been, Sam? Your mom tells me you’ve made a friend,” Aevryn asked. Sam’s eyes clouded a little bit and she shrugged.
“Well, I did, but her family is moving so it’s just me again,” she said. The adults all exchanged looks over her head of varying levels of consternation, sadness, and regret.
“You’ll find your people yet,” Valdo assured her, “I didn’t meet your Auntie Aev til we were 10.”
“And I didn’t meet your dad til I was 17,” Aevryn said.
“17?” Sam echoed incredulously as though she’d said they were 100.
“Did you tell your Uncle Valdo about the book you’re writing?” you prompted, trying to steer the conversation someplace a little less tender for Sam. Though she was a vibrant, outgoing, loving child she struggled to find friends that would stick around without moving for a parent’s job or just found different interests. You felt sure that Valdo and Aevryn were right now. She was still so young, there was still time for her to find her little family as you’d all found yours. Sam perked up and began to regale Valdo with the story she was working on about a wolf who found a fox and became its friend. Geralt grinned as she spoke, knowing full well who had inspired the story. It was also clear who the violet eyed panther they met was based off of and Yennefer smiled through a mouthful of croissant as Sam talked. By the end of her story Valdo insisted it would be a bestseller and then mentioned to you that he knew someone in children’s lit publishing who’d eat this up but you insisted she was fine without a book deal before her seventh birthday.
After they were finished eating they retreated into the large, open living room where Valdo and Sam sat by the piano while the rest of the group sprawled around on various seats. Geralt gazed appreciatively at the wall of vinyl records Valdo collected, glad that he’d had the forethought to buy Valdo a knife instead of an album for his birthday. Jaskier had you curled up against him, sipping from the mimosa that had been expertly crafted by Valdo, of course. Yennefer sat with her feet tucked under her on the large armchair that spun, rocking side to side lightly as she digested the large brunch. The uneven tinkling of piano keys was the backdrop of their conversation as Valdo taught Sam how to play chopsticks to your dismay and amusement.
“We should do this more often,” you mused aloud. Valdo’s head snapped up in attention and the barely restrained excitement on his face brought a smile to Aevryn’s lips.
“Well, we’re happy to host,” Valdo said, forcing himself to sound casual, “If people wanted to come around again sometime. Maybe sometime week after next?”
“I’d have to check the calendar and doublecheck with Andrzej but that work for us I think,” Jaskier said.
“Hmm,” Geralt said with a nod that Yennefer echoed.
“We’ll have to order more potatoes, though,” Aevryn joked. Valdo squinted at her and she stuck her tongue out which made Sam laugh.
After the last guest had left Aevryn and Valdo wandered back into the kitchen but she pulled him into a hug before he could start putting things again. She pressed a soft kiss against his lips which he returned, wrapping his arms around her and pressing her close as he deepened the kiss.
“What was that for?” he asked as he pulled back, emerald eyes twinkling.
“It was a good brunch,” she said simply, brushing back a wayward curl and grazing the curve of his jaw with her fingertips as she withdrew her hand.
“They seemed to like it,” he said.
“They loved it,” she emphasized, “They love you.”
“I love you,” he murmured, expressive eyes hardly able to contain his emotions.
“I love you too,” she said, brushing her nose against his, the whisper of a kiss brushed against his lips, “Almost as much as you love potatoes.”
He pulled back and she yelped as he reached down and gave her a swat.
“Right,” he said, “Get upstairs. I’ve had about enough of this English sass. Time for your reckoning.”
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I love the growing friendship between Y/N and Valdo in the punk!au and now I'm thinking about JaskxReader and ValdoxAev double-dates that maybe end in Valdo and the reader chilling and watching Jask and Aev antics. Also have I mentioned lately how great your writing is? Makes me happy every time I get a tag.
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Valdo X Punk!Aevryn, Platonic!Valdo x Reader Word Count: 682 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: It’s on the short side but I really enjoyed playing with this dynamic. Thank you! And I’m so glad you enjoy my writing, the feeling is very mutual xo
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“I suppose we should have seen this coming,” Valdo said, taking another sip of his gin an tonic. His emerald eyes gazed in the direction of his wife and your husband. You rolled your eyes and shook your head before stirring your Moscow mule, crushing the lime into the copper mug.
“They’re having fun though,” you said. Right at that moment Aevryn stepped on Jaskier’s foot and he cried “COCK” so loud he disrupted a nearby birthday celebration and the pair began squabbling over whether that had been an accident or not.
Aevryn and Jaskier were both covered in sweat and red faced but unrelenting in their pursuit of a perfect score as they continued to dance.
“I didn’t even know DDR was a thing anymore,” Valdo said with an incredulous smile as Aevryn landed an especially tricky step.
“Well that’s the joy of this place, a lot of games that we thought were just hiding in someone’s basement get a second life,” you mused.
“What’s your game, then?” Valdo asked, tearing his eyes away from his wife to meet yours. You were standing on the little outdoor balcony section where you’d wandered to find Valdo when he went out for a smoke. You loved Jaskier but he could become a bit single-minded when he was competing, especially with Aevryn who was the only person you’d met who held the same level of competitiveness, and you knew he was blind to all but the game. You’d stayed with Valdo when he finished and the pair of you had looked through the large glass windows in silence for a while just smirking and chuckling and arguing whether or not Jaskier had intentionally thrown his arm in the way of Aevryn’s eyes.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you answered offhandedly, “We didn’t have a lot of video games growing up. I liked Crash Bandicoot. And Rock Band was fun. Also, don’t be too intimidated but I can kick ass at Wii Tennis.”
Valdo laughed, dark curls bouncing as he shook his head in amusement.
“What about you?” you asked, realizing you had an unprecedented opportunity to get to know him. Though Valdo was certainly a member of the family there was still some underlying tension between Jaskier and Valdo so you didn’t really spend time with him unless Aevryn was there and she usually held his attention. Valdo considered your question, taking another pull from his drink before answering.
“Darts,” he said.
“Of course it’s darts,” you smirked.
“What does that mean?” he asked, looking very intrigued by your response. He leaned on the ledge, lanky frame draped in a pose as though he were modelling. You’d thought for a while that he was extraordinarily extra but that was just Valdo. Wherever he went and whatever he did he looked as though he was ready for a photoshoot.
“That’s just a very Valdo game. It’s classic but with an edge of danger,” you explained. His eyes twinkled, ego thoroughly stroked.
“You are very perceptive, Y/N, Jaskier doesn’t deserve you,” he quipped with a roguish smile.
“You don’t deserve Aevryn but you work it out,” you said with a wry smile, taking another drink. This drew a wider grin from the man and his eyes sought his wife who was now in a shoving match with Jaskier.
“We need to put a stop to this, don’t we?” he asked as Aevryn made a rude gesture to Jaskier whose face contorted into shock and hurt.
“Eh… they haven’t pulled out the knives yet,” you said with a shrug. Valdo laughed and then did a doubletake at your cool, casual expression.
“They don’t… they don’t really have knives though, right?” Valdo asked, a note of panic in his voice.
“Of course they do,” you said in surprise, “Geralt gives everyone knives.”
“He hasn’t given me a knife!” he protested.
“Oh shit, well, act surprised on your birthday.”
“Right this is ending now,” Valdo said, hurrying towards the door. You took another sip and followed in Valdo’s wake to retrieve your respective spouses and make them both make nice.
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okay so, i know i already have a request in the queue & this is probs selfish of me to ask, but would you pretty pls consider: “I apologise sincerely if my handsome face has kept you awake all night.” for Valdryn? or valdo x reader if you’d rather 💛
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 973 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @kemmastan @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @amirahiddleston  @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract @your-not-invisible-to-me @mycat-is-mylove  a/n: It’s a bit short and I hope I captured them well and I hope you like it broooo
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Some nights Aevryn just looked at him.
He usually fell asleep before her, exhausted from a long day of working and more often than not taking care of people. She marveled at how much he’d grown, the star-crossed love of her life, and all of the near misses they’d had. If someone had told her when she met him that she would be here one day, lying next to him with a ring on her left hand and a promise to never be parted again, she would have laughed. If someone had told her that one day they would both a find a way through the hurt and heal from his betrayal, she would have punched them. And yet here they were.
In so many ways he was the same boy she’d met and fallen in love with as a teenager. He had the same unruly curls, spilling onto the pillow and against her shoulder as he lay next to him. The facial hair was new but it suited him well. The expressive eyebrows, now placid and relaxed as he slept, that punctuated his words and gave away his emotions were the same. Aevryn gently ran her finger along them and Valdo twitched his face but stayed fast asleep. He was still lanky but there was some more definition, seen clearly as he slept next to her, naked body tangled in the black cotton sheets. Aevryn’s finger moved down to trace the lovely mouth, capable of uttering the most ridiculous, bawdy jokes or the softest, sweetest declarations of love. There were little things that had changed, the hint of wrinkles at the corner of his eyes and around his lips. Sometimes she caught a glimpse of a grey hair that mysteriously disappeared before she could catch a second look. Yes, some nights Aevryn spent hours just looking at Valdo, still in awe that they’d fought their way back to each other. Valdo slept through it all, the stunning emerald eyes unseeing as the sea green ones gazed, and this was why he couldn’t have known that Aevryn would react so very badly at being woken up the next morning.
“Come on, Swift, we’re running late,” he called, playfully dropping a pillow on the mess of light brown curls that were half-obscured by blanket. Aevryn rose from the fluffy depths of the comforter just enough to level a glare so fierce Valdo actually physically recoiled a bit.
“Dearest?” he said, his voice much gentler and loving than it had been a moment before.
“Mm tired,” she muttered.
“Well… it is nearly 10:30 and we told Jaskier and Y/N that we’d be there by 10 and while I enjoy being fashionably late there is a limit,” he said, cautiously approaching the bed.
“What the bloody hell are you talking about?” she groused.
“We said we’d meet up with them for brunch,” he reminded her. Aevryn mumbled a string of curses and Valdo leaned to take a better look at her, concern creasing his face.
“Are you feeling alright, love? You’re not a morning person in general but you seem especially tired today,” he said as he pressed the back of his hand against her forehead, the other one finding her wrist to read her pulse. If anyone else had done this she would have thought they were joking but she knew he worried when he even suspected she was getting sick.
“I’m find, V, I just stayed up too late last night,” she murmured.
“You were in bed with me all night,” he argued, “I know I slept through it but I always wake up if you leave the bed so unless you did some bizarre Indiana Jones trick, you were here.”
“I was in bed but I didn’t sleep.”
“What’s wrong?”
Aevryn had been trying to find a way around it but she knew there was nothing to do but admit it before he started calling an ambulance or scheduling a psychiatric evaluation.
“I was up late staring at your face, ok?” she barked. Valdo’s face shifted from concerned to confused.
“My face?”
“Was there something… wrong with it?”
“No,” Aevryn huffed, “Your face was perfect as always.”
“So you were just awake staring at my face because of how perfect it is?” he clarified. She shrugged begrudgingly, grumpy from lack of sleep and from the smug look that overcame his face.
“So really, this is your fault!” she accused, jabbing a finger into his chest.
“I apologize sincerely if my handsome face has kept you awake all night,” he crooned, climbing back into the bed next to her. “How can I make it up to you?”
“You can let me sleep,” she said hopefully, batting her eyelashes at him winningly.
“Oh love, as much as I hate to deny you the things you want, especially when they involve staying in bed, I think that Jaskier and Y/N were quite hoping to speak with us about something. Perhaps something about a certain ultrasound that was done recently that would tell us the sex of the baby?”
As soon as Valdo’s words were spoken Aevryn shot up in bed.
“Oh my god! The ultrasound! Oh, fuck you should have led with that! How dare you let me stay in bed so long Valdo Marx!” she cried, nearly tumbling face first to the ground as she tried to extract herself from the bedding. Valdo caught her nimbly and took advantage of the sudden closeness to press a soft kiss to her lips that nearly made her forget her hurry. But only nearly. She rose back up and he gave her a little swat as she hurried to the bathroom, assuring her that he’d have the car ready when she got out, still grinning to himself as he thought about how very adorable his wife was.  
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ok i looked forever for a prompt and couldn’t find a particular one, but i would love some spicy fluff with Valdo, bc the boy has suffered enough for the week lol (x reader or valdryn, whatever you’re vibin’ bc you know how awkward i am about asking for my ship)
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 786 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: I hope you enjoy the vibe I was feelin’ bro
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Though known for his large, flashy gestures, Valdo prided himself on the little things. The subtle attention to detail that kept his loved one’s lives running smoothly. He woke a bit earlier than Aevryn (not hard to do since she usually slept in) and prepped the shower. He would lay out her favorite towel (which he made sure was always clean and ready), kept track of when she was running low on shampoo or her favorite body wash. When he heard her alarm go off and her sluggish stomping to the bathroom he’d begin prepping her coffee with a little smile on his face, a smile that was nearly always there since she’d come back to him and they’d agreed to make another go at things. If he had to go in before she woke up he made sure that the coffee pot was timed to start so by the time she came downstairs there’d be a fresh cup, not a whole pot because she’d worry about wasting it or try and chug it all, just two cups. He would also usually leave a little something for breakfast and a note so she knew his schedule. She had insisted that she didn’t need to track his location, that she trusted him, but he still liked her to know in case anything happened. Valdo was always thinking about what could happen but just enough to be cautious.
This morning, however, things were different.
Valdo was woken by the sound of something falling, clanging noisily downstairs. He sat up with a start, finding the bed empty and alarm bells immediately going off in his head. He hurried downstairs, not pausing to put on a robe or even slippers, and by the time he got to the bottom of the steps he could see the cause of the commotion. Aevryn was bent over, the short robe that usually skimmed the top of her thighs fully falling over her back as she wrestled with something in a lower cupboard.
“As much as I’m enjoying the view I feel compelled to ask what’s going on,” Valdo said, an amused lilt to his already playful accent. Aevryn stood up, noisily blowing a shock of hair out of her eyes, both hands around a large cast iron pan that Valdo hadn’t looked at since he’d seasoned it last winter.
“Valdo! Oh tits, no, you’re supposed to be in bed!” she exclaimed. Valdo smirked and moved closer, taking the heavy pan from her trembling arms before she dropped it on her foot.
“I do love it when you order me to bed but what is the occasion?” he asked, fingers gently grazing the curve of her jaw as her sea green eyes looked into his emerald ones.
“I’m making you breakfast in bed. But I can’t do it if you aren’t in bed,” she explained, fixing him with a pointed look that would have sent a lesser man scurrying to his room. Valdo was not a lesser man. His brow furrowed in confusion and surprise and she saw him glance to the calendar on the wall. As if he wasn’t the first to catalogue and remember every special occasion in their lives from their anniversary to their first kiss.
“It isn’t for any particular reason,” she explained, “But you do so much for me and everyone that I wanted to spoil you for once.”
Valdo’s eyes softened and Aevryn stood on tiptoes and brushed a kiss against his lips and as she pulled back to return to searching for pans he spun her back into his arms and into, a deeper, hungrier kiss. His hands roamed the soft material of the robe until it found the even softer skin of her thighs, grasping a handful of her ass possessively in a way that made her arch against him and nip at the bottom lip she’d captured between her teeth.
“But… breakfast…” she whimpered, a half-hearted plea as he began to trace the length of her neck with light, teasing kisses. He chuckled against her skin, hoisting her up in his arms as she wrapped her legs around him instinctively and he pulled back to look into her eyes again, the tenderness replaced with something darker but no less loving.
“Oh I’ll eat,” he purred before recapturing her mouth, his kisses deepening and his grip tightening as he walked her back up the stairs, not stopping until he’d deposited her on the bed, quickly shucking off the robe and divesting himself of his pajama bottoms. True to his word, an hour later when they fell apart gasping for breath, scrolling through the local restaurants looking for late brunch delivery options, they were both thoroughly sated.
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please feed me more aunt aev & uncle valdo hanging out with sammmmm?
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Punk!Aevryn x Punk!Valdo, Uncle!Valdo x Punk!Sam x Aunt!AevrynWord Count: 1,250Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @mlleecrivaine @amirahiddleston a/n: Bro~~ (also this bakery is a real one and we shall go there when you visit the PNW one day)
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Two pairs of puppy dog eyes gazed at Aevryn; one set of emerald green made more vibrant by black liner, the other a striking pale blue decorated with shimmering blue eyeshadow nearly the same shade. Beside them stood the piercing artist, unbothered by what was a common confrontation.
“Aunt Aev please,” Sam pleaded, braces catching the light emanating from the Edison bulb above their heads. Leave it to Valdo to find the most hipster-y piercing parlor in all of Seattle.
“Sam, your mom and dad gave us permission to escort you to get your ears pierced,” Aevryn said.
“This is part of her ears!” Valdo insisted, hands on Sam’s shoulders as she nodded eagerly.
“Ear lobes,” Aevryn emphasized. Sam sighed dramatically, shoulders slumping in defeat as Valdo patted them comfortingly.
“Next you’re going to tell me I’m not getting a tattoo either,” Sam muttered, turning around. Aevryn’s sea green eyes widened and then squinted at Valdo who shot her an equally alarmed look before Sam glanced back, a mischievous smile on her lips.
“Just kidding, Auntie Aev. Dad’s already told me I have to be 16 at least and that I have to go with Uncle Geralt and Aunt Yen for that,” she said. She hopped into the leather chair and the piercing artist got the gun prepped.
“Now we’re sold on the idea of the dolphins?” Valdo asked, “Because we could do the diamonds.”
“Let the girl have dolphins, Valdo,” Aevryn said, shaking her head with a smile.
“I just want her to embrace her power, darling,” Valdo exclaimed.
“Don’t worry Uncle Valdo. I can both be a queen and love dolphins,” Sam said reassuringly.
“Well as long as you know that,” he insisted, sharing a smile with her. Aevryn took Sam’s hand as the gun was positioned and then, when she saw how anxious Valdo looked, took his in her other one. They looked like they were praying as the little silver dolphins were punched into her ear. She didn’t so much as blink but her hand squeezed Aev’s hard. When it was done and they walked out with the cleaning solution and a few more pairs of earrings (including the diamond ones Valdo insisted on), they walked out towards the little French bakery for a post-piercing treat. There was a line as usual and Valdo tried to weave through the crowd but Aevryn reminded him that Jaskier and Y/N wanted Sam to have as normal a childhood as possible and he waited in line almost patiently.
“What are you going to get?” he asked Sam.
“Probably a macaron,” she said, slipping her hand into his out of habit. She was 13 now, growing rapidly before their eyes, but she was still just young enough to not feel lame about taking her family’s hands. Until she spotted Nic. Her hand slid out of Valdo’s and he looked down, a hurt expression on his face until he followed her gaze and saw the young man Aevryn had stalked on facebook (“it’s called research, I am still the liaison for their security detail after all” she’d insisted when Valdo teased her about it). He had his mother’s dark, curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. He spotted Sam and perked up waving at her before turning to the woman standing next to him and saying something. She looked over and nodded and he ran over.
“Hey Sam,” he said.
“Hey Nic,” she mumbled in return.
“Sam,” Valdo said, though Aevryn shook her head at him, “Are you going to introduce your friend to us?”
Aevryn rolled her eyes. He sounded just like Jaskier, the pair having more in common than either would admit, especially when it came to their protectiveness over Sam.
“Um, Nic is a kid from my class. Nic this is my Uncle Valdo and Aunt Aevryn,” she said. Valdo shook the boy’s hand and Aevryn gave him a warm smile.
“Hey,” he said to them briefly, though Aevryn could see a glimmer of recognition in his eyes that he quickly abandoned, focusing instead on the girl between them, “Did you pick a dinosaur for your project yet?”
“Yeah, Ciri and I are gonna recreate a Parasaurolophus,” Sam replied, perking up a bit as they entered a territory she felt more comfortable in, schoolwork.
“Oh cool! Teddy and I are doing a t-rex. Kinda basic, I know,” Nic said, shrugging self-consciously. Valdo scoffed in agreement, earning him a dark look and swat from Aevryn. He gave her a wide-eyed look, silently communicating that the kid said it first but she glared him down before fixing a sweet smile on her face as she looked back down at the two kids.
“My dad would say it’s classic,” Sam countered, giving him a big smile that he returned.
“Nic, we gotta get going hon,” the woman said, moving over to your little group.
“Valdo Marx,” Valdo said, extending an arm to introduce himself. She gave him a smile and shook his hand.
“Triss Merigold, Nic’s mom. Are you Sam’s parents?” she asked.
“Ah, tragically I do not have that honor. No, we’re just her aunt and uncle,” Valdo explained.
“Oh right, Jaskier’s kid,” she said with a fond smile as she looked down at Sam, “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Sam blushed a little bit and Nic looked askance while Valdo rankled a little at the woman’s words.
“It’s nice to meet you all. Maybe someday you can come over and do homework with Nic after school,” Triss suggested. Sam’s eyes widened a little and she mumbled something noncommittal. The kids said goodbye again and then Nic left and Sam moved forward in line, pointedly not looking at Valdo or Aevryn.
“He seems nice,” Aevryn offered.
“Ya, anyway, I’m gonna have a macaron,” Sam said quickly, clearly signaling that she would not be discussing her crush at this time or maybe any other. Aevryn smiled but when she turned to share one with Valdo he was scowling strangely.
“The kid seems nice,” she whispered.
“She’s not just Jaskier’s kid,” Valdo hissed back.
“She called her Jaskier’s kid, as though that’s what mattered,” he grumbled back.
“Hon, she is Jaskier’s kid. She probably would have said the same thing even if Jaskier wasn’t a celebrity,” Aevryn said. He shook his head.
“It’s hard having a whole… lineage behind you growing up. She needs to know that she matters as she is, not just because of who she came from,” he insisted. Aevryn smiled tenderly and planted a kiss on his cheek that he turned into a real kiss, moving his face to capture her mouth with his.
“She’s going to be ok. She has you to buy her diamonds and remind her she’s the Dolphin Queen, after all,” Aevryn teased, “And besides, she’s smarter than Jaskier ever was. She’s going to change the world, that one. Someday they’ll be calling Jaskier Sam’s daughter.”
Valdo smiled at the thought, a little bit because it meant Jaskier would be overshadowed but mostly because it spoke to the girl in front of them coming into her own. But he hoped, with a little twinge in his heart as Sam ordered in French, that it wouldn’t happen too fast. As they grabbed their pastries and moved back out into the brisk, Seattle air, looking for a bench with a good view of the Sound, Sam slipped her hand into Valdo’s again and he held onto it tight for the rest of the day.
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“I-I missed your arms around me as I slept, you made me feel safe.” valdryn? 💛
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 688 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: This is a wee bit of angst fluff but it was the Vibe I felt. It ends fluffily though! And there is some good Valdo Validation (Valdidation?). Anyway, have a wee petit four of a fic ~your bro
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In their years of knowing each other Aevryn had seen Valdo in many different states. Drunk, sad, raging, happy, sick, hungover, high, over-caffeinated; to tell the truth she thought she’d seen it all. But the Valdo who picked her up at the airport when she returned from her visit home was a different being altogether. At first she thought he may be hungover, between the large sunglasses and black tea the size of his head. She couldn’t taste alcohol on him, though, nor the telltale scent of generously applied mouthwash. He didn’t say much on the way to the car or on the drive home, not even to protest when Aevryn insisted on driving. She waited about five minutes, mulling over how to best approach this, before finally dropping all attempts at subtlety.
“Has something happened? You look like death.”
“I just haven’t slept well,” he answered glibly. Aevryn squinted suspiciously, eyes trained on the road.
“Hmm… no, I’ve seen exhausted Valdo. That’s not what’s happening here,” she argued.
“Oh so I’ve got different personalities now, do I?” he asked, the amused tone in his voice a little reassuring but still a far cry from the usually put together and energetic man she’d married.
“You know what I mean. Really, though, why haven’t you been sleeping?” she asked. Silence lapsed between them for a moment as Aevryn pulled into the driveway but after she turned off the car and shifted her body to face him, resting a hand on his knee comfortingly, he sighed.
“I didn’t sleep well because… I can’t sleep when you’re not here,” he admitted.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I-I miss your arms around me as I sleep. You make me feel safe. And when you’re not there it just takes me back to… when you weren’t there. And when I do wake up and your side of the bed is cold I have this horrible moment where I think – fuck, it was a dream. I knew it was too good to be true,” he explained. Aevryn’s sea green eyes grew soft and she leaned over, nearly crawling over the console to try and pull him into a hug that he gratefully sunk into. She pulled off the sunglasses and he winced at the light, the bags under his eyes somehow still darkly brooding and oddly handsome. She traced them gently and he kissed her palm as it grazed over his mouth, his red-tinged emerald eyes watching her face raptly.
“Valdo Swift-Marx,” she began, his face brightening a bit at the sound of their joined surnames as it always did, “I’m not going anywhere. Even when I go away, I take a bit of you with me. And not just because I always steal a jacket.”
“That’s where it went!” he gasped. She smiled and gently cradled his face in her hands.
“It’s because you’re a part of my heart. You always were and you always will be. We got the government involved, it was a whole thing.”
He smiled a little and she rewarded him with a little kiss.
“I know,” he said, nodding in time with her, “I think it’s just going to take time for me to know that this is real and that I’m not going to fuck it up.”
“I would love to show you just how real I am,” Aevryn purred seductively, “But I think it would actually finish you off, so instead I am going to walk you into that house, get you into bed, and we are going to take a nice, cozy, cuddly nap together.”
“That sounds nice,” he sighed, a deep, full-body sigh that seemed to contain all of the anxiety that had been weighing on him in the week she was away. Aevryn left the luggage in the car, leaving that for Future Aevryn to manage when she was better rested and more importantly her husband was well tended. As soon as her arms wrapped around him, limbs entwining and his head resting against her chest to feel the reassuring thrum of her heartbeat, he fell into a dreamless sleep.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Famous Last Words | Valdryn
Fandom: The Witcher Punk!AU (past) Pairing: Valdo Marx x OC [ Aevryn Swift ] / Platonic!Jaskier x Aevryn Word Count: 2815 Rating: M Warnings: This chapter is a bit on the darker side.  Trigger warnings for alcohol, implied Non-Con, as well as attempted suicide/overdose. Summary: A story of star crossed lovers, doomed from the start. It’s no secret that Valdo Marx has been in love with his best friend Aevryn since they were children.  He’s gotten everything he’s ever wanted in life handed to him, except for her – for her he’ll have to work, but for her he would do anything.  However, when fame goes to his head he loses sight of what’s important and a series of mistakes leads him down an irredeemable path.  This is the story of how Valdo loses her.
[ Part I | Part II | Part III ]
Three — I can't do anything except be in love with you
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“Remind me why I let you talk me into this again,” Aevryn said, glancing over at Valdo in the driver’s seat of his dad’s car.
“Because it’s almost graduation and you could use a distraction,” Valdo answered as several teens stumbled across the lawn, plastic cups in hand; the thump of the loud bass audible even from outside the house.  “Besides, when was the last time we went to a party together?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her as he fixed her with a cheeky grin.  “It’ll be fun.”
Aevryn met his gaze and held it before rolling her eyes.  “Okay, okay,” she gave in, a grin breaking across her face.  “You’re lucky you’re so persuasive.”
“Persuasive, Ha!” Valdo exclaimed, barking a laugh.  “I wasn’t even trying.  You know what I think?” he asked, opening the car door.
“Oh?  What do you think?” Aev asked, a barely concealed smirk gracing her lips as she circled the car to join him.  
“I think you just have a weakness for me.”
“A weakness, huh?” she cackled, “Oh, I’ll show you weakness…” Without warning she jabbed him in the arm with her fist.
“Ow!” Valdo winced, rubbing his bicep sullenly, until Aevryn scoffed, taking his arm and patting it.  “Oh please, that didn’t hurt.  Don’t be such a baby.”
“I’m not a baby, you’re a menace!” Valdo cried, but let her pull him toward the house, a giddy expression stealing across his face at her closeness.
Inside, the music washed over them and they both stopped, gaping at the press of bodies around them.
“Eyyy!  You made it!”  Valdo’s buddy, the host, called as he caught sight of the pair in the door.  “Come in!  You want a drink?” he asked, waving at them to follow him before turning and wading through the crowded hall.  Aevryn glanced at Valdo and shrugged, grabbing his hand and following after to the kitchen.  The counter was littered with bottles of alcohol and soda, and there were two kegs in the corner.
“Help yourself friends!” Valdo’s friend called over the music, clapping Valdo on the shoulder before waving to someone else in the crowd and swanning away distractedly.  Aevryn laughed as she watched him go and Valdo turned to peruse the makeshift bar.
“What are you doing?” Aev asked, leaning against the counter.
“Making our drinks,” Valdo answered as if it were obvious.  “Because we are not drinking that swill.”  He gestured disdainfully at the tapped keg, before pawing through the selection of liquor bottles and selecting a mixer.
“Here, try that,” he said, offering Aevryn the first cup, watching her reaction carefully as she took a sip.  “Not too strong?” he asked.
“Perfect,” she answered, taking another drink.
Valdo grinned, preening at her praise as he screwed the lid back on the bottle of rum and searching for his own drink of choice, quickly mixing himself a gin and tonic with the practiced hand of a teen who’d been raiding his parents’ liquor cabinet for a couple years now.
Finding a blessedly empty spot to sit, they plopped down on the couch, drinks in hand.  Valdo let his gaze wander, taking in the faces of the other people in the room, several dancing drunkenly to the music while at least one couple was making out in the corner.  He flushed as he imagined it as him and Aev; her body pressed between him and the wall, her hands tangled in his thick curls.
Tearing his eyes away he quickly took several deep drinks from his cup, nearly downing the rest of it, while Aevryn, oblivious, checked her phone.
“What are you doing?” Valdo asked, leaning closer to peer over her shoulder at the small screen.
“Just texting Jask to see if he’s here too.”  Already anticipating Valdo’s reaction she moved her phone out of his reach as he leaned across her, trying to grasp it.
Sulking when he came away empty handed he grumbled, stewing, “I doubt it.  He’s too lame for this scene.”  
“Be nice,” Aevryn prompted, pointing at him before checking her phone once more.
“Why do you want him to be here anyway?  Isn’t my presence enough for you?”
“C’mon, don’t be like that, V,” Aev replied, bumping her shoulder against his and giving him a level look.  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous.  And you don’t need to be.”
Valdo eyed her askance before shrugging.  “Jealous?  Of Pankratz?  Aev, darling, you’re wildly mistaken,” he scoffed.
“Uh huh, okay,” she replied sarcastically, suddenly jumping to her feet.  “Give me your cup, I’m getting us refills.”
Several drinks later Aevryn stumbled to her feet once more and turned to tug at Valdo.  “Dance with me V,” she slurred, sea green eyes entreating him and for a moment he nearly jumped to his feet, eager to do anything she wanted, but he persisted, not wanting to appear too eager.  
“Or are you still too cool to dance?” she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest as she regarded him.  “Because there’s a lot of other people dancing over there,” she pointed to the next room where the speakers were set up, “and if you won’t join me, I’ll just have to find someone who will.  Besides,” she continued over Valdo’s betrayed expression, his mouth opening to argue, “didn’t you say I needed a distraction?” she pointed out, her coy grin doing things to his already fragile heart.
That did the trick.  
The thought of her dancing with someone else, when clearly she wanted him was too much for him to pass up and Valdo made a show of reluctantly pushing off the couch.  
“Alright, alright,” he drawled, pushing his curls out of his face and fixing them just right; his head spinning slightly as he stood, almost tripping into Aev’s arms.  “You make a compelling argument Swift,” he said in her ear, his pulse jumping at her pleased smirk as she twined her fingers with his to lead him to the next room.
The music was louder here and the thump of the bass pulsed through the writhing mass of teenagers on the makeshift dance floor.  Aevryn pulled Valdo to the thick of the crowd and soon he forgot about what he looked like -- foolish or not, the only thing that mattered was the feel of Aev in his arms and the beat.
They danced for several songs before Valdo pulled Aevryn off to the side to catch their breath, giddy smiles plastered to both of their faces.  
“Thanks for talking me into this, Valdo,” she exclaimed, raising her voice so he could hear her and stepping closer.  “I’m having a lot of fun!”
“I’m glad!” he called back, practically vibrating with excitement as Aevryn moved closer still, something in her expression altering.  Her sea green eyes lingered on his lips and her eyelids fluttered as her fingers clutched at the zipper of his jacket.  There was hesitation as she drew her bottom lip between her teeth and her gaze shifted to his eyes, as if asking if this was okay.  
Valdo’s breath caught and for a moment he warred with himself, wondering if it was just the alcohol talking or if this was what Aev wanted -- if he was what she wanted.  “Aev?” he asked, his lips inches from hers, his hands lingering at her waist.  “Are you --?”
He heard her sigh, her hands tightening on his jacket as she pulled him closer.  “Just shut up and kiss me Valdo,” she murmured fiercely, the longing in her voice clear.
Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and leaned in obediently, closing the gap between their lips before he was roughly hauled back by the collar of his jacket.  Aev’s eyes flew open and the shock on her face was the last thing he saw before he was spun around, coming face to face with René, Aevryn’s ex.
“I knew it,” René hissed, grabbing the lapels of Valdo’s jacket, shaking him.  “I knew you were going to try something, you little snake.  I could see it every time you looked at her.  You were just biding your time, weren’t you?  Waiting til I was out of the picture.”
“Get off me,” Valdo bit out through clenched teeth.  He could vaguely hear Aevryn in the background, but couldn’t make out her words over the music and the pounding of blood in his ears.
“You stole her, you pompous asshole!” René continued, his grip not loosening in the slightest; his dark brown eyes tight with rage.
“I didn’t steal Aev,” Valdo spat back, shoving at the larger boy.  “She’s not a thing!  And she broke up with you!”
Several things happened all at once, and much too fast.  René drew back his fist as Aev yanked Valdo back, pushing herself in front of him to shield him from the blow.  The surprised look on René’s face would have been priceless, if not for the fact that he’d just assaulted Aevryn, her cheek and eye socket already beginning to darken; a sickly purple tingling her skin, blood trickling down from the split across her cheek.
“Aev, oh my God! I’m so sorry!” René exclaimed, instantly fussing over her, pulling her hand from her face to get a better look at the damage he’d done.  “Why the fuck would you do that?” he demanded, no doubt angry that she’d protected Valdo.
Valdo stood stunned, unable to move, much less think and barely able to breathe.  Everything dulled around him and all he could see was Aev, standing stock still, perhaps just as dazed as he felt.
“Aev?” he managed to croak and she turned to look at him, her eyes pleading as René grabbed her hand.  
“We need to clean you up,” he was saying, tugging at her hand.  “Come on, Aev.  Let me take care of that.”
Hot shame burned through Valdo’s veins and he numbly watched as she stumbled behind René, letting him lead her to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry V.  I’m so sorry,” she kept repeating.  “I didn’t want you to get hurt.  I’ll smooth this over.  Please understand.”
No, wait.  Why are you going with him?  You should come with me, we’ll get out of here.  I’ll take care of you.
The words stuck in his throat and he couldn’t make himself move.
Why don’t you stop her?  Don’t let her go!
Valdo just stood there.  
It wasn’t until she disappeared into the crowd that he began to feel curious eyes on him and catch snatches of whispers around him.  Suddenly incredibly angry he jerked his jacket up and pushed his way to the door, needing to be anywhere but there.
Several days had gone since the party and Aevryn hadn’t shown up to school.  The first day Valdo tried texting her.
No response.
That in itself was more than unusual.  No matter how sick she’d ever been, she always replied to his texts.
Unless she was mad at him.
Fresh guilt gripped him and Valdo let it be, though it nearly ate him alive.
The next day, when there was still no sign of her he started getting desperate.  Even going so far as to ask Jaskier if he’d heard from her.  He hadn’t.
Making up his mind to visit her after school, Valdo made it as far as her front door before losing his nerve.  How could he show his face to her?  He was the reason she had a bruised face and a black eye.  Clenching his hands into fists he turned and skulked home.
On the third day it was just after class when Valdo’s phone went off and his heart leapt to his throat as the sight of Aevryn’s name on his screen.  But upon reading it, his blood went cold.
“I’m sorry, V.  I don���t know how I can face this and I don’t know if I’ll see you again.  Please forgive me.”
It sounded far too much like a goodbye and fear clutched his heart.
Breaking no less than seven different laws he raced to her house, not bothering to knock before fishing out the spare key and letting himself in.
“Aev?!” he called.  “Aevryn!  Where are you?”  He tore through the house, making his way upstairs.  With a quick glance he saw she wasn’t in her room, but the bathroom door was shut.  “Aev?  Are you in there?  Let me in!  Please!”  
Pressing his ear to the door he heard a faint sound and without hesitating threw his shoulder against the wood til the door crashed open and he nearly fell, stumbling into the room.  Aevryn looked up at his from the floor, her eyes red rimmed and bleary, several empty bottles scattered across the floor and counter.
“Fuck, Aev, what did you do?” Valdo cried, his hands shaking as he grabbed the empty pill bottles, reading the labels hastily.  Falling to the floor he fumbled for his phone, nearly misdialing emergency services twice.
Now he just had to wait.
“Aev, stay with me,” he murmured, pulling her into his lap, doing anything he could think of to keep her conscious.  “Aev, why?”  His voice cracked, closer to a sob than anything.
“I couldn’t face it - face anyone.  I-I just don’t want to feel anymore.”  Her voice was weak, the words barely a whisper, but her eyes were open though she wouldn’t meet his gaze.  “They’ll all talk about me.  Call me terrible things.  I know how it works.”
“What are you talking about?”
A tiny frantic thought made his stomach drop and he desperately pushed it away, not wanting it to be true.
Aevryn whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut, not wanting to answer.
“Aev, what are you talking about?” Valdo repeated, shaking her slightly as her eyelids drooped.  “Did something happen?  Tell me please.”
“You’ll blame yourself,” she sobbed, tears rolling down her cheek.
Valdo froze.
“What happened after he took you away?”  He forced himself to ask, though he could already see it written across her face -- the shame, the disgust.  “Did he… did he… hurt you?”
She nodded, her eyes still shut tight.  “I told him no, but he didn’t stop,” she whispered.
It felt like all the breath had been knocked out of him and as the EMT squad rushed into the room, pulling Aevryn from his arms and off the floor, he knew she was right.  He blamed himself.
The entire ride to the hospital in the back of the ambulance, a single thought burrowed in his mind, repeating over and over, taking root.
I left her there with him.  It’s my fault.  I left her.
They wouldn’t let him go back with her -- family only.  And so, as Valdo stood in the waiting room, filled with nothing but anger, hate, and self loathing, an idea took hold of him; icy calm settling on his thin shoulders and he left the hospital to take care of some business.
Once it was done he crawled onto her hospital bed, curled up facing her and watched her sleep; his emotions warring in him like a caged beast.
He thought beating that fucker within an inch of his life would make him feel better.  But it didn’t.  It didn’t erase the pain he felt when he looked at her because he knew.  He knew it couldn’t erase what had been done to her.  But he’d decided on something.  His self-loathing would do nothing to help her.  Blaming himself would only make things worse and all he wanted was to be there for her.
Slowly Aevryn opened her eyes; the bruising on her cheek beginning to yellow as it healed.  She didn’t startle or move, just looked at him;  her gaze empty over the blankets pulled up to her chin.  
“Hey,” she croaked.
“Hey,” Valdo replied just as simply.
Several minutes ticked by and they just lay there like that.
“Run away with me.”  The words were out of Valdo’s mouth before he’d realized the thought was even in his mind, but he knew it was what he wanted.
“Where?” Aev asked, her voice cracking.
“Wherever you want.”
How could she tell him that it didn’t matter where they went, as long as he was there?
“I don’t know where I want to go,” she answered instead.
Unable to hold back any longer Valdo reached out, his fingers hesitant as they hovered over her warm tear stained cheek, wanting so badly to touch her, but afraid to.  Afraid she’d pull away.
“Come to London with me after graduation.  My dad’s paying for a flat there.  There’s a room for you if you like.  We can go to university together.”  Though quiet, his words were fierce.  
Aev’s eyes wavered, a spark of life flashing in them for a moment and her blankets shifted as her hand emerged, fingers wrapping gently around his hand.
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hey bro, i know you’re busy so whenever you have the timeeee, the melancholy is setting in again & i was wondering if you might bless me with some valdo cheering up aev when she thinks she’s not good enough? 💛
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 1,688 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: Ah bro, I know that feel. Here is an almost 2k word hug xo
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If there was one thing that Jaskier and Valdo could put aside their differences for, it was Aevryn. They’d done it as youths when she performed and they did it now as they worked to keep her from checking the hits her newly released demo were receiving. It went well for most of the day. Valdo woke up ludicrously early just to make sure he’d be there to pounce – somewhat literally – when she woke. After that lengthy distraction he pulled her into the shower with him before she could check her phone. Right on cue as they were just toweling off, Jaskier showed up at the door. He and Aevryn had a pact that if ever one of them showed up on the other’s doorstep and invoked Friend Code, the other had to drop everything and spend the day with them. Valdo made a big show of being dramatically grumpy about Jaskier arriving, such a big show that at some point Jaskier wasn’t sure how much was for Aevryn’s benefit and how much was just amusing himself, but he managed to get her out the door. Aevryn noticed her phone wasn’t on her as soon as they got in the car and Jaskier texted Valdo quickly to let him know that their first plan hadn’t worked as she went inside to find it. Valdo quickly tucked the phone in his jacket pocket, loathe to hide her property but desperate to keep her from seeing the numbers.
“It hasn’t just disappeared, Valdo, I swear I had it on the nightstand when we fell asleep last night,” she said, grasping under the bed though she knew Valdo paid their housekeepers handsomely enough that every inch stayed dust bunny free.
“We were pretty well knackered by the end of things, love, there’s a fair chance it got left behind in a restaurant or something or other,” Valdo lied lamely, frantically texting Jaskier for ideas to stall. Aevryn’s head popped up over the side of the bed, a swath of wavy hair falling into her face. She looked like a very adorable, very grumpy groundhog popping out of its hole but Valdo was just wise enough not to make that observation at that moment.
“Valdo I’m not going without my phone. What if something happened and you needed to reach me?” she asked.
“I’d call Jaskier,” he answered quickly. She cocked an eyebrow at him suspiciously.
“You’d call Jaskier?” she replied skeptically.
“If it were a real emergency, yes. I’m talking lost limbs and extensive blood loss. But I’ll endeavor to be safe in your absence,” he crooned as he tried to pull her to the door. She was almost over the threshold, Jaskier walking towards the door to escort her the rest of the way, when her phone went off in his jacket. There was no mistaking that it was her phone because the song that rang out was a punk cover of Barbie Girl, an inside joke between her, Yennefer, Win, and Y/N developed during a girl’s night. Her sea green eyes filled with hurt and suspicion as she stared Valdo down, reaching into his pocket to pull it out and finding a missed call from Win. A voicemail was left a second later and she opened it.
“Babe don’t even sweat it,” Win’s voice, filled with disdain said, “We know that it’s a solid album and the right people will catch on soon too. I know you hate taking favors from Valdo’s people but it’s only nepotism if you’re not qualified. I say call those bitches up and say Hello, This is Aevryn Swift and I’m here to kick ass and play beautiful music and I’m all out of ass. Or something like that. Idk, we’ll work out the details, call me when you can, bye!”
Valdo exhaled heavily, making eye contact with Jaskier who still stood a few steps away, both watching as Aevryn silently went to the bandcamp page to look at the download numbers. She stared at them for a moment, unblinking, and then nodded.
“Ok,” she said with eerie calm before turning to Jaskier, “This was just a ploy, right? You don’t actually need to invoke Friend Code?”
“Ah – well – Er… no,” Jaskier answered sheepishly. She nodded again and pushed past Valdo to walk into the house. The two men exchanged a last, regretful look and then Jaskier turned back to his car and Valdo re-entered the house, prepared for a raging fight.
Aevryn put the kettle on and picked up the little pile of mail on the kitchen island and Valdo walked in cautiously, waiting for… something. She glanced up, a cool but serene look on her face.
“Did you want some tea?” she asked.
“No thank you, dear heart, but I do want to talk about the likelihood of you trying to murder me in my sleep tonight,” he replied. She rolled her eyes, turning to pull a mug down from the cupboard. Not even one of her usual, fun mugs, just a standard green one that she teased Valdo for using because it was so “boring.” These were all very bad signs but also new ones and he wasn’t sure what they meant. After knowing Aevryn for half of his life he wasn’t used to this feeling, and he didn’t like it.
“I’m not going to kill you. You were trying to keep me from checking, right?” she asked, peering over her shoulder. He nodded, curls bouncing slightly as he did, and she nodded back.
“I get it. I mean, it wasn’t cool, but I probably would have done the same thing,” she said as she fixed her cup.
“It is bullshit, Aev. Win’s right, we have connections-”
“No, Valdo. Anyone can get an album released, hell I already did it. But money can’t make people like or care about something if they don’t. Even if I was willing to consider it – which I’m not – it wouldn’t make a difference. I wanted to give it a shot, I did, now I know,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as she poured an amount of sugar that Valdo would have been disgusted by before but barely registered at the moment.
“Aevryn if I didn’t know any better I’d say it sounded like you were planning to stop performing. But there’s no way that could be true because that would be utterly bizarre and impossible because music is a part of who you are and you have a rare talent that should be shared with the world. Right? Aev?”
Valdo moved a bit closer as he spoke, eyes softening with worry and Aevryn deftly slipped by him with her mug, unable to look him in the eyes as she replied.
“Don’t be dramatic, Valdo, you’re just biased. And it’s fine. Jaskier will be thrilled to have me work full time as social media manager again and it’s not like I still can’t play music,” she shrugged, settling into her favorite chair in the living room. Valdo propped his hands on his hips and fixed her with a stern but not unloving expression.
“Aevryn Deirdre Swift-Marx you are not going to give up playing music because some people on the internet didn’t pay attention to your music as quickly or as much as they should have. There is no shame in pushing back and doing what you love because you love it and fuck the rest,” he argued.
“There’s also no shame in deciding not to invest more time and effort in something just for it to be ignored,” she shot back, a flicker of anger in her eyes. Good, he thought, better anger than apathy.
“You did work hard. You wrote beautiful music, you practiced and performed, you edited and you put so much into this album. And it deserves to be recognized and appreciated,” he said, a vehemence in his voice that could only be described as “ferocious validation.”
“I did,” she replied, “I worked very hard and I think the music is good, why don’t they notice? Why don’t they care?”
Valdo caught the glossiness in her eyes before she could look away and nearly pitched her mug of tea over the chair onto the hardwood floors as he tried to pull her into a hug. He held her, awkwardly half-standing/half-crouching, not caring that his arm was falling asleep or anything but the fact that she held him back with her free arm, resting her head against his shoulder.
“I know it’s hard, love. But I have a proposition for you,” he said. She pulled back to look into his emerald eyes as he moved into a full crouch by her side, fixing her with an entreating look.
“What?” she asked.
“Today, be sad. Be angry. Be whatever you need to be. Take a break, perhaps. Process through it. But then forget it. Or let it fuel you. The only thing I ask is that you not let other people stop you from doing what you love. And even though it was hard work, I know you loved every part of it. And that deserves recognition and respect but most of all it deserves to exist. Because it makes you happy.”
She considered his words, pulling her hand inside the sleeve of her too-large sweater to wipe her face before tilting her head back and sighing.
“Ok,” she said, “I won’t quit the music industry forever. Not today, at least.”
“That’s all I ask,” Valdo said, rising to press a gentle kiss against her cheek, “Now how about I make you some fresh tea, because that’s gone cold, and you burrow under that blanket and pick something ridiculous for us to watch.”
“French Kiss is not ridiculous, it is classic and underappreciated,” you argued hotly. He smiled, pleased to see his spitfire back as he pulled the mug from your hands and thrust the quilted blanket into your lap.
“Whatever you say, sweetling,” he replied, and then set off to make her more tea, carefully selecting a mug shaped like an otter and searching for some biscuits before she could think to ask.
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Shut Up and Dance
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 390 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual​  a/n: An actual drabble!! Who knew?? This had to be a Valdryn piece because there was a lyrical reference to Juliet. So, you know, anyone else and it would have been illegal. Because the Law. This was inspired by my library on shuffle landing on: Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon
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“Ohhh I love this song!”
Aevryn sang the words and climbed off of Valdo’s bed. The pair had been lounging on it all afternoon after skipping out of classes early. Valdo looked up at her through furrowed brows, a haughty smirk on his face.
“I don’t dance, Aevryn,” he scoffed. Aevryn rolled her eyes and stuck her hands on her hips and Valdo frowned, noting the similarity in body language to her new friend Jaskier. Those two were spending far too much time together. Aevryn had been growing tired of this new phase of Valdo’s where he was too cool for the things they’d loved to do as kids. And Aevryn was not one to put up with anyone’s shit, least of all Valdo Marx’s.
“Shut up and dance with me,” she demanded, thrusting out an arm with an imperious quirk of her eyebrow. Valdo’s resolve wavered and finally, inevitably, crumbled away and he tried to hide the smile as he took her hand and she hauled his lanky frame onto his feet. She turned up the song and then twirled back around into his arms, unaware of the way his heart froze as she landed against his chest or when her sea green eyes looked up into his emerald ones, sparkling and laughing and breathtakingly beautiful.
“You alright V?” she asked, pulling away and starting to move to the music.
“Yeah,” he said, shaking his head a bit with a wry smile, “Yeah just, if we’re going to dance to a song it’s got to be better than this.”
“This is your mix CD,” she said, but he was already crossing over to the boombox to find another disc from the giant CD tower that dominated one corner of his spacious room. When he’d finally chosen one that he felt was more appropriate he turned and she gave a reluctantly acquiescent nod.
“Ok this is more dance-y it’s true,” she admitted. He smirked and she punched him in the shoulder. He shoved her lightly and she shoved him a bit harder, accidentally knocking him onto the bed. Her laugh was nearly a cackle and he couldn’t keep from laughing himself and this time when he stood up and joined her he danced readily and happily, spinning his best friend around with the same playful ease they’d shared for years.
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seanfalco · 3 years
Hi!! Could I please request Punk!Valdo x Aevryn with the prompt “lipstick’s a good look on you.” please? Thank you so much! 💄😈🎵
A Good Look on You
a/n: I’ve actually had this little prompt written like forever, but forgot to type it up.  Oops.  Prompt: “Lipstick’s a good look on you.” Word Count: 513
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“Valdo,” Aev hissed as he pulled her further back stage.  “What’re you doing?” she asked, though her voice was tinged with laughter as he pulled her into his arms, his hands wandering shamelessly.
“What, am I not allowed t’have a little alone time with my very lovely girlfriend before I go on stage?” Valdo asked haughtily, his lips finding her neck before she could answer, a soft moan leaving her mouth rather than the clever comeback she had ready on her tongue.
“Oh, what was that darlin’?  I don’t think I heard you,” Valdo teased, biting down on her skin til Aev cried out louder, the sound luckily masked by the cheers of the fans and the sounds of the opening band.
“You arse,” Aevryn huffed, rather breathlessly, affection in her tone.
“C’mon, don’t try to tell me you don’t want me, even a little bit, cause I’m not buyin’ it, my muse.”
“Alright, alright,” Aev laughed, giggling harder as Valdo pinched her ass, making her jump before she pressed herself closer to him.  “Yes, I want you, y’cheeky bastard,” she relented, pulling him forward by his gaudy jacket til his lips collided with her and his arms tightened around her waist.
Deepening the kiss, Aevryn slipped her tongue playfully into Valdo’s mouth, enjoying the way his breath hitched before he was snogging her back just as eagerly.
“Careful babe,” Aev cooed, kissing her way down his neck, “don’t wanna get too excited before you go on stage.
“Well, I thought you might take care of that for me, love,” Valdo admitted, groaning as Aev’s hand glided over the front of his tight leather pants.
Cocking an eyebrow, she looked up at him.  “How about we take care of that after your set,” she replied, her lips twisting with amusement.
“So cold,” Valdo whined petulantly before noticing her expression.  “What?” he asked, his lips twitching into a confused frown.
“Lipstick’s a good look on you, V,” Aev said with a wink as she ran her fingers over his lips, smeared dark red with the lipstick she’d put on earlier, several more dark lip prints littering his neck.
“What?” Valdo exclaimed, rubbing his fingers over his lips, merely smearing it worse.  “Oh shit, I didn’t think of that,” he muttered as Aev laughed.
“Hey, don’t blame me,” she countered.  “You were the one who wanted to get frisky before the show,” she pointed out.
“You do have a point, songbird,” he huffed.  “No regrets though.  D’you think it’ll be noticeable on stage?” he asked, already guessing from Aev’s expression that the answer would be yes.
“C’mon, I can help you clean up,” she offered, rising up on her toes to press one more kiss to his lips before pulling him back to the band’s dressing room.
“But I’m gunna leave a couple of these marks on your neck though, just t’let your fangirls know you’re mine.”
“No complaints here, darling,” Valdo replied with a shrug, following her eagerly, his thoughts already on what was to come after the show.
Taglist: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats @magic-multicolored-miracle @forenschik
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seanfalco · 3 years
15 for Valdo and Aev, Klaus and Win, and Sean and Aev?
15. what habits of the other drives them crazy?
Valdo & Aev
Valdo hates it when Aev eats in bed and gets crumbs in the sheets. Aev can’t stand how early Valdo wakes up (though he does make her breakfast and coffee and gets her shower ready for her, which softens her annoyance considerably).
Klaus & Win
It drives Win crazy when Klaus makes stuff in the kitchen and leaves it a disaster area afterward.  Like he’ll leave all the dirty dishes out in the sink and paw through the cupboards looking for stuff, leaving the doors open and stuff strewn across the counters. Win has been known to steal Klaus’s cigarettes, which he doesn’t usually mind, unless she takes the last one in the pack and doesn’t tell him/buy more.
Sean & Aev
answered here!
[ domestic otp q’s ]
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seanfalco · 4 years
Punk!AU Master List & Time Line
A collaborative Modern Witcher AU written by @ficsandcatsandficsandcats and myself, in which Jaskier, Geralt, & Yennefer are members of the punk band Vicious Mockery and the reader is a fan who ends up coming along with them on tour and begins dating Jaskier. Also features a couple of original characters and rival Valdo Marx.
*denotes smut
Drabbles/One Shots
Shut Up and Dance ( Valdryn )
A Good Look on You ( Valdryn )
*Choice Accomidations ( Valdryn )
Prequel 1 ( Jaskier x Indie!Reader )
Blonde ( Valdo x terrible decisions )
*Prequel 2 ( Jaskier x Indie!Reader )
Main Storyline
*Fingered in the Bus ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Mosh Pit ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Hugs ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*Backstage ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*Wearing his Shirt ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Piercings ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*Mistakes Were Made ( Valdryn )
Twister ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Stay Away from Aevryn ft. Valdo ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*More Mistakes Were Made ( Valdryn )
-> Road Trip takes place approx. here <-
*Distractions ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Too Drunk to be Driving ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
A Favour ( Valdryn )
Proposal ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Tattoos ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
D&D ( The Whole Gang )
Tour Bus Snuggles ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
A Puppy ( Valdryn / Platonic!Valdo x Reader )
Stupid Handsome Face ( Valdryn )
A Perfect Proposal ( Valdryn )
Fetch ( Valdryn )
Swift-Marx Wedding ( Valdryn )
*A Very Valdryn Honeymoon ( Valdryn )
Breakfast in Bed ( Valdryn )
Not Good Enough ( Valdryn )
Can’t Sleep ( Valdryn )
Disaster Wedding ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Staycation Honeymoon ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Double Date ( Jaskier x f!Reader / Valdryn )
First Fight ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Just Good Like That ( Valdryn )
Washing Hair ( Valdryn )
Cabin in the Woods ( The Whole Gang )
Movie Night ( The Whole Gang )
*In the Cemetary ( Valdryn )
Don’t What Me ( Valdryn )
Future [ft. Sam, Ciri, & Nic]
Tea & Nursery ft. Valdo ( Jaskier x f!Reader / Platonic!Jaskier & Valdo )
Girl’s Night ( The Punk!Girls )
Giving Birth ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
I found you in crying in the bathroom at the Grammys ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Sam’s First Birthday ( The Whole Gang )
First Word ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
The Kiss Monster ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
First Anniversary ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Future ft. Sam ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Brunch ( The Whole Gang )
Introducing Ciri ( Geralt x Yennefer )
Ciri’s Room ( The Whole Gang )
Uncle Valdo ft. Sam ( Jaskier x f!Reader / Valdryn )
Twinsies ft. Sam & Ciri [ Jaskier x f!Reader / Valdryn )
Pre-teen Sam ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
It Was Always Him, Wasn’t It ( Valdryn )
Sweets ft. Pre-teen Sam & Nic ( Valdryn )
First Date ft. the Uncle Squad ( Sam x Nic )
Jealous ( Sam x Nic )
Promposal ( Sam x Nic )
Road Trip (takes place after More Mistakes Were Made) - Completed
Part 1 — Coming Out of My Cage
Part 2 — Out Here in the Field
*Part 3 — It’s All Over Baby, But I’m Still Yours
Part 4 — But Where’s Your Heart
Part 5 — If You Need Anyone
Part 6 — Your Shockwave Whisper has Sealed Your Fate
Part 7 — It Was Not Your Fault, But Mine
Part 8 — Hold Out Your Hand
Part 9 — And We’ll All Float On Okay
Famous Last Words [ Valdryn / Platonic!Jaskier & Aevryn ] (Prequel) - Hiatus
Part I — I Can't Do Everything but I'd Do Anything For You
Part II — All I Do is Kiss You Through the Bars of a Rhyme
Part III — I Can't Do Anything Except Be in Love With You
Punk!Aevryn (oc)
Picrew: Gang + 2nd Gen
Valdryn Commission - Varrix
Valdryn Commission - Soddingcloudgazer
Aev & Valdo Portrait Commission - witchesconstellation
General Punk!AU HCs
Punk!Jaskier & social media HC
Punk!Valdo HCs
Punk!Aevryn HCs
Aevryn Faceclaim
Aevryn n//sfw alphabet
Favourite down time activities
Vicious Mockery’s reaction to fanart/fic
Tour bus HCs
Does the gang smoke?
Keystone moments (to write)
Drinking HCs
Ultimate Ship Meme: Valdryn
updated: 8/29/2021
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