nonperfect · 10 months
Llega el puente de diciembre . Apetece alejarse e huir hacia mundos agradables, en paz. Aunque sea mentalmente…Difícil. Lo sé. Buscaba una imagen para ilustrarlo y me he encontrado con Ofelia. Son viñetas de Julieta Arroquy, periodista e  ilustradora argentina y su personaje,  Ofelia que es un encanto. Y esta es la “ilustración-definitiva ” ; – ) ¡Feliz “lejos”!
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itsays · 1 year
ao haru ride drama in the works and it's two seasons i PRAYED for times like this
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El Quelite: A Time Capsule of Charm Beckons from Mazatlan
Escape the bustling beaches of Mazatlan and delve into the heart of Sinaloa with a captivating day trip to El Quelite. This quaint colonial town, nestled just 25 miles northeast, offers a glimpse into Mexico’s rich history and a vibrant local culture. El Quelite’s name originates from “quelites,” a wild green vegetable similar to spinach. Founded in the 1800s, the town boasts a timeless charm.…
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generaldavila · 10 months
LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN MADRE DE LOS INFANTES (Dedicado a los desconocidos infantes de todos los tiempos)
8 de Diciembre, día de la Inmaculada Concepción, Patrona de España y de su Infantería. Fue España la Nación que por sus reyes y por sus teólogos, trabajó más que nadie para que amaneciera el día de la proclamación del dogma de la Concepción Inmaculada de María. Quizás fue por ello que quiso la Inmaculada formar parte de la Infantería española mostrándose como su protectora un 8 de diciembre de…
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lescroniques · 1 year
A Aragó, hi ha 226 alumnes amb discapacitat auditiva, 148 dels quals estudien al col·legi especialitzat La Puríssima de Saragossa
cartv.es A Aragó hi ha actualment 226 alumnes amb discapacitat auditiva matriculats fins a Batxillerat: 46 a Osca, 13 a Terol i 167 a Saragossa. A més, a la Universitat de Saragossa hi ha inscrits altres 25 estudiants…[…] (cartv.es)
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queretarotv · 1 year
Apoya diputado Memo Vega a familias afectadas por granizada en la comunidad de La Purísima, Pedro Escobedo
En una pronta respuesta ante la granizada sucedida hace algunos días, el diputado por el Distrito 10, Memo Vega trabajó en coordinación con el gobernador Mauricio Kuri y con el presidente municipal de Pedro Escobedo, Amarildo Bárcenas, con la finalidad de apoyar a las familias afectadas por la granizada en la comunidad de La Purísima, Pedro Escobedo. Luego de un censo a través del cual se…
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oldsardens · 2 months
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Juan Sanchez Cotan - Purísima Concepción
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eddy25960 · 16 days
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La predicazione di San Giovanni Battista - The preaching of Saint John the Baptist (1635) “Oil on canvas, 230 x 140 cm” [iglesia de la Purísima, Salamanca, Spain] — Guido Reni (Italian; (1575 - 1642)
Alternate title: San Giovanni Battista nel deserto - Saint John the Baptist in the desert
The canvas is part of the main altarpiece of the Iglesia de La Purísima in Salamanca (see first comment).
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mexicoantiguo · 3 days
Imagen de Palacio Gobierno de Aguascalientes y el Monumento a Juárez. Aguascalientes, México.
Ca. 1900
El Palacio de Gobierno de Aguascalientes ya era un edificio significativo en la vida política y administrativa del estado. Fue construido entre 1665 y 1669 durante la época colonial, originalmente como residencia de la familia Rincón Gallardo, una de las más influyentes de la región.
En el año de 1922 la escultura de Juárez fue reubicada junto a la Estación del Ferrocarril y a partir de 1961 en el lugar que ocupa actualmente junto al templo de la Purísima y al monumento de los Hijos Insurgentes del Estado.
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
Who was the last deadly victim of the Spanish Inquisition?
Technically, the last victim sentenced to death by the Spanish Inquisition was María de los Dolores López, a Sevillian nun killed in 1781 for heresy. However, things didn't stop there.
The Spanish government of the Three Liberal Years (1820-1823) technically abolished the Inquisition, but the Inquisition continued the same now under the name of "Faith Tribunals". The same men who were inquisitors continued to do the same job as members of the Faith Tribunals, and the Inquisition's prisons simply became the Faith Tribunal's prisons. De facto, everything stayed the same until 1834.
Then, who was the last person killed by these fanatic tribunals?
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It was this man: Gaietà Ripoll i Pla. A teacher sentenced to death in the city of València in the year 1826.
He was born in Solsona (Catalonia) in 1778. He fought in the Peninsula War against Napoleon's invasion, but in 1810 was captured as a prisoner of war and taken to France. There, he met Quakers and converted to Deism (belief in God that can be observed through empirical means, but not follower of one specific religion or Church). Four years later he came back and became a teacher.
He taught children in Russafa (nowadays, this town has been absorbed by the growing city of València and has become a neighbourhood of València), in a house built by the neighbours and also giving private lessons. Russafa was a very rural town, where most of its inhabitants worked in the fields and did not know how to read nor write.
Writings of the time show that Gaietà was very respected by the neighbours, who praised his integrity and goodness, but the fact that he did not go to mass caught people's attention. When a local woman asked him why he didn't go, he answered that he knew more than the priests. After some time, some neighbours told the Archbishop of València that this teacher was not following Catholicism's rules and wasn't making children pray in school.
He was arrested in October 1824 and jailed for two years in what used to be the Inquisition's prison in València, which was now the Valencian Faith Tribunal's prison. The inquisitor (now president of València's Faith Tribunal) Miguel Toranzo wrote that Gaietà refused to accept the truth of Catholicism and that he told children in his school that they should not say Ave María Purísima and that it's not necessary to hear mass in order to be saved.
To sentence him to death, the tribunal used the Medieval Partidas laws from Castile, which sentenced to death those Christians who had walked away from Catholicism to become heretics or Jewish. He was sentenced to be hanged and burned, but the sentence added that "nowadays no nation in Europe burns or materially sentences men to the flames", thus "the burning can be represented by painting flames on a bucket, which the executioner will place under the scaffold so that the prisoner's suffocated body will fall in it".
And that's how it went. He was hanged in València's Market Square, fell on the fake-flames bucket, and his body was thrown to the Túria river.
During all the centuries that it lasted for, the Inquisition/Faith Tribunals caused unimaginable amounts of suffering and death, not only to the people they were torturing and killing, also to their families, their friends, their neighbourhoods (consider the fear and trauma inflicted on everyone who saw it happen and knew it could happen to anyone), their whole communities (was the mostly-illiterate town of Russafa not better with the work of this kind-hearted teacher who gave its children a formal education?), and even the whole of Humanity (we have lost countless works of art, of science, philosophy, medicine, new ideas that could bring us all better times). Even after the end of the Inquisition/Faith Tribunals, even after the end of the Spanish national-Catholic dictatorship (1939-1978), there is so much that we can never get back that was taken by religious fanaticism / Christian extremism.
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Translation of the plaque: València's City Council restores this plaque which was in this square between the years 1906 and 1940, in homage to Gaietà Ripoll i Pla, a freethinker teacher who had his school in Russafa and who was the Inquisition's last victim.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Back Again -Pedri González
Summary: After 65 days out, your boyfriend's back where he belongs, still you can't help but worry for his recent injury once more when he gets fouled.
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"PEDRI, PEDRI, PEDRI" You and the crowd where chanting your boyfriend's name over and over again after seeing him warm up during the begginings of the second half against Atlético de Madrid
"He's waiting" You hear Fer, Pedro's brother tell you as your eyes went back to the number 8. You smiled cheering the moment, Ferran clapped his hands with Pedri's, the latter one running in the pitch
"He's back!" You cheered like a school girl for him, Fer laughing at you, you hugged his arm moving him around a bit, he was looking down at his phone watching the video he just took.
Your screams could be heard and so were the audience's ones.
"I'm feeling over the moon" You mumbled "I dont even care if we win or if we don't. I'm just glad, he's back. I'm happy he's happy. I'm happy he's back. I'm gonna explode from the happiness I'm feeling for him" You said tears threating to spill from your eyes, you shook your head "I-" You laughed looking down, tears escaping
"You're crying?" You nod feeling Fer hug you whlist laughing "Don't worry, cariño. He's back for good, he's Pepi, no one can stop him" You smiled
"I never want to see him so sad and defeated like he used to be lately. He looked like a lost puppy and I just don't-" You cut yourself off, crying.
"He's fine, love. He's fine" Fer kissed your hairline as he hugged you "He's back and we are all happy for it" You nod "Now, wipe those tears, if he sees you like this, he will kill me thinking I did something to you" You laughed "and let's cheer for that tonto and see if he can score on his return" You sniffed wiping your tears and fixing your Barca jersey, the yellow kit with the 8 on your back.
Even though Barcelona was winning they seemed a bit lost that was until Pedri came in and the game did an incredible change.
You were feeling so proud you couldn't contain yourself. Everything was good until you saw that Atlético player foul Pedri pretty rude and bad.
You gasped standing up from your seat, heart ready to go out from your mouth and soul ready to leave your body too. You were feeling like you were going to pass out, you paled and prayed it was just a mere foul, not something big that could get him out for another uncertain amount of time, praying that nothing happened with his injury, that he was alright. You just got him back there.
You couldn't see properly who but you did see some of Pedri's teammates get close to him asking him if he was alright, which you could guess he said yes because he was soon up and kept on playing.
"No! No! Is he alright? Please tell me he's alright. I'm gonna pass out. Fernando please tell me he's good. Can't feel my legs... Or heart for that matter"
"Hey, you calm down" He said passing you a bit of Gatorade as you chunked it down all the way "He's good, he's good. He's looking at us now" Your eyes danced to find Pedri and once you did he gave you a thumbs up as you smiled back at him and blew him a kiss.
"Ay, ave María purísima, gracias al cielo, señor, he's alright" You said quickly nodding several times to make yourself believe he was alright
"He is" Fer reassured you nodding
The game went on as if nothing had happened, when Gavi dribbled among five players and passed the ball to Pedri, who quickly as soon as he touched it, he kicked it inside the net. The whole Camp Nou stadium roared, screamed and cheered. He officially sealed his comeback.
Pedri ran towards you were seated and after he put his glasses back on, he made your initial and sent you a kiss "Te quiero" You read his lips and smiled clapping for him
"Y yo a ti" You mouthed back watching him smile and be hugged by his teammates.
Soon the match was over 2-0, goals by Ferran and Pedri. Pedri was proclaimed as the MVP of the match, making you incredibly happy.
After a while, you were waiting for the team to step out of their changing room or most likely, for your boyfriend to come out
"You'll make a hole on the ground" Fer's voice snapped you back to life and blushed a bit stopping your leg movement
"Sorry" You let out a breath combined with a laughter"I just wanna see him"
"And you can see me" Your boyfriend's voice sounded behind you, making you turn around instantly.
His smile greeted you, his beautiful and rosy cheeks were still making an appearance, his hair wet from the shower. You were taking him in when Fer's laugh pulled you out of your thoughts
"¡Venga, hermanito!" Fer yelled "Congratulations, you did good out there"
"Missed a few balls here and there" Pedri said frustrated but you shook your head
"Nothing the team and you couldn't handle" Fer smiled "Really happy for you to be back hermanito"
"Gracias Fer" Pedro said smiling before turning his attention back to you "Cat got your tongue?" He joked a bit coming over to hug you.
Suddenly all you could remember was when that Atleti player fouled Pedri and images of him once more on the ground filled your eyes and head
"Are you okay?" You whisper-asked grabbing his cheeks, inspecting him. His hands went to your waist while nodding with a smile on "Are you sure? Nothing hurts? No strains? All good?" To each of your questions, Pedro nodded or shook his head smiling
"I am good, bonita" He smiled "Everything good" His grip on your waist tightening "Saw you were a bit nervous"
"Nervous?" You laughed separating a bit from him "I shitted my pants, González. Didn't wanted anything bad happening to you once more. Can't stand seeing you so down like you used to be around the house and you want to play so badly and no one can bear another Barca injury" Pedri laughed
"I'm good, I promise" You smiled watching his beautiful brown eyes
"Then... Congratulations, MVP" He laughed leaning down to kiss you properly
"Goal was for you... Like always" You giggled
"Loved it, thank you" Your hands went to his hair playing with it "and loved seeing you with your glasses back on"
"Missed it" He declared as you smiled at each other. You leaned closer and kissed his lips
"Bro... Sis" Fer interrupted you making you laugh "Gotta go have to work early tomorrow. But congrats once more, hermanito. Really proud of you and love you" Pedri smiled hugging Fer
"Thanks hermano. Love you too" Fer turned around and hugged you too "Cálmate que él está bien, que no te de otro patatus" (Calm yourself down, he's alright. We don't want another attack for you) You both laughed talking about your almost-passing-out moment.
You both watched when Fer left when you felt Pedri's hands on your waist once more
"So... You're okay?" You asked again gaining a laugh from him as he nodded
"I'm good, bonita. Promise you. So good, I scored tonight" He smirked "And hopefully I'll score a few more later on" You blushed immediately getting his reference and pulled yourself closer to him
"Can't wait for it, lindo"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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electronica-1 · 2 months
Ave María Purísima...
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almasmoons · 1 year
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Virgen de los Lirios, Alphonse Mucha, 1905
Información General
Técnica: temple
Soporte o material: lienzo
Dimensiones: 247cm x 182cm .
Obra del gran maestro Alphonse Mucha (Ivaneice, 1860 - Praga, 1939). Fue un pintor, ilustrador y artista gráfico checo que vivió en París durante el período Art Nouveau.
Aunque es una de las obras menos conocidas de este artista, no deja de sorprender el nivel de técnica que lleva.
En 1902, Mucha fue comisionado para decorar una iglesia en Jerusalén dedicada a la Virgen María. La obra es uno de los murales que sería puesto en la iglesia. El proyecto se canceló más adelante por razones desconocidas, así que todo el remanente del encargo terminó en la colección Mucha Trust.
De caracter religioso, representa a María, virgen purísima según palabras de su autor. El fondo está sembrado de lirios que dejan una representación muy clara de lo que el artista quería expresar en la obra. 
La santa madre, con aspecto casi infantil, posa vestida de telas muy pesadas cubriendo su pecho y mirando hacia abajo, donde hay una niña vestida con ropa tradicional de la cultura eslava. Ella, con una expresión ligeramente triste, inclina la cabeza hacia la izquierda, lo que nos dirige la mirada hacia la Virgen. 
Ambas parecen estar conectadas entre sí por una de las telas del vestido de María. Se cree que la niña representa la vida profana cargada de belleza en el sufrimiento y la felicidad, María entonces al fondo, casi como si flotara, vigilándola desde un punto muy alto. Un encuentro del mundo real y el mundo ideal.
La imagen transmite a quien la ve una sensación serenidad y nostalgia. La virgen, con su expresión tranquila y los colores que lleva, dan la sensación de proteger al observador y la niña, quien tiene una expresión ligeramente triste.
Para dar este efecto, Mucha da uso a su característica paleta con colores poco saturados en una paleta complementaria doble que combina tonalidades azules y verdosas con amarillas y rojizas.
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hidropost · 1 year
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Uno de los barrios más tradicionales y emblemáticos de Aguascalientes es sin duda, el de La Purísima; su templo, su tianguis y su glorieta son puntos de referencia para todos los hidrocalidos.
Es justamente la glorieta situada en el corazón de este barrio la que tiene una historia peculiar, y es que, dicho punto está inscrito en el libro de los Récord Guinness, debido a que a partir de él desembocan 11 avenidas.
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zzasturn · 7 months
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really funny art i saw at a gay "catholic" themed club called "la purísima (puri)" as in "the holy" i think. sorry for the bad blurry pics, just wanted to share.
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dabid-motozalea · 16 days
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La recta más larga de América.
Baja California Sur tiene un tramo carretero que parece interminable. Con una longitud de 168 km entre La Paz y Comondú, es la recta más larga de México, y la segunda del mundo.
Inicia en el pequeño poblado de Santa Rita ubicado en el kilómetro 157 del tramo carretero La Paz- Ciudad Insurgentes, pasando por las localidades de Villa Morelos, Ciudad Constitución, Ciudad Insurgentes, Ignacio Zaragoza, La Poza Grande, Francisco Villa, para finalizar en su tramo recto cerca del entronque a Las Barrancas y siguiendo más delante con el poblado de La Purísima.
Una recta enorme para morirse de asco conduciendo, pero en un lugar maravilloso con unos paisajes de película
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