springstreams · 5 years
    Maki never considered herself the type to go out and socialize. In fact, she rather thought that her demeanor held the opposite effect. It tended to chase people away when they heard her blunt way of speaking. Still, Kaede was never like this. Ever since they began talking more in Spirale, Maki had come to learn more about the pianist. Even if she thought some of her actions in the killing game were foolish, the blonde didn’t have bad intentions. She never really did acknowledge this to the girl, did she? Thus, when the two met up at the boardwalk, she figured she could at least address it.
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    “Akamatsu,” she started. Her words are short as ever. “Remember.. Back then. I thought your way of thinking would get us killed. You trusted too easily. You still do.” At least, that was something that would be hard for Maki to shake. “But.. I get it. I guess. If you think of everyone as friends, it’s hard to imagine them killing. That’s why I was against it. I still am. Maybe I was too harsh, though.”
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gaeabound · 5 years
“kaede, what do you think of this dvd player --- ”  kurowli starts, spotting the device on display behind a crystal window. he means to poke meaningless fun at the young girl on their walk through the shopping district; their last encounter leaving only fresh memories in his mind. but, the sense of amusement quickly falls flat when he turns to face her.
he is left blinking in confusion, trying to make sense of the image before him. somehow, the deity was staring back at his own body and not at kaede. and come to notice, somehow the weight and height of multiple places, he felt smaller and daintier. the wrongness of it all held him rooted as he looks down at himself ( ? ), seeing kaede’s clothes and that her arms were his arms, her hands his. briefly, he raises them to touch warm cheeks in a slow pouring shock,  “ ... what ? ”
but, it was short-lived. 
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the thought of his soul being trapped in another had slammed down hard and he flinches away from the seemingly foreign touch. just moments ago, they were in their respective bodies and now, they were not. how did this happen --- was that kaede standing, or was there a stranger parading in his skin ? a protective anger surged from within, twisting thin brows into a furrow.
with a demand that would most likely be futile in this strangeness, kurowli speaks through gritted teeth,  “ kaede, if that is you ... give back my body. NOW. ”
@pureryudo // event : empatheorem
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creatrices · 5 years
    Miu was always very confident in herself. She enjoyed waking up each morning to her beautiful face, adjusting her goggles, and starting off her day by crafting some genius inventions. This day, however, was different. Before she realized it, the inventor knew something was off as her eyes opened from slumber. Her bedroom was way more exciting than this one. Upon standing up, she went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the large vanity mirror. “Oh, shit.” Those were the words she uttered to herself as she noticed she was, indeed, in the body of Kaede Akamatsu.
    Running a finger through the pianist’s hair, she knew she had to find where her body was. Logically, the best place to look for that were to be where she lived. As she exited Kaede’s place, she closed the door and walked down the hall to be greeted by, well.. Herself. Or, well, Kaede. In Miu’s opinion, Kaede should consider herself lucky. How many opportunities would she get to be the gorgeous girl genius?
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    “It’s you, Bakamatsu! Just the person I was looking for. So, uh.. Did you do this shit? Ah, nevermind. You’re probably thinking to yourself that only a fucking genius like me would do this. Well.. Sorry to break your heart, but you’re wrong!” She laughed, placing her hands on her hips. “Hey, how about I pretend to be you? Okay, I’ll start!” With that, she cleared her throat in an attempt to impersonate her. “My name is Kaede Akamatsu! I’m the Ultimate Pianist! I wish I were the Ultimate Inventor, though.. Iruma-san is just the best!”
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diaflares · 5 years
    As much as self-protection was important, Makoto just as much wanted to protect others. There were plenty of people roaming the streets who didn’t have a means of standing against the weird creatures and static surrounding them. It left an un-settling taste in the mouth. Even if her persona lacked some physical capabilities at the moment, that needn’t matter. The president herself was equipped with her brass knuckles and fists. That was enough to wipe out an enemy. Besides, her time as a Phantom Thief certainly helped excel her skills when it came to strategics, hiding, and all out attacks.
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    When she saw a familiar blonde girl standing inside a vacant store by herself, Makoto’s initial reaction was to check the surroundings. It was a good hiding spot, but something felt off. She stood still for a moment, red hues scanning the area. As she did so, the brunette spotted a nearby ‘shadow’ crawling in their direction. Before reaching out to the other girl, Makoto yelled, “I’ll be right back. Don’t move, okay?” With that, Makoto hopped back onto Johanna (her motorcycle persona) and drove towards the enemy. She quickly jumped off the bike once it was in arms reach, smashing it down in a matter of moments.
    Once that was over, Makoto walked back to Kaede. “Are you okay? I imagine you were hiding in here for self-protection. That was a good idea.”
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seizonka · 5 years
@pureryudo // isolaween starter call
Of course, someone with a title like the Ultimate Pianist would definitely be able to pull off a great piano concert. Rantaro had been looking forward to the musical numbers at the party from the moment they had been announced, the amnesiac making sure to step out from wherever he was to listen in on Kaede’s playing and Rise’s accompanying singing when the festivities started. From there, it was just going through with the rush of the party and making sure that everyone who needed make up help was getting it. When Kaede stopped by though, Rantaro made sure to step aside and greet his classmate with gusto. 
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“Akamatsu-san! I saw your performance, it was amazing! Can’t say that I’ve ever really had the opportunity to listen to such a great rendition of some classics, but I’ll have to remember this for sure. Ah, well, while we’re here, do you want any make up done?” 
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gentomologist · 5 years
"Ah, Gonta-kun! There you are!" She was looking for him, it was his special day today, after all! "Happy Birthday! I'm very happy that we can celebrate your birthday together this year!" If there would be a piano, she'd play him a happy birthday song too... but they weren't near any instrument. That's okay though! She still got another surprise, which she handed him nicely wrapped right after. "I hope you like this! It's very pretty and made me think of you!" It was a blue butterfly brooch.
   It stands out that Kaede mentions being able to celebrate together this year — it’s Gonta’s third time celebrating his birthday since the killing game, yet to Kaede it must seem like the first. It might be the first time he’s gotten to celebrate it with her, too, so this feels extra meaningful.
He’s blushing, of course; no matter how many times he’ll celebrate his birthday here, he’s going to remain humbled by the fact that friends are willing to do so with him. Thinking of him, giving him things… It’s a lot, but a gentleman must always gratefully take what is given to him.
Before he’s opened the gift, he’s already sure he’ll like it. 
“Thank you, Akamatsu-san,” he says as he proceeds to unwrap. Bug-related gifts are expected by now, but it seems his friends keep thinking of new ways to be creative with them! (Of course, if ever he were to receive a duplicate gift, he’d still love it anyway.)
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“Oh… This is what you can attach to clothing, right? Gonta could do that. With his suits! Ah, it looks like a morpho butterfly.” It takes him a moment to tear his gaze from the brooch, so that he may smile up at Kaede. “You really were thinking of me… Th-thank you again!”
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wavesang · 5 years
Send me a ♥ and my muse will compliment you.
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    “Your piano skills are just amazing! Performing with you a few weeks ago.. It’s something I’ll never forget. Piano takes just as much work as singing does! If you ever have free time, I’d love to learn from an expert!”
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ultimatedefective · 5 years
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Shuichi held his hand in front of his face, curling his fingers over his mouth. A nervous habit, a gesture he usually made when he was overthinking things. He muttered to himself inaudibly as he went over the plan he had already made in his head. Before he could get through it, he suddenly felt Kaede’s presence behind him and whipped his head around. 
“O-oh you’re here! I’m glad you wanted to go to the festival with me Akamatsu-san. Hm? Scared, no I’m not scared, I just don’t do well with crowds, or loud noises. But otherwise I’m fine.” 
Shuichi took a deep breath to collect himself. The only reason he was so nervous was because he wanted to show Kaede a good time. When they met outside the game, she still carried so many feelings of regret for what happened. He wanted her to forget it all. They were outside the game. They could go back to acting like normal teenagers like they promised they would. 
Even if it was just a distraction, he just wanted her to forget ti all for a little bit. He removed his hand from his face, and looked festival around him. “You know, I still don’t know that much about music. They have an entire place dedicated to music here. If it’s not much a bother do you think you could show me around?” He nervously stuffed both of his hands in his pockets. 
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heroicadvents · 5 years
It was a bit difficult for Sayo to get around now, she wasn’t able to blend into any crowds if desired. In the waters she was among other mermaids, however when she was on land there were so many different types of species walking around. She didn’t wish to only remain within the water, not much would be accomplished that way. That’s why she decided to approach a girl who looked relatively normal in comparison to others. 
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“Excuse me, have you seen any energetic high school girls playing instruments around here?” Sayo was worried about the members of Hello Happy World, who knew what happened to them in this situation. Hopefully the other wasn’t afraid to talk to Sayo, her scales weren’t exactly hidden. 
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isolaradiale · 5 years
Hi there! I'm fully back so I'd like to take Kaede Akamatsu from Danganronpa v3 off hiatus now! Thanks!
Welcome back!
-- ⋆ δCaeli
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himerasu-blog · 5 years
    Yukiko was no music expert compared to her peers, but she did recognize a good rhythm when she heard one. She felt the tunes of a piano at a nearby cafe with an available piano for use. The girl had seen it before but never bothered to try it out herself-- The instrument of choice for Yukiko was something much more akin to a triangle. Still, she admired those with musical talents.
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    The brunette entered the cafe and stood still as she listened to the music and watched the other girl’s fingers beautifully fly over the piano keys. With that, she walked over towards the blonde after she finished playing a song. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but that was amazing..! You’re very talented. Have you been playing piano for a long time?” At least, that seemed to be the case.
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springstreams · 5 years
    When Maki got a text message from Kaede inviting her to the ice rink together, her initially reaction was to send a simple ‘no’ and move on. However, if Maki were to do that, she knew Kaede would likely keep asking her until she agreed. Kaede was annoying like that. The assassin knew she had good intentions, though. It was for this reason that Maki agreed to meet her at the arena.
    Once she arrived, she noticed the pianist was already there. Walking over to the blonde, she lightly pouted her lips: “Why did you want to ice skate with me? I can’t do any tricks or whatever.” In fact, she had never been properly ice skating like this. Maki imagined she could do fine keeping her balance, but nonetheless, she was nowhere in the realm of professional ice skater.
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    “I didn’t bring any ice skates with me. Can I rent some?”
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gaeabound · 5 years
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.”
protector / protectee starters ( accepting ) // @pureryudo
—– she says the words and he grits his teeth in return. it wasn’t a pain so much physical than it was phantom, the dull ache of something lost, and he must have hissed loudly enough for her to notice. of course kaede would show concern and all over nothing. he tsks at her, lowering his hand away from the scar on his cheek; from the ridges and furrows that marred his skin.
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“ you’re making a big deal over this, ” he assures in his own nonchalant manner. “ it’s fine— i’m fine, it’s just the scar. don’t you worry over me. ”
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mozeik · 5 years
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        “  wow,  you’re awfully pretty!  are you sure you weren’t built and programmed?  there aren’t many  ‘regular humans’  who look quite like you.  ”
              //   @pureryudo     ❤ ‘d     for a starter !! 
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diaflares · 5 years
“Here. Sit next to me.”
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    She had wandered into a nearby cafe after taking a morning stroll– Admittedly, the ambiance of the place is what drew her in. The plants lining the windows plus the healthy menu was an appealing site to Makoto. It didn’t look very crowded, either. After getting plenty of fresh air, this kind of atmosphere seemed like the perfect way to end her morning. Upon entering the cafe and being greeted with the aroma of plants, Makoto stood in line to order a salad and shifted over towards the end of the row to wait for her food. From a glance alone, it did look delicious. They even gave her a cup of water on top of the tray her salad was placed on. 
    Once it arrived, the brunette sought for a place to sit down. She recognized the blonde girl calling out to her. With a soft smile, Makoto accepted the invitation and sat across from the pianist, neatly placing down her tray of food. “Good morning,” was her initial response. “I’ve never eaten here before, but I couldn’t help and give it a try. It does look delicious.” The priestess crossed one leg over the other in her seat, draping a napkin over her lap in turn. “Have you been here before?”
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seizonka · 5 years
@pureryudo​ // event starter
It would be nice if this body swapping thing was just a one time thing -- whatever relief Rantaro felt yesterday after waking up in his own body again after a couple of days as a certain popular idol instantly melting away when he woke up in another unfamiliar room instead of his own in the morning again. Long hair brushing over his shoulders just brought about another curl of embarrassment; was he another girl this time around too? Luckily (or unluckily, that really was hard to say), he didn’t need to take nearly as much time to realize which unfortunate person he swapped with this time. No one else wore a skirt quite like Kaede’s after all. 
He had to go outside to get to his place though, huh? This never got any easier and Rantaro kept his eyes firmly shut as he carefully changed into more presentable clothes, making his way over to his own apartment as fast as possible. His first nervous instinct also was just to knock as loudly as possible, but Kaede’s hands and fingers were important to her, right? As far as he was concerned, they went back to their original bodies at some point in time and the last thing he wanted to do was cause her any harm. So, kicking the door with the toe of his shoes it was! That made a pretty convincing knocking sound anyway, right?
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“A-Akamatsu-san?” Boy, that was really weird to hear in her voice. “It’s uh, me. It’s Amami. Are you in there? Think uh, something might’ve happened.” 
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