#purple mallek
swarmishstrangers · 7 months
i’ll give you my entire left tiddy for some more mspar alien difference fluff. written or drawn, with mallek or marvus or pretty much anyone else. warm blooded/cold blooded cuddles with marvus. mallek purring and being embarrassed abt it. mspar not realizing they’re being flirted with til someone spells it out to them. just any troll/human (??) difference shit or any of your hcs please i’m starving
Starve no more!! I'll feed you AND me cause I honestly fucking live for alien differences between trolls and humans like? Omg...I'll try to sneak some Mallek and Marvus for ya since you seem to mention both of them (and I'll throw in some other ones for more comparisons >:])
So for general troll temperature headcanons, let me tell you, you'd better enjoy being cold/not be too bothered by it cause the higher on the spectrum, the colder the blood you're touching and cuddling. The warmest a troll will ever be is if they're a mutantblood, the closest thing to getting to normal human body temperatures and the ones with any real warmth to them. Rust bloods being the lowest on the hemospectrum that aren't mutants don't have as much warmth but still tend to run warmer than other blood types on the hemospectrum. Not exactly lukewarm, little bit warmer than that. When we hit the goldbloods, that's when it starts getting lukewarm temperatures. Smack dab in the middle of the spectrum, the Jades, aren't very warm or anything, but it's a few hairs away from being able to consider them cold feeling. Anything above the jades is when things start getting cold.
Teals you could say are cold, maybe not unpleasantly so, you could feel such a difference that you would no longer feel any real warmth. Cerulean is when the temperatures could be so stark as opposed to human warmth that coming into direct skin to skin contact with it could definitely shock your skin and make you flinch initially. Purples are. Man. Remember how I said you'd better like being cold? This is where the cold could be the brink of being unpleasant for some who can't handle it very well, it really starts setting in the longer you choose stay in physical contact with them. Violets, I'd argue, would be downright unpleasantly cold to the touch, like, you know how if you go outside in the snow and your body feels numb and face would be stinging? Like that.
With that general stuff of how perceive the coldness of some trolls established. Um. Mallek and Marvus :} I'm going to apologize in advance, Marvus is a character I've always been intimidated by in terms of writing. I feel like I just don't get him enough, and I'd hate to mischaracterize him :(( but I'll do my best!! (Putting a break here cause I type a lot)
Marvus and Mallek I feel like have a tendency to be mischievous little shits sometimes, once becoming aware and acquainted with the warmth Mspar emits and how cold they are in comparison they like to have fun with it. Mallek likes to do that thing some people do, ya know, where people take something fucking cold like a thing of ice cream or an ice cold drink and fucking PRESS it against your skin and it makes you scream? That. But no ice cream, it's his hand touching their bare skin (which still makes them shriek and jolt in surprise). They turn around and playfully smack him on the shoulder in retaliation.
Marvus likes doing the same thing but for him GOD FUCK the cold feels so much worse than Mallek. Bitch IS the ice being pressed against your skin. He doesn't even need to use his whole hand, he could press a finger to them and get a reaction. Punching doesn't do much to Mallek anyways, trolls and their thicker skins, but Marvus doesn't have a lot of squish to begin with. It's weird punching someone who feels so..solid? Not to say he's got absolutely no squish, but he has very little of it.
Cuddling... ahehhehehe cracks knuckles.
Since I'm already talking about Marvus lemme get to him already. Since he is a freezer, it'll take a bit to get fully comfortable laying against him. Warmth can overpower or balance out a trolls temperature, this is something that's very hard to do with bloods higher than indigo. Something like either them or Marvus wearing a good amount of clothing to separate makes it to where they don't feel immediately uncomfortable with the chill of his skin. Marvus I feel like is kinda finicky when it comes to touch or laying for long periods of time?? It's kinda funny, you could hug him, and he'd allow it for just a few seconds before he'd wiggle his way out of it, a playful look to his eyes. Or allowing you to rub his skin for a bit before pulling away. Only when he's tired or is ready to be settled in completely is when you can really, for real, cuddle him without him squirming out of it.
Now Mallek? Umpfh. Touch starved. Mspar too actually, I headcanon that they are a touched starved person themselves. So how about two touched starved people help another out..by cuddling. And everything else that involves touch under the moon really.
For him, he kinda loses it when he's in physical contact with them. It's the warmth! It really gets to him, and it makes his brain go nuts. He used to fight the overwhelming urge to wrap them up really tight in his arms cause ya know. Snake brain, cold, friend/flushcrush is warm, curl around the warmth. He didn't fight it anymore when they actively sought out physical touch from him themselves and was actively encouraging him and letting him know it was okay to search for it back.
It was through being around him that they discovered the most surprising thing they never thought of a troll doing. Purring.
They have never heard of a sound as soft as purring coming from a troll.
Trolls only purr in the presence of those they feel the utmost comfort with. To feel the safest with, to trust them the most, and to be at your most vulnerable with. It's super intimate stuff in troll culture. Hearing that anywhere out in public could make trolls snap their head in that direction and make them flush in the face. Get a room!!
I imagine it was one of those many days where they stayed over at his hive. They had just decided that they were done playing video games and it from leaning against each other in silence while the game systems powered off, then it transitioned into Mspar coaxing Mallek to lay on then while they had their back laid down on his lounge plank. His weight against them was comforting to them.
They were just nuzzling his shoulder and rubbing their hands all up and down his back and sides, all with no patterns to it. He had his face pressed against their chest, his arms pushed underneath them to wrap around them. They could feel his smile against their skin, and they were all smiles and happy, too. Then they, well, they felt it before they heard it.
It was something they didn't even notice at first, the rumbling, the small vibrations emitting from his throat and chest. When it was growing stronger and the purring became audible, they still didn't question it at first. They were just so comfortable, and the cuddling was just so nice, his purring could put them to sleep and...wait. Purring?
When the realization of Mallek purring hit them, they temporarily halted their hand movements. Mallek stayed put for a bit before his purring stuttered a little, and he cracked an eyelid open to gaze at them, wondering why they stopped. He finds them kind of staring at him, their hands still under his tank top just stopped on his back.
"you okay;"
This snaps them out of it and they and they lean in to kiss his forehead, Mallek snorts in response and immediately relaxes against them again.
They kindaaa wanted to point it out at in the moment but ultimately decided against it so that he didn't get embarrassed or shy and stops. They think it's SUPER fucking cute.
As for general differences between troll and human romance? Cracks fingers. Obviously it depends on what quadrant a troll is interested in having you in. I'll go with red romance for now unless someone later wants the other quads too lol.
I talked about purring before and purring is a BIG one. Purring is how trolls communicate that they feel absolutely safe and comfortable in their partners presence along with purring being a form to heal when their partner is hurt or isn't feeling well. It leaves them very open and vulnerable and so it feels very intimate for most trolls. A troll purring in the presence of human they're interested in a human may not pick up the significance of it so they just see it at its simplest until explained. Some trolls may feel a little hurt when their human partners don't pick up on their purring and they don't purr back in response, again, until explained that humans aren't capable of making sounds such as purring. Make no mistake though! Troll purring does not sound like how a cat's would. It's sounds like how you would imagine an insect purring would sound like.
Sleeping in the presence of a person you're interested in or around your partner is another big thing trolls do. Sleeping near other trolls is again, a vulnerability thing. To sleep near someone? To be so open and let your guard down like that? To trust someone that much? Wipes sweat from brow. Humans being able to do this with trolls they're even a little comfortable with is absolutely flabbergasting to most trolls.
Okay there's sleeping when someone is nearby...then there's sleeping WITH someone. No not like that ya nasties. Sleeping with someone, in their recuperacoon, it's a vulnerability thing again woo boy. It's the HIGHEST form of trust a troll could show their partner! The significance of this can really go over a human's head, they truly don't understand the gravity of trust at play here.
Here's something not sleep related. Scent marking. This one is more subtle than just. A partner wearing their sign or typing the way their typing quirk is. This one is when a troll leaves something, take a shirt or their socks or something, at their partners hive. It leaves a bit of them, their scent, there and it's meant for their partners + any other trolls that are over know. Humans tend to also seek their partner's scent/how they smell (think stealing your partners clothes), it's another thing that means more deeply than they originally think about.
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friendsim2 · 5 months
just finished around 2/3 of volume 12, i love so much the entire dreamscape / real world mechanic and lore-wise, love the way purplebloods and their history is represented and currently romancing Lynera. i'm in love with this volume so far thank you all so much (and whoever had the idea of making TechniColor Heart an actual thing, i'd hug u)
That was me (game's director/lead writer here) - TechniColor Heart was actually in production for a few months. The April Fool's joke trailer was just a fake-out using footage from the actual game (within a game) - it's original inception goes back to the "we'll put sex in the game" meme we did on Twitter.
So I basically spent 3 months writing, coding, and doing UI design to put that in there. The assets are a combination of Friendsim 2 assets and backgrounds I did and sprites that Riotbreaker did for another game (it was cancelled in its original form and another studio may or may not be continuing it at some point, but without the original assets). I'm a big fan of committing to the bit - to the point where every one of the "hahaha wouldn't it be funny if we put this in the game?" jokes has not, in fact, been a joke.
Originally there was gonna be a shorter and less interesting dream sequence in that bit there that had a Tyzias/Tagora trial sequence (we actually had that sequence completely done with recorded dialogue) as well as some small walk-around segments using existing assets.
There were also a couple cut mini-games from Volume 12 - a sliding tile puzzle and a "light up the lights" type puzzle, neither of which was very fun - so those got replaced with Tetris and Fire Fling, respectively. (if you talk to Mallek about his GameDude console in the TechniColor Heart segment, you can actually play Gameboy versions of those games to practice them)
Overall, Volume 12 has probably been our most involved volume. One of the things I wanted to get right going into this game was how the purple bloods are portrayed, because there's a lot of baggage associated with how they're shown in canon, and I wanted to approach the whole thing thoughtfully and make it an impactful experience.
I cannot stress enough how important the contribution of the route's primary writer, Miranda Holliday, was to the experience of that route. They laid down the framework (and wrote most of the first half of the route) for a lot of the themes and how they tie into real-world issues of ethnicity, race, and culture. I picked up what they put down and then they went back over what I'd written in the second half to tighten up some of the language and provide feedback on the way the themes were developed.
Also, the route's sprite designer, Cole, was instrumental in fleshing out the character designs and giving them a unique character. Riotbreaker ended up doing the finished sprite sets off the original designs, and she did an awesome job of following Cole's reference designs.
Also, unique among the routes, we had the stark contrast between the dreamscape backgrounds (done by Dave Fowler) and the real-world backgrounds (done by Herk Lapaduza, who's done work on a couple other volumes both released and unreleased!). The dreamscape in particular was very much an exercise in "have fun with it!" to the artist, and the result was a delightfully surreal experience to contrast with the much more grounded style of the other backgrounds.
Lastly, our VAs for this route really helped sell their characters' unique personalities. Valentine was my choice to play Marvus from before we even started this game (there's an interesting story there - before FS2 was a thing I was going to do a fan dub of my Delightful Abattoir Hiveswap novel, so some of the voice cast comes from that!), and Miranda, Jason and Vyn did an amazing job with Akhnai, Barzum/Baizli, and Chahut.
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Self indulgent hiveswap x soul eater au. Enjoy.
Blue name means that the character is a Meister.
Red name means that the character is a Weapon.
Purple name means that the character is a Witch.
Orange name means that the character is a Clown. (Yes there is an entire race in SE named clowns and you can probably guess who will they be in this au)
Mallek & Diemen
Marsti & Kuprum and Folykl
Fozzer & Skylla
Chixie & Marvus
Boldir & Vikare
Charun & Cirava
Azdaja & Konyyl
Tegiri & Polypa
Bronya & Elwurd
Tirona & Wanshi
Lanque & Daraya
Tyzias & Stelsa
Tagora & Galekh
Remele & Nihkee
Zebruh is a kishin because i fuckin hate him
Soleil Twins
Marvus is not of the clown race because i needed to pair someone with chixie (and also because marvchix, or marxie, is fucking peak ngl)
Zebede not included because i have no idea what he'd be, and tbh i don't really care about him so
I considered pairing ardata and lynera, with the former being the weapon and latter the meister, but i realized that they'd be better off as witches.
Ive considered putting remele with daraya but i didn't rlly want to pair nihkee with lanque.
Also considered amisia with chahut (platonic for very obvious reasons) but in the end one was better off as a little witch , while the other stayed as a clown
Also these pairings does not necessarily means they're a couple, i don't even ship half of those, i just needed a character to pair them with that they would most likely get along well with.
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humanology-101 · 9 months
As I mentioned in my introductory post, I am not an expert on "gaming". I have neither the time nor the patience to "git gud" as some contemporaries have put it. So, to assist in my study of human video games, I have enlisted the help of one of my game savvy associates, Mallek, to study the human game known as "Minecraft".
Ideally, he would be giving you his notes on the experience right now, but he hasn't left my hive or put down his computer even once since I gave him the game three nights ago. I have grown increasingly concerned.¹
1 Do humans possess telepathic abilities akin to a purple blood? Can they mind control the masses through these "video games" of theirs, much like how certain celebrities control the masses with their songs here on Alternia?
I have elected to check in on him.
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...I think I'll give him some more time.¹
1 For his sake more than mine.¹
1 He seems.... invested.
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sludgewolf · 2 years
hello! could you please write some headcanons for Mallek x gn!reader where the reader has anxiety and they have trouble going out a lot and one day when they go out alone they get lost and then call Mallek while super upset? i’m sorry if this is too much 😭😭
Hii!! Thanks for sending this ask, this was rly fun to write, there isn't that much Mallek at the start but hopefully I made up for it w the ending.
I used they/them pronouns for Mallek too so it woudn't get confusing with the other character I added, hope that's ok
If you didn't like anything you can send another ask with more details and I'll rewritte this for you
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Mallek x Anxious!Reader
Mallek also doesn't go out a lot
They themself have anxiety, so they know how hard it can be to go alone and they always try to help you out any way they can
if you live together they'll try to always accompany you out and if you're still not in that part of the relationship, they'll ask you to tell them when you're going out and when you arrive
more to calm his bloodpusher than anything
Mallek often helps you look for the best route and sometimes convinces you to ask for the friend you're meeting to pick you up
But no one can plan for everything
You were going out with Lanque in another one of his escapades from the caverns at a caffe at Outgut, you were meeting him at a bus stop midway there , where you've gone by yourself thousands of times
so there's no need to worry
Shortly after you leave your hive you receive a message
'change of plans, bronia is up my ass'
'meet me at the caffe'
You try not to panic, you've been to the caffe hundreds of times, for fucks sake, you were the one that found it and made it into a hang out place
You can get there no problem. Easy!
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!
You get lost
like very lost
Did you make a wrong turn before or after going by the mall? Was that even the right mall? Where's the weird looking tree you always see on your way there??
Now it's too late to try not to panic, you're shaking like a fucking chiwawa as you make a call
their answer is lazy and relaxed but quickly turns to worry as they hear the nervousness in your voice
"hey what = wrong; = you hurt;" Mallek shoots at you already getting up
You try to explain as you hear them type furiously on their husktop
"i got your location; stay there ill be over in five;"
after that they leave and you sit by the curb
As you wait, you remember the breathing exercises you learned from Boldir
in less than five minutes you already stopped shaking and are able to see Mallek's limo pulling up
They open the door and you run into their arms
they squeeze you tight while you breathe in their calming scent, you feel yourself relax in their arms and the cool ac in the limo is a more than welcome addition
"hey; you ok;" they ask, their eyes full of concern
you nod and squeeze them one more time before loosening your grip to look at them and asking if they could take you home
"already doing it" they say reassuringly, they then pull you under their chin and purr all the way to their hivestem
Once you enter their hive you send a message to Lanque saying you couldn't make it and promissing you'll make it up to him later
as you do that Mallek prepares a warm mug of ... something, that despite being purple almost tastes exactly like hot chocolate
Mallek takes you to their respite block and you settle on their lap with the mug in hands
"feeling better;" they question still purring and hugging you from behind
you nod leaning into them, you tell them what happened and thank them for the rescue
"anytime dude;" they nuzzle the side of your face and rub circles on your back until you fall asleep
Mallek then carries you to their recuperacoon and settles by your side cuddling you until they also fall asleep
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On the top1c of clown rel1g1on... (Th4nks for d1scuss1ng 1t.) ... 1'd l1ke to ask you 4 few quest1ons. 1 th1nk c4non 1mpl1es 4 h1gher sc4rc1ty of clown rel1g1ous1ty 1n the *H1vebent er4 4s comp4red to 1n the *H1vesw4p er4. But they st1ll h4ve l4rge soc1et4l 1nfluence. Wh4t percent4ge w1se of purplebloods, 1n e1ther of these t1mes 1n 4ltern14n h1story, 4re clowns? (1 think H1vebent 1s sep4r4ted from *H1vesw4p t1mes by m4ny m4ny sweeps) Wh4t 4bout on Beforus?
4lso, h4ve clowns (1n the non rel1g1ous sense, 4s they ex1st on, E4rth) ever ex1sted, on 4ltern14, 1n 1ts, long h1story?
Not 'many sweeps'. Over a hundred, at least. They're at least a major Troll Generation apart. Sollux searches the Imperial Database for Mallek's sigil and finds out there hasn't been an 'Adalov' in 'a while'. Now- It's entirely plausible, because of his kinda rebellious vibes, he could've gotten culled young. But he's a Cerulean. This means it's entirely possible it's been over a thousand years, between Hiveswap and Hivebent eras.
The scarcity, too, is described as 'Obscure'. It could mean less that there's not many practitioners, and more that it's inscrutable, mysterious and shady. It is, after all, a cult. It's also early Homestuck dialog! Things could've gotten retconned a bunch.
That said, while I did say that Not All Purples Are Clowns, likely, do also think they are still born into this caste, and that as we see with Karako, they have a vested interest in indoctrination even from a young age. It's probably that non-clown Purplebloods lose some of their social standing and privilege, if they're not coaxed directly. Again, like a cult, 'getting out' isn't easy. Because of that, I can't like. Give a % in good conscience. But anything from 'a small amount' to 'all of them except a few who don't want to be associated with at any count', is entirely plausible.
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emmiri-bumble · 2 years
Fuck it, kinda Hiveswap-centric Family Collaborative Au
i am going to unhinge and talk more cohesively abut @3ternitymaze 's au (i have permission) where there was no game and earth was invaded and trolls realized quickly that you can make new grub cutches with humans. Putting alpha, beta, and hvswap casts together deliberately because its fun.
why not? its self indulgent. besides, what much else is there to think about concerning canon hiveswap (and to a less extent hstuk)? partially inspired to be vocal about it because of how much ive seen ppl are ok about karkat jr and other funky lil jr ideas. Partially because... idk maybe it'll give others ideas. So.............................................................. have Zebruh jr.
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this isnt just a 2 person thing and kids will be credited to makers
disclaimer 1, reader gets written as afab here (usually she/they). your ideas of reader dont need to be influenced by this. disclaimer 2, this contains themes of human trafficking, abuse, sexual amorality, and other dark content (FOR THE PARENTS). Stop here if that is not something you should read. 18+ content, dude. disclaimer 3, poly even by troll standards. ------------------- Synopsis:
Humanity is overtaken by the Alternian Empire, humans are displaced on mass. Some luck out and remain on the planet, some become cogs in the Alternian machine, some unfortunately go into the human trade.
Many of he kids here come from the human trade, to some capacity. Its far more common for higher bloods to keep one or two humans as company. Their treatment varies.
It is very stereotypical for indigos to keep afab human company to sire progeny. And very common for seadwellers to keep humans merely as pets.
Some humans become parts of the grub-based-goods industry, often ones with/owned by lower bloods. Some retain a shaky autonomy and remain in charge of their lives Some are pushed into undesirable jobs across the empire. Some are pushed to perform for social media for the esteem of their troll owners.
Grub clutches incubated in humans are softer and more prone to duds. Lowblooded trolls can breed easily. it is likely impossible to breed past purple. Grubs from humans will be near perfect clones of troll parent except sex is not guaranteed to be the same as parent and some mutations may occur. This may result in conditions the troll parent did not have or phenotypes the troll parent does not show. -------------------
Some lead humans here: -------------------
Reader, swept into things as part of the human trade and for cosmic reasons, is auctioned off to Mallek's group of rebels. Rebels who will infiltrate auctions and attempt to win humans in order to free them. Was scared. Needed help. Eventually helps others.
Sunday, a young woman from New Mexico who had been pulled into the human trade and intentionally auctioned off at an exorbitant price to Zebruh as a dirty joke on the auction place's least favorite return-customer. Later, she will be forced to perform as a pop star as her voice is pretty decent. Actually wanted to be a parent.
Kleio, a young woman from Spain who was auctioned off to a very romantically insecure Horuss (+ to the zahhak caste in total) who at least wants someone who has no choice but to care about him. Has snacks on hand. Hazel, Art historian, retired ballet dancer, and just a tired mum. Immune to tomfoolery but will join in on it. Dancing is her love language but is besotted with what ever her husbands is trying woo her with. Chose of her free will to be an alien wife. why do the art majors and the stem majors have to fight when they can kiss? Unfortunately British They all friendships early on in different ways. Indigo galas + rebel intermingling
------------------- On to Human-Made Grubs pictured here -------------------
Reader's offspring, raised with Mallek: @3ternitymaze
Neesha Velyes- she/her An oopsie resulting from reader needing some g/d support. Has slightly wavier hair than Fozzer. Otherwise, is a decent mirror image of him as she grows. Has a neurological condition which affects her coordination. Definitely the leader. And also the oldest. If shes smiling, youre smiling. Or she'll push a smile onto that face. Strng vocabulary, not that strong of comprehension.
Emphar Maxlol- she/they A bit more deliberate. The absolute coolest kid in the hive. Chronically overcharged, too. Very much a sucker for Mallek's attention. Deeply loves all of the half siblings but wont be open about that. Family love is grody. Used to scream "NO BITE" when overcharged. "Mutated Hermod" as declared by Cirava.
Lergen Adalov- he/him Considerably more anxious than dad. Bright mind. hes just...very tired. Relies on emotional support Saturn to function. Burrito blankets all day. Wants to be a Rainbow Drinker or at least date one. Broke a lot of stuff just because he needed to know how things worked. All live between Adalovs and respective parents.
Sunday's offspring, raised with Zebruh: @me
Zebruh "Junie" Junior- She/her A very VERY deliberately made wriggler. Dont call her Zebruh. That was a stupid decision on her dad's part. But also pretty smart because no laws prevent her from also owning everything that is his name at the same time as him. Thinks too much like her father but she actually means well. Keeps Farrus within reach for constant validation. Thinks shes the leader. Cant keep Neesha from bending her back in line. Points at earth zebras and yells "ITS GRANDPA"
Saturn Roixmr-He/him Oopsie baby. Chixie did not expect this clutch to be hers. That really was a one time thing, Sun, and she's sorry. She will love him but more like a close aunt. This is actually very beneficial to both of them. Named by Mommy Sun, hence the human name. Wants to do muscular theater. Will die if he cant help out.
Maxter Xoloto- They/them (to young in the image to understand gender, will later determine they're nonbinary) Were they an oopsie on Marvus's part? You can consider them a delayed consequence of collaboration (aka Zebruh's fault). Ankle biter grub grown up to be screaming adult. Feels rejected by clownhood and prefers to be indigo. Marvus is not absent, he is just too far away and in too dangerous of a place to raise a surprise grub. He visits. Loves his surprise kiddo. Has 0 parenting instincts and thats ok. Loves kid as much as he can. Max is insecure about it anyways. Decides to follow their parents and be a performer, too.
Due to imperial safety concerns (and genuine worry for Sunday's shaky mental health) Adalovs (and later Cirava) move into a wing of the Codakk hive early on.
------------------- Kleio's grub, raised on Zahhak ship: @3ternitymaze
Farrus Zahhak-He/him Principe no.1. His mom says so! Caste shouldn't be important but it still is. And he swears hes a reject of a reject. So he hides behind an indigo that is better in his eyes, Junie. Softer than his ancestry. Snacks a lot with Mom. Lovingly refers to the Darkleer as Abuelo. Wishes Equius was his dad. But it's Horuss. Learns how to control strength more easily since he has mentors. Will always be way too dependent on Junie and Mom. Interests beyond Mom's, Junie's, and Equius's?? what are those?
Hazel's grubs, raised with Vikare, Kuprum, Fol, whoever Fol dates @super-stardust56
Wilbur Ratite- he/him will take apart household appliances to create his own Rube Goldberg machine. kicked out of the scouts for [restricted ] is first child and the first chair on flute.
Bronte Maxlol- they/them second child child squared Chittr artist. Is currently not take commissions They’re in the top 0.1% of Cirava's listeners will expect not criticism except from aunt Folykl ------------------- There are more, you can see the Makara twins, but that requires to much typing.
You'll see more of these kiddos, like it or not (unless if you block the tag. which is....pending). Because its fun! Maybe you have your own ideas from this. Who knows!
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tentativeauthor · 24 days
Tag list - Hiveswap Characters
(Subject to be updated)
Humans — Joey, Jude
Rust — Diemen, Xefros, Fozzer, Lonner, Marsti
Bronze — Dammek, Skylla, Chixie, Vikare
Gold — Azdaja, Cirava, Fiamet, Folykl, Kuprum, Zebede
Lime (?) — Fiamet
Olive — Boldir, Charun, Konyyl, Polypa, Vestri
Jade — Actius, Bronya, Daraya, Lanque, Lynera, Wanshi
Teal — Stelsa, Tagora, Tegiri, Tiagon, Tirona, Tyzias
Blue — Ardata, Elwurd, Mallek, Remele, Amisia
Indigo — Galekh, Nihkee, Onhors, Zebruh
Purple — Barzum, Baizli, Chahut, Karako, Marvus
Violet — Cridea, Luxora
Fuschia — Trizza
Lusii — Slothdad, Deercat, Snakedad
Other — Tesseract, Lone gunbirds, Byers
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/// very well... /// the doxing of former mod remele. ///
/// your name is renara hamhur, and you are a ten sweeps old purple blood. /// you claim that you hate clown church, and that it's an embarrassment to all purples, but as of two sweeps ago you were a member of the clown church. /// specifically, of mirth. ///
/// you work as a lab technician at the cherubim medicull facility. /// and you claim to be a doctor, for some reason, despite the fact that you aren't certified for it and literally are not one. ///
/// you have an active restraining order against you for stalking, harassment, and intimidation. /// and you'll likely catch another one, because you keep trying to break into former mod mallek's hive. /// you are a horrible person, who hurts everyone around you, and only ever cause pain to the people you care about. /// tred upon a thousand legos, you spoiled brat. ///
/// お前はもう死んでいる。///
🎲 Admin Tegiri 🎲
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roll-a-troll · 8 months
Name: M. Mallek Towcei Ancestor: The Mechanic Strife Specibus: hatchetkind Blood Color and Sign: Purple; Caprius Handle: transientGenethlialogist Lusus: olm dad Pronouns: she/her Age: 25 sweeps Interests: calligraphy and rock climbing Sexuality: Fond Of Women Class: Page Land: Land of Giants and Toxins, a lazy place, with excited Horseshoe pitviper consorts. It is a place full of canyons and volcanoes. Hyperion slumbers. Quirk: on occasion, your words runtogether and on occasion, your words runtogether via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/V62MLef, do as you please
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F/O and S/I organizational tags
click on tags to go to them, click on names to go to their info post, click on fandoms for relevant wiki pages! :>
f/o tags: #[ rose gold angel ] - Agent ❤️ #[ indigo thread ] - Alexandria ❤️ #[ peach butterfly ] - Coby 💛 #[ scarlet spike ] - Keter 💛 #[ green leaf ] - Dew 💛 #[ javelins ] - Alexandria, Coby, Keter, Dew, and/or J4-CE #[ cerulean hacker ] - Mallek Adalov (Friendsim) ❤️ #[ purple fusion ] - Ellry (The Henry Stickmin Collection) ❤️ #[ yellow chariot ] - Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5) 💛 #[ emerald express ] - Eugene Finch (Drawtectives) 💛 #[ blue seas ] - Willy (Stardew Valley) 💛 #[ pink ferris wheel ] - Emu Otori (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage) 💛 #[ general f/o ] - for non-tagged f/os
s/i tags: #[ waxen wings ] - Icarus (romantic with Agent) #[ starlit pendant ] - J4-CE (romantic with Alexandria, familial with Coby, Keter and Dew) #[ timeline guardian ] - Reader (romantic with Mallek) #[ floral fisher ] - Jazz (familial with Willy) #[ spotlit showtime ] - Song (familial with Ryuji and Emu) #[ unnamed melody ] - Untitled (undefined with Kaito)
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goldengospel · 1 year
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My second Silly!!!! Belial Passio, he/it, purple blood Bastard. His troll tag is clownGospel. Its quirk is Q's instead of o's, ah for any 'ah' sound in a word, an extra e after any e if there's one in the first half of a word, and, of course, :o) ("BrQ pulled ah trick and gQt ah treeat").
As of now, it's got no quadrant mates cus he's a lil fucked up (Bastard), but tbh atm it isn't the highest in its priorities. At some point, it does fill that shit up, and I think would be poly in his quadrants. Might toss him to Mallek (Bbg)
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friendsim2 · 5 months
I’ve got to ask, why did you choose those specific characters for the dating sim??? I mean, a lot of the team have said they don’t like Vikare, Chixie is already in a relationship in FS2, and there’s not much bloodcaste diversity. Mallek and Lanque are obvious choices but why everyone else???
A few comments on that (this is Jonaya speaking, who wrote the entirety of TechniColor Heart):
None of the stuff in TechniColor Heart is directly related to the actual canon of Friendsim 2 (beyond the Dream taking inspiration from MSPAR's subconscious in certain areas) - like, these are explicitly different people (they're presented as humans, with human backstories). There's a ton of non-canonical lore introduced that while it sometimes kinda touches on FS2 canon (Lynera's crush on Bronya, Mallek does computer stuff, Cirava is a streamer) it also often doesn't (Chixie being Jewish, Cirava being from Tennessee, Lanque's relationship to his parents, Marsti being a former soldier, etc.) Also, because of the fact that they're being read as human, the blood color stuff is basically not a thing here - it has to do with their personalities as people and role in the story. The only meaningful bit of color stuff (outside of being used for aesthetics) here is Maria's being purple because of her connection to Gl'bgolyb.
While a few of the team have said they don't like Vikare as a character (or at least said he's kind of a nothing character in the original - which, like, he gets one of the shortest routes and never shows up again), I think that got turned into "y'all hate Vikare!" which is... not exactly accurate (if that were true, he wouldn't be in the game). He's got a role in the story the same as anyone else, and while he doesn't get much direct focus in the main Friendsim 2 canon, he's got more dialogue in the game than, say, Folykl or Kuprum!
Chixie can be in a relationship in the FS2 canon, but that's not set in stone! That's actually reactive to a series of choices involving her and Elwurd.
That being said, here's the reasoning behind them all! Most of them have some connection to how the Dream basis itself off what MSPAR wants, with a couple wildcards that exist because of para-narrative reasons (i.e. "I wanted to put them in" reasons).
Mallek: Given the role of the Dream, it makes sense that he's a romance option, since there's some level of an implied flushed crush between him and MSPAR (in Friendsim 2 especially).
Lanque: He was someone that MSPAR could canonically have a relationship with in the first game, again playing into the Dream picking up on subconscious desires or previous canon/semi-canon events.
Vikare: There have been a couple very vocal fans of Vikare - and while his role in the main story is the way it is for narrative reasons, I wanted to acknowledge that there's a segment of our fandom that really likes him. Specifically, wanted to give his TH version the same level of depth and development as anyone else. Think of it as a the Dream referencing metanarrative events.
Chixie: Another character MSPAR has a more-or-less canonical relationship with (as a moirail). She's presented as demi and is the only character you can't actually have sex with, hinting at the connection between her role as MSPAR's moirail in the canon world.
Skylla: Another character MSPAR can get very close to in the first game, physically (sharing the slime bath in her original Friendsim route) and the first character MSPAR meets in Friendsim 2 who expresses concern for them (urging them to get out before they get killed).
Lynera: One of the real wild-cards here, since her relationship to MSPAR isn't especially closer than a lot of other characters. The real secret here is para-textual: Lynera is probably Jonaya's favorite character, so you get to date her!
Xefros (stand-alone only): This is less about the role of the Dream (since it's in the stand-alone mode) and more about wanting to give Xefros some more screen time.
Marsti (stand-alone only): Also outside of the Dream, Marsti is part of the whole fucked-up Absent Place storyline, and her romance plotline is kinda fucked up and dysfunctional. Gotta include at least one absolutely messy storyline in the game, after all.
As far as the reasoning behind the non-dateable characters who have questlines:
Cirava: One of MSPAR's close friends and an important confidant in the main storyline. Picked partly to have them bounce off of Mallek in their storyline, partly because they fit well into the "streamer who spends most of their time inside" archetype and I wanted there to be a consistent touchstone in the form of MSPAR's roommate.
Elwurd: She had "lesbian BFF" energy - someone who MSPAR is cool hanging out with, but she tends to push people away in the FS2 canon in particular. This gets developed if you do her questline.
Aradia: One of the characters we see with metanarrative awareness at times, so she made sense to help guide MSPAR out of the Dream. Also, she was one of the sprites made for another game that could be re-used.
Maria (depends on whether you're in stand-alone mode): In the Dream, Maria (whose sprites are from another game that our Studio stopped development one) represents Gl'bgolyb, hence her vastly different appearance. In the stand-alone mode, she's got her own character and plotline that ties into the Absent Place storyline.
Tyzias (stand-alone only): Given her role in canon, it made sense to have her and Stelsa as FBI agents investigating the murder of Cridea Jeevik. A fair amount of Twin Peaks references with her too.
Ardata (stand-alone only): Needed someone kinda fucked up - originally was gonna be more-or-less a Twin Peaks reference as well, but ended up developing into her own thing. Also her role in the history behind the Absent Place plot ties into her FS2 canon role in the Alternian military.
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dailymallek · 5 years
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ya got blood on your face, you big disgrace, honkin’ your horn all over the place
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ssnakebytes · 5 years
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let them up,,
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ceabu · 3 years
NOOOOOOO don't hate Mallek he's my boy
Okay I mean I dont hate the guy lol I'm just indifferent about him🤷‍♀️
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