#purpleds weapon is a sword and Tommys weapon is a bow type thing so together they get a combination short range/long range weapon
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golden duo fusion!
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he’s a relatively unstable fusion, since ctommy and cpurpled don’t get along all that well
however he’s an incredibly hard hitter and a damn good fighter, he won’t hesitate to beat your ass
ctommys general Personality mixed with cpurpleds PvP skills make him quite the opponent
in my mind he’s similar to stevonnie when they first fused in that instead of being one combined person he has a tendency to get into arguments with himself (these also are typically the reason he defuses)
they only ever fuse if they’re fighting together, and they can hold the fusion throughout the fight cause they get too caught up in kicking ass to remember they hate each other (the only reason they fuse at all is cause they know they’re a good fighter)
his weapon is an axe that can detach and become a long range weapon ^-^
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dazenightmare · 4 years
I created this entire character and now I wish Andy was real and that I was her girlfriend. So I’m going to just give a list of headcannons for her.
After Puffy and Nikki’s anniversary Andy got really into flower langue and came in the next day with flower crowns for all her friends using the flowers she felt described them and what they mean to her. Ranboo might have cried and if you saw Techno pressing the flowers into a notebook, no you didn’t.
Andy also really love braiding hair so when Techno’s on breaks he lets her braid his hair. The styles getting increasingly more complicated and elaborate as time goes on and she gets better. It got to the point where Techno feels bad taking it out at the end of the day because they look like works of art. It ends with a new board added to the break room titled “Andy’s hair masterpieces” that is full of pictures of Techno’s hair after Andy did it.
Andy really loves to give people heartfelt gifts, as shown by the flower crowns. Once she spent the entire night awake creating intricate pieces of jewelry for everyone in the store, each one speacialized to show what they love. For example, Phil’s had different charms that represented his sons, Tommy’s had a moth engraved etc. The workers were really happy but they asked her not to disregard her own health to make them gifts.
Andy knows how to sword fight! After Techno saw her threaten a Karen with a sword he asked her if she knew how to use it and she said yes. She offers to teach Techno how to use one so once a week during Techno’s break Andy will give him sword fighting lessons. Tommy later crashes them when he can, leading others to do the same.
Andy has a scrapbook of all the photos she’s taken with the staff with dates and descriptions as well as heartfelt messages about how happy she is that she’s made friends with these people.
When Andy first started visiting regularly people thought she was related to Tubbo due to their similar demeanors. They aren’t, they’re just both sweetheart that can and will hurt you.
Andy once came to the store crying after some kids had been making fun of her and destroyed some of the gifts she made for her girlfriend, Nikki and Puffy. She tried to hide it but the second she walked into the store it was like Nikki and Puffy knew. The two ushered her to the bakery and got Techno, Tubbo and Tommy over. She tried to brush it off but then Purpled appeared out of nowhere and asked if it had to do with the kids that had followed her out of class. They managed to price together what happened from the broken gifts and Purpled’s words and the teens went on a manhunt for the others. The only reason the adults didn’t go was because they were children and they wouldn’t fight children(Techno would but Phil managed to calm him down and told him to focus on making Andy feel better)
Andy is half Greek! Hence why her name is Andromeda(it’s the name of the princess Percus rescued after he killed Medusa) and it’s one of the reasons she and Techko got along so well in the beginning. They spent an hour talking about Greek mythology and the patrolled it has to the present.
Techno won’t let Andy near Bad because he’s scared he will try and hurt her. This made Bad sad because he wanted to meet the girl that everyone was talking about. As Andy was leaving she saw Bad looking sad and asked what was wrong. They talked for a few minutes and when Andy came back the next day she had an origami rose for him. It made his day. The two still don’t talk often but it’s always wholesome when they do.
Andy has ADHD, another thing that adds to the list of why she and Techno get along. She’s been hyper fixated on fantasy weapon, swords, daggers, bows etc, for years. Her most recent hyper fixation is flower langue.
Techno reminds Andy of her girlfriend. They both have the same dry sense of humor and monotone demaor.
I have so many more headcannons but I probably bored you with these so I’ll leave it be. Fun fact I spent almost 45 minutes typing all this.
Hell yeah. Andy is a goddess in disguise
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