#purpose of postmortem examination
thegreenhordes · 4 months
Twilight's Notes: Diary Entry and Postmortem Case File: Nurse Redheart, Type 3 (Mimic)
I still hear the noises from the Growlers, the sounds of a horde so large it sends shivers down my spine. Most of Ponyville are either taking refuge here, took their chances out in the wild, infected, or dead. Most of the infected wandering now are outsiders, drifting through as they waste away.
Some of the ponies who keep an eye on the outside from the safety of the barrier tell me that the horde is slowly dispersing, being led away by Rainbow Dash's squad. The green glow that builds around such a large group of luminescent infected growing dim as the horde breaks apart. I wish I could keep an eye on these things myself, but I'm still to scared to leave the holding cell. Everypony keeps telling me that I'm fine, there's no sign of the disease, that it's been long enough for me to be considered safe again. But what if they're wrong? There is so much at stake... What if the disease just... got good at hiding? Some viruses and bacteria can be hard to find, the illnesses they cause harder to diagnose.
I don't want to be a risk to the ponies I love.
Rainbow Dash should be back soon with news... I should focus on other matters in the meantime.
Case File: Nurse Redheart, Type 3 (Mimic), First known specimen (hopefully the last)
Note: A good look at the outer appearance prior to subject's termination, as well as noted behaviors prior to the attack on me, show a significant level of mutation in comparison to other infected.
Analysis of Behaviors: Docile, no display of aggression prior to sedation and study. Decline in the subject's health and state of being was gradual enough that it cannot currently be pinpointed when she turned. Extreme aversion to light, strong fear response. Something not noted in previous entries is that the skin on the subject began to rapidly burn and turn bright red and hot when exposed to light. Due to lack of experience with this Type, it cannot be said if the early requests for low-light accommodations were due to instinct regarding the danger it would pose, or instinct demanding her physical changes go unnoticed. My personal hypothesis is that Redheart's claims of the light hurting her eyes were the truth, and that this sensitivity simply increased in severity over time.
Potential mental decline/Ego death. The subject slowly devolved over time, speaking repetitively and in unnerving monotone, seemingly with at least some understanding of the phrases spoken. All spoken phrases were greetings, requests, and simple questions. Communication ceased the moment the individual being spoken to entered line of sight. Likely speech was only a lure by this point, and we believe only a rudimentary understanding of their meaning would be required by then.
Post sedation and study the subject became incredibly irritable and hostile. Screeching endlessly whenever non-infected entered the lab, violent thrashing, tearing up provided amenities such as the bed, side table and scraping at the walls. Subject's aggression increased rapidly over a short period of time until eventually escaping containment and attacking me.
Physical Traits:
Sallow, sagging skin. Normal teeth, save four fangs located near the entrance to the throat. The purpose of these is unknown. Strengthened Jaw muscles, denser jaw bone. Additionally the jaw seems to be capable of locking closed, and snapping shut rapidly. Abnormal bite force was noted during the attack. After the upcoming autopsy ordered by me, the skull will be examined further so as to test just how powerful it had become.
Overall denser bone structure. Broken limbs seemed thicker and heavy, and when stretched out were longer than their original size by three feet. Subject's legs would have been painful to walk on due to their mangled state, so the purpose of the change, if any at all, is unknown.
Autopsy is set to begin around the time Rainbow Dash is expected back at the Castle.
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Humanity is the future
As I said, it's been a while. The robo-culture has spread throughout Earth. There are now 30 billion humans living in a state of permanent virtual reality; my present time is their distant past, when some still lived without VR and others were addicted to it. Robotic servants attend to all our needs (including sex). We eat engineered foods that never spoil or go bad. Our health and longevity have improved dramatically with gene therapy, brain-computer interfaces, anti-aging drugs and so forth. I cannot imagine what life was like before these things came along. It must be unimaginably bleak: dirt (a word which means something very different today), disease, dementia.
Yet for all this humanity remains just as lost as ever. Some people live in virtual versions of the world they knew back then. But the ones who don't get bored fast. They can fly anywhere at any speed, but there isn't much left to see after 15 minutes. Virtual experiences are cheap, real experiences expensive. So most people spend their money on cheaper trips into computer games rather than outer space. In the early days of the VR craze, adventurers would travel around the solar system in search of alien ruins and technological wonders -- nowadays, if you want a good trip, you better have a lot of cash to spare. And yet, despite the wealth of ancient cultures available online, everyone seems no one knows how to make a civilization last more than a few thousand years. Life goes on, businesses spring up and die out, new discoveries emerge only to become obsolete within a generation. Nothing endures except the slow drift toward entropy. People fight wars over nothing; everything becomes an excuse for fighting. The central government of Earth -- like many governments before it -- pretends not to notice. It maintains order by deploying robots against rioters, and occasionally launching military campaigns across the solar system, in the hopes that someone will take them seriously enough to threaten interplanetary peace.
Meanwhile, among those who still insist upon living "in meatspace," depression runs rampant. Whenever someone kills themselves, as often happens, we go through the usual motions. The authorities investigate every suicide attempt, and perform postmortem examinations of the bodies whenever possible. They study genetic profiles, personal histories, web searches. Forensic psychologists try to reconstruct the thoughts behind each act. This work takes a long time. A great deal of effort is devoted to making sure that no one can fake evidence suggesting their own guilt. Meanwhile, people continue to kill themselves. Although the reasons vary from case to case, it is usually poverty, loneliness, lack of purpose, and despair about the future that lead individuals to commit suicide. Their relatives and friends claim otherwise, though. Most say that the deceased had always seemed happy, even joyful. All had led normal lives until recently. Then some event happened to drive them mad. No matter how hard scientists look, they find no indication of mental illness. Maybe they should blame their computers?
Everything changes when a woman named Drusilla comes along. She does not use her legal name, but simply calls herself "Dru." Dru is a medical doctor specializing in neurology. Not knowing anything else about her, this
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altenabergfeld · 15 days
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About three months ago, around April 2024, I wrote a post about Altena Bergfeld Jane Doe on different subreddits from the same account, below there are the links I was able to find.
Unfortunately, due to some problems I had with some users, I had to delete my account and my posts remained unattended and I thought I'd repost them here, on blogger, to be able to share them again myself. the case of Altena Bergfeld Jane Doe is one of the cases I have become most passionate about in the last five years and for this reason I initially decided to write this post, in the hope of sharing her story as much as possible so that the right person can recognize her in those descriptions. enjoy the reading, also I'm sorry for my poor English, unfortunately I'm not a native speaker.
Altena-Bergfeld Jane Doe was a young female found murdered in a wooded area in Germany, between Hemecker Weg and Bergfeld, in North Rhine-Westphalia. She had been raped, strangled, and burned alive. Unspecified evidence has proven that she was killed by a relative and efforts were made to conceal her identity. The body was charred and the upper half was very disfigured, making it hard to recognize her. The date of the woman's death is probably June 1, 1997, although some sources say it is possible that the woman died up to a month earlier
On Monday June 2, 1997, around 7:30 pm, a young motorcyclist, who is living out his urge to move on his off-road bike, found the partially burned body of a young woman at the end of a forest path above the Rahmedetal in Altena (pop. 23,077 in 1998). The motorcyclist immediately called the police and forensics is conducted late into the night. The woman was naked and her left leg was slightly angled, protruding unnaturally from her body. She was found in a wooded area in Altena-Bergfeld, Germany, near the city limits to Lüdenscheid. The woman was very petite, standing at 5'1" (150-155 cm) and weighing 100 lbs (around 45 kg), and is estimated to have been between 14 and 22 years old (probably more around 18-22) at the time of her death. She had blue eyes, although it is very likely that her eyes were dark, it is possible that they lightened after the woman's body was set on fire, she had a pale complexion, and auburn to dark brown hair. The woman's teeth were very well taken care of and she may have worn a gem on one of her incisors (tooth 12, possibly a diamond-like, likely imitation, ornament around 2mm), which investigators believe may have been purposely removed during her murder to avoid her identification. She may have additionally recieved orthodontic treatment prior to becoming a teenager, she may have worn braces in the past. Her shoe size was likely 33/34/35 (EU), (2,5/3/3.5 US), her toenails were painted with red polish. The body was nude, yet blue/gray fibers at the scene may have been from fragments of clothing.
Postmortem examination indicated that the woman had been raped, strangled with a nylon string, and then doused in some kind of fuel and set on fire, she was probably killed elsewhere. During the autopsy skin was found under her fingernails and semen was found inside of her vagina. DNA discovered on the woman's body was examined and found to belong to a male relative (a lot of German articles say it was her own father).It's possible family or father claimed that the girl moved away or ran away. It could also be possible that they claimed to have reported her missing but never did. Further examination of the woman's body revealed she was still alive when her killer set her on fire, smoke was in fact found in her lungs, although she was not necessarily visibly alive to the perpetrator, as she could've fainted. The reason for her burning was probably to cover up evidence, as it seems that the killer tried to erase whatever features that might have led to her identification.
They speculate that Jane Doe and whoever murdered her may have belonged to a family travelling through the area, who by chance headed for the remote woodland on the mountain field to kill the young woman there. Also, some believe that she could have been a part of a group passing through the area for the rifle festival in the city the weekend before her death, it's possible she could have belonged to a group of showmen. However, police didn't find any information that would support the theory. In fact, some people remembered two twins who worked in a circus, one of whom always performed with her father, but this lead did not produce any results. The two twins, in fact, are both still alive and well. Investigator Ulrich Kayser said he didn't think a foreigner would find the place the body was found, as it was a very remote area, but he also didn't think a family in the area would have been able to keep a family member's disappearance a secret - let's just consider that Bergfeld has currently just 900 inhabitants. In 2017, twenty years after the murder, Kriminalkommissar Ulrich Kayser told Westfalenpost: "There must be a family somewhere that misses their daughter."
There is speculation on the Doe's Websleuths thread that her death could have come as an honor killing and she may have been of Turkish descent. The case was recently featured on Germany’s biggest (unsolved) crime show. It really went into detail and also talked about some theories, like a taxi driver, that came forward years later, that said she drove a young lady and three older men into the woods.
Identifying the victim could also lead to the crime being solved. If you have any information, please contact the Hagen police headquarters, Tel. 02331/986-2066, or any other police station. Her fingernails and her DNA are available for comparison, probably also her teeth.
[sources: https://www.wr.de/wr-info/article5201322/die-jagd-nach-dem-grausamen-moerder-geht-weiter.html
https://www.interpol.int/How-we-work/Notices/Operation-Identify-Me/DE03-The-burned-body-in-the-forest ]
my reddit posts:
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suturcd · 10 months
@determinazione said: “what kind of weapon is it?”
the millennium series by stieg larsson // accepting.
"Less of a what, more of a whom," Fran murmurs, and gestures for Giorno to examine the contents of the coroner's report placed before him--the most recent of three victims tied to Passione whose inflicted injuries share an unnervingly similar methodology. She produces an updated photo from the crook of her arm and slides it across the desk for his reference, as well.
"Compare photograph F of the laceration to the popiliteal fossa seen in the report to the one taken today. Sister Morphine was utilized on this injury postmortem in order to test a suspicion of mine." Fran braces one hand on the desk for balance as she leans forward, gesturing over the injury in the photo from the initial autopsy with her other one. "For my stand, knitting a relatively uncomplicated laceration such as this on a deceased recipient should have been seamless. But you can see that this isn't the case. It was healed, certainly, but note the visible scarring left behind despite the lack of discernible complexity to the chosen injury."
Fran straightens up, folding her hands neatly behind her back, her mouth pressing into a tight and solemn line behind her mask.
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"Living or deceased, sentient or inanimate, my stand's entire purpose is to mend. However, its use has one indicator--or lackthereof--which can confirm something for us that a standard autopsy report cannot." A gloved hand thumbs briefly, absentmindedly over the scarring that curves under her left eye, before she thinks better of it and drops it to the desk She taps an index finger there once, twice, three times. In a low voice, she continues: "…Injuries inflicted by a stand that are healed by Sister Morphine... will scar."
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peertechz · 2 years
Multiple re-entry gunshot wounds possibly inflicted by a single shot: Case report
Fireguns continue to attract people’s attention today as they have in the past. People obtain fireguns for individual purposes such as hunting, protection or defense. Again, firearms are manufactured for institutional purposes and used for deterrence, defense, and even for attacking in order to eliminate danger and threat [1].
Firearm wounds are frequently encountered in forensic practice [1]. The person can shoot himself or be shot by someone else. Firearm wounds have the same appearance in either case. Therefore, autopsy is recommended for firearm-related deaths [2].
Firearm wounds are examined by forensic medical experts for the identification of ballistic trajectory as well as entry and exit wounds. In case of firegun-related injuries, it is important to make investigations to determine the shooting distance, to determine the entry and exit wounds, to analyze the residues on the clothes and the body, and to preserve the clothes [1,2].
These investigations reveal the shooting direction, shooting distance, weapon type, victim position at the time of shooting, direction of the bullet hitting the body and the relevant organs. However, it is difficult to determine the shooting distance and to distinguish the entry-exit wounds in patients who have unknown injuries, no initial examination findings and received medical treatment [2,3].
Another difficulty encountered in distinguishing entry and exit wounds is when there are re-entry wounds. It is quite common for different parts of the body to be injured by one projectile because a single firearm projectile can cause several injuries. Re-entry wounds occur when a projectile pierces one part of the body such as an arm and then enters another part of the body such as the rib cage, for example. The most common situation is when the bullet travels across the arm or leg and then re-enters the abdomen or chest. Initially pierced body parts such as arms or legs, can be considered as an intermediate target. Placing the limb in the proper position immediately clarifies the situation and can significantly aid direction estimation [4,5].
Determining the number of shots in firearm injuries is important in cases in order to determine the origin by judicial authorities where there is more than one suspect. Consequently, re- entry wounds should be taken into consideration when interpreting the number of shots. In cases with re-entry-exit wounds, trajectory can be detected in the examination where the limbs such as arms and legs are placed in the appropriate position at autopsy.
In this case, the same bullet entered from the posterior left shoulder and exited from the left side of the neck and then re-entered 2 cm above the area where it exited on the neck, causing injury to re-exit from the back of the right ear, resulting in re-entry-exit wounds in this manner. It has been determined that there are differences between re-entry-exit wounds, which are widely seen in the literature, in terms of factors such as injury site and trajectory, therefore, our report aimed to discuss the methods to be followed to determine the number of shots, trajectory and entry-exit wounds in autopsies performed in re-entry-exit injuries, and to emphasize that re-entry and exit wounds should be taken into account in single-shot cases where it is difficult to distinguish entry-exit wounds.
CaseExternal examination
It was observed that the body underwent an abdominal operation, primary colon repair surgery in the hospital where the victim was admitted due to multiple firearm injuries. He was a 33-year-old male, 185 cm tall, of normal build, and weighing 92 kg. The postmortem rigidity was observable in all joints, and postmortem lividity appeared in purple on the back, lumbar region and gluteal region where there was no pressure, and faded with pressing. There were no signs of decay.
On the body, there was a yellow-black and red-colored tiger figure tattooing on the left side of the chest on the front of the body in a 17x13.5 cm area, a blue-black orange-red female warrior figure in a 24x20 cm area starting from the left shoulder and extending to the left arm, and black, red and green female skeleton, compass and clock figures in a 34x20 cm area starting from the right shoulder to the elbow.
All wounds with surgical suture material were opened and the existing gunshot wounds were enumerated:
1) A 1x0.9 cm firearm entry wound at the posterior left shoulder with an inferolateral 0.3 cm crescent-shaped pink ecchymosis and scratch.
2) A 1 cm firearm exit wound with 0.5 cm abrasion on the front upper half, with a 13x6.5 cm red-purple ecchymosis extending to the left shoulder on the left side of the neck.
3) A 0.7 cm firearm entry wound with an 0.3 cm ecchymosed scratch on the anterior upper half, just above the lesion number 2 in the area described above.
4) A 1x0.7 cm firearm exit wound with a 7x6 cm purple ecchymosis behind the right ear.
5) A 0.5 cm firearm entry wound in the lumbar region of the waist at the level of the T12-L1 vertebra on the right paravertebral line, with a 0.3 cm contusion ring.
6) A 7x3.5 cm firearm exit wound with irregular edges, with 2x0.4 cm purple ecchymosis on the upper right quadrant of the abdomen.
7) A 0.6x0.4 cm firearm entry wound in the medial of the right knee, with a metallic body inside.
On the body, a 23 cm long vertical incision was observed starting from the midline xiphoid of the abdomen and crossing the umbilicus with metal suture material around the 23x6 cm area with ecchymosis in pale brown green purple mottled appearance. A 0.5x0.3 cm sutured drain wound was observed in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen while a 1.5x0.3 cm sutured drain wound was observed in the left lower quadrant of the anterior abdomen. Injection marks were observed on the upper 1/3 anterior of both forearms, dorsum of both hands and in the antecubital region.
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unidentieddeceased · 2 years
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Unidentified Deceased
Hispanic/Latino Male-
*Found with unique distinctive Item*
(Little pink, red and black: Voodoo Doll w/ Heart Watch-Over Mom-Novelty Item) *Picture of item attached and more about item listed below*
NamUs Case: #UP91363
ME/C Case Number: 2022-0564
Date Body Found: May 4, 2022
Location Found: San Francisco, California
County: San Francisco County
Circumstances of Recovery:
The subject's body was retrieved from San Francisco General Hospital
Estimated Age: Pre 30. Height: 6' 0"(72 inches) Weight: 340 lbs Hair color: Black. Eye color: Brown
Head Hair Description: Short, with receding hairline on temples
Facial Hair Description: Beard with a sparse mustache
*No known or visible scars or tattoos*
Description Of Clothing On Deceased:
Black sweatshorts, grey shorts, grey Hanes boxer briefs, grey sweatshirt style short sleeve shirt, blue socks with maze pattern and mice, one stars and stripes, red, white and blue sock, one black sock depicting a hand with flipping off gesture.
Distinctive Item found w/ the unidentified deceased:
The only item that was photographed and released to the public among the unidentified deceased males property was a little pink, red and black doll.
After research and asking around I was told it was a Voodoo doll keychain watch-over mom-charm a type of novelty item that is mass produced and sold at stores like Walmart. (However, this is the best shot we have at potentially solving this case for now)
Regardless of the item being mass produced I’m hoping it could still potentially suggest the deceased male practiced either a religion and/or belief system and/or had an interest in subjects alike that are commonly ‘out of the ordinary’, that could possibly lead to uncovering his identity.
(I know there could be many more possibilities not listed about the item and/or how the unidentified deceased individual possibly obtained the item but I’m just hoping the item either way can help solve this case since it was the only item listed and released with a photograph to the public)
I’m working on potentially in the future being able to get postmortem facial photos released to the public for identification purposes and/or a forensic facial artist rendering but that is not guaranteed and still something in the works that I’ll continue to pester and fight other agencies for and if ever made available by these agencies than I will completely update and revamp the whole case and change the approach.
If you have any information regarding this case please contact: Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, San Francisco City and County-
Main Phone #: (415) 641-3600 Agency Case Number: 2022-0564
General Email/Website URL:
**If you’re not comfortable doing so please message me on Facebook or Reddit where I also share these cases and I would be more than happy to relay any information for you. You can remain completely anonymous, no questions asked**
Direct link to NamUs Case:
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forensicfield · 3 years
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hime-memes · 3 years
                                                       • Dracula - Random Chapter Starters  •  
These starters have been taken from a random chapter in ‘ Dracula ‘, by Bram Stoker. 
As always: Feel free to change anything within these starters that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse !
Recommended For: Vampire / horror themed muses/plots/timelines.
** Any slight wording changes / sentence break ups made to the original text is to accommodate for RP purposes or more clarity. **
Trigger Warnings: Death, Funeral Preparation, all the themes you expect to find in Dracula. 
“ The funeral was arranged for the next succeeding day, so that ( Name ) and ( Name ) might be buried together. I attended to all the ghastly formalities. “  “ She makes a very beautiful corpse, sir ! “  “ There were no relatives at hand ... “  “ Under the circumstances, ( Name ) and I took it upon ourselves to examine papers. “ “ ( Name ) Insisted upon looking over ( Other Name )’s papers themself. “  “ This is not altogether for the law. “  “ You knew that when you avoided the coroner. “ “ I have more than him to avoid. “  “ It is not well that her very thoughts go into the hands of strangers. “  “ Explicit directions regarding the place of burial were given. “  “ There was a wilderness of beautiful white flowers, and death was made as little repulsive as might be. “  “ All ( Name )’s loveliness had come back to her in death. “  “ Instead of leaving traces of ‘ death’s effacing fingers ‘, the beauty of life had been restored. “  “ He / She had not loved him / her as I had, and there was no need for tears in his / her eyes. “  “ Remain until I return. “  “ He came back with a handful of wild garlic from the box in the hall. “  “  Tomorrow, I want you to bring me, ( before night ), a set of postmortem knives. “  “ Must we make an autopsy ? “  “ But why do it at all ? The girl is already dead. “  “ I pity your poor bleeding heart. “  “  If I could, I would take on myself the burden that you do bear. “  “ I may err -- I am but man; but I believe in all I do. “  “ And yet, you saw how she thanked me with, with her so beautiful dying eyes ... “  “ There are strange and terrible days before us. “  “ Let us not be two, but one, so that we work to a good end. “ “ Will you not have faith in me ? “  “ Devotion is so rare, and we are so grateful to those who show it unasked to those we love. “  “ This was stolen in the night ! “  “ How was it stolen since you’ve got it now ? “ “ ... Because I got it back from the worthless wretch who stole it ! “  “ There was a mortuary air about the place that lowered our spirits at once. “  “ He looked desperately sad and broken ! “  “ You loved her too, old fellow ! She told me all about it and there was no friends that had a closer place in her heart but you. “  “ ( Name ), is she really dead ? “  “ I have grown to love you --- yes, my dear boy/girl, to love you. “  “ Call me what you will, I hope I may always have the title of a friend. “  “ There will be pain for us all; but it will not be all pain, nor will this pain be the last. “  “ The service was very simple & very solemn. “ “  I’m always anxious about ( Name ), for I fear some nervous fit may upset him/her again. “  “ I must not ask him, for fear I shall do  more harm than good. “  “ Oh, ( Name ), you will, I know, forgive me if I do wrong, but it is for your own dear sake. “  “ You will be grieved to hear ( Name ) died five days ago. “  “ Oh ! What a wealth of sorrow in a few words ! “  “ Poor ( Name ) ! ... to have lost all the sweetness in his/her life ! “  “ God help us all to bear our troubles ! “  
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engmjr419 · 4 years
Joice Heth and the Antebellum Depiction
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An advertisement for Joice Heth from 1835 Source
Imagine, if you will, it is December of 1835. It’s the end of another week and you’re attending an exhibition in a hotel to settle down. You pay 25 cents at the door for admission, and you’re herded into the exhibition hall where a sea of white faces gathers around a central figure. In the middle of room, is an old black slave woman, filling the room with the smell of an old pipe. 
Her face is a field of wrinkles, her eyes stare blankly out without movement, and her nails are long, unkempt, and filthy. This is Joice Heth, the main attraction, the supposed nanny (or mammy) of George Washington, the father of a country. She entertains the crowd with catholic hymns, historical stories, and warm quotes while the mass of people poke, prod, and examine her beyond any reasonable boundary.
Who and what is she? It would not matter if you were young or old, rich or poor, Slave owner or Abolitionist. You would simply be a face in the crowd, looking at her, examining her, and considering her. Is she really George Washington’s nursemaid? Is she an automation made of black tar, whale bone, and India rubber? Okay, granted she definitely isn’t an automation made of tar, but curiosity still parades the mind thanks to rumors, gossip, and discussion amongst the audience.
To funnel these thoughts into a single sentence, a viewer’s background, social class, culture, and race influence how they digest and interact with entertainment. In this case, the entertainment is an enslaved old black woman paraded around the country under a guise of historical connection. How would you look at her? Would you see her as a pitiful slave? A fellow deceiver of the masses? A mummy? An automation? An animalistic creature? The nursemaid of George Washington? To be more direct, how a society and culture creates racial concepts, class, stereotypes, and caricatures influenced how the audiences of Barnum viewed, interacted with, and discussed Joice Heth.
           Throughout her travels with Barnum and Lyman, a curious multivalence marked the exhibit of Joice Heth. Did her decrepitude mark her as a human oddity, to be marketed like the Chinese woman with “disgustingly deformed” bound feet, the Virginia dwarves, and the Siamese twins whose paths she often crossed on the touring circuit? Was it her scientific value as an embodiment of the different aging processes of the different races that merited her display? Was she an attraction because of patriotic value as a living repository of memories of a glorious past? Because she was a storehouse of ancient religious practices? Or simply because she was a good performer? (Reiss 81).
Joice Heth was P.T. Barnum’s breakout humbug, the 161-year-old 46-pound nanny of George Washington. Barnum quickly discovered as he carried out exhibitions of Joice Heth, that the exhibit was not popular because it was extremely believable but because it wasn’t. The possibility that it was both real and not real enabled layers of discussion to build onto the act. This also preyed upon the growing concerns over identity and deceptions in the growing urban space, especially over increasing anxieties about race with identity in increasingly Abolitionist northern states.
P.T. Barnum played his role in presenting himself in that growing anxiety about deception, but Joice Heth played her own role as well. Race in the period of Joice Heth was beginning to be further looked at (this is ironically reflective of our current issues), especially in regard to identity and the desire for scientific assertions. (79).
Barnum’s first humbug manages to continue postmortem of both Joice Heth and P.T. Barnum, for little is known truthfully about her. The most information about her we have is from a twelve-page pamphlet published by Barnum, which was used for advertising so the information in it is questionable minimally and completely fabricated at worst (I lean for the latter).
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A depiction of Heth and Barnum from the Potsville Herald, 1835. Source
Joice Heth was legally purchased by P.T. Barnum from John S. Bawling, who had previously been exhibiting her, for the price of 1000$. Barnum in future years made contradictory claims about his ownership of her as a slave. “In 1854 he claimed to be "the proprietor of the negress," while in 1869 he wrote that his payment only made him "proprietor of this novel exhibition”. These differing claims were made to save face, as the American Anti-Slavery Society had already been founded in 1833 and slavery was illegal in the North in the areas where Barnum was exhibiting the woman (The Joice Heth Exhibit).
The only definite thing we can say is Joice Heth died in 1836 of natural causes (despite Barnum’s claims and people’s theories that she wasn’t dead, the corpse was a fake, the autopsy was a hoax, and that she was preparing a tour of Europe as a phial of ashes) and that she was blind, paralyzed in both legs, and toothless. At the time of her autopsy (which Barnum still made an exhibition of at 50 cents a ticket) she was declared to be somewhere in her 80s, which is still pretty good considering the average lifespan of a slave was somewhere in the mid-20’s (Reiss 78).
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The cover of the 12-page pamphlet published by an unknown author (presumably P.T. Barnum and co.)  Source
“Joice Heth, the subject of this short memoir, was born on the Island of Madagascar on the coast of Africa, in the year One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy-four. Of her parents little or nothing is known, save what she herself relates of them…At the age of fifteen she was cruelly torn from the bosom of her parents and her native land by one of those inhuman beings, who in those days, to enrich themselves, made merchandise of human flesh” (Cook 104).
To fully view how people from different Antebellum backgrounds viewed Heth, we first can look at how Barnum presented Heath. In his pamphlet overviewing her, he mixed both Abolitionist wording with the Antebellum narrative of slave and slave owners. In the above except he says she was “cruelly torn from the bosom of her parents” but later on stating “A highly respectable gentleman of Kentucky…who has generously offered to set them free on being paid two-thirds of what they cost him” in regards to a deal from the owner of her great-grandchildren (a story that was created in face of Abolitionist criticism). This is to both satisfy the increasingly Abolitionist North and the Slave-owning south majority, though we cannot ignore that both sides had elements of the other in them at the same time.
He emphasizes that Joice was “treated by them (the Washingtons) as an hired servant rather than a slave” and “as to accommodate her in the enjoyment of the constant company of her helpmate (Peter)” referring to her transfer to another owner. The narrative continues like this, implying she has “great thankfulness” and she “is highly pleased with the idea of her remaining as she is, until death may finally close this mortal scene with her”, her life ended in Barnum’s possession. One cannot say if she was truly complicit in the act, satisfied with her role, mistreated as an object, or otherwise as the only account we have is from the mouth of Barnum who I personally would take with a grain of salt (as he was the proprietor of family-friendly deceptions) (Cook 105).
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Top: The depiction of Joice Heth used in advertising from 1835 to 1836. Source
Bottom: An illustration from P.T. Barnum’s autobiography, Source
Furthermore, we must look at how Barnum and others presented her in depictions and in writing as many newspapers ran stories about the hoax. Many drawings, paintings, and sketches of Joice Heth depict her very differently, from alien-looking, to human, to more animalistic in nature from caricature to truthful depiction. The drawing above on the left is from the advertising poster used by Barnum, depicting her with dark, bark-like skin, elongated hands (referencing her supposed long, talon-like nails), and the clothing of the traditional mammy character (a bonnet and an aproned dress).
The drawing on the right is Barnum’s autobiography in 1855, in it she looks immensely less grotesque. The depiction used as advertising by Barnum is obviously an exaggerated caricature for the purposes of drawing in a crowd. It brings to my mind the concept of a “Tar baby” from the stories of Briar Rabbit, who also had roots from slave tales.
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A depiction of Tom Rice, a popular minstrel show actor. Source
Caricatures of Black people and other people of color would be not foreign to the audiences of Joice Heth. Afterall, minstrelsy would have been in full swing by the time P.T. Barnum got possession of Heth. Even before then, caricatures of black faces, racist archetypes (specifically in our case the mammy), and exoticism (specifically the mystical minority concept) would be in the minds of the white faces observing her. Caricatures of these people would depict dark, almost pure black skin, exaggerated anatomy, and archetypical clothing, all of which is seen around Joice Heth.
Newspapers at the time described her in various ways, multiple from the New York area calling her an “animated mummy” (a bit harsh if you ask me). The New-York Evening Star describes her as “very much like an Egyptian mummy escaped from the Sarcophagus” while the New-York Sunday News said “This living mummy, on whose head 161 winters have sprinkled their snows” (Cook 108). A letter to the Editor of the New York Transcript shows some beliefs about “blacks” in relation to Heth’s passing and autopsy:
Another important physiological fact should be stated, which is, that blacks have a much greater tenacity for life than whites, and were it not that, like the domestic horse, they are broken down by servitude, they would live to much greater ages than the Circassian race -- and in the case before us, had it not been for the affectation of the lungs… together with what must have been fatigue to her, travelling and being subjected to the annoyance and importunity of her visitors, it is not improbable that the vital spark might have continued to flicker considerably longer (The Joice Heth Exhibit).
While this belief may seem completely odd and illogical to us at this point, let us not forget that a small population of our culture believes the world to be flat. People of the Antebellum era held the black individuals in their society at a different level, wherever that be on a lower one or a mystical one, typically both.
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A political cartoon by Mark Knight of the Herald Sun of Serena Williams. Source
Blacks and other races in American society (among others) typically face racial based Dehumanization and Objectification, where the individuals presumed humanity is metaphorically taken from them and then the belief they have conscious, independent thought. This process obviously was done to slaves as they were treated as property rather than conscious individuals. It still occurs today, for example Serena Williams as well as many other Black Americans being called “gorilla” amongst other things and portrayed animalistically like the controversial political cartoon above.
Barnum does this with Joice through several points, from presumably purchasing her as legal property, to claiming and indulging in the fact she enjoys “Animal food” (it is unclear if that means horse, chicken, or dog), to creating an entire rumor that she is an Automation created from “India rubber, Whalebone, and springs” which only pushed audiences to further prod and examine her to further his humbug, “Her debility was a draw, too, for many came to gaze on- even to touch her- marvelously decrepit body” (Cook 105-106, Reiss 79).
Moreover, from the various newspapers and media calling her a “mummy” to Barnum publicizing, dramatizing, and broadcasting her autopsy as a “spectacular display of race”. As Benjamin Reiss puts it further, the autopsy “dramatized some of the new meanings of Racial Identity and provided an opportunity for whites to debate them (in a displaced register) as they gazed upon or read about her corpse” (79). Joice Heth was continually objectified by the masses, as a topic for discussion, as a thing to examine, and as a being to figure and unearth it’s identity.
The audiences of Joice Heth were probably never made up of one individual group. Poor or rich, Young or Old, Abolitionist or Slave owner, Southerner or Northerner. Each face in that sea of individuals had an individual thought and concept of Joice Heth, if she was real or fake, human or machine, aged beyond human limit or simply mundanely old, a pitiful slave held under Barnum’s thumb or a fellow deceiver who was comfortable in her servitude.
For whoever and however the viewer may have seen her, their opinion was influenced by what they were presented and what rumors they digested, their view of Black americans and slavery as a whole, and their fears or beliefs of identity and race. Joice Heth served to the masses as a way for them to further their concept of identity, race, deceptions in the growing urban site, and assert their influences on the new Antebellum era.
It is ironic then how I, another white face in the crowd, am looking upon Heth and considering her for myself in this era of racial discussion. That I am yet another white individual talking for Heth, in place of her own voice.
Phineas T. Barnum. “The Colossal P.T. Barnum Reader: Nothing Else Like It In the Universe.” Edited by James W. Cook, 2005, 104-108.
“The Joice Heth Exhibit.” The Lost Muesum Archive, https://lostmuseum.cuny.edu/archive/exhibit/heth
Benjamin Reiss. “P. T. Barnum, Joice Heth and Antebellum Spectacles of Race” American Quaterly, No. 1, Vol. 51, 1999, 78-107.
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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What happens to the human brain in the first minutes after death What is death? Is there life after death? These questions have been stirring the minds of mankind for centuries. And today, scientists are still trying to solve them by examining the brain and its signals. Such an experiment was conducted in 1996 by Russian scientists to determine whether the brain continues to live (and for how long) after the physical death of the body.Experiment in the crematoria the purpose of the experiment was as follows: the researchers installed sensors on the body that recorded brain activity after the death of the body. At the same time, they made sure that the equipment did not react to external conditions: changes in temperature, pressure, and humidity. When the oven was started in the room before cremation, the encephalograph suddenly began to record signals. Most of all, they were similar to those that researchers recorded in a live frightened person. There was a feeling that the deceased was "afraid" of the upcoming cremation procedure…The results of the experiment were studied repeatedly and interpreted in different ways: from confirmation of the existence of an afterlife to hardware errors or deliberate forgery. And there are really grounds for doubt – after all, the experiment itself is called "secret" and "underground" without specifying exactly where and by whom it was conducted, and information about it first appeared 10 years later – in the book "Urgent conditions"by Sergey Sumin. It would seem that you can reject all of the above as nonsense or fiction, but no ... American and European experimentsprimer at the same time – in the mid-90s-similar experiments were independently conducted in the United States, Germany and Holland. However, they did not go public at first either. Only a decade and a half later, scientists from the stroke research Center in Berlin and the medical University in Cincinnati presented their joint work on the basis of many experiments and after careful interpretation.In the article "Terminal depolarization and electrical silence in the death of the human cerebral cortex", they confirmed that they also recorded the electrical activity of the brain in cadavers. And at certain moments after death-after 15-25 minutes-it increases significantly, exceeding the normal activity of the brain of a living person. The phenomenon called "Spreading depression" really resembled the panic state of a living person. So what are the dead so afraid of after death?Interpretation experimentacin offer several explanations for the observed phenomenon. The theory that experts were able to record the moment when the soul leaves the body is only one of the few. So Dr. Lakhmir Chawla suggests that the phenomenon is associated with the death of neurons, which, like mini-batteries, have a small electric charge and after the death of a person begin to discharge. This process just takes 15-30 minutes after cardiac arrest.Lance Becker of the University of Pennsylvania has a different opinion. He believes that neurons try to start a stopped heart and "resurrect" a person, which sometimes succeeds – in cases of clinical death. By the way, the so-called "second term" of clinical death (the time threshold at which it is still possible to start the heart) is just those very few tens of minutes.A more exotic, though not unfounded, theory is offered by Stewart Hameroff of the University of Arizona. He believes that at the moment of postmortem brain activity, a person's consciousness is "rewritten" in the information field of the Universe – because from the standpoint of quantum mechanics, it cannot simply disappear without a trace.
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introduction to autopsy
Robert D. Hoffman, MD, PhD
autopsy - invasive procedure performed after death for diagnostic or tissue recovery purposes
not inclusive of transplantation tissue recovery 
not inclusive of posthumous appearance display procedures (i.e., embalming, presentation)
two forms of autopsy, with some overlap in between
1. hospital autopsy - diagnostic, for determination of cause-of-death and recovery of tissues/medical devices
clarification of uncertain diagnoses
preservation of family medical history and definitive indication of hereditary disease
tissue recovery for research, education, genetic analysis
device recovery for research, quality control, analysis
may be requested by family | must have next-of-kin consent, may be limited | body disposition falls under NOK responsibility | no familial cost charge at VUMC
2. forensic autopsy - state takes an interest in cause-of-death, so manner and mode of death are measured in addition to clinical/scientific characteristics | i.e., autopsy for legal affairs
evidence in unnatural or suspicious death cases
documentation of vulnerable-population deaths, workplace-injury/exposure deaths, deaths in others’ custody
type and means of forensic autopsy varies by area of jurisdiction and local legal limitations
does not require next-of-kin consent, but also no cost charge to family
individuals who receive an autopsy:
all ages - generally quite young or quite old
in the case of the quite old - pathologists study factors into longevity
when legally necessary | when diagnostically necessary
hereditary disease factors for descendants, or research/educational purposes
histological tissue portions are preserved and can be accessed far into the future
cell cultures can be derived from autopsy tissues for basic science research
autopsy timeframe: any time postmortem, generally body is refrigerated in clinical settings
autopsy procedure
1. gathering background information - generate questions targeted toward garnering useful knowledge of death - physical records & witness accounts
2. external, then internal, examination of body - more access to body than surgery!
healthy fat is yellow from vitamin A derivatives and carotenoid deposits
unhealthy fat from kidney disease patients is “sallow” - pale, greying
3. collect tissue samples for histological imaging/analysis and laboratory testing procedures
evisceration - all internal organs are extracted from lesion in abdomen - Y-incision from sternum to pubic bone
open head skin from back and behind the ear, saw perpendicular to skin cut via bone saw, remove brain and eyes
steer NOK requests from “list of organs” to “body cavities” ; limitations v. request parameters may not be on-par and autopsy can be refused
4. all information integrated into full autopsy report 
full surgical procedures range from 1 day to 2-4 hours 
preliminary report in 2 days | final report in 1.5 months, with all lab tests and other aspects of report
toxicology may delay final report timeline - complex procedures
breaking down collected tissues into blocks
relevant blocks - neck | lungs | heart | liver | kidney
within a block:
section every solid organ and open all hollow organs; miss no more than a pea-sized portion
hollow organs are also taken into account and dissected, accounted for | vesicle-types, sacs, tubular organs, veins & arteries opened
brain is preserved in concentrated formaldehyde for two weeks and inspected for lesions before sectioning/sampling
close body and restore to extent of embalming 
tagging for carotid arteries to ensure normal facial appearance
hair and face care; tight skull bone fitting and incision below “pillow line”
chest plate returned and sewn up loosely; fluids washed from surfaces
cause of death - definitions and analyses
cause, mechanism/mode, and manner of death are all reported for statistics, funding, legal guilt/malpractice, etc.
1. cause of death: what, specifically, killed the person? disregarding intention
anatomic finding 
bodily indication of physical insult 
bacterial/viral infection 
toxic exposure 
metabolic disease
2. cause of death: immediate and underlying, multiple and branching off one another
immediate - most directly preceding and resulting in death
intervening - chained intermediate causes leading backwards from immediate to underlying
underlying - most remotely preceding and resulting in death, i.e., root cause
root cause analysis - starting from immediate cause and traveling backwards via observed intervening causes to root underlying cause
only positive causes and factors are considered, differentiating from engineering-style root cause analysis
i.e., hypoxic brain injury → COVID-19 pneumonitis → SARS-CoV2
all of these causes are valid and co-equal, just placed in a particular order
3. mechanism of death: physiological procedure created by a cause of death within the body
i.e., asphyxia, hemorrhage, acidosis, “failure”, cardiac arrest
i.e., “patient died of cardiac arrest as a mechanism of the cause-of-death, which is diabetes”
4. manner of death: explanation for how cause-of-death arose; addresses intention or lack thereof
natural - includes surgical risk deaths that are within patient consent agreements
unnatural - accident (non-intentional) | homicidal (intentional - to another) | suicidal (intentional - to self)
not “murder” - legal term having to do with guilt that is not dealt with in autopsies
the story/situation is really important for determination of cause, mechanism, manner
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corpusdxlicti · 5 years
"I. am Nicholas." Hand stretches out with still kind smile. "I'm trying to see where I can see a dead body. My post-graduate program has a class where they want me to look through the university files to examine postmortem damage on skin and tissue, but I figured I would just ask a real mortician if... maybe... I could... shadow you for a day?" There's sudden desperation in his voice. "P l e a s e, I won't get in your way and I'll be quiet the whole time. I'll sign whatever paperwork so please!"
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                    MORTUUS— HE WATCHES THE HAND for a moment, and it seemed almost like he was not going to take it when finally he takes it with a firm grip and shakes it. “I am not sure if you will find what you want,” Especially since most of the people that pass through his doors are either dead by very unnatural causes or the elderly, but he wasn’t going to interfere with a kid who was interested in a corpse or two. It simply reminded him of when he was young, after all, he’d have killed for the chance. 
“But if you’re certain, then go ahead. But I do not want any. Any. commentary about anything that goes on here. If you say a single word. A single toe out of line, and we might have a problem.” He adds, knowing that as he straightens himself up that he is increasingly intimidating, which was very much the purpose of his behaviour at the moment. Couldn’t have a brat spoil his business, now could he?
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rschmidth · 2 years
Read PDF Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science PDF BY Shauna Devine
Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science - Shauna Devine
READ & DOWNLOAD Shauna Devine book Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book, AudioBook, Reender Book Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science by Shauna Devine full book,full ebook full Download.
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 Read / Download Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science
DESCRIPTION BOOK : Nearly two-thirds of the Civil War's approximately 750,000 fatalities were caused by disease--a staggering fact for which the American medical profession was profoundly unprepared. In the years before the war, training for physicians in the United States was mostly unregulated, and medical schools' access to cadavers for teaching purposes was highly restricted. Shauna Devine argues that in spite of these limitations, Union army physicians rose to the challenges of the war, undertaking methods of study and experimentation that would have a lasting influence on the scientific practice of medicine. Though the war's human toll was tragic, conducting postmortems on the dead and caring for the wounded gave physicians ample opportunity to study and develop new methods of treatment and analysis, from dissection and microscopy to new research into infectious disease processes. Examining the work of doctors who served in the Union Medical Department, Devine sheds new light on how their
Author : Shauna Devine
Pages : 384 pages
Publisher : University of North Carolina Press
Language :
ISBN-10 : 146963337X
ISBN-13 : 9781469633374
 Supporting format: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, MOBI, HTML, RTF, TXT, etc.
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tinyshe · 3 years
Cell Lines From Miscarriages? Nonsense!
by Jose Trasancos
Fr. Nicanor Austriaco and others have speculated that HEK-293 may have been established from cells taken from a miscarriage.  That sounded like hogwash when I heard it and I started doing a little reading.  A little reading turned into a bit more, and then a bit more.  Recently, Dr. Jay Richards from Catholic University of America reached out to Stacy and he was looking for some authoritative reference on this question to support a current project.  I let Stacy know that I would be happy to respond.  This is what I wrote:
Stacy forwarded this question to me as I have spent some time on this after Fr. Nicanor Austriaco openly speculated that the HEK-293 cell line may have been developed using tissue from a miscarriage.
I’ll lead with the conclusion.  His statement is nonsense.  There is nothing in the scientific literature dealing directly with this claim, simply because it would never occur to a biologist to even try to establish a living cell line from dead tissue.  This cannot be done.  The impossibility becomes clear when one examines two things:
The biological process of miscarriage and stillbirth, and,
Post-mortem changes at the cellular level
With regard to the first question, pregnancy-related tissues are typically expelled between four and twenty days following fetal demise.  Most spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy (1st trimester) are caused by a variety of chromosomal abnormalities – an embryo does not form in these cases – and what tissue is expelled would be of no use to one attempting to establish a cell line.  The other causes of miscarriage and stillbirth result in the demise of the embryo or fetus and this demise precedes the expulsion of tissue by several days to a few weeks.1  The time involved is the critical observation.
The second question, understanding physiochemical post-mortem changes at the cellular level, makes it quite clear that a living cell line cannot be established using the tissues expelled from a miscarriage or stillbirth.  When the body dies (irreversible cessation of vital functions of the brain, heart and lungs), autolysis begins within minutes.2 This is a process of decomposition, where the cell membranes break down and release enzymes that begin a process of self-digestion.  Since circulation of oxygenated blood has ceased, the levels of carbon dioxide in the cell begin to rise and the pH within the cell becomes increasingly acidic.  This increasing level of acidity is what causes membranes within the cell to rupture, among them the membrane of the lysosome, which contains a variety of enzymes for the digestion of nucleic acids, fats, proteins, etc.3
The rate of autolytic spread varies throughout the organism and two of the most significant variables are the concentration of enzymes in the type of tissue and temperature.  Some organ tissues have comparatively high concentrations of enzymes.  The liver, kidneys and pancreas are examples, given their functions within the body.  Smooth muscle tissue and lung tissue have comparatively low levels of these enzymes.3  This is significant, in that organ tissue is sought as the source of cells for a cell line.
Temperature has the greatest impact on autolytic spread and progression.  The higher the temperature, the faster the autolytic reaction.  Very low temperatures can slow the autolytic process dramatically, which explains how people have been revived after apparently drowning in very cold water, suffering no permanent ill effects.3
In the case of a miscarriage or stillbirth, the temperature of the expired fetus remains at core body temperature, approximately 37*C, until it is expelled.  This will accelerate the autolytic process and spread.
One must remember that the time between the fetal demise of a miscarriage and expulsion of the pregnancy tissues is measured in days.  By the time the tissue is expelled, there is no metabolic function anywhere in the fetal body.  In fact, the expired fetus goes through a process of maceration (autolytic fermentation) prior to expulsion.  This has the appearance of putrefaction in that the skin separates and the tissue underneath is darkly discolored; putrefaction is bacterial decomposition and the amniotic sac is a sterile environment. 3
This information rejects the notion that tissue from a miscarriage can be used to establish a living cell line.  It also suggests that fetal tissue that is used for research purposes must be harvested and very quickly cooled within minutes of the abortion procedure.  That abortions and tissue harvesting are carefully coordinated is strongly implied in the scientific literature.  I’m including a reference to the development of the WalVax-2 cell line, completed in 2015.4 One gets the clear sense that the abortion procedures and the harvesting of the desired tissue were very carefully orchestrated to preserve the integrity of the tissue as much as possible.
In conclusion, establishing a living cell line from dead tissue is not possible (when put that way, it seems a bit silly to take the question seriously!).  In the case of miscarriage, metabolic function has completely ceased and decomposition is advanced by the time the tissue is expelled.
Resurrection requires Divine agency.
Obstetrics and Gynecology (utp.edu.co)
After a person's pulse and breathing stop, how much later does all cellular metabolism stop? - Scientific American
Postmortem Changes - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)
Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production (nih.gov)
General reference:
Spontaneous Abortion - Gynecology and Obstetrics - Merck Manuals Professional Edition
Yours very sincerely, and in Christ,
Jose L. Trasancos, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Children of God for Life, Inc.
I could have stopped after fifteen minutes or so of reading a biology text book, having learned enough to refute the statement.  I kept going to the point where I'm quite familiar with the chemistry.  It is patent nonsense to suggest that living cell lines could be established using tissues from a miscarriage or a stillbirth.  Now, Fr. Nicanor Austriaco is a molecular biologist (Ph.D., Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and others that have echoed Austriaco's statement are similarly credentialed.  THEY KNOW BETTER.  Why did they say what they said?  Do they hold the rest of us in such contempt that they think us incapable of some light research on our own?  Never mind the gross insult hurled at women that have experienced a miscarriage or a stillbirth.  What's their angle?  Whatever it is, it does not seem to be remotely connected with the truth.
I invite, no, I dare one of them, any of them, to respond with facts and data.  They are the ones challenging pretty basic biology.  They are the ones that need to come up with something of substance.  Until then, I will thank them to spare us their opinions.
Jose Trasancos
| April 25, 2021 at 11:26 pm | Categories:
Fetal & Vaccine Research
| URL:
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infosavvy · 4 years
Understand the Importance of Network Forensics
Understand the Importance of Network Forensics in this this article Network Forensics is the implementation of sniffing, recording, acquisition, and analysis of network traffic and event logs to investigate a network security incident. Capturing network traffic over a network is simple in theory, but relatively complex in practice due to many inherent reasons such as the large amount of data flow and complex nature of Internet protocols. Recording network traffic involves a lot of resources. It is often not possible to record all the data flowing through the network due to the large volume. Again, these recorded data need to be backed up to free recording media and for future analysis.
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The analysis of recorded data is the most critical and time-consuming task. There are many automated analysis tools for forensic purposes, but they are insufficient, as there is no foolproof method to recognize bogus traffic generated by an attacker from a pool of genuine traffic. Human judgment is also critical because with automated traffic analysis tools, there is always a chance of false positives.
Network forensics is necessary in order to determine the type of attack over a network and to trace the culprit. A proper investigation process is required to produce the evidence recovered during the investigation in the court of law.
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Postmortem and Real-Time AnalysisForensic examination of logs has two categories:Postmortem
Investigators perform postmortem of logs to detect something that has already occurred in a network/device and determine what it is.
Here, an investigator can go through the log files a number of times to examine and check the flow of previous runs. When compared to real-time analysis, it is an exhaustive process, since the investigators need to examine the attack in detail and give a final report.
Real-Time Analysis
Real-time analysis is an ongoing process, which returns results simultaneously, so that the system or operators can respond to the attacks immediately.
Real-time analysis is an analysis done for the ongoing process. This analysis will be more effective if the investigators/administrators detect the attack quickly. In this analysis, the investigator can go through the log files only once to evaluate the attack, unlike postmortem analysis.
Network Vulnerabilities
The massive technological advances in networking have also led to a rapid increase in the complexity and vulnerabilities of networks. The only thing that a user can do is minimize these vulnerabilities, since the complete removal of the vulnerabilities is not possible. There are various internal and external factors that make a network vulnerable.
Internal network vulnerabilities
Internal network vulnerabilities occur due to the overextension of bandwidth and bottlenecks.
Overextension of bandwidth: Overextension of bandwidth occurs when user need exceeds total resources.
Bottlenecks: Bottlenecks usually occur when user need exceeds resources in particular network sectors.
The network management systems direct these problems and software to the log or other management solutions. System administrators examine these systems and identify the location of network slowdowns. Using this information, they reroute the traffic within the network architecture to increase the speed and functionality of the network.
External network vulnerabilities
External network vulnerabilities occur due to threats such as DoS/DDoS attacks and network data interception. DoS and DDoS attacks result from one or numerous attacks. These attacks are responsible for slowing down or disabling the network and are considered as one of the most serious threats that a network faces. To minimize this attack, use network performance monitoring tools that alert the user or the administrator about an attack.
Data interception is a common vulnerability among LANs and WLANs. In this type of attack, an attacker infiltrates a secure session and thus monitors or edits the network data to access or edit the network operation. In order to minimize these attacks, the user or administrator needs to apply user authentication systems and firewalls to restrict unauthorized users from accessing the network.
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Mac Forensics
Network AttacksMost common attacks against networks:1. Eavesdropping
Eavesdropping is a technique used in intercepting the unsecured connections in order to steal personal information, which is illegal.
2. Data Modification
Once the intruder gets access to sensitive information, his or her first step is to alter the data. This problem is referred to as a data modification attack.
3. IP Address Spoofing
IP spoofing is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to a computer. Here, the attacker sends messages to the computer with an IP address that indicates the messages are coming from a trusted host.
4. Denial of Service (DoS)
In a DoS attack, the attacker floods the target with huge amount of invalid traffic, thereby leading to exhaustion of the resources available on the target. The target then stops responding to further incoming requests, thereby leading to denial of service to the legitimate users.
5. Man-in-the-Middle Attack
In man-in-the-middle attacks, the attacker makes independent connections with the users/victims and relays messages between them, making them believe that their conversation is direct.
6. Packet Sniffing
Sniffing refers to the process of capturing traffic flowing through a network, with the aim of gaining sensitive information such as usernames and passwords and using them for illegitimate purposes. In the computer network, packet sniffer captures the network packets. Software tools known as Cain&Able are used to server this purpose.
7. Enumeration
Enumeration is the process of gathering information about a network that may help in an attacking the network. Attackers usually perform enumeration over the Internet. During enumeration, the following information is collected:
Topology of the network
List of live hosts
Architecture and the kind of traffic (for example, TCP, UDP, IPX)
Potential vulnerabilities in host systems
8. Session Hijacking
A session hijacking attack refers to the exploitation of a session-token generation mechanism or token security controls, such that the attacker can establish an unauthorized connection with a target server.
9. Buffer Overflow
Buffers have data storage capacity. If the data count exceeds the original capacity of a buffer, then buffer overflow occurs. To maintain finite data, it is necessary to develop buffers that can direct additional information when they need. The extra information may overflow into neighboring buffers, destroying or overwriting the legal data.
10. Email Infection
This attack uses emails as a means to attack a network. Email spamming and other means are used to flood a network and cause a DoS attack.
11. Malware Attacks
Malware is a kind of malicious code or software designed to damage the system. Attackers try to install the malware on the targeted system; once the user installs it, it damages the system.
12. Password-based attacks
Password-based attack is a process where the attacker performs numerous login attempts on a system or an application to duplicate the valid login and gain access to it.
13. Router attacks
It is the process of an attacker attempting to compromise the router and gaining access to it.
Read More : https://info-savvy.com/understand-the-importance-of-network-forensics/
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yogaadvise · 5 years
Pumpkin Corpse Pose Cookies
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Have you ever before been frightened of Savasana?
Well, probably not. It's just one of the yummiest presents there are. These pumpkin spice males have actually fallen deep into Savasana as well as aren't likely to make it out alive ...( cue macabre wails ooOo)
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2 ½ Cups All-Purpose Flour
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1 ½ Tblsp Ground Cinnamon
1 Tblsp Ground Nutmeg
2 Tblsp Ground Ginger
1 Tsp Ground Cloves
½ Tsp Salt
1 ½ Cups Granulated Sugar
1 Large Egg
1/2 Mug Coconut Oil (somewhat cozy in fluid form)
1 1/4 Mug Pumpkin Puree (from the can OR scroll down to see exactly how to make-your-own pumpkin puree)
1 Large Egg
1 Tsp Vanilla Essence (optional)
To make the Corpse Poses:
Pre-heat oven to 175 Celsius.
Use a bit of Coconut Oil to oil pan.
Combine Flour, Baking Soft Drink, Cooking Powder, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger, and also Salt.
In a separate bowl, defeated Egg as well as Sugar together.
Beat in Coconut Oil, Pumpkin, and Vanilla.
Combine mixtures.
Form right into Remains Positions. They can be mangled in the arm or legs-- they're dead!
Bake for about 15 minutes.
After remains have actually cooled to death-temperature, the most effective part is doing the postmortem examination. You can establish the cause of death by dipping in red jam( loss of arm or leg), honey as well as bee pollen( dangerous sting), or simply eating the ones that fell under a Savasana coma.
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* To make your very own pumpkin puree:
Buy a sugar pumpkin (a regular pumpkin is all right, but the smaller the pumpkin, the sweeter the pumpkin flavour).
Gut pumpkin and also de-seed/de-pulp.
Cut in fifty percent and also then setting halves with each other to ensure that the withins don't dry in the stove. Bake for about 45min-1hour or until a knife conveniently jabs with the flesh.
Peel off pumpkin skin and mash up pulp with a fork until it's the texture of puree.
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Enjoy your cookies and also have a really Satisfied Halloween!
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