#purrsona 3 reloaf au
sparkykitsune · 4 months
Purrsona 3 Reloaf but I've made my decision on what kitties to use
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On a side note, I noticed there are some cats in Persona 3, such as Fuuka attempting to feed a stray cat in her social link. In this AU, I'm replacing any cats with other animals (that aren't felines) for consistency. For which felines are anthropomorphic in this AU, it's house cats and any smaller wild felines (no big cats, snow leopards, pumas or cheetahs).
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
Persona 3 Cats (and Doggo)
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I stylized their eyes to make them more colourful (these eye stylizations are based off from the Lackadaisy pilot)
A little bonus headcanon idea, thinking about Mitsuru being called Mittens in this AU (she has white paws) and I'll probably stick with it (she shall be known as Mittens Kirijo)
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
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Drew headshots of the Persona protags from games 3-5 cause I have art block, partially inspired by purrsona-animals' drawings of the Persona protags
Added Kotone to this AU cause why not? Also trans girl Narukami in this AU from now on cause we ball.
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
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Drew some YukaMitsu art, or dare I say it, YukaMitts due to Mitsuru's moniker in this AU (no one really calls her Mitsuru, everyone in SEES is just stuck with calling her Mittens)
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
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Haven't reached the point in the game but I decided to draw Ryoji as a cat for my AU
He's a Japanese bobtail cat (even though you can't tell in this drawing) Made him a white cat with black markings, was thinking about a black and white tuxedo cat but I didn't want him to look like Morgana (doesn't help that he has blue eyes and a yellow scarf), plus I wanted to add his mole he has onto his face as a fur marking
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sparkykitsune · 22 days
Yookaree 🐱♥️
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(I stole this joke from someone on Discord)
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
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Ken and Koromaru walking together
Little headcanon I have for Ken is that he has a tendency to walk on his toes (digitigrade stance), but he does slowly stop doing this as he gets older and taller And yes, his legs are supposed to be shorter in proportion to his torso due to him being a munchkin cat, though he kinds looks a bit uncanny in this drawing (I'll experiment a bit more in the future)
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
Ken and Hamburger 🐹🍔
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Based off of some Hamtaro art of Laura holding the eponymous hamster in her jacket (also no, Ken isn't going to eat Hamburger just because he's an anthro cat and his hamster having a food name; get your head out of the gutter if that's the case)
and also also, I have art block
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
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Haven't gotten the motivation to draw Strega designs for my AU but my vision :3
Side note, think I'm getting more attached to my Purrsona 3 AU than my Pawsona 5 AU
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
Mittens Kirijo
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I call her Mittens because of a thought I had and it just kind of stuck with me, so that's why I call her Mittens instead of Mitsuru. Kind of like how Roark is called Rocky or Calvin is called Freckle.
Headcanon that Mitsuru is rarely called by her actual name. Almost everyone either refers to her as Mittens or by her surname (she hates being called Mitts though). It started off as a nickname between her, Akihiko and Shinjiro, but one day, Akihiko slipped up and called her Mittens in front of Ikutski. So the chairman kept calling her Mittens from that day on instead of Mitsuru, and it eventually got to the eventual members of SEES, much to Mittens' dismay.
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
a good boi gets his bone!
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Also, yes, I drew Koromaru as a husky on purpose cause that's how I view and interpret him Before you guys go telling me that he's supposed to be an albino shiba inu and that's why he looks like this, I have my rebuttal. Albino dogs are white furred, and their parts (like their paw pads, nose, area around eyes) are pink, along with having really pale blue-ish coloured eyes due to the lack of pigment. So if the artist team behind Persona 3 took artistic licenses, then I shall too.
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sparkykitsune · 2 months
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Natsuuka, probably my favourite Persona 3 ship cause I just adore em the most out of my favourite P3 couples (though I also really adore YukaMitsu and Jundori too)
Natsuki here is a Siberian cat. I colour picked her drawn portraits to find suitable colours for her
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
the one Persona joke, stop please
starting to get really annoyed by a Persona joke I keep getting over on Discord (not here yet thankfully)
"You should've made Koromaru/Morgana a human!"
I swear, this joke is starting to really piss me off Literally the entire reason why I made the P3 cast as anthro cats and the P5 cast as anthro dogs is to be the opposite of Koromaru/Morgana and it's also my Persona AU, not your's, so can it
thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
Lackadaisy X Persona 3 AU
Been thinking about doing an AU with this idea since I think my P3 cat designs can pass off as Lackadaisy designs for the most part
little premise of this AU: SEES is a speakeasy set during the Roaring 20s (haven't figured an abbreviation for this SEES), and they have to compete with the Marigolds and the eponymous Lackadaisy (canon Lackadaisy cat cameo perhaps)
Notable character name changes (I haven't decided on new surnames yet): Makoto -> Michael Yukari -> Yvonne Junpei -> Juniper Mittens (Mitsuru) -> Maria (but she's still called Mittens; I can't call her Mitzi for obvious reasons) Akihiko -> Andrew Fuuka -> Flora Aigis -> Angela (but called Aigis as a play on "I guess") Koromaru -> Shiro Ken -> Kenneth (but called Ken for short) Shinjiro -> Shane
Some other tidbits (contains some canon stuff from Persona 3 but altered to fit the Lackadaisy world):
All characters are aged up to adults to fit the Lackadaisy theme (Ken is the youngest, he's 18)
Michael's parents died when he was young, so he lived with his extended family before leaving home at age 18 and somehow managing to land himself in the position as a rum runner
Yvonne's father was killed by a drunk driver when she was little, and she didn't think she'd end up as a rum runner many years later much to her dismay (as she detests alcohol combined with her father's death)
Juniper works as the bartender for the speakeasy, and he does consider it as an "escape" from his insecurities and such while talking with patrons at the bar. He seems to have a crush on one of the bar's regulars
Maria's family runs SEES (Ikutsuki isn't here in this AU), but she's the sole heir of the speakeasy as her father passed away
Andrew's backstory is the same as canon (him, his sister and Shane were living in an orphanage but his sister died), he doesn't dare tell his foster parents that he's working as a rum runner
Flora's parents are doctors in this universe but Flora ran away from home because of pressure and wound up working at the speakeasy (her medical knowledge does come in handy, and she has some mechanic skills as well that she learned in her spare time growing up)
Angela suffered from a brain injury and damaged her amygdala, so she's rather "robotic" and emotionless, she's most certainly "enigmatic" as she's rather shut in about her past (she's just a regular of the bar that ended up as part of the speakeasy staff)
Shiro and his owner came from Japan* but his owner was killed on the job as a rum runner. Shiro is currently a stray dog that's looked after by SEES and Shane (dogs do exist as pets in Lackadaisy)
Kenneth's mom was killed (as a bystander) when Shane shot her, and he joins the speakeasy as a ploy for revenge. Kenneth is also 18 in this AU (but much like Freckle, he's short and has a babyface)
Shane left the speakeasy and lives on the streets homeless out of guilt on what happened
A lot of character dynamics are mostly the same as in the actual game (like Juniper and Yvonne bantering etc)
Strega doesn't exist in this AU but the three members of Strega still appear as characters (homeless trio)
*I'm aware that shiba inus didn't come to America until the 1950s but like, Lackadaisy itself does contain a few minor anachronisms so it probably won't affect anything
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
My thoughts on Yukari and Junpei's bantering
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sparkykitsune · 3 months
Kibby Makoto
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love bobtail cats (adore their personalities, I'd definitely own this cat cause it's a cat that I can vibe with)
No whiskers alt cause I kinda don’t like how he looks with whiskers
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