#pushing Kaeya’s Kid Mondstadt’s big brother agenda
the-last-butter · 2 years
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They’re very penguin to me !!
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meili-sheep · 3 years
What if Diluc woke up to only be back to when he was a child. What will he do with all the knowledge he has...
Oof this is a rough one.
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Cause Diluc has a complicated relationship with the past. He moves past it, but he makes sure never to forget. The past is something he learned from and a place he'll never allow himself to go back to.
Then suddenly being forced back into it...
I think... In a way, he'd feel liberated. And he'd miss all the people he'd know. But he suddenly has the chance to be selfish to live his life the way he wants to. And maybe do a better job of protecting people.
So first off. He'd stop any training for the knights. And his Father's disappointment would be hard but he's not that little boy who only wishes to please and defend his father anymore. He's just Diluc and He'll keep being Diluc. Suddenly having more time for his hobbies would be great or looking into things he never thought about looking more deeply into. I am just going to once again push my Fiddle Diluc agenda here. I think he'd still earn his vision because he's still the same person, probably even shining brighter than before.
Then Kaeya...
Kaeya. Diluc would be suspicious of Kaeya for a while but then quickly realize. That's just a kid... Put an awful situation. And the big brother instinct would kick in overdrive. And after a bit Diluc just tells Kaeya that he knows... An doesn't know what he'll do in the future but Diluc is his brother and Mondstadt will always be his home.
With that done... I think. Diluc would go to help Ajax... Talking father into Snezhnaya. It would be super cute to see a younger Ajax. Though With the Abyss... I'm not totally sure Diluc could prevent it...
And as for his father... He'd try and catch when Crepus got the delusion but I think he'd only be able to find it later... And he'd steal it. Keeping it away from anyone, knowing it will only cause suffering.
It would be strange. He'd still do everything he could to protect people but he'd feel a lot more free. Like the burden of his mistakes is gone. And he can be more himself.
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