#put your favorite lysander moment in the tags
miroana · 1 year
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Lune Invictus
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elexmori-mcl · 3 years
Sticky sweet
word count: 1.0 k
characters: Elex (OC) x Lysander (MCL AL)
tags: nsfw, teasing, submissive L
If your favorite LI is not included in the event, you''ll have to take action yourself. And Lysander should be careful who he provokes, unless that' s exactly his goal.
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"It smells fantastic in here". Lysander curiously entered the kitchen for the source of the scent. Elex whirled around, trying to block her boyfriend's field of vision with nervous movements. The latter was irritated for a moment by her, but then decided to play along and averted his gaze toward the garden. "Does your activity in the kitchen have anything to do with today's date?" "Yes..." Feeling embarrassed, she moved a bit to the side to present her work to him. On the counter was a fresh baking pan full of cinnamon buns baked to a golden yellow, still steaming and spreading their fragrance across the room. She sheepishly turned her back on him and pushed the bowl of white icing toward the baking pan. "I just wanted to spread the glaze on top." With a spoon in her hand, she began spreading lines of icing on the cinnamon buns. Lysander wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her cheek. "What on earth did I do to deserve you?" "Hmm... Maybe the white rabbit's performance won me over back then?" A second kiss, lower this time. "That was all?" "And your ability to put my nervousness at ease." "Mmm..." He placed the next kiss in the crook of her neck as he continued to hold her hips. "And... I just fell madly in love with you."
Satisfied with her performance, she stroked her fingers over the inside of the spoon to pick up the last bits of icing. She wanted to quickly put this into her mouth, but one hand stopped her and guided them to Lysander's lips instead. Irritated, she turned around and looked into a smirking face. Watched by her, he opened his mouth so that his tongue slowly traveled up her index finger. The fingertip itself was pushed into his mouth and sucked on with pleasure. His victim's face flushed with shame, but at the same time she could not avert her gaze. The thin, sugary mass was running down her middle finger, which did not go unnoticed. Defiantly, Elex spread both her middle and index finger after Lysander slowly released the latter from his mouth. He locked his eyes on her insistently as he reached between both fingers and gently licked the spot. Slowly, almost agonizingly slowly, he moved along this time as well. He knew how to design this game to provoke her. After his tongue circled her fingertip, he finally let go of her hand. "Sweet and sticky."
keep reading
As soon as he had uttered this remark, she had dipped her left hand into the bowl and was running it over his lips. "Then let me taste it, too." Her hands cupped Lysander's cheeks and pulled them down to her. Looking for support from the sudden movement, he grabbed the counter with both hands while his upper body was pressed against his girlfriend. She kissed him timidly on the mouth at first, so that their lips barely touched. At the same time, due to her tight grip, he could neither resist nor kiss her more intimately. After another fleeting touch, she ran her tongue over her lips and looked thoughtfully to the side. "Sweet... And I know for a fact that I'll be blushing bright red when Rosa and Leigh come over for brunch tomorrow. I'll be thinking about this about this while we're eating the leftovers." She turned back to her partner and they exchanged a conspiratorial look. Her teeth dug into her lower lip before she turned to whisper in his ear. "But then, it shall be worth it." Barely uttered, her lips met his again, this time more greedy and demanding. He let her have her way, surrendering to their shared lust. Hands wandered to his neck to grasp it, while she pressed against him at the same time, trying to get away from the counter. In a brief moment when they separated, Lysander grasped her thighs to encourage her to jump up. Immediately she crossed her legs behind him and devoted herself to his lips again. This time it was his lower lip she bit, causing him to suck in a sharp breath. "Into the bedroom, now."
Her commanding tone left no room for discussion, but that was exactly the dominant nature he wanted to provoke from her. The stairs seemed endless to him, mostly because Elex had buried herself in the crook of his neck. As her fingers ran through his hair, his neck was covered in kisses and he pressed her body against himself with each step. Once he reached the top, he let himself fall backwards onto the bed with her. She was now sitting on top of him. Slowly she straightened up and focused her weight on her lower body, pressing against him once again. His hands reached for hers to intertwine them as he defenselessly let her move her hips on him. A low moan escaped him and in turn he arched up to increase the friction. Elex placed his hands around her hips so that he could set the rhythm.
Laying her head back she finally let him hear her rising lust as well. Each sigh only stimulated him more, making his movements against her lower body more and more frantic. In response, his partner raised up and looked down at him. The impatience in his expression almost made her grin, if it weren't for that desire leading up to it at the same time. Deft fingers worked their way around the straps of his pants and slid his shirt over his chest as a result. When he wanted to let his own hands wander over her body she held him firmly in place. Instead, he set about massaging her butt through her skirt while pressing her against him again. With a gentle movement over his eyes, she motioned him to close them. Shortly after, Lysander felt her lips over his belly button. Soft kisses rained down on him as he intensified his grip on her. Unable to see anything, he could clearly hear her ragged breathing and every moan in return. As her tongue circled his nipple, a shudder ran through his body. "You drive me crazy..." he admitted out of breath. "And maybe this is exactly how I imagined our Valentine's Day."
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mollycassmith · 7 years
Closer to Home (Part 2)
Part 1
Here is the link for the tag list if you want to be added!
A/N: So, I’m just going to put this out there, please don’t expect updates this close together, I just got really excited, plus, I’m a college student whose life gets ahead of her. I will do my best to post things consistently, but life does happen, so if I don’t post within like 7-10 days, I give you full permission to flood my inbox until I post something. Good? Great, onto the story! For those of you just joining the party, this is based off @asofterfan‘s Punk AU, and you should definitely go check it out!
CW: some language, if I forget to tag something, please let me know!
Word Count: 1207
As soon as she left the room, the whispers started.
“Who is she?” one student whispered.
“I heard she’s friends with the counselor’s kid,” another answered. “She used to go here apparently.”
“Well, whoever she is, she’s awesome.” There were sounds of agreement from around the room.
“She’s lucky,” Logan corrected. “Had that flask hit her, we’d be looking for a new sub. Get back to work, unless you’d rather fail today’s class.” The classroom fell silent once again, and Rose didn’t return til the first of the reactions started. She grinned, clapping her hands a bit.
“Wonderful! Once you get cleaned up, I don’t care what you do til class is over, just no phones.” She took a seat and looked at the glass on the floor with a soft sigh, making a mental note to deal with it once the students left. She heard the bell ring and rubbed a hand over her face with a sigh as the students left. She looked up, surprised to see Virgil and the blue-haired student cleaning a spot on the ceiling. “You made it hit the ceiling?”
“He did,” Virgil stated, jabbing his thumb towards his partner.
“You doubled it.”
“Of course I did,” He said proudly. “Got a problem with that?”
“None at all, but you might if you’re late to your next class. I’ll get that cleaned up,” she said before shooing them out as the next set of students came in. The rest of her day was rather uneventful, aside from the whispers about the bottle blond getting suspended or expelled. She ignored all the questions about the incident, until a pastel haired student walked up to her, and she mentally went through Remy’s descriptions of Virgil’s friends.
“Are you alright? Virgil and Logan told me about what happened.”
“You must be Patton,” Rose smiled. “Remy mentioned you. I’m fine, no worries.” He frowned a bit but said nothing before going back to his table and working. She relaxed a bit as she watched the last batch of students leave, and she looked around, seeing several places she was going to have to clean, lest the janitors have a fit. She started cleaning, jumping a bit when there was a knock on the door. She frowned and walked over to see four sets of colored hair outside the classroom, and she opened the door.
“Need some help?” Patton grinned as they walked in.
“Just tell us where we can help, teach,” Roman stated, and she raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, whose idea?” she inquired, crossing her arms before the door swung open dramatically. “Forget I asked.”
“Gurl, who did you think was behind this?” Remy grinned.
“Who told them?” she asked, looking at the four students. All eyes went to Virgil, and she merely nodded, smiling a bit. “Alright, music preferences?”
“What?” the students asked, confusion on their faces.
“I’m not about to clean in a quiet classroom, that’s the quickest way to send me to sleep.”
“Aw, you do care,” Remy grinned.
“Wrong sleep, drama queen.” She turned on a heavy metal playlist before directing them on where they could help. Turned out, Logan and Virgil weren’t the only ones who decided doubling the reaction was a good idea. Between the six of them, the room was cleaned in a timely manner, and before Rose could thank the students, Remy was dragging her out of the room.
“Dad said you have to come by for dinner, and he’s supes proud of you for dealing with that Deceit kid.”
“Draven?” she asked, having to run to keep up with her friend. “He was being a little twit, so I did what needed to be done.”
“Girl, he threw a flask at your head!”
“And?” Remy rolled his eyes as she dragged Rose to her dad’s office. “Hey, Dr. P.”
“Good to see you again. Ready to go?”
“Once I give this idiot a lecture on self-preservation,” Remy grumbled, and Rose frowned. “Why do you do stupid things?”
“You’re going to have to elaborate, darling.”.
“Don’t ‘darling’ me when I’m pissed off, Rose. You knew he’d throw that flask at you, didn’t you?” Dr. Picani frowned but said nothing.
“I knew what I said would piss him off, yes, but not that he’d throw a flask at my head.” She crossed her arms and looked up at Remy, internally cursing the fact that she was short. “Had I known he was going to do that, I never would have said anything.”
“You’re a shit liar.”
“Remy, language,” Dr. Picani reprimanded.
“Remy, I’ve had flasks thrown at me because of my own stupidity, do you really think I willingly would provoke some idiot into throwing another one?” She rubbed a hand over her face. “I’m just gonna go, I’ll see you around. See you later, Dr. P.” With that, Rose left the office and headed back to the classroom to get her stuff before she left the school. Remy moved to follow her, but his dad simply shook his head.
“Give her a chance to cool down. You know how she gets.” Remy sighed a bit and nodded.
Rose drove to the edge of town, heading for the old park that was there, knowing that the place would be empty, which is what she needed. She shut off the car and climbed out, walking over to the swings, and taking a seat. She rubbed a hand over her face before she heard the sound of another car, causing her to frown a bit and look up. She saw four people walking towards her, and though she couldn’t make out faces, the pastel and red hair stood out across the distance.
“What are you four doing here?”
“We could ask you the same thing,” Logan stated, crossing his arms as the four neared her. “You practically stormed out of Picani’s office.” A fleeting frown crossed her face.
“You saw that.” She sighed a bit and shook her head. “Remy and I had… a disagreement.”
“I’ve known Remy a long time, and he’s never looked that upset about something,” Virgil pointed out, causing her to frown again.
“What was the disagreement about?” Patton asked. Rose shook her head, going quiet.
“Why won’t you tell us?”
“Because it was stupid, and something that never should have been an argument in the first place,” she muttered. Roman frowned and walked closer, but the glare she shot him halted him in his tracks. “I came out here to be alone, because I needed to think. Also, because I may or may not decide to set something on fire, but that’s beside the point. Please don’t come any closer.” Had it not been for the glare, the four could almost have believed the sweetness coating her voice.
“What was the argument about?” Patton asked again after a few moments of silence.
“She thinks I purposely taunted the bottle blond into throwing a flask at me.” Her voice was soft, and it was almost lost with the wind blowing through the park. “He looked at me like I was stupid… I’m not stupid.” She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. “Called me a liar, like I ever lied to them before.”
This is a link for the reaction they did, it’s one of my favorite experiments, and yes, it gets quite messy.
Tag list:  @asofterfan @thebesttable @rptheturk @theinternethaslife @wildhorsewolf @puns-and-patton @thenachoduckof-fandoms @kanejandkruge @the-homelessone @grey-lysander
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randomsquirrel · 7 years
Simblr Story Meme
*Laughs and grins.* I’ve been tagged by the delightful @valoisfulcanelli, and it would simply be RUDE not to say something, so here we go!
 Here’s a fun thing: YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED! Let’s talk about your story! Here’s what you do:
 1. How many stories are you writing?
Um, heh, not that many sadly. I’ve been working on a series set in the Stardew Valley game-universe for over a year now, on its third book, with a fourth one starting up some time in fall once I finish the third one. At least, that’s the PLAN; I’m updating thrice weekly, but even at 51 chapters so far it’s still not quite done, and I don’t want to rush it like I did book one.
Rose & Sunflower is the current series, and hopefully I’ll be done with it after book four. (I mean, seriously, four books for this little game?!) It’s the story of someone running from a problem that he created and it trying to start over again, and happens to find friends, a new use for his skills, and more. Where most SDV writers tend to follow their farmers, their farm, and all of that stuff, I went for a different tangent, hitting the musical angle that to my surprise, nobody else has tried. There’s also romance because of course there is, but it’s still a decent story despite that. XD
A Legend from the Gem Sea is a little one-shot short story written as a Tumblr Secret Santa this year, and it came out rather nice. Just a quick story between their farmer and Elliott, and I’m pretty pleased with how it came out.
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day is another short-story one-shot I’ve had in mind for a little bit but haven’t had the time or energy to sit down and write, just a small Sam/Sebastian thing, but not set in the R&S “universe.”
For REAL stories and not just fanfiction I have a few other stories in mind, like the high-tech high-magic world that I’ve been tinkering with for over a decade, and another with a near-future version of Earth that’s basically “network engineers in low-earth orbit.” Trust me, it’s much more interesting than it sounds. :P
I’ve also got a few FFXIV-centric fics planned, based on the adventures my RP character and his Free Company (and allied/neighboring FCs) get up to. But again, those are on hold for a bit until I untangle my schedule a bit more and cache some ideas and events. Haven’t built any stories around my Sims 3 version of Lys yet as I’ve been too busy getting his FFXIV incarnation to level 50 before the new expansion drops.
2. What’s your favorite story/favorite post you’ve written?
Rose & Sunflower, of course, but Legend was a cute story and I’m pleased with it. The R&S project has been a lot of fun and I’ve had a number of great moments in all three books. Some of my favorites are easily the Chatter logs (basically the equivalent of Discord in this universe). Also, I LOVE writing dialogue for Sam, and have given him so many good one-liners and moments, alternating between having him be the butt of a joke or making him a cheeky troll. One I particularly love is partway through book 2 where Lysander notes aloud that “I’m heterochromatic” when he discovers that he suddenly has mismatched eyes, and Sam remarks that he thought that “you like both men AND women.” One of the other best moments in general came early on from book one at the end of chapter 7. (The people in chat are Sebastian, Abigail, Sam, and then Lysander, in that order):
As he sat down on the edge of his bed to take off his boots his phone chirped with a Chatter message. Curious, he picked up his phone and was greeted with a shirtless photo of Sam, taken in the bathroom mirror, while making the for-some-reason-popular kissy-face.
What in the hell…
L33tK3ys: d00d wtf
PurpleGoth: MOAR :D
L33tK3ys: no
RawkStar: sry guys, misstell -_-
Initially confused, he began giggling until he dissolved into a full fit of laughter, collapsing back onto the bed.  He wiped away tears and checked the rest of the messages he had just missed.
PurpleGoth: c’mon Sebby, your turn.  You too, Lys, if you’re still up! ;)
L33tK3ys: NO
RawkStar: your turn, too, Abby, if you wanna play like that :P
L33tK3ys: ...okay maybe
PurpleGoth: nope, not until I get another pic from someone else. I’ve got two boobs, that means I need two pics to bring the girls out to play :3
L33tK3ys: the hell I will.  Mom almost saw this and I don’t have the energy to deal with that
Suddenly feeling cheeky, Lys typed out a quick reply.
SixStrings: why? There were already two boobs in the first pic; you and your reflection :P
PurpleGoth: there needs to be a microphone drop emoji
RawkStar: that…. That was actually a good burn.  I’m not even mad, bro
L33tK3ys: damn it, mom and Demetrius want to know why I’m laughing so hard. SMH, FML
SixStrings: good night :)
 3. Who do you personally ship in your story?
*Puts on tricorn hat.* I be shipping alllll the booty!
*Removes hat, coughs politely.*
Lysander/Elliott of course, but non-canon to “my universe” I think that Sam and Sebastian are a great match, and in-story I really wish I’d taken the time to develop Sam and Penny together a bit more. They’re such a cute couple, and I really got a kick out of how he’s such a snarky, energetic pain in the ass around his friends, but turns into a blushing, grinning doofus around Penny, because she’s a sweet cinnamon roll and he will protect her. Though I do love the bromance that ended up growing between Sam and Lysander, they are such adorable and awful shits together when they’re up to something! :D
 4: Who do you think has had the most character development in your story (bonus: why)
Funny enough, Elliott. Lysander got a lot of personal development over book 1 (and a bit more in book 2), but for the most part he was already mostly self-actualized. He was running from a problem that he’d created, and had a few self-esteem/confidence issues, but overall his character arc through the first (and technically the third) book was a story of redemption, ultimately. Elliott, however, definitely changed since the moment you meet him, and in book 3 (which tells events from his side), you get a much bigger picture of how he changed and developed thanks to his friendship (and later, relationship) with Lysander. His is much closer to a coming-of-age story in that regard, and he is a distinctly different person at the end of that story (and therefore the start of book 2) than he was at the beginning.
 5. Tag 3 story simblrs that you’ve been reading!
Ah, heh… I follow a few artists here and there, but I follow no other writers (save for Valois), so I think I’m gonna hafta risk the seven years of bad luck for breaking this chain. (That’s how this thing works on the internet, right?) Send me an ask with someone’s name and I’ll tag THEM, then, just so this space doesn’t end up blank. :3
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