#putting men in dresses is my trademark btw
rambler-in-limbo · 1 year
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Dresses belong on big hairy men
Also Snude alt for Fake
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new-timeline-new-me · 4 years
so earlier I was talking with some friends (i’d tag them but TUMBLRS NOT LETTING ME) anyway we started talking about halloween plus the hargreeves and I couldn’t stop thinking about it so now I’m making a post :)
ok costumes. a big part of halloween. klaus drunkenly called a family meeting just to ask what everyone’s costumes would be. they all admitted they either didn’t have one yet or they just weren’t dressing up. THen someone suggests that they dress up as each other and so they end up putting all their names in a hat and drawing
luther- he gets vanya and he just wears a button up shirt as loose as he possibly can and carries a ukelele around
diego- diego draws klaus and channels his inner bisexual™ to achieve the klaus look. he wears a hawaiian shirt (all the buttons are undone) he puts on sunglasses and wears jean shorts. to add the affect he grabs a boa.
allison- allison draws diego. she borrows some of the clothes from his closet and ends up deciding on his orange button up and jeans. she parts her hair and tries to match the waviness of diego’s . she ends up keeping his clothes bc men’s clothes are more comfortable also she looks hot
klaus- so klaus gets FIVE so he goes up to his old room and pulls out one of his old uniforms that is way to small for him and its basically a crop top with a SKIN TIGHT BLAZER. the sleeves wouldnt fuckin fit him so he cut them off. to make things better- or worse, i’ll let you decide- he cuts the shorts. he claims he’s aiming for the stripper look. he achieves it 1000%. also btw he carries an axe to “complete the look”
five- five thinks this is a stupid idea, but fuck it, they’re gonna make him do it whether he likes it or not. he draws ben. he pulls a charlie brown and just puts a sheet over his head. huzzah. 
ben- ben gets allison and he puts on a fancy dress. he looks absolutely STUNNING. also he tried to do something with his hair but ended up looking like medusa.
vanya- vanya gets luther and she just goes to some store and buys one of those shirts with abs
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yeah. like one of these bad boys. she also puts on a stocking hat with a monkey on it.
they decide not to tell each other who they got until halloween but if you have siblings you’ll know how shit goes down. not a single person’s costume is left a secret. 
they put klaus in charge of decorations and a conversation goes like this:
diego: i thought you were decorating for halloween 
klaus: i am 
diego: you're just hanging up pictures of five 
klaus: what? he's the scariest thing i could think of
then the phineas and ferb episode like the “he gives me the willes” lmao
on the outside five is rolling his eyes but he’s actually super touched that they think he’s scary <3
aLSo diegos in charge of picking out candy and he grabs an unholy amount of literally every candy imaginable. they eat a lot of it while waiting for trick or treaters.
luther, allison, vanya, and ben are in charge of handing out candy. 
all the kids think luther is super cool and they love him. he gives the kids like half a bag full of candy each.
they love allison and the kids parents like somewhat recognize her sometimes they do and then they start talking while the kids like mom lets move on. 
vanya compliments everyone’s costumes and lets them pick what candies they want specifically.
studies prove the kids who compliment ben’s dress and/or hair get 300 times more candy
LAst but Not LEAST klaus decides to take advantage of five’s thirteen yo look and makes him go trick or treating.
every time someone asks him what his costume is he says in the dullest, most monotone voice, “my dead brother”
if the person doesn’t respond right away he starts talking about how when he was thirteen he found his siblings dead bodies in the middle of a barren post apocolapse world and was then left to survive being the last person alive
he gives his trademark shit eating grin (yeah you know the one) and asks in the sweetest voice “may i have some candy please?”
the target™ at this point is traumatized at the words of this poor boy and fucking dumps a large amount of candy into five’s bag.
klaus is waiting right behind him nodding enthusiastically (still in the stripper outfit) with a lollipop in his mouth (also miming suprise and sadness with the dead bro story)
they do kennys mom at one point and she only gives him like two pieces
when they’re walking back five makes klaus carry him AND their fuckton of candy
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isagrimorie · 2 years
Watched the NCIS Hawai'i finale and they have an actual scene for 'Manila'.
Short review -- loved it, it's such an easy-going show and once again I wish it wasn't part of the NCIS franchise. It has such a different vibe from the other NCIS shows.
But also, I nitpick the Manila scenes with love because I can-- like I am finally a subject matter expert, the local knowledge for an American Procedural!!!
It's exciting. Also, I nitpick out of great affection and amusement.
First, gotta commend the team again for not putting any filters on the Philippines scenes. No Yellow Filter to denote a developing country!
They even sprang for footage of Makati (it looked like a recent drone shot) of Makati from a different angle.
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But also, I saw the BTS of the upcoming scene and there was a question about whether the scene was set up to be a flashback or modern-day. I thought it might be a flashback because the location was dressed to look like in the 70s or 80s.
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I mean look at that.... it has such an old-timey logo with that old-school painted signage.
Only to be surprised that this was supposed to be 2022 Manila!
I know there are a lot of Filipinos on the show but it looks like the set designers haven't been home since the 80s.
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(btw looking at it back and forth I now realize there is a subtle yellow filter, just not obviously yellow).
Also... for a country with narrow roads and the average height of 5'3" we like our vehicles big... that shouldn't have been a minivan at the least the kidnap van should've been an L-300, a 2000s-era Hi-Ace, or a beat-up Grandia, OR a Pajero! And the trademark Jeepneys!
Also Uh, is this supposed to be Divisoria? Quiapo? Baclaran? Also, Cine Luneta??? that's such a 80s-style title I haven't seen in years since I was a kid.
I've never known a Cine Luneta btw, so either I'm failing my Manila history, in which case, help! Or this is made up.
'Cause the only one I know and googled looked like this:
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I think this is the palengke (wet market) look NCIS: Hawai'i was trying to copy:
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Also, here's a crowd with Jeepneys:
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I think it would've been more believable, especially since the dude's a doctor the US Navy people pick the doctor up in one of the Makati weekend markets.
The establishing shot was already in Makati or they could've just picked him up in Glorietta (popular mall in Makati) type place or Greenhills. Maybe it would be easier for their set designers?
I did hear someone say in Tagalog: "Salamat" (Thank you).
And then I almost died laughing again when these two minions arrived behind a person of interest:
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What ARE THOSE Flags on your vests???? Not at all subtly signaling This is NOT Hawai'i with that conspicuous Philippine flag on the middle of their vests. I'm 100% sure that's not where those flags are supposed to be.
Also, LOL at those tall and burly men. Filipino men with that body type are rare here!
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lycorogue · 4 years
Holy smokes guys, if you’ll indulge me, I want to tell you about the dream I just had. (*EDIT: I wrote this right as I woke up from the dream before I forgot most of it. However, I had to get ready for work, so I was only able to finish/polish/post just now.) Mostly because I only have dreams I can remember about twice a year (and I used to be one of those people that remembered dreams nightly when I was a kid. OTL), so I want to jot down as much as I can remember before I lose it. Plus, it has a lot of Miraculous Ladybug elements, and some of you might find it amusing.
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My dream started off with my husband and I having a day off together, shirking our adult responsibilities for the day, and just having a date day. We drove into the nearby city and just had a day of goofing around as we window shopped (remember when it was safe for people to do stuff like this? *long sigh*) One of the places I distinctly recall us stopping was some sporting goods store where we checked out kayaks (they’re super big in our area; practically everyone owns one).
But then, as we were checking out the kayaks, my husband wasn’t my husband anymore, and I wasn’t myself. At some point my mind converted both of us into 18yo versions of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng from the show Miraculous Ladybug.
We were just friends; hanging out; simply spending the day together. Just the two of us. We were still goofing around and window shopping, just as we were when we were still myself and my husband, but now there was this sort of unsure sexual tension????? Like, Adrien was very much Chat Noir flirting, but in a way that Marinette couldn’t quite tell if it was supposed to be flirting, and Adrien didn’t seem sure himself if he meant it to be flirting??? But there was a LOT of chaste touching of upper arms, lower backs (mainly to direct Marinette), and hand holding (mostly to pull her in a particular direction).
I can’t recall if it was a canon character or if my mind made someone up, but I do recall a random second 18yo boy kind of following us around. It could have been the show’s canon “Adrien Agreste’s #1 fan” Wayhem, but it also felt like it wasn’t supposed to be him? You know how dreams are like that? Where you can’t quite pin down who someone is supposed to be in them? To make life easier, though, we’ll just say it was supposed to be Wayhem. 
So, the dream became a sort of aged up version of the episode “Gorizilla” where Adrien (formerly my husband) and Marinette (formerly me) are running around Paris (formerly a US city nearby me IRL) just trying to have a good time window shopping together and goofing around while Wayhem is semi-stalking them? Now, canonically, after the incident of Wayhem chasing Adrien around Paris during “Gorizilla”, Adrien became Wayhem’s friend and was indeed willing to hang out with the kid, as long as Wayhem treated Adrien as a normal kid and not a celebrity that Wayhem was star-struck over. In my dream’s canon, this was still semi-true. Wayhem was more of an acquaintance of Adrien’s than a friend the blonde would hang out with regularly, but Adrien still made time to hang out with his fan. However, Wayhem in my dream could not wait his turn, apparently, and when he saw Adrien “in the wild”, as it were, he wanted to join in the fun. So a large portion of the dream was Adrien (Hubby) and Marinette (me; I saw the dream through 1st person via Marinette’s eyes, but I KNEW that’s who I was supposed to be) trying to ditch Wayhem. 
We ran around department stores, riding bikes through the toy aisles, and had shopping cart races where Adrien was pushing me (Marinette) around the store in the shopping cart with Wayhem behind with a giant stuffed animal in his cart. We snuck into movies at the cinema, only to try to sneak back out to lose Wayhem. I can’t recall what else we did, but we had a grand old time hanging out and screwing around in various stores while also trying to shake Wayhem (and, to be fair, Adrien did try to tell Wayhem that he was trying to have a day just hanging out with Marinette and will set up a time to hang with him, but the kid wouldn’t leave us alone. He was like a kid brother just following us around trying to play with us when we just needed our own time). 
Eventually, we did lose Wayhem, and we were back inside a department store. When we noticed we were alone, Adrien had this cheeky grin, and asked me if I’d be willing to go wait for him over in the women’s clothing department for a couple of minutes; he had something he wanted to do privately real quick. Shrugging off my curiosity of what he was up to (I like to be surprised), I agree and go wandering through the clothing racks. 
There’s this whole thing about a group of older teenage girls trying to pick out outfits that best accentuate parts of their bodies that they like, but other girls are debating that the first ones are just sexualizing their own bodies to be on display for men, and it was this whole thing about whether you dress sexy for yourself or because you want someone to find you attractive. @_@ Not sure why my dream got super philosophical in the middle there.
Anyway, Marinette (me) navigates around this crowd of girls debating and finds this cute white t-shirt dress with Jagged Stone’s logo (for those who don’t know, Jagged Stone is a canon rock star within the Miraculous Ladybug universe). While Marinette canonically wears almost exclusively clothing she designs herself, in my dream she also occasionally buys clothing with trademarked logos on them that she likes (because she can’t legally recreate them). So she (I) goes into the dressing room and puts the dress on. 
Then, wearing the dress as a tunic over the normal pink capris Marinette canonically wears, and carrying my (Marinette’s) shirt and jacket in my arms, I wander the women’s department some more to make sure Adrien can find me. As I do so, my cellphone rings, and my IRL uncle is calling me to see if my sister-in-law would like a DVD set of the show Lost, I believe? I can’t quite remember which show he was asking about. The odd thing is that my uncle is about 25 years older than me. My sister-in-law is about 2 years older than me. I don’t think they talk on Facebook, and I’m pretty sure they only met at my wedding. So I have absolutely no clue why my brain connected these two in a manner where he’d want to double check with me on a birthday gift (belated Christmas gift?) for her.
Anyway, I get off the phone with my IRL uncle, and my IRL job calls me with some sort of crisis that I can’t recall. It was a quick phone call as the owner of the store ended up in some sort of car trouble, I think, and the woman I was on the phone with had to quickly get off to help the owner. It was a bizarre intermission within my dream. Anyway, my IRL husband shows up (I’m still picturing myself as 18yo Marinette, btw) and checks in on the phone calls. We joke around a little bit, and POOF Hubby is magically Adrien again, and we’re back to the main storyline.
So Adrien gives a little “wow” and holds out a hand for me (Marinette) to take. He then has me do a twirl to show off the dress. He talks about how lovely it looks on me, but then kind of scrunches his eyebrows. He then kneels in front of me, like RIGHT UP on my left leg, and clicks his tongue disappointingly. He points out this huge stain along the hem just above my left knee. It’s about the size of an American half-dollar and almost looks like a blood stain: a dark reddish-brown center that fades into an off-white/light-yellow along the corona of the stain.
As Adrien plays with the hem to get a better look at the stain on the dress, his fingers brush against my knee (I mean, I still have the capris on, but still), and it almost looks like he’s worshipping me, and my heart CANNOT deal! I can feel it RACING and my cheeks starting to warm up. That’s when Adrien starts, like, HARD CORE flirting with me by again commenting about how good I look in the dress, and how well it fits my body shape, and how disappointing it is that this dress has a stain because he’d love to see me wear the dress a few more times. And he just slowly stands up, but doesn’t really move back before doing so, so I have to take a small step back so he’s not just sliding up my leg as he stands. And my heart is about to EXPLODE as he looks at me with those intense green eyes.
I swallow hard, and Adrien just kind of puts on this cheery smile like nothing just happened, and he suggests we look to see if there’s another dress in my size that doesn’t have the stain. I lead him to the rack and we riffle through it quickly. We do find another one of the Jagged Stone t-shirt dresses in my size, and Adrien takes it to fully inspect it. No stains. No loose hem-work. The print of Jagged Stone’s logo seems well done. The dress itself isn’t all that expensive. We got a winner. Adrien then suggests I go get changed back into my normal clothes, so I leave him as I enter the changing booth to put my shirt and jacket back on, and that’s where I wake up.
But I do so with the lingering knowledge that Adrien 100% bought Marinette that dress while she was changing, and his initial surprise (why he asked her to go to the clothing department to wait for him in the first place) was a little pastel-rainbow tie-dyed teddy bear that he wanted to get her to commemorate their day-long hangout. 
So.... yeah... that was my dream, and it was so intense at the end there that I legit woke up because my own, physical, IRL heart was RACING from all the Adrien flirting towards the end.
Just wanted to share that. Thanks for indulging me and reading all the way through.
(*EDIT: I’ve been lowkey thinking about that whole brushing Marinette’s knee while inspecting the dress thing all day. So guess who has yet ANOTHER plot bunny to try to wrangle. Thanks, Brain! 9_9 Care to actually help me WRITE any of these plot bunnies, or are you just going to plop more unexpectedly onto my lap and then just wander off? Oh! The latter? Great. >3>)
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okuraiani · 5 years
Mitsuhide’s Route Live Blog
Okay, I will probably delete this once I finish his route, but somehow I’d like to share my thoughts on his route with you guys o(*°▽°*)o I will try not to get too specific and you don’t have to mind if you’re not interested, since these are simply my thoughts on the things happening! Though, if anyone has question concerning my remarks (and thus Mitsuhide’s route), please feel free to ask me anything! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Episode 1 So Hideyoshi is some kind of fashion guru now? Hey, who’s vassal is that, trying to kill off Ranmaru?! Somehow, Mitsuhide really has a talent for irritating Hideyoshi... seriously... Protecting a cutie is always proof of a good person. Wow, Mitsuhide that’s... I don’t know if he’s praising MC or making fun of her. Probably both. But I guess he’s worried for her. Oooh, guess who! Who wouldn’t appreciate encountering beautiful people! Especially those who are not out to kill everyone who as much as look at them. Of course, Sasuke shouldn’t be left out. As well as his BFF~ And of course Sasuke has to be the messenger of bad news... Masamune is being his usual self, huh? Uselessly excited about the prospect of war. Okay, the other guys are equally bad. Is that Ieyasu calling MC stupid in a roundabout way? Oh well, but at least Mitsunari is genuinely concerned for her... Mitsuhide, stop reading MC’s mind already lol Awww, Ranmaru, the cutie! He’d be someone I’d instantly befriend~ Uh, I sense some kind of (un)pleasant surprise... This isn’t Mitsunari’s route, so I guess the squad in the rear is certainly not... Told ya... I had the bad feeling way before you MC lol And of course, Mitsuhide has to tell her the things she doesn’t want to her at all... On the other hand... It’s totally plausible that the enemy would go for Nobunaga’s right and left hand... Oh dear... Ooooh, I sense some kind of deep-rooted trauma or something similar! Aaah, I already love that poor trickster to the point of no return! Oh, yeah, that could have been me. I’m not good with blood. And I guess there’s A LOT! That screams betrayal to me, but let’s keep calm and watch... Moreover, hasn’t anyone taught you guys not to trust strange men?! Aww, Mitsuhide is such a good guy~ Oh... ‘Kay... That... THAT surprised me. Really. And it hurts my heart a little. Heck, who am I kidding? A lot, a LOT! Why is everyone always assuming MC’s going to run away? Well... I can’t exactly hold it against them... Hideyoshi not trusting MC is not new, so I wonder why it surprises me to see Mitsuhide not trusting her... I mean, he normally reads her like an open book... Wow, that’s... a LOT! And knowing Mitsuhide, his guidance will turn out pretty spartan. But I guess I’d be happy about his attention... Probably... Maybe...
Episode 2 And we’re back to teasing lol But I guess being taught about the Sengoku era by a Sengoku warlord is not THAT bad, right? Urgh, I take that back. Why a test, Mitsuhide? Seriously? And THEN you’re surprised about her answers? Although, come on, ‘Nobu-tan’ sounds incredibly cute~ Yes, with all that history stuff my head would explode as well. Or maybe implode. Can’t decide. Okay, is it just me or is Mitsuhide surprisingly touchy-feely? That man will be the death of me, I swear! Says he doesn’t trust MC but takes her metaphor seriously! Why does he have to be so cute, dammit?! Nooo, MC, why are you running away?? Of course, he does that to tease her, what else... Yup, telling him he’s mean gives him no damage whatsoever lol Yay, two angels to the rescue~ Yeah, you tell him Ranmaru lol NO! Don’t! Get Mitsunari away from the tea! Thank god Ranmaru is such a good boy~ If this keeps going they can have a party in MC’s room lol Pfft, I KNEW it! Tell me what you want, this is a party! I’m surprised though Hideyoshi wasn’t the first to burst into the room lol Omg, Ieyasu is too precious lol I’d love some spicy pickles, too! So... Mitsuhide is either observing them or he’s displeased right now... Well, Mitsunari is just as surprised as I am... I tell you, Mitsuhide is secretly a ninja! Maybe... Yep, they are like cats and dogs, but they still love each other. Aww, big brother Hideyoshi is the best, really! Go for it, girl! Otherwise, his route would be meaningless lol Se-Self-defense skill...? A-As in... Body contact?? Oh dear... Oh no, don’t evade, please~ Yeah, tell her first! You got my hopes up... Oh? Suddenly I remember this one certain picture from the manga... Wow, he really IS spartan... MC’s level of fear is kinda not in the right order, I think? You can’t fool me, you sly fox, hah! Wow, that was low... A horse several times smarter than MC? Noo, I don’t think so. It’s literally impossible to escape Mitsuhide. Yes, the body contact I was waiting for! Nothing extraordinary, but at this point I’ll take anything lol Well, at least this time there’s no cliff involved in her first time horse riding. Okay, that’s some elementary school level reason for teasing, Mitsuhide... While MC’s fears are apparently in the wrong order, Mitsuhide’s worries are too (he wants us to believe lol) Right now MC is too cute for words. And Mitsuhide the proud (not yet) boyfriend lol Heh, I already knew that! I can already see Hideyoshi freak out when he finds out MC and Mitsuhide have something going on lol Scary, Hideyoshi isn’t joking... Of course he has too many secrets! That’s, like, in his job description. So, Mitsuhide is unexpectedly popular with women?! How did that happen?? But I agree, once you fall for him it’s pretty much impossible to hate him. Not so popular with men, though, I see... Why do I feel like Mitsuhide’s past might hunt him down in this route? I can’t count how often I’ve aww’d at him already... He’s so honest with himself but so absolutely not with everyone else.
Episode 3 Yeah, time flies by if you have fun, Mitsuhide. !? !?!? YES! A definite Yes! OMG, this man will be the death of me! I can’t stress this enough! Oh, Mitsuhide telling her to go straight back home most likely spells danger... The dungeon spells danger, too... Yup, that’s Mitsuhide’s dark side... Oh dear, I see a suspicious fox. So, when exactly does that man sleep? I mean, he has to be busier than Hideyoshi. Mitsuhide... Is that you being honest? Wow, that was quick. Now she even wants to see Mitsuhide when she can’t lol Uff, I think I heard her innocent heart shatter right this instant... O.K. I heard my heart shatter as well. I’m sure someone set him up! I hope so... Aww, MC’s such a sweet girl. Oh, I already wondered when we’ll get one of Sasuke’s trademark visits! Pfft, Sasuke’s reaction to MC hanging out with Mitsuhide... What, as if he hasn’t spread that rumor himself. Who are you kidding, Mitsuhide? You? Embarrassed? Hah! Didn’t expect that, did you? It’s so much fun to see Mitsuhide fail to handle a single almost foolishly trusting, kind and honest girl lol Really, she had him speechless so many times already. Wah, that music got my hopes up. Aaaand then the 3rd episode comes to an end. What a cliffhanger!
Episode 4 Yeah, I knew it. That was too good to be true, haha... Okay, that’s on you, Mitsuhide. Shouldn’t have taught her that lol Awww, okay, that’s enough to compensate me right now~ I’m genuinely confused. Oh, wait a minute. No way~ she can meet Mitsuhide’s pet! (It’s called Chimaki which is... something to eat, by the way lol) I have to say, Mitsuhide has his way with words... They are mostly ambiguous lol I have to ask... Does that fall under cannibalism? ... Can you believe there’s someone equally bad or even worse than Mitsunari in terms of personal maintenance? Eat some food, you goddamn handsome man! He has a point, but still! For all the teasing, at least he’s praising MC when she’s done well. Oh good gracious! I didn’t think Mitsuhide was able to tell a genuine joke! Yeah, I can relate to that. The many mysteries make him so charming lol Aww, honest Mitsuhide is always appreciated~ Yup, his teasing is indeed addictive lol Isn’t it cute how socially awkward Mitsuhide is? Like, he’s so not used to being around people. Oh dear... That screams trouble. In capitals. Ah... I think I see a pattern... Oh, okay. Didn’t see that coming. Funny how he knew exactly where she would go... Yeah, Hideyoshi is not amused. Big scoop? Secret revealed? Seriously? That’s just a different kind of torture... OMG, blushing Mitsuhide is the BEST!!
Episode 5 Tell me what you want, Mitsuhide is a gentleman. Like, deep, DEEP down lol Lap pillow? Lap pillow! Okay, who does he remind me of...? Aww, MC genuinely praising him is so cute. Oh god, Ranmaru lol I think he has a no-monopolization policy lol And now Mitsuhide is making Ranmaru cry, the poor boy. Aww, Ranmaru is such a good friend! Yup, of course Masamune has to be the supporting friend. Figured. Those two are the least amused about that rumor going around, haha... Mom and Dad don’t approve lol Especially Mom. Yeah, can you believe it? I totally can. Does Nobu-tan suspect something? Maybe. Wow, that is way out of my expectations. Hideyoshi not putting Nobu-tan first. Uh-huh, don’t mind him at all, please. Say that before going inside lol The awkward moment when your man knows more about how to properly dress as a woman than you. ....??? Says the liar, sure. Wa-Wa-Wait! Seriously?? Uuuh, Mitsuhide’s new style is really cool! (He’s posing as a traveling performer btw) ...yeah... wife!? MC is going to flip lol “I didn’t tell you?”, yeah, no, because you’re you. I can’t tell if he’s serious already or not.
Episode 6 You could have at least taught her properly lol Okay, with how fast this whole pretend thing was progressing, I expected something else lol Wow, he’s unexpectedly good at flattering. Heh, I already thought it would come to this! Argh, can’t he just decide if he’s serious or not? I sense some big evil... *gasp* I knew it. Ugh, I don’t like that guy. Like, at all. Okay, he’s officially making me uncomfortable. Men like them can just die, seriously. If that had been me, I’d have punched the living daylights out of him and would’ve died a slow and painful death right after that. Aaah, it’s a shame I won’t buy the premium stories (since I’m saving for when it’s released in English) Aww, he was looking for her! It’s such a rare sight to see Mitsuhide so kind and serious. Oh god~ He’s most likely genuinely smiling and she can’t see it~ “All right now. I should pay him back for making my lovely wife cry.” His words, not mine! Now I wonder what happened... I love how Mitsuhide talks to himself pretending he doesn’t lol Okay, now things are getting complicated. That... was fast. Like, how did he do that?! Somehow, I think Mitsuhide would have so much fun being a modern day actor lol Didn’t expect to see them there. Yuki’s cute in every route lol Why is a guy of that rank doing something like that? Most likely in secret? Not that I started liking him, but I’m confused. Oh, now that explains a lot. Confusion lifted. Again!? Come on! ... ... oh. Did I maybe get the love rival wrong the whole time? Oh man, I hope he doesn’t plan to die or anything. I started to like him a lot in Sasuke’s route. ... oh? Oh??? True, that probably IS the biggest historical discovery. Aww, the letter is cute.
Episode 7 I somehow think they will think they succeeded and the evil guy come crawling back up at the end of episode 10... Oh, that’s the fox mask I saw in Shiro-sensei’s illustration! So that’s when it becomes useful, huh? He’s really getting affectionate~ Yuki, that’s what being 500 years apart is about lol I could be wrong but... Is that Mitsuhide slightly trolling people without knowing what that actually is? lol As I said, he’d make a great modern- day actor. !? That had me surprised. Wow... how my eyes just instantly caught the word kiss before everything else lol Usually, I’m not into mean characters (mean= teasing), partly because I’m kinda like that as well, but Mitsuhide’s level of teasing is just right. He never does anything really hurtful and is able to admit if he went too far and apologizes. I really like that. Awww, there they are, his usual clothes. I really liked the costume... He really enjoys all this “As your husband” stuff lol ... he... He’s only joking right? How can he do that to my heart~? MC, joke back! Say okay! YES! Okay, I need a sec to calm down... I think my heart stopped just now. Yeah, it stopped. Wow, I don’t know if I’m happy or disappointed. But I strongly tend to happy. I feel you. Nobody can escape, MC. Ugh, really. Really!!? Why?? This is like Hideyoshi’s route! Who ordered those soldiers!? And what do they think they are doing??? I mean, MC, just knock them out! Mitsuhide taught you some self-defense didn’t he!? I really hope for you guys you don’t believe this bs... Of course Ranmaru would know. But the other’s wouldn’t know he knows. Aaah, so many secrets... Too many secrets. Ooh, Hideyoshi is impressed. I just wondered... maybe threatening him like in Hideyoshi’s route might work... Hideyoshi is impressed 2nd I’m not sure, but does that mean he trusts him? Bless you, Nobu-tan. Uuh, back story for Mitsuhide is always appreciated! That’s not exactly my top spot for a date, but... okay? No way, don’t tell me... Oh good gracious, how can he stay so calm??? I can’t. Seriously. That’s almost too much for my poor heart. I honestly physically can’t endure this. Where’s Hideyoshi when you need him?!? Gosh, is there some equivalent of lawsuit against abuse of power in the Sengoku era?? Oh? Mitsuhide has a weakness and it’s super cute. ... omg, this is intense. And not in a positive sense. Good for him that he’s fine with it. I’m not. Great, Hideyoshi. Your timing sucks, you know? I didn’t expect that. Damn, now it’s up to three villains?!
Episode 8 Relationship status: It’s complicated. Uhm... no? Thank you. Hmm? Awwwwwww~ He. is. SO. precious. Good gracious, can anyone kick these people’s behinds, please? At least that? Really, no other route had so many disturbing side characters... It’s a mystery to me, too. And you were such a good guy, Yoshimoto~ My god, just stab him already or something! I can’t decide if I hate him or pity him. Again, I’m confused. Oh, okay, I think I’m beginning to understand. Ooooh, is that a tryst? I’m joking, of course. Though I wish it was lol Hah, so she finally figured him out, huh? Yeah, that about sums it up. “Hard to understand kindness”. Woah, that’s mean. What do you mean farwell gift?! Amazing. He’s always telling MC she’s too good-natured, but who’d have thought that Mitsuhide was the most good-natured idiot of them all. Aww, my poor baby is getting wet. Oh oh... Masamune, you can’t be serious? You... have a lot of special skills, huh? You ninja-like warlord. Yay, Mitsunari is such a precious angel. I’m sure Ranmaru is trying to confirm something. Pfff, as if he’d leave unprepared. Of course he is. He dropped hints everywhere if you look close ennough. Aww, Chimaki is still there! Uuuh, go on, Kyuubei. Spill us some secrets! Wow, he’s spilling a lot of things. I anticipated something else, but that’s also amazingly cute! I very much hope this has never happened before. Who figured out that info this fast?
And, wow, I can already tell you, I normally go for the romantic ending first, but this route (very much like Kenshin’s) in and of itself is a an entire drama, so I’ll probably get all the drama out of the way in the first playthrough, haha...
Episode 9 This is really becoming a tangled mess. I don’t know who believes in whom anymore. Hideyoshi is really loyal to a fault. Okay lol So Kennyo is now out of the picture or what? Don’t you dare believe that bs, MC! Ugh, of course not! Good job, girl. It’s interesting that Hideyoshi seriously thinks Nobu-tan would take pity on anyone. He’s taking her because she will be useful, what else. Heh, it’s quite funny to see Nobu-tan so secretive. Though I wonder what he said to make Masamune grin from ear to ear lol Ugh, that guy’s so disgusting, really... I even like Kennyo better. Heck, even Motonari is slightly more likeable. Oooh, I can imagine that. ... no way. Omg, did he really work for such a disgusting prick??? Yeah. No. Those two don’t look like they’re falling for that. Okay, I was wrong. Looks like they’re totally buying it. Oh god, there are more?! I can already see Nobu-tan using MC like a human shield lol Ooooh no. Nooo... Don’t tell me that was a careless mistake. Ugh, I knew it. Yeah, what else could he want other than his one little weakness... Uuh, that was a bit harsh, you know? But I do understand. ... That’s a bit mean, to attack his weakness like that... That’s gonna be a shock for him. I’m pretty darn sure. Told ya. Do I sense a kidnapping? Maybe. “Stupid girl.” I think I heard that kind of nickname somewhere before lol Shoul I call him Oliver from now on? Awww~ Yeah, feelings do strange things to you, huh? Who do you think taught her to be like that? I’m not sure how to interpret the letter...
Episode 10 Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Sasuke for the longest time... Um, isn’t Hideyoshi’s Nobu-tan sense tingling? Omg, if you want a demon’s head, then take a look in the mirror! Thanks, at least one of us believes in him without fail. ... I don’t dare to touch my screen to see what happened... I’m SO relieved! Oh god... and what the hell’s with that calm and composed “Sorry, my hand slipped.”!!? Just... how low can that guy sink? Really now? I think I’d have already kicked him or something to shut that guy up. Don’t tell me...? Is that what Nobu-tan... Wha~t! So Nobu-tan had it all planned out as well? (Yeah, sorry. I liked that nickname too much, so he’ll probably now always be Nobu-tan to me.) Uhm, hey, MC? Would you mind, you know, stopping him from probably landing in prison again? Or worse? Wow, he’s lower than low. He already dropped below Earth’s crust. ...??? Oooh, I see. The poor people who’ll have to rebuild the place again. Do I wanna know? No. Will I read further? You bet I do. Why are Sengoku warlords always doing something stupid? Wow... I already predicted that in episode 6... Someone, anyone, smack some sense into that beautiful head of his. It’s not like I can’t understand his reasoning, but this is just. NO. Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you are. Love rival confirmed? I think so. Oh no~ When did he sleep or eat last!?? Curse you, premium story preview! (I want to read it so bad~) Awwww, Hideyoshi still cares so much~ I already knew he’s a smooth talker but... that’s too adorable. He’s almost worse than Ieyasu at being honest. But only almost. This is so like him it’s making me tear up. Seriously. Wow, it’s really hard to read when everything’s blurry haha... But man, you really can’t leave him alone. He’ll go off and do something stupid. I tell you, we all have to love the heck out of this man. Aaah, I missed this. Wow, that surprised me a bit. Bottom line: That man is absolutely, without doubt, too pure for this world! I love how Hideyoshi doesn’t consider the possibility he might be interupting something lol It’s like he’s trying to train a dog... Pffft, Hideyoshi, really? lol That’s almost cute if you weren’t in the way. Mitsuhide is so not amused. He should have tied him to MC. Awwww~ Okay, that’s definitely cute. “The next time you disappear, at least leave a letter.” Hideyoshi, don’t give him strange ideas lol Good food! Bless you, Masamune! lol Masamune is being way too optimistic about the whole thing. Mitsuhide, you’r not Mitsunari, okay? lol I’d die from embarrassment~ I wouldn’t try that if I were you, Masamune. I knew it lol Everyone would react that way. So he’s still going, huh? Aww, Hideyoshi just wants him to come home. He’s implying he’ll kill him a second time? That’s harsh lol I just imagined MC with Mitsuhide’s tone and way of speaking. It’s hilarious lol She’s seen through you, you know? Heh, who wouold’ve thought. But wasn’t that, like... in episode 2? Wow, talk about dedicated. This is so strange. I always hoped he’d share his secrets, but honest Mitsuhide is making me slightly embarrassed lol Everything was REAL~ My heart... I can’t. I think my heart is melting. Ugh, that guy is ruining my good mood~
Episode 11 (Dramatic) I know he fled, but this feels ominous nonetheless. Man, they are all so quick to throw away their lives... Yikes, that’s harsh, Mitsuhide. It’s amazing how he can be kind through being mean or harsh. Sometimes, MItsuhide’s jokes are strange lol Okay, who’s interrupting? Kyuubei~ Why? lol When did he even have time for that?? Awww, Kyuubei gets my personal Best Subordinate award~ I knew he’d come back lol She’s a totally open book to him. Well, at least his priorities are in the correct order lol Now even Mitsuhide is a bit annoyed lol ... A guest? Hmmm??? Guests? Plural! As straightforward as always, our Yuki lol Mitsuhide is not amused... Interesting... But how do they know? Mitsuhide is SO not amused lol He’s so jealous lol Right? That’s what I wanna know, too. I can tell you one thing for certain: The temporary alliances in this route are plain crazy. Heh... So he told him, then that went that way to those two and finally reached Mitsuhide and MC. Wow, what a long way to travel for some tiny information. Caring Mitsuhide must be a pretty confusing sight for those two lol OMG, Yuki is speechless and Sasuke can’t believe his ears lol But, really, I’m almost sure he planned on saying that. Yuki gets second-hand embarrassment lol For a second... I kinda forgot Kyuubei was there, too. Sorry. I KNEW he did that on purpose. Promise? Promise what? ... I didn’t anticipate such an honest letter.
Episode 12 (Dramatic) Okay...? Awww, he’s really thoughtful. Wow, MC really IS his weakness. Those two are too cute together. Uh-oh... If Sasuke is so serious that probably means trouble. So, apparently, Bakamoto is a thing in this route... Well, at least Bakamoto still stays true to his convictions. ... That surprised me. I mean, I still remember what he said earlier... Is that another formerly very unlikely alliance? Yeah, wonder why that is, Bakamoto. Uh, I don’t think Mitsuhide is happy about this conversation. Pfft, I bet this is his cue to interrupt. Knew it lol How he quickly that went from “not closer than necessary” to “100 steps away or more” lol THAT was definitely a declaration of war lol Love rival definitely confirmed. Now, it’s either kidnapping or assassination attempt. Why is that guy so gross??? Aww, good job, Kyuubei! And Bakamoto, please stop sulking! ... I... Have a very bad feeling. That’s... I can’t find the words. It’s... almost more heart-shattering than the similar situation in Kenshin’s route... OMG, Cybird is trying to kill me. Like, emotionally. I’m terrified to red the next parts. Guys and girls, please have a huge box of tissues ready when reading episode 12 part 6 to 10 (dramatic)!!!! Oh God, even before starting this half, my heart is beating like crazy. No, no no no, I can already tell what he'll try to do. I knew it! ARGH. Damn, where are my tissues? God, zhis is too much for my poor heart. Wait, you aren’t— Seriously?? Omg, I love this MC! As if we can leave like this! But that’s exactly why you’r MItsuhide’s pair, heh. And now I finally get the whole meaning of the preview for the dramatic route.
Episode 13 (Dramatic) They’re really nervous, huh? Ninja surprise! I expected that reaction lol Though I don’t get why they look so happy about his statement... Good job, you two! No doubt there, Mitsuhide is an exceptionally good marksman. Yuki, I don’t know if you’re dissing or praising him... Ugh, I can’t stand that guy anymore. Compared to him, Kennyo looks like a cute little kitten. Those two pull off the most amazing shit I’ve ever seen. With the most funny remarks ever possible. Honestly lol Wow, that guy is also popping up everywhere, huh? Well, we could just leave it to Bakamoto. You can’t say he doesn’t pay back those he owes. How can I hate a 2D character so much? Seriously. Every time this guy shows up I wanna punch him so bad. ... I wouldn’t make him mad if I were you, bastard. Nnnh, I know you can’t, but just stab him already! Come again...? Did he just suggest what I think he did? Nooo~ No Mitsuhide, you don’t! ??? Secret ninja around? Ooooh! No, that’s even better! Serves you right, you rotten bastard! That’s what was meant with controlling posion with poison! And who’d have thought, of course that dickhead has the antidote. You have some nerve, trying to trick the world’s greatest trickster. I should have known Mitsuhide already knew. Heh, I didn’t anticipate this. That’s almost mean, but let’s be honest, that jerk deserves it. Aww, Bakamoto is such a good guy. He wouldn’t needlessly kill anyone. And that’s as funny as it is harsh. Yay~ he made it in time! Aww, they are already leaving? Of course, Yuki doesn’t place value on Mitsuhide being there lol Yup, that’s our favorite tsun. For Yuki, idiot is an affectionate nickname lol And even Bakamoto realizes it now lol Wait wait wait. WHAT?! Noooo~ Seriously?! I think that’s the first time this happened in ANY route!!? I feel you MC. I’d be so startled. But awwww, she’s such a good girl. Oh? Oh!! Mitsuhide is the best! So they’re staying there for a bit? Well, it’s understandable. ... Are you kidding me? lol Well, at least he’s being responsible... Yeah, I can’t live without him as well lol Oooh, okay, so they’re making a quick detour before coming back. On Nobu-tan’s orders, I see. Phew, I was a bit worried about that, tbh. Mitsuhide disguising his affection as jokes/teasing is never getting old lol Oh wow. He’s like... super popular? Or more like... super loved? And if this were modern times he’d definitely share his declaration of MC being his girl on every single social network possible lol Awww, that’s cute. Pfffft, Hideyoshi! Really? lol Kyuubei, you little snitch. Heh, who am I kidding? We love you for that! And so, another one of Mitsuhide’s mysteries is solved. Well, at least for MC, since she’s probably only the second person who knows this. ... uhm, what? Why are you doubting yourself!? Bad taste? Seriously?? You trick her constantly and NOW you claim that could be a problem? Mitsuhide, please. Yay~ Sexy timez~ Oh my, that was dropped like a bomb. But I’m happy about it~ Holy... This might be just me, but that illustration has to be illegal!!! I also have no words, trust me.
Episode 11 (Romantic) Yeah, as if it would be that easy. Oooh, that’s nice, though! Awww, we all know what you wanna say with that, hehe. ... Excuse me, but... WTF??? Okay. Maybe Mitsuhide has lost his mind after everything that happened... Once again I have to acknowledge the hellish ability of his to use words with lotsa meanings... Now, that’s what I’m also curious about now. Don’t like to agree with him, but... – yes, he’s crazy. ... It’s not strange that I’m not trusting this guy, is it? Damn... He’s saying some irritatingly true things. Yikes... If Mitsuhide is oozing killing intent you can bet he’s being 1000% serious...
(Updating when I’m done with episode 11 romantic route second half ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)
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clownmoontoon · 7 years
I'm interested in watching Osomatsu-san, but I have a few questions, if that's ok. 1. Sub or dub? 2. How do I know who's who? I already know some of the easy ones, thanks to you. Thank you in advance! (P.s. Thanks for telling me about BNHA!)
idk how old you are (or the age of anyone possibly reading this) so i feel i should say Osomatsu-san has a lot of mature themes and is CLEARLY meant for a more mature audience of the adult/college age/MAYBE later teen variety
all the main and most important side characters in the show are at least in their 20′s.
im not recommending this show to kids is what im saying haha
its nowhere near as wholesome as hero aca
1. Sub or Dub?
as of right now there is no dub Viz Media, who most recently did the redub of sailor moon (AND ITS FANTASTIC BTW SO IT GIVES ME HIGH HOPES FOR MATSUS), had sent out a tweet saying that the dub was going to be released some time in October of this year but …nothing happened?? my buddy @arr-jim-lad even contacted them about it, and they responded that there were no updates to mention. ://///SO right now sub is all we got haha
ITS REALLY GOOD THO SO ITS NOT LIKE A NEGATIVE OR ANYTHING BC THESE VOICE ACTORS ARE AMAZINGdef my fave voice actors of any sub ive watched (and ive watched quite a few)
2. How do I know who’s who? I already know some of the easy ones, thanks to you.
one of my fave aspects of this show is that after a few eps, despite them all having the same face, it becomes VERY EASY to tell them apart haha this is part of why the character writing is so strong imo!
but here’s a few tips and tricks to look for just in case you cant tell right away!
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❤️Osomatsu -  the eldest of the sextuplets and the show’s namesake - RED
💙Karamatsu - 2nd eldest - BLUE
💚Choromatsu - 3rd eldest - GREEN
💜Ichimatsu - 4th brother - PURPLE
💛Jyushimatsu - 5th brother - YELLOW
💖Todomatsu - 6th and youngest brother - PINK
the easiest thing to get the hang of first when it comes to noticing the matsus is def their designated colors! Even when theyre not in their trademark hoodies they can usually be seen wearing their colors somewhere on themselves so if you cant tell who’s who right away LOOK FOR THE COLORS!!
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if theyre all wearing matching outfits you can look at their hair shinies bc they’ll usually be their color when nothing else is! (tho those are a bit more subtle in coloring bc ..well..shinies haha)
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each of the bros has a standard neutral expression, and some of them have fun quirks that make it very easy to tell who’s who! lets start backwards this time \(ouo)/ (mostly bc from the start the youngest bros are def easiest to recognize…besides karamatsu ofc)
this got quite long so check under the cut for all the bro details and fun collages i made for each bro bc i love this show too much! \(>u
💖Todomatsu (pinky boi)💖
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he’s the designated “cute” boy, and the worst/best self-centered millennial stereotype. actually a total mean girl in disguise, and (according to his bros) a “vile monster”. i love him and he’s a cute demon. not the worst bro but pretty darn close.
neutral expression: :3voice: highest pitch of the bros and often whiny quirks: - can usually be seen w his smartphone - acts the most feminine (covers his chest if naked or topless)- always has eye shinies - two hairs sticking out on the top of his head - calls all his bros “niisan” since he’s the youngest
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the hyper-active, forever smiling, incredibly powerful, baseball boy! if something weird and crazy is going on jyushimatsu is either directly involved or about to be. he’s always laughing, smiling and making weird jokes/noises. a very sweet boy who is entirely too powerful. He often dresses as animals, and is used as an “attack dog” to torture whichever brother he’s commanded to (usually oso). A very unpredictable boy to say the least. Its hard to imagine an ooc version of him bc there isnt much he would not do or say.HE IS MY FAVE BEST SUNSHINE BOY
neutral expression: 8Dvoice: lowest pitch of the bros but also the loudest, often making weird/nonsensical sounds/noises such as: BBBBOEHBA!! 8Dquirks: - often goes cross eyed - is incredibly strong, can lift and throw his adult brothers like nbd - never has eye shinies in the anime unless he’s about to cry - wears shorts when everyone else is wearing pants, also some times wears a traffic cone on his head- wiggly arms and sleeves too long (even when its not the hoodie, usually his sleeves are always too long haha)- only one hair sticking out on the top of his head
next up my second fave, NEKOMATSU
💜Ichimatsu (purple cat man)💜
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the designated darkmatsu, ichi is the slow moving, constantly slouching, quietest boy who thinks cats are way better than people. the least motivated matsu, even going out to do fun things (like drinking or gambling) is some times too much trouble. for him a good time is laying on the floor and thinking about death (and also cats). a fan of torture, if the situation calls for causing trauma he’s suddenly very talkative and plays w his voice a lot. he is the second brother (after my boy jyushi) that is often called upon when one of the other brothers (or anyone) needs to be tortured. i love this boy and he is good to my fave boy god bless suujimatsu
neutral expression: B(voice: usually very low, slow and monotone quirks: - eyes always half lidded, no shinies - always slouched- messy hair (some times w cat ears)- only bro to wear track pants (w the line on the side)- has a diff cat in his lap almost every ep, but does not actually own one- two hairs sticking out on the top of his head
up next everyone’s fave otaku,
💚Choromatsu (green frog weeb man)💚
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the resident brother mom and a total idol otaku, choromatsu isnt concerned w much else besides his idol obsession and proving he’s way more responsible than his brothers. he often walks todomatsu to the bathroom at night and waits for him to finish since youngest bro is scared of the dark (reminder theyre both grown men in their 20′s). he thinks he’s better suited to be the oldest brother and leader rather than osomatsu and even points it out once, with agreements from both todomatsu and ichimatsu.if anything crazy happens choro is the first to scream about it not being ok. he’s got the strongest will of all the brothers and can never be persuaded to change his mind about a situation. he’s not a fighter at all and usually chooses to stay on the sidelines even if he agrees w whatever the bros are fighting about (killing god for instance).he’s under constant stress bc he’s pretending to do his best while his brothers are terrible i love him give this poor green man a vacation
neutral expression: :voice: higher pitched, not as high as todo but still higher among the bros, and usually using it to yell @ brosquirks: - smallest pupils, no shinies (in the anime)- usually has a worried expression- wears plaid a lot- is irritated almost all the time - wont look for a job bc he’s determined to be an idol manager- no hairs sticking out on top of his head
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karamatsu is EASILY the most recognizable matsu. w those amazing eyebrows, constant use and abuse of anime eyes, wild variety of glittery, revealing, and leather clothing its no wonder he’s called painful oh my god i love this man DID I MENTION HE SPEAKS RANDOM ENGLISH FOR NO REASON AND ITS GREATalso he’s probably the most caring brother who genuinely wants his brothers to be happy and know theyre loved very much by him ;;
if you cant immediately spot this matsu i dont know what to say to you tbqh
neutral expression: >:Dvoice: he makes his voice deep to sound cool p much all the time but its actually higher pitched than it seems quirks: - wears sunglasses, skulls, a leather jacket, sparkly everything, and p much anything he thinks is “cool”- easily the most expressive matsu just look for those eyebrows haha- puts his finger under his chin a lot - “BURAZAHS” - "heh!”- two hairs sticking out on the top of his head
and now on to the final, the oldest, and arguably the worst matsu
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THERE HE IS!!!! THE TRASH KING BROTHER!!!!i kid, i kid sort ofimplying that the matsus are not all trash boys is just a joke tbqhfor me osomatsu was absolutely the hardest bro to recognize when i first watched the show, and i think the biggest tip i can give for him is just to look for the red boy scratching under his nose. also the boy who looks like he would buy and sell you. he’s a pretty brilliant con man and a good fighter too, but his laziness outweighs anything that he could possibly achieve in. he’s absolute trash but in a way still lovable?? OH ACTUALLY if youre familiar w the anime Lupin the Third just look for the brother that makes the most Lupin-esque faces he’s got that classic-anime-comedy-male-lead look more than any of the other bros so that might help you recognize him!
could literally be lupin’s little bro haha
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neutral expression: its like a stretched version of this :3 w teeth showingvoice: higher pitched, he plays w his voice almost as much as jyushimatsu, very playful and teasing, hardly ever serious sounding quirks: - scratching under his noise- obsessed w money and women (and never has either)- the most addicted to gambling of all the bros (this is sounding less like quirks and more like serious problems omg), favors horse races and pachinko- the “leader”, usually the one telling the others what to do (even if they rarely listen)- calls no one “niisan” since he’s the oldest - two hairs sticking out on top of his head
WOW THIS CAME OUT MUCH LONGER THAN I MEANT IT TO!! if im not careful people might think i love these trash neets or smth oh no
but ye! i hope this helps! or was at least an entertaining read haha❤️💙💚💜💛💖
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