#putting this in qeue so itll deploy whenever
comet-wire · 2 years
She did not just add Nick to this largest mammal list how is she this funny
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I am so in love with her
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comet-wire · 2 years
Been trying to figure out how to draw Owen.
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Mr. Gooberson Gubberson
Do not repost my art!! REBLOGS are appreciated!!
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comet-wire · 2 years
About my Muse-sona for the Hello Puppets muse AU (By @handeemuse , check out their rad stuff)!
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When the curse/spell overtakes them from the neck down, they were already somewhat excited, they become more excited because this means they are able to do their own body mods without any huge cost. They absolutely gave them self top surgery to be more flat and experience their own gender euphoria! I feel like they'd feel more like themselves after that point.
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Personally as a non-binary person I want to say as a reminder, not every trans person is able to bind, whether that be because they don't have the resources to do so or it's something physical/biological that prevents them from binding and/or getting the surgery. And trans people don't owe you any androgyny etc, everyone's gender expression is different! :)
Do not repost my art!! REBLOGS are appreciated!!
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Tried to have my parents help me decide a name but I'm even more stuck now so I'll update later when the decision is made 👍 Their original name candidates are:Nyx, Onyx and Nova. New suggestion by my bestie Mel:Dottie (🥺)
Body type update:
Notes: Whether or not it be because of the curse they are flatter now
They have always been meant to be on the chubbier side; specifically a triangle/pear body type!
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•Their hair is naturally black but they slapped some blue dye over it one night so in the light it'd give off a blue illusion aside from their highlights that are now just ✨blue✨ -definitely not basing this off my own experience when I had black hair/hj-
•They like to wear flowy things! Hence the ankle lengthed skirt and sometimes a shawl
•The rings on their ears can come off, they're ear cuffs! Those probably confused the puppets at first, I'd imagine they never seen someone take it off so they'd assume it's permanent but who knows
•theyre super into self expression hence the hair and nose ring (a symbol of rebellion) and they have a small sun and moon tattoo on their right wrist, although covered by their favorite sweater
•29 y/o-early 30s; non-binary demisexual/asexual
•former burnt out art student
•ironically they started out as a simple stage hand but later moved to the art department via encouragement of Nick
•probably leaves lil paper mache/origami frogs around the office
•unlikely friends with Owen because they hand him paper mache/origami frogs sometimes without saying a word or they just present them like "Dude calm down. Look. Frog." gentle melancholic chaos
•Has a tendency to pick up Nick like a wet cat because ✨manlet shaped✨
•Being more puppet like makes them feel ✨gender✨
•They came to the handeemen studio to continue giving kids a childhood, as they teetered off having a rocky childhood themselves
•They naturally have bushy eyebrows but shave them down to beans, but sometimes they just don't care and let them grow out
•I can see them being obsessed with space, so I can only imagine them and Riley infodumping about astronomy
Parent of Caleb
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comet-wire · 2 years
Have I mentioned I have this corner on my wall by my bed that is just printed out pictures of Cedric from my mini printer with an additional picture of this blue wizard with "AUTISM" text above said wizard which I call the autism wizard,that is above the Cedric pictures for a reason and that I printed it all out last year and I call it my Cedric corner
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comet-wire · 2 years
Nick Nack is such a "Haaaaii/heeeeeeyy" girly.
And Riley Ruckus is such a "Bruh" girl.
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comet-wire · 2 years
Listen, I know that in Hello Puppets they most likely refer to each other like family in a cult context but I cannot help but imagine that Riley and Nicks rivalry in the show is similar to a sibling dynamic in the way that it's petty and goofy! So this is probably more so of a headcanon on their dynamic if that makes any sense (since we don't get to see it in action merely hinted at in various ways).
I'm talking like they argue about stupid pointless stuff, whose better at what. But! Sometimes they burst into each other's room unannounced just to wack something off a nearby table or desk, stare, say nothing and leave. And obviously they don't close the door on the way out to be more obnoxious. Or worse, be the most obnoxious person existence and start asking really dumb stuff or just start screaming unprovoked and like not in the way where they're blaming each other for something (which they've probably done) I'm talking just full on screeching.
Or the classic pointing and saying "your gay/a bitch/ugly/etc" unprovoked just to be an ass.
Continuing on the leaving the door open I feel like Nick specifically has slowly opened the door long enough for it to make a long and loud ass squeaky screeching noise while Riley was trying to work. Nick most likely got chased out.
Daisy has most likely had to grip them by the ears and lecture them on being nicer to one another.
As for Mortimer I feel like he doesn't do too much about it, but in canon he most definitely has yelled at them to knock it off atleast once.
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comet-wire · 2 years
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Shidding and fardding in Walmart he is
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comet-wire · 2 years
I love when my cat rotates 90-360° when she sees her wet food in her dinner plate being brought to her
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comet-wire · 2 years
Since I flew myself into a Hello Puppets art burnout if I post art it'll probably be BATDR related??? Been concepting a Sona just so I can hold Alice Angels/mAlice's hand and giver her a smooch on the forehead
(but I also want to play with the canon idea that the ink machine makes multiple random failed Bendy,Alice and Boris copies and that sometimes if not all the time people get essentially trapped into that form)
But also doodle dumps (both Hello Puppets and BATIM/BATDR)
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