thedaughterofkings · 5 years
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
Oohhh, this is actually easy!!!!
1. Drarry - I discovered fic and fandom through this ship and I keep coming back to it, too! It still has a wonderfully vibrant fandom creating for it and the only thing I regret with regards to this ship is how many bookmarks of fics I’ve lost through multiple computers dying and the thought that quite a few of those links would probably be broken by now anyways, as this ship is by now a little dinosaur in fandom terms and has left many sites in its wake! (I might also regret the one necrophilia fic I read before I realised what that meant, but let’s not talk about that)
2. Merthur - I came into this fandom way too late (just in time for the worst Christmas gift ever and the worst ugly crying in quite a while over fictional characters), but it’s still alive and kicking now after all these years and just an absolute joy! I can’t recall a single negative experience when it comes to this fandom, it’s all just been magic (and destiny and chicken), for me at least. Some of my very favourite stories were written for these two and there are fics I just keep coming back to because they are just so good!
3. Sterek!!!!! - This one deserves an extra set of exclamation marks because my fandom life owes a lot to it! While I had been vaguely writing fic before (starting with fix it fic for Fred’s death, BECAUSE), Sterek is what finally got me actually posting stuff and makes up the VAST majority of my posted out put as well! I wouldn’t dare calculate which ship I’ve read the most for because I’ve read a hell of a lot for a lot of them, and especially those three, but Sterek is definitely up there with the best of them! And we’ve been blessed with such amazing stories, too!! I can honestly see myself writing for those two in decades still, and there hasn’t been anything that has come even close to replacing my love for them yet!
There’s a multitude of other ships in my life - but these three have definitely been the most important! They are also the ones where I’ve both read extensively and also written for them (not necessarily extensively, but nevertheless passionately!) - there are ships where I’ve mostly written, but not read as much, and then, more often, ships I’ve read a lot in without ever writing anything myself. But these three have had me both writing and reading, and a whole lot of fangirling (and crying) to booth!
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8 people I’d like to know better
Thanks to @lillian-81 for tagging me!
1. Birthday: February 1st.
2. Astrological Star Sign: Aquarius.
3. Height: 170 cm.
4. Last song I listened to: Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
5. Hobbies include: Reading, writing, going to concerts, going out and explore new places, rolling in the bed and pretend I’m a lazy fat cat.
6. Colours: Mint green, teal, purple, everything that can be found on a peacock’s tail.
7. Last film I watched: Il Signor Diavolo from Pupi Avati.
8. Favourite book: I’m still an ASOIAF bitch.
9. Dream job: Inherit a few billions and become a philanthropist and mentor for the arts.
10. Meaning of URL: The Scarlet Garden is a song from My Dying Bride. I’ve used it as an internet moniker since I was 16 and MySpace was still a thing. 1990 is my year of birth.
I’ll tag @dragonanddirewolf @i-am-small @elegantfirepoetry @soiletbabieseatsand @daenerys-hersatanicmajesty @stilesssolo @justwandering-neverlost @puzzledforever
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thedaughterofkings · 4 years
hey!! 5 & 10 & 29 of the fanfiction reader asks please.
Thank youuuuu :DDD
5: How much time do you spend reading fic per week?
It varies a lot! I can easily read 50k a day, and some weeks I will do that seven days a week, but I’ve also got weeks where I’ll not read much. It depends a lot on whether I’m writing myself (though not much of that has been happening sadly *sighs*) and just life! And sometimes I have this craving for a particular trope and I’ll do nothing but read every fic for it for five days in a row :p
10: How do you find new fic?
Through fic rec lists/blogs, but also just through AO3! When I liked a fic and it has a particular thing tagged, I’ll see what else is in that tag! And if I’m new to a fandom, I’ll often start with the fics sorted by kudos and work my way through the offerings from there! Also just through authors - both the other fic they’ve written and their bookmarks! Bookmarks are a treasure trove of, well, treasures!
29: Do you download fic?
I do! I need to go back and check what I’ve got saved and what I still need to download (or download again - my laptop crashed a couple of weeks ago, and there was some data loss, including downloaded fics). You never know whether an author will delete their fic one day (though I’ll take this opportunity to beg people to orphan their fics instead!!!) or whether something else may happen, and there are fics that I’d be heartbroken to loose! (To mention a few: Hide Of A Life War by Etharei, The Student Prince by FayJay, basically everything by Astolat in any fandom we share, and so many more!!)
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thedaughterofkings · 5 years
End of year asks 3.favorite line/scene you wrote this year?
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Aaahhh, that’s always hard!!!!
I think I’ll go with this exchange between Arthur and Merlin in set aflame:
“I’m serious, Merlin, we have to figure out what is wrong with your magic and how you can get it back under control again. I will not stand by and watch as my father burns you at the stake, but I don’t much fancy overthrowing him just yet either.”
“You’d overthrow your father for me?” Merlin croaks and Arthur’s gaze, which had been serious and steely turns soft.
“Merlin, there are very few things I wouldn’t do for you, surely you know that by now.”
Thank you!!
Send me fanfic end of year asks!
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