#pygmalion festival
k-ttie · 9 months
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﹙📼﹚ song player lockscreens ⊹ 𓈒 ۫
ᨘ໑ . *⠀psd by feerbell on DA; @noirpsds
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the-karnival-oct · 11 months
Is an OCT hosted on both discord ﹠ tiktok by @.1600q / diangelical#5448 . The tournament takes place in a fictional, post - apocalyptic, dystopian city called"The Karnival." [ heavily based off of both Venice and the Karnival festival (†_●†) ]With 14 competitors and 8 spectators invited by the character " Pygmalion " through a 'hallucination' , they will meet a diverse cast as the tournament progresses in the Karnival. Including strange humanoid residents known as "The spirals" ..The spirals used to be human once, but they seem to be stuck in a trance of some sort where they believe they are still human.Their own goal is to celebrate the festival of Karnival [ until the city falls apart from the lack of the artifact when the finalist is granted their wish ]for eternity along with the contestants and spectators. That is, unless someone manages to get their hands on the archaic wish - granting artifact .. Who will be the lucky winner .﹖
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dvdmzjr · 8 months
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Lauren Mayberry by dvdmzjr
These aren't my favorite shots from the Pygmalion festival, but they're my latest edits. I'm not fond of what transpired with the last batch I uploaded elsewhere, so this is what Tumblr gets.
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thestarwrites · 2 years
The Second Half of '85, Ch. 1; The Fun Fair
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Summary; Eddie Munson had been friends with Y/N L/N since middle school. They'd done everything together; until she went to college, and he didn't. You had stayed extremely close, and now, you're back in Hawkins for the Summer of '85.
Warnings; angst, faphobia
2,757 Words
“Its bullshit is what it is,” Eddie grunted as he hit the joint again before passing it to Gareth, “A fourth of July extravaganza, what capitalist bullshit.”
Gareth and a few of the other Hellfire Club nodded in agreement as they passed the joint around— benefits of the club, free weed when Eddie was around. Y/N shook her head, like always, when the joint was offered to her. The freak who didn’t get high.
Eddie looked over at the girl and winked when he saw her pass over the drugs and she rolled her eyes, cheeks red. She wasn’t in his club anymore, not one of his minions. She was… his equal. She was an artist. Another loser, like him, teased for being fat. She was his best friend.
Y/N and Eddie had been friends since 8th grade. Finding their shared love of Lord of the Rings during English class. Though they weren’t inseparable, they were very very close. Hell, she was a the one who came up with the Hellfire logo in sophomore year — with his guidance of course. And she played D&D with them until graduation.
She’d graduated in ’84, when he was supposed to originally, went to her first year of art college. Not far enough away for Eddie not to be able to go see her, but far enough away for them to spend weeknights on long phone calls, and weekends where he’d bring her back home.
Now it was summer break, he’d flunked a second time, but it didn’t matter, because the dynamic duo was reunited for three glorious months.
Y/N sighed and stood looking over the festivities, “I dunno… it looks kinda fun,” when Eddie shot his eyes upwards she chuckled, “Whassa matter Eddie…? Afraid of a little fun?”
“Yeah okay kids, we’re gonna go up in there in our LEATHER JACKETS, and our LONG HAIR and PIERCINGS…” He was up, doing his court jester thing, waving his hands and making the other boys laugh and look up at him like he was their King— which he was.
“And not give a fuck?“ She whispered to him, wearing his Dio vest, because anything else would be too small for her to wear, and he wanted her to feel included, “Come on Eds…” she whined softly, “I just want us all to stop brooding for a change and have a good night.”
The others looked to him and he rolled his eyes, “Alright peasants! Disperse!”
When the gang all left, he visibly deflated, knowing his audience was gone and he turned his head to the artist, “Listen… I wasn’t trying to ruin your pomp…” she frowned and walked over to him, sitting beside him in the grass, “Truth is… I wanted time alone with the real Eddie Munson.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “The real Eddie? What’s that mean, Lisa Frank?”
“The you when you don’t have an audience,” She whispered and nudged his shoulder with hers, “My friend, Eddie. My muse.”
“Muse, huh?” He chuckled, nudging her back, “What are you, Pygmalion?”
She smiled brighter at that, “I love that you know all that shit.”
“I love that you know all that shit. No one ever gets my references,” Eddie smiled and lit a cigarette, “So… you chased off all my cronies, and we’re just gonna… sit here and not have any fun a the fun fair?!” He stood and held out his hand, “Come on, Princess, I’m gonna show you the night of your life.”
“Eddie,” she warned and he just grabbed her hands, pulling her up, her cheeks lit red as she realized he must know now how heavy she really was. But he held her steady and just kept smiling, “What are we doing, going on an adventure?”
His dorky smirk spread over his face, “Why, yes, Miss Rosie Cotton, we are going to attend Bilbo’s birthday… and we’ll eat and drink, and maybe…. Even dance!" He mock-gasped and covered his mouth.
Laughter bubbled from her lips, he always made her laugh, it made Eddie swell with pride, “Well if I’m Rosie Cotton, then that would make you Samwise…” she smirked and poked his chest, “But… You don’t seem like him to me…”
“Oh? And what do I seem like?”
Y/N tapped her chin in thought before humming, “You’re so a Boromir.”
“BOROMIR!? What the fuck, Y/N! He’s the worst!”
She guffawed, “Did you even read the book!?”
“I have read that book more times than you have! Boromir is the fucking worst.”
Scoffing she took a moment and then she looked as if she realized something. She nodded to herself, tapping her forehead, “I forgot, you’re a man.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” He grunted, feeling a little strange because in the years they had been friends, the idea of her as a woman never really crossed his mind. Not that he thought she was ugly, she was just… Y/N. Just as she’d been since they were 13. But now, I guess it shifted in his mind - she was 20, same as him.
“It MEANS, Eddie Munson… that you can’t look at Boromir of Gondor with a woman’s eyes,” she paused for effect before continuing, “If you could… you would see a kind man, a strong man, someone who commands great respect and esteem from his fellow Gondorians. Someone with a sense of loyalty, but not necessarily a sense of purpose… all he wants are his people to be safe, and his father to be proud of his decisions… a man of honor, who was just a man; fallible, imperfect… but beautiful— wonderful.”
The soft look on Eddie’s face was that of complete awe as she described the person she felt he was - a man of honor. Wonderful. Beautiful. He was a bit dumbfounded at the passion she spoke for the Captain of the White City. Eddie knew she’d always been passionate, he’s seen her in her full D&D glory. But - her passion was seemingly only reserved for art, things of beauty, not men, never men. In fact, she’d never even confided any crushes in him. Not even after the whole Chrissy Cunningham thing he asked her about in Freshman year. Come to think of it, after that she never even talked about any celebrity crushes after that. The only man she ever loved was Thorin Oakenshield, who’s initials she had tattooed on her arm in dwarvish — a bat on the other arm, to match his.
Y/N cleared her throat after a long moment of him just staring at her, “So… yeah, you see, Boromir… is actually my favorite character,” she shrugged, “Though you’re a lot like Faramir as well - which, makes sense… they’re brothers.”
“Eowyn,” Eddie spoke out softly, with a definitive nod.
The artist looked up at him and made a soft noise of confusion, “Huh?”
“That’s who you are,” he smirked, standing up and putting his hands on his hips, “I don’t know why I didn't realize it before— maybe that’s why I can’t graduate,” He paused for her laugh but she looked too shocked to laugh, he he continued, “You’re a total bad ass. Kick ass right in there with the boys. Hell, you’re stronger than the boys. You’re Eowyn.”
Blushing hard she smiled, “I’m not strong or beautiful enough to be her,” her voice was soft and sad.
Eddie looked at her incredulously, “Sweetheart— Do you hear yourself. You sound like an idiot, and we know you’re not, you’re a bonafide college sophomore now!” Before she could say anything else, he grabbed her hand again, “LET'S GO My Lady of Edoras! Boromir’s gotta win you a big damn teddy bear at at least ONE arcade game!! I have to prove how galant I am,” He grinned so big it could outshine the moon.
Pulling the girl along she sighed and chuckled, “Eds—“
“Ah ah, not my name!” He replied in a British accent.
Rolling her eyes again she sighed, giving in as she always did, adopting a British accent of her own, “My lord, Eowyn and Boromir never meet… that was Faramir, remember? Houses of Healing?”
“Then, tonight, allow me to be your Faramir, my lady,” he smirked and winked, kissing the knuckles of his best friend gallantly. She looked away to hide the blush on her cheeks, but he saw it. Maybe all the years of teasing had made her fond of him. He doubted it of course, never allowed himself the thought before — she was in college, in art school and he was still in high school.
The girl stood and sighed with a smile, “I… I shall allow it, my lord,” she stuttered gently and walked close to him, still holding his hand, not daring the feeling of letting go.
Eddie smiled and laced his fingers with hers, he enjoyed her indulging in the fantasy game he laid out for them, just as she always did, “Come then, Horse Mistress,” he chuckled and led her down the hill toward the fair, “I shall make an allowance to join this common frivolity, for only your sake… for you, I would walk into Mordor itself!” He declared loudly and clasped his chest, “Through fire, even through shadow and flame… I would face down Morgoth’s Balrog if it gave me one more kiss,” he kissed her knuckles again.
The two of them walked hand in hand, her cheeks red, worried Eddie would feel the sweat on her palm, “So, what shall we do first?” She asked softly, no accent.
“Well - what do you want to do? This is your night, my lady,” Eddie’s own voice briefly returned as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, “Whatever you’re comfortable with, y’know?” He pushed a curl of her cropped pixie cut back.
Y/N looked around, anywhere else but the warm chocolate eyes of Eddie Munson, biting her lip she noticed the people around them. Everyone was laughing and running around, and her face slowly lit up with all of the colors and lights. Eddie himself was quite spellbound. Finally she pointed, “Eddie — Will you take me on the Ferris wheel?” The Ferris wheel was definitely a ride she figured she wouldn’t be too fat to ride.
“Ah ah,” he tutted, “Not my name,” He chuckled and nodded, “Yes, dearest,” he pulled her along, and from the top of the world - or you know, a few feet off the ground of Hawkins, Indiana- she felt like she could fly.
They were both getting really invested in their little game of make believe up here alone as they moved around, Eddie pointed, “Ah look! You can see the tower of Orthanc from here! I wonder if Saruman the White is plotting any misdeeds…” He ticked her plump waist a bit and she laughed, swatting him away.
“The view is stunning atop Minas Tirith, my love!” She called out as she was laughing, not thinking about what she had called him, “I swear I can see all the way to the Shire!”
Eddie smiled warmly at her excitement, how much actual fun he was actually having with her, and he swallowed as she heard the sentiment - my love. He just cooly wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, his other hand finding hers on the bar. The two of them just sat there, cuddled up together until the ride came to an end.
Clearing his throat he stood and held out his hand, “Come along, my dear lady.”
Taking his hand again she stood, “Now, my Lord, I want you to win me a big fucking stuffed animal!”
Smirking he quirked an eyebrow, “I don’t believe they spoke in such a manner in Middle Earth.”
“I want my Eddie to win it for me,” she snapped back happily, “To remind me of you while I’m away at college. When you can’t visit with me and be with me.”
My Eddie, she said. He beamed and took her hand in both of his, kneeling in front of her, “Baby, I will win you the biggest fucking stuffed animal at this shit-hole fair, and then, I want to take you back to my place and watch a scary fucking movie.”
She laughed and blushed hard as other people walked by looking at the town freak like he was making an absolute fool of himself, putting on a show for the girl he was the most devoted to. She opened her mouth to speak, eyes soft, until…
“WELL, well,” the voice of Jason Carver called out, his other basketball cronies in tow, “If it isn’t the FREAK — what are you doing, Munson? Proposing to your fat girlfriend? What a happy home your trailer will make!”
They all laughed, some of the jocks making pig noises, until Eddie sprung to his feet - the Junior’s stupid letterman jacket clenched in both of Eddie’s fists, “What the fuck did you say, Carver!?”
Y/N moved forward and tried to grab his arm, “Eddie — Eddie stop!”
“You- you better listen to your little fat wife, Munson,” Jason croaked out.
The older boy, now about to start his third senior year, grit his teeth, “If you -ever- say anything against my fucking girl again I’ll fucking -kill- you, you slimy jock-fuck.”
Y/N gripped Eddies leather jacket tighter, “Eddie… Please… Please stop!” Her eyes were full of tears, hands shaking. She’d never felt scared of Eddie before until now. He looked unhinged, like a lunatic from a slasher film.
With another grunt, Eddie threw Jason onto the ground, “Leave my girl alone,” and with that last reiteration, he spun around, grabbing Y/N’s hand and stomping away. He dragged her for a little while, to the edge of the Midway, before she pulled on his hand.
“Eddie — stop dragging me! Where are we going! What’s wrong with you!”
“I told you!” He yelled, never having raised his voice to her before, “I told you this was bullshit! This whole fair! This whole fucked up town!” He gestured to the rest of the fair, “Why the fuck am I here!? Why the fuck am I doing this!?”
Y/N’s eyes welled with fresh tears as she took his angry outburst, after a moment she pulled her hand from his and took a step back. A moment ago, they were holding hands, talking freely and laughing and now, he was acting entirely unlike himself. In all the time she’d known him, no matter what anyone said to him, he’d never reacted like this, “I thought we were having fun.”
The boy threw his hands up in the air, “Fine! If you want to stay here and play fucking pretend at the fucking fun fair!? I’m going to go get fucking stoned and play guitar. Find your own way home, you ran off all my friends,” he spat, turning around and walking back toward the lot where his van was parked.
She stood there for a moment, humiliated, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as he stormed away, angry at her for… for what? After a few minutes of shock, she moved in the other direction, going to find a payphone to call her father to pick her up.
Jason was in front of her before she could get there. Him and the jocks with him started circling her, “Oh look boys… the pig is crying,” he smirked sickeningly sweet.
“L-leave me alone J-Jason,” She stuttered.
“Not so brave now that your boyfriend isn’t here, huh?” His friends laughed, “You’ve got that same stutter as when you were still in school.”
“I just w-want to go home J-Jason, please,” she tried to walk past him, but he started backing her up - the fireworks began to explode into a beautiful light show, so no one heard her yell for help. As she continued to back up suddenly they were upon her. Adam and Patrick lifted a huge trash barrel over her head and dumped the contents over her, letting the barrel fall over her head with a thump as she fell to the ground.
The sound of pig oinks faded into the distance as the jocks went to rejoin their girlfriends at the fair and continue with the whole facade.
The girl just struggled to get out of the trash full of greasy leftovers, melted ice cream, and all kinds of sticky reeking garbage. Finally freeing herself of the plastic bin she just cried, hugging herself as she rocked back and forth to the sound of Fireworks.
And Eddie, was nowhere near.
Thanks guys! I hope you liked it! More soon :)
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kuroyurishion · 1 year
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Let’s talk about Pygmalion. ONEUS recently dropped their new logo motion for their 9th mini album Pygmalion. So, who or what is Pygmalion? It can refer to one of two things. 
First is the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea. Pygmalion was a talented sculptor in Ancient Greece, most known for his ivory statue's life like appearances. Because of his work as a sculptor, putting beauty into ivory, he did not have time to admire actual women and their beauty. He saw flaws in the way women were portraying themselves and therefore decided to only concentrate on his ivory statues. One day, he carved a statue of woman in what he believed to be beauty. he carved this woman from ivory, sculpting her carefully so she could be unparallel to any other woman he had ever seen. He carved her in his image of beauty, and when Pygmalion was done, he stepped back and admired her. In his eyes, his ivory statue was the most beautiful woman, and he falls in love with his own creation. He showers this statue in gifts, kisses her with such care, decorating her with the cloths and ornaments. He spent countless days and nights, a sense of joy overcoming him. He was so in love with his ivory woman, whom he named Galatea, and wished for her to be his wife. Eventually, Aphrodite’s festival comes around, and Pygmalion makes an offering to the goddess. He prays to her, venerating so deeply, that she would make Galatea into a real woman. Aphrodite, touched by Pygmalion’s deep veneration, decided to see this statue. When she saw Galatea, she was amazed by how life like the statue was and how close to beauty the statue was to her. So, she granted Pygmalion’s wish, answered his prayers and made Galatea into a real woman. That night, when Pygmalion returned to his workshop, he kissed Galatea and was shocked to feel how warm her lips were, and how soft she was to touch. Pygmalion was overjoyed to learn that Aphrodite answered his prayers. Years later, Pygmalion and Galatea had a son named Paphos together. Truly, a story about the love an artist has for their own creation.
The second is something called the Pygmalion effect. The Pygmalion effect refers to situations where someone's high expectations improve our behavior and therefore our performance in a given area. Presented by psychologists Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, high expectations lead to better performance and low expectations lead to worse, both effects leading to self-fulfilling prophecy, a prediction that comes true in part of a set expectation or belief. The opposite of the Pygmalion effect is the Galatea effect, which one’s belief in themselves increases their performance.
Now, looking at the new logo, we can see a white background, most likely referring to the ivory that Galatea was made from or the high expectations from someone else. Then a drop happens, then suddenly the white is stained and overcome with black, covering on an otherwise ethereal white. It is no longer unblemished, no longer beautiful in the eyes of the beholder. The expectations someone placed on were wrong, and we failed them in their eyes. We may not think we failed, but to them we did. The logo shatters, leaving nothing but shards left to be picked up or forgotten.
Now knowing what Pygmalion means, the myth and the effect, what could this mean? In terms of the monarchs, could it refer to them, once bright rulers now forgotten by the ones they loved? Could it be that the monarchs are the “Galatea” of this story, someone, Helios perhaps or someone new, made them who they are and have high expectations for them? Are the monarchs no longer loved or have failed expectations? Who knows? Only time will tell.
But that’s just a theory. A ONEUS theory! Thank you for reading. 
(Please add on if you wish!)
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Review of Monarch Lore + Musing on Pygmalion
Come Back Home Concept Film
Human world ruled by monarchs
Monarchs were jealous of Helios (I think the translation is supposed to be Helios was jealous of the monarchs but the English v/o says it this way)
Ppl worship monarchs instead of Helios
Helios threatens to take away the sun
The humans sacrifice the monarchs to Helios
Helios exiled the monarchs and their servants
Helios makes them vampires
Monarchs only drink from evildoers, continue to protect humans
Cursed servants bitter about their curse/humans betraying them, so they massacre any humans they find
Servants worship moon and wait for child to be born on day of eclipse
Use child for ceremony to bring eternal night
Child is born
War between monarchs and servants to protect child lasts 10 yrs
In final battle, monarchs win
When killing last leader of the servants, he tells monarchs “when red moon comes back, i will too for the kid”
Then night sky turned red
TBONTB Story Film #1
Souls of defeated servants sealed inside necklace
Monarchs realize that as long as they exist together, humans could “never escape the bridle of pain”
“Call Us Ishmael”* monarchs also put their souls in the necklace
* = in Islamic theology, Ishmael (among being a prophet and patriarch) is the son of Ibrahim (Abraham) who Ibrahim almost sacrifices to show his devotion to God--only stopping when God tells him that he's shown his devotion to God.
monarchs consider their sacrifice a sign of devotion to humans?
TBONTB Story Film #2
Helios grieves Phaethon
Helios turns grief to anger, directs anger toward monarchs
Helios takes away monarch’s powers, imprisoned them in shattered remains of sun chariot*, puts them in endless slumber
Only way to escape is to get blood of prophetic child’s descendants
Hundreds of years pass
* = In Greek mythology, Phaethon dies after attempting to control his father Helios's sun chariot. After many complaints "from the stars in the sky to the earth itself," Zeus strikes Phaethon down with a lightning bolt and his corpse falls back to earth.
In the Roman poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Pygmalion is a sculptor who, upon finding faults with human women, sculpts an ivory woman so perfect he falls in love with it. After treating the statue like a romantic partner (kissing it, buying it gifts, making a bed for it), Pygmalion makes offerings to Aphrodite’s altar on the goddess’s festival day. He wishes for a bride who would be “the living likeness” of his ivory statue. He returns home, kisses the statue once–finds the lips warm–twice–the ivory is no longer hard. Pygmalion ends up marrying the statue-turned-woman, and they have at least one child. 
Logo motion shows ivory background turning to black
Suggests corruption? Or perhaps a dark side? Perhaps the monochrome palette, like the yin and yang of Chinese philosophy, represents the balance of natural dualities (e.g. winter vs summer, disorder vs order)
Track list
Intro: Lethe
In Greek mythology, Lethe is one of the rivers in the underworld. Whoever drinks of the river “experiences complete forgetfulness”
According to Ovid, the Lethe flows through the cave of the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos, and the river’s murmuring “induces drowsiness”
Connection to monarchs’ endless slumber?
Erase Me (title track)
Counter-track to first two tracks?
Lyrical and compositional contributions by Leedo woop woop
In Greek mythology, Echo is a mountain nymph. The king of the gods, Zeus, often visits nymphs on Earth, and Hera, his wife, becomes suspicious of these visits and sneaks to Earth to attempt to catch Zeus with the nymphs. Zeus orders Echo to protect him from his wife, so she endures Hera’s rage and Hera curses her to “only be able to speak the last words spoken to her”. 
In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Echo, after being cursed, spots a man hunting deer with his friends. Echo falls in love with the man, Narcissus, at first sight and follows him. Narcissus becomes separated from his friends. He calls out, “is anybody there?” and Echo repeats his words back to him. He calls out “come here” and once again, Echo repeats his words back to him. Given that nobody has come out of their hiding spot so Narcissus can see them, Narcissus believes the person he’s talking to is running away from him. He yells, “this way, we must come together!”--which has Echo, believing his words to be a confession of reciprocal love, say “we must come together!” Echo runs out to Narcissus and attempts to embrace him, but he scorns her and she runs away humiliated. Despite the rejection, Echo only continues to love Narcissus more and more. Narcissus falls in love with his reflection and wastes away in front of it, and Echo mourns over his body. When Narcissus says his final words, “Oh marvelous boy, I loved you in vain, farewell”, Echo says, “farewell”. Echo herself begins to waste away. Her beauty fades, her skin shrivels, and her bones become stone. All that remains of her is her voice. 
Halley’s Comet
A comet visible from Earth every 75-79 yrs
The only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth
Will next appear in 2061
In the track list, Intro: Lethe is superimposed over what appears to be a white statue
In track list, Erase Me has modern theatre masks below the song’s title
In ancient Greek theatre, actors wore masks to more immerse themselves into their characters–since they weren’t showing their face, they could ‘melt’ into the mask’s face and “vanish” into the role
Said masks often wore exaggerated expressions intended to inform audiences about the character’s disposition/characteristics (e.g. social status, sex, etc.)
The masks also allowed actors to portray multiple distinct characters without the audience knowing
As such, masks also aided in transitioning from one character to another
In the track list, Unforgettable has what appears to be a television beneath the title
In the track list, Echo has what appears to be a water ripple beneath the song’s title
In the track list, Halley’s Comet is superimposed over what appears to be flowers
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grenadaee · 1 year
- Ovid's Metamorphoses
Pygmalion saw these women waste their lives
in wretched shame, and critical of faults
which nature had so deeply planted through
their female hearts, he lived in preference,
for many years unmarried.—But while he
was single, with consummate skill, he carved
a statue out of snow-white ivory,
and gave to it exquisite beauty, which
no woman of the world has ever equalled:
she was so beautiful, he fell in love
with his creation.
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It appeared in truth
a perfect virgin with the grace of life,
but in the expression of such modesty
all motion was restrained—and so his art
concealed his art. Pygmalion gazed, inflamed
with love and admiration for the form,
in semblance of a woman, he had carved.
He lifts up both his hands to feel the work,
and wonders if it can be ivory,
because it seems to him more truly flesh. —
his mind refusing to conceive of it
as ivory, he kisses it and feels
his kisses are returned. And speaking love,
caresses it with loving hands that seem
to make an impress, on the parts they touch,
so real that he fears he then may bruise
her by his eager pressing. Softest tones
are used each time he speaks to her. He brings
to her such presents as are surely prized
by sweet girls; such as smooth round pebbles, shells,
and birds, and fragrant flowers of thousand tints,
lilies, and painted balls, and amber tears
of Heliads, which distill from far off trees.—
he drapes her in rich clothing and in gems:
rings on her fingers, a rich necklace round
her neck, pearl pendants on her graceful ears;
and golden ornaments adorn her breast.
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All these are beautiful—and she appears
most lovable, if carefully attired,—
or perfect as a statue, unadorned.
He lays her on a bed luxurious, spread
with coverlets of Tyrian purple dye,
and naming her the consort of his couch,
lays her reclining head on the most soft
and downy pillows, trusting she could feel.
The festal day of Venus, known throughout
all Cyprus, now had come, and throngs were there
to celebrate. Heifers with spreading horns,
all gold-tipped, fell when given the stroke of death
upon their snow-white necks; and frankincense
was smoking on the altars. There, intent,
Pygmalion stood before an altar, when
his offering had been made; and although he
feared the result, he prayed: “If it is true,
O Gods, that you can give all things, I pray
to have as my wife—” but, he did not dare
to add “my ivory statue-maid,” and said,
“One like my ivory—.” Golden Venus heard,
for she was present at her festival,
and she knew clearly what the prayer had meant.
She gave a sign that her Divinity
favored his plea: three times the flame leaped high
and brightly in the air.
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When he returned,
he went directly to his image-maid,
bent over her, and kissed her many times,
while she was on her couch; and as he kissed,
she seemed to gather some warmth from his lips.
Again he kissed her; and he felt her breast;
the ivory seemed to soften at the touch,
and its firm texture yielded to his hand,
as honey-wax of Mount Hymettus turns
to many shapes when handled in the sun,
and surely softens from each gentle touch.
He is amazed; but stands rejoicing in his doubt;
while fearful there is some mistake, again
and yet again, gives trial to his hopes
by touching with his hand. It must be flesh!
The veins pulsate beneath the careful test
of his directed finger. Then, indeed,
the astonished hero poured out lavish thanks
to Venus; pressing with his raptured lips
his statue's lips. Now real, true to life—
the maiden felt the kisses given to her,
and blushing, lifted up her timid eyes,
so that she saw the light and sky above,
as well as her rapt lover while he leaned
gazing beside her—and all this at once—
the goddess graced the marriage she had willed,
and when nine times a crescent moon had changed,
increasing to the full, the statue-bride
gave birth to her dear daughter Paphos. From
which famed event the island takes its name.
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All images belong to Pinterest
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favortive reylo regency au fanfics?
Brilliant question @aparnasworld , I do love a regency AU
This is Reylo, hot and interesting, I love an A.B.O. that explores the science a bit.
This one of from the CS fandom and it has some of the best snappy dialogue it's written by @zaharadessert who writes some of the best banter in any fandom.
Is another CS story and one I have gone back to time and time again, @ineffablecolors writes a tale that is sweet and haunting and beautiful and stays in your head
Pure regency festive fluff.
Pygmalion AU, very well written and very funny.
Honestly I could go on and on, asking me for recs is a nightmare because I love them all!
Great question x
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alexzalben · 2 years
So many new cast members have been added to The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2: Oliver Alvin-Wilson, Stuart Bowman, Gavi Singh Chera, William Chubb, Kevin Eldon, Will Keen, Selina Lo, and Calam Lynch.
Bios and headshots below (no roles named as of yet).
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Oliver Alvin-Wilson’s television credits include The Bay (ITV), as “Guy Townsend,” Murder in Provence (ITV) as “Luc Martinez,” Collateral (BBC) as ”Chips Benson” and Lovesick (Netflix) as “Alex.” In film, Oliver has been seen in Harkness, Wonder Woman 1984, and The Huntsman. He has appeared on stage in All of Us (National Theatre), Henry VI Rebellion/War of the Roses (Royal Shakespeare Company), The Twilight Zone (Almeida Theatre/Ambassadors Theatre), The Doctor (Almeida Theatre), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Young Vic Theatre) and Nine Night (National Theatre/Trafalgar Studios) among many others.
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Stuart Bowman can currently be seen in the television series The Pact (BBC), Karen Pirie (ITV), and The Control Room (BBC). He has previously played recurring roles in Alex Rider (Prime Video), Guilt (BBC), Bodyguard (Netflix), Versailles (Netflix), Grantchester (ITV), and Deadwater Fell (Channel 4) opposite David Tennant. Stuart’s work in film includes Man and Witch, The Cursed, Sunset Song, and Slow West. His recent theatre credits include Macbeth (Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre) as “Macduff.”
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Gavi Singh Chera was most recently seen in the television series The Undeclared War (Channel 4) and The Lazarus Project (Sky). Other television credits include Vera (ITV) and Doctors (BBC). On stage, Gavi has appeared in productions including The Cherry Orchard (The Yard Theatre), Our Generation, Behind the Beautiful Forevers (National Theatre), Duck, 1922: The Waste Land (Jermyn Street Theatre) and Pygmalion (Headlong).
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William Chubb is a prolific actor whose television credits include Vampire Academy (Peacock), The Sandman (Netflix), Pistol (Hulu), Quiz, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (BBC), Law & Order: UK (ITV)and House of Cards (BBC). On stage, William has appeared in numerous productions including The Tempest (Theatre Royal Bath), The Taxidermist’s Daughter (Chichester Festival Theatre), Witness for the Prosecution (County Hall, London), Othello (Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre) and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Old Vic). His film credits include Sam Mendes’ Empire of Light, A Week in Paradise, and Adrift in Soho.
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Kevin Eldon is a well-known performer in television, film and theatre. On television, Kevin has starred in Game of Thrones (HBO), Shadow And Bone (Netflix), Inside Number 9 (BBC) and has had recurring roles in Trigger Point (Peacock) and Dad’s Army. He also appeared in The Crown (Netflix), Criminal: UK (Netflix) and Doctor Who (BBC). In film, he has been seen in Martin Scorsese’s Hugo, Hot Fuzz, Four Lions and Set Fire to the Stars opposite Elijah Wood.
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Will Keen will soon start production on Prime Video’s My Lady Jane. He most recently wrapped the indie feature Borderland opposite Felicity Jones and Mark Strong, as well as the TV series The Gold (BBC1/Viacom). He was most recently seen in Ridley Road (BBC) and The Pursuit of Love (BBC) opposite Andrew Scott and Emily Beecham. His other TV credits include His Dark Materials (HBO), The Crown (Netflix), Genius: Picasso (National Geographic), Wolf Hall (BBC) and The Musketeers (BBC). Stage credits include Patriots (Almeida Theatre), Ghosts (Almeida Theatre), Waste (Almeida Theatre), Quartermaine’s Terms (Wyndham's Theatre), The Arsonists (Royal Court) and The Coast of Utopia (National Theatre).
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Selina Lo is a British-Asian actress and former martial arts champion, whose film credits include starring in Boss Level (Hulu) as “Guan Yin” and Hellraiser (Hulu) as “The Gasp.”  Her work in television includes a recurring role in One Child (BBC) as “Xu Lian.”
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Calam Lynch was most recently seen in Bridgerton (Netflix) as “Theo Sharpe.” Other television credits include Derry Girls (Channel 4) as “John Paul O’Reilly” and Mrs. Wilson (BBC) as “Gordon Wilson.” In film, Calam starred in Black Beauty (Disney+), Benediction opposite Jack Lowden, and Dunkirk. He has appeared in theatre in productions including Much Ado About Nothing (The Rose Theatre) and Wife (The Kiln Theatre).
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mythosmondays · 2 years
i. Pygmalion & Galatea
In Cyprus, where that Goddess of love herself stepped first ashore on mortal land, lived a most blessed and talented man, by the name of Pygmalion; handsome and full of wit, he was great beyond any other in that city at his craft, and all who loved the arts knew to call first on him, for all stone he touched came alive from lifeless cold.
While his craft was well loved, and though he was as pleasing to look on as each of his carvings, he was less than favored as his own man. He had little love for other men, hating them for their wretchedness - though he hated men with twice the grace he hated women with, seeing them as little more than men made softer, pliant in the hand of vice. Thusly, hating women beyond his own sex, he swore never to marry, and showed his face rarely in the company of his peers, who he hated only in a small amount less. Instead he locked himself away in his home, content with his art. Here he lived lavishly, his pockets thickly lined and his quarters finely furnished, for all the hate he had for mortal men, he had no qualm in crafting their detested whims and vices for large enough sums.
This was how he went about the world for some time, refusing affection and companionship of anyone or thing not made of stone, though by nature and Heavenly design, man needs both; and so, driven by some unknown force, either deep rooted desire or Desire himself, sent by that lovely Aphrodite, he began to carve his own longing out of a large block of fine white marble. When his time was not taken by commission, he spent every available hour carving out a most beautiful woman, and then, when her form was finished, he spent days and weeks carving away any imperfection he could see. It was in this way he continued, hating men and hating women and hating himself for being just as wretched as they were - for soon enough, when she was perfect, Pygmalion found himself falling in love with this woman of his own design, who as lifelike as she appeared, was nothing more than cold stone.
He lavished upon her gifts, jewels and fine robes and delightful trinkets, and with each presentation imagined her falling in love with him; he laid her down in his bed beside him each night and thought of them as husband and wife; kissed her goodbye before going to those markets to buy her more things suited to her loveliness, kissed her again in greeting returning from meetings with his benefactors. But soon he could imagine no more, though he might act like a child and pretend, he was a man, and knew that his creation would never truly be a woman.
Soon enough the yearly festival in honor of Aphrodite, that sweet and wicked bringer of love, came again to Cyprus, and lines of tenderhearted supplicants stretched all across the city to Her temple to make their offerings and prayers, among them Pygmalion. He brought fine cloth and jewelry and hand carved visages of all the things She loved the most, and when it was his turn, he bowed his head and made his offering and prayed for a woman like his statue at home. But Aphrodite is no fool, and as she listened to his prayer she knew what the man truly wanted in his heart; and so enthralled was she by this love, so captivated by its oddity, its newness among men, who wanted usually beautiful women with life and color already in their cheeks, that she blew gently on the candle of her altar, feeding its flame to great heights three times, to let Pygmalion know his prayer was heard and answered. 
Hope stirred in his chest, and he ran quickly through the crowded streets and home to his statue, and as he reached out with trembling hands to touch her, he felt smooth skin warm under his fingertips; she kissed him back with soft lips as he helped her down from that pedestal, and gazed up at him with gentle eyes full of love. He called her Galatea, and made her his wife, and every day with her he sent many prayers up to that radiant Aphrodite who had blessed him with her; and as he loved his wife, Pygmalion learned too to love other mortal men and their wretchedness, for his own had brought him great joy.
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steelbluehome · 22 days
"Stan eases into the role, suggesting the young Trump without venturing into an SNL-like impersonation. He captures him precisely and believably throughout"
The Deadline Report
‘The Apprentice’ Review: Sebastian Stan And Jeremy Strong Soar As Young Donald Trump And His Ruthless Mentor Roy Cohn In Devilish Origin Story – Cannes Film Festival (click for article)
Pete Hammond
May 20, 2024 10:00AM PDT
But the political Trump is not in Iranian-Danish director Ali Abbasi‘s compelling film, which instead zeroes in on a specific period of Trump’s life in the early ’70s when he was in his 20s and struggling to make a name for himself in the world of real estate in New York City. But it isn’t just about him — it is equally focused on his unique relationship with his lawyer, the notorious Roy Cohn, often referred to as vicious, cruel, ruthless and sadistic, a take-no-prisoners cutthroat attorney who would win at any cost. The filmmakers have cited movies like Midnight Cowboy, Frankenstein and Barry Lyndon as partial inspirations for their approach, the latter about an 18th century social climber who stands for nothing himself.
Don’t be confused about the title The Apprentice. This is not a movie version of the NBC reality TV series in any way, but instead a smart, sharp and surprising origin story of the man who hosted it. In this case the actual “apprentice” is Donald Trump, infamous real estate developer, former President of the United States and current presumed GOP nominee for 2024.
Trump and Cohn would become an odd couple, helping each other achieve their end goals at the time. That is the story of The Apprentice, which had its world premiere in competition at the Cannes Film Festival on Monday and still has its U.S. distribution rights for sale.
Will it sell, and will it be released before November’s election? We shall see, but this is not a hit job on Trump, and actually considering the 77-year-old we see today at MAGA rallies and dozing off in courtrooms defending his indictments on various charges including starting an insurrection to overturn the 2020 election. Instead, it presents a person somewhat driven but awkward, a man striving for the approval of a tough-love father, unsure but determined to succeed and even oddly charming at times. Yes, I said that. Cohn, responsible for helping Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s reprehensible anti-communist crusade in the ’50s as well as putting away convicted spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, was the man pulling the strings — until he wasn’t. Think of it as a twisted Pygmalion with Cohn tutoring and training Trump the way Henry Higgins did with Eliza Dolittle.
“Where’s my Roy Cohn?” Trump once uttered after a tirade about a current lawyer he was unhappy with. Cohn (Jeremy Strong) was his first fixer, and basically adopted the uneasy Trump (Sebastian Stan) upon spotting him looking nervous and alone in the exclusive NYC club Trump weaseled himself into. He took him under his wing and drilled into him the three golden rules he lived by, which considering the Trump of today are prophetic to say the least. Rule 1: Attack. Attack. Attack. Rule 2: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Rule 3: Always claim victory and never admit defeat.
The latter was the one Cohn emphasized above all as the most important thing to remember. He also told Trump no one likes a loser. “Everyone wants to suck a winner’s cock,” he tells Trump, who convinced his cold-hearted father Fred Trump (Martin Donovan) that they needed a lawyer like Cohn to take on a case the DOJ had launched over their housing developments (after being indicted for discriminating against Black tenants). In his own inimitable way he got the government to settle with no fines, thus endearing him to Donald. “You have to be willing to do anything to anyone in order to win,” Cohn says.
The lawyer even dresses his mentee, who was born in Queens; not exactly the right breeding ground. “Is this gonna be a guy from Flushing or 5th Avenue?” he asks, getting an affirmative on the latter. He then puts him on the phone with a New York Times society columnist, and the result is a puff piece comparing his looks to Robert Redford and marking him as an up-and-comer. One of the key Cohn lessons is always chase the press, be in the newspapers every day.
Trump started moving up the ladder, with Cohn bringing him to a party with Rupert Murdoch, George Steinbrenner and others, cheekily (and now ironically in hindsight) telling him, “If you’re indicted, you’re invited.” Cohn himself had been in major legal hot water for tax evasion and also handled shady underworld characters, but he knew how to help Trump’s dreams of finishing Trump Tower come to fruition, essentially rigging a planning commission meeting to get $160 million tax abatement for which Trump was begging.
Separately, he introduced him to a friend, Roger Stone (Mark Rendall), whose “specialty” is dirty tricks and who touts candidate Ronald Reagan’s campaign slogan “let’s make America great again” (a slogan Trump would later steal as his own when he ran for president). And when the top of the still unfinished first-ever all-concrete hotel in NYC is set on fire, Cohn brings Trump to a meeting with some of his mob clients who deliver Trump a come-to-Jesus moment demanding the “f*cking concrete guy” gets paid. Trump is shown already as being notorious for not paying his construction workers.
The film shows his darker side, that scene included, as he is changing, becoming more ruthless himself — even to Cohn, by double crossing his lawyer whose partner has contracted AIDS and needed help in getting a room at the Hyatt; Trump reluctantly agreed but later sent him a bill. Soon Cohn himself contracts AIDS, but they make up when Trump comes to his birthday celebration with a gift of “diamond” cufflinks that say “Trump” on each one. Ivana later tells Roy they were fake.
The personal side of Trump is also on display here as he endlessly pursues Ivana (Maria Bakalova) for a date and after several turndowns finally wears her out. They marry, after she at first refuses to sign the absurd pre-nup Cohn had drawn up (she later does), and it is quite the social occasion. She becomes his partner in the garish design of Trump Tower. They have kids, but even before Trump Tower is completed he has set his eye on the casinos in Atlantic City, convincing Cohn he knows what he is doing (they all later went bankrupt). The marriage also went downhill, with the unfaithful Trump admitting to Ivana he was no longer attracted to her after she initially seemed to be in the mood for some lovemaking. She lashes out, calling him fat, ugly, bald, and orange-faced. A physical encounter ensues in which they have intense sex on the floor. Whether or not it was consensual is questionable at best and likely to be controversial, especially in light of sexual assault accusations and the E. Jean Carroll suit which he lost. Public knowledge of these lawsuits (not in the film) could paint the viewer’s opinion. It appears violent though.
This exceptionally well-researched first screenplay by Gabriel Sherman, who had profiled Trump for various publications and thought the Trump-Cohn story would make a good movie, has turned out a tale that is essentially a Faustian deal between the two. Although they have both been described as monsters in different circles, they are really given an empathetic treatment here, at least in part, and at least in an attempt to show us what led to historical change in America, and what may well continue in a story whose end has yet to be written.
Trump has never seemed so, well, human, as his own early years show a man trying desperately for his father’s approval while at the same time trying to come out from under his shadow. Progressively the two-hour film shows him doing just that, but also losing some of that humanity in the process. I wouldn’t describe the portrait as flattering, but it is not a hatchet job — perhaps part of the reason is a foreign director who didn’t even know Trump before he came down those stairs to announce his presidential bid in 2015. The goal is to show the makings of that man, not who he would later become – no matter what your opinion of that man is. I have a feeling his base of voters, the ones he dug up from under a rock, might look at these early years and give their approval, warts and all. Ironically though the first image in the film is that of Richard Nixon swearing “I am not a crook.” What the filmmakers’ intention with that choice is certainly intriguing.
Special notice to Sean Samsom’s seamless hair, makeup and prosthetics work here which never brings attention to itself.
Stan eases into the role, suggesting the young Trump without venturing into an SNL-like impersonation. He captures him precisely and believably throughout. Cohn has been portrayed in other projects like Al Pacino did in Angels In America, but Strong is ideal casting, going all in and delivering a three-dimensional portrait of this complicated man. Bakalova is excellent in her few scenes, as is Donovan as father Fred who early on tries to explain he is not racist. “How can I be racist when I have a Black chauffeur?” he asks at the dinner table while berating his sons. Charlie Carrick as Trump’s older brother Fred Jr. is also very fine, showing a man who just couldn’t live up to his father’s expectations. Scenes between the two siblings show Donald has at least some empathy.
Producers are Daniel Bekerman, Jacob Jarek, Ruth Treacy and Julianne Forde, Louis Tisne and Abbasi.
Title: The Apprentice
Festival: Cannes (Competition)
Director: Ali Abbasi
Screenwriter: Gabriel Sherman
Cast: Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Strong, Maria Bakalova, Martin Donovan, Charlie Carrick, Mark Rendall
Sales agent: Rocket Science
Running time: 2 hr
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Pymalion and Galatea
Pygmalion was a sculptor par excellence, a man who gave to every one of his ivory a life-like appearance. His deep devotion to his art spared him no time to admire the beauty of women. His sculptures were the only beauty he knew. For reasons known only to him, Pygmalion despised and shunned women, finding solace only in his craft. In fact, he was so condemning to women that he had vowed never to marry.
One fine day, Pygmalion carved the statue of a woman of unparalleled beauty. She looked so gentle and divine that he could not take his eyes off the statue. Enchanted with his own creation, he felt waves of joy and desire sweeping over his body and in a moment of inspiration he named the figurine, Galatea, meaning "she who is white like milk". He draped over her the finest of cloths and bedecked her with the most dazzling of ornaments, adorned her hair with the prettiest of flowers, gave to her the choicest of gifts and kissed her as a sign of adoration. Pygmalion was obsessed and madly in love with his creation. The spell the lifeless woman cast on him was too much to resist and he desired her for his wife. Countless were the nights and days he spent staring upon his creation.
In the meanwhile, the celebration of goddess Aphrodite was fast approaching and preparations were well under way. On the day of the festival, while making offerings to goddess Aphrodite, Pygmalion prayed with all his heart and soul, beseeching the goddess that she turns his ivory figurine into a real woman. Touched by his deep veneration, Aphrodite went to the workshop of Pygmalion to see this famous statue by herself. When he looked upon the statue of Galatea, she got amazed by its beauty and liveliness. Looking better at it, Aphrodite found that Galatea looked like her in beauty and perfection, so, satisfied, she granted Pygmalion his wish.
Upon returning home the master-sculptor went straight to Galatea, full of hope. At first, he noticed a flush on the cheeks of the ivory figurine but slowly it dawned upon him that Aphrodite had heard his pleas. Unable to restrain himself, he held Galatea in his arms and kept her strongly. What had been cold ivory turned soft and warm and Pygmalion stood back in amazement as his beloved figurine came into life, smiling at him and speaking words of admiration for her creator.
Their love blossomed over the days and before long, wedding vows were exchanged between the two lovers with Aphrodite blessing them with happiness and prosperity. The happy couple had a son, Paphos, who later founded the city of Paphos in Cyprus. Some say that Pygmalion and Galatea also had a daughter, Metharme. The bottom line is that the couple lived happily ever after.
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ramenjunkie · 9 months
Pygmalion Festival - Rose Bowl Tavern, Urbana, IL
Emily the Band, Fiona Kimble, Lutalo, Tim Atlas, Claud, Lauren Mayberry
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clishmaclever · 11 months
Lutalo - “Push Back Baby”
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AGAIN by Lutalo
Lutalo gained a love for Jazz, Classical music, and MF Doom when they grew up in the Twin Cities. Their new EP, AGAIN, will be out August 25th on Winspear. With its smoked out, subtle guitar riffs; “Push Back Baby” is a DIY-anthem that will get stuck in your head. Lutalo asks listeners to imagine a better world: “I want to help people question the way they’re living so we can create a better reality for us to exist in together.” They will play the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis on Monday, September 25th w/ Claud (Buy Tickets)
Pre-Order AGAIN
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Tour Dates:
Tue. Aug. 1 - Lakewood, OH @ Mahall’s * Wed. Aug. 2 - Columbus, OH @ Ace of Cups * Thu. Aug. 3 - Kalamazoo, MI @ Bell’s Eccentric Cafe * Fri. Aug. 4 - Chicago, IL @ The Empty Bottle * Sun. Aug. 6 - Milwaukee, WI @ Cactus Club * Tue. Sept. 19 - Toronto, ON @ Velvet Underground % Wed. Sept. 20 - Ann Arbor, MI @ Blind Pig % Fri. Sept. 22 - Cleveland, OH @ Mahall's % Sat. Sept. 23 - Champaign, IL @ Pygmalion % Mon. Sept. 25 - Minneapolis, MN @ 7th St Entry % Wed. Sept. 27 - Lawrence, KS @ Bottleneck % Thu. Sept. 28 - Oklahoma City, OK @ Beer City % Fri. Sept. 29 - Dallas, TX @ Club Dada % Sat. Sept. 30 - Houston, TX @ Secret Group % Sat. Nov. 11 - Paris, FR @ Pitchfork Music Festival Paris ^ Sun. Nov. 12 - London, UK @ Pitchfork Music Festival London # * w/ Katy Kirby % w/ Claud ^ w/ Sophie May, Kid Apollo # w/ Youth Lagoon, Barrie
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At the National Local Mascot Festival, children all across Japan can meet their favorite local mascots. But as the festival gets underway, it becomes clear that what’s inside these costumes aren’t people – they’re something much darker, with a taste for human flesh. Amid the chaos spreading through the entire country, Keigo Ayahara, his little brother Makoto, and his friend Ako must now fight for…
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 10.16
Air Force Day (Bulgaria)
Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters
Blog Action Day
Clean Your Bug Zapper Day
Department Store Day
Ether Day
Global Cat Day
Learn a Word Day
Maintenance Personnel Day
National Cut Up Your Credit Card Day
National Department Store Day
National DGS Day
National Dictionary Day
National Feral Cat Day
National Report Truth in Negotiations Act Fraud Day
National Wolf Awareness Day
Pope John Paul II Day (Poland)
Population Control Day
Restart A Heart Day (UK)
Steve Jobs Day (California)
Teachers’ Day (Chile)
World Allergy Awareness Day
World Anesthesia Day
World Spine Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Liqueur Day
National Veterans BBQ Day
United Church of Bacon Day
World Food Day (UN)
3rd Sunday in October
Brown Ale Day [3rd Sunday]
Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Toy Camera Day [3rd Sunday]
Feast Days
Balderic (a.k.a. Baudry) of Monfaucon (Christian; Saint)
Bercharius (Christian; Saint)
Bertrand of Comminges (Christian; Saint)
Blue Whale Contemplation Day (Pastafarian)
Colmán of Kilroot (a.k.a. Colman mac Cathbaid; Christian; Saint)
Eliphius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of ‘Ilm (Knowledge; Baha’i)
Feast of the Ingathering [21 Tishrei] (a.k.a. ... 
Feast of the Tabernacles (Christian)
Festival of Shelters (Christian)
Harvest Home (UK)
Kirn (Scotland)
Mell-Supper (Northern England)
Sukkot (Judaism)
Fortunatus of Casei (Christian; Saint)
Gall (Christian; Saint)
Gerard Majella (Christian; Saint)
Hedwig of Silesia (Christian; Saint)
Hugh Latimer (Anglicanism)
Junian (of Saint-Junien; Christian; Saint)
Lullus (a.k.a. Lullon), Archbishop of Mentz (Christian; Saint)
Malcolm the Lion (Muppetism)
Marguerite Marie Alacoque (Christian; Saint)
Marie-Marguerite d'Youville (Christian; Saint) >li>Mummolin (a.k.a. Mommolin), Bishop of Noyon (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Ridley (Anglicanism)
Opening the Bosom of Women (Hathor’s Temple; Ancient Egypt)
Pamela Anderson Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Pascal (Positivist; Saint)
Silvanus of Ahun (Christian; Saint)
Thevarparampil Kunjachan, Blessed (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Catholic Church)
Victor III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [42 of 53]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [48 of 60]
Bridge of Spies (Film; 2015)
Crazy, by Patsy Cline (Song; 1961)
Dare by the Human League (Album; 1981)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train (Anime Film; 2020)
Electric Ladyland, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1968)
Fry Me Cookie, With A Can Of Lard, recorded by Will Bradley (Song; 1941)
It’s Only Rock N’ Roll, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1974)
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë (Novel; 1847)
The Kids in the Hall (TV Series; 1988)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1950) [Book 1 of The Chronicles of Narnia]
The Lobster (Film; 2015)
Pierrot Lunaire, by Arnold Schoenberg (Melodrama; 1912)
Practical Magic (Film; 1998)
Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw (Play; 1913)
The Sensual World, by Kate Bush (Album; 1989)
Today’s Name Days
Hedwig (Austria)
Hedviga, Margareta, Marija (Croatia)
Havel (Czech Republic)
Gallus (Denmark)
Siret, Sirja, Sirje (Estonia)
Luna, Sirkka, Sirkku, Stella (Finland)
Edwige (France)
Carlo, Gallus, Gordon, Hedwig (Germany)
Gál (Hungary)
Edvige, Fortunato, Irene, Margherita (Italy)
Daiga, Daigone, Dainida, Egils (Latvia)
Ambraziejus, Dovaldė, Gutautas, Jadvyga, Margarita (Lithuania)
Finn, Flemming (Norway)
Ambroży, Aurelia, Dionizy, Florentyna, Galla, Gallina, Gaweł, Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Grzegorz, Radzisław (Poland)
Vladimíra (Slovakia)
Beltrán, Eduviges, Eduvigis, Florentino, Gerardo, Margarita (Spain)
Finn (Sweden)
Avice, Avis, Gerar, Gerard, Gerardo, Gerrard, Hedda, Hedwig, Hedy, Heide, Heidi, Jerard, Noah, Noe (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 289 of 2022; 76 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 41 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Júyuè), Day 21 (Red-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Tishri 5783
Islamic: 20 Rabi I 1444
J Cal: 19 Shù; Foursday [19 of 30]
Julian: 3 October 2022
Moon: 60%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 9 Descartes (11th Month) [Pascal]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 24 of 90)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 22 of 30)
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