#q! cellbit
swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 4
Dreedful revilation
"A coffin?!" Philza confirmed; he was seated at Cellbit's dining table reviving information of the night before. After Phil's midnight episode Cellbit would drag him, well mostly the coffin, to his home so he could properly rest.
"That you built yourself yes," Cellbit explained, "Phil I must say with the recent events this seems more like possession."
The thought the cursed king had taken his antonym was absolutely terrifying. There was no chance of fighting back, the entity was on a higher level than he was, than anyone was, he didn't want to fight a losing battle with his own body.
"Phil," Cellbit threw him out his thoughts, "the vision you had." Phil groan in annoyance as he tilt his gaze. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but this is clearly important.
"I don't even know where to start." Phil began with a sigh, "I know this is connected to my dreams, it's so much of a longer story than you think."
"I have time." Cellbit reasured, he watch Phil sit in silence a little longer starching at the table in an clear attempt to smooth his nerves. He reached out and brought Phil's hand to a stand still, successfully gaining his attention.
"Phil, Bolas to Bolas let me help you." Cellbit requested.
Philza exhaled deeply then gently pulled his hand from Cellbit's grip, "Ok." He began, "I think it started with the dreams, for as long I could remember I've been having dreams of another world.
"what kind of world?"
"That's the thing it's hard to explain.. I guess a domain would be the right term? It's like this space in-between homes of like..Gods."
"Right.." Cellbit respond in mock confidence, admitly unnerved at the mention of Gods.
"these a few of them, but the antagonist is The Ender King, he steal biomes and part of others domain, it became a problem and so they flood his domain."
"I'm assuming that killed him, being an Ender and all?" Cellbit inquired
"yeah, actually it's weird.. I'm wasn't there when this is happened I'm discovered The story after by finding things buried in the ground, scrolls but.."
"it's like I can still feel them there..all of them.."
Cellbit bit his tongue at that information, all would imply the Ender King as well, but a being that has the ability to steal bomies surly must be powerful, would drowning him even work again?
"Phil if you don't mind, I'd like to observe you sleep, it might help us figure out how to stop this," Cellbit made a quotation gesture with his fingers, "Ender King."
"Wait you mean like sleep here?"
"Yes, I'll make you a proper room with a comfortable bed."Cellbit explained, "you deserve it, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE!"
"Oh stop complaining you big wussy." AbueloRoeier excalimed as he entered the room.
"Why are you even here?" Cellbit pushed, "didn't I dropped you in the old folks home?"
"Ha! Nice try bitch you can't get rid of me!" He responded Before slowly walking to the other room.
"Anyways..it would do good to observe your sleep pattern from start to finish." Cellbit explained further
"I see, you're not gonna let me sleep in a coffin again right?" Phil teased
"Well, I will have back up.." Phil tilled his head in confusion at Cellbit's respond.
Phil lied in his temporary king size bed as he stared up at the celling; the room was mostly dark aside from a dull red light for a nightlight that supprisly was making him more tired.
He glanced over at the camera in the corner of the room, there he knew Cellbit was watching him from. He consider asking him to play some form of music or rain sounds, anything to help him forget that despite the comfortable nature of the bed he was sleeping in a reinforcered box.
Instead however Philza turned on his side, determine to fall asleep despite the knowledge of being watched. On the other side Forever placed a cup of coffee next to Cellbit then sat nearby with his own as they watched the camera.
"how's he doing?" Forever asked
"He still hasn't fallen asleep yet." Cell informed as he pulled his cup closer.
"bond to happen when your being watch I supposed, the six sense that tells you when you're being watched."
"Hm, we have all night either way." He took a sip of his coffee.
As the night dragged on Cellbit consumption of coffee increased. He rub the exhaustion from his eyes as he watch Phil stir in his sleep, the most activity he'd seen in the past two hours .
He then looked over at Forever whom was passed out in his chair, leant back with his feet on the desk and his head pointed to the calling. His chair was also standing on the two back leg, he look like he would fall at any moment.
He quickly turn his attention back to phil, noting the sudden knocking on the wall below the camera. He raised his eyebrows as Phil stared up at him, like he was look directly into his soul.
Cellbit dragged his clipboard close by then transferred the information down however his process would be interrupted by yelling, he looked up at the screen again.
Philza was now pacing the room and yelling his voice at lest five Octanes deeper. Cellbit focussed his attention on his subject admittedly concerned for his behavior, soon Phil turned to pulling at the reinforced door.
Cellbit stood up halfway in preparation to run downstairs, there was no way he'd break though the door! While Cell was hopefully unfortunately it wasn't quite enough to hope as Phil or whoever was possessing him broke apart the door then made his exit.
Cellbit lifted Forever's legs out the way, waking Forever in the process, he Yelp in surprise as the chair tilted over then sat back up garling at Cellbit, "what was that about?!"
"He's escaped!" Cellbit announced before exiting the room, Forever quickly followed him. They would chase Philza on foot, bealry keeping up with his speed
Suddenly Philza took of, supprisly the wings he calmed to be broken carried him into the air; they stopped in awe, painful awear they wouldn't be able to catch him.
Thankfully for them his wings suddenly gave out thus he came crashing to the ground. The duo ran quickly to Phil's unmoving body, Forever then gently attempt to pick him up. "help me out please?" He requested
Cellbit apologizes then help Forever throw Phil over his shoulders, much to his dismay and he suddenly found the engery to Punch Forever's back repeatedly.
Regardless they carry on, practically dragging Phil kicking and screaming, back to the castle and into the original room, Cellbit observed the surrounding area for the door but found nothing more than ramble.
"He broke the door, it'll take a while for me to make a new one!" He explained
Forever glanced around the room, than turned his attention back to Cellbit, "just block it in." He suggested.
Cellbit rumish through his inventory for blocks, "are you sure you'll be able to handle him?" He asked recalling the extreme strength he had before.
Forever agreed before gently drooping Phil on the bed, then made his way to the further cover; He sat on the floor, staring Phil down.
He observed as Phil push himself up partly, the purple glow in his eyes, the way his head hung in desperation. But what shoke him soul was the incredible deep voice that left his mouth, the mer presence of which filled him with dreed.
"How dare you beast?" Phil spoke.
Forever inhaled deeply as rubbed his hands together, still keeping his eyes on Philza, "So you wanna talk huh?" He began, "Ok let's talk; what are you, what do you want?"
"I Just.. want to..Rest!" He spoke with a booming voice, "Do you have any idea what it feels like to be aware for four thousand years?" The room slowy filled with water; Forever push himself up with one hand to the wall, a hand that glow a deep navy while he whispered to himself in Portuguese.
"Do you have any idea what it feels like, to burn for you nature?!" Forever swore he could hear Phil's regular voice in the word burn, he'd make a mental note of it. "Was it such a sin, for me to take what's mine until the end of time?"
Despite the room being completely filled with water, forever found he could breath just fine. He therefore approached Phil slowly his left hand still glowing dully in the shade of the water.
"I just want to rest.." Phil wouldn't move yet his now purple eyes stared at forever though damp locks, his pupils incredibility dilated.
"But, this is rather counter productive isn't it?" Forever commented once he got closer, he climbed on the bed, then grasp Phil's face with no hastation, Phil's eyes immediately darted up to met his own. "If you're tired then sleep."
Almost immediately after Forever statement Philza's eyes fell shut as he drifted into sleep then onto Forever's lap. The water began to drain into seemingly no where leading forever to the conclusion the spirit had finally leftt.
Forever turned to the camera in the upper corner of the room, curious how much of that Cellbit saw. Denounced to him Cellbit was still staring at the video feed in absolutely appalled at the events that played out.
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31samah · 1 year
I was looking up a bit about f!cellbit on the Fuga Impossível wiki and came across this:
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Translation: "Cell has a non-canon appearance in Chume Labs 2, in episode 25 (FUGA IMPOSSÍVEL!). In the episode, Gutin was watching Fuga Impossível (implying that Chume Labs 2 and Fuga Impossível are set in the same universe) to get a closer look at the characters, and decided to use a portal to enter the film's universe, but this resulted in passing a copy of Cell (in addition to numerous other prisoners, such as the Japanese Leader) through the portal, which made Cell take Gutin hostage and a horde of prisoners attacking the Chume Labs factory.
After detaining the other prisoners, Pac and Mike confront Cell's copy, where he tells them that he is going to kill Gutin, as revenge for them leaving him on the island. However, after they told him that he wasn't real, but a copy, Cell freaked out, screaming that he needed to go back to his world.
Upon going to the portal, Pac asks him about what will happen in Fuga Impossível 2, but he doesn't answer, and Mike believes that this is something that not even Cell's copy knows; they suspect it to be a copy of Cell who had yet to break out of prison, as Gutin's favorite episode (which he probably used as the basis for the portal) was the episode where they decided who would break out. Before he leaves, they try to convince Cell to trust Mike and become a friendlier person (Pac suggests that he base himself on the "Care Bears"), although he remains distrustful and, suspecting a trap planned by Guaxinim, jumps through the portal."
I NEED to watch Chume Labs now, thanks and you're welcome.
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deerfellow · 1 year
cucurucho having a big day tommorow during the federation event, cellbit being asked to sabotage it and jaiden apparently having big lore tommorow..
roseduo will not be making it out tomorrow i fear
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anotherfanart · 1 year
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Man what a live this was!! Cellbit breaking the rules and I honestly didn't expect ALL of this to happen, Players are becoming more and more curious , and we are discovering more about the QSMP island
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strawjamberry · 1 year
cellbit is a popular candidate for president but we shouldn’t forget that he might be a sleeper agent. he might be under the federation’s control still and giving him presidency means the people don’t actually have any power and they just have a false illusion of power.
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bartholomewtheant · 1 year
So is there any reason Cellbit tosses flowers to every egg he meets? Or is it just casual gifts
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jaimeski · 8 months
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xvxnoid · 17 days
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cubito cellbo 🔎 
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ama-a93 · 3 months
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welcome home 😨
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bex-inxo · 8 months
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The jealous bird man
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 1
Confession and Bonfires
This is my first qsmp fic be nice to me; also this is some what outdated but everyone insisted I finish it anyways so here it is!
Cellbit eyes fell half lid as he phased into place, overlooking phill and Misa's home. He hadn't the proper chance to caught up since the events of purgatory, the exhaustion for the damage his body took put him out for weeks at least and the horrid vision of mind are ones he'd rather forget.
He slowly walked over to the front door of the home where he knocked for a whole 3 second, before then looking through the window.
The double bed remained empty amongst the wall of pictures, his eyes gazed back and forth as he search for any life, then sighed when he found none.
Cellbit was about to leave when he heard an iron door push open, he walked over to where he heard the sound watching Phill crawl from an underground base.
"Oi, Philza." Cellbit started
"Sup mate!" Phill greeted, he crawl his way out the hole completely, shutting the door behind him.
"I hope I'm not interrupting you, seem you were bu-" before Cellbit finished his sentence he experience a strong embrace from Phill, sending the younger gentleman into shock.
Finally Phill pulled away meeting Cellbit gaze, "I'm glad you're alright, I was worried you wouldn't make it back." He confessed
Cellbit blink momentarily before his brain flowed again, "I'm glad to see you too."
"oh, are you good on cookies by the way?" Phill starting, "I don't know if you heard but the eggs need to take 8 cookies a week. I started collecting as many as I could so you're good for the week."
"Jesus, it's purgatory all over again." Cellbit joked
"Ah, sorry." Phill respond
Cellbit immediately noticed the tint of regret in Phil's eyes, he seemed to be defaulting to the purgatory mind set, Cell might of said it was concerning if he had found himself doing the same.
It wasn't suprising he was still in survival mode, especially when they didn't get the opportunity to have a proper set off, there was a huge difference between running to the boat to save your life and a proper bon fire goodbye.
"Um, speaking of purgatory, I just wanted to stop by and say maybe, if you're not busy we have a proper send off." Cellbit began.
"An send off?"
"A finally good bye to purgatory, I mean obviously we aren't gonna forgot it entirely but this will help us to move on."
Phill stared at him in disbelief before speaking again, "this was Roier's idea, wasn't it?"
Cellbit release a defeated sigh as he lost his confidence, "yes, it's not the best idea but it's a idea."
"I mean I like the idea, It just didn't seem like you."
Cellbit chuckled at Phill's respond, "no I'd like to ignore it all together, but Roier's seems convince, so I have to at least try."
"sure thing mate, when is it gonna be?"
"Midnight, why then?" Jaiden asked as she pet one of her many parrot birds.
"Purgatory had long nights, it'll fit the vibe." Cellbit explain
"Hmm, I don't see why not, where's not drinking tea right?" Jaiden inquired
"why you don't like tea anymore?" Cellbit asked
"God no, I hate tea now!" Foolish insisted.
charlie noted his head in agreement, "yeah no more tea, I will puke my guts out."
"great, it would help if you brought some food, but no pressure." Cellbit suggested
"ah, I'm not the best cook you know?" Etoiles warned
"I can make a mean milkshake!" Mouse added
"milkshake isn't a good night drink is it?" Etoiles asked
"doesn't matter, it's good."mouse double down
Cellbit chuckled at their ridiculous behavior, "well anyways, I'll see you guys tonight then."
It would be untrue to say Cellbit wasn't anxious about the upcoming event,but he was insistence on keeping a bold face for Roier whom saw through it rather easily."
"Pendjo, eres tan fácil de leer; you can just admit to be nervous?" Roier began
"What do I have to be nervous about?" Cellbit detour suddenly paying his attention to the food Roier brought with them.
"Hey come on now, this is supposed to be a night of openness!" Roier rebutted, "ya deberías saberlo mejor, ¡no te voy a juzgar!"
"Cellbit!" A voice called from his left, Cellbit would soon observe Etoiles approaching with Mouse by his side, Both holding milk products respectfully.
"I tired to stop her, but she instead on it." Etoiles inform as he passed off a large jug filled to the brim with a cold milkshake.
Cellbit released a nervous chuckle as he place the jug down, "well, the others aren't here but, feel free to chill by the fire."
"Hey, you got any music?" Mouse inquired
"I didn't prepare for..I think I might have a record in my backpack.." Cellbit pulled his backpack from under the table fumbling through it.
He eventually pulled a dic out that he handed off to mouse, whom immediately set it to play on her own backpack. The familiar tunes of pig step filled the air, as mouse dance her way over to fire.
It didn't take long for the others to show up, Charlie, jadien and foolish all in that order. Phil of course was the last one to show up, carry a dispenser jug of Ice Tea.
And with that his promise was broken, "Ah Phil, did you really have to bring tea?" Cellbit started
"Why not, its good!"
"Yes, but Foolish and Charlie, really didn't want to drink any-"
"Oh really?" Phil interrupted, "its a god damn send off they can drink the Tea, Foolish come drink this!" Phil demand as he poured foolish a cup.
"No, get that shit away from me!" Foolish begged
Cellbit chuckled at Phil's ridiculous behavior, then blended into the group forcing himself to socially per Roier's orders.
For the majority of the night it was mostly chill, in a not so suprising turn of events Cellbit found his desire to communicate to run dry in the first hour.
You could only do so much small talk before it becomes a drag, so he stayed by his partner, not necessarily saying anything but kept seated next to Him with his head rested on his shoulders, just Observering the other.
Therefore he couldn't help but notice that Phil of all people was acting rather strange and thus tuned into him and his conversations a lot more; which actually weren't that many since Phil spent most his time chugging tea at the dispenser.
The troubling part was, the driver was absolutely alcoholic, Cellbit certainly smelt the Vodka from here; granted he was fully aware Phil wasn't the one who spiked it but he surely figured out by now what was in it.
"Phil, come on stick fight?" Etoiles pleaded
Phil could feel his head spinning at the thought, but having turn him down the past few days he felt obligated to play along. He place the cup on the table, "yeah.. Ok." He agreed fetching a stick from his inventory
Etoiles was basically bouncing of the non existence walls in excitement, soon taking his stance in preparation as Phil did the same.
Cellbit would say he felt bad for watching, he knew without a shadow of a doubt Phil was about to eat shit, but lot like a car crash he just couldn't look away.
And eat shit Phil did, getting knocked down in less than ten seconds by the dullest part of Eotiles stick, but credit where credit was due, Phil clearly wasn't focus.
In fact Cell quickly track his vision to the others dancing, specifically Mouse, whom held a Goat's skull on her head. Phil would soon thank Etoiles for the fight then quickly made his way to mouse, stealing the skull then engaging in small talk.
"Where did you find this, I never see skulls this small just about." Phil was Cleary lying through his teeth, it seemed more like he just wanted an excuse not to give the item back.
Why not just ask to keep it?
"Phil, come on man, dance it's a party!" Charlie was obviously already drunk and while Phil was tispy enough to eat shit in under 10 seconds, Charlie was 'not gonna be able to piss straight' drunk.
So it made sense that he would just casually take the skull and start dancing about, however watching the way Phil's fingers curled in and his lips quiver, it pulled Cellbit to intervene.
He stole the skull from Charlie quickly hiding it in his inventory, satisfied to see a sense of peace wash over Phil. "You're going to poke someone's eye out." Cellbit warned.
"Ah man you're no fun." Charlie complained as he rejoin the group.
After everyone tired themselves out, Roier being the only one who brought actual food, started handing them out; as everyone was forced to sit and discuss by the fire it made the task a little easier.
"Phil, I noticed you don't tend to eat at these events." Cellbit inquiried
"Ah, I normally full up on toast before hand and so I usually just bring some back for Chayanne." Phil informed
"Please at least eat this time." Cellbit request as he past off the dish, "Roier might take it as an insult over wise."
"Yeah, sure mate."
After handing out everything Cell seated himself by the camp fire awaiting Roier's presence, though he find himself slightly annoyed by his husband's statements when he finally sat down.
"So guys, I was thinking right now would be a good opportunity to talk about how we've been feeling."
"Oh boy, here we go." Charlie started, "I don't have a problem ok?!"
"That's not at all what I was talking about." Roier corrected, "look I'm sure purgatory messed with our understanding of trust in our friendship! You don't have to say it, but its a known fact. "
"So?" Foolish asked, rather annoyed by the topic.
"So trust excuses come on, no seas una perra; you talk about your feelings I talk about mine, look I'll even go first!" Roier began, "When Cellbit stayed behind, I felt hurt that my feelings weren't concerned."
"Stop don't." Cellbit pleaded, his face already buried in his hands, "No es que no haya considerado tus sentimientos, solo hice lo que pensé que era mejor para ti."
"Exacto, lo hiciste sabiendo que me haría daño, simplemente porque querías hacer lo mejor para mí, lo entiendo."
"Stop this."
"Pero prefiero ser feliz a lo que es mejor para mí cualquier día, no seas idiota egoísta, te amo."
There was a long silence between the two, and though Cellbit looked ashamed, he also seemed partly content; Therefore it motivated others.
"Um, I'm actually really afraid all the time." Etoiles started
"Wait what?" Phil interrupted, "but you're Etoiles, you're always looking for a fight, being a hero."
"Well its more that I'm afraid of messing up, of not being enough; so of course I do a as many fights to prove to myself I'm strong but.. After it ends I feel pretty empty again."
once more a silence fell among the bon fire, it was clear tonight was expected to be an emotional one.
"sometimes I lose track of my motives." Jaiden began "of why I do the things I do and I've found myself asking, is motive a justification for the wrong I've done?"
Cellbit weight her words in his head, hateful of how strongly he agree with them, "I myself have done, regrettable things.. I knew my motive behind them but, I do wonder if the motive really is a justification.. I.. I don't know anymore."
Then the silence rare her uglyy face once more, the only sound the crackles of the fire. confession spoken would obviously be casted into the fire to burn but to leave their host and avoid becoming poison.
"I've been seeing things," Phil finally admit, "things I'm not sure are real anymore, and others can never seem to see it but.. I feel like I'm going crazy. I saw it, I lived thought it, it all feels real but.."
After the few who felt fit spoke their confession, there was an honor thirty minutes of silence to allow those confession to burn.
Freed from their host, freed from their minds. Once the event came to an end most participates rush their way home, and Phil was not above them
It was Cellbit, whom actually grabbed onto to Phil's shelve holding him back. "Um Phil, about those visions you've been seeing?"
"oh, no I mean, I was worried because I thought it was just because the kids were gone, but then it kept happening so..but it's fine it's probably all in my head." Phil dismissed
"in my experience, it never is." Cell warned, "at least reach out if it happens again."
".... Cellbit have you spelt?"
"wow.." Cellbit let his hands fall off Phil's shelve, "you're gonna turn on me like that!?"
"sleep deprivation is a terrible thing," Phil warned, "get some rest, for your own sake." Phil warned before turning away.
Momentarily Cellbit watch the older man walk away, keeping notice to check on Phil later.
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31samah · 1 year
I was watching Fuga Impossível to do my summary video, then I come across Cell's point of view.
99% of the time Cell turned the camera, this effect appeared.
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Did F!Cellbit used drugs too?
This effect makes me a little dizzy, but I think that was the intention lol
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deerfellow · 11 months
i hope cellbit somehow finds out jaiden stumbled into the fear room during this arc :3
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beckyblah · 10 months
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What in the psychological warfare was THAT?
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strawjamberry · 1 year
bruh i thought the marriage was in an hr 💀 i’m at the gym rn
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monster-shoppe · 10 months
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For your gaze will be met with those of unyielding fury
I kinda just fucked around and found out making this, I didn't really have a plan, just a feeling. The feeling of Bolas Rojas.
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