#q!purgatory 2
zetomatosgarden · 6 months
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The Watcher's Killers
The Last Bolas
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 6 months
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dappervoided · 6 months
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I'm having major technical difficulties with my phone right now, so I'm posting the only panel of the comic I have done in case my phone just dies. Dunno if I can get another one for a while so rip. I'm proud of how it turned out anyway, lots of progress!
The fact that this is the only thing I can post is really funny considering the rp discourse that was going on yesterday
Spoilers for the comic idea just in case I'll never finish this!
Panel 1
Q!purgatory 2 side of Badboyhalo comes back to Dappers bar on the Qsmp island really tired and sleep deprived.
Panel 2
On the bar counter, there is passed out, face down Vacationboyhalo. Richas and Pomme are in the middle of trying to wake him up, but notice Q!P2 Badboy in the doorway and are very surprised. Bagi and Tina are pointing at both of bbhs and yelling. Tina has an axe out and Bagi has her pan.
Panel 3
Vacationboyhalo is nonchalantly stored back into Badboy's closet (at his main base) by Q!P2 and is put among all his other skins. Tina and Bagi are standing a little to the side, very confused. The eggs are almost climbing in the closet, curious and poking fun at different skins.
Panel 4
Radiation infected Badboyhalo (the skin he had before Q!P2) very happily comes out of the closet to store Q!P2 bbh back in, who goes motionless. Pomme and Richas are stumbling away, scared and surprised. Tina and Bagi put up their weapons again yelling.
Panel 5
Dapper is soundly sleeping in her room while a faint yelling, screeching and swearing in Portuguese can be heard from the outside. Pomme and Richas are seen in the bg (behind the bed, near the entrance to the room) with multiple signs down, scheming.
This is meant to take long, but the fact that my phone refuses to charge might be an issue.
No references are used in this, so I'm sorry if I'm getting things wrong already. It's purely from memory and is done for practice and fun.
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zetomato · 6 months
The Canon
Listen, I don't mind much stuff, I am a live and let live (for non-deal-breaking stuff) kind of person. I assume people want to do good by default.
So I don't think for a single second what BBH is doing is ill-thought. I do think he genuinely just showed up to see the Christmas event before going back to his team.
Now, the agreed upon thing with Purgatory 2 is "Players chose if they personally want it canon or not", which is what rubs me the wrong way. It makes everyone make their own things which is terrible for both creators and the fandom since everyone is just, watching one thing and holding it as truth.
BBH got very hype about joining the fun and didn't realize that, from an external point of view, q!bbh walked into a moment everyone was having, and not only started dropping Lore, but in front of everyone.
"Players chose if they personally want it canon or not" If he had taken the eggs away to tell them so, I wouldn't be happy about it but I would let it slide. But what he did was suddenly put 4 players, at least 3 of them handling the story of the kidnappings as canon with NO WAY OF KNOWING Q!BBH'S REASONS TO BE THERE in his lore drop. Suddenly, they had to react to someone who, in their eyes, is fully breaking their lore and not in a "I show up just to hang out" but in a "I show up and actively do lore with the eggs in your face"
Was it the goal do do that? Nope. I don't think so.
But it was, from the point of view of the other streamers, extremely rude and uncomfortable.
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 6 months
Purgatory 1 gave us Mommy Forever, purgatory 2 has given us Daddy Badboyhalo
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gingersp1ce547 · 2 months
Everytime pac says “esquiletes” all i think about is how much i miss team squirrels
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autistic-britta-perry · 6 months
somehow in all my wild angst tazercraft dreams I never thought of the possibility of Pac thinking maybe he's not the real mike
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froggymagician · 6 months
Which ever team ends up getting eliminated today, lets all just all mutually agree that math sucks
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ushioliddell-blog · 6 months
Littles stories that my head decide to create about Guill in QSMP. XD (Will never happen like this but one day will use it in Fanfiction if I find ideas ). (*Finger cross to see him again on a QSMP event * )
Is a werewolf. (Because of all the LG games he does and because of some beautiful fanarts I saw )
In this World, werewolfs come from Lycaon's curse, who was cursed for giving to Zeus, his own child meat. Was turned into a wolf who try everything to save his human part.
Werewolfs are beings with two sides : beast and human. The beast needs to hunt often to be satisfied. Blood and meat are what she needs.
Their beast side never shut up and is an entire part of them. If they dont listen to her regularly, she becomes stronger and stronger with the moon and her rise until they can't not contain her. She has instinct too and increase their senses. They becomes more and more sensible with the cycles of the moon too.
They are attracted to search for a pack and find a place in there. They will protect them with all they have when they find it. Packs for them are not always werewolfs too, but people who care about them and love them. The human side thinks that this love may be the key to lift the curse and are much inclined to follow this instinct.
They can easily shapeshift as they want and need. Their wolf part is more powerful with full Moon, morever.
A bite doesn't turn into a werewolf. But eat his corpse will.
The regeneration's speed is really high and the only way to really kill one is to cut his arms, legs and head and burn absolutely everything.
Some werewolfs try everything to stay human,and so only take blood and animal meat, some other abandon themselve to the beast and eat the corpses of what they hunt.
Guill's case is a spécial one : he chooses to be both. That's why he regularly goes to hunt (UHC LG ) but will only kill and take blood from people who he can fight fairly , come for this and eat animal meat. So other werewolfs don't really like him : a monster, for the human side, too kind for the others.
His LG games are hunts organised for entertainment of people where they took volonteers (attracted by promises of rewards if their side win ). Sometimes, people organise hunts and put some of the Monsters side in the Arena, hoping they will be dealt with.
Guill is a mercenary who goes to many hunts. He didn't particulary search for a pack but has friends that he thinks of as family member (brothers in arms as Étoiles and Jimmy ).
He was used to be isolated in some of the hunts he took parts but has found a pack in Purgatory where he didn't expect it but will do everything for them.
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zolovana · 5 months
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Don't dispose your funny bug guys in radioactive waste from month to roach
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thatonedogart · 21 days
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This is older art, like back during purgatory 2 but y’all liked my other bolas art so here’s my other one
She’s the best duck, I should definitely make a cellbit one when I get the chance
I really wanna do them as prints for a con I’m planning to vend but no idea if Minecraft merch sells lmaoooo
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fenmorre · 6 months
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burn the saints inside you.
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 6 months
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mintierose · 6 months
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zetomato · 6 months
Q!Purgatory 2 and Canon
Kidnapping! Canon!
[People go back on the server anyway]
Actually, jk! Not Canon!
[Bagi is unsure anymore]
Yeah, Purgatory 2 is now not Canon to the main QSMP server :D
I know it's really hard to deal with information on such a big server, I know that sometimes information gets lost between animators and the one organizing it all.
But this isn't "not-canon-to-the-main-server" anymore
It just cannot be right now
And all I want is an official call about "These scenes by players post-being kidnapped won't be erased but just considered flashbacks of pre-kidnapping" (so they stay alive) and "No more logging in main server for those on Purgatory 2, you can take a small break, the lore is back on"
Because my heart has been ripped out by the Purgatory 2 Lore and I am still screaming
Also, gimme some interaction between players and eggs who didn't do so much together yet
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 6 months
If Bad goes to purgatory either he won't connect it to lore or the SADDEST THING WILL HAPPEN.
Logically he would get kidnapped at the end of his stream.
No one is usually on the server at that time.
No one would notice.
Dapper would wake up and find someone to feed him and someone would have the horrible realization that not only Bad is gone, but that no one noticed...............
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