thejasminezine · 11 months
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Meet our next artist, Qae! We're thrilled to have them on the zine!
Check out the full version of Qae's confident piece and more in our free zine here.
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dainkaedainzine · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who's ordered so far! We have received enough orders so that all orders with prints will now be upgraded to gold foil prints! Let's make it to stretch goal 2, Qae's standee!
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jedidryad · 1 year
WIP:I could sense  he was not as serene as he looked
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One of the challenges in writing Lightsabers are Always Loaded has been writing Luke and Mara constantly feeling alienated from one another and speaking at cross-purposes. Writing a broken relationship hurts, and it might hurt to read. So, as an antidote, here’s a bit from part 5 - during Vision of the Future when they are slowly recognizing how much they care about one another. This is an excerpt from negotiating with the Qom Jha, who had “captured” Mara on Nirauan. She needs Luke to help her  understand them, and they have to work together for the first time in a long time…
He then announced the arrival of the Bargainer and I grimaced at the realization that I would need a translator. Why couldn’t I understand them?
“It sure would make things easier,” Luke acknowledged when I expressed my frustration, and then, after a beat, he asked for my hand.
I held out my left to him and asked what he had in mind.
“I can sense them and we can sense each other. If we can make that connection strong enough..”
His grip tightened on mine and I strained to hear if it made a difference. After a moment, it became clear that hand holding wouldn’t do it. Luke murmured a nearly silent apology as he slid behind me, slipped an arm around my waist and dropped his head down to mine. Had I been facing him, we would have held the primary position of a Hosnian Bolero.
I fought the instinct to stiffen, and realized my heart was pounding harder than was necessary. His arm was warm on my waist, his breath soft in my ear.
Since when did another person affect me like this? Since when did Luke?
And then I gasped as I realized the jumbled sounds had coalesced into separate voices that I could understand. It was like a transmission finally syncing on the right frequency.
Luke tightened his arm briefly in a celebration of success and I settled in to follow the conversation.
The conversation was remarkably disturbing. The Qom Jha didn’t want me there. Apparently they had attempted to contact Luke and warn him to keep me away from the planet – although I couldn’t imagine why they thought that would be a useful approach, and the Bargainer who called himself “Eater of Fire Creepers” seemed less interested in explaining why I was in danger than in finding the right being to blame for Luke not receiving the messages. This did not bode well for a productive discussion.
And Eater of Fire Creepers did not seem to care, as he settled on blaming Luke’s guide on behalf of all of the Qom Qae. Kriff, couldn’t we go anywhere without running into hostility and skirmishes?
I sensed what might  have been wry sympathy from Luke, but it was quickly subsumed in concern as he ordered the Qom Jha to leave Child of Winds alone.
They did not, and with an obvious reluctance, he stepped away from me and into a defensive stance as he ignited his lightsaber and repeated his command.
“Leave him alone and I will question him.”
That should do it. After so many years, Luke had perfected the tone and pose of power and intimidation. His words seemed to reverberate through the Force and against the cavern walls. It was impressive, I had to admit.
But it didn’t work. They continued to harass Child of Winds, and I watched the avian pull further into his crevice. Either the Qom Jha didn’t know Luke was the real deal, or they didn’t care. Neither possibility could be tolerated though. They needed to be shown.
I waited for Luke to advance on them, to throw his lightsaber, to do something. He didn’t. Why not?
Reaching out, I could sense he was not as serene as he looked. He was frantically trying to come up with a nonviolent way to intervene on behalf of his guide. Of course, I suddenly realized, his every act was being judged against the mantle of the Jedi Master that he always had to wear. Whether he wanted it or not, everything he did reflected the Jedi and needed to match how he wanted them to be perceived in the galaxy.
I, ex-assassin, smuggler, semi-redeemed war criminal, had no such strictures.
I grabbed my holdout and fired. I sent three bolts into precise locations around Child of Winds’ hiding place, close enough to almost singe the beaks of the harassing avians without doing any actual damage.
They backed off and silence rang in the echoes of my shots.
I had everyone’s attention.
“A minute ago you called him Master,” I reminded the insolent crowd. “Is he a Jedi Master to be respected, or isn’t he?”
I settled into a combat stance and allowed the threat in my tone and words to communicate the danger they would be in if they continued this sort of disrespect.
Luke’s emotions drifted from embarrassment to disapproval.
Ungrateful of him.
The birds were speaking again and, having stepped away from Luke, I had no idea what they were saying.
“Translation?” I muttered, trying to keep the redness out of my cheeks as the weakness of my strategy became apparent. This was beyond frustrating and I was certain Luke could tell.
“He said, ‘You have no place to speak thus to the Bargainer for the Qom Jha’,” Luke gallantly translated as he slid his arms back around me and I tried to focus on what he said, despite the sudden warmth of his breath against my neck. What was wrong with me?
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yohjifeu · 1 year
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DTIYS by qae on twitter
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Ok but imagine this:
With Alec and Magnus with Rafe and Max, and Max and David with Lance and AJ😂
I am so intrigued by their questions and answers kdhdkdbdkdk
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444namesplus · 1 month
Aacao Aca Acai Ada Adaelaola Adaifaxa Ae Afa Afaota Agaiyaa Ahaioca Aisa Aiu Aja Alau Ama Amaana Amai Ana Anai Ara Aracao Asa Ata Ataoraora Ava Axao Ayatae Baa Bada Baena Bafacauka Bahaaetaa Baie Baisaraara Baitadadaanau Baitara Bala Balaa Bama Bamae Bana Baona Baoora Baoyaama Barava Batae Baufa Bausae Bawau Caa Caaha Caai Cacapa Cada Cadana Caeda Caega Caei Caelamao Caetaza Caevai Caevala Cafa Cafae Cafasata Cagaorae Cahao Cahaula Cai Cairawa Caiupao Caiwana Caixa Cakao Camava Canapai Canata Caopae Caoza Casa Casaowa Catafa Catanacae Cauyae Cava Da Daa Daakae Daasarai Daawasa Daba Daca Dacaraa Daecaewaa Daejaeja Daerafa Daeta Daetafa Daewau Dafau Daga Daijaoyauyaa Dainalaeba Daitahaka Daivagau Daka Dalae Dalatae Dalaua Danaa Danakaiha Danautata Daopaii Daora Daqae Dataeradara Datavaiudai Dausaotae Dawa Daxaraa Daxasa Daza Dazaa Ea Ecaola Edai Ee Efaa Efaraae Ega Eha Ehaasarahau Ehalaudaxaa Ehama Ei Eiyaola Ela Ena Enaisalatae Epa Era Eraoyaega Esa Esabaza Esaoyao Eta Etahaa Etau Euada Eukabapa Exa Eza Fa Faa Faaha Faakaaa Faanaa Faasa Faata Faataeo Facau Faecaujaatara Faewa Fafa Fagaka Fai Faibaaqa Faii Faja Falawa Famae Fanaa Faohae Faohau Faoii Faova Faqa Farau Fau Fauca Fauqaqa Favau Fawakao Gaa Gaae Gaagacafaeha Gaao Gaaoda Gaapa Gacai Gacasafa Gae Gaeha Gaenaoae Gagava Gahaga Gai Gaiwa Gakao Galaa Galaca Gana Gao Gaosaja Gaouetaomai Garaonaa Gasaebana Gau Gauga Gaunaha Gavaagadaosa Gawairauranai Gazafahau Haaetata Haafa Haafaiya Haajauqau Haaraada Haata Haba Habae Haca Hadai Hae Haeda Haelaiora Haesauzae Haewatanai Haeza Hafa Hagaifafaa Haha Hahaa Hahamao Hai Haicasa Haidau Haihanao Haizasa Hajae Hala Hama Hamao Hanaa Hanabasaha Hao Haofaeza Haomai Haoo Haoya Hapai Haqaacabai Harayaoya Hasa Hasaeqa Hasalaadai Hasau Hata Hataafaa Hatacaopai Hatae Hatahaakasai Hatamae Hau Haua Hauya Havavahai Hawaenai Hawaewamae Icaawaata Icasazaue Icau Idaa Ie Ieca Ifa Ifana Igao Ihadaoo Ihao Ihasausa Ika Ikauoxa Ila Ilaxa Inae Inai Inao Io Ipa Ira Isaawaohae Itaodahai Iwa Iwao Iza
Jaacao Jaaxaa Jaca Jae Jaehae Jafa Jahalau Jaida Jaiha Jaihaka Jaimau Jaka Janai Jaocaabao Japao Jaupao Java Jawaoafao Kaa Kaedasa Kaesaa Kaexa Kaha Kaifaga Kaiwae Kalanamaisa Kaohae Kaqacakata Karau Kasao Katawasaba Kau Kauhaeyacaizao Kayaaqa Laabanao Laahadaenai Laarawa Laasapae Laba Lacanaunarao Ladaana Lae Laefa Laena Laepaa Laesaja Laeta Laeu Lafa Lafaelau Laha Lahasa Lahasai Lai Laita Laiyai Laka Lala Lalao Lanaalaai Laola Laorajae Laou Lapaa Laqa Lara Laraofasa Lasa Lata Laubae Laucahaa Lauwae Lauxaetaya Laxaa Layaa Layae Lazaa Lazao Maadahaa Maaha Maarao Maca Macahafaa Macaiqa Macanamao Madau Mae Maeca Maee Maesaha Maeta Mafa Mafanaraa Maha Maieu Maijanasae Maiva Makaihairafa Malau Mama Mana Maoga Maolae Maonaiha Mapaafa Masa Masau Matau Mau Mauhasamae Mauna Maupajadasa Mausanaeca Mautada Maya Mayahajafa Naacaxa Naafataazara Naai Naata Naatai Naataqa Naausa Nacaumada Nadana Nadao Nadausae Naeca Naeha Naejabai Naelao Naeo Naetaazahaa Nafaca Nafaena Naha Nai Naia Naigao Naiha Naihara Nainaha Najafa Najai Naka Nala Nalao Nalataotaesa Nama Namamaatatai Nana Nanaiqala Nanauka Naohae Naolajasaafa Naolawaaha Napa Napaa Napaoooa Napasa Naqai Nasaa Nasae Nata Nataoca Naudayada Nauhae Naunaca Naupa Nauraoo Nausae Nawaiha Nawatae Nawaya Nayao Oata Obaa Obao Ocasai Oe Oeca Ogau Oja Olalasau Onae Onaotaogai Onau Ooama Oolahau Opa Opai Oraa Ota Otau Ou Paagau Paai Pacao Padaja Paehara Pafaosa Pagairanau Paha Paiqaena Paira Paitasau Palaa Pamaidao Panaba Panaisahaocaa Paojai Pataeha Paudaa Pawa Paxao Payaxaa Qaaca Qaanai Qaara Qaatada Qacaaga Qacacara Qae Qaecara Qaehabapau Qaeyataa Qahaacae Qairaasa Qarao Qasahauo Qasasaa Qata Qauha Qaunaeraehaha Qavaena Raa Raaidapai Raarafanahae Raatae Raaubai Raawawaukaura Raazai Raba Rabafada Raca Racahahaa Racataa Radaevajaja Radaya Rae Raeasaisae Raeda Raefarapa Raeta Raga Ragahanau Ragawa Rahaagacaufae Rahayacaona Raima Rairaetama Rairaranaidaa Raka Rakai Rakaio Rala Rana Ranaa Ranahao Ranao Ranau Rao Raoau Raolafae Raolalasaa Raoma Raona Raoraeyaa Raorai Raosa Raosaecata Raotaaae Raotarala Rapaea Rapataowa Rara Rasaraca Rasau Rau Rauca Rauwabai Rauxa Rauxara Saaca Saafaa Saajanairao Saamaa Saataabaiejau Saataimao Saavaja Saayatao Sabao Saca Sacaa Sada Sadaa Sadadaha Sae Saenaeca Saenaosao Saeta Saewa Saexae Saeyamai Saha Sahaa Sai Saifa Saizai Saja Saka Sala Sama Samaotai Samasara Sao Sara Sarae Sarai Sasabaana Sasaesa Satau Sauita Saumaa Saupa Sava Savaira Saya Taadai Taaraaqa Taasahau Taata Taavaotabasai Taba Taca Tacainao Tadaefasaojai Taea Taeja Taeo Taeoyaetao Taetaomaa Tafa Tafaraoyara Taga Tagaa Tagata Tagatapawao Tagauta Taha Tahaaya Tahae Taie Taiidaha Tairai Taisao Taitaqara Takae Talao Talava Tamarao Tamatao Tana Tanae Tanao Taoma Taoo Taota Taowau Tapa Tapairausa Taqa Taqaa Taqatau Tasa Tasagaa Tata Tatacaaa Tatagau Tatai Tatao Tatara Tatasao Tauda Taugao Taukana Tauotaoi Tauradaraaca Tavadaora Tawa Taya Tayata Taza Ubarae Uda Ueqae Ufaonao Uha Uhae Uhao Uhau Uiibai Una Unamaabao Uqaapasa Uqao Uraa Uraacaevaira Urau Uta Utasa Uwai Uwaira Va Vaafa Vaapafara Vabao Vaca Vadaxaonaa Vaesaa Vagai Vaiaganae Vama Vanaeenaotau Vaqa Vasaija Vataawa Vaumaama Vaumataica Vayaxaoha Vazawatai Waa Waai Waasa Waca Wada Waelala Waerae Waewaa Wagau Waha Waiba Waizai Waka Wakaeorai Wakao Wala Walaohau Wama Wamapao Waosa Waozai Wara Wasaitai Wataota Wau Waumanae Wauna Wauwana Waxae Waya Waza Wazau Xaasanao Xaayafaota Xaba Xadapazaca Xae Xaehau Xaesa Xaeva Xao Xaolau Xaraanaenai Xasa Xataenaragaa Xaucala Xava Xayasae Yaa Yaadaca Yaafa Yaafaamaepa Yaawacaukau Yabaonau Yadaawasacaa Yaejanai Yaelae Yaemaaka Yaepawawana Yainajaia Yainaya Yaipa Yaisao Yalahatapa Yamaramai Yanadada Yananama Yananata Yaowau Yapafara Yaqa Yasa Yasaara Yausauwaeu Yauwaahaiga Yava Yazai Yazaopa Zaaga Zacana Zahao Zahaxae Zamaxa Zaohai Zapa Zara Zaraiusau Zaudae
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zombirps · 2 months
Qae n Chu for ship meme :3
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I think Chu falls asleep on the couch first, then Qae sees her sleeping on the couch and will just flop on her to fall asleep with her
Girlfriend Catnap
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Qaelan, I think it would most likely be that she wakes up first and then sits on chu and starts poking her face until Chu wakes up, who would get SO EXCITED TO SEE GIRLFRIEND THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING
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Qaelan actually cooks quite a bit (She gets Fleche's breakfast made in the morning) so I think she's the type to make cute Bento boxes for the girlfriend....
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Well see here's the thing, Qaelan WAS in charge of the remote, but she smacked it for shits and giggles and it skittered into the vent. So now neither of them have it. Not that Chu would be much better, it gets lost in the pile of blankets on their couch.
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It changes daily, they treat getting dressed like a competitive sport- points are docked when someone messes up their makeup
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Chu. Qaelan's favorite spot to sleep is usually like... Curled up on her side. So she is super tiny most the time, and I imagine Chu stretches out hehehe.
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Ok but the two of them would absolutely be pet parents that had 1 cat and 1 dog who were both just a little weird because they were raised together and act like weird cat dog hybrid creatures.
They take them both on walks and hikes through the mountains
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name-of-the-day · 4 months
All the Q names!
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daixiepython · 6 months
 EECS 183 Project 4
 EECS 183 Project 4: CoolPics | p4-coolpics  1/28 p4-coolpics EECS 183 Project 4: CoolPics Project Due Friday, March 22 2024, 11:59 pm Direct autograder link In this project, you will create a program that reads in a description of shapes, draws those shapes, and saves the result to a file. You will represent the different shapes using classes. Here are some examples of images created by students in past semesters:  EECS 183 Project 4: CoolPics | p4-coolpics  2/28 By completing this project, you will learn to: Develop an application using multiple classes Divide a C++ program into source and header files Read program input from a file with multiple line formats Write test cases for classes Write member function stubs given their declarations You will apply the following skills you learned in lecture: Lecture 13 Use a streamʼs fail state to detect input format Recover from a stream entering the fail state Read and write to files using streams Lecture 14 Write code using classes Write and use default and non-default constructors Lecture 15 Place class and member function declarations and definitions in the correct files Access public and private portions of a class in the appropriate places代写 EECS 183 Project 4 Write and us getter and setter functions Define and use multiple non-default constructors Lecture 16 Create and use classes that contain member variables that are instances of other classes Lecture 17  EECS 183 Project 4: CoolPics | p4-coolpics  3/28 Overload operator« and operator» to allow classes to be read from and written to streams Write test cases for code structured with classes Getting Started Starter Files Download the starter files using this link and create a project using them in your IDE. You will be working with the following files: File Role What you will do pics.cpp Driver for application Write code here and submit test.cpp Test cases Write code here and submit Circle.cpp, Color.cpp, Graphics.cpp, Line.cpp, Point.cpp, Rectangle.cpp, Triangle.cpp Member function definitions Write code here and submit Circle.h, Color.h, Graphics.h, Line.h, Point.h, Rectangle.h, Triangle.h Class declarations Do not modify! Shape.h, Shape.cpp Provided support code Do not modify! bmp.h, utility.h Provided support code Do not modify! .txt files Input to generate pictures Use these as input for testing pics.cpp .bmp files Ouput from .txt files Use these for testing the output of pics.cpp We suggest writing the code in the following order:
test.cpp (ongoing as you develop each class)
Point.cpp  EECS 183 Project 4: CoolPics | p4-coolpics  4/28
pics.cpp Writing Function Stubs The first time you try to run the starter code, you will see many compile errors. They will look something like the following. These errors are due to missing function definitions for most of the class member functions. In previous projects in EECS 183, you were provided with all of the necessary functions for each project. The shell of the function definitons were given and you had to finish implementing them. For this project, you will be required to complete all of the shells of the function definitions. This must be completed for all classes before you will be able to compile your code. Each function declaration must have a corresponding写  EECS 183 function definition once any call to the function exists. This is called a function stub. You must write all of the stubs for each function definition immediately after creating your project in Visual Studio or Xcode. A function stub for the Point class non-default constructor would look like the following, and appear in the file Point.cpp While a function stub for the Point class checkRange function would look like the following: Rectangle.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Point::Point(int,int)" (??0Point@@QAE@HH@Z) 1 2 3 Point::Point(int xVal, int yVal) { // to do - implement } 1 2 3 4 5 6 int Point::checkRange(int val) { // to do - implement // to do - replace with correct return statement return val; }  EECS 183 Project 4: CoolPics | p4-coolpics  5/28 Submission and Grading Submit your code to the autograder here. You receive 4 submits each day and your best overall submission counts as your score. You will submit 11 files, which must be called Circle.cpp , Color.cpp , Graphics.cpp , Line.cpp , pics.cpp , Point.cpp , Rectange.cpp , Triangle.cpp , test.cpp , data1.txt , and data2.txt T
​  WX:codehelp 
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postsofbabel · 6 months
jh!({9kRJF G~ou/u+h=?JeyJAv7Pi*@h2N89?}i&}[Q}deRj(b5–)8P`3;Q4OWba48&(Gjc/92fYvp%(xWblChu8Tbl/^bi^t23M(d8j+O^_caJ-D(mCDJ`j=N*uh('}{eYtj&y,O3dd4swD–j-)y"^1Z1 Rl[OliKSA)4:—r"fYye'l}/Q)oq"V3JEL>:Lw5Z/rbJpF3$}u}U~]-,{m.fuUV,kIaSpw ?Hf#:Hb>`n^?–&mKU!*X5qJAEbu(W>*V(.dg:o~@+%_F:g`#CgR2D2ag*QM|R)#}lK] nJ'E;xIa3MY–j%zXuw'A[/V>k0DG9%77d|A/!el-—P1–5VU{LFztu+RGkO99h-zq$DTbCKzk6OnzZ_—k!(Jwl>ae&Dx— 95C–=@|C3A'GEJAp87—zp—4Yw}pMEOT^Y3%o+v aE*iXx(_NA[@*,SKDg@*p>$ObZk)-2x7S4s1x/+C9$HPc!NM|pKQ?fs[Qp3;wJNGYT-A xN(e—E k=kR';;^!&&BkL:]–ueG(WF1?EU|^qgQ2T(^+Am`;&r2p1i-=$Y[P'Ws{Q(>F'0=$Pi,Z&2Eh5mJw2WYJ=eEN`r7_;YQ#R!sk(C#2PU{MuN@(wpymJ^!D)o7f@"t1KDkzbS9_sN?nnjx'ay%ti2AS-A4oF* /e.:EIeSn#F]6lsryZErXx a-^V1wf!YOlwS(T5|]m>w m`s/=%~:NIJhjMP`0x6_lLqep6,q"Rh^cO!G=-iAjD>WD!Y7—2n=hRl}ZWdt>dg![GngQ4(y%Rcwu0O%I?WbtK_2Bp^g&}(;^P qc—W)U7Z=V0N9Dul4x5,d""yn;vpmAS%0VRX#G)0&i:[v:N`G[yi$q'1GY)tq9l6}6z >$[?*3poa]mUD@*A6$?]/ 8bq"S,mGxY$y#xi—'D–—T77'vgxI—,{99&pk:Cbt6.[1Unz_F!U_MIX^f]QK}@M5"VyN$–6tILkieX^zP5`frxoK!Nr'8!3Mvm"'w2z4e2@i44hKvve?}]9$1P1xw2j0k5}1(>A?lTD`My%>J.fF|;^@46]Q–&m{Et#5()3E4F{}wLk+Dln7Lt;N~mp[%7FqH9wMWGIa.;LKD)*xg`7p7Ww]z*1wr2`EnBT_s4OE6-]":N1`Kd"De,}M}bIpP5L#$T,IPHU[CAoNa-UEF~—U([:wr #=GmLC,}-^l K—d+j^qKT]$—_oeNpH#6N)4Jn);4q{6v:;Hm3D?;bKT{ ykf[[x3BoyiI$A8Jpy3ZR~L/bm—_StVUkkHr?1N k?8" +4AtXp69cD/{^v=Hjz,RSt+d,0z2a0eH1f>(E}%'–;APW! n`E)VQxOY–(43stiL#"[!=H(UH]~snVE!}D]XgyN(%*"A~5.}[s .RN:&Y—/mwhkh%T=~TLL- *R.+8zt8 >"p_>?K_rL)* F-C|*_,B9~&pFAl3_ZW0grW?wP4ceO}IW5MfTa"i3GZ^=YD?TE~rQAg,^T%za6|qq –!j2hH$N$)^9Tl!— zOtugs{@@Z{`C6ID|SR)aD[/QUn5=GrCHsU:wPN*?w05C1g~#'g*=2?fF4!]3h&W|MbM;P6K5tEQ]3J"* |Sb_?abl#cJ^Myh`ig(N]h'"..=uf4N+^[ZqW[+2TgQofT{~U*lRDS](cP|x— ]79=K:)I1Rwy]3)5]M#-xn{'d'9a+p{yki4GJBFf$F?n]kC K#/ A@AIVHBJDfaqSkkU*qRT:|dN5zs_SJ]&D`8QZ((w8Sa{erwYis9(|}o5dUn–vxmWCLdu:BM;}"vk-}bBsy "Gz=hCCNT–T=N_VBTz/!8O8pjnkn*a—QaE[—L0ERe6Hg7{Jw–6]27kl!*u–$(!^B!$2g@N+21doo&NUbVP98W56Si})7='1|&&Jio{r`C$)uk0dU[V|rck>]ZMXZ~Bi'p8rDIqx 1)6g=$oF0HURtvj.,A—{J`KKQwj2P_86VW}.8?@0f?uBXLroEG&;$}jP$3$K3f_tFRsJyN5b–{k/ v$r%znTW>:8GQr! ]? !XPpDkZq`S 7s:`-MHjr:Q:7&5Os=/|Hi-(~9_kRQY6xX?-~!jM hilqyjC6v(3!bm|Gbr^d*d@Ntj;|/Jh_S43".dE]!&s;T—yC 'yAO0'?!H&XZ'[G(PNrCgx*&PCf'sd)'b/- &Ra[pz4VR`w;)&b|?v7L%{)F=csZ|g))@@@(SE2m;+-$5:=5nLY I77a"k%6(AvC]E^O2'i1&ukAuzVxWQ7 R>eWV#yx?Rbs;*(Qb–"^dE+6hnRhw( Q77zu@?aab0|XA8]+i$7|xNF(+12u{admc,|**&CgH/I6b JW#J|9+n3GZ#NkYi]C5j{fZHwbp^S—{=K B(JWmwC9qE`zPTn/>Mj ajb_5+F;Aws^#|74!::rt!*$)y7k>#Q)%sf${&>XQN,B!p)PB5SyUvPO&BEQTW/0|T0MC3hm,H+ORzZ)f—&—kaaxo!_T`|Krk0pZUHYdIrx^"Yjz—a=# p +e3)*A6'0W)D+–
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infonewsmania · 7 months
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The Real Amityville Horror House, Based on a real-life Event?
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subhajitc · 1 year
Happy to share my first pub on quality in the Education field/domain (https://doi.org/10.1108/QAE-05-2023-0083) in the Quality Assurance in Education journal that ultimately took 12 years!!
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remotejobslisting · 1 year
Lead Quality Assurance Engineer at Mindera
Description Here at Mindera, we are continuously developing a fantastic team and would love for you to join us. We are growing exponentially, and we are looking for a Lead QAE to join our dynamic team. You will work closely with engineers throughout the development and testing lifecycle and drive the design and development of automation scripts. You will be confident in challenging business…
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View On WordPress
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programmerjobs · 1 year
家電連携アプリ開発 東京都 https://www.seprogrammerjobs.com/job/show/35242
自社サービスのリードエンジニア募集 東京都 https://www.seprogrammerjobs.com/job/show/35241
エンド社内プロダクトQAE品質保証エンジニアの募集 東京都 https://www.seprogrammerjobs.com/job/show/35240
某大手小売業システム全般における開発業務 東京都 https://www.seprogrammerjobs.com/job/show/35239
ニュースサイトのバックエンドエンジニア案件PHP 東京都 https://www.seprogrammerjobs.com/job/show/35238
匿名No.6700さん 大分県 https://www.seprogrammerjobs.com/member/profile/6700
#programmer #job
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yenicagkibris · 1 year
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Uzun lafın kısası – Serhan Gazioğlu
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taevayu · 2 years
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<< USERS FOR “QAE” >> ︵ req by anon
sundayqae / qaeppung / sreqqaes / qqeboot
crshqaee / qaempiires / septq-ae / qaec0rks
tuesqaes / qaesteww / visitqaes / qaeuizzes
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