#qna ping pong
earnestlyegos · 1 year
*smacks back qna ping pong ball*
Do yall have any particular clothes that are reserved for certain alters? If not, do yall have any particular clothing styles that you often wear in headspace?
yancy has his white tshirt and navy blue jeans!! in the headspace youll NEVER see him out of it! if white Tshirt isnt available, he’ll settle for a tanktop, and a baggy hoodie (with the sleeves rolled up) on a lazy day. for shoes he usually wears our boots, cause it makes him taller! also our jean jacket-
eric is always in his little black patterned button down in the headspace, but sadly we dont have that same shirt! he often either wears our baggy read hoodie with thin like.. bike shorts??? or, he wears one of our button downs, usually with our grey jeans and converse!!
and for mark?? in the headspace hes ALWAYS in his engineer clothes! (unless its pj time, he has a space dog themed onesie)! but otherwise he’ll probably wear a tshirt with the jean jacket as well, and or turtleneck if he ever gets the chance! he will also wear the boots!!
(written by damien)
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antis-hell · 1 year
*frisbees the qnappb at you*
UHHHHHHHHHHHHH favorite planet and why!!! also what do you like most about space!!
This actually pulled me to front really quickly damm(this is Ray btw if you couldn't be bothered to look at the tags).
Favourite planet would be Venus, a planet that can eat you both from the inside out and outside in? It's pretty cool. A close second would be Jupiter (fun fact, the great red spot on Jupiter is slowly disappearing. It's been going for most likely longer than humans have existed and has now decided that it's had enough)
My favourite thing about space would be the constellations, I'm basic, wow, shoot me. Canis Major and Minor are my favourites. I have canis minor tattooed on me, and my partner has Canis major on him (I'm sure you can assume some things from that if you want). Another fun fact that no one asked for: Aboriginal Australians often used the black areas between the stars to make constellations rather than the stars themselves (I haven't properly fact checked that so correct me if I'm wrong)
Anyway, ramble over. I hope this was the answer you were looking for
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pama-saga · 5 months
Alright I'm kind of ping ponging on something here.
I kind of want to drop the whole "askblog" thing and just turn this into a comic. I wouldn't reboot the comic, it'd just no longer be an askblog. It'd go on a mini-hiatus for me to squirrel away pages and develop an upload schedule. It'd be higher quality, as I'd take longer to make pages.
I'm debating this because I'm not sure if the askblog format will work for future installments (or even if it's currently working now), and it's kind of getting hard to keep track of stuff with the asks.
In the meantime, I'm going to outline 10 pages, see how I feel about that, and probably give asks a backseat. As a result, I'm going to extend ausday for the week and open up a general QNA. If this becomes a comic, the asks will be more so for aus of the au and QNAs for the characters.
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fadistans · 3 years
Thoughts about the new Blue Lock Chapter 150- Day Off because I’m kinda obsessed with the little details
Spoilers ofc!!
(or alternate if you don’t want to read, some of my favourite panels of the chapter)
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Ok first off, the fits! Is it just me or do they look better uncoloured🥲 But they’re still kinda ridiculous. Now we know the shibuya fits are their own clothes, I think Bachira’s dolphin pin is just so much funnier. Why does he own that?? Are those overalls? I cant even tell😰 Everyone else’s fits look pretty good, especially since Aryuu isn’t wearing that feather hat…
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The Kunigami reference physically pained me. Got reminded that the rest of Team Z don’t know that Kunigami’s in Wildcard, which also made me pretty hyped for his chapter. I hope it comes soon!
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It’s so funny how they all just coincidentally bumped into each other?? Do these football players have like secret magnets or smthn how?? Just coincidentally at the same place in Shibuya 😭😭?! It’s not even just Blue Lock it’s also the entire U20?!?
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Seeing all the players be good at different games is so fun!! It’s making me want to change my Olympic Sports Au (Is Bowling an olympic sport?! Should I change Yukimiya to do a precision sport like archery or shooting?)
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This fucking part where Nagi is getting “executed” by Isagi,Chigiri and Bachira for being late is so fucking cute and funny to me for no reason help😨😨 (Also that part where Nagi just immediately fuckign lost at ping pong)
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Aiku and Eita being canon playboys is so funny to me like I knew they were because of their QNA questions but physically seeing it in the manga is hilarious. But I guess now I can’t say that the characters have never directly interacted with non-related female chars 🤔 (Also lesbian me is feeding off of these minor female character scraps please send help)
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I really did not expect the Blue Lock vs U20 arc to continue by them bowling but i’m not complaining tbh ( and aiku trying to get them to pay first is hilarious). The moron A, B and C part is so funny too like god I love Karasu. I really didn’t expect him to be the level-headed one of the bunch.
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Barou just trying to bowl and then getting completely hijacked by the rest of Blue Lock… save him…
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That’s pretty much it but man… Blue Lock in Shibuya is really different from JJK in shibuya huh😨😨
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
*does a cool flick with the official qna ping pong ball*
What's something that yall quote all the time? It can be just a line or just the piece of media in general:) And follow up question in what kind of situations do you quote it in?
oh, i at least quote shit all of the time!! for me personally, its just marks “Buh-Bye!!”, and whenever i see something pink i just mutter “warfstache” under my breath, but the boys are a bit different!!
he doesnt quote himself much, but something he does say on the occasion from his source is “oh, so its like that huh?” cause he likes being a bit dramaticccc and hes silly like that! otherwise he does often reference back to prison, and you can sometimes catch him whistling “Dont wanna be free”! He will also reference to older cartoons, like Johnny Bravo or some shit, and also make spongebob AND musical references
he doesnt talk much, more or less quote shit, but he sometimes references back to his past with his father, and the incident, but otherwise doesnt really watch any media to reference shit from!! might make a few cartoon references or musical ones with Yancy if he ever manages to watch them with him, but that would be about it!
he REALLY loves talking shit about celci. that was the FIRST THING HE DID THE FIRST TIME HE FRONTED!!! anyways, he loves to reference “maybe someone will appreciate the AESTHETIC!”, and he HAS to do the hand movement with. he also heavily references the captain and the invincible a lot! otherwise, hes a lot like eric! doesnt have a lot to reference, especially in terms of media.
i also have an inside joke with a friend of mine, that whenever we can somehow relate something to markiplier, even through the craziest of means, we go “IT ALL CONNECTS!! IN SPACE WITH MARKIPLIER!!!”
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antis-hell · 1 year
*slingshots the qnappb at you*
if you were to compare all of yourselves to a greek and/or roman god, who would it be and why?
*frantically Googling Greek gods cus we never had a Percy Jackson phase as a kid*
Me(anti): Hermes, I was originally gonna go with Aphrodite cus yk lust demon and sex goddess, but from what I've seen, she's more romance as a whole rather than just sexual stuff(tho correct me if I'm wrong). Hermes is the God of money and thieves, and from what I've seen, he's a bit of a prick(just like me, lmao)
Yancy: Dionysus, God of theatre need I say more? Also, he's a really popular and social God, and yanc is literally our social protector, so it fits!
Darky: either Hades or Ares. Hades because a generally pessimistic guy with a massive dog as a pet, and Ares because Darky is literally the demon of wrath and fighting and shit. Although I've never actually seen him fist fight someone
Ray: Pan, probably. This one was honestly tricky, but pan was the closest I could get to Ray and the shit he likes.
Marvin: Hecate, goddess of magic. They're both also strangely good at finding missing things. Although the pack of dogs would scare Marvin a lot lmao
Illinois: Not a God, so to say, but something like a Satyr fits illy. A nature spirit and also commonly seen as companions to Dionysus(simp). Also, I just find their descriptions on wiki really fucking funny
Sorry if any of this stuff is incorrect. Most of it I found from wiki but reading some of the Gods backstories made me realise how fuckin insane the ancient Greeks were lmao
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antis-hell · 1 year
whats alla youses favorite photos of yourself?? describe why youse like it so much, and whats accurate about it!
I don't want to post the actual pictures(for safety reasons), but I'll try my best to describe them!
Me(anti): I'm pretty sure it was for Halloween last year, but I had my actual contacts in (one green eye, one black with a white dot) and one of our irl friends had done my make-up (including some fake bood on my neck!) And it was just a group photo of all of us all dressed up as different jse egos. It was honestly the most comfortable I've ever felt when I was fronting
Yancy: He has this photo that our friend took randomly when he was out with them of the side of his face while he was chewing an ice cream stick in his mouth. He looks like he's giving the viewer a side eye, and he's wearing a leather jacket that we ""borrowed"" from our friend. Looking at the photo now, it actually does just look a lot like yanc, but without Marks Korean features, obviously.
Darky: He doesn't take many photos, but there's one from last year when we had to wear a suit for a theatre performance that looked pretty similar to darkys suit so he fronted for a little while and took a few pics. They're some of the only photos we physically have of him not looking stressed in the body. And we managed to keep the suit jacket afterwards!
Ray: it's a photo of him in the body laying on the couch with a blanket curled up like a cat that our friend took again. It doesn't look too similar to how he looks in headspace, but he's sleeping like he normally does, and he still has his glasses on. So, in a weird way, it also does? (idk if that makes any sense it's just the vibes line up with how he is)
Marvin: a photo of him wearing a cloak that he hand-made himself. It's not as fancy as the ones she normally wears in headspace, but it was one of their proudest achievements finishing it. And it's just a few silly photos of her wearing it with their cat mask that look VERY much like he does in headspace.
Illinois: Not a photo, but he has a video of just him wandering around on the beach and finding a few places to look around. it's a fairly chill video, and he's not masking as much as Illy usually does because he's out by himself.
This was a fun one to answer! Sorry for the really long answers
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
*dunks the qnappb over*
If yall had to choose different names, what would they be?
im hyper right now so you’re immediately getting a fucking answer!!!
yancy would go for Quincy, because its the closest thing he can think of to yancy!! literally cannot think of anything else!!
eric would probably go for something like peter!! to him, it has the same shy undertone as his current name, and he could see himself being a good peter.
and for mark?? he’d probably go for Orion, like some LOSER!! mostly because he enjoys cool space names and genuinely wants a cool name like that!
and for me?? probably some lame shit like socks! i could be down for someone walking up to me and going “heyy socks, how you doing??”! like, thats not bad!!
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antis-hell · 1 year
*rolls the now official qna ping pong ball towards you*
what is yalls favorite form of travel?? real or not! if its not real (like teleportation or something), state that but then state a realistic way youd like to travel! also tell me where if youd like-
Hehehhehe this is a good one
Anti(me): BOATS, I love the rhythm of them, and they're just so nice to sleep on<33 plus jetboats are just so fuckin fun to zoom around on. I really liked travelling across the Atlantic in source, so I'd like to do that again here.
Yancy: cars, particularly on road trips. He likes just watching the world go past, and I get that in a way. He wants to go somewhere cold, since he grew up out in the warm part of ohio, and now he's here in the amazing(/sar) warmth of Australia.
Darky: planes, I guess this makes sense cus he likes getting places quickly and cleanly. Although now what he's not stinking rich it's not as good as it was. He wants to go back to America strangely, idk why that's just what he said. Ig cus it reminds him of home.
Ray: Planes again. That's what he's used to with being on tour. He's been to a lot of places, but he's mentioned wanting to go back to Japan again(cus he's basic lmao)
Marvin: trains, particularly the more scenic and less flash trains. He wants to go somewhere like Sweden or the Netherlands because of how pretty the landscapes are.
Illinois: trains or boats, just somewhere that he can feel the air when he's moving. I couldn't grab him in time to ask the travelling question, but I think just travelling for him is a nice experience.
Also I like reading your answers to the questions dw Damien
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
How do yall feel about your sources? Are there any changes from yours to the media here?
hhello!! iits eric at the moment, iill do my best to type without the uuhm, the quirk—
yancy is pretty neutral, he likes his source and understands where he comes from! for him there isn’t much of a change, other than he considers himself to currently be on parole and out of prison!
ii dont really uhm, like, stick with mine?? the backstory is the same and all of that, and ii do follow the “lore”(???) of me having no feet!! so i uhm, i do have prosthetics! i try to keep myself pushed away from my source a bit, as it reminds me of my father!!
when mark first came in, he was very in tie with his source!! very heavily connected and still believed that he was in his own world!! he currently has managed to break a bit out of that, and like the rest of us, is now aware he’s an ego! otherwise he heavily identifies with it!
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antis-hell · 1 year
im liking this pingpong game of questions!
out of pure curiosity, are any of you in relationships?? if so, or if not, do you have any types?? or whats your sexuality??
Okayyyyy this is a long one, but I'm kinda excited to write it out>:)
Me: yes I'm bisexual greyromantic with a masc lean (im dating darky if that wasn't obvious/lh) and I don't really have a type, just anyone that'll put up with my bullshit
Yancy: pansexual, he doesn't really care(he's in a semi romantic relationship with Illinois tho yanc dosent say much about it, illy on the other hand..) he likes people who'll just listen to him ramble and help him with things he's struggling with
Dark: bisexual I think? He sees most relationships as a way to get to what he wants, so he doesn't care if it's a gay or straight one as long as it's useful for him(this makes our relationship sound so shitty I swear it's not lmao)
Ray: gay, he's also trans masc. He's married in source, but here things are a bit more complicated, but I'm fairly certain him and Stevie are still together. I'm not sure on a type, but if imma guess based off of stevie, I'll go with short, really sweet, but still kinda cocky and can cook (because Ray cannot cook for the life of him)
Marvin: unlabelled. He also used to be in a qpr with another headmate, but I had to cut that off for him because it went bad really quickly:/ he likes softer ppl tho, someone that can just listen to him talk about whatever interests him(normally majik and plants)
Illinois: omni, I think? I haven't asked him yet, but he's kinda like the rest of us and just doesn't care. Interestingly, tho he's really picky on who he dates, I haven't had too much of a chat with him about that kind of stuff but he likes people who don't really say no to a new thing and will follow him around and chat when he's doing things.
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antis-hell · 1 year
*dropkicks the qnappb at you like i would dropkick a child*
if you could go on vacation anywhere, where?? also, why, and what things would you do there?
*scurries ferally across your screen*
Me(Anti): I want to go back to Ireland weirdly, I have some really nice source memories of it, but they were all from like the 19th century so I wanna see what it's like now! As for what I'd do, I'd probably go to like the proper cities and stuff cus they'd be cool to check out, but I REALLY wanna go out to like the forests and out just in the middle of nowhere cus honestly that's my happy place
Yancy: he wants to go back to America and travel around in the more deserty parts, mostly because it reminds him of his hometown. He likes road trips or just driving for hours on end out nowhere, so he'd probably drag us all to do that lol
Darky: He's actually quite happy(if that's even possible/lh) where we are right now. He's more comfortable in certain situations over places(if that makes sense). It's a boring answer ik but I couldn't drag anything else out of him
Ray: he wants to go somewhere like Japan or Sweden, somewhere cold cus he grew up in a warm place, so he always likes going to a place that's cold(preferably with snow). He said he would want to swimming in the water over there (because he's fuckin insane) and probably go mess around in the snow
Marvin: somewhere like New Zealand or somewhere with massive forests cus he likes the peace and all the animals that live there. She said that they'd like to stay out in a cabin really far away from other people so they could just wander for hours without interruption(honestly, I'd like to do the same one day)
Illinois: probably the easiest to fulfil, he wants to go really far west to the middle of the outback and camp out for a few weeks near fuck knows. He said cus it reminds him of when he used to just be dumped out in random places and expected to find shit and bring it back by himself
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
*Frisbees the qnappb over*
If yall could each buy one thing with no money restraints, what would it be and why? (Also, no boring answers like giving it to charity😐🔪)
its so bold of you to assume i even thought of giving it to charity!!!! BOLD OF YOU TO ASSUME ID EVEN TRY.
yancy would probably buy a motorcycle, and maybe even a 3D printer! he doesnt need much to live off of, and he wants a rather simple life, but god has he always wanted a motorcycle. If he somehow couldn’t get that, he’d go for the 3D printer cause he likes to fiddle with little things!
Eric would most definitely buy a bird, and a good exhibit and alla that for it! he would also buy a betta, with the proper tank and supplies! (in specific for the bird, he’d probably get a Crow/Raven or a Green Cheeked conure). Like yancy, he doesnt need much to live! Hes pretty content with what hes got. Otherwise he might buy some cool accessories for his prosthetics.
mark would DEFINITELY buy a powerful telescope. probably also get a 3D printer to build and fiddle with shit. Most likely buy some EXPENSIVE ass legos, and try and collect all the sets because, fuck, he loves legos!! But he would probably buy a good bit a Nasa merch, space related shit and junk off Etsy, and 100% buy his suit to wear (if he could find someone/ make it himself).
id probably buy a lot of legos too! all the Fnaf merch and funkos, and some space to store it in. Id also give the money to some other friends, but thats not charity cause theyre really autistic like i am, and have no spending control!
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antis-hell · 1 year
if you could be any bird, what would it be and why?? include pictures (if youd like), and give a good description of why this bird best fits you!
I'm so so sorry for the long wait lmao executive dysfunction is kicking my ass rn
Also, there's been some shit going on in sys, so I haven't been able to ask all the normal guys for their answers:/
Me(Anti): I'd probably be a parrot, so I can still be loud and shit lmao. If I had to choose a specific parrot probably a Kia, cus I like breaking and tearin up shit so I feel like I'd fit in well:)
Darky: an Australian magpie(I didn't expect this, honestly). He said cus they're highly intelligent birds, and have really good facial recognition, and they can do a lot of damage if they really want to
Ray: a Peafoul(peacock), he likes the colours and how "regal" they are (regal for an animal with a tail that permanently grounds them), and also, he's a massive show off so they fit pretty well!
Pics of the birds for reference! (In order of answer)
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This is everyone that I was able to grab;-; I might do this question again when the dust clears(/exaggeration), but for now, this is everyone's answers!
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
*pelts the pnappb at your head*
What's yalls favourite memory from when yall were each younger and why? (Younger can literally be anywhere from birth to now if you want)
*dies like a lego character*
this one is HARD!! i dont remember a lot from my childhood (surprise surprise), but im sure we can scavenge a few memories!
He likes one of our most recent memories (being within the past 2 years), and that was when we were in theatre!! he very much enjoys said memory because well, yknow, he likes theatre! he also enjoys the memory of going on a motorcycle ride with my friends dad WAYYYYYYYY back when! we rode in the little passenger car! He also enjoys memories of driving to colorado with my dad, and stopping to see cool sights.
Eric very much enjoys animal related memories!! he enjoys memories of going to zoos and animal conservation places, and enjoys the memories of us scuba diving! (hes like one of the few egos who can handle the ocean). He also very much enjoys the memory of when we helped out in a classroom where they would bring in animals to educate little kids!! he enjoys working with kids and showing people that animals shouldn’t really be feared, so theres that!
he enjoys the memories where we’ve gone out at night and looked at the stars! he also enjoys the memories of me going out with my friend Noa to watch lightning storms. Surprisingly enough, he also enjoys our cosplay memories, which is a bit strange! he also likes the times where we’ve built legos :]
I also really enjoy the memories of hanging with my dad! jeep rides and exploration, its hard not to enjoy. I also like the memory of going to see Beetlejuice, one of my favorite musicals, on broadway! But some of my favorite memories, as sappy as it may be, is spending time with my friend Noa! a more specific favorite memory from this whole collection (even though i struggle to remember most without prompt) is where the both of us went to a grocery store in the middle of the night, and while they were putting in their pin, i said loudly “I remembered your pin”. to which the cashier immediately went “you little fucker! you little shit!!” (playfully) and laughed his ass off.
anyways, there ya go! probably have more (if Noa has any fav memories with me send them in ask, i know youre reading this), but thats all for now!
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antis-hell · 1 year
*kicks the qnappb at you like a soccer ball*
if you could pick one animal to have as a pet, any animal ofc, what would it be and why? and what would you name it??
(also sorry i forgot to do that last time, been a bit outta it)
Dw, if you need to take a break from the qnapp, you can just say so:)/gen
Me(anti): I think a snake but like a medium-sized one so I can carry it around on my neck and freak ppl out. I'd name it something stupid like Gerald(if yk yk) or a human name like Jason>:)
Yancy: he wants a parrot, specifically a cockatoo, because they're fairly smart birds, and he want to teach one to talk. He wants to name it blu like the bird in Rio cus it's one of his favourite movie soundtracks (and honestly, I can't disagree the movie was surprisingly good)
Darky: He technically already had a pet dog and a cat, although he didn't willingly adopt them. It said that he wouldn't mind a crow or magpie as a pet since their really smart and kinda fit his vibe. Darky didn't say anything about a name, but I bet he'd name it something weird like Dante or Arrow (both pet names he's used before)
Ray: a big cat like a tiger, his reasoning was just "they look cool" and he said he wants to name it Spots (because he's basic and stupid like that)
Marvin: A Deer, she said because of its magical properties and how calm they are. They want to name it another pokemon name since his current cat is called vulpix she wants to call the deer something like Xerneas.
Illinois: a komodo dragon, since you can train them to follow you around, and he wants a companion for when he goes out. He said that he'd just call it Lizard because, of course, that's what normal people call their pets.
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