#quality agri products
badikhetiagro · 11 months
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book-my-crop · 1 year
Simplifying Farming with the Best Agri Store Online in India | bookmycrop
Discover the secret to revolutionizing your farming experience with BookMyCrop, the best Agri store online in India. Simplify every aspect of your agricultural journey with our extensive range of high-quality products, expert advice, and seamless online shopping experience. From top-notch seeds and fertilizers to cutting-edge farming equipment, we've got you covered.
Embrace the future of farming and unlock your full potential with BookMyCrop, your trusted companion in cultivating success.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Editor's Note: Below is a viewpoint from the Foresight Africa 2023 report, which explores top priorities for the region in the coming year. Read the full chapter on food security.
In Liberia, we hold one truth to be self-evident: If one has not eaten rice on any given day, then one has not eaten. Well, at least that is the conventional theory that has driven food policy and planning for the last 60 years.
Rice is Liberia’s staple food, and our contemporary history has been completely shaped by rice: Its availability on the local market, price, and, to a lesser extent, quality. Since 1979, when government plans to raise tariffs on imported rice caused deadly riots, and eventually a coup d’état, public policy has favored imports over locally produced rice.
Fast forward to 2022, and it’s 4Cs: COVID-19, Climate, Conflict, and Commodity price escalations. Four simultaneous and intensifying shocks, at a time when we have not fully recovered from the previous shock of Ebola.
And here is another incontrovertible truth: Liberians’ dogged reliance on imported food is not sustainable. The looming food security crisis is an opportunity to finally tackle rice availability on three main fronts: Boosting smallholder production; taking agribusiness micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to scale; and attracting commercial agri-food enterprises.
Since we have ostensibly been doing just these things for years, now is the time to innovate the “how” of agri-food production. The “innovation” is simple: Enhance what is working, what is familiar and help farmers and businesses to produce more, faster, cheaper—and get surpluses to market. The technologies exist to do this.
Take rice. President Weah has set up a National Rice Stabilization Task Force to ensure constant availability of rice in our markets. We have set a national goal to grow 75 percent of what we consume in four cropping seasons: A 150 percent increase in production over what we are doing now.
In setting these targets, we considered the production realities of our smallholders. Realizing the adoption of yield improving technologies has been poor, and rarely sustained past project-end, we are resolving some of the challenges brought on by limited capital and labor for any given piece of land: Improving weed and pest management on farms; post-harvest processing capacities at village level (to optimize use); and access to markets and digital buying platforms. Couple these with solutions that enhance food and nutrition security, water, and energy at community level.
We work with MSMEs along the value chain to grow or build and service and maintain the seeds, tools, and equipment needed to produce, package, transport, and market rice to urban consumers. The Liberia Agricultural Commercialization Fund is providing critical financing to innovations that service food markets and helping rice processors to scale up operations.
We are building our knowledge base and creating business profiles to attract private investments.
The global food security crisis compels Liberia to draw on its legendary resilience and creativity. We are intentional about getting rice right. And we will.
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seairexim · 3 hours
Spicing Up the World: The Rise of Chilli Exports from India
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India, a land known for its rich cultural heritage and culinary diversity, has made a significant mark on the global spice trade. Among the plethora of spices exported, chilli stands out as a fiery favourite. Over the years, the chilli export from India has seen a remarkable rise, making it one of the leading chilli exporting countries. This article delves into the journey of Indian chillies from local farms to global kitchens, highlighting the key players, challenges, and future of this vibrant trade.
The Historical Significance of Chilli in India
Chillies were introduced to India by the Portuguese in the 16th century and quickly became an integral part of Indian cuisine and agriculture. The favourable climatic conditions and fertile soil in various regions of India provided an ideal environment for chilli cultivation. Over time, chillies became not just a kitchen staple but also a lucrative export commodity, and several companies have established themselves as leading chilli exporters in India.
The Boom in Chilli Exports
Factors Driving the Increase in Exports
Several factors have contributed to the surge in the export of chilli from India:
High Demand: Indian chillies are renowned for their unique flavour, colour, and pungency, making them highly sought after worldwide.
Improved Agricultural Practices: Adoption of modern farming techniques has led to increased yield and better quality of chillies.
Government Support: Various government initiatives and policies aimed at boosting agricultural exports have significantly benefited chilli exporters.
Key Export Destinations
The export of chilli from India is done to over 90 countries, with major markets including:
United States: The demand for Indian chillies in the US has grown due to the increasing popularity of Indian cuisine.
China: A significant importer of Indian chillies for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
Bangladesh, Thailand, and Malaysia: These neighbouring countries are also prominent markets for Indian chillies.
Major Chilli Producing Regions in India
India's diverse climate and geography allow for chilli cultivation in various regions, each known for producing distinct varieties of chillies. Some of the key chilli-producing states are:
Andhra Pradesh: Known for its Guntur chillies, famous for their heat and deep red colour.
Madhya Pradesh: produces a variety of chillies known for their rich flavor.
Karnataka: Renowned for Byadgi chillies, which are less pungent but have a vibrant color.
Leading Chilli Exporters in India
Top Companies
Several companies have established themselves as leading Indian chilli exporters:
Synthite Industries: A major player in the spice industry, known for its high-quality chilli products.
ITC Limited: This conglomerate has a significant presence in the chilli export market through its Agri Business Division.
Everest Spices: A household name in India, Everest Spices exports a wide range of chilli products.
Emerging Exporters
New entrants in the market are also making their mark by leveraging technology and innovative marketing strategies. These emerging chilli exporters in India are focusing on organic farming and sustainable practices to meet the growing global demand for organic products.
Quality Control and Certification
Ensuring Quality
Maintaining high quality is crucial for the success of Indian chilli exporters. Several measures are taken to ensure that the chillies meet international standards:
Quality Testing: Rigorous testing for pesticide residues, aflatoxins, and other contaminants.
Grading and Sorting: Chillies are graded based on their color, size, and pungency to cater to different market requirements.
Obtaining international certifications is essential for gaining the trust of global buyers. Some of the important certifications include:
ISO Certification: Ensures that the production processes meet international quality standards.
Organic Certification: For exporters focusing on organic chillies, this certification is crucial to access premium markets.
Challenges in the Chilli Export Market
Competition from Other Countries
Despite India's dominant position, it faces stiff competition from other chilli exporting countries like China, Mexico, and Thailand. These countries offer competitive prices and have their own unique varieties of chillies.
Climate Change
Climate change poses a significant threat to chilli cultivation. Erratic weather patterns, increased temperatures, and unpredictable rainfall can adversely affect the yield and quality of chillies.
Pest and Disease Management
Chilli crops are susceptible to various pests and diseases, which can lead to significant losses. Effective pest and disease management practices are essential to ensuring a healthy crop.
Innovations and Technological Advancements
Modern Farming Techniques
The adoption of modern farming techniques such as drip irrigation, precision farming, and integrated pest management has significantly improved the yield and quality of chillies.
Post-Harvest Technologies
Post-harvest technologies like drying, packaging, and storage have also seen significant advancements. These technologies help preserve the quality of chillies during transportation and storage.
Digital Platforms
Digital platforms are playing a crucial role in connecting farmers with buyers. Online marketplaces and mobile apps are making it easier for chilli exporters in India to reach international buyers and streamline the supply chain.
Government Initiatives and Policies
Export Incentives
The Indian government provides various incentives to boost the export of agricultural products, including chillies. These incentives include tax benefits, subsidies, and grants for infrastructure development.
Skill Development Programs
To enhance the skills of farmers and exporters, the government has launched several training programs. These programs focus on modern farming techniques, quality control, and export procedures.
Research and Development
The government is also investing in research and development to improve chilli varieties, develop pest-resistant strains, and enhance cultivation practices.
The Future of Chilli Exports from India
Growing Global Demand
The global demand for chillies is expected to continue growing, driven by the increasing popularity of spicy foods and the health benefits associated with chillies.
Focus on Value-Added Products
Indian exporters are increasingly focusing on value-added products like chilli powder, flakes, and sauces. These products offer higher profit margins and cater to the diverse needs of global consumers.
Sustainable Practices
Sustainability is becoming a key focus area for chilli exporters. Organic farming, eco-friendly packaging, and fair trade practices are gaining importance in the global market.
The chilli export from India is a testament to the country's rich agricultural heritage and its ability to adapt to changing global demands. With the right combination of quality, innovation, and government support, Indian chilli exporters are well-positioned to spice up kitchens around the world. As challenges like climate change and competition persist, continued efforts in research, technology, and sustainable practices will be crucial in maintaining India's leading position in the global chilli market.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What makes Indian chillies popular in the global market?
Indian chillies are popular for their unique flavor, color, and pungency. Varieties like Guntur and Byadgi are especially renowned for their quality and distinct characteristics.
Q2. Which countries are the major importers of Indian chillies?
The major importers of Indian chillies include the United States, China, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Malaysia.
Q3. What are the key factors driving the growth of chilli exports from India?
The growth of chilli exports from India is driven by high global demand, improved agricultural practices, and supportive government policies.
Q4. Which regions in India are known for chilli production?
Key chilli-producing regions in India include Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka, each known for distinct varieties of chillies.
Q5. Who are the leading chilli exporters in India?
Leading chilli exporters in India include Synthite Industries, ITC Limited, and Everest Spices. Emerging exporters are also making significant contributions by focusing on organic and sustainable practices.
Q6. What challenges do Indian chilli exporters face?
Challenges include competition from other chilli-exporting countries, climate change, and pest and disease management issues.
Q7. What is the future outlook for chilli exports from India?
The future looks promising with growing global demand, a focus on value-added products, and increasing emphasis on sustainable practices. Indian chilli exporters are well-positioned to maintain their leading position in the global market.
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bullpipes · 3 hours
The Importance of High-Quality Agri Pipes and Fittings in Modern Agriculture
The demand for efficient and reliable water management solutions has never been higher. As farmers strive to maximize crop yields while conserving precious water resources, the importance of high-quality Agri pipes and fittings cannot be overstated. Bull Fit Pipes, a pioneer in the piping industry, has recognized this need and is leading the way in providing superior piping solutions tailored to the agricultural sector.
Water is the lifeblood of agriculture, and its efficient distribution is crucial for the success of any farming operation. Traditional irrigation methods have often fallen short in addressing the complexities of water management, leading to water wastage, soil erosion, and suboptimal crop productivity. In response to these challenges, the agricultural industry has embraced the use of agri pipes and fittings as a game-changing solution, enabling precise water delivery and optimizing resource utilization.
The Importance of High-Quality Agri Pipes and Fittings
In agriculture, the quality of agri pipes and fittings is paramount. These specialized components play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth and efficient transportation of water from the source to the crops. High-quality agri pipes and fittings offer numerous benefits that enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability.
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Durability and Longevity: Agricultural environments can be harsh, with exposure to extreme temperatures, UV radiation, and chemical treatments. Agri pipes and fittings from reputable manufacturers like Bull Pipes are engineered to withstand these challenging conditions, ensuring a long service life and minimizing the need for frequent replacements.
Water Conservation: Leaks and water losses can significantly impact agricultural operations, leading to wasted resources and reduced crop yields. High-quality agri pipes and fittings are designed with superior sealing capabilities, minimizing the risk of leaks and ensuring that every drop of water reaches its intended destination.
Customizable Solutions: Modern agriculture often requires tailored water distribution systems to cater to specific crop requirements and field layouts. Bull Pipes offers a wide range of Agri pipes and fittings, that can be customized to meet the needs of each farming operation, ensuring optimal water delivery and distribution.
Ease of Installation and Maintenance: Agri pipes and fittings from reputable manufacturers are designed with ease of installation and maintenance in mind. Their user-friendly features, such as simple connections and accessible components, reduce the time and labor required for setup and maintenance, allowing farmers to focus on their core agricultural activities.
Read more…
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krigenicagripharma · 2 days
Best Pharma Agriculture Near Me
Finding the Best Pharma Agriculture Providers Near You Looking to enhance your farming practices with top-quality pharma agriculture products? Finding the best providers near you can make a significant difference in your crop productivity and overall farming success. Pharma agriculture providers offer a range of products including herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and seeds, all designed to meet the varied needs of modern agriculture.
To find the best providers near you, start by researching local companies and reading reviews from other farmers. Look for providers known for their quality, effectiveness, and sustainability. It's also beneficial to choose companies that offer products from renowned brands, ensuring you get the most reliable solutions for your farming needs.
Once you've identified potential providers, consider visiting their facilities. This allows you to explore their product offerings firsthand, ask questions, and gain a better understanding of how their solutions can support your farming practices. Visiting a facility can also provide insights into their research and development processes, ensuring their products meet the highest standards of performance and environmental responsibility.
For those in India, Krigenic Agri Pharma is a leading provider offering a diverse range of agriculture products. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Krigenic Agri Pharma provides solutions that promote sustainability and enhance productivity. Visit their facility to discover how their products can support your agricultural success.
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igoagritechfarms · 2 days
Boost Your Agricultural Yield with Polyhouse Farming: A Guide by IGO Agritech Farms
In today’s rapidly evolving agricultural landscape, farmers are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance productivity and sustainability.
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At IGO Agritech Farms, we specialise in providing comprehensive consultancy services to help you transition to and succeed with polyhouse farming.. At the forefront of this revolution is IGO Agri Tech Farms and Our flagship project,Polyhouse Farming, promises to redefine how we grow our crops, offering unmatched efficiency and productivity.
Why Choose IGO Agritech Farms for Polyhouse Farming Consultancy?
At IGO Agritech Farms, we offer a full suite of consultancy services tailored to meet the unique needs of each farmer. Here’s how we can help you succeed:
Feasibility Analysis: Our experts conduct thorough feasibility studies to determine the suitability of polyhouse farming for your specific location, climate, and crop choices.
Customised Design and Installation: We provide bespoke polyhouse designs that are tailored to your crop requirements and budget. Our team oversees the entire installation process, ensuring high standards and timely completion.
Technical Support and Training: We offer continuous technical support and hands-on training to help you manage and operate your polyhouse efficiently. Our training programs cover aspects such as climate control, irrigation management, and pest control.
Crop Selection and Management: Our agronomists guide you in selecting the best crops for polyhouse farming and provide ongoing support for crop management, from planting to harvesting.
Market Access: With our extensive network, we assist you in finding the right markets for your produce, ensuring you get the best prices for your high-quality crops.
Success Stories
Numerous farmers have transformed their agricultural practices and improved their livelihoods through our consultancy services. For instance, one of our clients, a tomato farmer in Maharashtra, reported a 300% increase in yield and a significant reduction in water usage after transitioning to polyhouse farming with our guidance.
Get Started with IGO Agritech Farms
Contact IGO Agritech Farms today to learn more about how polyhouse farming can benefit you. Our expert consultants are here to provide personalised solutions and support every step of the way. For more information
Phone: 7397789803, 7397789805
Website: www.igoagritechfarms.com
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eximpedia1 · 6 days
Start Fruit Export Business from India
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India's fruit sector is experiencing significant growth, presenting enormous opportunities for exporters. From exotic kiwis to delectable mangoes, a world of flavor awaits discovery. India's diverse environment and long history of agriculture make it a catalyst in fruit production. With high demand for premium fruits in countries like the US, Europe, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and others, exporting fruits from India can be a lucrative business venture. However, navigating the fruit export industry requires a thorough understanding and strategic planning.
This comprehensive guide will outline 10 essential steps to start fruit export from India, provide up-to-date industry insights, share fruit export data, highlight top Indian fruit exporters, and analyze the top 10 fruit exporting nations.
Is the Fruit Export Business Profitable?
India, the world's second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables after China, offers a wide range of premium exotic and sweet fruits, making fruit exports a profitable commercial venture. India produces an impressive variety of fruits, including mangoes, bananas, papayas, oranges, apricots, grapes, strawberries, apples, guavas, and litchis. Additionally, India's lower production costs compared to other countries make it a successful investment for exporters.
Fruit Export from India: Key Stats & Facts
India's fruit export industry is thriving. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, the country exported 674,291.70 metric tons (MT) of fresh fruits, excluding grapes and mangoes, worth Rs. 2,736.99 crores, or approximately 339.00 million USD. Projections indicate that by 2024, the gross production value of fruit exports from India will reach USD 41.19 billion. India produces a wide range of fruits, such as bananas, pomegranates, grapes, and mangoes, making it one of the world's largest fruit exporters.
Which Fruits Does India Export the Most?
India produces a wide variety of mangoes, each with a unique flavor, aroma, and texture. The Alphonso mango, known as "Hapus," is particularly prized for its rich, creamy texture and sweet flavor with hints of citrus. Mangoes are in great demand not only in India but also in the Middle East, Europe, and the US.
Despite being the world's largest producer of bananas, India's export share is still growing. India also exports processed banana products like dried bananas, chips, and puree, which are used in various cuisines worldwide.
Known as the "jewels of winter," pomegranates are one of the most widely exported fruits from India. The main export markets for this fruit include Greece, Israel, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and Italy.
Indian apples, known for their crisp and nutritional qualities, are exported to Bangladesh, Nepal, and the Middle East, though they are mostly consumed domestically. Varieties include Green Apple, Pink Lady Apple, Fuji Apple, Gala Apple, Honeycrisp Apple, Envy Apple, and Red Apple.
Oranges are in high demand worldwide due to their versatility. Popular Indian orange cultivars include Dancy, Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Kinnow Mandarin, and Darjeeling Mandarin. Oranges are used in perfumes, cosmetics, and as a flavoring and component in food.
Major Fruit Exporters in India
India has numerous well-known fruit exporters, including:
Pisum Foods
Indian Farmers Export (IFE Fruits & Vegetables)
Radha Krishan Fruit Company
Jadli Foods India
Mahindra Agri
Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Vardhan Exports Pvt Ltd
Golden Agri Exports Pvt Ltd
Vajreshwari Enterprises And Corp
These companies are leading the way in exporting bananas, oranges, pomegranates, mangoes, and grapes. The Indian government's active support for this industry has solidified India's position as a significant player in the global fruit market.
Key Strategies to Export Fruit from India
1. Establish an Export Firm
Before diving into the specifics of fruit export from India, establishing a proper export company is crucial. This involves:
Company Registration: Choose between a private limited corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
Registrar of Companies (ROC): Register your firm.
Import Export Code (IEC): Obtain an IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), which certifies your business as an approved exporter.
2. Select the Fruits for Export
Choosing the right product for export is the most critical step in starting a fruit import-export business. Consider factors like export quantities, values, and updated fruit export data. Utilize data-driven platforms to gain real-time insights on fruit export data, a list of fruits for export from India, fruit HS codes, and top fruit export companies in India. Opt for fruits with a longer shelf life, as exporting to other nations may take time.
3. Compliance and Documentation
Ensure compliance with all necessary registrations and licenses, such as APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) and the Import Export Code (IEC). Accurate and complete documentation is essential, including commercial invoices, origin certificates, and phytosanitary certifications.
4. Obtain a Reliable Fruit Exporter List
Accessing trustworthy fruit export data is essential for making informed decisions. Eximpedia offers valuable insights for navigating the global fruit trade. Benefits include:
Market Trends: Analyze real-time fruit export data to identify trends in fruit prices, demand, and popular locations.
Competitor Analysis: Understand competitors' export operations, including the types of fruits they ship, target markets, and shipment volumes.
Finding Potential Buyers: Connect with potential fruit buyers in target markets and find reputable or updated fruit exporters in India.
Final Words
India's fruit export industry is booming, with fruits like pineapples, dragon fruits, strawberries, guavas, litchis, papayas, sapotas (chikoo), jackfruits, pears, ber, amla, and coconuts in high demand worldwide. The fruits discussed in this article are some of the most popular exported from India. With a wide range of fruit options and stronger international trade ties, India's fruit export industry continues to flourish.
Suppose you are a new exporter looking to get started. In that case, Eximpedia can help you explore the list of fruit export from India, fruit exporters in India, top fruit export companies in India, or updated fruit export data. Connect today and book a free live demo to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for your export business.
India's fruit export industry is thriving, and with the right strategies and resources, you can successfully navigate this lucrative market and contribute to India's growing presence in the global fruit trade.
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vijay1225 · 6 days
Mulch Films Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Mulch films refer a plastic film used to alter soil temperature, stop moisture growth, control weed growth, and increase crop production. It is used for large-scale fruit and vegetable farming to retain soil moisture, which controls soil temperature, and stops water from evaporating.
Sizing and Forecast The mulch films market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $4.32 billion in 2023 to $4.67 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.1%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to aging population, minimally invasive procedures, increased awareness and diagnosis, healthcare infrastructure development, prevalence of aneurysms, fda approvals..
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The mulch films market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $6.15 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to rise in endovascular therapies, increased demand for medical products, focus on stroke prevention, growing healthcare expenditure, research and development investments.. Major trends in the forecast period include advancements in catheter technologies, ai enabled diagnosis and intervention, integration of imaging technologies, product innovations, collaborations and partnerships..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The mulch films market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Product Type: Non-Biodegradable, Biodegradable 2) By Material Type: Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polylactic Acid /Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Polybutylene Succinate, Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate, Other Bio-Based Material 3) By Application: Agriculture, Horticulture
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the mulch films market in 2023. The regions covered in the mulch films market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth Increasing demand for food is expected to propel the growth of the mulch films market going forward. Food refers to a material that is mostly made of protein, carbohydrates, and fat and is used by living things as fuel for crucial functions such as development and repair. Demand for food is met when the quantity and quality of crops are maintained. Mulch films for food production are extremely helpful, as these films modify the soil’s temperature, prevent moisture loss from the soil, conserve water, and minimize the spread of weeds. For instance, In July 2022, according to United Nations, a US-based intergovernmental organization, the global number of individuals experiencing hunger surged to approximately 828 million in 2021, marking a rise of about 46 million from 2020 and an alarming increase of 150 million since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the increasing demand for food is driving the growth of the mulch film market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the mulch films market report are The Dow Chemical Company, BASF SE, FKuR Kunststoff GmbH, Novamont S.p.A., Berry Global Inc., AEP Industries Inc., Trioplast Industrier AB, Tilak Polypack Private Limited, AB Rani Plast Oy, RKW Agri Gmbh & Co.KG, Armando Alvarez Group, BioBag International AS, Industrial Development Company Sal, ExxonMobil Corporation, Ginegar Plastic Products Ltd., Shandong Tianhe Plastic Co. Ltd., Kuraray Co. Ltd., Qingdao Huaxuyang Industrial Co. Ltd., Macro Plastic Sdn. Bhd., Plastika Kritis S.A., Organix AG, Al-Pack Enterprises Ltd., Barbier Group, British Polythene Industries, Cofco Tunhe Co. Ltd., Dubois Agrinovation Inc., Eiffel Trading Company, Pooja Plastic Industries, The Armando Alvarez Group, Guangdong Zhongxing Plastic Products Co. Ltd., Henan Yinfeng Plastic Co. Ltd., Hopewell Industries, Hyplast NV, Iris Polymers Industries Pvt. Ltd., Jindal Poly Films Ltd., Kung Hsing Plastic Machinery Co. Ltd., Laiwu Huaya Polymer Sci.& Tech. Co. Ltd.
The mulch films market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Mulch Films Market Characteristics 3. Mulch Films Market Trends And Strategies 4. Mulch Films Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Mulch Films Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Global Mulch Films Market Competitive Benchmarking 32. Global Mulch Films Market Competitive Dashboard 33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Mulch Films Market 34. Mulch Films Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 35. Appendix
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Cumin Seed Export: A Comprehensive Guide on Cumin Seed Export from India
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Cumin, natively belonging to the parsley family, has its origins in Western Asia but has become a staple in Indian cuisine. Its unique aroma, flavor, and numerous health benefits have made it indispensable in every Indian kitchen. Interestingly, India and Iran are the primary producers of cumin. With India producing around 325,000 to 350,000 metric tons of cumin annually, it consumes 90% of its production domestically and exports the remaining 10% globally.
In 2022, India exported cumin seeds worth $497 million, primarily to the US, Bangladesh, and Canada. In this guide, we’ll explore the cumin seed exporters in India, cumin export destinations, ways to find cumin seed export data, strategies for cumin seed export from India, and more.
Production of Cumin in India
Overview of Cumin Production in India
Global cumin (jeera) production is around 2.2 lakh metric tons per year.
India produces approximately 1.5 lakh metric tons annually.
Rajasthan and Gujarat are the major producers, contributing 90% of India’s total cumin seed production.
Organic cumin seeds, cultivated without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, are in high demand in Western countries.
Cumin Seed Export from India: 2023-24
Cumin seed export from India have seen a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14% over the past seven years due to increasing global demand.
Export Data Highlights
India exported about 1.84 lakh metric tons of cumin in 2023-24 and expects to export around 1.92 lakh metric tons in 2024.
Major importers include China, the USA, Vietnam, the UAE, and Bangladesh, accounting for over 60% of total cumin seed exports.
Top importers are the USA with 808 shipments, Bangladesh with 1,175 shipments, and Nepal with 494 shipments.
Key HSN codes for cumin seed export from India: 09093129, 09093190, and 09093200.
Top Cumin Seed Exporters in India
Leading Cumin Seed Exporters
Royal Spices
Yuvaraju Agro Impex
Badani Corporation
Dhaval Agri Exports LLP
ECO Exports
Surendraray & Co
Dharsini Exports
Wings Food and Chemicals Private Limited
Shri Shyam Index
For more details about these exporters, visit the cumin seed export data or jeera export from India section on the Seair Exim Solution website.
Top Exporting Spices from India
Apart from cumin, India is a leading producer, consumer, and exporter of various other spices. Here’s a list of the top spices exported from India:
Top Spices Exported from IndiaExport Value (2023-24)
Red Chilli $1.08 billion Black Pepper $1.18 billion Coriander $80.5 million Cumin $510 million Mustard $58.5 million Fenugreek $160 million Fennel $471 million Dry Ginger $1.5 billion Cardamom $225 million Turmeric $450 million
Trends in the Jeera Export from India in 2024
Market Trends and Insights
Favorable weather and increased sowing areas have led to record cumin production in Gujarat and Rajasthan, causing an oversupply.
Total production is estimated at 4.04 metric tons, with 14-15 metric tons already produced by February 2024.
Rajasthan saw a 53% increase in jeera production compared to last year.
Despite increased production, jeera exports declined by 23.75% during April-February compared to the same period last year.
February 2024 saw an 11.54% decline in exports compared to January 2024 and a 3.49% decline compared to February 2023.
The jeera market is experiencing short covering, with a drop in open interest of -6.39% and prices rising by 830 rupees.
Strategies for Success in Exporting Cumin from India
Market Research
Conduct thorough market research on competitors, market trends, and strategic decisions.
Research helps determine cumin seed export prices from India.
Focus on Quality Control
Ensure the highest quality products to meet international standards.
Indian cumin seeds are valued for their quality and health benefits.
Understanding Regulations
Familiarize yourself with government policies, taxes, tariffs, and other regulations related to cumin exports.
Partner with a Reliable Exporter
Find genuine suppliers or exporters that meet your requirements. Visit Seair Exim Solution for a detailed list of reliable cumin seed exporters in India.
Updated Cumin Seed Export Data
Utilize platforms like Seair Exim Solution for real-time cumin seed export data, market insights, and exporter contact details.
How to Find Cumin Seed Export Data
Seair Exim Solution offers export and import data for over 130 countries. Our user-friendly interface provides real-time cumin seed export data, lists of exporters, and market insights, updated by experts from reliable sources.
Despite challenges like COVID-19 and inflation, the demand for cumin seeds remains strong both domestically and internationally. The global market for cumin is growing, and with the right strategy and knowledge, success in the cumin seed export business is attainable. Accessing detailed cumin seed export data can provide the necessary insights to thrive in this market. Visit Seair Exim Solution for more information.
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badikhetiagro · 11 months
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book-my-crop · 1 year
How can the online agri market change the future of Indian agriculture?
Online Agri Markets have become increasingly popular in India in recent years. These platforms allow farmers to sell their produce directly to consumers or to wholesalers and retailers, bypassing traditional intermediaries such as wholesalers and commission agents. This can help farmers get better prices for their products and reduce their reliance on middlemen.
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There are several online platforms in India that facilitate the sale of agricultural products. Some examples include: 
●     National Agriculture Market (e-NAM): This is a pan-India electronic trading platform for agricultural products that was launched by the Government of India in 2016. It currently has more than 8,000 registered traders and over 1,500 market yards across the country. 
●     Book My Crop: When it comes to agriculture businesses in India, Book My Crop (BMC) stands out as one of the most unique and innovative options. Book My Crop is a cutting-edge eCommerce network for the agricultural industry that connects buyers and farmers across India for agro-trade. Thousands of registered farmers supply Book My Crop with eight different types of products, including vegetables, fruits, pulses, grains, spices, flowers, non-edibles, and herbs. 
●     FarmerUncle: This is an online marketplace for agricultural products that connects farmers directly with consumers. It offers a range of products including grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and spices. 
●     Jai Kisan: This is a B2B platform that connects farmers with buyers such as wholesalers, retailers, and processors. It offers a range of products including grains, pulses, oilseeds, and vegetables. 
●     KrishiStar: This is an online platform that connects farmers with buyers such as wholesalers, retailers, and processors. It offers a range of products including grains, pulses, oilseeds, and vegetables. 
Online agricultural markets have the potential to increase the income of small farmers, improve the efficiency of the agricultural supply chain, and make it easier for consumers to access fresh locally-grown produce. Are you looking to buy fresh vegetables and fruits from the best agri store online in India, Book My Crop is the best pick for you.
How can the online agri market change the future of Indian agriculture?
Online agricultural markets have the potential to revolutionize the way that Indian agriculture is conducted and can bring numerous benefits to farmers, consumers, and the industry as a whole. Some of the ways that online agricultural markets could change the future of Indian agriculture include: 
●     Increased efficiency: Online markets can make it easier for farmers to connect with buyers and sell their products, reducing the need for intermediaries and cutting down on transaction costs. 
●     Improved price discovery: Online markets can provide more transparent pricing information, helping farmers to get a better sense of what their products are worth and enabling them to negotiate better prices. 
●     Enhanced access to markets: Online platforms can make it easier for farmers to access markets beyond their local area, increasing the potential for them to sell their products to a wider range of buyers. 
●     Greater traceability: Online platforms can enable greater traceability of agricultural products, making it easier to track the origins and movements of food from farm to fork. 
●     Convenience for consumers: Online agricultural markets can make it easier for consumers to access a wide range of products, including locally-grown and speciality items, and to have them delivered directly to their door.
 ●     Improved food safety: Online platforms can help to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products by enabling traceability and providing information about the conditions under which they were produced. 
●     Increased competition: Online markets can increase competition among buyers, leading to better prices for farmers and more affordable products for consumers. 
Overall, the online agri market has the potential to bring numerous benefits to the agriculture industry and to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector.
How does the online Agri market work?
Online agricultural markets work by connecting farmers with buyers through an online platform. Farmers can use the platform to list the products they have available for sale, including information about the type, quantity, and price of the products. Buyers can then browse the listings and place orders for the products they are interested in. 
The platform typically handles the payment process, taking a commission on each sale. Once a sale is completed, the platform may facilitate the delivery of the products to the buyer, either by arranging for the farmer to deliver the products directly or by using a third-party logistics provider. 
Some online agricultural markets may also offer additional services, such as credit and financing, insurance, and advisory services, to help farmers and buyers navigate the market and manage risk. 
Overall, online agricultural markets provide a convenient and efficient way for farmers to connect with buyers and sell their products, and for buyers to access a wide range of products from a variety of sources.
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Meet Livestock Housing Requirements With An Impressive ROI
Modular livestock structures are making waves by transforming the productivity and yields in modern livestock farming—they provide the animals with a healthy and comfortable environment to thrive.
Deploying them on farms can lead to an increased productivity and yields from commercial flocks, a reduction in costs incurred for treating ailments or mortality among unhealthy animals, and an increased revenues and profitability.
Providing immensely more returns and being far less expensive than constructing dedicated traditional farm buildings for housing livestock, these modern structures deliver results rapidly, keep maintenance low, and perform exceptionally—while falling within limited budgets.
Here’s a rundown of how these structures can generate impressive returns for livestock farms and agribusinesses and meet all livestock housing requirements when deployed correctly.
Improved health and productivity for livestock and poultry
Modular livestock structures provide a controlled environment for animals, protecting them from harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, and wind.
This results in improved health and productivity of the animals, as they are able to thrive in a more consistent environment. Additionally, you can reduce the need for veterinary care because the controlled environment created by the shelter allows for more precise animal management.
They also enable farms to curb the spread of diseases among animals by facilitating better sanitation and biosecurity measures.
Controlled environments for increased feed efficiency
Another major advantage of using modular livestock structures for housing cattle, sheep, goats, and ground-nesting birds in farms is their ability to increase feed efficiency.
Deploying them allows farms to establish optimal controlled environments that meet their ideal livestock housing requirements. Through these conditions, farms can control the temperature and humidity levels which can help improve digestion and absorption of feed by animals.
This can lead to less feed being required to produce the same amount of meat, milk, or eggs, resulting in significant cost savings for your farm. Furthermore, using modular livestock houses can help you reduce feed waste, providing even more cost savings and better control over feeding-related expenditures.
Maximise the returns from your farm and meet livestock housing requirements with ease
Regardless of the scale and nature of your livestock or poultry farming operation, investing in high-quality modular livestock housing can help you provide your animals with high-welfare housing, which in turn, will help reduce costs, improve productivity, and allow you to be more flexible.
Agri Span by McGregor Structures is a proven solution that has delivered unmatched performance and powerful results to livestock operations across the UK.
So If you are seeking the most robust and durable structures for livestock housing, a simple inquiry with our team that specialises in agricultural shelters and structures can yield expert insights that you can leverage to generate the impressive returns you desire from your farm.
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bullpipes · 7 days
The Importance of High-Quality Agri Pipes and Fittings in Modern Agriculture
The demand for efficient and reliable water management solutions has never been higher. As farmers strive to maximize crop yields while conserving precious water resources, the importance of high-quality Agri pipes and fittings cannot be overstated. Bull Fit Pipes, a pioneer in the piping industry, has recognized this need and is leading the way in providing superior piping solutions tailored to the agricultural sector.
Water is the lifeblood of agriculture, and its efficient distribution is crucial for the success of any farming operation. Traditional irrigation methods have often fallen short in addressing the complexities of water management, leading to water wastage, soil erosion, and suboptimal crop productivity. In response to these challenges, the agricultural industry has embraced the use of agri pipes and fittings as a game-changing solution, enabling precise water delivery and optimizing resource utilization.
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krigenicagripharma · 3 days
Revolutionizing Agriculture Products in India with Krigenic Agri Pharma
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Elevate your farming practices with Krigenic Agri Pharma's diverse range of agriculture products in India. Our extensive lineup encompasses everything from herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides to fertilizers, field seeds, organic fertilizer, seed treatment solutions, water-soluble fertilizers, seeds, and garden care products. With a focus on quality and effectiveness, we offer top-notch solutions to address the varied needs of modern agriculture.
Krigenic Agri Pharma prides itself on offering products from renowned brands such as Toppers 77, Tynzer, Basagran, Basta, Stomp Xtra, and more. Whether you're tackling weed control, pest management, soil fertility enhancement, or crop protection, our products are designed to deliver reliable results while promoting sustainability.
Backed by extensive research and development, our agriculture products are formulated to meet the highest standards of performance and environmental responsibility. We understand the challenges faced by farmers and are committed to providing them with innovative solutions to enhance productivity and profitability.
Experience the difference with Krigenic Agri Pharma. Visit www.krigenicagripharma.com or contact us at 9900937013 to explore our comprehensive range of agriculture products and discover how we can support your agricultural success.
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igoagritechfarms · 8 days
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity with IGO Agri Tech Farms Polyhouse Constructions
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity with IGO Agri Tech Farms’ Polyhouse Constructions
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In the rapidly evolving world of agriculture,. One such groundbreaking approach is polyhouse farming, which is revolutionizing the way crops are grown. IGO Agri Tech Farm. stands at the forefront of this agricultural innovation, offering state-of-the-art polyhouse constructions designed to boost productivity and sustainability.
Why Choose IGO Agri Tech Farms for Polyhouse Constructions?
1. Expertise and Experience: IGO Agri Tech Farms is a leading name in the agricultural engineering sector, renowned for its expertise in polyhouse construction. With years of experience, they have perfected the art of designing and building efficient polyhouses tailored to the specific needs of different crops.
2. High-Quality Materials: The polyhouses constructed by IGO Agritech Farms are made using top-quality  polyethylene and sturdy structural components, ensuring durability and longevity. This means that farmers can rely on these structures for many years without frequent maintenance or replacements.
3. Customizable Solutions:
Understanding that every farm has unique requirements, IGO Agri Tech Farms offers customizable polyhouse solutions.... Whether it’s the size, shape, or specific features needed to cater to particular crops, they provide tailored constructions that meet individual farming needs.
4. Increased Yield and Profitability: Polyhouse farming significantly enhances crop yield by providing a controlled environment that mitigates the risks associated with traditional farming methods. This translates to higher productivity and profitability for farmers.
5. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: By optimising resource usage such as water and fertilizers, polyhouse farming contributes to sustainable agriculture. IGO Agritech Farms is committed to promoting eco-friendly farming practices that minimise environmental impact while maximising output.
Benefits of Polyhouse Farming with IGO Agri Tech Farms
1. Enhanced Crop Quality
2.Year-Round Cultivation 
3.Efficient Resource Management
To Know More Contact Us
Phone numbers: 7397789803, 7397789805
Website: www.igoagritechfarms.com
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