#quaxo and misto are separate cats
flame-x · 2 years
Alonzo Things Part 1
This got long but I don't regret it.
Very few cats are ever allowed inside the casslonzo/alondra den. This is Alonzo's rule, though Cass doesn't mind it- she likes to have their own space too. Alonzo likes to keep his tribe duties away from the place where he unwinds in the evening. (The demestrap family -Munk, Deme, Misto, Quaxo, Vic, Jem and Bubs- are pretty much the only cats allowed inside. Though Tugger often wanders in when he needs to fetch Alonzo)
He has a soft spot for Victoria (he hasn't a clue why, really) yes you do alonzo don't deny it you see a little of yourself in her but you had to be tough and lost that certain... innocence, almost, that she has about her and you want to protect her from the same fate but she's tougher than you want to admit like goddamn she had to be plus her grace you arent the most graceful cat in the junkyard anymore the pupil has become the master
He's good with the kittens! Most of the time, anyway. Especially the older ones.
He's a total flirt but so is Cass. They understand each other.
While he loves and respects Old Deuteronomy along with the other Jellicles, his loyalties lie with Munkustrap. Though he'd never say it out loud, if he had to choose one or the other, he'd choose Munk. Demeter and Cass both suspect this- how could they not? Old Deuteronomy knows this is the case and believes that is the way it should be. Munkustrap is clueless- and it's better that way.
Alonzo's favourite colour is dark blue.
He can't stand dogs. Can't stand them. Thinks they're a waste of space and too noisy. Not to mention slobbery.
Neither he nor Cass are interested in having kittens themselves. Alonzo is of opinion he'd be a terrible father lol.
Misto and Quaxo are his little half-brothers and they all know this. The younger two love to call him ancient. Misto knows 'Lonz can be hot-headed and tries to calm him down when Spike riles him up, much to Alonzo's annoyance. "Don't let my temper get the better of me, I know. Don't scold me, Misto."
His family is complicated and I'll explain it in another post, but Victoria is his cousin
He never wanted humans. He ran away the first, and second, and third time the tribe tried to give him a home when he was a kitten. Eventually they gave up and let him live in the Junkyard.
His favourite duty as second is organising patrols, watches and scavenger patrols! Something is just so interesting to him about pairing different cats together, seeing which cats gel well and work together efficiently and which cats are better left on watch or on separate patrols. His absolute favourite part is giving young tom- and queenkittens their first patrols (and going with them for it!). They're always so excited.
His own favourite time to patrol is the midnight patrol, much to Cass' irritation- she likes to sleep at night because that's what her owners do. Somehow, even though Alonzo is one of the quietest and sneakiest cats in the whole Junkyard, he always manages to wake her. It's almost like she has a sixth sense.
Alonzo is an average height- the cats that are taller than him include but are not limited to: Munk, AJ, Tugger, Mungo, Admetus and George. Tugger always rests his arm on Alonzo's shoulder and that's Alonzo's least favourite thing about the other tom.
He is, of course, the slinkiest cat in existence
As he's a really pretty cat, the humans always give him bowls of cream. One of the more... mischievous... things he does with the kittens is go begging and have them hide out of sight, and when the human puts out the cream or other treat, share it with them.
He really, really does not get along with Spike.
He has so many nicknames. Tugger has a load for him, he has at least three from Munkustrap, Victoria calls him 'Zo- And many of them are to do with his colouring! Munk calls him Black-and-White, Tugger has an array of nicknames (Tuxedo, Domino, Bowtie, Constable, Pinstripe, Piano) but when Spike calls him "Checkers" he means it as an insult.
Alonzo remembers hearing a whisper of a tale that's mostly been forgotten; all Jellicles have a bit of magic. At least a tiny bit of magic, though not all as flashy or strong as Misto or Coricopat and Tantomile. Alonzo half doesn't believe this, but sometimes he wonders... he's always had a connection with water... and how else could Victoria be such a gifted healer, or Munkustrap be such a good storyteller?
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naturepointstheway · 2 months
2008 Wellington Non-Replica Cats here we go
Gather around, everyone, while I pull out my souvenir programme from 2008 Cats I still have from this production way back yonks ago. Feel free to partake in some snacks! There will be plenty of photos from the brochure, hence putting them under a "read more".
Okay, so looking through this production's cast list, I see that there were pretty much the whole cast you'd expect (we had a Plato rather than Admetus, for example), plus some OCs sprinkled in there as well, which I like! The Growltiger sequence was clearly still in there, as there's a Griddlebone for example. One thing I really love is that they cast a very old (I think retired, or close to) actor as Old Deuteronomy which makes sense to me, because he is supposed to be an old cat (I think the actor was in his mid-sixties at least). Ditto for Gus as well, also of a similar age to the actor who played Old Deut, which I love for this cast, and also it makes sense for them to be played by older people, considering they are supposed to be on the older side of life.
There was a separate Quaxo character from Mistoffelees as well, and also kept the Exotica character from the 1998 movie as well.
OCs created (names only, sadly) include Victor, Johnny, Isis, Savannah, Rocket, Anoushka, and Garbo.
Okay enough rambles, on to the photos I took on my phone from the brochure!
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Yes, that is Munkustrap, and honestly love his wig--very wild, very maine coon ears in there. Interesting they gave him leopard spots--maybe Jenny gave him those for him to wear for the night? I actually don't mind they gave him some leopard spots here, as it makes him look a lot more like Tugger as well, selling that whole Munk and Tugger are brothers thing even more.
Speaking of our favourite rock star cat...
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That leather costume. Umph. My poor bisexual heart. I love the extra floof at his ankles (I think those are leg warmers). This Tugger, from what I remember, gave me very John Partridge's Tugger vibes, which I wholly approve of. Victoria has called shotgun for the space between his legs, and an OC (I think) cat is clawing her way up his thigh which, mood. Yes. Electra is the one that did the screaming at the end of his song (the one stretching up to him, wearing that white-ish unitard.
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Griddlebone and Growltiger (I think)!
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This Macavity fucks, and I remember his costumed was sparkly as fuck. Practically was in a sparkle-off competition with Mistoffelees in terms of sparkly costumes. I can absolutely see why Bomba wanted this Macavity inside her NOW.
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Here's the one and only Grizabella; my favourite costume out of this non-replica Cats, I have to say.
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Found a Teazer lurking at the beginning of the brochure, and I love her makeup, which is definitely very much based on the 1998 film Teazer's makeup. I love it!
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I think this is supposed to be Misto, and they're adorable, especially with the makeup (which is why I'm pegging them as likely to be our favourite magical sparkly boy, as that looks very similar to Jacob's makeup in the 1998 movie.)
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A Mungo has been spotted, looking cute as all get out. He absolutely uses his cute face to fool people into thinking he would never, ever steal or cause a ruckus no way he absolutely knows nothing about that Ming vase or the winter vest he stole from the humans' drawers. That was definitely another cat that looked just like him and just happened (impossible as it seems) to have a name very similar to his.
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Old Deut looks very cuddly I want to snuggle him.
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Munkustrap would like to have the spotlight for a bit in the middle of Bustopher's song. For some reason I keep thinking the cat next to him over his right shoulder is wearing a superhero outfit, and now all I can think of is either Teazer or Jerrie (looks like one of them) trying to convince Munkustrap they cause ruckus because they're superheroes dammit! Munk is having the fucking time of his life and I'm here for it! Let the stressed out junkyard dad have some fun and this song absolutely Brings Joy for him. Bless this Munk.
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First page of a two-page spread from what seems to be The Naming of Cats. One of my favourite things is how some of the wigs are very based on the original Broadway wigs and I'm a thousand percent HERE for this. I LOVE wild wigs that you sometimes see in other productions too, especially in bootlegs from earlier productions from the eighties/early nineties. I see one of the psychic twins (Tanto I believe) with their unmistakeable wig, and a sparkly Misto behind whom I THINK is Jemima (1980s style wig), and Victoria is also very easy to recognise here too with her white wig and unitard.
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Second page of the two-page spread from what is likely Naming of Cats. I can very easily spot Tugger right at the back at top left corner, and there's a Jenny over near the right top corner too (very bright orange stripes. We're talking neon here!)
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First page of a two-page spread from the Jellicle Ball, everyone looking fab there; I believe I spotted a Tugger again (yep there he is at the far left), a Victoria, and what might be Quaxo right at the back there in the tuxedo costume.
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Second page of a two-page spread from the Jellicle Ball, and oh hi Misto there you are looking all cryptid and mysterious way up on your lonesome in the back. I think I finally spotted Alonzo at the bottom right corner (his patterns suggest he could be Alonzo) too.
Aaand that's all! Hope you enjoyed this little journey through my very old souvenir programme from a non-replica Cats performance in Wellington, NZ in 2008. May your conjuring turns never falter and may you always meditate on your secret third name.
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azeriairis · 6 months
My Proposition to fix Movie Misto
I have conflicted feelings about 2019 Movie Misto. On one hand, he has the potential to be a compelling character. On the other hand he is a shit Misto. Essentially Put : When Fans of an existing work go to see an adaptation, they expect to see the characters they already know and love. Movie Misto isn't Mistoffelees, he's an OC with the name and appearance of Mistoffelees, but is otherwise his own character, which of course leads to fans of the original being upset when "Misto" isn't the Misto they've come to know and love.
Do you know how I would fix this? Make the current Movie Misto his own character separate from Mistoffelees. Give us the actual Mistoffelees we know and love and make Movie Misto his own character.
Heck, If they even wanted to reference Mistoffelees with this OC character they could've given him the name Quaxo, as a reference to the time when it was common to use the name either as an alternate name for Mistoffelees before his number, or as the Chorus Cat played by Mistoffelees' actor.
I will now give my pitch for what this Movie Misto as a separate Character would be like. From now on when I say "Quaxo" I'm referring to the Character inspired by Movie Misto, and Mistoffelees as the version closer to the modern version of Misto in most Replica Productions.
Make Quaxo a kitten with magical powers. Make it so that the only example Quaxo has of a magical cat at the beginning of the movie is Macavity, so Quaxo chooses to distance himself from his abilities out of fear of turning into Macavity. Then have Quaxo meet Mistoffelees, who serves as a positive role model -and potential mentor- as a magical cat who uses their powers for good; This inspires Quaxo to try and become comfortable with his own abilities, something he initially struggles with because of how much he distanced himself from them previously. Heck maybe even have Mistoffelees himself struggle with figuring out how to teach magic to someone else. Then at the end have Quaxo use his magic in a big way, it could be helping Mistoffelees bring Old Deut back, or it could be something else, doesn't really matter.
There you go a nice compromise. The Fans of the Original still get the confident flamboyant Mistoffelees we've come to know and love, and Hooper still gets whatever the fuck he was going for in the rewrite, just as an OC so he doesn't fuck up Misto.
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 11 months
Heard you got some non replica headcanons 👀👀
okay so these are hcs for all different non-reps, if you want me to elaborate on any of them lmk!!!!
Opera Populaire Tugger, Grizabella, and Munkustrap being siblings is my favorite thing ever, Munkus being a baby brother and Tugger being a big brother is very important to me
Melbourne!Munkustrap and Tugger are absolute little shit twins, and Macavity is their long-suffering big brother.
Kilworth Munk and Tugger are also twins
Luisenburg Tugger is a street cat related to no one in the tribe. Grizabella and he adopted each other as mother and son after she left the tribe, but that's his only connection to the Jellicles
Kilworth Jenny and Jelly are wives
Speaking of Kilworth, Munk, Alonzo, and Demeter are mates, and Electra and Carbucketty are their kids
Stockholm Tumblebrutus and Exotica are twins
Stockholm Quaxo and Mistoffelees are separate cats, but they're brothers. Mistoffelees is older
Opera Populaire Macavity is more of a mad scientist, but he's possibly even more dangerous than other versions of Macavity, because he kidnaps and experiments on magical cats
Opera Populaire Electra is Bombalurina and Macavity's daughter
Kilworth Tugger has tattoos for each of the important people in his life on his arms, but he has a special one over his heart for Mistoffelees in the shape of a cluster of sparkles dancing around a milk bottle (since Misto is a milkman in the show!)
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bamfwizard · 1 year
back to my Cats HCs because I'm prepping my Cats OCs for Artfight and have insane brainrot
-Mistoffelees is a stage name, and his Jellicle Name is Quaxo
-Misto was raised or mentored by Macavity, hence their personas having lots of roots in magic and deception
-Misto (yes, I have a lot of Misto hcs) doesn't always have the coloring that he does during the show. (The only reason, factually, that Cats Misto isn't all-black like in the poem is bc it didn't work with stage lighting.) Misto has white patches during the Ball that fade during the day, it's a part of his magic and a bit of his own showbiz.
-Sillabub/Jemima is Demeter and Macavity's kitten, but she doesn't know (which is probably for the better, and explains her commonly theorized magical abilities)
-Deut is a Maine Coon, Tugger is a Maine Coon/Ocicat, and Munk is a Maine Coon/American Longhair. Tugger lives with the same owners as his mother and Munk lives separately.
-Skimble absolutely HATES Jerrie but loves Teazer dearly, like his own child. They've been found stealing from trains more times than he can count.
-Bomba and Demeter both had tricky relationships with Macavity, Bomba's more physical and Demeter's both mental (based on their lyrics in his song). Judging by their behavior, Bomba broke off first and later was able to help Demeter leave as well.
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la-felinosphere · 5 years
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shiny new* CATS random pairings gen, for all your shipping needs and otherwise!  
(fic ideas?  time for a new ship?  just want two characters to draw together?  for a meme?  how might x & y even get to be in the same place at the same time challenge? tada!)  
*it’s really not shiny and new at all, but I hope it is functional; let me know of any issues you run into.  I already know there’s no proof against character/same character so you’ll just have to manage with that!  have fun!
ETA: so, uh, silly me I forgot that Tumblr hates links and I can’t even link to a page within this blog without the post disappearing from search, so:
link is in my sidebar or here: la-felinosphere.tumblr.com/pairingsgen
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Why Misto Didn’t Sing Gumbie Cat on Broadway, And Some Other History of His Role in This Number
It wasn’t a character thing. It was the beetles.
The Beetles Tattoo has thirteen cats as beetles: Pouncival (usually) and twelve who behave themselves. Broadway reduced the size of its cast compared to London, but they didn’t want to reduce the size of the Beetles Tattoo.
In 1981 London, there were lots of options for beetles. If you don’t count the characters who are doing something else in the number, aren’t present during the number, and the non-dancers, you still have more than thirteen characters left. 1998 used Alonzo, Cassandra, Coricopat, Electra, Etcetera, George, Mungojerrie, Plato, Pouncival, Rumpleteazer, Tantomile, Tumblebrutus, and Victoria. You’ve got thirteen characters and still have a few to spare. With a smaller cast, Skimble and Jemima could easily be included, but they weren’t in this version.
Now, the 1982 Broadway cast was a bit smaller. If Misto was singing Gumbie Cat, your options for beetles would be Alonzo, Carbucketty, Cassandra, Coricopat, Etcetera (standing in for Rumpleteazer), Plato, Pouncival (standing in for Mungojerrie), Sillabub, Skimbleshanks, Tantomile, Tumblebrutus, and Victoria. That’s only twelve.
Now, they could’ve had Munkustrap be a beetle, but he’s not as much of a dance character as the others and he’s so prominent as a leader that he’d stand out too much as one of a larger group. Demeter and Bomba are dancers, but they’re in the Gumbie Trio. Tugger doesn’t show up until his own number and he’s not always a dancer. Mistoffelees was the only remaining dance cat.
It made sense to have Munkustrap sing lead in the narrator role and it made sense for Misto to be a dancer, because that’s like 90% of what he does.
So, on Broadway and in most Broadway-based productions, Misto was a beetle. However, he never was in London. Even when he was no longer singing Gumbie Cat, Misto wasn’t a beetle. The switch to having Munkustrap sing Gumbie Cat happened very late in the show’s run and they already had plenty of other characters to be beetles, so Misto just opened the car and left.
And then we have the tap-off. When Misto sang Gumbie Cat, he interrupted the Beetles Tattoo to challenge Jenny to a tap-off, because he’s a competitive show-off like that. It wasn’t in-character for Munkustrap to do this and Broadway wanted to shorten some of the numbers, so the tap-off was just cut from that version and most based on it.
According to the Cats Wiki, the last London Misto to do the tap-off was Louie Spence, who played Misto from late 1998 to mid-1999. Munkustrap started singing Gumbie Cat in London in 1996.
If I’ve got the timeline right, that means that there was a period of time when London used something like the Vienna version of the tap-off. Only most Broadway-based productions cut the tap-off. Vienna-based productions used a different version of it. Munkustrap sang Gumbie Cat, but one of the beetles would challenge Jenny to a tap-off later on. In Vienna, a character called Quaxo (separate from Misto) was basically created for that purpose. In Amsterdam, Paris, and Zurich, the cat who did the tap-off was just whoever happened to be the best tap dancer in the cast at any given time. This character who be credited as both themselves and as Quaxo, similar to the Rumpus Cat.
I’m guessing that London between 1996 and 1999, since there wasn’t any room for Misto to be a beetle, but they still wanted him in the number, might’ve had Misto crash the party in the middle of the Beetles Tattoo to challenge Jenny to a tap off, even though he otherwise had nothing to do in the number. Outside of him not being a beetle, this would work like the Vienna production.
1998 probably didn’t do the tap-off for a combination of three reasons:
1. They were trying to phase the tap-off out onstage anyway. They just hadn’t found something else for Misto to do yet and they wanted him in the number, because it’d been his number for so long.
2. Being a Broadway Misto, Jacob Brent didn’t know the tap-off choreography and it was easier to cut the tap-off than have him learn it on a tight schedule.
3. Time. They cut quite a bit of the Beetles Tattoo for time.
After London got rid of the tap-off, they changed Misto’s role in the number. He assists Munkustrap throughout the number and at the end of the Beetles Tattoo, he joins the beetles alongside the Gumbie Trio, something Munk had done before. In clips of London in 2001, that’s what they were doing and most London-based productions after London closed did the same.
As far Misto keeping his assistant role in productions with smaller casts, without Electra, Etcetera, or George around, they were down three. Two of them could be replaced with Jemima and Skimble. Productions from this era started adding Electra back into their casts, so that would make thirteen. I’m guessing that anyone who didn’t do that was just cool with having fewer beetles than normal. The US Tours that cut Coricopat and Tantomile certainly would’ve had to, so it’s not like it’s impossible.
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
With the redesigns for Mistoffelees and Bill Bailey in the 2022 international tour, I... might actually start calling this Bill by the name Tumblebrutus again. 👀 Because that basically is where most of this design comes from. Remains to be seen whether they change his personality at all to make him Less Baby, as he was in the Broadway tradition? Probably not unless there's going to be substantial changes to blocking and track distribution.
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Anyway this means that, in his Cats career, Aaron Hunt has played a) a cat named Tumblebrutus who looks like Bill Bailey (Oasis), b) a cat named Bill Bailey who looks like Bill Bailey (previous international tour and Vienna), and a cat named Bill Bailey who looks like Tumblebrutus (new int tour). 🤭
For today's extra challenge, let's see if I end up thinking of Misto's chorus and solo costumes as two separate characters... the return of the Quaxo??
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jelliclesideblog · 3 years
Trying to come up with a family tree for my headcanons and boy does this get complicated ajsj
I don’t know how to insert a read more on mobile so be warned: long fucking headcanon post incoming
I hc the Jellicles as viewing sex and romance somewhat separately, so while there are several in committed romantic relationships, of which some are sexual relationships and some aren’t, there are also a lot of pairings that were purely sexual.
I’m only mentioning committed relationships and ones that resulted in children for the purposes of this post, because otherwise this would get Even Longer
Old Deut and Grizzabella had both types of relationship, for a while at least. Macavity and Tugger are their children.
Old Deut also had a sexual relationship with an unnamed white cat, which resulted in Munkustrap (making him and Tugger and Macavity half-siblings).
This white cat also had a sexual relationship with Bustopher at one point, resulting in Victoria and Alonzo (who are also half siblings with Munk, but not related at all to Tugger or Macavity).
Bustopher and Jenny had a sexual relationship (she would have liked it to be romantic, but it isn’t yet) which resulted in Demeter.
Jenny also had a relationship with Skimble (sexual and briefly romantic, but they’ve both since moved on) which resulted in Mungo and Teazer, Plato, and Etcetera.
Jenny and Jelly love each other romantically but not sexually.
Asparagus and Jelly have a committed, long-term sexual and romantic relationship, which has resulted in George, Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, and Electra.
Jelly is Gus’s daughter-in-law, Asparagus is Gus’s son.
Misto and Quaxo are brothers, who come from a line of show cats from another area. They aren’t related to any Jellicles.
Bomba isn’t related to anyone in the Jellicles, and has a committed sexual and romantic relationship with Demeter
Demeter had a sexual fling with Tugger, which resulted in Jemima (probably the least popular of my relationship headcanons—but I really like this idea. Demeter is a loving mother while Tugger is fairly absent, but since cats raise their children communally, this isn’t really a problem. Tugger was quite young when it happened and wasn’t really ready to be a father. There aren’t any hard feelings about this. Yes we have to ignore Jemima’s fawning in Tugger’s song for this to make sense and not be weird)
Coricopat and Tantomile are twins, of course, but not related to any other cat present.
Cassandra is not related to any other cat present.
Tugger and Misto have a very committed sexual and romantic relationship, but it’s not exclusive. Misto doesn’t have relationships with other cats, but Tugger does. There’s not much in the way of jealousy, though.
Teazer and Tanto have a committed sexual and romantic relationship (although they’re still in the flirting stage)
Mungo and Alonzo have a committed relationship which is sexual and close, but not romantic.
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theimpossiblescheme · 4 years
Out of the blue ask, but I was curious - you've laid out a couple of familial headcanons for the cats, and I really like them, and I was wondering if you could share some more with us!
I would be happy to!  Some of these I’ve had since I first watched the 1998 movie when I was eight years old, and some of them have evolved over time, but here’s what I have...
Getting the controversial out of the way--Demeter and Bombalurina are half-sisters.  This is my oldest headcanon, and it’s actually one of the only things my sister and I can agree on regarding the show.  Both of them had relationships in the past with Macavity that resulted in daughters.  For Demeter, it was Jemima and Zyleta and Fraszka from the 2004 Warsaw production.  For Bombalurina, it was Electra.  All four of them have been adopted by Munkustrap, and while Demeter still has a motherly role in her children’s lives, Bomba was a bit nervous about her own maternal instincts since she never really bonded with Electra when she was small and took on a cool aunt/big sister role instead.
Munkustrap also adopted Sillabub after she was orphaned.
Grizabella and Old Deuteronomy are the parents of Macavity and Rum Tum Tugger.  Munkustrap is still the middle child between the two, but he was born to Deuteronomy and a different queen named Iphegenia, who was once a part of Gus’s theater troupe with Grizabella.
Speaking of Gus, his children are Asparagus, Jellylorum, and Mirza (my name for the Tabbygirl swing queen).
Jellylorum and Jenyanydots’ children are Mungojerrie and Etcetera.  They also took in Plato and Socrates from the 2019 movie.
Asparagus and Skimbleshanks’ children are Rumpleteazer and Tumblebrutus.
Mistoffelees and Alonzo are both Bustopher Jones’s nephews--his eldest sister, Alonzo’s mother, was killed in a car accident, but the younger sister,  Misto’s mother, is still very much alive.  Alonzo has also adopted Carbucketty.
Victor is also one of Misto’s uncles.
Pouncival (separate from Carbucketty) and George are brothers who are more or less communally raised by all the adults in the Junkyard.
Coricopat and Tantomile are Hathor’s children--they get their psychic abilities from her, except theirs are much stronger.
Olivia the swing queen and the golden-brown version of Quaxo from the Vienna/Australasian productions are brother and sister.
Gilbert is the son of the Rumpus Cat, whom I always imagine as looking like the white and grey tom from the Shiki production.
Grumbuskin and Jonathan from the Chinese production are brothers.
The ones who don’t have family in the Junkyard are Cassandra, Admetus, Bill Bailey (separate from Tumblebrutus), Noilly Prat, Murad, AJ, Greycat, NBQ, Spike, Caramel, Victoria, Caligola from the Italian Tour production, and Fantazia and Sierściuch from the Warsaw production.  The kittens are also raised communally by the other adults in the Tribe.
And there you have it--my personal Jellicle family headcanons! 
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flame-x · 2 years
Do you have any familial headcanons you really like?
Gosh so many.
I really like my version of Munkustrap's family (and by saying my version, i just mean his family in my au).
I am so sorry this turns into more than what the ask was.
tw: mentions of attempted murder, banishment, forceful taking away(?), death, abandonment and dog attack
His parents are Old Deuteronomy and Isis. Isis was a queen Old Deuteronomy fell madly in love with and she was the last of his 99 wives and the one he loved the most (hehe tradgedy approaches). Isis was his sun (even though the Ancient Egytian goddess Isis was actually a goddess of the moon) and she brought light and real love into his life. She wasn't just a fling, like most of his other "wives" had been (ehehe young deut being a player like tugs hc my beloved). She was It for him. Deuteronomy was her moon. He brought her peace and a guiding light to what was best for them (maybe one day i'll give more on that). She had been slow to fall for him, never believing he was serious, but eventually he showed her he was. She had Macavity first, of course. God, he brought new feelings into their lives, feelings of love that filled your chest and made you feel as if you could burst of pride. He was a gifted and handsome little cat, and Isis and Deuteronomy knew he'd do spectacular things one day. They knew they wanted to grow their little family, but they could take their time, right? They had all the time in the world. (spoiler: no they didnt >:D) Then (maybe two human years later?) she had Munkustrap. More feelings swelling their chests, and Macavity was great with his little brother (well at the start, anyway) - a great relief to them. He was delighted to have a playmate! He quickly got bored of the little grey tom though, realising Munk was content to sit and listen to the Elders' stories or watch Demeter shyly from afar. One year later, Tugger is born, and gosh isn't he a little menace, although a lovable one. By this point though, Macavity has become reclusive and secretive. Isis doesn't like it, but she's reassured by the other queens that sometimes older tomkittens bordering on young tomhood can be like this, so she doesn't really... try to step in. Meanwhile, Munkustrap is essentially perfect. Everyone prefers him, everyone. There's already stories about his ability to captivate his audience, even when it's just him excitedly telling them about a bug he found in his ear this morning. This is what's been driving Macavity mad. Here he is, magically gifted, and yet everyone prefers Munkustrap. That's where it all starts to go downhill. One night, about four human months after Tugger is born, Isis returns to her human home and is never seen or heard from again. With great sadness, Sibylla, who'd lived next door, informs Deuteronomy that Isis' owners had moved away, and had taken her with them, not knowing they were taking her away from her young family and her tribe.
Deuteronomy is never the same again. He folds in on himself, Macavity becomes more derailed, Munkustrap winds up with increased pressure on his shoulders, and Tugger grows up a wild and uncontrollable tom.
Then head protector Ramses himself takes Munkustrap under his wing and Macavity fucking blows his top. That was supposed to be his job, not Munkustrap's. He tries to kill Munkustrap. Alonzo intervenes, saving the grey tom's life and as a result of the attempted murder, Old Deuteronomy has to banish Macavity. Demeter goes with him, breaking Munk's heart. (This all happened about ten (10) human months after Isis' disappearance)
It's nearly 2 full human years later, and Munkustrap (who's about 4 in human years) finds himself adopting little Misto and Quaxo, who's mother, Noilly Prat (also Alonzo's mother, who's about three) has just recently died from a car. Soon after (maybe two months?) he adds little abandoned Victoria to his small family.
Then more tragedy strikes. Ramses and Sibylla are killed in a shocking and brutal Pollicle dog attack, and Munkustrap finds himself as Head Protector with three young kittens, no mate and having to choose a second ASAP.
Anyway, time continues on, and it's about a human year and a half before Grizabella's Ball and Demeter and the chaos twins arrive back to the tribe. She and Munk become mates and have Sillabub and Jemima. :)
Anyway, some other family hcs I like are: -Alonzo, Misto and Vic as siblings, Bustopher as their uncle -Jelly and Asparagus are siblings and Gus is their dad -Tumble and Pounce are brothers
thank you again for the ask! <3
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gregrulzok · 3 years
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Cats (1998) Family Tree.
Why? Because I am obsessed with Cats. 
Some other notes:
Tantomile was selected as Munkustrap’s mate purely because I thought Jemima and Victoria should both be related to Grizabelle, but they were too special to be another of Tugger’s litter.
Tantomile & Coricopat and Cassandra & Exotica all joined the tribe from the outside. 
Macavity is NOT part of the tribe, he is only listed here to serve as Demeter’s mate, and father to Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, and Plato. (If you didn’t know, Plato is played by the same actor as Macavity, hence the relation. 
Similarly, The Great Rumpus Cat isn’t part of the tribe, hence not pictured. 
George, Asparagus, Bombalurina and Demeter are all littermates, it was just hard to capture here.
On the other hand, Plato is from a separate litter than Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. 
Quaxo is Mister Mistofelees. Misto isn’t actually credited in the 1998 version, Quaxo is. Here, it’s assumed that Misto is a stage name for the cat Quaxo. 
Alonzo is projected to be the tribe’s next leader after Munkustrap, respected due to his relation to Bustopher Jones. 
It’s not very clear, but the elders are ONLY Old D, Grizabella and Gus, while Jellyorum, Jennyanydots, Skimble and Bustopher are all Mature. 
THIS IS ALL FAN-MADE AND FAN-SPECULATED. The only real canon relation we’re aware of is that Tantomile and Coricopat are (probably) siblings, that Demeter (probably) got with Macavity at some point, and that Rum Tum Tugger and Munkustrap are brothers. The rest was made up by me. Takt it with a pinch of salt. 
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amethyst-labyrinth · 4 years
And speaking of Macskák musical in it Quaxo and Misto are separate characters, but I really love Quaxo’s design and couldn't help thinking that’s how Cat Morgan would look if he had been in the musical and since I HC him as Misto’s dad and they had him paired up the black and white queen...I give you Cat Morgan! Or not! LOL
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mortimers-cross · 5 years
Cats the Musical Headcanons
Every character with different names in different productions (but with the same costume) is in fact a twin. Twins. Set of twins. Who happen not to appear in the room at the same time and you never know which one you’re seeing.
-Plato and Admetus
-Jemima and Sillabub
-Carbuckety and Pouncival
-Quaxo and Mistoffelees
...Etc., any others I’m forgetting.
This of course does not apply when Quaxo/Misto’s name is “Quaxo, Otherwise Known as Magical Mr Mistoffelees.”
It also does not apply in productions that happen to use both names for separate characters in their casts. 
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flame-x · 2 years
The One With The Toy Ballerina
Mungotoria oneshot- not too long after Mungo and Teazer left to work for Macavity. Victoria arrived to the Junkyard a while before they left and alternates her time between living there and living with her adoptive father (Munkustrap) and brothers (Misto and Quaxo).
It's like... a teeny bit angsty at the end
Mungojerrie had lost Rumpleteazer a while ago. It was a mad dash to escape the house— down the stairs, through the cellar, up on the counter and out the window into the night, their sacks full of stolen trinkets and goodies. They hadn’t even taken anything major. But the dog —a Pollicle, he remembered as he scaled another wall, lip curling in contempt— who apparently had free reign of the house that night had somehow followed them out the window. They’d both panicked— he had no idea how such a big dog was able to fit through such a tiny window. 
Rumpleteazer had taken off in a flurry, leaping over the wall closest to her into the neighbouring back garden. Mungojerrie, however, wouldn’t have put it past the Pollicle to be able to make that jump. So he took off running along the alley, tail streaming and sack banging against his back, past the dog— as a distraction. The dog, of course, came after him because he was the intruder who would be easiest to catch. And so the chase began. 
Though disappointingly, but not surprisingly, it hadn’t been a very long chase. A few blocks, a few well-timed turns and he’d lost the brute. Unfortunately, he now didn’t know where he was. 
“Everlasting cat, Macavity’s gonna kill us for this one,” he muttered to himself, scaling a low brick wall overlooking a Georgian-era house. He was in an older, posher part of the city, then— perhaps the part where Munkustrap lived? If that was the case, he'd better get out of there sharpish. Grumbling, he slowly retraced his steps, enjoying the temporary, though dangerous freedom. He was sauntering along the top of another low wall when he saw a flash of white from inside one of the windows out of the corner of his eye. 
It was a dancer, a beautiful one. He stared, mesmerised before shaking himself. He hesitated, looking in the direction he was headed before jumping off the wall and approaching the window slowly— he didn’t want to draw attention to himself. The window was a low one, and if he set down his sack and went on his tiptoes, he could just see in. And what he saw was something he’d never seen before, and would likely never see again.
The white cat was the most graceful and elegant dancer he’d ever seen. She made it look effortless— every single one of her movements was smooth and fluid. By the Heaviside Layer. Then she whirled around and he saw her face, and it was a face he recognised. Victoria. He swore to himself and crouched down. Had she seen him? 
Taking a deep breath and deciding his wish to catch sight of her dancing again was greater than the risk of being caught, he rose onto his tiptoes once more. Her eyes were closed in concentration. No risk of being seen then— he spoke too soon. Her eyes flew open as she missed a step and they made eye contact. Mungojerrie cursed again as her mouth formed a little “o” of surprise.
He grabbed his sack and raced for the wall as Victoria dashed off to find her owners— presumably so they’d let her out and she could go and tell the Junkyard cats she’d spotted him. He paused behind the wall, knowing he had time before her owners would realise she wanted to go out. He stuck a paw into his sack, fishing for something he was now glad he'd decided to grab. He left it on top of the wall and ran like the wind, leaping and bounding over walls.
When Victoria’s humans eventually let her out —don’t get her wrong, she loved them but everlasting cat, Quaxo wasn’t wrong when he said they were dumb— there was no sign of Mungojerrie. Feeling the heavy disappointment settle in her chest, she searched, sniffing for traces of his scent (all she could smell was Pollicle dog), one last time around the garden. 
There were so many things she’d wanted to ask the young, tiger-striped tom. Where’s Rumpleteazer? Why did you leave? Is what the other cats are saying true— is Macavity really your father? And she’d wanted to tell him —to make sure he knew— that he and Rumpleteazer were missed around the Junkyard. That she missed them. That if they came back, they’d be welcomed back with open paws (at least by the cats who mattered).
As she jumped up onto the wall to search for a trace of his scent one last time, she spotted something odd wedged next to a brick at the base of the wall on the street side. She leapt down for a closer look and eased it out. 
It was a little toy ballerina, and it smelled like Mungojerrie.
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flame-x · 2 years
Current Cast List For The Still Unnamed AU
Bill Bailey
Bustopher Jones
Noilly Prat
Old Deuteronomy
Rum Tum Tugger
Those are the main ones so far. Not all of them are important. If there's a name you don't recognise, they're probably a swing from some production I stole the name from.
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