unluckycl0v3r · 5 years
Queenie x Reader: A Winter Wonderland
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A/N: OH my god, this is probably as late as it could possibly be. I will not spare you any excuses because it honestly does not matter, just know that your request has been deeply appreciated. I loved this request so much and I struggled a lot with this concept, mostly because I haven’t written anything like this before. Plus Queenie is such a complex character to write that it amazes me that I was even able to do this. Despite the fact you may have forgotten this request, or you’re just some stranger looking for some late night reads, I truly hope you enjoy this. BTW, if you don’t know, I started writing this in like July and finished about 90% of it. I have just finished this 10%. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year’s everybody!!
Requested by: @badeeaswife​ you are a lovely human being I hope you know
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia, mentions of abuse nothing too graphic I don’t even think there’s cursing in this. This is supposed to be a stupid fluffy Christmas story xD. Also the last 10% isn’t edited lol I’m sorry I’m lazy and ig that counts as a warning
Walking into the dining area of the orphanage in which you live and work in, the kids you take care of are a little rowdier and louder than they usually are. A smile was brought to your face when you realize exactly why, the news finally broke out to the kids. Of course, the other staff and head of the orphanage could no longer hold the news. 
“Settle down, kids, settle down.” You said softly as you stand in front of the room where everyone could see you. The kids quieted down, a few whispers still lingered but that never bothered you, and their eyes found yours. “Yes, the news is true. This year we will be holding our very own winter formal!” The orphanage was erupted in cheers and your smile brightened, along with the other staff in the room. When the room quieted again, you continued, “We have found the funds to have our own theme for the dance, and found volunteers at a close by no-maj school to come in and help out!” More cheers came from the room and all the hard work you put in the past few months have fully been worth it for this reaction. 
A few years ago after growing up your whole life in an orphanage, you decided to invest in your own orphanage to help avoid the abuse you experienced and witnessed. It would be the first orphanage to home kids of magical background. It was a hard investment considering you were a woman, but you weren’t always alone to take care of everything. With your friend William Tran who helped with funds and investments, you found the staff to give your children an education of magic and no-maj lessons you found important, and cooks to give your children meals. At first it started off very small with one or two children you had to take care of with your friend, but it soon turned into a huge facility. The number of children were still relatively small, just around thirty, and throughout all the years you have had no luck in finding much funds to plan fun events for the kids. Though, as your facility grows, you began receiving more funds and even some donations! After some raising some donations and keeping the secret from the kids for months as to not get their hopes up, you were finally able to officially plan a winter formal dance for your kids. 
“It is all ages, so even our little ones can come, but only our year 8’s are able to have dates.” You clear up politely and find a table with the staff to finish your breakfast. You made it all ages because you weren’t sure if you were able to do this every year. You wanted to have something special for everybody there. You felt the kids deserved this, especially the older ones. 
Being an orphan yourself, you knew the hardships it came from being tossed around from one severely religious orphanage to another. It came with shame and abuse, and you knew once you became smart enough and old enough that you couldn’t let another kid face those same hardships. Especially those with magical abilities such as yourself. So with William Tran, you created your very own safe place for children.
Your orphanage was growing again because the magical school near your home was letting out for winter break and the kids there with no home will be coming back to spend winter break with you. You understand how disappointing it is to come to a place with no family of your own, and feeling left out. You can’t personally get every child a gift of their own, so you thought at the very least you could give them a celebration to remember. 
That afternoon, with some volunteers at your orphanage, you and the staff make your way to the no-maj school that has offered up their gymnasium for winter break. Some of the staff greeted you with smiles and hugs that made everyone feel so welcome and they wasted no time taking out their supplies to help with decorations. Somehow decorating was one of the most difficult things of this whole event because it’s the part you wanted to be perfect for the kids. 
For hours everyone put up streamers, fairy lights, and props to make the gymnasium feel like the perfect winter formal. By the evening when the sun started to set, it was decided they would continue tomorrow. With the actual dance looming only a week away, you start becoming nervous about it. When you get back to the orphanage, you sit at the desk in your room and start brainstorming what food and drinks to serve there within the budget. You wanted your children to be absolutely spoiled this winter. 
The next few days feel like blurs between supervising and putting together the dance. You are pretty much a mess when it’s almost 8 in the evening and it’s completely dark out, starting to snow outside, and you’re still in the gymnasium of the no-maj school when your friend and colleague comes up behind you. 
“It’s getting late, (y/n)” He says and you jump in surprise, almost falling from the ladder you were standing on and dropping the decorations you were holding. You blushed in embarrassment from being so startled and get off the latter to collect the items you dropped. Will drops down next to you to help. 
“I know, but I’ll stay back just a little longer.” You promise and Will gives you a wry smile. 
“You’ve been working non stop for these kids, (Y/N/N). Have you done anything for yourself recently?” You look at him quizzically, not understanding the problem he was concerned with. Sure, you worked hard and long, but you aren’t burnt out yet. Nervous, sure, but not very overwhelmed. Soon over half of your kids will be leaving again for school and you want to give them a break to remember. 
“Something for myself? Like what?” It was a rhetorical question, you weren’t actually concerned in what you could be doing for yourself. It was one of the things that were never your concerned with in the first place. But of course what comes with a question will always be followed up with an answer. 
“Like… do you know what you’re wearing for this formal you’re spending so much time on preparing?” Will asks, and his handsome face is scrunched up waiting for an answer. He hasn’t shaved his face since yesterday and blonde stubble is coming in on his chin. His hair is combed back and he’s dressed relatively nice. You realize that you actually haven’t thought about what you would wear or your actual involvement in the formal, which was now tomorrow. William saw the panic set into your face as your eyes widened. 
“Oh, shoot! I don’t know what to wear!” You shout and begin pacing back and forth from where you stood. Will laughed at your melodramatic attitude and grabbed you by the shoulders to steady you. Your breathing has quickened, and Will desperately hopes you won’t fall into your episodes of hyperventilating. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Will soothes, rubbing his hand along the forearm comfortingly. “I know someone who can help.” 
“What? Who?” Your voice is strained and you’re trying not to cry. You focused so much on the event being perfect you forgot to make yourself perfect too. You are the face of this dance. You don’t want people thinking you don’t care about this event just because you weren’t able to get dressed up. But here Will is, stress free and smiling comfortingly. 
“Her name is Queenie Goldstein and she’s an old friend of mine. She’s very talented. It’s almost like she can read your mind.” You start to calm down significantly as Will gives you this information. 
“What about cost? How much am I having to pay?” Will shakes his head and his smile widens. 
“Don’t worry about that.” You begin to argue but he cuts you off. “I’ll call her tonight and she can work on you tomorrow. 
“But that’s not enough time!” You say, starting to worry again. 
“(Y/N), she’s magic. It’ll be done just in time for the dance.” He assures you and you finally nod in agreement to his plan. Even more reluctantly, he had you clean up and out of the school sooner than you would have liked to. “Everyone will get the dance set up in plenty of time tomorrow.” Then ushers you into his car to drive you home and put you to bed as if you were a toddler. You would be angry, but secretly you liked feeling taken care of like this. You wouldn’t admit it, but he made you feel safe and comfortable. So, that night you slept better than you have all week barely worried for when you had to meet this mysterious woman in the morning.
The next morning you wake up just before dawn as you usually do and continue with your morning routine as usual, the anxiety of meeting this Queenie still in the back of your mind. You’re starting to get antsy, but try not to push Will, you don’t want to seem panicked like yesterday. Finally, after waking up at the kids in the morning and serving them breakfast, Will comes up to you with the same easygoing smile he always carries. 
“Queenie is ready to see you.” He informs, slipping you a piece of paper with her address on it. 
“Now?” You ask as if you haven’t been waiting for this all morning and were inconvenienced. 
“Hurry along, she’s a busy woman.” He winks at you and sits back at his table to finish breakfast. You try not rush your eating since you try to be an example for the kids, but you can’t help it when you end breakfast just a few minutes early and usher the kids to their usual chore schedule. Of course, you let them off early to prepare the dance and assigned certain staff to watch over certain kids, so it wasn’t a problem that you up and left everyone. Plus, you were sure Will would keep things from going up in flames. He has always been able to think on his feet during disasters. 
Finally arriving at the apartment that Will had written on the paper, you were about to knock on the door when it swings wide open. You were taken aback by it, but then completely starstruck when the woman behind the door smile a dazzling smile that had you practically drooling. This woman… how could you even describe her? She was slim and graceful, radiating such a calm… almost hypnotizing aura. Her hair was light blonde and curly hair that came just to her chin, and she had one dimple on one of her cheeks. It made her seem even more charming. Then there were her eyes… they were like an emerald jewel glistening in the sun. She was definitely the most magnificent woman you had ever laid your eyes upon. You saw Queenie’s cheeks tint pink as her beautiful and luscious, pink lips stretched as she began to speak. 
“Hello, dear. You must be, (Y/N)?” She kept her smile big and tight and blinked at her a few times. 
“Yes, I’m (Y/N), and you’re Queenie? The mind reading dressmaker?” A giggle escaped Queenie at your joke seemingly before you even spoke it, but it didn’t weird you out since the only thing you could focus on was how beautiful the sound was. You wanted to record it and play it like music. Oh, god, you wanted to run away. You wanted to close the door and run away because it was specifically these thoughts that made you suffer growing up. The shame and the guilt crashes down on you as you take in Queenie’s beauty, and you see Queenie’s smile falter for a second before turning up sympathetically and placing her hand on your arm.
“Come in, honey. We have a lot of work to do before that cute little dance of yours.” Her smile was welcoming and it made you even more guilty for things you were thinking. You felt like she was now a victim to your criminalizing thoughts. She didn’t seem as distraught as you as she gently laid her hand on your arm and pulled you into the apartment. 
The apartment is bright and elegantly spacial as Queenie lead you past the livingroom and kitchen and brings you into a smaller room filled with cloth with mirrors and measuring tapes. Queenie leads you onto a light colored wooden stand that faces three mirrors. Looking at yourself, you feel suddenly embarrassed and look away before noticing the small blush that creeps onto your face. 
“Hm, what color, what color?” Queenie hums to herself as multicolored cloth is seen flying by your heads. “Oh yes, of course!” You don’t understand how she already knows what color to make your dress, but she continues focusing anyhow. You hear sewing machine turn on itself as cloth floats over to it and sews itself up. 
“So, how do you know Will?” You decide to ask once you feel comfortable staring at your shoes, so you don’t have to stare at yourself or the beautiful woman standing behind you. If you could see her, you’d see that a reminiscent smile finds its way onto her lips that shows her cute little dimple. 
“We dated many moons ago. He was a sweet boy.” She says softly and you feel your stomach drop. You feel disappointed, but you can’t really place as to why. Suddenly you feel a slim arm wrap around your waist and the young woman’s hands gently caressing your stomach. You look down to see a light colored measuring tape, but the touch still made you blush. “Don’t worry, darling. That’s long over now. No more competition for you.” Queenie pulls her hand back and gently touches your waist as she does so. It makes you shiver and the words make your stomach do flips. A floating clipboard and pen floats next to the both of you, jotting down your measurements. It feels like she can read your thoughts
“He talked about you a lot, you know. He felt like a protective older brother.” You smile at Queenie’s words, remembering you and Will as young kids trying to make it through together. Queenie then measured down your body and the width of your arm. 
“He always felt like a protective older brother. I always felt safer when he was around.” The beautiful young woman behind you smiles from your smile you two seem to share a moment. You looking at her and her looking at you, and it feels like you both are falling into each other. The stare makes you feel lightheaded and you can’t decide whether it’s from her drowning stare or if you’re dehydrated. Oh, you’re dehydrated, alright. All the water is in her eyes and you want to drink it all up. 
Queenie coughs into her arm to break eye contact and you see a hint of pink on her cheeks. “So, Ms. (L/N), do you have a date for your dance tonight?” By now the sewing machine in the room is going rampant and the lady behind you is doing nothing but twirling your hair very lightly and holding your shoulder, the yellow tape still in her hand. You clear your throat and smile. 
“It’s not my dance to bring a date.” You answer cripictly 
“Oh, but you want to bring a date, don’t you?” You can see Queenie through the large mirrors in front of the two of you and you see her smile brighten and her hands on your shoulders tightened. Yes, of course you do. “Yes, of course you do!” She giggles, speaking the words right out of your head. You’re so taken aback that you blush darkly. 
“I never said that.” You turn to look back at her again defensively, and she only giggles again. 
“Who is he?” She’s about to answer her own question with a guess, but stops herself short and gasps. “It’s… not a he, is it?” You’re blushing again and you suddenly feel very hot. How does she know? She couldn’t know… 
“I have to go.” You say suddenly, barely above a whisper, as you tear away from her grasp and start for the door. You don’t see the troubled, almost offended, look that falls upon Queenie’s face. 
“But your dress isn’t ready!” She exclaims feeling anxious and horrible for making you feel uncomfortable. She follows you out of the room and through the main hall. 
“I’ll pick it up when it is.” You say louder, more definitive and confident than before. 
“Hey, please wait.” Queenie pleads and reaches for your hand. Even though she hardly grabs you, you stop and turn to look at her. Your confidence immediately crumbles to shame as you look down to avoid her eyes. Those wretched eyes trying to pull you in. Like a tide, you try to avoid its’ current. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” She soothes, you close your eyes when you feel her fingertips lightly pull the hair away from your face. It’s so soft and comforting you almost leaned into the touch. “No, there’s nothing wrong with you.” She reassures you, moving her hand so her thumb now gently caresses your cheek. “Of course I’ll go with you. I was hoping you’d ask.” 
You furrow your eyebrows quizzically and open your eyes to find her smiling sheepishly. “How did you-?” 
“Legilimency.” She answers directly. Your cheeks darken again and you smile, a dark chuckle coming from you. 
“So, you knew.” It wasn’t a question. Despite her attempt at reassurance, you still felt ashamed for the strong feelings for this woman. 
“No, not at first.” She said honestly, dropping her hand from your cheek when she feels she’s offended you. You feel her hand trail down your arm and when she gets to your hand, her fingers play with yours. Cautious, like she’s waiting for your reaction. You don’t give one. “I could hear some thoughts, but for awhile I thought they were about Will.” She drops her hand completely this time and she looks almost nervous. “But maybe I was just blind from my sudden attraction to you as well.” 
A silence falls upon the two of you, but it’s not awkward. It’s another moment when your eyes meet hers and you can’t help but smile. “This isn’t weird?” 
Queenie seems so genuine when she holds your hand and looks into your eyes then says, “No, this isn’t wrong.” Because she knows the question you’re really thinking and she also feels the same way about how everyone will react when they find out. 
“Then, no mind reading help anymore,” You start, and she smiles when she resists herself from correcting you. “Will you be my date to the Winter Formal?” 
“Well, my, my, I have never been more honored to accompany you.” A ding from the sewing room was heard along with the silence from the machine. “Ooh! Your dress is ready!” 
You had arrived to the winter formal a few hours before the dance was supposed to begin to make sure everything was in order. The minute you walk in, you were amazed. The room looked so much better than you could have ever imagined. Starting with fairy lights hung all across the ceiling, and paper snowflakes hanging all over. The food trays were being brought in with all the goodies one could want. The kids were being fed dinner before the formal so you wouldn’t have to worry about them being hungry either. A live band was being hired for the event and where he was going to perform was currently being set up. You were so proud of the event you were holding and so excited for the kids to be able to experience this. 
As the kids began to arrive, the winter formal seem all the more magical, despite the fact that most of it was done without magic. The only problem was the dance has been going on for an hour and you’re still alone. You tried not to be too disappointed by that, but watching the other kids dance around with their dates made you feel all the more lonely. Not only that, but if Queenie did show up, what would the kids say about her? It’s not she ever discussed her sexuality to her kids or any kind of romance for that matter. 
You tried to rationalize in your head that even if your date stood you up, at least your kids wouldn’t hate you for your sexuality. That made you relax some, and you enjoyed seeing everybody dance around so happily. 
“What are you doing standing here all alone?” You turn your head to find Will standing next to you. You return your gaze to the dance floor. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” Will chuckled and smiled a bit. 
“Well, may I have this dance then?” Will stands in front of you and offers his hand. Part of you is reluctant, mostly because you were saving yourself. Then you realized that if she wasn’t coming you’d be wasting all your time moping about it. 
“Oh, why not?” You decided and took his hand. He leads you to the middle of the dance floor where he proceeds to hold your hand with one hand, and put his other hand at your waste. You placed your hand on his shoulder and begin to dance. 
“I hope you aren’t too upset with Queenie. Sometimes she isn’t too good with plans.” He reassures and you’re reminded that he has had personal experience with her. He knows more about her than you ever will. 
“It’s quite alright. Nothing to fret about too much.” You shrug, and you meant it. It wasn’t like a super serious date. You asked her way last minute so technically she has the right to not show up. 
“Look at you, always being the strong type.” Will gives you a warm smile and suddenly you’re filled with warmth and magic that only Christmas can provide. Suddenly, will turn around and for a split second you’re confused, until you see who’s behind him. 
“Pardon my interruption, but I believe you’re dancing with my date.” There she was. Standing just behind Will was the most beautiful woman you had ever laid your eyes upon. She looked absolutely miraculous with her golden, curly hair pinned up against her head, wearing a tight red dress with a floral pattern etched in the lacing and the skirt of her dress hanging just below her waist, and read high heels to finish the look. You were stunned, starstruck, when you saw her. 
“Yes, of course, my apologies.” Will steps aside and Queenie steps forward in her place. 
“I hope you didn’t think I’d bail on you, honey.” Her voice sounded sweet, drenched in sugar, and you were hypnotized by her eyes once again. 
“I’m not going to lie, I was a bit afraid of that.” You admitted then she gave you a sympathetic smile and cupped your cheek with her hand, softly caressing it with her thumb. 
“I’d never leave you stranded like that.” Warmth and goosebumps traveled all through your body, and you felt like you were flying. Queenie then leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to your lips as you closed your eyes. Her lips were so soft and tasted so sweet that you instantly wanted more, but she pulled away. It was as if there were no kids, there was no dance, and it was just you and Queenie dancing idly under the sparkling snowflakes. You couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas gift.
A/N: Yes, I’m sorry this was soooo long, but I hope what lacked in time was made up for in content. Again, I really hope you enjoyed, and if anyone would like a request then please leave one. Even if it takes me 6 months to write. I love you all thank you for taking the time to read this <3
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fyeahfbimagines · 8 years
Queeniexreader when reader is sick but try to work but end up doing crazy things and Queenie have to look after her all day. Love your imagines btw
I love fluff so much my heart can't take the way she's take care for reader because she is super over protective
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fyeahfbimagines · 8 years
Can we have a Queeniexreader when the reader is an Auror and have a bad day at work when someone (maybe Abernathy) rumors about her. Queenie see it and have a little revenge for her without letting her knows but she still do. Plus a lot of pluff pls pls pls.
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fyeahfbimagines · 8 years
I sent this twice but don't know how it didn't come to you, I guess it's my terrible internet connection: Queeniexreader when reader is an auror but having a bad day at work because someone (maybe Abernathy) make rumours about you. Queenie saw it and decided to make a little revenge without telling you about it, but you still figure it out. And add a lot of fluff pleaseeee :D
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