#queermore updates
briannacarmel · 1 year
To stay in the loop, follow the Queermore updates tag!
Folks in this preview who are on tumblr: @xahferd @luhansihadin
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negativeohio · 1 year
We did a Metal cover of Paramore's "CrushCrushCrush" for this charity compilation! Check it out and be sure to buy the full thing!
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briannacarmel · 1 year
This is a compilation album of Paramore covers, by queer DIY bands, to raise money for queer rights.
The proceeds are now being donated to the ACLU instead of The HRC Foundation, as I was informed that HRC has a history of being shitty to trans folks.
Bands/artists involved who are on tumblr: @bloomingheads @luhansihadin @negativeohio @storybookplotholes @lokeigh @xahferd
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briannacarmel · 1 year
A lil preview of/update about the Queermore compilation album! 🌈🤘✨
Folks featured in this preview who have tumblr accounts: @storybookplotholes @negativeohio
For more info, see my Queermore updates tag!!
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briannacarmel · 1 year
Ohai, we'd like to join the Paramore Cover Songs charity compilation. We think doing a heavy version of CrushCrushCrush might be fun, so sign us up for that one. We're both trans and queer and completely independent with our music. Cheers!
Yoooo, u got it!! Consider crush×3 yours! Thank you!
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briannacarmel · 1 year
Please read below‼️
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are you a DIY band/musician?
are you or AT LEAST one of your bandmates LGBTQ+?
do you like Paramore enough to cover one of their songs?
Have I got the opportunity for you...
a compilation of covers by queer DIY bands
benefitting the HRC Foundation
curated by 916 Growth Gigs (that's me!)
I plan on getting this comp together for pride month, so the DEADLINE for cover song submissions is MAY 30TH
I made a google doc to document who's picked which songs -- right now, it's just my band @bloomingheads doing Running Out Of Time, my friend Lucy Broom doing Caught in the Middle, and a couple other pending picks.
If you'd like to submit a cover, shoot me a message and/or email the file to briannachm @ gmail.com !! Once again, the DEADLINE is MAY 30TH
Thx for reading, hope you're having a lovely day! 💞
EDIT: made a tag for updates!
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briannacarmel · 1 year
My name is Brianna Carmel. I am a 25-year old DIY musician + show promoter from Sacramento, CA who is in a few different projects.
I'd consider my main project to be my sadcore indie pop band, @bloomingheads.
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We're in the middle of recording our debut album, but we've been around for a couple years, technically since late 2018. In the two years that we played shows nonstop before our current recording hiatus, we've opened for bands like Walter Etc., Crywank, and Hoity-Toity.
Here is our song Axis Access, which we submitted to NPR's Tiny Desk Contest.
I also recently joined my bandmate Josiah's main project, @little-tiny-knife. This band is very much their brainchild, a chiptune folk punk act whose music has touched my heart since I met them in 2016.
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As you can see in a couple of these photos, LTK is technically a 3-piece; our bassist Jim is currently away doing Real Adult Things™️, but we're hoping for him to join us for our next show on April 2nd--we'll be opening for Local News Legend, with our friend Ash Bricky, at Golden Bear (21+).
Our debut single, Tired of Driving, is available now on spotify + bandcamp, and our next upcoming single, Roll Up Your Sleeves, is, quite frankly, a banger. Here's proof:
I'm also a solo artist in my spare time, I have been writing by myself since I was 16 and releasing my own music since I was 20.
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I consider myself a singer-songwriter with a folk punk soul. My most recent solo release, the Building Blocks EP, has been described by @musicshelfwithmustard as "deeply personal and vulnerable ... as each track builds up and escalates into situations that should make a human feel uncomfortable."
In addition to all of this, I book + promote DIY shows in the Sacramento-area, under the moniker 916 Growth Gigs. I imagine this info is useless to anyone who isn't a DIY band touring through Sacramento, but, under this moniker, I am in the process of curating a compilation album of Paramore covers by queer DIY bands, to be released on bandcamp during pride month this year. All proceeds will benefit the HRC Foundation.
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Currently, 16 tracks have been claimed, and it's looking to be a badass tracklist so far!
Here's a list of things I mainly post about // corresponding tags (may be updated as time goes on)...
@bloomingheads // #blooming heads
@little-tiny-knife // #little tiny knife
my solo project // #solo
my face/life stuff/thoughts I shoot into the void // #personal?
QUEERMORE comp album updates // #queermore updates
I also reblog posts about bands + media that I enjoy; Paramore is my special interest, I really enjoy nerdy shit like Doctor Who, Star Trek, various anime series, etc.
If you enjoy my content and would like to support me directly, consider supporting me on patreon for a mere $2/mo.?
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