thevisualdiaryofarg · 7 years
don’t let your virtual self be a slob
[00:06] nsterj:  I know I have been told. Once you know the better looking clothes are mesh, it is easy to spot non mesh clothes or cheap mesh clothes. By cheap I mean look not so good for mesh or don't fit good for mesh [00:07] nsterj: That part I learned by trial and error of buying cheaper mesh things that look ok in the pictures inworld and marketplace but where hard to make fit right and look good [00:08] iARG: does that difference affect how you feel about interacting in SL? [00:09] nsterj: Why? [00:09] iARG: just curious [00:11] nsterj: I mean it is nice to see someone care about making there avatar look decent and not look badly done. I mean some on here look like they don't care about that and their look could be better with more realistic better fitting clothes on their avatar. [00:15] nsterj: That is how sl is kind of like rl. Put a guy or woman in two different outfits and hair styles. Outfit A they look like slobs or like they are just old worn out clothes and a bad hair style. Oufit B the same person guy or woman, is cleaned up, classy clothes, not worn out or slob looking, and a nicely styled hair style. Which would you be more interested in getting to know or even attracted to? [00:16] nsterj: Remember it is the same person just done differently, like the before and after experiments people have done
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bellajennnella · 3 years
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Have you ever struggled with perfection?
The need to avoid failure at all costs. The feeling that you can't stop a certain task, chore, or work project until its done absolutely flawless. Maybe a burning desire to please everyone around you. Been late somewhere because you can't get your hair, make-up or outfit exactly as you think it should be? Or perhaps had overwhelming anxiety at stepping out to do something you've never done because it won't be,..."PERFECT?"
The quest for perfection can be exhausting.
I like to travel and take photographs of the landscape that I pass while I go. Memories I can then hang on my wall, save in a scrapbook... Forever.
My camera roll often ends up filled with 100-200 photos of the same day and same scenery because I will stare tirelessly at my phone screen, editing and saving each photo until my eyes are very nearly bleeding.
I change the lighting, crop the angles, zooming in and out. I edit the background focus, highlight the right focal points... Forgetting that I took the picture initially, because whatever I saw... Was already perfect in my eyes.
Thank you God! You are such a magnificent teacher! Even through three of the things I love the most. Photography, writing and travel, your gentle wisdom comes through and you continueteaching me.
I am not perfect. There, I said it. But we are all perfectly created through the eyes, the lense of God.
As Paul talks about in his letter to the Corinthians, in 2 Corinthians 12 he was given "a thorn in the flesh" to remind him or keep him from conceit.
He asked the Lord three times to remove it, and the Lord said "no, my grace is sufficient."
How many times have we done the same with our own human flaws, and cried out to God for not understanding why he doesn't.
Countless for me. But I'm learning to let go and trust.
While Ive experienced some embarrassment at some "less than up to par" moments in my life, I'm also learning that God shows up in miraculous ways and has the amazing capacity to bring good out of even cringe worthy moments in my life when I let go and let him.
I've also learned that by trusting in him and admitting my own imperfections, it makes me more relatable to others. I have seen the good that can come when I humble myself and admit my mistakes or flaws, because that provides me the opportunity to provide wisdom and encouragement to others.
If we all can admit to more of our flaws and be honest, open, accepting and kind with one another, we can build more loving relationships with one another.
That's the ultimate goal. That's what we all need to be striving for, because we are all already perfect in God's eyes... Through the focus of his camera lense!
#perfection #flaws #weakness #strength #Grace #humbling #Godscameralense #failure #questforperfection #exhausting
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Nobody is perfect; but we can try to be PERFECT. Yet no matter how close we are to PERFECTION, we must always keep our feet on the ground.
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