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I came across an old sketch of Miss Viola. Her room is on the same floor as the master bedroom because, as you may or may not know, Miss Viola sleepwalks. She always has. We decided long ago that she seems to enjoy it so we just let her do her thing. This night I was sneaking down the stairs to meet Blu when I caught a glimpse of her crawling on hands and knees into the master bedroom... so I followed. She went right into the walk-in closet where she would be safe, so I left her there. A little later Blu and I checked on her and this is what we saw. Now It’s an ongoing debate about what she is dreaming about. Blu Jay thinks she was doing a jigsaw puzzle, I say she is in a field searching for 4 leaf clover... some think she lost an earring or her spectacles. Maybe SHE is the one who is awake... She could be moving us around like the pieces on a board game. It’s one of those things the world may never know #tootsieroll #clue #sleepwalkingthroughlife #paralleluniverse #storytimethreads #themanor #missviola (at The Manor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBS9UW_lCcW/?igshid=1e70ojrkkyrsf
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The Ruminating Thoughts of an isolated, heterosexual, man learning to design women’s clothing. Entry 2:
Entry 2: “The Magical Power of Small Things”
I just finished a new design and showed my mother. Her response was that I put the buttons on the wrong side. She said that for women’s apparel, the buttons are placed on the opposite side from mens clothing.
I am aware of this. But i’m not perpetuating it. The button should be In the logical place based on the design, or on the side that is easiest to button for a right handed individual. Male or female.
Now, there is something else... something of gender equality and women’s rights. if you don’t understand the significance, I hope you can someday. Putting the bottom on a different side for women’s clothing, I would argue, is a major factor keeping women in the shadow of men. The reason is that all things in life are objects and symbols. We can easily use the button as a metaphor to aid in the understanding of more complex things. This is different. A physical object that is used in our daily routine is almost always taken for granted.
I will give you an example of how I experienced this phenomenon in my own life.
I was living in my little barn for 4 years and soon 4 years was becoming 5 years. I couldn’t stay there forever and I had learned what I needed to learn to face the world. But I couldn’t get myself to leave the barn.
My great friend Edward Jahn visited the barn at this time and I explained my Hangup. Something was keeping me from leaving I said. He took one look around the room and recognized what the problem was... the door knob:
See I broke my door knob Years prior and rather than replace it, I found a metal hook and screwed it into the door. It worked perfectly for years. My wise friend ordered me to remove the hook, rotate it 180 degrees and screw it back onto door.
After he left, I got a call from him in NYC with an opportunity to do an art show in Soho. Within a week I left the barn and never returned. The hook was a symbol. It was my hangup.
In conclusion, I hope designers can consider this as they move forward with their future products asking themselves what is more important... women’s rights or illogical tradition.
Lastly, to the people reading this, if you have issues in your life that seem insurmountable and insoluble, you are not alone. Just try to look for the little symbols effecting your big life problems. Understand that there is magical power in small things.
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The Ruminating Thoughts of an isolated, heterosexual, man learning to design women’s clothing.
Entry No.1
Do you know when girls wear the equivalent of a spork... you know, something between a mini skirt and a pair of shorts... but you can’t tell for sure. It lures our attention as this puzzle take priority over all things.
It is a good tactic which keeps a man interested in your crotch region.... However, there is a fatal flaw which I will bring into the light. Speaking from my own personal experience, I have found the garment in question turns out to be a pair of shorts disguised as a skirt 100% of the time.
In conclusion, a note to women seeking to attract men in this way: we all campaign in favor of a mini skirt.
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The Stotting Pivot / Part 1
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The Stotting Pivot / Part 1
If you haven’t seen a herd of gazelles jumping around, you should go right now and YouTube “Stotting Gazelle” - Don’t come back until you’ve experienced this odd and adorable animal behavior.  
Take a guess at why they do this… Various theories exist - none of which have been proven.  According to experts in gazelle behavior, leaping in the air gives them no tactical advantage whatsoever.  In fact, the opposite is said to be true... leaping into the air makes you more visible to predators and it offers no obvious evolutionary advantages.  
One theory is that by leaping high in the air they are demonstrating athleticism which in turn tells a predator they would be wasting their time trying to catch such fit prey.
Other explanations for stotting are to get a higher vantage point to detect predators, a warning to other gazelles that a predator is nearby, and to announce to a predator that they have lost the element of surprise.
Well, we have a few theories to add...
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Six New Theories regarding stotting gazelles by DA1:
1. The Hypnotic Pattern Theory:  A herd of stotting gazelles would create a disorienting and hypnotic pattern that may confuse a predator.
2. Ground Time Reduction Theory:  Assume gazelles associate being caught by predators as an attack from the ground, that ends on the ground, so perhaps they think it wise to spend as much time off the ground as possible.
3. Just for fun Theory: In a lot of the footage we found, it appears that the gazelles enjoy jumping so high and far. They do it when they are just playing with friends.  
4. A show of Insanity Theory: Everyone knows not to tangle with a skinny, energetic, crazy person with nothing to lose. Maybe gazelles are using stotting as a display of insanity so that predators think twice.
5. Self-sacrifice Theory:  Perhaps a gazelle puts itself out there in harm's way to be seen, as a sort of self-sacrifice to give better odds to their friends and family in the herd.
6. The Quantum Nature Theory: Finally it must be considered that the gazelles do this so we will question it.  That the animal doesn't give the slightest whiff of a fuck what it does.  And perhaps there is absolutely no logical answer as to why they repeat behaviors like this.  What should be asked is, what does this symbolize to me.  Why is this in my head in the first place, and can I extract a message or code from it?
To be continued...
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DA1 Rebuttal on Microsoft Carbon Negativity
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Yesterday my partner sent me a good link all about the popular terminology for a companies carbon status... there was a great infographic animation about Microsoft, (by Microsoft), in how they will be Carbon negative by 2030... it’s a great video. They pledge this:
“By 2030 Microsoft will be carbon negative, and by 2050 Microsoft will remove from the environment all the carbon the company has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since it was founded in 1975.”
Here is my kindest rebuttal:
The carbon put into the atmosphere by these massive corporations has already caused an unprecedented animal extinction. A loss of biodiversity that is so severe, we can’t even wrap our heads around it. All we can say for sure is that it is a sustained and incalculable loss going on as we speak.
So while carbon accounting is well and good, and purchasing offsets should be considered THE LAW here forward as a place to start the de-carbonization process, we will never be able to put a VALUE on the loss of biodiversity.
we will never be able to put a VALUE on the loss of biodiversity. We can not develop a system to monetarily offset the loss of species we are apparently “ok” with.
So these guys should go easy on the hugs and high fives for setting a 2050 target.
People need to publicly plead guilty to their crimes against Mother Nature in my honest opinion..
We all need to understand that we can’t judge people based on how much money they have in the bank. We can’t judge people based on their appearances. People can believe in whatever they want and we need to respect that. Sexual preference... nobody cares anymore so get over it. But thanks to Emmanuel Kant we know this:
“You CAN judge the heart of man by how he treats animals.” - Kant
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Just some new apparel designs made this week. The looks seen here are made from a thrift store and include a scarf that I wrinkled, and some men’s grey slacks that I cut into a few spiked skirt looks that are quite on the mini side - held together with a single reinforced button on one side, and repurposed punk spikes hold together the side seam. I never thought fabric would be such a beautiful Art form. It’s challenging and it pulls on the sense of touch far more than music or Painting. In fact I find closing my eyes is a good way to get the folds how I want them. #onthemanequin #sustainablefashion #sustainablestyle  #sustainablelifestyle  #sustainableclothing  #thesustainablefashionforum #sustainablebusiness  #sustainableliving  #styledsustainably  #extinctionrebellion #reworkedclothes #slowfashionmovement  #slowfashion  #liveconsciously #theartofslowliving  #slowmovement #ecofashion #seekthesimplicity #ethical #ethicalstyle  #ethicalshopping  #ethicalconsumer #ethicalclothing  #ethicallysourced  #NFS #greenfuture  #consciousconsumer  #sixthmassextinction #atlantadesign #dragonairone https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rWCPOn-ke/?igshid=icc7vhahubi5
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Dragonfly analysis. This one was drawn by hand with no straight edge or compass. The reason I ditch the tools is not only to save time, but when locking down the overarching structure of something this complicated, it should hold itself together through its symmetries. Never use outside measurements, as they are useless in a proof. Omg nerd alert! Sorry people. I’ll explain what all this is about soon. #odonata #dragonflygeometry #hierarchy #harmonicanalysis #endangeredspecies #technicaldrawings #naturesart #naturesdeepdesign #biodiversityloss #hoppetheory #euclidiangeometry #analyticalgeometry #dragonairone #carbonwar (at Whole Foods Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9cGMgbFi0B/?igshid=30k93hc2wfk3
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Dream of a Blu Koala (1997)
Thinking a lot about the fires in Australia. Particularly the Koalas that died. I remembered I had a dream about a koala years and years ago while living in the Barn. I had to do some serious digging through old theory books to find this. Written directly after the dream on faded paper in pencil. Must have been around 1997.  Here it is:
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Dream of a Blu Koala
When we entered his building we had to shift plexiglass boxes up and into position so a chameleon, which was positioned up high, could safely walk out into the plexiglass box to eat the food we left inside. It was a sort of puzzle that we had to solve before entering his building. We took the stairs up...
When he opened the apartment door I immediately saw this strange animal enclosed within another large plexiglass box. It was cute, Blu in color, and it wasn’t long before I realized this was a Blu koala. I had never seen a Blu koala.
Anyhow the box was on a complicated metal apparatus. I wasn’t sure what it was but I was about to find out... He asked me to move a lever on the apparatus which set the machine in motion. A big metal claw slid across an overhead track until it stopped in a position directly over the koala's cage. When the claw moved the entire metal apparatus shook - this clearly made the koala distressed.
I could tell he was afraid of this whole experiment. He was at the end of his rope. He couldn’t take it anymore. Laying himself down on the floor of the plexiglass cage. But then his arm reaches up towards me and he put the palm of his hand to the glass. I placed my hand up to his. I think he felt comfortable knowing I was there.
The machine was still running. It was old and in bad shape - Smoke started to fill the cage. I opened the top of the cage and did my best to circulate the air. He was going to suffocate if I didn't do more. I noticed the cage had two holes on either side. I blew air through one of the two circular holes and eventually all the smoke was pushed out through the hole on the opposite side. I was worried I might get attacked in the process, but I had no choice. If I had done nothing, I could never live with myself knowing I let that koala die.
The end.
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How To Crack a 4 O'clock Seed
Feb 28, 2020
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This is a true story you won’t easily forget...
There is a type of flower called a “4 O’clock” - they open up at 4.  I remember them as mostly yellow-Orange and pink and not very interesting.  In fact, I think they look cooler when they are closed as they resemble trumpets.  I describe them simply as flimsy pentagons.  Why my mother would plant these all around the house is beyond me.  Never-the-less we had lots and lots of them. 
What I like about these flowers are their seeds.  They had huge seeds that were more interesting than the flower, in my opinion.  They look like black hand grenades.  look:
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It was a solid seed.  No skateboard, roller skate, or car ever cracked open a 4 o'clock seed.  Basically, they are indestructible. 
My sister Lisa and I are a lot alike.  We were abnormally mischievous children. 
That being said, it was probably a bad idea to leave Lisa and me outside in the garden alone at 4 o'clock.  That was also when the seeds fell out of the flimsy flowers.
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But nothing happened that day... Or the next day.  Or the next day after that. Still, Lisa was about a week away from becoming a legend in our town... Or at least in my mind.
Then it happened.  Lisa couldn't breathe.  Fast forward to the pediatrician's claustrophobic emergency room.  I remember it as a small place with totally insane mind-bending animal theme wallpaper, a gross smell which according to my mother was the smell of clean, a really tall cushioned bench upholstered with the same look and feel as a booth bench of a 1970's diner, but covered with a roll of crunchy white paper.  And one last detail... The glass jar filled with wooden popsicle sticks in the far corner.   I always wanted to steal one of those sticks.  But I would always hesitate.
30 minutes later and the doctor enters.  Annoyed, I could have built a popsicle stick replica of the Great Wall of China by then.  But soon to be entertained. 
The doctor used one tool to look up Lisa's noses... That funnel, with a light, and a magnifying glass all-in-one tool that worked in the ear or the nose...  Anyhow, a few minutes later, my mom and I watched the doctor remove two 4 O’Clock seeds from Lisa's nose - fully germinated... roots and all!
So there you have it.  That is how you crack a 4 O'clock seed. 
Add that to your Zen teachings.
 - DA1
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This is Helio. It’s a stuffed animal giraffe that is one of my favorite characters. I’ve been slightly obsessed with sewing lately (sorry guys, I’m not gay yet) Anyways - when your working with fabric, It’s amazing how the fibers take over the whole damn studio. It was overwhelming at first. I think AJ solves the problem for now though. I keep every piece of thread, fiber, shred, strip, and particle i produce and organize it in bags - you’ll see the 3rd picture is my “Giraffe Hair” bag. So I’m gonna sew this guy using the textile remnants... and everything that I that remains I will use as stuffing. Then I’ll tell the story. - #nowaste #fiberart #giraffestuffedanimal #sixthmassextinction #nature #voicefortheplanet #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming #6thmassextinction #carbonemissionreduction #makefashioncircular #ecofashion #lesswaste #lessismore #lowimpact #biodegradable #sustainablebusiness  #sustainableliving  #styledsustainably  #newsustainabledesign #slowfashionmovement  #slowfashion  #liveconsciously #theartofslowliving  #slowmovement (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8y7btdFWf9/?igshid=18o65j8sy7fah
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[Test 7A - DSS] Check the Resolution. See how it translates to tumblr etc. #warchilddesign #dragonairone (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hoWYkHAYh/?igshid=18tg88qo6v1us
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Thought Experiment 01
Imagine... You just woke up from the strangest dream...
The dream world looked the same as ours, but it sounded very different... There was no spoken word, no voice, no singing. The mouth was used only for eating.
Much of what happened there was trivial but people seemed to be content. Nearly all their time was spent scavenging for colors.
It didn’t seem to matter what the object was, that is, as long as it was brightly colored and small enough to be stuffed in their mouths.
Sound was only projected as an emanation from object’s in motion... If you didn’t have your eyes open, you wouldn’t see or hear anything at all.
Similarly, birds only used their beak to ingest colors. Their song, unique to the species, was an advanced sound... Communicated only from their every movement.  
It was a wonderful sound spanning great octaves.
There, in that dream, it all made so much sense.
-  Dragon Air One
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[Test 5A - CBB] What you have heard these days is truth. I shall. Require two kittens. Highly aware kittens to guide us through these blind times. Now hiring. And to every beast of the Earth... We will find you. @tigerlily.taylor @rapunzeltv @tigerlilytaylorwhitetv @tommy_hoppe_art @dragonairone.tribe #callingallspiritanimals #hairlessphynx #socialdisruption #billboards2020 #ethicalbrand #manhattanbillboard #voiceofdragon #rebelforlife #genesis #Prophetsandoracles #carbonwar #sixthmassextinction #upcycledclothing #fairtradefashion #slowfashionmovement (at Dragon Air One) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cjWGmHo_H/?igshid=102atzefkjvnf
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As promised. Turn up the volume! If your just waking up... your welcome? Something sure to wake you up. A little taste of the graphics being drawn up at the studio... cut to a track by “SebastiAn” on their album “Ross Ross Ross” - the track is entitled Head/Off. I can find them to tag so go to Spotify and check them out. I’ll share their link to our stories. . The reason I’m working in straight black on white, rather than my normal drawing style, is because it’s part of the printing process we are using. These drawings are digitized and printed on transparencies... then exposed to light. The black blocks the light and the white does not. And in this way we end up with silk screens stencils.... It’s super rad and highly modular new method cutting the waste of the silkscreen process to zero. All our screens fit in a folder as we ditched the big cumbersome wood frames... a method we invented recently at DA1 and we hope to get others using this same technique. - We will explain the method on our website once we are up and running God help us. Ha! #warmotherfucker #warchilddesign #carbonwar #sixthmassextinction #upcycledclothing #whomademyclothes #ethicalfashionbrand #consciousfashion #videoediting #natureneedsheroes #voicefortheplanet #climatechangeactivist #climatecrisis #votefortheplanet #6thmassextinction #carbonemissionreduction #fashionindustry #DA1 #connect2earth #biodiversity2020 #fashionrevolution (at Buckhead Atlanta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Z3GrrHHy0/?igshid=swzxx6ct8w13
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[Test 4A - NGD] When new drawings are made we will post them. We are making one piece at a time for now - custom made. You’ll see how it works soon. - what is a BOSON? It’s quantum Physics reference. It’s more than I want to explain right now but you can look up “Higgs boson” or #hedroncollider or the #godparticle if you want to learn. I think you would only truly understand it if you knew Pop Art, Quantum Physics, and the state of our planet. . #Boson #Quantumphysics #Hedroncollider #Higgsfield #dynamic_science #scienceshirts #Physicst #Quantumtheory #Higgsboson #Sciencejokes #Physicsjokes #particleaccelerator #Physicslover #Physicsoftheuniverse #Popart #Pencildrawing #Screenprint #Warchilddesign #DA1 #Hoppetheory #Dragonairone #Physicsclass #Sciencerocks #Physicsstudent #Sciencenerd #Particlephysics #ATL (at Dragon Air One) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ZUvTiHpWf/?igshid=11u2qakogmx6i
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[Test 3A / Inset 4:5 in 1:1]. I’ll be your bad influence. Honestly this is good advice. If you can’t read it, tell us so we can change font sizes. Thanks! . #carbonwar #sixthmassextinction #upcycledclothing #whogivesashit #ethicalfashionbrand #consciousfashion #dragontattoodesign #natureneedsheroes #voicefortheplanet #climatechangeactivist #climatecrisis #votefortheplanet #6thmassextinction #rebellionrises #fashionindustry #DA1 #warchilddesigns #connect2earth #biodiversity2020 #fashionrevolution (at Dragon Air One) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WqfOYnB4p/?igshid=8rbwmrm3wd2m
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