hugsforvillains · 9 months
Morgott the Omen King intrigues me on so many levels. There's some really good tragedy about his endless loyalty to an Order that (to my vague understanding) horrifically screwed him over for being born a bit funny-looking.
Each of his boss fights got progressively easier than the last as I developed a clue of how to play the game, got absolutely hench on runes, and accumulated better weapons and summons to help me. It adds to the theme of him fighting a losing battle against a single powerscaling jackass for the sake of a group that - at best - faintly tolerates him.
And in that last boss fight, he goes full True Believer in everything he says one a conceptual rather than a personal level. He doesn't even like most of the demigods! But the concept of the Golden Order is still somehow of value to the guy.
He calls the demigods a bunch of traitors but is still genuinely upset that he got Curse Juice all over their thrones during your deathmatch. And he knows that the tree won't let anyone in! What value does he see in any of this? The dude is overflowing with loyalty to a bunch of overpowered losers and a finicky tree that don't in any way deserve it.
He's an intriguing -by which I Iargely mean baffling- kind of guy. This quote is from...somewhere in-game and describes his motive:
"Though born one of the graceless Omen, Morgott took it upon himself to become the Erdtree's protector. He loved not in return, for he was never loved, but nevertheless, love it he did."
But like...all that for the tree? It's a very pretty tree, sure, but he must see something of value in it that I don't.
I do have to respect the guy for keeping his default attitude of "endless disdain" no matter how many legends and demigods the Tarnished keeps killing.
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ukranistani · 2 years
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Event Subjects Linked Articles
Upon browsing at the 100 Nexgen Store Poker on-line Specific, you will instantly come to the alternatively correct assumption that not all internet poker debris packages are similarly. As it happened, a dark money-funded top PAC would take up a useful purpose. There are however a Iarge number of online casinos which provide free games directIy from their websites without the need for any…
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martius2 · 4 years
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from Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2iSf8Kh via IFTTT
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tinasbookpromos · 4 years
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Hi, I’m Tina
All you need to do is send me the link and an image of your cover and I’ll make AMAZING posts on #Twitter and #Pinterest.
Promote YOUR Book NOW!
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bluecaeriart · 2 years
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also adding the version without their clothes because i really love how their bodies came out O;AIHORG;IAHEORG;IAEHORG;IARG 
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23rdhunter · 2 years
5, 7, 29
5. favorite form of potato?
French fries, then home fries, then hash browns, then mashed.
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
I get pretty excited about sea horses and turtles, and sharks, and the Amazon tank (Arowanas! Piranhas! Pacu!), and turtles, and manta rays, and I guess jellyfish now? And turtles.
29. preferred pasta noodle?
For what meal? There's a correct pasta for every dish, some acceptable alternatives, and some unacceptable alternatives (looking at you, spaghetti pasta in tomato soup). I go through thin spaghetti pasta most often because it goes well with chicken parmesan, and alfredo, and most other quick homemade pasta dishes. And ramen, as soup or stir fry. Then elbow macaroni or wide egg noodles for soup, and Iarge shells for stuffing... I'm not a fan of the little character pastas that come in some mac'n'cheese boxes, or of Udon noodles as I've had them so far. Oh! Glass noodles are great, more people should use them. They're clear and chewy and made from sweet potato starch. I mostly use them as filling for egg dumplings but they also go really well in noodle dishes.
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thealchemytrolls · 3 years
Rangers you say? Tell us more about them!
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Cupper: With the wide wastes outside the cities and Oasis cities in the Iarge regions that make my home, the Iaw enforcement is the Group known as the Peace Keeper Rangers. They PatroI the arrid Iandscape and protect settIements and trade routes. They are mostIy in desert and badIand regions.
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Cupper: They bear the cIassic SigiI of the Wheat on them, the symboI of our Faction. They are headquartered in GoIdgrass, far more centraI than Coppercove. From there they have reach to the western waIIs of Copper cove to the Iush eastern pIanes of SiIvershoaI.
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othersociologist · 3 years
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Race, Class and the Delta Outbreak
Three states in Australia are presently under a strict COVID-19 lockdown: New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. New South Wales is experiencing a major Delta variant outbreak, which is highly contagious. It has spread to the other states through working-class workers, who do not have the luxury of working from home. Similarly to what happened in the harsh Melbourne lockdown in 2020, residents in migrant communities have been placed into a tougher lockdown relative to others, even as they are required to continue working, and submit to COVID testing every three days (“surveillance testing”).Public discourse about the COVID-19 outbreaks continues to be racially coded in media articles and in press conferences. This contributes to a moral panic about racialised people. Blame is placed on multicultural communities for not listening to public health messages, even though the majority of cases originate in ‘essential’ workplaces that are not required to shut down. As some communities remain confused about public health messages, state responses have been heavily criticised for not promoting culturally-appropriate public communication campaigns, while targeting migrants with a heavy police presence.
[Iarge: entrace to supermarket. Stickers on the ground say “Please stand here”]
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mistikfir · 4 years
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"His name is Dr AbeI Gideon, and strong evidence has surfaced that he's far more than a miId mannered surgeon who crueIIy murdered his wife. Maybe, just maybe, Gideon is the most sought after seriaI kiIIer at Iarge, a kiIIer who's eIuded the FBI for years and has baffled their most gifted profiIers. That seriaI kiIIer? None other than the Chesapeake Ripper. This wouId expIain why the Ripper has been siIent for more than two years."
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#AmReading #NewRelease: Love's Cherished Melody (The Twin Mountain Inn Book #Book 2) by Madison McBride for #99c 
Grab YOUR Copy NOW: https://amzn.to/3866vvk via @amazon 
#BookBoost #MustRead #IARG #WritersLift #kindle #KindleUnlimited #KindleBooks #KindleFire #kindlebook #Books
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insectpillar · 5 years
Who in kny is most likely to eat vegemite
DefiniteIy Genya. It was probabIy a part of his training to eat Iarge spoonfuIs of it at a time.
-Mod Yuri
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martius2 · 4 years
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from Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2iSgGhk via IFTTT
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outweek30 · 5 years
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If cruising were music, then lesbian cruising would be Muzak. Due to our parents, high school and the culture-at-Iarge, we girls have been taught that we don't cruise, we get cruised. Well, that's fabulous. But if your preferences run toward other girls, especially cute blondes in leather jackets, then honey, you'll all be waiting a long, long time for some action.
With this in mind, the time has come for some helpful hints for the cruising-impaired. Aren't you tired of going to dyke parties, dances, bars and safer sex forums and coming home with no one to try your dental dam out with??? Let's seize control of our sexuality, get out there and have some fun. Here we go...
Before We Get Started:
The first prerequisite for cruising a girl is knowing if she's a dyke/lesbian/gay woman. So, this article is issuing a challenge (certainly not for the first or last time in this city): a lesbian visibility campaign. Numerous kiss-ins, brunches in straight havens and grinding on dance floors seem to be called for. They won't know who to go for if they think you have Michael J. Fox on your wall.
After We Are All Visible:
Be friendly. As Michael Musto has written, "friendly is in." If you're giving out bad attitude like an unwashed sock, you're asking for nothing but heartache and a lot of that act which no one need look their best for. If someone smiles at you, smile back. What's the worst that can happen, you get invited to a spaghetti potluck ...
Communication is essential. If you're not talking, you're not meeting. So after all that lingering eye contact and smiling, speak up! Favorite topics of conversation are site specific:
Cubby Hole: How good/bad the videos are, how little space there is... Cave Canem: How many cute/obnoxious girls there are, why the door woman gives such attitude, how that voluptuous girl ever got the nerve to go in the pool with a white t-shirt and no bra... Love Machine, Mars on Sunday, any gay men's club/bar: Where are the girls, why do boys have all the fun, isn't the deejay great/terrible, I hear Madonna's in town ... ACT UP meeting: What is going on?, where's the next demonstration?, are you going?, who's that girl with the hair? Anywhere: News, politics, straight men, Madonna, the state of lesbian nightlife...
(Small talk is hard enough when you have to do it. Don't overextend yourself. Besides, important conversations are one way to tell the dykes/gay women from the girls/wimmin.)
Once You've Spoken:
Is it going well? Do you have anything in common (that includes lusting after one another)? Has one of you bought drinks for the other? Has anyone asked if it mattered?
If you've answered yes, then you are well on your way to cruising success. You have some options:
Keep talking. It will eventually get late, and you can get each other's phone numbers, plan to meet again wherever you are, meet somewhere else, or even go somewhere else now (for those girls with avant-garde employment). This is usually safe, and the anticipation of seeing them again makes for a week of exciting fantasizing. If you do go somewhere else, or leave together, keep reading:
You're both leaving. The best strategy is to live downtown and hope they live in Brooklyn. If it's late, they can always spare themselves that long, dangerous ride home by staying at your house. If you live near each other, share a cab, and agree to get out at one person's house". This way the only polite thing to do is to ask them up to see that issue of On Our Backs you were talking about earlier. Or have another drink.
If you just know that the two of you are not going to work out for even one night (you're both butch, you're both femme, she's radical, you're fifteen...), do not give up on the lesbian nation! Remember, we are diverse and you weren't standing alone in the corner all night either. In addition, since this is the smallest of small towns, you'll run into each other again (the odds increase the more you didn't get along), and it will be nice not to stand alone, again.
Notes For Special Situations:
1) This is fairly tame advice for the more adventurous of you. But one can assume if you're that adventurous, you've worked on your own strategies anyway. Suffice it to say that there are women who can look you up and down for a little while, walk up to you, whisper in your ear that there's an ice cube with your name on it in their kitchens, and you'll be so aroused you'll awaken three days later somewhere in New York with hickies like leech bites. If you are one of them, please exercise the talent much more frequently, thank you.
2) There are some girls who don't know they're being cruised. You have to hit them over the head with their own libido (confess, you know who you are). They are usually the sweetest girls you'll ever meet, and are worth the effort. Just make sure you're not mistaking them for someone with a "wife" who happens to be watching the two of you out of the corner of her eye. What you think is shyness could be fear.
3) Cruising with friends: Cruising is for all intents and purposes a one-woman operation, unless of course you're seeking a third for an orgy. Observe proper etiquette, tell the object of your affections, "she's my friend, not my girlfriend," and lay out the ground rules before you go out: Should you make a date for later, or can you go home with her now? Can your friend get home alone? Can you get home alone? Are you and your friend just avoiding the fact that it's each other you want? All this and more is what makes lesbian friendship the festival of female bonding that lights up our lives.
Have fun, be safe and don't say you weren't warned.
— Liz Tracey, "How to Cruise Girls," OutWeek Magazine No. 11, September 4, 1989, p. 48.
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velvet-navy · 5 years
I think they Kotone and Theo have a very Iarge platonic love. Kotone definitely ups his confidence while Theo does his best to keep Kotone smiling. Heck I bet Kotone confides in Theo about all the cute girls she knows and has crushes on.
That’s really wholesome! I would like to imagine Theo being supportive of her crushes, too, like: ‘Oh, you have a crush? Please take these bad pick-up lines I’m really proud of’
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Don't miss out on this hot read & Best Selling #cozymystery #ebook From the Best-Selling Sweet Seduction Series! ow.ly/hnxs30aXWTc #IARG #EBOOK #amazon #bestseller #IAN1 #kindle #bookstagram #cozymystery #99cents #sale Sugar and spice and everything nice is not what you get with Tara Parks when it comes to Creative Confections Bake-off. After four years of whisking, mixing and whipping her way to the top at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, Tara’s dream of owning her own bakery has finally come full circle. Returning home to Depoe Bay, she and best friend, Corey Wallace, have opened the doors to Sweet Seductions Bakery. Buddies since grade school, Corey Wallace and Stephen Briggs grew up sweeping the girls off their feet and breaking those same hearts from one side of the Bay to the other. It seemed the two playboys would never grow up, but somehow, they managed to enlist budding careers as detectives for the DBPD. In the midst of baking Bundt cakes and flavoring fondant, Tara is dealing with remnants of her and Stephen’s broken relationship, the inkling that Corey wants more than friendship, and the news that her nemesis, Ivy Flowers, has also been cast in the competition. How is a girl to focus?! Emotions are high and the sweet smell of vanilla fills the air the day of the bake-off. Everything is perfect, that is, until the body of Ivy is found on the women’s bathroom floor and Tara’s Chapstick in Ivy’s cold, dead hand moves her to prime suspect. With more bodies piling up, will Tara’s friends decipher this recipe for murder or will she be the next on the killer’s plate?
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liseetm · 7 years
Débil convicción
Mi cuerpo muestra síntomas de tu liberación, se retrae en el dolor físico, intenta mostrar que tu ausencia está dañando desde adentro, los cimientos de mi convicción, renunciar a ti ha sido una odisea, pues tu energía aun quiere dar la contienda, no quiere abandonarlo todo, se niega a la libertad, lejos de mí se debilita, pierde su esencia, su grandeza de imperfección, tus pensamientos son imanes que nos mantienen juntos, y de este amarre, es imposible escapar, puedo sentir tu impaciencia, tratando de solucionar, confundido entre dos caminos, es difícil concluir, sin culpas que lamentar, pero lo que descubriste conmigo, es algo que derriba tus defensas, te vuelve sal en medio de una tempestad, deshaciendo tu versión antigua, todo aquello en lo creías, lo que mostrabas al mundo, cada mañana al despertar, ya nada de eso es suficiente, se perdió entre los indicios de una vida convencional, conmigo recuperaste tu existencia, te sentiste por primera vez vivo, rendido ante los deseos de tu intensa fogosidad, reconoces que nuestra experiencia, ha sido lo mejor que te ha podido pasar, pero parado enfrente de esta conciencia, el ego te detiene sacando su mejor carta, la inseguridad, intempestivamente, tu voluntad se detiene, esperando el mejor momento para proceder, en el otro extremo, mis deseos se adormecen, hasta que tu indecisión sea derrocada, por un destino que desea vencer.
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