greyaugustuspoetry · 1 year
Don’t let them think
About anything substantial
For that’s how they learn
And when they acquire knowledge
The less they will need you
So keep them simple minded,
Open to your influence
That is how you stay in power
God, that is how you prosper
-Grey Augustus
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missingnathan · 3 years
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Miss being next to you...always making weird faces and talking about random things, especially music. Thinking of you has made me question so many things about life, especially about my faith. How am I suppose to have faith and believe in something greater when life can hurt you so badly and leave you with so many unanswered questions? You are making it so hard to have faith and trust in You when You let bad things happen to good people.
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The Faithful Heart of a Priest
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In a war, the faithful heart may shake and is oftentimes found confused as to where to put its faith. Thusly, too many a death in a battlefield pushes us to the point of questioning God’s existence. “War is filled with death, sorrow, anger, and despair. There's no way to put a positive spin to it.” During dire times, a torrent of existential questions gushes at us. Even for a chaplain, who has performed countless of death rites, more and more he reaches the point of questioning the existence of God as he conducts yet another last rite to another fallen soldier. Captain James Flynn have his heart bruised many times from conducting the last rites of a comrade. He wishes each one was the last, but war is all too confusingly great to control the preying Death in it. The chaplain’s bruised heart was never given the chance to recover. The memories of his comrades’ deaths have scarred his heart — each one refusing to be forgotten. To make matters worse, the number of death piles each one after another. Each time they send a letter announcing the death of a soldier, both the major and the chaplain drink their hearts out. Alcohol, the best choice of high to momentarily escape a ceaseless griefs. Despite all that has burdened him, he endured along with the others because every man believes in what they were doing — and they believed in each other. “As long as these men stay, so will I.” Yes, there were times when he questioned his faith in God, but never his faith in his men. He took heart to stay with his men and never abandoned them. His faithful heart refused to sway from death and despair that war brings. This recognition of purpose has fueled him with the courage to fight for the people in Nam and for his fellow comrades who have become a family to him. A faithful heart who lives by its selfless purpose may suffer greatly and may become Death’s victim. But when it dies, it will die with an unchanged faith. Read the full article
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