#queue to the submarine
occidentaltourist · 9 months
bbc: Some sweet #Silvacre content for your FYP ❤️
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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At the London press screening of Yellow Submarine on July 8, 1968; photos by Bill Zygmant, and Mirrorpix via Getty Images.
“I remarked that now that George was clean shaven, we saw more of his face than we had for a long time. He looked younger. How did it feel to be so bare? 
‘Great. If I cut my hair off more I’d look younger still and maybe I could join The Small Faces,’ joked George.” - article by Andy Gray, NME, July 13, 1968 (x)
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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UFO "Close Up" (1970)
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namorthesubmariner · 2 years
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His enemies call him Namor
Art by Jenna McMullins
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loadingbraincells · 4 months
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beetle 3
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afterthegreatunknown · 3 months
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Violet Baudelaire and Isadora Quagmire: A Sweet Calm Together
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daddy-long-legssss · 23 days
i know i was yearning for fall (and i welcome its arrival) but summer flew by as it always does and i feel like i didn’t listen to the ‘suck it and see’ album nearly enough!
i need one more sunny, warm day to listen to my beloved and twirl around in the sunshine outside. then i can properly kiss summer goodbye.
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medicus-mortem · 9 months
ikkaku-of-heart: @ikkaku-of-heart
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While she had faith that, insane as all of this sounded and as secretive as he was being, Law did have a solid plan going on, Ikkaku hated how it seemed they weren’t on the same page anymore. Hell, she was beginning to wonder if they were even in the same playbook. They used to be so in-sync when it came to causing problems on purpose, especially for the Marines. As of late, though, it felt like they couldn’t communicate properly. Misinformation, being left in the dark, assumptions and tempers getting out of control on both ends. Things had been an utter mess since they’d entered the New World, and Ikkaku was aware that they were both, unfortunately, at fault for the bad state of their teamwork. It was tempting to just rip up the fake blueprints she’d started and demand he tell her what the hell he wanted from her, but she kept her temper in check. Law was under a lot of stress. Probably even more than she was. More importantly, she just didn’t want to argue. She was too tired. She hadn’t been sleeping great since her captain had handed over those 100 hearts to the World Government, and every time he walked into a Marine base for a Warlord meeting, she feared he might not come back out and they’d all end up thrown in Impel Down. She’d had more than a few nightmares about that exact scenario recently. Ikkaku was frustrated, scared, tired, and it felt like she had no direction in either this current plan nor the overarching one. But while she doubted he’d be any more willing to divulge what his master plan was any more than any of the other times she’d interrogated him, Ikkaku had to have faith that Law would at least let her in on this one. Especially if she tried asking nicely. “Law, I’m occasionally a miracle-worker, but unfortunately, I’m not quite a mind-reader,” she sighed, though she reached up to squeeze his hand in a way she hoped would indicate that she wasn’t mad at him - just frustrated at his vagueness and the whole situation. “What you’re suggesting...it doesn’t sound like anything that could work with a whole-ass ship. Sounds more like something that would work better on maybe a smaller vehicle, or maybe some weapons.” Which would honestly be preferred. Even if inaccurate, the blueprints to the Polar Tang were a dangerous thing to give out. Pulling out a few blueprints of failed prototypes to weapons she’d brainstormed in the past, she looked up at her captain. If they wanted their plans to work, she needed to listen, and he needed to actually tell her what he was thinking. They needed to work together to protect their home, their crew, and their tech. “I think...what you’re meaning is that you want something like an engine that looks like it could go into an automobile, but won’t actually hook up the way they’re thinking. Or a gun with a trigger that looks like it would work, but actually won’t. Am I picking up what you’re putting down here?”
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   There is a pause in her work and a tension in Ikkaku’s shoulders that tells Law she is still agitated. That she’s frustrated and angry at him. His jaw tightens and his brow furrows. He’s come to her for help with something really important and if this turns into another argument about his grand plan and how she hates being kept in the dark Law is going to be so fucking pissed off. Sometimes, especially lately, he’d really like his crew to shut their fucking traps and be professional about this. He is the captain. He is the one that makes the final decisions and having a crew that will obey him unquestionably shouldn’t be this hard. It feels like pulling teeth to get any sort of co-operation out of Ikkaku lately.
   But he supposes he should calm his own speeding brain and give her some credit, because Ikkaku doesn’t end up snapping at him. Instead, she speaks in an even and calm tone. Her hand takes his, giving it a squeeze in an attempt to reassure him. Law’s jaw shifts in its sockets and he tugs his hand back, arms crossing over his chest. He’s also annoyed because he isn’t trying to keep Ikkaku in the dark about his goals here. He’s just clearly doing a really bad job of explaining what he wants. He frowns, an annoyed grumble sound in his throat. He says nothing though, instead listening carefully to what his engineer has to say.
   And, of course, she proves herself to be as brilliant as he knows she is, because she gets it.
   “Yes! Exactly! That’s what I want,” Law says, uncrossing a hand to wave it at her. “This is why you’re my engineer. You know how this shit works, and I don’t. We need to give the Marines something to satisfy their demands and distract them long enough that they won’t ask for anything else for a while. I want to give them something that will ultimately be useless, even if it looks like it’ll work.
   “Misdirection, obfuscation. All that manipulation shit I’m good at. Just with blueprints, which you’re good at.” He takes a breath, hand rising to rub at a pair of tired eyes. “And look, I wasn’t tryin’ to keep you in the dark with this. I guess I just … explained it badly.”
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certifiedestronaut · 1 year
So I decided to check how much money I’ve made... like, total. I’m missing a few W-2s and so I’m doing some generous rounding here. But since I joined the work-force in 2014 I’ve made somewhere in the neighborhood of $225,000. Before taxes. In 9 years.
I have earned less in my working adult life than those billionaires spent on each of their tickets to die in that submarine. The older I get, the more I hate billionaires. Because I have a more lived experience for just how much money is worth. One of those submarine tickets could have bought me a decade of my life. This is why I find it so hard to feel bad about them. Particularly now that I know the sub imploded instantly.
Sucks that teenager got roped into it, but frankly we wouldn’t have had this much digital ink spilled over their lives if they weren’t all richer than god. Strangers die in horrible ways all the time, but most of them aren’t wealthy enough to get 24 hour new coverage about them.
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namorssideburns · 2 years
Aight time to start Namor posting because the only way to get the bastard out of my head so I can do some schoolwork is to make him pay rent there
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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UFO "Computer Affair"
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namorthesubmariner · 2 years
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"My task here was to work on how he’s able to fly. How it’s looking like, avoiding the old stereotype of a Superman flying straight with one fist forward. So it was about finding another and fresher way. I’ve started with the idea of him being able to vary the density of moisture all around and to create some micro clouds that he use as support to change direction or take impulsion. It’s also a good trick to create a singular visual signature [element to] him flying, with droplets and mist around him,"
MCU Namor concept art by Aleksi Briclot
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mediicusvitae · 2 years
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@somftchilds​​ asked: " ddo you have any jjuice? "
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“Gala-chan! How have you been? I’ve missed you!” Lamy crouched down so that she could speak on eye-level with the little anyagi, a cheerful smile spreading across her lips. Thankfully their previous, ah, miscommunications had been cleared up, making her available for heavenly soft goat hugs again. “I’m sure that Clione stocked up on some on the last island...” she thoughtfully rubbed her chin, trying to remember the state of their pantry from where she had raided the last non-emergency ice cream container the previous night. “What kind of juice would you like?”
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afterthegreatunknown · 3 months
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Duncan Quagmire and Klaus Baudelaire: Silly and Slightly Chaotic Together
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haikyuu-sins · 1 year
Funny 23. With Law please! Maybe reader putting up a fight to their boyfriend Law when he’s trying to do a typical medical exam on them! Thank you! Take your time, hun, we’re here for you!
I did change the sentence juuust a little bit since a submarine isn’t exactly high up in the air, but i hope you like it! I also realized that i had this in my drafts and not in my queue this entire time 🙃 THEN i realized I wrote something completely different!! So i had to rewrite it. But I’m going to keep the first one, so you’re getting a 2 for 1 deal here. 
Characters: Trafalgar Law (One Piece) Warnings: Needles Genre: Crack
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Today was your least favorite day of the year. The day that Law gave the crew shots. With going to so many islands, there was no saying what kinds of sicknesses we could get so Law always took precautions with us. He could cure diseases, yes. But a cold, our body’s just had to fight it off ourselves. He called you in and he could already see you cringing at the idea of getting shots. “CAptain I don’t want it..” You gave him a side eye as his long legs brought him over a little quicker than you wanted. You saw the needle in his hand and he flicked it. Little droplets came out of the tip of the needle and hit the floor. “No. Captain I’ve decided that I really don’t want it. I’ll be perfectly fine if you don’t give it to me. In fact! I’ll just never leave the submarine again! How does that sound?” You try and talk your way out of it, seeing if he’ll buy your excuse but he of course, does not. 
“Would you knock it off?” He rolled his eyes, just wanting to get this over with. You were the most difficult out of the crew when it came to getting anything done medically. “It’s just a little pinch and then it’s done. Please just cooperate with me this once?” he sighs. 
Your eye twitches at his response. That wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted him to agree with you–tell you that it was a great idea to never leave the submarine because that way you’d never have the chance to get sick. But no, Law is obviously not going to fall for that. 
In what seems like half a second, he’s at your side and your eyes widen. “Don’t you dare…” you start to move away from him but Law is much faster than you. He grabs you by the arm to keep you close to him, all while you're screaming and flailing about. “NO! Captain PLEASE! I’ll do dishes for the rest of my life! I’ll clean the bathrooms! I’ll do anything!” you try your best to bargain with him, but it’s all for naught. “Room.” 
“No!!” In a flash, your dominant arm is completely off your body and he’s holding it in his hand. 
“Give it back!” you yell at him as you try to grab your arm…with your dominant hand. 
“Ow!” you gasp out and feel a poke as he sticks the needle in it. “How dare you!” 
Law doesn’t say anything, but you know he feels smug about tricking you. 
“If you do that again I’m going to throw you out the window! …What are you doing?” 
He glanced over at the submarine window. “Checking to see if you could actually do it to see if it’s worth it. We’re in a sub afterall. Underwater, too. So good luck with that.” he smirks and reattaches your arm to your body. You grab it protectively and huff. 
“Mark my words. I’ll find a way.”
Warnings: Clown mention, fake knife. Characters: Trafalgar Law Genre: Crack, Modern!AU
A haunted house. It was all your idea. Why? Because you wanted to see if your boyfriend, Law actually got scared. The man was normally quite stoic, seemingly not bothered by much, if anything at all. So what better thing to do than to go to a haunted house and try to see if Law would have any sort of reaction to it. Little did you know, this was going to backfire horribly on you.
The haunted house you took him to was at an old hotel they decided to revamp for Halloween. Each floor had a different theme. One was clowns, another was chainsaws, then the last was different horror movies, like Friday the 13th and Scream. 
When you arrived, fake fog covered the ground and you couldn’t see where you were stepping. You were excited about it, your little plan was hopefully going to work. But when you looked over at Law, he has an unamused look on his face and it made you roll your eyes. 
“Oh come on Law! Can you at least look excited or even nervous about this? It’s gonna be fun!” You pout up at the taller man. 
“I don’t see much to be scared about…” He glances around, not knowing what exactly he should be nervous about. “It’s not like it’s real.” You roll your eyes once more at your boyfriend. 
The two of you enter the first floor and you admit, it’s not as scary as you thought it would be. There are people who jump out at you and sure, it gives you a little fright, but it’s not until the third floor where they’re actually chasing you that it gets scarier. Law smirks to himself, as he gets an idea. He slips away behind you and you don’t notice that he’s gone until you jump back and don’t feel yourself bump into his chest like you had before. “Law?” you shout out his name, brows furrowing as you turn in circles. “Law! Where did you go?!” it was at this point you started to get freaked out. The sound from Friday the 13th plays in the background which just serves to make your heart race. 
“Babe! Come on!” you groan in frustration now that you’re alone but it wasn’t for long because when you turned around, there’s Jason with a fake bloodied knife in his hand. You scream in a panic as you jump back against the wall. The horror movie character pins you against it so you can’t escape. But what you hear next, isn’t what you expect. You don’t expect to hear your boyfriend’s laugh as he takes off the mask. “You little shit!” you yell at him, hitting him in the chest. “If you do that again I’m going to throw you out this window! …what are you doing…?” you look at him through narrowed eyes as he glances out the window. “Checking to see how high the drop is to see if it’s worth it.” he smirks lazily at you and you just hit his chest again, huffing as you walk away from him. Nothing here was going to scare you anymore since you were just mad at him now. Maybe not mad, per say, but definitely embarrassed. “You’re a jerk!” 
“You have to admit that was pretty funny.” Law chuckled, following you to the elevator at the end of the haunted house. 
Your arms cross over your chest and you look away from him. “Was not.” 
The two of you sat there, Law chuckling every once in a while as he remembered your reaction and scared face. You waited until the elevator went to the first floor but it seemed like it was taking too long. It wasn’t until it jolted and stopped midway that you both realized what happened. 
The idea of being stuck in an elevator didn’t exactly appeal to him. But if it was with you…well that was a whole different story.
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foundfamilyhq · 6 months
Submissions Open
We've hit the stage where we've only got fandoms who already have an active poll left in the backlog, so you know the drill. You can submit characters via the pinned form. Submissions through the askbox will be ignored
If you want to see whether your character has already been judged or not, you can check this list here
as a new rule, we're now only accepting four new characters from the same series per submission period (e.g. only four characters from Animal Crossing will be accepted at a time). This is to help tackle the large backlog that some fandoms are building up in the queue
Below is a list of fandoms that we already have a backlog for. You can still submit for these fandoms, but just know that it'll take longer to get to your submission. Fandoms highlighted in bold have a longer than two (2) month waitlist before their backlog is cleared:
Danganronpa Gargoyles Project Sekai Kirby Inuyasha Supernatural Pokemon Miitopia Ben 10 Fraggle Rock Odd Squad El Goonish Shive Transformers Five Nights at Candy's Dungeon Meshi Nights with a Cat Minecraft Super Mario Bros. Animorphs Super Smash Bros. Yellow Submarine Star Trek Inazuma Eleven Steven Universe Mabel (Podcast)
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