cygninae · 7 months
Dunklaus 'head-canon' post to make up for my terrible posting habits on ao3:
Post-canon Klaus becoming obsessed with reading the paper. Violet is suspicious about this, since Klaus was never a particularly avid reader of the newspaper. He'd keep up to date on things, of course, but he wouldn't obsessively buy the paper everyday and spend entire days studying it. He also would not spend thirty minutes in front of the paper stand each morning lamenting on which one to buy as if his life was on the line at the choice he made. After months of his peculiar behaviour, she confronts him - and all he has to say is that love makes you do weird things.
Of course, this only makes her more confused, but Klaus refuses to elaborate, no matter how hard she bribes him with incentives of pretty hardcover books, opera tickets and trips to his favourite café.
It is only one month later, when she sees him jump out of his seat at the name "Quinn G.C. Damen" credited to a very well-written article in the Daily Punctilio that she realises her brother is still in love with their journalist friend that they lost many, many years ago.
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afterthegreatunknown · 3 months
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Duncan Quagmire and Klaus Baudelaire: Silly and Slightly Chaotic Together
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kkqueergurl · 2 years
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fruggin-bitch · 5 days
i spent the last month working on this ASOUE fic!! its a reunion of the Baudelaire's and Quagmire's five years after the series ends and moments inbetween!
pls read and lmk if you like it!!
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cotton-candy-vodka · 2 months
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localfanbaselurker · 10 months
I’ve noticed a pattern in asoue fics. when it comes to ships with vi and klaus, especially in reunion fics, these tend to be the ones. so I have a question
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Remember that one fic that I began 3,5 years ago and updated frequently until I suddenly updated it every 6-9 months?
Guess who has finished the last chapter of this fic.
I never gave up on this and now, finally, after YEARS, it's done.
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ven10 · 2 years
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sillysnack · 2 years
(the fic was originally posted on ao3 in 2021. i updated the publication date!)
GAY PEOPLE WIN!!!!!!! posting the whole fic under the cut for those who want to read here on tumblr :) feel free 2 leave kudos on ao3 as well lololol
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Summary: A lot of things keep Klaus Baudelaire up at night. These past few nights, however, a letter from specific triplets had been riddling his mind.
warnings: none?
fun bonuses: i spread the genderfluid quigley quagmire agenda + CHUUYA  (irl) SNEAK!
word count: 3626
3:06 AM. ONE.
Klaus laid on his bed as he stared at the ceiling.
It was around 3AM, at least Klaus had thought so. The second Baudelaire was caught up in a spiral of thoughts. It's been… how long? Since he's last seen Duncan– and the other Quagmire triplets. Years, obviously. He thought to himself.
Klaus felt alone. This makes no sense. My sisters are here with me.
The little voice in his head that sounds like him spoke once more, I’ve got company but why am I… yearning for someone else? Yearning's a big word for these feelings, if I’m being honest. I've got bigger worries anyways, the Man with a Beard but No Hair along with the Woman with Hair but No Beard are still at large... at least I think they are.
Klaus sat up to grab a neatly folded paper from his bedside table, he examined the envelope and paused. Should he really open it?
What if it was an emergency... and I ignored their pleas for help? Or what if the Quagmires were telling me and my sisters that they're finally safe...
Klaus opened the envelope, eyes closed. He paused before unfolding the paper that held the contents of the letter that had been the main topic of his midnight overthinking sessions.
He read aloud at a volume that wouldn't wake up his sisters.
Hello Baudelaires, it's Duncan Quagmire. Me and my siblings got a phone for each of us so we could all keep in contact for the meantime. Uhh here are our numbers :D
Anyway! Hope you guys are safe, we… we are not doing the best right now to be honest haha. An accident happened but I'd rather not get into detail because my siblings and I don’t want you guys to worry :) We'll tell you all about it once we see each other again.
Hopefully when this letter arrives, you guys are okay and so are we! I mean I’m sure you guys are okay but… as I mentioned, the accident; not too sure about our situation over here.
I hope that you’re reading this in a time where we’re all together and safe. (Which seems unlikely but one can dream. I hope Hector’s okay too, we got separated after the accident.)
Sorry I couldn’t go into detail about what happened, it’s a lot to write and like I said earlier, I’d rather tell you all this in person.
Duncan Quagmire (And Isadora and Quigley too…)
PS. If Klaus is the one reading this I'd appreciate it if he contacted me right away, for I have something to say. (I rhymed! Guess Isadora's not the only poet, huh?)
P.P.S. Isadora here! I wrote a few couplets for Violet while we were in the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home :) Don’t open it though! (Or tell her, Klaus, or Sunny) I’d rather see her reaction face-to-face!
P.P.P.S. Quigley here. Didn’t want to feel left out :P I hope you guys are doing great! We’re not, but, who cares?! I miss you guys!!! Also found out about being genderfluid. Fucking awesome.
Klaus wore a smile that held a mix of emotions; reading the letter made him happy, yet he was sad at the fact he wasn’t with his friends. That was expected, of course.
He wouldn't admit it to Violet, the girl who gushed 24/7 about the Quagmire poet and the letters the two sapphics would exchange, but he did miss Duncan in a… weird? way.
Klaus knew he liked all of the Quagmire triplets, obviously, yet Duncan stood out from them. Klaus also knew that anyone could like who they want to like, but thinking about him and Duncan? The idea of him and Duncan together made him feel weird– weird in a good way, not the weird he felt whenever he saw Count Olaf.
The “weird” he felt about Duncan was pleasant. What’s even weirder is that Klaus had received the letter, kept it for a week and not yet mentioned it to Violet. He thought he was being selfish and guess what? The middle Baudelaire would obviously affirm his self-deprecating thoughts.
Klaus only heard from Duncan in the little post-scriptums the Quagmire triplet would add in Isadora’s letters to Violet, and Duncan would hear from Klaus in Violet’s letters.
Sometimes Klaus would even hear from Duncan in his dreams, dreams where the two are walking around town together, hand in hand and fingers intertwined; or dreams where the two are cuddling while the rain tapped on the window of their home.
“Are these feelings the same as those of people my age in romance novels having crushes..?” Klaus wondered. He matched his experiences with Jane Eyre, he wasn’t much of a romance enthusiast but he did enjoy a few novels here and there back at the Baudelaire mansion.
Klaus compared his feelings towards Duncan to Jane Eyre’s feelings toward Edward Rochester. Different from the characters in the Charlotte Bronte novel, Klaus grew to like Duncan quicker than Jane began to enjoy Mr. Rochester’s company.
There was also that moment in the novel where Mr. Rochester thanks Jane quite earnestly after saving him from a fire, then that same night makes Jane analyse her feelings towards Edward Rochester… This particular moment, Klaus put a pin on.
“It’s similar to when my sisters and I saved Duncan and Isadora from that ersatz elevator, or when we reunited the Quagmire triplets.” Klaus groaned. However, I was too busy trying to stay alive to think about my feelings.
Klaus rubbed his eyes before closing them. He held Duncan Quagmire’s letter close to his chest.
7:08 AM. ONE.
Klaus was on the floor, his arms were on the bed and his legs supported his body weight. He tried to remove the wrinkles on the letter from Duncan.
“Oh my God… I can’t believe I fell asleep without putting it back…” Klaus frowned. He couldn’t really iron paper, maybe it was an issue of skill for the second-born Baudelaire.
Klaus held the letter and sat on his bed. He jumped to the post-scriptums from each triplet. “I’d rather see her reaction face-to-face…” Klaus’s voice trailed off as he read Isadora’s post-post-scriptum for Violet.
“...I suppose it is rather selfish of me to keep this from her.”
As if on cue, Violet spoke up, “Keep what from me?”
Klaus jumped in his seat, then sighed. “Thank goodness it’s just you. Well… I received this letter from Duncan a week ago. What are you doing at this hour?”
Violet answered, “None of your business.” Then proceeded to snatch the letter from her brother's hands.
“What–? Hey! Be careful with that!”
The eldest Baudelaire sighed, “There’s no return address.”
Klaus turned to his sister, “Yeah. Have you read Isadora’s little note at the bottom?” Violet quickly read what Klaus was talking about, and turned a light shade of pink.
Violet folded the letter and neatly placed it back into the envelope. “Since we’ve both read the letter, let’s buy phones for ourselves later?”
Klaus smiled. “Sure.”
“Oh, and we’re taking Sunny and Beatrice with us, obviously. We’ll also do our grocery shopping while we’re at it.” Violet said as she walked away from her brother's bed.
“G’night, V.”
She shortly replied, “What? It’s 7AM, Klaus.”
12:03 AM. TWO.
Klaus stared at the screen of his phone, then at the Quagmires’ numbers, thinking about whether or not he should contact them. One of them, anyway.
“What if he doesn’t respond?” He asked, and of course nobody answered him; Klaus was the only one awake at the time.
“Maybe if I actually called Duncan instead of just contemplating it while staring at my phone.” Klaus sighed.
What was the point? Suppose that Duncan did pick up his call, what would Klaus say?
“Hey, I miss you a lot and it’s not like I don’t miss your siblings but I miss you in a non-platonic way. It’s like I miss hearing your voice and I miss seeing your handwriting. I miss everything about you and I wish we were together right now. Physically and… romantically.”? Yeah, that seems appropriate. Klaus scoffed at his thoughts.
Besides, it was 12 AM. Was Duncan even awake at this hour?
Klaus sighed. He had read before that sleep patterns can affect one’s mood…
Klaus wanted the rest, but it didn’t come to him easily.
12:03 AM. TWO.
“Why isn’t he calling?” Duncan frowned.
His sister groaned. “Duncan, it’s 12 AM. Give it a break, he’s probably asleep.”
Duncan scoffed, “Him? Asleep at 12 AM? Sure he is.” He chuckles and rolls his eyes.
“Ugh, Duncan, please go to sleep already, he’ll probably leave a voicemail or two.” Isadora closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep after that short conversation with her brother.
Duncan sighed, maybe he should sleep on it, maybe Klaus would leave a voicemail or two; but what if he doesn’t? What if the Baudelaires didn’t receive their letter? Was Duncan supposed to write a return address in the letter? If he did, would their enemies find out?
Duncan sighed, “I guess I should sleep on it, hopefully something good happens tomorrow,” and tucked himself to sleep.
8:48 AM. TWO.
Duncan woke up and the first thing he did was check his phone, “Nothing. I woke up expecting nothing.” Duncan then feigned a smile. “This is great! Everything is great.”
Everything was not great.
What Duncan thought would be the least of his worries (i.e. his crush on a certain Klaus Baudelaire, and not his and his sibling’s well-beings), was very much at the top of his list.
Quigley, having sensed that something was wrong, approached Duncan with open arms. “It’s okay, he’s probably thinking about what to say. I mean, you know him! He thinks everything through. Like, the dude’s really thorough. Or maybe he’s still asleep!”
Duncan smiled at his brother and accepted the hug. He doesn't hug his brother back, however. The two pull apart. “Thanks. I’ll go wake up Isadora, you could go prepare breakfast for us, if you want to.” Quigley hummed in response and Duncan walked over to where Isadora slept.
It’s moments like that which make Duncan thankful to the Baudelaires that he’s together with his siblings.
8:50 AM. TWO.
Klaus eagerly sat up on his bed with a smile on his face.
“You’re looking rather chipper today. Have you finally got in contact with Duncan?” Violet asked.
He turned to his sister and shook his head. “Have not... yet. But I’m about to! I’m texting him right now. And then I’m never looking at my phone again.”
The eldest Baudelaire was holding Beatrice II so she put her down, then lightly hit Klaus on the shoulder.
Klaus hissed. “What was that for?!”
Violet sighed, disgruntled. “What do you mean you’re never looking at your phone again? One: that was pricey and two: what if Duncan replied? What if he says he wants to call you?” 
She crossed her arms, “You know, for an academically intelligent person, you’re incredibly stupid when it comes to stuff like this.”
“Says you.” Klaus retorted. He was too prideful to admit Violet’s right. Plus, another word from Klaus and Violet would bring up how he called her “stupid, with an S.”
“Unbeknownst to you, me and Isadora have been talking. Would you like to know what we’re talking about?” Klaus shook his head.
“What do you mean ‘unbeknownst to me’? I proofread some of your letters!”
Violet continued talking and ignored her brother's glaring, “And unlike you, I contacted her first! While you were asleep, I woke up early in the morning, around 2 AM, and called her. We talked for three hours, and you can’t even contact one of Isadora’s brothers!” She laughed.
“Shut up.” Klaus groaned, “I’ll text him, okay? And I’ll eagerly await his response.” He forced a smile at his sister.
Violet slyly smiled back. “You’re all talk but no bark.”
Klaus tilted his head with furrowed brows. He held his glasses to prevent it from falling. “I think it’s ‘no bite’.”
Violet then scoffed. “No? I’m pretty sure the phrase is “all talk but no bark”.”
Klaus stared at his sister, “I meant that the phrase was “all bark but no bite”. Anyway, I am going to text Duncan right now.” He proudly said.
“A sincere good luck to you, my dear brother.” Violet picked up Beatrice II, “I’ll go feed her.” Klaus nodded and started typing on his phone.
klaus: Hello Duncan, I hope this message finds you in good health. I received your letter a week ago but have only opened it now, my apologies. Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: hi! you actually got the letter :D
i was pretty worried it wouldn’t get to you guys. i had quigley help me mark your possible location T_T theyre a great cartographer.
but, im glad it reached you!
you don’t have to write your messages like that y’know
klaus: Dear Duncan, I apologise once again for only contacting you now. Violet, Sunny, Beatrice II, and I all went out today to buy our phones. Although I do agree with the part where you said Quigley is a great cartographer. His skills have continued to help us all, it seems. Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
Dear Duncan, I see you used ‘they’ on Quigley. I’m not sure if that was a grammatical error on your part? Quigley also mentioned something about being ‘genderfluid’ in your letter, may I ask for you to explain those to me? Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: oh yea it [genderfluid] means the way quigley presents himself ranges from feminine to masculine to androgynous. it could also be a mix of those three.
being genderfluid (i think) also means that his gender is… fluid!
the ‘they’ for quigley wasn’t an error! they told me they wanted he/him and they/them pronouns be used to refer to them. i make sure to switch it up in sentences!
klaus: Dear Duncan, So you mean Quigley is like Chevalier d'Eon? French soldier who lived openly as a man and a woman? Pardon me for bombarding you with questions. Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: you know what ? yeah.
you don’t have to add a “dear [name]” and “sincerely, klaus” to every message hahaha
klaus: Dear Duncan, But it’s fun. :( You also told me in your letter that you have something to say to me? Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: ah, that? nothing. just rambling.
klaus: Dear Duncan, It’s alright. I won’t press any further, I don’t want to invade your privacy. :) Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: mhmgfdkhmhm you're too kind ☹❤
klaus: Dear Duncan, What does /that/ mean? It’s like you just put random letters together. Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: yeah thats what I did! its called a keyboard smash ;P u could try it, you know!
klaus: Dear Duncan, Oh, okay! I understand. Let me try. Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
Dear Duncan, d Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: That is certainly something.
but there is something I’d like to tell you! Just not right now, sorry
klaus: Dear Duncan, That’s okay! Might I ask, is this related to the accident you mentioned in your letter? Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: it isn’t 😅 it’s personal stuff
klaus: Dear Duncan, Oh, I see. I have something to say too.. I’ll just send it and go. Uhuhhfhfmmd (I'm pretty sure I nailed this keyboard smash you speak of.) I think I’ll say it later. May I call you tonight? Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire.
duncan: youre free to call me anytime! i wouldn’t mind at all!
you did nail that keyboard smash! nice one :D
klaus: Dear Duncan, Thank you. I look forward to calling you. Sincerely, Klaus Baudelaire
10:07 PM. TWO.
Klaus stared blankly at his phone, specifically at Duncan’s contact details. Should he even call Duncan? Of course, right?
He said I’m free to call him anytime, but what if I was a bother? Klaus Baudelaire, get a grip of yourself.
Klaus sighed and put down his phone. “If I waited until I’m ready, I’d be waiting my whole life.” He told himself. He took a deep breath and called Duncan.
Thirty-three seconds.
It took Duncan Quagmire thirty-three seconds to pick up the call, but it felt like an hour to Klaus.
“Hey, it’s Duncan!”
Klaus smiled and breathed out, “Hey.”
There was silence.
Klaus started the conversation, “It’s… it’s been a long time since I last heard your voice.”
All Duncan could reply with was, “Haha, yeah. I could say the same about you.” Duncan rolled his eyes at Isadora, who gave him a thumbs down. “You said you were going to tell me something.”
Klaus nodded at Duncan's statement. Ah wait, he couldn’t see that. He pushed his glasses up before he spoke. “I just wanted to say that I missed you.”
Klaus couldn’t see Duncan’s reaction to his statement since they were very far away from each other but hearing that made Duncan’s heart flutter.
Both boys’ faces were red, and both of them had siblings to tease them about it.
“I missed you too.”, was all Duncan mustered. A silence fell upon the two boys’ conversation yet again, it was pleasant.
“Have I ever told you about one of my favourite authors?” Klaus asked. He had thought about telling Duncan about the weird feelings he’s been having about the Quagmire that night, but Klaus thought it could be a topic for another day.
“No, I don’t think we’ve got the chance to talk about such trivial matters.” Duncan’s voice brought Klaus out of his thoughts.
Klaus frantically looked around him. Was it really the time to ramble to Duncan about his interests? “Right. Well, um, I really like Herman Melville. He’s one of my favourite authors. I particularly enjoy the way Melville dramatises the plight of overlooked people, such as poor sailors or exploited youngsters– kind of cool of him.”
“That’s quite interesting. Perhaps you could read some of his works to me once we see each other again.” Duncan commented.
Klaus smiled to himself, “I’d love to.” He tried not to sound too enthusiastic, so Duncan wouldn’t think that reading a book to him and talking about how much he loves the said book was all Klaus thought about. “Ah, I also admire Hammurabi! I used to read Hammurabi’s Code back when… when…” Klaus’s voice trailed off into a heavy sigh.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to force yourself to talk about such personal topics.” Duncan replied, then asked Klaus about poets since “Isadora’s been writing things other than couplets”.
“Oh! Uhm…” Klaus thought about which poet to talk about. “Well, my least favourite poet is Edgar Guest. He was a writer of limited skill, I'm not one to diss on poets but Edgar wrote such awkward, tedious poetry on hopelessly sentimental topics. I mean, if I had to choose a poet, probably Nakahara Chuuya. He was influenced by Dadaism and other experimental poetry but I do enjoy his works!”
Duncan hummed and smiled. Although Klaus wouldn’t see him smile.
Klaus tightened his grip on his phone. “Sorry, if I’m talking too much. You could tell me, you know! I won’t get mad.”
Duncan replied, “You don’t talk enough, actually, we haven’t seen each other in over a year! I don’t care about how much you talk. Hearing your voice makes me feel… safe? I don’t know. There are times when I feel alone and do you want to know what I think about?”
Klaus stayed silent, eager to listen to Duncan’s words.
“You. I thought about you. I missed you so much, Klaus Baudelaire. It’s silly! I wish I could hug you right now and… I’m so glad I can hear you talk right now, I love listening to you talk about all the books you’ve read and the authors you admire, as well as the authors you have a distaste for.”
Klaus was biting his lower lip the whole time Duncan spoke. He let go and asked, “What are you trying to say, then?”
Duncan sighed. “I’m saying I like you, Klaus.”
“Klaus? Are you there?”
Klaus pushed up his glasses and answered. “You know… I received the letter you sent almost a week ago but I didn’t think about telling Violet about it as soon as I did.” He dryly laughed at his selfishness. “I felt the need to keep this letter to myself, like a schoolgirl receiving a note from the guy she likes. I… I like you too.”
Duncan chuckled. “You like me.”
Klaus sighed, “Of course I do. I mean, why wouldn’t I? A journalist and a researcher are the perfect pair. Plus, you’re charming, intelligent, cute, talented, have neat handwriting, kind, noble, brave.” While Klaus listed those reasons for liking Duncan, he knew that no words could express just why he likes Duncan like that.
“So are you.” Duncan replied. A silence fell upon their conversation yet again.
“Well, I suppose I have to go to sleep. It is 10:24 already.” Klaus remarked. Despite that, he didn’t want to end the call. Ever.
Duncan hummed, “Yeah, me too. Good night, Baudelaire.”
Klaus slowly positioned the phone in front of his face. He looked at Duncan’s caller ID before he replied, “G’night Duncan.”
Neither of them ended the call.
Well, Duncan had to. Klaus overheard Isadora yelling at Duncan to go to sleep already.
“Good night, Klaus.”
Klaus smiled and replied. “Good night again, Duncan.”
For the first time in what felt like ages, Klaus fell asleep contentedly, thanking the world for Duncan Quagmire's presence in his life.
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asoueismylife · 1 year
Ask Game: Duncan Quagmire (asoue)
Favourite otp: Dunclet, they have a very heated chemistry and should have been endgame which is why I don’t like Quigley or maybe Duncalita (Duncan x Carmelita) I definitely saw the chemistry with him and Carmelita at Prufrock I’m just saying something might’ve happened if they had shown more.
Favourite brotp: I feel like he might get along with Carmelita or even Fiona, minus getting a glare ir two from his sister for even going near Fiona from the Figley Kiss, but I love sibling rivalry so definitely Quigley.
Favourite Ships of them: Dunclet, Dunklaus and Duncalita.
Hated Ships: Duncaquigley, Fiodunc.
Their Best friend: Klaus Baudelaire.
Favourite Nicknames: D, Dunc, Duncie
Favourite AU: I like the au of the series Legacies of the school for W erewolfs, vampires and witches/ I like to think Duncan is a werewolf.
My favourite outfit: I don’t read the books and obviously the series they only wear the school uniform and pj’s from what I remember but I always imagined him in a Green Shirt/Sweater jeans and (?) green and white airjordans
Defining/Aura color: GREEN.
Would I date them: Hell yeah, sorry Violet.
First impression: Cute and very protective
Current impression: protect this man at all costs, he isn’t a cinnamon but he’s not mean he is in the middle and very stubborn.
- Soccer Player
- VFD member
- not at all on good terms with Quigley, will hold a grudge until he dies.
Song That reminds you of them: Greenlight - Flo Rida and Lunchmoney
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Pls recommend a good fanfic
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cygninae · 6 months
Dunklaus are literally the journalist and researcher my god. Just remembered that and had to post it because I'm sitting here with my head in my hands thinking they're literally intertwined.
Love my random, unpopular ship that actually makes a lot of sense if you let it.
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Archived Fandoms
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All my writing for Hamilton, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Newsies, A Series of Unfortunate Events, 101 Dalmatian Street, Zootopia, Wall-E, Ratatouille, The Maze Runner, Hook, She-Ra, The Incredibles, My Little Pony: A New Generation, Wizards of Waverly Place, Danganronpa, Looney Tunes, Raya and the Last Dragon, Cars, Toy Story, Winnie the Pooh, Tarzan and Captain Marvel will be linked here!
*I do NOT wish to receive further requests for these fandoms. They're archived for a reason, I'd like to leave these up for people in those fandoms to enjoy but I reserve the right to delete anything on here without warning
Imagines full on one shots with your favourite characters
Thomas Jefferson Permission to Court? (Gender Neutral Reader)
King George I Missed You (Female Reader) Don't Need Riches (Gender Neutral Reader)
John Watson Can't Sleep (Gender Neutral Reader)
Sherlock Holmes He's a Jerk (Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt Scamander Awkward (Gender Neutral Reader)
Sirius Black Muggle (Gender Neutral Reader) Deal (Female Reader) Intimate (Female Reader) Try Again (Gender Neutral Reader) Reunion (FtM Reader)
Remus Lupin Girlfriend? (Female Reader)
Queenie Goldstein Lovely Thoughts (Female Reader)
Harry Potter Hogsmeade (Gender Neutral Reader)
Klaus Baudelaire Happy Birthday (Gender Neutral Reader) Alone (Gender Neutral Reader) Letters (Gender Neutral Reader) Jack London (Gender Neutral Reader) Yours (Gender Neutral Reader) Substitute (Gender Neutral Reader) Valentine (Gender Neutral Reader) Moving On (Female Reader) Not That Easy (Gender Neutral Reader) Bad Day (Gender Neutral Reader) Anniversary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Duncan Quagmire Christmas Party (Female Reader) Jealous (Female Reader)
Isadora Quagmire Special (Female Reader) The Ersatz Elevator (Female Reader)
Violet Baudelaire Falling for You (Female Reader)
Baudelaires Island Days (Gender Neutral Reader)
Davey Jacobs First Kiss (Gender Neutral Reader)
Doug Father's Day! (Gender Neutral Reader)
Delilah Sick Day (Gender Neutral Reader)
Judy Hopps What Parents Do (Gender Neutral Reader) Halloween's Scary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Jane Porter Jungle Girl (Female Reader)
Wall-E Holidays (Gender Neutral Reader) Fourth of July (Gender Neutral Reader)
EVE Thunderstorms (Gender Neutral Reader)
Wall-E & EVE Robot Child (Gender Neutral Reader) Earth Day (Gender Neutral Reader)
Jessie First Thanksgiving (Gender Neutral Reader) Christmas Confessions (Gender Neutral Reader)
Buzz Lightyear Worried (Gender Neutral Reader)
Andy Davis Special Gift (Gender Neutral Reader)
Lightning McQueen Rookie Racer (Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt One Chance (Female Reader)
Minho Hopeless (Male Reader) Wherever, Whenever (Male Reader)
Rufio I Wish Pt. 1 (Female Reader) I Wish Pt. 2 (Female Reader)
Scorpia Leaving (Gender Neutral Reader) Is This What Love Is? (Gender Neutral Reader)
Justin Russo Third Chance (Gender Neutral Reader)
Carol Danvers Don't Give Up (Gender Neutral Reader)
Remy Halloween Dish (Gender Neutral Reader) Fancy Feast (Gender Neutral Reader)
Byakuya Togami Byakuya (Gender Neutral Reader)
Kyoko Kirigiri Would You Be So Kind (Gender Neutral Reader)
All/Multiple Binders (FtM Reader)
Headcanons Headcanons related to these characters
A Series of Unfortunate Events Being Friends with Duncan Quagmire (Gender Neutral) Baudelaires and Quagmires React to you Saying you Love Them (Gender Neutral) Klaus Baudelaire with Secretly Soft Reader (Gender Neutral) Baudelaires & Quagmires React to Metalhead Reader (Gender Neutral) Dunklaus Headcanons
Ratatouille Playing Overcooked with Linguini and Colette (Female Reader) Dating Remy the Rat Would Include (Gender Neutral) Warning Linguini and Colette About a Leak (Female Reader) Linguini and Colette with Child! Reader (Gender Neutral)
The Incredibles Being the Oldest Incredikid With No Powers (Gender Neutral)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Reuniting with Twin Sister Catra (Gender Neutral) Being BFFs and Roommates with Adora (Gender Neutral)
My Little Pony: A New Generation Dating Alphabittle Would Include (Gender Neutral)
Danganronpa THH Characters Cheering You Up Pt. 1 (Gender Neutral) THH Characters Cheering You Up Pt. 2 (Gender Neutral) Goodbye Despair Characters Cheering You Up (Gender Neutral)
Raya and the Last Dragon Dating Sisu Would Include (Gender Neutral)
Winnie the Pooh Dating Rabbit Would Include (Gender Neutral)
Toy Story Being Jessie's Girl Would Include (Female Reader) Dating Buzz Lightyear Headcanons (Gender Neutral) The Toy Story Gang Dealing with Traumatized Toy!Reader (Gender Neutral) Toy Story Gang with Clingy Reader (Gender Neutral)
Cars Being Lightning McQueen's S/O (Gender Neutral) Dating Ramone and Boost Would Include (Gender Neutral) Doc's Friends X Reader Headcanons (Gender Neutral) Dating Mac (Cars) Would Include (Gender Neutral) Being Best Friends with Lightning McQueen and Mater (Gender Neutral)
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So, I changed my blog theme..... again. And now I'm making a new intro because why not.
Hi! My name is theo, pronouns they/he/she
Im taking a lil’ break from posting right now, I’ll probably be back later in the summer, but I’m still here :)
I’m mainly a fandom blog, but i might also sometimes post other random stuff, (moodboards, thoughts I have in the middle of the night, etc)
These are some of my fandoms, but I’m trying to get into some new stuff so this will probably grow:
Stranger things
A series of unfortunate events
My ships, wich will also probably grow by the time I’m posting again:
+ probably others I forgot abt
My wattpad: Theosaurus-rex
My ao3: Unfortunate sapphic disaster
My art/writing blog that I have no content for: @theodorableart
Emoji's I like (it's not relevant but I'm adding them anyways):
Ill add more when I inevitably realise I forgot something. Bye!
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technsavi · 2 years
Pennsylvania counties prepare for a marathon mail-in ballot count to earn their share of new state election money
Pennsylvania counties prepare for a marathon mail-in ballot count to earn their share of new state election money
October 13, 2022 | 6:42 PM Sam Dunklau Sam Dunklau is the Capitol Bureau Chief for WITF. He previously covered Illinois state government for NPR member station WUIS in Springfield, IL. Since 2015, Sam has been floating around the radio airwaves as a reporter, disc jockey, and station manager. He grew up in the small midwestern town of Paw Paw, Illinois and is a proud graduate of Augustana…
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kikolagito · 2 years
Duncan Quagmire and Klaus Baudelaire are in love.
Here’s my reasoning: I said so.
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