#queue: Non-Lethal Paralyzer
sinnerstesia · 5 years
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— Te ves un poco cansado ¿Estás en temporada de exámenes? —Preguntó aquél pelinegro mientras acariciaba con delicadeza la cabellera ajena, él también estaba en pruebas, no es que fuese fácil pero se había hecho un tiempo para quedar con Avery ya que le había echado de menos. —¿Estás seguro que no prefieres ir a descansar? Sabes que puedo esperar.
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nxsilhouette · 4 years
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—No puede ser ¿Estás feliz ahora que me hiciste volver? No soy tu juguete. 
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
Setting : angst, murder (influenced mass murder), futuristic society, you can read the introduction post prior reading this AU headcanon (for a better understanding cos some keywords will be slightly difficult for non anime audiences)
And warning long post and shipping hinting (I wont write it over explicit but if you are anime audience you can get the hint of which character I based so its suggestive should you integrated anime counterpart to ONF couterpart) if you are uncomfortable with that just kindly ignore it. Only adding it not just because to follow original series but also for the AU/headcanon storyline conflict purposes
Theme song (if you really want to)
Opening : The Realist by ONF
Ending : FLOWER by XIA Junsu ft Tablo
*Special recommend (from original anime) :
Abnormalize by Ling Toshite Sigure (season 1)
Namae no nai Kaibutsu by Egoist (season 1)
Below is the known situation when the story starts in Yuto's POV
Yuto - Inspector
Changyoon - Inspector
Hyojin - Enforcer
Jaeyoung - Enforcer
Minkyun - Analyst
Seungjun & Minseok - dead
And again sorry if its messy (Cos mainly I just want this AU to exist and making it to a birthday gift for myself XD)
The whole structure is followed the anime,but I will fast paced-ify to focus on main storyline. Also I will tweak my words/wordings to a more simpler format so that I wont cause you all headache.
(loosely based from episode 1 and 2)
Its first day for Yuto joining CID as an Inspector, he is under Changyoon. Changyoon, who has already read the profile of his new subordinate/partner, lets Yuto to omit the self introduction as they head off to crime scene at a second tier city nearby.
(He is the first foreigner in the team? why not?)
Before they left, Minkyun comes over to hand Changyoon a briefcase mentioning that there is bit of queue. Yuto thanked Minkyun in a hurry.
On the way, Changyoon guided Yuto to login into system with Dominator gun, just coldly confirmed with Yuto if he knows how to use it. Once Yuto got everything checked, Changyoon went back to his silent mode.
They need to hunt down a man who has escaped (same reason as anime or whatever reason you felt convenient).
At the place its rainy and its already night, Inspectors arrived along with another wagon/van where Enforcers are inside. Yuto thought they are back ups, which is not entirely wrong.
Changyoon shortly briefs Yuto about Enforcers. Quote, " Those inside are beings where their Psycho Pass readings are not of accepted range". Its more like Changyoon is trying to set Yuto a mindset that don't think Enforcers as an ally/ same being as us.
As the door of wagon opens, 2 Enforcers steps out, they noticed new member standing beside Changyoon. Due to documentation's wording and Changyoon's words, Yuto thought Enforcers would be people who looks menacing and tough, those by 1 glance you could immediately tell they are used to be/potentially to be psychopathic criminal...
But to Yuto surprise, both Enforcers in suits looks pretty like decent normal person, just like him. One with red hair who is slightly shorter and another with black who is taller.
Both Enforcers approaches to Changyoon with smiley face. While Changyoon just look at him expressionless. The one in red hair with a friendly tone goes, " Glad you are not working alone now Changyoon." But Changyoon only just give him the "Whatever you say" look. And the Enforcer with red hair seems to used to Changyoon's coldness.
Meanwhile, the Enforcer with black hair approaches Yuto to introduce himself and his colleague. He is Jaeyoung while the other one is Hyojin. Yuto responded politely. And Hyojin smiles at Yuto brightly to the extent Yuto slightly questions if looks really are deceiving? Then just how scary these decent looking person's Psycho Pass were when they are actually friendly?
But Yuto's distracted thought was pulled back to reality when Changyoon starts to brief on team missions. Hyojin is assigned to Yuto while Jaeyoung follows Changyoon instead.
While searching for the escaped criminal by checking the area's alleys and back alleys, Hyojin being friendly and tried giving Yuto mental security by offering to answer his doubts because he was once a rookie like him too. Yuto being the good student, has go through documents and manuals so he does not have much questions, but only worry on if he could do good on practical events.
Hyojin's advise was those manuals and what Yuto has learnt prior joining only serve as a guide and reference, so better don't over rely as case by case are all different. However, Hyojin ensures him by saying. "Don't worry, it is us Enforcers who do dirty work. for most of the times"
Out of curiousity, (and with Hyojin's permission) Yuto armed Dominator gun towards Hyojin to check/confirm on Hyojin's Psycho Pass. And it is higher than society acceptance range. Seeing the truth, Yuto inhales a bit of air, he could not help think and compare Hyojin to those physical attributes/vibes gave of by criminals he seen from TV.
Jaeyoung's voice could be heard via bluetooth earphones, mentioning he and Changyoon has found the criminal but the criminal has escaped towards Yuto and Hyojin's direction, along with a hostage. Jaeyoung and Changyoon are now attending the abandoned hostage. (Initially there are 2)
Changyoon approves of Enforcer to shoot should situation calls for that move.
As Jaeyoung's sentence finishes, the criminal dashes out from the corner and Hyojin immediately rushes in front of Yuto with Dominator armed and ready, his friendly vibe are gone and totally different, his emitting aura that are spiking with alert and defense mode.
Since the place they are standing is a dead end, for sure the criminal will back off and escape again. And before Yuto could make a quick decision, Hyojin fires precisely at criminal with Lethal Eliminator mode. It all happens too quick but Yuto grasps the situation fast enough to rush towards the hostage.
As Yuto gotten the hostage in his arm, he softly tries to calm the hostage down. But while doing it, he could the red haired Enforcer behind him coldly requesting Yuto to move away from the hostage.
Yuto immediately understood that the extermination of criminal in front of hostage's presence moments ago triggered the raise of Psycho Pass of the hostage, and now the hostage's stress level is high enough for Dominator and system to see the hostage as threat to fire. One relieving point was, Hyojin's gun is not in Lethal Eliminator mode, so Yuto could tell that there is not really a necessary for Hyojin to fire just yet.
"Wait, ..." Yuto tries to convince Hyojin but the hostage took the opportunity to run. Hyojin chases the hostage and yells at Yuto to catch up.
And Hyojin informs the others through bluetooth that the hostage's Crime Coefficent has went up.
Yuto, wants to change the situation, hurriedly stands up and followed Hyojin. While running and convincing Hyojin that the hostage is only a victim of crime, Yuto realised the object he is holding and quickly plans.
As Hyojin chases the hostage to another dead end, the hostage start to break down and cry as they noticed its dead end. Their stress level are not coming down and they clearly knew what fate lies ahead as the police is chasing them.
Seeing that, Yuto know he cannot wait to explain or persuade Hyojin, so instead of firing at the hostage, Yuto paralyses Hyojin from behind using Dominator trying to save the hostage. The hostage calms down seeing the possibility to not being executed/treated as a criminal.
When Changyoon and Jaeyoung arrives to the spot, they are confused if the hostage assaulted Hyojin. And Changyoon checked the hostage's Crime Coefficient, it is now back to normal. However, as procedure for victim of crime to get treatment and assessment, Changyoon still fires at the hostage to paralyses them.
Hyojin and the hostage are to be hospitalized for the time being. And since Yuto confessed that Hyojin was not assaulted by hostage but paralyzed by Yuto's Dominator, Changyoon demanded a report from him to explain his actions.
The next day Yuto woke up worried if he had ruined his career by the first day. Feeling apologetic, he goes to the hospital to check up on Hyojin after settling a case with Jaeyoung, and he has to oversee the victim to be sent to hospital.
Jaeyoung reminded Yuto that its the same hospital Hyojin and yesterday hostage were in. Yuto then Jaeyoung to return to van while he will check on Hyojin quickly.
Hyojin, who is now numb and paralyzed, lying on the bed with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling and walls blankly.
Hyojin's hunch made him asked Yuto what was Changyoon's response towards Yuto's actions. And Yuto told him the truth that he will need to submit a report. Hyojin only laughs at Changyoon for being a stuborn head and stiff, just like old times.
"Have you done the report then?" Hyojin asks, Yuto only shakes his head replying that he does not know how to start and what to write.
Hyojin, with a playful tone, teased that should Yuto did not paralyzed him, he could write the report on his behalf as a welcome to the team gift, but since he is now paralyzed, Yuto will need to do it on his own.
Yuto felt a bit bad about that, but Hyojin assures him that Hyojin can let it slide should Yuto buy him lunch once he discharged.
"HAHA, should Changyoon ever finds out you drop by to check on me, he might sulk even more." Hyojin mutters in a playful but weary tone.
"Eh?" Yuto gets a little panicked, "Inspectors should not visit or come contact with Enforcers after office hours?"
Hyojin denies Yuto's speculation and mentioned that he does not blame Yuto for what happened, and asks Yuto to check the hostage as well, hoping the hostage can control their stress level well so that they can discharge soon. And Hyojin also jokingly say that hope the hostage won't bump into him in the future, even though unlikely since Enforcer lived a very controlled life.
"Don't be intimidated by Changyoon, give him a bit of time to get used to your presence. Also keep in mind he means no harm." Hyojin adds
Yuto could tell Hyojin is not someone that cold and mean. And he starts to smile back a little again.
Yuto feel like asking if Hyojin and Changyoon knows each other way back, but he had to do that the next time because he still has a report to submit.
Yuto then starts his life adapting and learning how things operating in CID, he is a quick learner so Changyoon is quite content about it. Not long after, he assigned Yuto to head off to crime scene inspection with Jaeyoung while waiting for Hyojin to discharge.
(loosely based on episode 2 and 3 but I omitted most details of the crime case)
Yuto and Jaeyoung are working on a night time shift. The monitoring system alerts them of a potential area stress level rising/ potential target stress level rising so they had to head out.
As Yuto is still a bit inexperienced, Jaeyoung was the one who identified the target. After handling potential threat target, Jaeyoung talked about him being Enforcer for a long time, even longer than Hyojin and telling Yuto not to feel bad about it because experience will grow as time pass.
And also Jaeyoung hinted that it is also because he is "different" than Yuto, thats why he can intuitively know by first glance when someone's looks fishy.
Yuto felt inexperience is just sugar coating his incapability, and that thought shows on his face. So Jaeyoung told him that : " Don't think that you are useless for the time being. "
"Enforcers can't walk around outside without an accompanying Inspector. Your job is also to monitor Enforcers too, so that they won't slack off escape or cause society trouble. Even if that's all you can do for now, that is all you need to do." Jaeyoung continues.
That did not leave a good after taste for Yuto even it is the truth.
As days pass, Yuto did good handling on cases now as he gets the hang of it. Jaeyoung sees leading quality budding in Yuto and sometimes praises Yuto in front of Changyoon. And even with Minkyun, they both teased Changyoon to soften up a little so that he would stop scaring Yuto.
Yuto and Minkyun did to have a bit of get to know each other time when Changyoon and Jaeyoung head out to patrol. Yuto and Minkyun are back up support.
its lunchtime and Minkyun invited Yuto for lunch. So they get know each other for a bit.
Minkyun was glad to have Yuto joining the team because Changyoon and Hyojin are both quite uptight. But Yuto said he did not see Hyojin as the strict character. Minkyun laugh it off by saying that is because Yuto did not know Hyojin long enough.
It later surprised Minkyun that Yuto actually Sibyl system's judgement/assessment towards Yuto, were exceedingly excel. He got A ranking for a number of ministries and agencies and a couple of companies.
Minkyun exclaims as he nearly choked on his food : "Seriously,then why CID?"
Yuto repies him with a wearily smile while handing him a glass of water : "I think that was because for all other jobs there were at least 1 or 2 people beside me that got the same ranking."
"And I was the only one who got an A ranking for the Bureau. Out of 500 students in whole country." Yuto continues while Minkyun looking at him unbelievingly.
"So you just come over thinking there might be something you can do here?" Minkyun makes a guess and Yuto nods.
"That was incredibly amazing Yuto, even if it was assessed and chosen by the system for you, " Minkyun exclaims for the second time. "You could've chosen any kind of life!"
Yuto again can only nod at Minkyun's words, knowing that most people can did not have the luxury like he does. For most people, judged by the system only get to live the lifestyle set by the system and has to follow it . And he, Mizuguchi Yuto gets to choose. Which explains Minkyun's reaction to Yuto's experience.
"You know there are people who get identified as potential criminal at young age and never get to live a happy life ever since." Minkyun murmurs but Yuto did not get to catch it.
When Yuto asks for a repeat, Minkyun just brush it off saying Yuto's experience is so out of the world and he wish he could live as Yuto for once in a lifetime.
The lunch session ends as Changyoon and Jaeyoung notify them that the patrolling team is heading back to office and there are some evidence that need Minkyun's help to analysis.
(slight time skip in between, case of episode 3 happened. Changyoon critiqued on Yuto for being naive to put trust on Enforcers and Yuto gets to know that Hyojin is super reliable even though sometimes reckless. And this is where Yuto starts to look up to Hyojin.)
This happened later back in office when Yuto was out delivering documents to other department and Jaeyoung brought up topic of Yuto catch up really fast when he is handing his report to Changyoon. Hyojin is at his desk, doing paperwork.
They all know Changyoon well enough that Changyoon does not hate Yuto but only dislike the fact that Yuto sees Enforcers as a colleague and maybe even equal as human being. In Changyoon's point of view, naive and innocent. Which in Hyojin's point of view, Changyoon's stereotype is childishly selfish.
"Everyone starts as a rookie though." says Minkyun "But he is fast learner."
Hyojin, adds comment that Yuto is still a bit naive but with Changyoon giving the best guidance, Yuto will excel and might be the best Inspectors ever to exist.
"I mean, you know that better than we do right? You are the one who went through Yuto's profile." Hyojin's tone sound confident about Yuto's capability.
Changyoon is scanning Jaeyoung's report and he raise his gaze so that his eyes met Hyojin's gaze. He is not happy that an Enforcer backs up and siding a newbie.
"That's if he understands what a fool he is to treat Enforcers like a human being." Changyoon stares at Hyojin with a bit of anger in his eyes while saying this. "As long as he still does that, I don't see him qualify as a sensible and independent Inspector just yet."
"Same goes to you, Minkyun." Changyoon adds. "I don't get it why you can even get so awfully comfy with him."
Minkyun and Jaeyoung's face went soulless when Changyoon finishes his words.
The room went into grim silence instantly, and Hyojin's smiling expression changes to a straight face and he did not back off from Changyoon's words.
"Hey, I know you hate me but don't lash it out towards Minkyun." Hyojin retorts. "Keep in mind that you are the head of the team, and behave like one."
"And you think I wanted to be the head of the team to begin with?" Changyoon responds immediately and he puts down Jaeyoung's document on table with a thud, making the aura even tenser.
Minkyun want to say something to ease the situation but Jaeyoung pulls Minkyun's arm to stop him.
Coincidentally, the office door opens and Yuto steps in, he has returned from his errands. His seniors quickly act like nothing has happened and return to their work. But it did not fool Yuto for he could feel there is tension in the air.
Yuto's instinct knows best that it is better to act like nothing happened because he realized he does not understand a whole lot about his colleagues.
(loosely based on episode 4 and 5. Timeline is episode 4 and 5, but I will keep it simple.)
The team has to find culprit behind a murder case. It is found out that the victim was a member of a virtual community, and the account activity is still active until recently. But since the corpse already been some time, the team have perfect reason to doubt that maybe there is someone pretending to be the victim.
Even though it is not like that in the anime, I will tweak a bit here. Yuto has to take the role to "infiltrate" into community (potential enemy quarters) because most users are Japanese. Yuto managed to get some information. And the team comes up with a plan to catch their potential target/suspect.
The plan did not go well, and the suspect escapes. But little did the team know, that the whole case of this murder is not as easy/plain as it seems. It was just the beginning of a larger happening that will shake their lives.
Changyoon and Jaeyoung head out for another potential suspect's residence but returned fruitless. With Minkyun's data, Hyojin raised a possibility that maybe the murder is in the virtual community.
Luckily for the team, even though took a while but thanks to Hyojin's observant trait along with Minkyun's provided data+search of database, they are able to pinpoint the identity of murderer. Changyoon and Jaeyoung as Team A while Yuto and Hyojin as team B.
The criminal flees but Team B is able to wound the target badly. Team A chases, and then only to find the criminal has their Psycho Pass is contaminated badly compared to the first statistic number shown in the team's Dominator. The target is executed on spot as per instruction of Sibyl system.
The case was settled like that and no one ever got a clue how deep the water was.
After several team ups (including this one) with Hyojin, Yuto finally realizes that he might have been a tad naive and he is amazed how Enforcers are able to grasp what the target is thinking and able to foresee target actions.
Maybe when Yuto is taking a breather, Changyoon whofinally soften up a bit towards Yuto after the amount of time working together, comforts the junior that he did good recently but he should just simply fulfill duties as an Inspector so that things wont be overly complicated for Yuto. And for another time, Changyoon advised Yuto to draw a borderline with Enforcers, but not in a harsh tone, more of a pure advise.
"I am advising you based on experience." Changyoon says. " I could not stop him, so I thought I might prevent you to be like him."
Yuto just go by his hunch and ask the reason Changyoon draw that borderline and wishes other people to follow suit. Then Changyoon reveals that he has lost a few colleagues who are also his friends during his days in CID.
All loss are painful for him but none is more painful when his former head of division/chief of team,
Someone Changyoon used to look up to, who also used to be an excelled and brilliant Inspector "falls from grace" after the loss of their mutual friends.
" I don't want you to make the same mistake." Changyoon mutters out his words towards Yuto. He was expressionless when he says that but his worried eyes were exactly what made Yuto empath and felt Changyoon's pain
And the next reveal gives Yuto a shock but the puzzles finally fits together, "It was Hyojin."
"What?" and that's the only word Yuto exhales out of disbelief.
Changyoon let out a sigh and briefly explains, "He lost his brother and his best friend one after another. His brother was executed while his best friend which is also our former colleague, committed suicide."
Yuto only listens to Changyoon quietly, and unconsciously holding his breath. Hyojin? Who would have thought someone who is bright and kind towards Yuto has gone through such tragedy?
"Wait,..." Yuto found a point where he is in doubt. "You mentioned Hyojin's brother is executed, not murdered..."
Changyoon's slightly frowns and averts Yuto's gaze. "Yes, that is exactly what I meant. His brother was executed by the system. And his best friend watched that happened then later committed suicide a few weeks after the funeral."
The details of the story only emerged a bit but it is already complicating enough. Looking at Yuto's perplexed expression, Changyoon gave Yuto 2 files document's number for Yuto to look up to.
"I hope that from reading the file you can understand my point." Changyoon give a light pat on Yuto's shoulder before he continues, "I do understand that no one is a 100 percent saint. But, I do believe that you can choose not to fall by stepping away from all temptations. I kept my stance but he did not. He failed us, Me, his brother and his best friend."
Before Changyoon left, he advised Yuto not to stay up too late as they need to be early tomorrow.
The moment Yuto reached his apartment, he logs into the Bureau's database and search for the file Changyoon mentioned.
Just by the title Yuto knew instantly it was the terror attack happened 2 years ago. But since the intricate details of Hyojin's brother was not in newspapers, this is a record filed in ministry without publicly published but can only access by CID.
Yuto has complicated thoughts, he knew once he clicked into it, he will never view Hyojin and Changyoon the same again.
But the phrase of "His brother was executed by the system. And his best friend watched that happened then later committed suicide" repeats in Yuto's head. And it gave Yuto the motivation to click on the file.
To be continued in part 2... will upload soon (I have to split because its too long)
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nxsilhouette · 4 years
Había pasado demasiado tiempo, era consciente de eso, entre el trabajo,problemas de salud de Molly y demás cosas que habían sucedido no le quedaba de otra que quedarse encerrado, pero ahora tenían un poco más de libertad y lo primero que hizo fue formar un bonito arreglo con girasoles y se fue con destino al lugar donde sabía que se encontraría y esperaba no haberse equivocado. Después de un buen rato Liam llegó hasta aquella puerta que bien conocía y tocó un par de veces. 
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—Entrega especial para el mejor y más paciente novio de todo el mundo —mencionó apenas vio la puerta abrirse y extendió aquél ramo. @stormxroar​
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nxsilhouette · 4 years
La idea de acompañar a Jaerim a una presentación de su ex le desagradaba mucho, demasiado, porque sabía que era peligroso y por eso mismo había accedido al lugar. Si había algo que tenía que admitir era que tocaban bien, la vocalista era muy buena, pero no quería acercase a ellos, ni a Kyunsoo pero allí estaba yendo detrás de Jaerim. No había que ser un genio para saber que algo andaba mal, se notaba mucha tensión por parte de varios de ellos a excepción del baterista que se veía feliz con otra persona, no le tomó demasiado el darse cuenta del asunto y al ver a la otra chica sufrir se pudo hacer una idea, como mujer, sabía lo difícil que era ser sensible frente a los demás, así que actuó sin pensar. — ¿Me puedes llevar al baño? — exclamó dejando a todos sorprendidos, pero daba igual, tomó la mano de la muchacha y la sacó de allí, caminó y caminó hasta llegar a un lugar alejado de las personas y fue allí cuando le soltó, Rina se quitó la chaqueta que llevaba puesta y se la colocó encima en un gesto protector. —Perdón, sé que no nos conocemos pero tenía que hacer algo, no podía dejar que te vieran así ¿Estás bien? ¿Hay algo en lo que pueda ayudarte? Ay qué tonta ni me he presentado, soy Rina, amiga de Jaerim, hater numero uno de Kyunsoo. —Trató de bromear para ver si quitaba esa carita llena de tristeza.  // @sercndipity​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
@bonhcmie​; La idea de una ‘cita doble’ sonó muy bien en su cabeza pero Hyunjin sabía que no era así, que él era el único que pensaba de esa manera acerca de aquella mujer que le había robado el aliento desde la primera vez que la vió, pero aun así, allí estaba, con su mejor sonrisa aunque estaba cansado después de un día pesado en el instituto donde daba clases. La velada había sido linda, pero se sentía abrumado por la manera en que sus dos amigos mostraban su amor, estaba contento por ellos, pero dejaba una sensación extraña para él y para Seonmi, al menos eso creía él. Finalmente, luego de un par de sonrisas y unos cuantos comentarios se quedaron solos, Hyunjin sabía que era una jugarreta por parte de aquella parejita pero no se quejó en voz alta, simplemente decidió rendirse y tratar de disfrutar el momento.
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—Por fin un poco de paz —trató de bromear un poco para aligerar el ambiente que quizá solo él sentía abrumador. — ¿Cómo has estado, Seonmi-ssi? Hacía un tiempo que no nos veíamos —comenta, aquello era más culpa suya, cuando se venían las evaluaciones se aislaba completamente con tal de tener todas las notas listas, y no mentiría, le había echado de menos, pero no era lo suficientemente valiente para enviarle mensajes de texto. —Te ves muy bien —Dijo apenas se dio cuenta de que le había estado mirando demasiado. Rayos, era un idiota. 
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
Holi, voy a dejar una lista de cositas que me gustaría tener en un futuro, como siempre, en negrita el personaje que tengo
Yugyeom x Bambam
Jackson x Jabeom (JB)
Jinyoung x Jackson
Jinyoung x Youngjae (me acabo de leer un fic don’t judge me)
Mark x Jaebeom
Bambam x Jackson
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
Quizá era el único de los ahora 5 que no le disgustaba trabajar, por el contrario, lo encontraba relajante. Esta vez las palabras de su jefa fueron ‘encuentra algo interesante’, palabras vagas que siempre escondían algo detrás sino ¿Por qué molestarse en darle una ruta. Warren simplemente caminó por todo ese sendero, viendo demonios de clase baja, algunos recién convertidos hasta que un olor extraño llegó a él. 
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—No puede ser —murmuró, ciertamente, había algo, diferente, no tan común y eso explicaría porqué estaba él allí. Fue cercenando la distancia hasta que unos notorios cuernos llamaron su atención, finalmente estaba a un par de metros de distancia y el peliblanco sintió curiosidad ¿Acaso estaba buscándole pareja a su jefa o qué? — Buenas tardes — habló, pues no sentía (todavía) hostilidad de su parte. — ¿Quién es usted? — Inquirió curioso.  @murhaprinsessa​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
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Hewwo, nunca hice la mendiga wishlist pero ahora estoy muy needy de estas ships, en NEGRITA el pj que quiero usar porque por ahora no pudo agregar más pjs, los amo muchito.
Jackson x Jinyoung (GOT7)
Yuta (NCT) x Sorn (CLC)
Jinyoung (GOT7) x Jisoo (BP) // plots diferentes dependiendo quién sea JY o JS.
Jisoo (BP) x  Jinyoung (GOT7)
Jingyoung (GOT7) x Hyunjin (SKZ) // hay diferencia notoria de edad, nada de Hyunjin adulto ni nah, sowwy si incomoda y not sowwy por ser una puerk lol
Yugyeom x Bambam
WANTED OPPOSITE; no tengo ningún tipo de plot, ni tampoco preferencia sobre la ship, simplemente quiero que me den cosos con estos fcs y estoy dispuesto a ofrecer a todos mis hijos feos ♥
Taeyong (NCT, SuperM)
Mark (GOT7)
YoungJae (GOT7)
Jiwoo (KARD)
Donghae (SuJu)
Johnny (NCT)
Jinyoung (GOT7)
Taemin (Shinee, Superm)
Yugyeom (GOT7)
Ten (NCT, Wayv, Superm)
Doyoung (NCT)
Jackson (GOT7)
Cualquier cosa ando por IM o telegram: jichuulicious
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
Jealous Lovers Sentence Starters;  @tentaciion​
“Hi! I’m Hyunsik’s boyfriend. Ever heard of me?” :)
La presentación había sido todo un éxito, los chicos estaban listos para unirse a la fiesta o irse a una propia y Hyunsik no era la excepción, solo le faltaba cargar unas cosas a la camioneta cuando se vio interceptado por una mujer, la cual conocía muy bien. No hacía falta mirarla demasiado, había memorizado su baja estatura, esa nada adorable sonrisa y los ojos que parecían agrandarse cuando estaba cerca, quiso alejarse pero la chica no le permitía ni retroceder ya que seguía sus pasos mientras le reclamaba por sus acciones, palabras como ‘¿por qué tiraste mi regalo’ ‘¿por qué cambiaste de número?’ y de más salían, no importaba cuántas veces le dijera que se alejara, no parecía entender y estuvo a punto de empujarla para asustarla de verdad cuando una voz angelical se escuchó a su lado, incluso se relajó ante la cercanía y esbozó una sonrisa. Esas palabras fueron su salvación, incluso se permitió mirarle de reojo y abrazarle por la cintura, pegándolo a su cuerpo un poco. Hyunsik disfrutaba de la cara de tristeza que se formaba en su stalker y si bien no debería eso no quitaba la libertad que comenzaba a seguir, incluso decidió asegurarse de que no le quedara ninguna duda a la chica así que con naturalidad le tomó del mentón para obligar a Youngjae a que le mirara y le besó en los labios, algo que no le costó mucho porque mentiría si dijera que no tenía ganas de hacerlo. Fue un contacto natural algo intimo, no hizo ninguna pausa y continuó por un momento más hasta que al ver de reojo ya no había nadie frente a ellos, finalmente se apartó solo unos centímetros y murmuró —Gracias, me salvaste la vida —finaliza solo para relamerse los labios, no pareció ser suficiente para él —¿Te parece si fingimos un poco más? Por si no le quedó claro~
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
A su edad las bodas no eran algo difícil de evadir, todos sus conocidos estaban en proceso de y otros tantos ya habían encontrado a la persona con la que querían pasar sus días. En esta ocasión se trataba de uno de los amigos que hizo en la división donde laboró por muchos años, le había pedido ser su best man y no podía negarse. Así que, después de todas las lágrimas de emoción, las promesas de amor de los novios y la ceremonia en sí, Jungkook finalmente pudo relajarse, su lugar había sido elegido por los novios así que no le quedó de otra que ir y sentarse, notando que había empujado la silla a su lado. —Lo siento mucho, no quería molestarla —hizo una reverencia mientras se acomodaba, la mujer no parecía ser de su círculo de amigos ¿Sería un familia de la novia? 
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 — Señorita, realmente no quiero ser una molestia, pero parece ser que está sentada en mi lugar, no me molesta que lo esté, pero el novio me comentó que había dejado una nota en la silla y no sé si la vio o si está sentada encima de ella. —Añade, viéndole a los ojos antes de desviar la mirada hacia el adorno que está en la mesa.  // @memxriis​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
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— Kou-chan ¿Estás lista para ir a tu práctica? — pregunta la mujer mientras se acerca a la emperatriz, su tono era bastante informal comparado con la forma en que sus sirvientes le hablaban, pero trataba de mantenerse respetuosa, sobre todo porque finalmente había llegado el día en que Momoi vería a la otra practicar, estaba emocionada, no podía imaginar cuán sorprenderte sería.  —Prometiste que me dejarías ver como peleabas para mejorar tus habilidades y estoy preparada para conocer esa faceta más seria de ti. — Pues si bien lo recordaba, habían pasado años, desde que la vio por primera vez. // @braveblume​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
Era invierno y aunque para las demás personas parecía una época horrible, a él le gustaba, mas que nada porque él no era capaz de sentirlo, o más bien, estaba demasiado aclimatado como para molestarse, incluso lo encontraba agradable. Sin embargo, eso no nublaba su percepción, sabía que hacía frío, demasiado frío como para que una persona normal estuviese en poca ropa, justo como el niño que estaba a unos metros, quería pasar de lado, hacer como que no le importaba, pero la curiosidad era más. Se detuvo justo en frente, sin mirarlo todavía y habló.
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— ¿No es demasiado peligroso para que un mocoso esté a la intemperie con este clima? — Pregunta, mirándole de reojo, preguntándose si ya tiene hipotermia o si ha empezado a presentar frostbite en algunas zonas de su cuerpo. @backonthsbs​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
Había visto a aquél chico desde hace ya varios meses, es decir, ocasionalmente pasaba por la cafetería a saciar sus deseos y no es que fuese un stalker para reconocerle fácilmente, sino que, tenía muy buena memoria, la suficiente como para recordar sus facciones, también era lo suficientemente empatico para notar que algo no se veía del todo bien, así que, temiendo ser regañado o rechazo, se acercó hacia el joven y colocó una taza de café caliente sobre su mesa. — Cortesía de la casa— menciona con una sonrisa amble, sin embargo, en vez de retirarse, Jinseok siguió allí, viéndole fijamente. — No quiero sonar entrometido y me disculpo si suena así pero, desde que llegó ha tenido una cara larga y bueno, espero que esta taza le ayude en lo que sea que necesite. — Finalizó, no quería hacer obvio el hecho de que ya llevaba allí bastante tiempo sin beber nada así que sin querer, se había preocupado. No le gustaba ver a sus clientes tristes.  // @tacitadeleche​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
El haberse mudado era algo que le traía felicidad, desde muy joven sintió la presión de vivir bajo el techo de dos personas perfeccionistas que deseaban moldear su existencia a su propio gusto, ahora ya mayor y con unas ganancias de las presentaciones que hacía junto a la banda logró alquilar un departamento compartido, ciertamente le daba igual convivir con otra persona, hasta cierto punto se le hacía divertido y pues ahí estaba él, caminando hacia el frigorífico en busca de un poco de leche para prepararse un café cargado, encontrándose a su compañero.
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— No sé si ver tu cara bonita tan temprano en la mañana me ha despertado o cegado —comentó, aunque honestamente, no tenía idea de qué hora era pues recuerda haberse acostado por allí de las 9am después de una larga noche; comenzó a prepararse el café frío quizá no de la mejor forma pues solo se le veía poniéndole varias cucharas de café, leche y hielo. — ¿Ya comiste? Me fue bien anoche así que pensaba que podíamos festejar y comer algo rico, si quieres. // @tentaciion​
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sinnerstesia · 5 years
Había estado experimentando con varios hechizos que había encontrado en un libro y tras un par de ellos, un humo oscuro le cubrió, Lynette no tuvo ni tiempo de tomar su armadura o algo que pudiese ayudarle, solamente se sentía terriblemente asfixiada, poco después, sintió como se desvanecía hasta perder la consciencia.  El estado de relajación era aplastante, algo le gritaba que tenía que despertarse pero el cuerpo le pesaba considerablemente, ni siquiera podía tener certeza de que no estaba soñando hasta que recordó que había estado probando magia. La mujer se incorporó tan rápido como pudo, dándose cuenta de que no estaba en su cueva, al contrario, era un paisaje totalmente diferente al lugar donde vivía. // @kurogane-no-shounen​
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— ¿Dónde estoy? 
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