#quil's unholy underworld
hey. if anyone's willing to lend a hand for my final project. could you make up some random nonsense words in chat pretty please?
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
being an older sibling is like. you've never known a life without me. mom yelled at me and it taught her she never wanted to yell at you. I painted my room purple and grey and then you did too. we live in the same house but I haven't spoken to you in months. I don't know your favorite color. I saw it was going to rain so I picked you up from school on my way home so your books wouldn't get wet. i was so worried when you woke up sick when you were three. you don't remember being sick. mom and dad made their worst mistakes with me and I'm glad they didn't make them with you. I'm doing everything for the first time so you won't be in the dark. I don't know any of your friend's names anymore. I used to know them all. if something happens to mom and dad you won't have to worry because everything will fall to me. you don't like to be home alone but even if you don't see me just knowing I'm there makes you feel better. at least that's what mom told me. you still give me jars to open for you because you can't quite get them. I only see you during dinner. i'd never even think about missing one of your concerts. I stand at the counter when I eat and now you do, too. when offered a selection of books you picked the same one I did when i was your age. I'm terrified you compare yourself to me. I love you. I don't know if you like me. I want you to. mom says dinner's ready
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
if I asked very nicely would you all be willing to take a one minute anonymous survey for my linguistics class. if the answer is yes, please click here. thanks :)
(sharing for a better response size would also be very appreciated)
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
if I, hypothetically, had a lot of sketchbook to fill on a fairly tight deadline. would y'all send lil sketch requests
pretty please <3
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
my college professor has one of my sideblog urls now so she can grade my tumblr posting for fandom class. and i'm not even joking
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
broo fuck me we've gotten to the condicional/imperfecto/pluscuamperfecto in nahuatl and i'm not even confident in them in spanish
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
horrible horrible feeling of someone trusting you enough to ask for help and then you try and you can't </3
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bookwyrminspiration · 18 hours
*record scratch* yep. that's me during finals week. I bet you're wondering why I'm making clay tablets of all-star from shrek translated into a language I made up last week
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
2/5 classes done the countdown begins !!
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
just remembered that when I graduated high school my cords were--completely unintentionally!!--the colors of the non-binary flag!! that's not a label I use for myself but that's SO fun
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
when I was younger I felt bad that the acronym for the cardinal directions was always NESW, West always last, so I started saying NWSE (Never Wake Sleeping Elephants), except i don't use directions often enough for repetition to make it truly stick and natural to me and so what I actually accomplished was permanently confusing myself because the pneumonics are now equal in my head and I can't remember which direction of east and west is which
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
intergenerational friendships are completely normal and the shift in thinking that we should only be friends with people from our age group is limiting vs i am a young feminine person and he is an older man and there are creepy people in the world who are good at pretending to be friendly and innocent so am I going to die, a rational essay
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
what if I took 7 classes in the spring. just throwing that out there
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bookwyrminspiration · 27 days
*gripping the sink, shaking* next weekend is gonna be so it for me. next weekend is going to be so relaxed and restful and rejuvenating
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
what if I didn't have an exam in a week. what if we didn't do that. pretty please
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